Why don't you have a gamer wife?

Why don't you have a gamer wife?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because I don't even have a girlfriend.

I'm working on my second date right now

>half of all marriages end in divorce

Because I don't want a gamergirl

because i dont want to lose more than half my shit it when she decides to get a divorce

Cope harder, wifelet.

That's because when women go off birth control their hormones change and they realize that they married a boring soiboi.

>Ready Player 3?
>Player 3 has entered the game!
>Player 1 has left the game.

such is the life of a gamer and his gamer wife

Why buy gamer girl pee when you can get it from the source?

Why would I want that
When you account for absolute retards and niggers, it makes a lot more sense.

I hate gamers. also I have one but she got hooked on meth and ran away like 7 years ago. no that isn't bait

I'm gonna marry any video game character if you couldn't find porn of her on internet.

it's unhealthy to be bitter

If only it was some EPIC ring like from Skyrim

Actually untrue, it's more like 30% and is dropping as time goes on.
That's still a fuckton of divorces though and basing a marriage on a mutual interest of children's toys is whack.

i prefer women that arent 300 pounds or insane

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Is higher now since wife get more benefits by doing a divorce, and is easier than ever, no more divorce stigma.

Oh, how dreadfully gauche!

Because all women are trash

it's lower, actually

did this fucker actually put his and his wife's reddit usernames on his engagement ring box

>i prefer women that arent insane
No such thing

cope harder, incel


Bros.. i just want love, why is it so hard to get? Why can't we live in a vidya game where i just have to exist around and talk to women for them to like me? Why do i have to play some sick 8 dimensional attraction chess for someone to like me.

I just wanna fill a connection gauge or some shit and be done with it.

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>married and bought a small townhouse at the end of last year
>halfway through our first real year together
>she bought me a Switch for Christmas last year
>just generally enjoys watching me play video games since she never grew up with them and as a result gets frustrated/confused extremely easily
That's about it really.

How do I girls, Yea Forums?

Women are less likely to divorce for money now since they are more likely to be financially stable than they were in the past, which is why they are also less likely to even receive any benefits.

They're probably the nicknames they use in games you actual retard

Not gonna lie, but that ring is pretty ugly.

>Player 3 has entered the game
>Player 1 was reassigned to spectator mode
>Player 3 is dominating Player 2!
>Player 4 has entered the game
>Player 1 has left

Nah, I'm fine with non religious ones they exist... right?

talk to people
go out with friends


No need to give you 1000+ links to this, you can google it.

So what you are saying is that half of marriages end up being until death do them part?

being bitter is the only thing that brings me happiness
feeling better than anyone despite knowing i'm a worthless piece of shit is quite pleasant

I googled it and it says it's lower

The flesh is weak user, embrace the machine

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dont get married

enjoy your life, please, do it for me

Literally from the link you just posted:
>The rate of divorce has decreased slowly but steadily since 1980. As of 2008, 40 percent of marriages are estimated to end in divorce. This is down from more than 50 percent in 1980.

on average they are lower
they are higher among the very old, that's all.


Unironicaly be yourself. If they like you for who you are, great, if not, fuck em. Why pretend and be what you are not, just for them to fall in love with a mask?

Why fall in love with someones mask? Why try? Be yourself to the end. Lest you find out she never even was herself.


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One of your links says it's lower lmao
Better proofread your arguments incel.

Cope you cis-scum male

I've lived with my gf for a year and a half now and it has its ups and downs. It's like being married (or what I assume it to be) but not really.

I can't imagine actually being married, but I can feel the truth behind your words.

You had weak parents, they didn't get you ready for the world.
I suppose it's never too late to try, but you have to start

My wife is a "Gamer" (minecraft, animal crossing) But more importantly we are both clinically depressed. Its awesome being with someone who can become just as suicidal as you.

is your GF a jap?

If you have no friends, how are you going to find a wife? I suppose you should start with getting friends. I joined a film club in my city, it's very easy to socialize during pub quizzes and a few beers.

Like your parents'?

>no postprocessing

if you live with a woman, it’s the same as being married

>tfw no gf to cuddle with and play Download play Mario Kart DS with

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No, she's a chinese qt.
My own little Lei Fang. Cept flat chested.

N-no!! Women are evil!

I wasn't meant to be happy.

that stat includes people who get married several times, first marriage divorce rate is around 30%. 20% if they went to college

>spend my free time playing single-player or coops with friends
>work at home
>rarely go out and when i do it's full of extroverted girls
>girls at the gym are also extroverted
literally how the fuck do i get an introvert gamer gf? im not much into mmo's but should i get into it?

Whenever you friends, family or coworkers invite you to silly social events, parties or birthdays, go with them instead of going home to play vidya
That’s how you meet girls or show yourself so that girls make the move on you if you are too much of a faggot

Shut the fuck up onsokumaru

>Why don't you have a gamer wife?
because im not a fag

I want a gamer bf (bear (slang for hairy man) friend)

>i just want love, why is it so hard to get?
Because you have to give it to yourself first.

tao ni ma means i love you in Chinese

Isn't it mostly because teens get married at an extremely young age before they realize maybe they don't want to spend the rest of their life with some flirt from high school?

Honestly this. I'd suck a mean dick while my bf plays some faggy game.

> no friends
> wants gf

Women are trash but take a look at the fucking losers they marry, probably the same cucks that support women’s rights to begin with

ah yes, when one of you has a good day, the other gets to bring you down!

best both be medicated

this song is bumping

Why would you want friends?

>Haha i love that my gf wants to kill herself! It's so epic a d quirky
God i hate zoomers. Romanticize a gun and shoot yourself

Do incels with healthy social lives exist? Seems like they're all stuck being alone, and thinking their problem is girls, instead of friendship and being around people.

my wife plays games like making me meals, putting a face mask on and going to get her nails done.

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>40% chance to lose half your money
great investment

No it doesn't and you mean "Cao" not "tao"

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what an insane question.

i have no idea why that pic was on my computer

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Give me your absolute best dating advice, Yea Forums.

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I am a repulsive loser.

you saved a thumbnail from Yea Forums

just be yourself

I like repulsive losers

>Its awesome being with someone who can become just as suicidal as you.
>tfw no one to become an hero together with.

This user is close to ending it all
Please cheer him up

Democratic Peoples Republic of Tinnimeme Square Massacres and Free Tibet

>tfw parents married on a whim at 22 when mom got preggo
>all their friends thought it wouldn't last
>still together and happy 39 years later
>all my friends have divorced parents
I don't get it.

