Little Red Riding Wolf has been captured by the Big Bad Hood again, use your vidya skills to rescue her!

Little Red Riding Wolf has been captured by the Big Bad Hood again, use your vidya skills to rescue her!

Attached: 1539430211160.pngSomeho.png (1400x800, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Go hunter mode and shoot the bastard.
Even skin it for profit.

Attached: l;kajd;flkfdjas;lkfjsd.png (1400x800, 820K)


Call him a manlet

force loli big bad hood into a tribadism position on top the wolf lady then stick benis in between puccis.

Attached: image.jpg (1400x800, 115K)

Attached: eliminate.png (989x799, 36K)

Is your dick liquid proof or something? Not even a single drop of blood or brain matter is on the dick

Attached: 1599239523.png (600x569, 87K)

Just post the furfag not so NSFW draws already and end with it

Attached: 1539312761818.png (1400x800, 30K)

Someone post the pic of the loli red hood getting raped.

This one should be in the booru already

Save the princess threads are cancer and always have been NOT VIDYA

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Someone post the art of her.

Attached: Hehehehehe.png (2656x1292, 120K)

now spray big bad hood, might help us in the long run and/or be wacky

sex with an anthro girl would be 10x better than with a normal human female, everyone knows it but nobody wants to be a furfag

I want to sleep with the fur

A little off topic, but I drew this for and the thread died while I was doing it.

Attached: file.png (1601x3714, 143K)

Tell her to use her laser eyes.

being an anthro would be 10x better than a normal human, everyone knows it but nobody wants to admit to being a furfag

Is bad, I hate it

Now you may think its good,you have to also consider fur getting in your mouth and on your dick.
But hey having your own living bedsheet that you can hug is comfy

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hmofa is good, anything more than that is degenerate

Its good, I love it!

ara ara~

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Wolf licked it off.

what the- oh i get it lol thats epic

Get furries off Yea Forums

Attached: redwolf.png (1650x2100, 1M)


neither i must ascend

Attached: mustendthiscyle.png (1396x1234, 49K)

thats my big beautiful fuzzy wolf goddess right there

>and on your dick.
that's the point

The truth is,the game has been rigged from the start

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Attached: prostate massage.jpg (294x303, 106K)


Safeties on dumbass.

>he doesn't cover his dick in RainX

>covering your dick with that
>not enjoying having saliva and pussy juice on your dick

What if the only way to save the wolfess, is to become the wolfess yourself to save her?


Thank fucking god, was starting to think there was no hope left in Yea Forums

Attached: we never surrender.png (2574x1668, 1001K)

Good shit user


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Attached: Boltman4.jpg (600x600, 46K)

The wolf can save herself damnit,just look at her size,she can easily overpower her fucking captor,HELL SHE IS A WOLF and the captor is HUMAN.
How is she even a hostage? How hasnt she mauled her fucking captor yet?

Attached: wolf woman.png (1400x800, 18K)

Attached: file.png (784x685, 13K)

Royalist scum

And someone make this a drawing already if it hasnt,it would have been the most realistic out of all scenarios.

I understand this reference.
also wolfwednesday>caturday

Attached: Big Bad Hood.png (2032x1000, 77K)

Attached: little red riding wolf.png (1400x800, 34K)

Attached: it_begins_by_angeomgwtfbbq_d4d1qc3-pre.jpg (1192x670, 52K)

>Japanese monster girl

Fucking fail!

Attached: stupid wolf thing fuck you v.png (1482x752, 192K)

> needing a squad with all that gear to kick some pint-sized twerp's ass.


>3 days ago
Damn, I missed a potentially good thread. Shame it died instantly.

>generic anime gurl with ears

Is this the reason why people usually know this as a /tg/ thing rather than Yea Forums?

She looks even more fucking miserable.

Attached: 1510264850651.jpg (1024x1008, 586K)

Feed the Big Bad Hood some cake!

the zero taste ray

i want to hug her

I enjoy them both together.

furfaggots mad

What happens if you turn the gun on yourself?

What do you think? You become a cute girl.

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more pls

uh oh

Attached: big bad hood.jpg (800x450, 153K)

Excellent work MignolaAnon

>says the closet furfag

Ok cool story



Its shit

Attached: Anon.png (1526x1090, 68K)

Shoot him too.

Attached: 1539336424293.png (1680x2691, 529K)

now we're talking

Attached: Fuck Bugs.png (1400x800, 60K)

Too furry
But would still rescue

>reusing scenarios

Attached: 1556806499574.png (1400x800, 23K)

why are we black


Based hmofa bro.

fuck you. seriously.
fucking faggot

>too furry
but we havent even stepped to feral levels

How did she get so fat

Use your imagination

Monstergirl a best. You win today user.

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Attached: wolfmama.gif (1280x720, 2.78M)

she met the architect

Choke on my chode you retarded furfaggot :)

>all these furfags
/fur/sday 2.0 fucking when

Attached: disgoostin'.jpg (396x397, 35K)

The ideal is monstergirls
So furry is too furry, even if it isn't ferals

Never cause the furry outside Yea Forums rule was changed to furry porn outside Yea Forums.


