Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't. You ignorant fucking fool.
Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't. You ignorant fucking fool
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I'll have you now theres no PUSSSSIIIIII
the cloud district is literally just up a flight of steps in the middle of town nigga it ain't special lmao
Grab me and touch me.
I remember the first mod I got for this game was one that struck him with lightning and killed him as soon as he said this line. kino
Did they make Jarl Balgruuf Imperial exclusive so that there'd be actual player consequences for going Stormcloak?
I.E. getting replaced by Winnie the Pooh
Real question, is Nazeem supposed to be a delusional psychotic? He lives in the second floor of a bar and just walks around insulting people all day and saying how great he is. That's like one step away from being a raving homeless person.
He's supposed to be a pompous asshole whose wife is cheating on him(Some random priest who his wife visits has a key to his farm/estate)
He DOES own a big farm, which DOES mean he's pretty rich. But Jarl Ballin won't give him the time of day.
He's Noveau-Rich trying to act like Old Money and he's voiced by the guy who does Shido in Persona 5. So rich pompous asshole, basically
Didn’t I help you find your family sword you ungrateful shit?
I believe that's a different guy, Amren or something
And he trains you in one handed and shield for free so it's best saved for late game assuming you're not a Conjuration Chad who tabs out to browse Sad Panda while his Dremora Bros do all the fighting
best young scrolls song
How do you make skyrim not look like shit.
The absolute lack of nice grass and the shitty snow really kills it for me.
Maybe, but this is the best Bethesda song
you're delusional, i think you need to hydrate more
Literally just search on youtube how to ultra mod skyrim. It took me about a day of getting mods off that, as well as using LOOT to get them loaded in order for it all to work but it paid off. Racemenu also helps.
easily fixed with searching both on the nexus. Although good luck not nuking your system if you want really good grass
Why does he sleep at the drunken huntsman?
>love the melee-focused combat of Skyrim, but hate the wooden characters and soulless world
>love Fallout 4's more charming NPCs and vibrancy but hate the rooty tooty point and shooty gameplay
I need TES 6. right fucking now
Not to mention the floaty movement combined with the stiff animations both games have. New engine fucking when? (never)
>but hate the rooty tooty point and shooty gameplay
the gameplay was the highlight of 4
>New engine fucking when? (never)
the engine is fine
There is a mod that lets you cuck Nazeem kek