There's a risk so never try

just b urself

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Fucking preach it

I was being sarcastic you fucking moron. It's living hell having the conditions we have. Go eat shit and die.

Is the epidemic of 4ants pictures caused by phoneposting?

Just bee yourself.

i know but the pic is OC that i took i'd have no reason to re-save it. weird.

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Alcohol is wonderful. Great ice-breaker.

Laws are biased towards women, the risk is only on the man. Not worth it.

this has to be a bullshit statistic

Meet a girl who goes to Yea Forums. The be yourself, and she'll actually tolerate you.

talk to as many women as possible...work the odds.

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>basing a marriage on a mutual interest of children's toys is whack
Also this. Gamer girls tend to be whores

Unironically be yourself, haha.
Alcohol helps int he right amount and in the right setting. Loosens you up.

well you did

Give up

walk up to a girl and hold your cock and say
"i got a package for your mailBOX hahaha", violently whip out your dick as you stroke and finish on her and her friends. Thats what we in showbusiness call a "Power Move".

and thats why you date a woman who makes more than you

Because I dont like feminine penis

I'm pretty sure it is.

It is. Read the responses.
tl;dr: It was true in 1980, gone down since. Shit is common knowledge, you're an idiot for not already knowing this.

How about you fuck off to Reddit forever?

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to have fun with them

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Actually there's more divorces per year now than marriages

Girls playing video games is a red flag.

sometimes it just works.

Much of it has to do with good communication, attitudes, and selflessness for both parties.

>getting married

Good joke. I feel bad for cucks who actually want to be around women

The true nature of women is being a backstabbing brainless cunt whore useless piece of disgusting shit with nothing but disgusting holes filled with blood and semen and poop. They're all fucking worthless and i would like to start a holocaust to murder as many women as I can. Like I want to get married to some soul sucking whore who will drain all my money, trap me with kids and be a dick sucking cheating cunt, yeah right


My experience dating gamers has been horrible all around despite being one myself. I'm at the point where I won't date them at all anymore. It's pretty sad

I do, but she's a literal NEET who sits at home all day due to a debilitating illness.
Idk might dump her, so many problems.

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You also made this where those screenshots are from?

guess i was drunk or something my mistake. wtf is that shit?

alcohol worked at first but then I became an alcohol and now everything is by far worse than before.

You must have a shit wife if she like Undertale

that wouldn't necessarily change the statistic

This board is filled with retards isnt it?

>debilitating illness

Dude shes just lazy

extremely unlikely scenario but alright

If that's her this is definitely a dump her situation. It's a rare case where I looked at her and decided I didn't want you to dump more pics, she is doughy as fuck.

Nothing good comes from having friends. It just brings more stress in your life and than you'll cease to hang out at some point. Not worth it.
That fun doesn't last. I'd rather just have a gf/wife and start a family.

dump her dude, srs

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got moar?

I have an empty room in my 3 bedroom apartment. You can have your own parking space, bathroom, and the living room is yours too. Wifi and ps4 if you want it. Amazon prime and netflix with a 80 inch tv I never watch. You can get on my insurance too. You can borrow my other truck when you need it. Dont call my clinic during working hours. Dont expect any sex because I am afraid of it and dont bring anyone over. You know what? Forget it, I repulse people for a reason. I like being alone.


I can't believe I'm talking to one alcohol right now

>he thinks wife/gf is less stressful than friends
oh you naive child

>ordinarily really into fat chicks
>her distribution is all fucked
>thighs are nasty
>face looks a bit banged up, maybe a skin condition
>probably wearing a wig but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST that hairline
Drop it like it ain't hot.

>pic is OC that i took
learn to read
also white power

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Friendships bring less stress user.

>but then I became an alcohol
you are what you eat motherfucker

I got loads more, even some sex pics, not gonna post em though

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Women don't date anymore

Just get 2000+ Instagram followers add the girl you're into and invite her over for netflix

Why not just answer the caution dude.

No my wife has her own hobbies and i would fucking hate it if she wanted to play wow with me.

That doesnt mean we dont do anything together, we both play tennis during the summer and during the winter we snowboard.

I also got her on model wood ship building so we do that once in awhile.

My grandparents were married till my grandfather bit the dust and my parents were married till my dad bit it aswell... Ill take my chances

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who is the girl


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Only retards get with women they aren't compatible with. Not to mention you're probably referring to normalfag women. I would never wed a normalfag.
Maybe if you're just casual friends. But the more you know about them the more stressful your relationship with them will be.

I can't quite place why, but she literally looks mentally retarded. And not even just her face, she somehow has the body of a retard.

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>got sex pics but wont post them
>second pic posted has more clothes
Fuck off.

Very true. Every girl I've ever dated was much better with me drunk than sober. Everything is so much easier. I've never had sober sex

I like single player games better, and my fiancee can be a sore loser from the tabletop games we play

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They do, it just works infinitely better if you do something with them immediately instead of making plans ahead of time

and only retards get with friends they're not compatible with.

tease girls a lot, laugh and any time they try to touch you or get close to you scream "NO" over and over

Because I quit playing games, for the most part, when I met my high school sweetheart. I haven't found another girl I want to hang out with, besides one who went off to do the career woman thing, so I don't particularly feel the need to share my meaningless hobbies no one really cares about.

so all the sex you've had was grey-area rape? oh

>went to a concert
>sees a girl alone
>start chatting her up
>through talking, I learn she's waiting for someone but got cucked
>think I have a shot
>learn that she is also talking with a 40 Y/O guy
It's really over. I don't want to compete with 10 guys for a girl
Guess I'll buy a pet or something

Good luck with your autist/borderline gf I guess

Literally BEGGGING TO BE KEKED~!!!!!!

>career woman thing
is this not all women? what unmarried woman doesn't work in this day and age?

That's what you get for trying to get with a normalfag.

Those eyes look fucking haunted, dude.

>wife/gf easier to handle than friends
fucking kek

>I don't want to compete with 10 guys for a girl
So go for ugly or fat girls. Of course the cute ones have a lot of options.

they probably poke their dick through the boxer hole to fuck

underappreciated (you)

If it's grey area it's not rape.
Also as a boomer it's my theory as to why people aren't fucking anymore, because they're not drinking either.