In what world is a generic animal ears human girl a monster girl?

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Where is the janny edit? I would have posted it but I forgot where I saved it

When they fuck like a wild animal.

please don't aproppiate anime culture furfaggot

So like every woman?

>monster girls and furries

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>anime culture

slapping a fish tail on a human is just terrible.
Either go full or go home,just admit being a closeted degenerate that likes furry attributes

Attached: 1563245651826.png (201x200, 49K)

Attached: file.png (1400x2400, 77K)

>the ideal is a literal mongrel with bald spots like a manged dog and hacked together, unfitting limbs that don't function properly
>the ideal keeps a human face and personality, the two worst things about humans

Attached: ayyy.jpg (900x506, 47K)

Big Bad Hoods are too powerful. Just cut losses and leave.

>That thought bubble

>just a human with ears
Its fucking shit

>Thought bubble
Shit, I can't dispute that

Attached: banana.jpg (679x560, 27K)

It's not their fault user, cope is a serious thing.

blessed be user that makes the good end

Is this an LC thread? I can't tell

>casualfag anime shit
still decent at least, but you're a fucking casual for sure

Attached: 1561366405033.png (1228x541, 69K)

>Not taking the best parts of both to combine into something greater
>Human faces and personalities
>Worst thing about humans
It's okay if you dislike humanity, but you don't have to declare it all bad just because of that. The human body is good at some things, and some human mindsets are excellent.

Don't let the few bad ones make you think the whole thing is bad

all it takes is one slip over the slope and you will go from 1 to 5 pretty quickly
believe me,stay off the path from the start unless you are willing to take the risk

this is well made regardless, i would bang both

don't listen to him
I've stayed at a 3 to 2 range for 4 years. The trick is to avoid anything with inhuman genitalia or walks on 4 feet

never budged past one in all my years faggot, you were always a heretic

But I want to help BB Hood.

Attached: 1563032413938.gif (384x224, 50K)

>I've stayed
>past tense
So you changed

I humbly request a Dob edit please thankyou goodbye.

Attached: RRW23.png (1400x800, 70K)

my negroid

Attached: bulleta apple stab.png (600x800, 296K)

>thought bubble
well done. got a little chuckle out of me.

Many thanks user


>Not taking the best parts of both to combine into something greater
So furries?

>representative of good kemono

She's fucking trash, get literally any Solatoboro girl or Renamon instead.

is been a better word for you?

I mean the fur is the best part of an anthro.
The silly ears and tail are just cherry on top,if you like snouts then okay for you (usually Kemono don't have realistic snouts,one of the main differences between western and jap furry art)

Or a drawing from an user

Attached: 1557736551949.png (1517x1368, 640K)

>Weird facial structure makes it difficult to kiss or be intimate
>No skin for sensual touching
>Somehow superior

>no big fluffy titties

Attached: 1481721777280.png (599x605, 12K)

Decided to turn it black to make it look a little more different that the other character.

Attached: Anon2.png (2032x2168, 138K)

>Weird facial structure makes it difficult to kiss or be intimate
Kissing a snout isnt difficult at all,she will have difficulity doing it to you but there are other ways to pay back basic love

>No skin for sensual touching
Depends on the fur as you can still feel their skin if the fur isnt dense and is short enough,however with the lack of skin,it's replaced with fur you can use to keep yourselves warm together and touching it gives you a comfy feeling.


Attached: prepared.png (1210x797, 32K)

I remember her

Attached: red_hood.jpg (716x844, 128K)


There, now she's your adopted mom.

Attached: morph.png (1400x2400, 63K)

wololo one into blue

holy shit user, nice

that's pretty lewd

Fuck where was that stupid goat from again


>Ness uses PK Rockin a

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Link to uncensored version

ruined it

literally the worst plot armor in any manga

I want that wolf to ara ara me.

Nice feet


Attached: c28.png (996x868, 599K)

Fuck off I'm not playing Lilith's Throne again until it's done.

why are furfaggots so uppity nowadays Yea Forumsros ?

tfw no wolfmommy

Attached: 1539349356362.png (1125x1735, 216K)

Based Polymerization poster

Attached: 1561666126597.jpg (326x302, 23K)

>fusion doesnt take the breast thigh and ass size of both, combine them and multiply them by 2
Pretty fucking shit fusion desu

Attached: 1563761621865.jpg (210x240, 14K)

I want a wolfmommy to use her thighs as a pillow. Or just have her sit on my face. That works too.

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user please be careful with that, you know what happened last time

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Was it sexy?

Only at your local verizon

I want that poochy belly in my face. Now.

hmoaf > hmoam > hfoam > hfohm

Attached: parry this.png (500x519, 521K)


omg actual art

this art is half competent and the other half looks like I drew it

Attached: die monster.png (1400x800, 44K)

Not furry, he's safe.



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Based Belmont saving the lolis of the world.

