>So user, what games did you play this weekend?
So user, what games did you play this weekend?
I started playing Steam City for which a translation just came out like 2 days ago which let me self-insert as a slut that goes around fucking everything.
I've played hundreds in that genre.
Now if you'll excuse me, it been nearly 5 minutes since I last masturbated and need to get back to that.
Sneed's feed and seed
>user when are you going to get a girlfriend?
>Play plenty of games over the weekend
>Get asked this question
>Only games that pop into your head are games you haven't played in a while.
Dark Souls 2
I'm also trying to get Jumpstart 4th Grade to work on my computer
My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic.
Just tell them you pussy. And if its something embarrising then lie
End it.
I used to play the fuck and suck
Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
I've been playing Teppen. I'm stalled at C3 because I have the problem of every deck I think is fun just not being as good as others, and on top of that the actual mindgames and real-time strats make me feel like a brainlet. The game is really dynamic but it's generally ending up with me getting played like a fool.
Are there even stable playable builds of that that aren't post-Thems Fightin' Herds conversion?
b'd & r'd
Yeah. The Tribute Edition is old but completely playable and stable.
Digimon World 3. The CS/HM announcement and waiting for survive got me in the mood to revisit the good old times and DW3 is the last step, already completed DW1, Digital Card Battle, and DW2.
BotW Splatoon 2
Based. I need to get my group together again
MM 3DS and Bravery Default
>Fought hard in Splatoon 2 and helped out my fellow ChaosChads.
>Played the furst chapter of The Boy's story in Little Nightmares
>Completed the true pacifist run in Undertale
>Will be starting Deltarune soon
For now I will be playing Megaman 11 and Okami until they announce the Ace Attorney Trilogy 2
>sneeding on Yea Forums
Why do I need one?
Why are you so afraid of talking about vidya in public?
Mostly Switch stuff with a group of work friends (Mario Kart, Smash, Mario Party). Got started on Cuphead.
Aside from that I've been playing the Ben Jordan point and click adventures. They've got an extremely amateur charm and weirdness to them that I'm enjoying.
The game of getting fucked over at work and being clearly set up to get laid off, it's pretty new not sure if you've heard of it hahahahahaHA
Sneed Simulator
Red Dead Redemption 2
>Why are you so afraid of talking about vidya in public?
Sneed hams formerly recepie.
Pffft, please. This is where it's at.
years of judgement before it becoming more acceptable so my natural defense reflex make the hairs stand on trhe back of my neck when sharing anything with coworkers
Banjo-Tooie, Titanfall 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One
Started playing Titanfall 2 again. It's a cool game!
Maybe three or four friends of mine take vidya as seriously as I do. Anybody else is a no no for that.
Secret of Mana
God of War
Maybe presequel
I don't want to annoy people with things I like and they don't understand too well.
Civ V. I've now beaten the AI with every civ.
formerly based
>when they stop being money leetching, manipulating, randomly uncontrolled moody, narcissistic sluts
saying it so they arent sure if you are serius or not is priceless, shuts down the question athand
a bit of lobotomy corp and a shit ton of nuclear throne trying to get rouge's b skin
>accidentally pick up gold weapon and overwrite gold frog pistol
I finished DKC3, played some Minecraft, and then I decided I wanted to try to make Pong using SDL tutorials and I made some progress but I started over because I found a much better tutorial.
fallout new vegas a little bit. i beat the game already with tgm on, stupid that i didn't get any of the achievements with it on.
stupid that oblivion, skyrim, fallout games have a carry weight to them.
WoW and MUA3.
Looking at steam grid based dungeon games not sure which one to buy
I've decided to try playing modded New Vegas for the first time in half a decade. But I only had experience using FOMM and I can't get anything to fucking work on newer mod managers.
Driving me nuts.
my hand suits me just fine
Mega Man 7 and Kirby Air Ride.
Battle Garegga Rev.2016
Knights of the Round (1991)
Dead or Alive 6
I just got my new arcade stick its awesome!
I unironically answer truthfully every time. Jokes on you for asking.