>little contact with women during school
>little contact with women during college
>little contact with people my age in my work
>only a couple of girls in my friend network
>online dating is pretty much a meme
>out of desperation started hitting traps
>one of them is cool and we started hangin out all the time
>starting to develop feelings for her

I don't want to be gay dudes...

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Just try it for fun

More often than not you'll realize the competition really isn't that stiff

I'm gay.

Good luck marrying pussy used by Chad and Tyrone.

>find compatible friend, very much like you
>specially the bad parts
>feel the urge to kill him

so thats how its gonna be

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There is only one love you need

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Nice cuckold fetish, you should try it out on your autist gf

I've failed several time with girls because I wasn't the onnly one hitting on her and I got bested by another dude
it's tiresome

because theyre cheating whores


When I meant "career woman thing" I meant she went off to do research for the federal government and I couldn't tag along. I didn't mean she got a 9-5.

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Finding a girl is incredibly easy if you put effort in yourself.

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I fucking hate reddit so much

I've never been in the bottom 50% of literally anything in my life, I'm not worried


You're gonna get the bottom half of my dick up your ass.

If you don't want to compete for girls, have girls compete for you. Work on your own looks and hygiene, exercise, get some nice new clothes you can look good in, and just live life.
Then you'll be the competition instead.

Nothing fixes ugly, unless you've got the $$$ for major plastic sugeries

I have never had romantic feelings for anyone else, for most of my life I thought I was just a bit weird but in reality I'm biologically broken and should not be this way.
I wish I was pretending or coping or whatever but I hate myself for being this way.

I had friends and a social life that was pretty normal until I was 23ish. It got easier to avoid people after then and I talked myself into staying away from people

>Incels seething at 50/50 chance

yea what about your wife though? the part you actually need to worry about.

>I've never been in the bottom 50% of literally anything in my life
>he says as hes posting in a shitposting thread on Yea Forums

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>too ugly
>too insecure
>too socially awkward

>bottom half of my dick
so wait, you're somehow going to shove the the part of your dick that's attached to your crotch in his ass before the top half?

I guarantee that female is only interested in video games due to either her current or ex boyfriend. Females are the ultimate philistines, incapable of developing interests of their own

Don't want to be, but are.

>own looks
you mean gym? I already do some cardio otherwise
what do you mean? besides showers?

You're reading into it too much, user. I just meant he's gonna get the whole 100% of my dick up his butt.

If you're not a normalfag, being social never brings happiness. Constantly saying and doing things I don't want to is exhausting and I'd rather not deal with it.


How ugly are we talking

Any off-the-beaten-path games on PC? I'm bored as hell. I gotta take a break from EDF, my hands hurt.

women are overrated just go 2d and never go back

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Y’all REALLY need to have fucking sex

>I do, but she's a literal NEET who sits at home all day due to a debilitating illness.
>Idk might dump her, so many problems.

Been there, you don't want this, they still find a way to cheat on you and justify it in their fucked up minds.

>he also has a debilitating illness so understood me and didn't resent me for it
>I'm being noble by cheating on you to free you from my accursed self
>his dick is small and doesn't hurt me like yours does

These are actual things that were said to me verbatim, I am not embellishing a gd thing. Still fucking hurts because I went through hell to try to make her well and got thrown over for sacks of shit.

Stop being yourself
Just be a fucking dick. Don't hold back on what you're going to say because you think it might be too mean (but obviously read thr fucking room too. Don't drop the N-Word in a room full of nigs for example).
People will think you're being funny and joking and will find it charming or think you're one of those guys who aren't afraid to speak your mind. You're social acceptance will improve tremendously.
Then wallow in self pity as everyone thinks you're joking all the time, and the few times you are being genuine and kind, people will think you're being a dick and insulting them. You'll have bitches eating out of your hand, but by then you don't even care anymore and just want to play vidya all day.

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it hasn't hit the newfags why they ended up here yet

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No point in having a wife when the entire point of women is to sow children.

Not him, but by looks and hygiene he means to be well groomed. Girls won't compete for you if you look like a caveman.

It's funny how everywhere else the trope is that men change what they like just to please women but somehow here I always hear people saying the opposite

This cringy bullshit is made to get to the front page of Reddit.

There is not an ounce of sentiment put in it for the other person, if there is even one. It simply it is not something personal, but it will fetch you karma on social media.

play Kamidori

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only megacucks do that

and most gatchas have their SSRs at less than 0.5% and yet I've still got some
50% is baby tier

I've played that already, but I'll go hunt for a TBS game. Thanks.

If you're less than a 6, it's over. Exceptions: rich, powerful uggoes

>she's a literal NEET who sits at home all day due to a debilitating illness.
Get rid of her. Find someone who challenges you in life and pushes you to be better. You don't want someone who is lazy or falls into the same habits that you do. You'll be ina stale relationship forever.
Wish I could take my own advice

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No I mean post your picture, let's see why you think you're so ugly.

go gay, get a good boyfriend

I'm not ugly.

Be a normal version of yourself and then slowly introduce your GF to more of 'yourself'. Took me 2 years to turn my GF from a tumblrite to a channer

But I like to stay inside
And fuck talking to people

>If you're less than a 6
what does this even mean, sounds very subjective

This. Gamer girls are either fat or crazy.

This. Marriage should be based on shared values.

He thinks women won't fuck anything below a 6 out of 10, but he's wrong because I see women fucking ugly pieces of shit all the time.

until a 7 gets bored of theirs and yours has been bored for a year.
Then the 7 makes them remember that rush you get with someone new and the clock starts ticking

Don't worry, no charge for them

>friends with normalfags
>they all get laid
>I don't
>they fuck with me because of it

Then it will be difficult to girl.

That's called mental illness, user.

You're friends with shitty normalfags then. My normalfag friends won't stop trying to get me laid which makes me feel guilty for being such a depressed piece of shit and declining their assistance.

>Besides showers
Nigga anything that shows people you're not a disgusting freak when it comes to being in public.

Body spray
Hair gel
Clean teeth
Breath mint
Everything that makes you a more approachable

>happiness is the dopamine rush I get from shitposting and being a cunt
This only works when you're young. You'll get old and then you'll just regret literally everything.


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Plan dates that get you out and don't center around coffee or alcohol.
>putt putt
>urban exploration
>escape rooms
>sporting events
>concerts (later)
>axe throwing
>being weeb trash at conventions

Be up front about what you like and hopefully she'll do the same so you can confirm your interests and test the chemistry.

And why would I want them?

how old is the average poster anyway?

