>have to carry your waifu to the bushes to spray her diarrhea every few miles
Did Trissfags even read the books?
>have to carry your waifu to the bushes to spray her diarrhea every few miles
Did Trissfags even read the books?
i remember a road trip to philly like this
That's what true love is, though. You don't really care for your partner if you don't help them shit and take care of them when they're ill.
great game concept, beta when?
nobody has read the books user
yennefer will never give you children though. she's worthless as a woman
I'm so fucking glad I live in a time period and relatively modern country where I don't have to worry about catching some unusual disease and shitting myself near to death.
From what I understand, "pooping to death" used to be a fairly common cause of death in ye older times.
It was. Stomach flu used to kill a lot of people.
books suck
They weren't in love though, would you clean up some girl every time she shit herself?
With my mouth
Well yeah, that is part of being a dedicated couple.
This is pretty low tier, if you've ever cared for a dying family pet or relative some bowel misting is pleb shit, literally.
Oh god yes
throw her over your shoulder, grab the legs to hold her steady, and suddenly you have a diarrhea gun
>Geralt didn't make Brap Bombs
Missed opportunity right there.
>carrying a pet outside so it can shit everywhere
>not just putting it down past that point
I'd say the same about your family member too but then I remember that americans want dying people to live as long as possible for some reason.
Fact is, you're not a good author unless you have written a highly detailed female diarrhea scene.
Why is this so common? GoT had one I recall.
>ITT: literal shitposting
gross guys
doesnt every guy clean up after thier/a women in one way or an other?
I have a major blockage in my bowels or inrestine or something and every half an hour or so I have to run to the toilet and painfully squeeze out the wateriest stools that manage to get past it. There's occasionally blood on the toilet paper too
>have to carry your waifu to the bushes to spray her diarrhea
This needs to be illustrated
Yep. You'd get sick and your body would try and shit out the sickness. You'd shit out all your water and die of dehydration.
Rough way to go.
You should probably see a dentist about that.
>Did Trissfags even read the books?
I read them after playing The Witcher 1, and then The Witcher 2 years latter.
It's the best way to be introduced to this series, OP.
You wake up as memoryless Geralt in The Witcher 1, so you're just like him, trusting these people you don't remember, but seem to know you.
Then, at the end of The Witcher 2, the reveal of how Geralt's life was before he lose his memories was a big fucking surprise to me.
Then I decided to read the books and got disappointed at them.
Shit happens, user.