The new suit looks great

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Took long enough for games to star adding the predator shoulder cannon, that shit always looked cool

It looks like fucking shit

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All it's missing is making the helmet grey and he looks more like a Doom Guy.
Don't know exactly why they went with this

It looks awesome, they removed the fucking master chief design and went for classic doom marine armor.

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Who designed this, 343i?

it's him

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>the face inside the model in 2016 was unfinished and not even close but had a cut eyebrow
>QC was an half assed attempt that looked like someone was trying to mimick BJ's look in TNO
>Eternal shows only glimpses of his face and it looks like id actually bothered to "depixelize" his face
Hoping the back of his head is like in the Doom 2 cover.

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Looks like shit.
nuDOOM is for redditors. Even DOOM 3 is better than this trash.

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yeah but the HUD sure as hell doesn't

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I like how the visor is actually transparent

Looks like a mobile game.
The shapes and fonts also look weird too.

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>Suit in FIRST PERSON shooter
That really important, i will see it like... 1 time.

yeah why would they even design a suit just put an invisible guy with a floating set of arms on the cover

>Even DOOM 3 is better than this trash.
Doom 3 was just a even lamer Bioshock with Fear's lighting.
Unless you meant art direction in which case Doom 3 is my favourite in the series.

Well, you can purchase game and stare at cover for 10 hours.

see old suit

Isn't there a mode where you can invade someone else's campaign as a demon or an MP mode dedicated to that?

no i'd rather play your game starring nobody where everyone in multiplayer is a floating gun

There's Invasion, an optional mode where other players can enter your campaign as demons, and then there's BattleMode, a 2v1 deathmatch between the Slayer and 2 player controlled demons.

i kinda like it desu
reminds me of old XBOX ui

I don't like the new sword but I'm excited that it means he'll be in smash now

That's what I like about it least. Xbox/PS2 era GUIs were awful.

Alt right gamer goober trash

>we might actually see this level as depicted in the concept art.

Attached: Eternal.jpg (3827x2100, 2.47M)

Is the top left Doom 3?

Doom 3 came out earlier

thats what I said to your mom after I came all over her ugly ass face

We are, it was in the trailer

Eternal has third person cutscenes.

No it's Doom 2016. There's just never a moment where you see his actual face.

>Doom 3 was just a even lamer Bioshock with Fear's lighting.
You mean it was a lamer Half-Life 1 with Fear's lighting.

Oh god, you're right.

Fair point. Wasn't accuse it of copying, just of being really boringly designed.

I liked the old ones color and less pronounced head vent
and I understand that the shoulder canon and arm blade are to speed up grenades and melee kills but they just turn him into the Predator
they should have dropped the blade and just speed up his normal melee kills
it's weird that he punches, but also has an arm blade and also has a chainsaw

maybe I'm just a retard but I don't like the face being visible through the visor

the old suit wasnt that bad kinda wishj it still had the blue visor

>with Fear's lighting
Fear's lighting style was popularized by Doom 3.

that hud is so bad I fucking hate it, doom 4 hud is better why did they have to change it

This is probably my least favorite Doomguy design. His Quake 3 look is my favorite.

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Ah okay makes sense, was about to say it looked a bit too good for being a Doom 3 model

Would be better if the hud elements were scaled down a bit, or at least give the option to do so.

>doom 4 hud is better
Eternal still used 4's style of hud at one point.
>why did they have to change it
The devs said so it would be easier to read on smaller screens, like on the switch. Their reasoning makes sense, but they didn't have to make the hud incredibly ugly as a result.

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I knew it that they changed the hud before and hud on quakecon is totally fine, hopefully there is an opition in game to change it? Also that is strange taht they're shlling for switch that much? did doom 4 sell well on it?

I like it. Looks like the dash of a late 80s corvette

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Looks like trash, why does every video game character's armor have to have chunky as fuck boots? Seriously the boots make him look like a toy.

It's not just the Switch, but also Stadia.

>NEW: Customize your HUD with official Razor Products livery. Every color tuned to your exact needs as a pro gamer. Game on!

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forgot about that thing

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bottom right looks like he's taking a big shit haha lmao

You can safely discard that opinion and obtain a new one, nothing of value will be lost.

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How do you even see a similarity at all? I can't even when I try. The guy reminds me more of Herman Munster than anything.

Attached: herman-munster.jpg (975x600, 139K)

i like how they're taking inspiration from the old games for the designs in this one. and not just with doomguy, either.

>The devs said so it would be easier to read on smaller screens, like on the switch
Hey, I was right. I'm glad I can easily read developer intention. They could still do with not making it so fucking NEON though, it really doesn't need that.

>contrarians are so blatant that they actually think doom 3 is a good game now

It wasn't bad, it was just OK. Also, it wasn't Doom and I think that distinction needs to be made. You could make the best game in the world, but calling it Doom just doesn't work.

Just as bad as the first one.

>Fear's lightning
I still find Doom 3 to look quite impressive, dynamic shadows still surprise me on how good they can look.

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They look okay if you squint, but there's just a lot of random detail for the sake of detail that makes them look ugly. Same problem with the recent halo games. In fact, I think the art director for Halo 4&5, Kenneth Scott, is also the art director for DOOM and DOOM ETERNAL

Attached: b30f5f80-575b-4e8c-811e-6ee8a4fcf826_20190125153225080.jpg (607x1080, 449K)

Yep. that's him alright. Same slayer. New attire.

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Oh Good. So you CAN still enter other people's campaign? They made it seem like that last E3 but this time it looked like it was it's own mode.

>In fact, I think the art director for Halo 4&5, Kenneth Scott, is also the art director for DOOM and DOOM ETERNAL

Wrong. He worked on Halo 4 and Doom 3. Hugo Martin is the creative director for Doom Eternal.

You won't have a choice if the filesize is comparable tot he last game.

Kenneth was definitely around for Halo 5

And not Doom 4.

it looks soulless and over designed stupidly

this is shopped, right?

>In fact, I think the art director for Halo 4&5, Kenneth Scott, is also the art director for DOOM and DOOM ETERNAL

Bitch no Hugo is the creative director.

Attached: hugo.png (536x643, 363K)

hah, kill youself buddy.

Looks fucking garbage. All that bullshit armor and is elbows exposed.

Totally not a nostalgiafaggot here...

>All that bullshit armor and is elbows exposed.

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Looking at the E3 presentation again, it looks like you're not going to have all of the abilities from the beginning. No grenades even though you have a flamethrower?

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still got them itty bitty lil booties

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not but even I can easily see the similarities


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You think everything is soulless.

Honestly if they just toned down the neon and bloom it'd be fine. They should also make the compass and corruption meter more subtle as well but I imagine you can turn that shit off like in the first one anyway.

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I pick The Marine

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It's just too busy for the sake of being busy for me to really enjoy. A more armored rendition of the Arena and Marine armor would have been fucking kino though.

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Are they showing any more gameplay at quakecon?


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shaved side of the head, big jaw, similar nose shape. Guy on the right has a slightly taller, thinner head though, and less chiseled features.

His eyes, holy shit they’re horrifying