This chart seems dumb. Some of the lessers actually look better than the superiors.

so it's all based on some guy's(?) list from reddit

>Have a grand total of 1 friend
>Has girlfriend, goes to school, normal social life
>Hasn't asked me to hang out or introduced me to anyone he knows since the tenth grade even though he knows I'm recluse who has trouble talking to people
>"dude its not hard to get laid lol just talk to girls"
Sometimes I wonder what being a friend even constitutes and if he even is one

I dunno. I'm 29 and I regret every helping spread "meme culture" even by participating in it. Now the entire internet is a fucking cesspit of layered irony and shitty jokes.

Where did he get those percentages from

I find it hard to care about anyone nowadays other than my friends. I go to a lot of parties, smoke, drink and have an absolute blast by myself and with others but I never care about a relationship, nor about sex. I think I'm happy being alone.

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There are no guarantees in life, user.

Because I'm socially awkward, have an unhealthy fear of women, am distrustful of commitment, and I'm afraid of rejection. Also I'm self-conscious about my penis size.

That about sums it up.

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do you think you'll jump together? that sounds romantic.

There's different types of friends, but yours still sounds low tier. I'd try meeting new people through stuff like MMOs, fighting game tournaments, or other social events for hobbies you have.

>My birthday
>Normalfag friends calls me 13:00 while I'm at my grandma saying that he organized a party to me in a local club
>He have paid everything so I go even I hating clubs
>The entire party was just an excuse so he could try to pair me with a girl he found "just like me"
I know that he was trying to help me but why?

I like anime more, so I got myself a weeb gf.

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>Finding a girl is incredibly easy if you lower your standards substantially
seriously, i have seen so many fatass, ugly, sweaty, stanky motherfuckers who slay pussy like its going out of style. They just are willing to fuck anything with a hole is the thing. All, if not nearly all, of these girls have huge emotional problems and these guys have them wrapped around their fingers. If youre willing to take anything that comes your way, you can keep them, get rid of them, cycle between four different girls, cuck their husbands, the possibilities are endless. I know a guy who is pushing 300lbs, if not already there, who has a wretched body odor that can be smelt from a quarter mile away, who failed high school and has been fired from an inconceivable number of jobs, who gets pussy all day every day. He has gotten nudes from teachers and cucked his ex-gf's husband. When he wants an ex back, he gets her, when hes done, she goes into the waiting room to see if shes every needed again.
tl;dr getting a girl is easy if you go for the surplus girls

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I had a gamer girlfriend once.

>Met her at library
>Shy as fuck
>Long black hair
>Pale as fuck
>No tits or ass
>Always wears hoodie
>eventually get balls to ask her out
>Turns out she never had a boyfriend or sex before
>Fucking jackpot
>She wanted to have sex all the time
>Feels good man
>Turns out she wants to have sex all the time
>Starts interfering with work
>Starts interfering with school
>Start to get worn out
>Balls aching all the time
>She gets an iud
>Now it's nonstop bareback sex all the time
>user take these pills they will increase your test and make you horny as fuck
>Take tons of sex pills
>Eventually get sick of it
>Tell her no more I got fired from job and dropped out of school for this.

which alcohol did you become? what's it like being an alcohol?

>guy makes video game themed proposal for him and his gamer wife
>first thing he he thinks of that he has to post this on reddit.

really makes you think. reddit is more inportant this his wife.

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She should pull up her bootstraps and give that debilitating illness a firm handshake, that will stop it

Too poor, and dumb.

If this is true the lonely part of me wants to kill you out of jealousy, but the rational part of me recognizes that you probably made the right call if setting up stronger boundaries and discipline wasn't possible.

I kinda want a 300 pound wife...

Women don't date below their class.

Some do.

that's the danger zone

This is one of the things I hate the most about Reddit. Half of the website seems dedicated to "look at this arts and crafts shit involving my significant other aren't we adorable ;3"
It's the same attention whoring as every other god damn social media website except usually involving cringey fandom shit.


I do but I didn't do this cringy shit. Both of us are functioning fuckin human beings jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with our generation.

We play DOTA together and she can play better than 95% of the playerbase which is great. Her only fault is how much she likes playing Breath of the Wild, then again I sleep on her tits/lap while she does so its not like it bothers me.

Make sure you find a girl who not only enjoys hobbies that you do, but will also stay in shape instead of some of the hambeast "geek girls" out there.

Marriage is great, however wife is down for FFM fun so thats pretty much the only reason I locked myself down.

Hey man if you're young that's great as hell but when the relationship is nothing but sex all day every day and your body and balls can't keep up (I'm 31) eventually you just want to have a normal relationship.

Imagine having bareback sex 7-10 times a day. Chaffing and all sorts of issues arise. Not to mention when you run out of cum your dick and balls hurt like hell.

His wife is reddit

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to fix you user
he's trying to fix you

>Imagine having bareback sex 7-10 times a day

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I just got a gamer girlfriend and she's amazing. Nice to finally be dating someone who isn't completely fucking insane.

user, it's okay to say "no"

>friends with women
>they all get laid
>I don't
>they keep saying how dating is hard and they will gave up this time

When we were dating my wife had an IUD that shit bit my dick. I'm not even that hung, 7.5 maybe 8 on a good day.

She switched to shot and we all gucci since.

it's because they're all fat couples trying to have a normie life.

user then she would start sucking my dick or playing with my balls while we were watching Netflix or playing Vidya. When I said outright no she left me and ended up fucking some other dude.

>I'm not even that hung, 7.5 maybe 8 on a good day.
This is some premium bait
Fuck you anyways

Their goals are different from yours user.

Most women want a good fuck, but a stable potentially long term relationship or someone who looks like good genetic prospects for children. Sex is part of the dance, not the endgame unlike for dudes where its like SEX? CUDDLES? AIGHT WE DID IT.

Just be yourself is a euphemism for: don't be a fucking autist around girls and you'll do fine.

But, well, if you are a fucking autist, work on fixing that. Also, learn to dress sharply, take care of your hygiene and get fit. THEN be comfortable WITH yourself and date.

There's tons of shit to do for dates in your area. Fix yourself first, after all, you come here.

For the last time, HER HP DROPPED TO ZERO.

Because I like to play video games alone as a way of relaxing. Besides I married something worse than 'girl gamer', I married a Chinese woman.

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Let me go about this a different way.
Being 7.5 to 8 inches is usually not enough to hit the strings in an IUD but it was causing enough pain LITERALLY HITTING MY DICKHOLE that she had to get it removed.

i still don't think i'm that hung

not him but i genuinely dont understand "big dicks" and so on
im very small, 5'7 small frame, with a 7 inch penor and sometimes it still feels small in my already small hands
im a khv so i wouldnt know much about it though


>I married a Chinese woman.
What's that like? I want more details.

>thats pretty much the only reason I locked myself down
it's really sad that just her as a person wasn't enough for you to want to settle down. yikes

True. I'm waiting for the moment she goes nuts. Hasn't happened yet though, and I usually see the red flags within the first month.

Give it time. Everyone is amazing in the beginning

You guys are hung, you want "not hung"?
Try 4.5 fucking bone pressed

She said no.

I can't even imagine having sex once

you sound like a bit of a dick user

isn't your wife enough for you?

the avg size is 5.5, so bigger than that is big, and it does make a difference

>not fucking impregnating your girl and having sweet sweet pregnant girl sex while holding her big belly

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You've got to be kidding me.

I thought all those lonely and horney posters are just being ironic. How hard is it to have sex? It's literally easy just get drunk and bang some fat chick.

I may have exaggerated but it was still pretty great getting to talk with her about our needs and wants. Its not that it wasn't enough its more that I'm still young enough and well enough off from my own financial and career successes to go womanize if I feel like it. We were in a long relationship before I proposed, so yes I was very happy and she was too as we continue to be today, however sometimes a little uniqueness in a relationship goes a long way before making that decision to get married. This is the person you'll spend the rest of your life with (ideally). So, yeah it helped.

Nayrt but it's the opposite of what you think. The fact that whities really believe asian women are submissive and obedient is hilarious.

>I thought all those lonely and horney posters are just being ironic. How hard is it to have sex?
Welcome to 2019 Yea Forums, ladies and gentlemen

Soon user, not ready for that yet

>Why don't you have a gamer wife?
I prefer authentic vaginas

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More advice for girls I think, but don't waste your time on a girl who doesn't appreciate you. If she isn't interested, forget about her, improve, and move on to the next. Make the cunt jealous that she said no to you before.

please stop

oh man you really fucked up. how whipped are you?

>28 and not married
Yeah i rather not fuck myself over that. Limited me time, added nagging or bitching on period day, possible kid which adds more time sinkers and responsibilities, dealing with her "problems". Yeah fuck that.

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>bang some fat chick
i'm not THAT desperate user
i'm probably not even desperate at all i'm just incredibly picky

>date woman who makes more than you
>get cucked by a dude who makes more than you later on when she thinks "is this guy the best i can do?"

That's because people are dumbfucks and marry only after 2 years into the relationship. My brother waited 7 years to ask his gf and their marriage is stronger than ever.

normies have taken over this site for years now, it's rare to see someone who remembers the old ways. /r9k/ is the last bastion for this

If I wanted to go and fuck some random woman I'd just pay for it at least then I could pick a pretty one
I want some one to be with me because they want to be, not because I paid them or they are drunk and don't know any better
I'm unironically going to die alone, I have no friends, no hope, no skills

it seems so out of the realm of possibilities
i such a situation where to arise it would be like somebody else was udsing my body to do it

you would be surprised how many fat chicks have standards these days

I have a gamer boyfriend. Unless you're playing casual shit, it's not a good idea to play games with your lover. They're ALWAYS shit at the game and it puts extra stress on the relationship.
>half of all marriages end in divorce
That's also true. Marriage is a relic from the past.

She was born and raised here but the bulk of her family still lives in China. Years of living under her parents thumb have left her pretty meek and mild mannered when it comes to most things, but Jesus, she runs the house with brutal efficiently. Seriously, I just stay the fuck out of her way when it comes to household management shit, she handles it all and gets uppity when I touch any of the finance or organizational stuff.
We get along well, but the only major downside is dealing with her family. Her parents constantly pester her (and me), about having kids, and when dealing with her family at large I always have to be prim and proper, making myself out to be more successful than I actually am.

/r9k/ has been compromised for years, the only thing keeping me here is active discussion compared to someplace like wizchan

But if she was really that starving for dick, she was just gonna leave your ass anyway. Boundaries are important to establish.

>welcome to 2019 Yea Forums
or 2018 Yea Forums
or 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, or 2007 Yea Forums
The more things change the more they stay the same

heres your (You)
take it, i dont need it anymore

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Because most gamer girls are either disgusting or mentally ill.

That's why you kill them before they file the divorce. Seriously, you'd be surprised what some crushed oxys on juice could do.

I just got engaged last month to my MMO ERPfag partner of 7 years! Soon I will BE the gamer wife.

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God I wish I wasn't me.

that's the true dream user, congrats

Sneak some ecstasy on her drink when she isn't looking. If it doesn't work, sneak some roofies instead.

You mean can actually have good jobs and earn good money themselves and not rely on men?? Blasphemy

you sound like you speak from experience

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Make sure you can take care and respect YOURSELF before you start looking into being in a relationship

somebody got to play the antagonist

it's all well and good looking through the window at the moments where love is shining the strongest (along with the craving for clicks on social media like the vapid cunts they are)
but wait until six months after when everything starts to be pure fucking downhill
these are the parts you don't see, like any cherrypicked argument, it's not fucking worth it man

I'm a pharmacist and ex-psychonaut user. A lot of otc medicine could kill you if you know what you're doing. Doesn't I won't do it if the bitch thinks she can take the kids and my house

>my mom divorced my dad right after I was born
>both of my grandparents had divorces prior to marrying one another
>I orbit women like no tomorrow but gtfo the second they start asking for free shit
The only way to win is to not play. I'll gladly be an eternal friendzoned incel faggot if it means I'm not giving 50% of my income to a bitch who never really loved me.

EDIT: Thanks for the karma or gaia gold or Blam Points or whatever.

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Was it... rape?

I never thought I'd see the day where I'd have to post this video unironically, and yet here we are.


t. Incel

Everytime I had sex I just kept trying to "read" her and saying something that I knew she would like no matter how stupid it was...but from that I really understood the "beurself" thing because after some 2-3 hours you will probably starting hating her and to a point yourself


I don't like talking to other people because I'm afraid of them being romantically interested in me.
Please just fucking kill me I shouldn't be this way.

>nerdy qt gf
>amazing body
>literal trash at games even though it's her biggest hobby gets all huffy and frustrated sometimes it's cute as fuck
>pretty basic taste but will play through anything i suggest with me, currently playing through dq8 together

I won bros

>neet loser
>always alone playing vidya and getting drunk
>finally find a gf
>now I only want to be alone on my pc getting drunk but i cant

you haven't won, you just haven't lost yet

How the fuck do NEETs find gfs?
I'm a wagie and I haven't spoken to a woman my age let alone found a gf.

My first girlfriend was this Final Fantasy fangirl. She was pretty damn cringey, but honestly so was I back then.

She wanted sex constantly. Even when we weren't hanging out, she'd want to cyber on MSN messenger. I never needed pills, but the sex definitely became a chore.

Through friends. I only have one but hes a chad so I sometimes end up in parties


>found dream waifu, she's 4'10" and just as autistic as i am
>both been happy since we met, decided to be engaged like a month in
>mfw we just got silicone rings engraved with "husbando" and "waifu"
we're all gonna make it bros

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I never had a gf, but at least half of the times I've got laid I used it because I couldn't care less about the girl...I think I must be "asexual" or something like it

Because i have no idea how to make friends as an adult after relocating to a city where i know absolutely nobody

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This image is all you need man

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>we're all gonna make it bros
No we aren't, just because you lucked into a girlfriend or convinced yourself you were undesirable without actually being undesirable, doesn't mean everyone else is the same
>Getting engaged a month in
Have fun getting a divorce 3 months in with that trailer-park tier decision making you impulsive dumbass

First time marriages are closer to 30% second and third is what fills that 50% meme.
Also you have a mess of other factors like race, age of marriage etc. pulling the 50/50 meme is on par for that data that argues 60% of violent gun crime is done by incels

This but I got a friendship with benefits. She's trying to get me off the booze though.

That's fucking gay but somewhat cute.

What's having a really short girl like? I have a LDR and she's about the same height as yours, we plan to meet next year or so.

I know that feel brah. Sex is boring as fuck now. I rather be a quick shot one pump chump just to get the shit over with.

If we are going by data shorter engagements have longer marriages than long ones

user imagine this 5 foot something pale skinny girl milking and demanding that you not cum inside or else...

I wouldn't be surprised it it was at one point.
>One time woke up chained to bed
>She fed me while riding my cock and kissing me all day

Why the fuck would you ever get married? Its a lose lose situation for the men.

Introspect. Most dating advice given here works only for the people who thought about them. Think about your situation, do not use others's.

i played the right moves to find her we were both autistic loners who were scared od dying alone so we tried out online shit to gain confidence for IRL, already met a lot and talk everyday
>both virgins and plan on christian relationship
statistically speaking i have the upper hand this time, fuck normies
cute cute! she likes to say she's 14 in public when she's a year older than me as a joke.

>you had gfs in the past
>you don't have problem talking with women
>you just never meet a woman your age after college
How do you guys do it? Of course disconsidering bars and things like it, I want a gf, not a whore

>sex lost it appeal
How? I’ve been banging the same girl for 12 years and it’s been fresh. Mind you we have a bit of fetishes and roll play to be had but still I get thirsty for going any longer than a few days without it

Because I like to come back home and be alone to do whatever I want to do, I like not having to share a bed, I like masturbating and don't see the point of sex, and I like the idea that once I'm too old and don't wanna deal with all the age-related bullshit that would start preventing me from being self-sufficient, I can just shoot myself in the head or hang myself without caring that I may leave other people behind at that point.

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You're probably like in your 20s. You're still young. Wait till you get older like us

>banging the same girl for 12 years
>in his 20s
i hope not

dating apps

This girl is from Missouri, name starts with N, Last name with a M. Dude I got so many stories I could tell you about her.

Yeah, my desire for a gf comes pretty much from the fear of old age

you already are gay man

Having sex while in middle and high school is normal.

You're a lucky fuck user, most of the time I drink I get whiskey dick.

Same answer as: "Why don't you go to the moon?" It sounds cool, but I don't really have the ability to do it.

having sex in middle school is absolutely not normal

Literally the only person I have in my life besides my parents is my rabbit and he's reaching the end of his life.
How the fuck do I make friends

Does anyone else here act really fatherly in relation to their girlfriends? Mine is only 2 years younger, but i can't help but feel it all the time.

>start hitting on girls with your friends, family, and coworkers around
I get if that was the express purpose of the outing, but if it's not that's just weird.

By design, marriage has become one of the worst choices you could possibly make in life

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user... Most of us lost our virginity around middle and high school. Don't tell me you're still a virgin...

I've tried once and no kidding I haven't got any match

>trust issues
>anxiety issues
>self loathing issues
>lack of interest in other people
>fear of commitment
>shit at keeping connections with other people
>weird fetishes
I really am just a cocktail of fuckups.

No, it’s the opposite. People spend their twenties fucking strangers like rabbits then wonder why they have trouble bonding/forming a lasting romantic relationship in their thirties.

33 bud, it’s still here

Join something : do you like to draw ? Do you want to learn a new language ?

If you're not a virgin why don't you just have sex instead of posting on the video games board of an anime website?

I was just going to lurk the thread till I read this. I’m 38 and still a horny toad, I question more your health or habits if sex has lost it’s fire.

it's pretty normal

>this is what incels believe

The reason the divorce rates are lower is because less men are getting married. It's simple statistics man.


>put no effort into myself and still managed to get girls
Am I secretely chad with the brain of an autist? I literally said the most stupid shit and I still managed to bang 3 chicks during highschool.

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Holy shit that is cringe.
I will never get people who just have "gamer" shit all around their house. It's so fucking ugly and pathetic. Keep it classy for fucks sake.

Are you actually having sex all the time or just once a day and calling yourself a horny motherfucker.

from what I remember most people had only one or two partners before marrying and those who "spend their twenties fucking strangers" end up divorcing all the time and things like it...

Out of the 15 people I was casual acquaintances with in highschool, only 4 came out virgins, one of them was me and another one lost his virginity 3 months after graduating, it's not a meme.
t. incel

it's really not. the avg age for loss of virginity is 15-16. to be having sex at 12, something is seriously wrong with you

>just once a day
That’s rather intense for most user let alone an old man

>managed to get girls
>38 now
Hello, yikes department?

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it's a scientific fact that men's libido gets older as they age (women's libido gets higher)

>I believed bullshit they told me the post

Not everyone is as pathetic as us, my man

It is normal and common to lose virginity in high school.
Not middle school.

But I'm an 18 year old zoomer 471261128

I guess you never notice both who paid for that data and that it’s disputed

Uncommon at best, I knew a handful of people who started to bang in the 8th grade


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No you're not

>Middle school

>these suggestions
wassup nigga I too live near or in atlanta

good marriages never end in divorce

12 is sixth grade, which is when middle school starts. What are you confused about

I've been with my fiance for about 7 years. While I' proposed about 4 years ago we never formally tied the knot because both of us just don't really want to go though the pain of a divorce even though we're effectively/might as well be married already.

And what is 8th grade? Checkmate

But my first console was the Wii/NDS

underrated post

Still too young to be having sex. Literal children

Best of luck, dude

Holy fuck are you me?

if you think there's any chance of divorce, you really shouldn't marry that person anyway

90% of what women want in a proposal is something to show off to their friends and a story to tell that gets envious looks. This is just fucking embarrassing. And she can't brag about it because it just makes the guy look retarded and the girl look even more retarded for allowing it.

If your first console wasn't SNES, N64, or something between those two eras, you're underaged. Even if you were born during that era but didn't get into games until much later in life, if you didn't start with a gen 4 or 5 console, you're underaged. Sorry user deal with it.

Honestly? Returning your phone call, listening to what you have to say, spending time together if you ask for it, looking out for you based on your shared history when you're out/hanging out. It's easy to be a good friend with constant contact but its really hard to keep a friendship going as life progresses. It looks like they don't care but they are responsible for a shitload more than they used to be and you're unfortunately not apart of that. You shouldn't expect to be a part of their responsibilities. If you want his help, ask for it. If he thinks its unreasonable, it may be.

>Over 13


I hate Video-game Americans.

Both of us had parents have messy divorces, we just don't really see the point of potentially setting up heartbreak/sadness like that if we broke up. We basically consider ourselves married and don't plan on making it legal.

Don't TRY to fuck anyone. Even dumb girls can smell that a mile off, and unless you're going for the widest sluts around, you will immediately fail. Guys wanna fuck anyone who'll let them. Girls wanna fuck just as much, but they need to believe whomever they're fucking is worth their body. You can prove your'e worth it by basically just not being a clingy beta shit.

Don't be ALWAYS available, especially last minute.

If you're honest about your intentions (you should always be) and they say no, drop it immediately and forever. Not only do you look pathetic if you keep sniffing around pretending to be her "friend", but you'll come across as way more desirable to everyone else if you just walk away, plus you may gain the interest of tangential bitches.

is this the same guy who put Mario on his kids casket?

Why not? Sounds like an amazingly pro-active friend. Maybe it will work out. You probably didn't go did you.

how big his d tho nigga

Only with roasties, I took the virginity of my fiancee. Shame about western women though.

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so youre both men and now youll be robbed of your erp ways. you cucked yourself faggo

Are you a pedo? Do you live in some third world country where the AOC is that low?

>blue-pilled glass half empty poster

Take care of yourself first and foremost. Showers and hygiene are important. Keep your house/room clean.
Use dating apps. There's lots of thots to get through but eventually you'll learn how to meet genuine girls between them. Enhance your photos in Photoshop but do it realistically. Filters and shit.
Don't meet up right away. Let your personality win her over after a couple weeks. That way if you're ugly as fuck she might still want you when you guys meetup.
Make sure to balance asking about her, telling jokes that aren't cringe and complimenting her. Don't sperg out and talk about your interests unless she asks. If she never asks about you, she's not worth putting time into and she's just using you for something.

Don't change the subject.

That just feels like you guys don't truly want to be together. Sounds awful to be honest. Like, as if at any moment your entire life could fall apart.

cute that you believed she was a virgin. unless you guys are like 20, nah

My problem, which has always been my problem, is that I'm terrible at it. I may get with a dumb drunk fat girl once but can't get nothing out of it.

impregnant them, and they have no choice

She is Japanese. The rates of virginity here are absurdly high. That's why I said western women are trash.


is this true for the men as well?

The fact you took 4 pictures of your wedding proposal and then uploaded it on Yea Forums and asked “why dont you have a gamer wife” tells me all I need to know about your relationship.

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I went, and we made out that day because of the peer presure since of course her friends were in it too...but of course we didn't had anything in common besides being lonely

Early 20s at most, and even that's being extremely generous.

believe it or not, most couples don't have much in common and don't share hobbies/interests. it's really weird to me

Most couples aren’t actually happy and either break up in a couple months or hate eachothers guts all throughout marriage.

>60% of first marriages will go un-divorced

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Is this a nervous smile, or are you mocking his misleading statistic?

fuck if i know
fuck if i want to know

Just impregnate her and make her a housewife she has the ideal body for that

Everyone I've ever had an interest in is dating someone else
Tinder is an absolute cesspool and I felt sick using it
I've been trying to wait for an opportunity and go for it, but everyone is taken, politely refuses, or I misjudged them and end it
It's hell

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Depends on what it is faggot. If she can cosplay it's obviously not too fucking awful.

"Let the girl win".

I never understood this until far, far too late. At first, when I was too young for dates, I would do this just because I was told to. But then I hit middle school with my mind full of Disney "WOMEN STRONK" princesses, and thought "This is sexist. The girl can win just as often as the men".

When I hit high school, I had realized that women can't win just as often as men, but then I deluded myself into thinking "I should play for real, because there's a chance that they could win anyways, and I don't want to rob them of the meaning of their victory by going easy on them!". Mostly because I had watched too much anime by then. I had this thought process through most of college and some after.

It wasn't until my last long-term "ex" that I finally figured out what the fuck was the point of the advice. I figured out that women don't actually enjoy games. To enjoy games means that you, on some level, will realize that constant failure will be part of the process of the game, and that this process is valuable to you as well as the successes.

My ex taught me that women simply enjoy winning, and nothing more. My ex would challenge me to all sorts of games. The second it became abundantly clear that she could never actually beat me in a particular game, she would lose all interest in playing it with me ever again, even if I wound up getting really into it and loved it. Once I beat her several times in a row, that game was never played again. Didn't matter if she had a 30-victory win streak against me, and I only had a 3 win-streak that was clearly dumb luck. She would become bored with it and eventually would sell it if it was hers or give it to me. Over time, this put a huge strain on the relationship because we actually had little else in common that could be shared by two people occupying each other's company.

You let the girl win. She likes winning, you don't mind losing, and it keeps her wanting to play.

Tinder is not a good idea my dude, up your social level and then go to a club, bar, work etc and find a female who you genuinely enjoy being around.
If you just want sex then tinders fine but make sure that shits a one night stand.

>finding a virgin girlfriend
How hard is it lads? How hard if she's also normal?

Yeah I know, it's a fucking joke. I used to think things like pic related were a rare meme, but I was wrong

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This is the best advice. I know someone that was a total spazz and while I've never had a gf, he was hitting on all the girls and while most of them thought he was disgusting, he eventually got a girl that liked him and now they're going out. If you never take the shot like me, you'll never get anywhere.

Don't listen to the people saying to use alcohol. It's bad for your body and a sin. Nothing is better with alcohol.

>tfw 2 out of 10 and 5'2
well i guess i know why im still a KV

Because I fucked it all up.
God why did I fuck it up.

>Muslim recommends sticking your nose up every skirt you see
I am not surprised.

You should look for a girl who has only had sex with people she dated, I.e not a loose woman. You have to go out of your way to find virgins. Either religious girls, girls who are weird or were social outcasts, or girls who focused only on school/college/uni and left relationships at the very last.
Past a certain age (25+?) You're chances are very slim.
Just find a women who has had like 1-2 boyfriends and you should be fine. If shes had more boyfriends than the difference to her current age and 18, theres a problem

cognitive dissonance

>tfw 3

Well at least I'm not at the bottom. I think.

Appeal to primal. Ugly is subjective, and may not be a concern, as long as you can appeal to something else, so choose the one that comes naturally to everyone.

sounds like you need lower standards

one woman is like this, so clearly all women are like this. yes good logic

Finding a normal one over 22 is going to be pretty hard, if not impossible.

It would if the trend continues for an extended period of time.

Yes, because women are sexually fickle and their main goal is to get knocked up by men with hyper-masculine features that aren't good for child rearing while depending on men who are better suited to raise said children as their main partner.

Because I have a weeb one

>Unless you're like 20

Develop an amazing funny personality or get rich, boys. There's hope for you yet.


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The vast majority of women are not virgins past college age.

Just a heads up you save thousands of dollars as a married couple in taxes
t. recently married user

why is she collapsing her hands like a jew

you get based points

Fucking this.

>Give a single example
>"Yes, you have stated with 100% certainty that you truly have only had this experience once. I am enlightened".

I know, I mean what does the males age have to do with it?
You can be mid-late 20s, even older and still date an 18 year old. "Same age" or "half your age + 7" rules are pretty much aging roastie rules, they definitely weren't started by men.

My wife only plays mobile puzzle games and was really into Pokemon Go for a few months.

I wish she was at least interested enough to watch me play games, but even then she'll often go to another room if I bring my laptop around and start up something near her.

We have other interests in common like camping, capeshit, visiting national parks, cooking, and raising our daughter.

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You can, but literally everyone will see you as a gross immature creep.

Everyone will see you as a gross immature creep no matter what you do. Just find someone who likes it when you stick your dick in them.

Women are parasitical vermin that have never contributed absolutely anything to human society they merely destroy every single thing they fucking touch and i'm sick and tired of this.
All women are subhuman vermin incapable of loyalty, rationality or basic human decency and it's about time they get what they deserve, They all deserve to be raped, dismembered and skinned alive, melted in acid and beaten until every single bone in their bodies is broken without any exception regardless of age, looks or race. Women are the fucking reason why biological life shouldn't exist, i hate these disgusting things so much that i even beat the fuck out of my mom and nearlyc hoked her to death last week when i ran out of SSRIs, i'm at the point where i would only feel happiness if a toddler had a fucking hot iron cramemd into it's cunt.
Go ahead and call me an incel one more fuckign time you stupid pieces of shit, you're only playing into their hands. I'm sick and tired of the bullshit traditionalism also, all of these whores need to be exterminated it's fucking illogical that parasitical leeches have the right to ruin the lives of men.

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is this the ebin new pasta

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Almost none of the people there are actually unattractive

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Exactly, like the level of hate you both share for minorities

Too busy being lonely

>meet a gamer gril in college
>we actually get along, she starts sitting next to me each class and we work together on projects and talk about snes games
>find out she's fucking sixteen

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This thread is a true testament to how full of normalfags this site has become. It's become so unbearable since the 2016 election and only continues to get worse. Does non-normalfags even exist anymore? Do I really have to go to Infinitechan to have a decent discussion without getting overwhelmed by normies?

A thread like this would have been unthinkable just 10 years ago. To think how far this site has fallen in a mere decade is just plain sad.

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be a little bit of a dick.

when you see a loli, finger her cunny

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>could hit as high as 5 if I lost weight
not worth it, better off dying sooner

I think you mean "Women over 30 hitting the wall". No normal heterosexual male would object to it.

mocking his misleading statistic

because i have a gamer husband
i am the gamer wife

The entire internet has been made easy-access for idiots. If you want to avoid the teeming masses, yes, you will have to look for a darker corner to hide in. It's inevitable, the change has been very obvious since the turn of the decade.

Why did you feel the need to post

I went with a wife who knows how to cook and liked to fuck instead. We have seperate hobbies and its kept us happily married for 25 years.

It's hard to just abandon a place you've been to almost daily for 10+ years. But the fact that this thread is fast approaching the bump limit speaks volumes. I've known for a while zoomer normalfags have been flooding the site en masse, but it's never been made so clear until now. I guess this is how old people feel when gays move into their neighborhood.


im straight

I already have one.
But we have much more hobbies than gaming.
Plus, she looks like a little kid despite being 30.
She honestly looks more than 20 years younger than her actual age.
She's 4'4" and my legs are longer than she is tall.

>Does non-normalfags even exist anymore?
Define non-normalfags, even if you're a sperg but play competitive meme garbage you're a disgusting normalfaggot to me

rainbows are straighter

I'm a wizard.

Anyone who's ever touched a vagina without paying for it is a normalfag. No exceptions.

Absolutely. I usually stick to slower boards but I got onto Yea Forums today from a crosspost and felt like sifting through the catalog. It has been truly awful here for the past few years. Take a month off and then check again and see how you feel, you'll probably be too sickened to ever want to come back. That's what made me quit /r9k/ around 2014. Can hardly believe what that place turned into.

Non C-Sectionfags BTFO

Get a waifu instead.


>yfw it's a up to 32 players game

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shut the FUCK up onsokumaru