Attached: maria.png (234x216, 17K)

she's cute! CUTE!

>tfw like 99% of all werewolves/wolf people who show up in media are male

Attached: 1548508174720.jpg (1920x1080, 1.12M)

yeah but look at the replys,furfaggots hate based monster girls

I dont

No, they hate closeted furfags.

Wolf needs big milkers to drown Hood a in nutritious flood

/hmofa/ is top tier, this is fact

Undeniably correct.

how is in anyway a qt anime gril with monster/animal characteristics the same as a disgusting furfag or respectable kemono ???

Holy shit that’s a fucking hoodwinked reference

It's a rare sight in general, but damn am I oddly happy to see it.

the % of animal body remains the same

>Cat ears and tail (maybe fuzzy arms at most) is the same as swathed in fur with paws and (probably) a muzzle

>I'm not a furry, just a little bit furry

Just ignore goalpost mover.

Attached: 1318562278003.jpg (216x310, 12K)

>an a press is an a press. you can't say its only a half

If you like any kind of animal features on a humanoid you're a furry, end of.

Still 100% animal dood

You forgot amoam > all

I never said anything

>furfags trying to
push kemonomimi as furry since Nekopara because they see any inhuman features as furry
>antifags trying to push kemonomimi as furry too because they see any inhuman features as furry

And niggers say that the horseshoe theory is bullshit.

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give me more of that wolf mommy if you please


you are a closet furry

>fucked the spacing up
Well, that's it for me.

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I am pretty sure other furries don't like when people call kemonomimi furry

Attached: whoosh_you-are_gay.jpg (392x300, 29K)

Attached: no wolf.png (1118x698, 1.19M)

That's the exact reason why I mentioned Nekopara. There was some shit-flinging when some furries tried to call that furry, iirc.

Only if you count humans as animals.
At which point it makes everyone a furry.

Most of the times I see someone post monstergirls on furry threads they are met with a lot of hostility so idk which group is the minority

I liked this one!

Well you know what they say:
There are only two kinds of people on this world, furries and furries in denial

Attached: Badlyeditedfire.jpg (740x423, 34K)


There were only two possible targets that were standing still and yet you somehow missed



Who drew this

normies, the scum on earth

cute and funny

on winter definitively, not so much on summer...

Attached: file.png (1400x2400, 101K)

I improved it

Attached: Improvement.jpg (758x259, 41K)

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I like this, thank you.

Attached: Untitled.png (1282x712, 45K)

She is wearing red you dumbass, she clearly resists fire and probably is immune to it
Have you never played a game before?

hmoaf > afohf > the rest of that gay shit

Attached: the son of god.jpg (500x415, 95K)

Attached: George carlin.jpg (1324x735, 118K)

2.8 is the sweet spot

Female anthros NTRing human males from their human female wives.

1 is the sweet spot. That's why it's on the #1 pedestal.

1.8 or around there would be perfect

I'll Shake your bouncy booty.

*MC Hammer plays in the distance*

Attached: 1544910595180.jpg (1400x800, 88K)

If you go by the pedestal 5 is the highest
2-4 are perfect and 1 should only exist by breeding any of the former with a human

unexpectedly based


Attached: 1551496504277.png (1400x800, 124K)

>5 is the highest
5 is the highest so that they're all about the same height overall.

please sauce of the original one

now dick her in the belly button

4 is best girl

Holy shit

Attached: 1391227951525.gif (200x200, 1017K)

Attached: 1539628478611.png (1400x1600, 49K)

normies are the worst

Where is the knot

knots are smelly and dumb

god damn it user

Attached: 56492658.jpg (377x264, 23K)

Hell. Yes. Thank You user. Now just wait for the inevitable to happen.

Attached: 1560355643016.gif (320x178, 1.15M)

in the trash where it belongs
human dick is the superior dong

>>furfags trying to push kemonomimi as furry
Literally never

Kill yourself namefagging cuck

the 2 is enough good to me, it's like the Goofyverse females

not bad but I miss the knot

I could draw like that too
if I felt like it

Sex the loli. The original fairy tale was a cautionary tale for little girls to beware of strangers, and more specifically, of not getting raped/coerced into premarital sex. No, I’m not kidding.

Attached: 1503073976916.jpg (887x1097, 77K)

>someone mentions kemonomimis or monster girls
>furries sperg out
like clockwork

Attached: smelly.png (276x313, 82K)


Attached: Untitled12.jpg (1400x800, 253K)

fuck you

>he says, as he ignores this entire thread
>if not that, denies the possibility of some of the posts calling people closet cases being furfags

this made me laugh hard

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A

Literal downgrade

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Oh thats nice and cute

Attached: dadffasfd.png (665x578, 338K)

Please don’t hold out on me where’s part 2

They feel threatened
They can sense their betters

But senpai....
If it has ears and a tail, it’s furry

>literally sperg out and call us dog fuckers at the slightest mention

Attached: _ ____ __ ____ ____ ____.png (600x602, 232K)

Worst ending.

when did i do that?

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Attached: Darkstalkers_Resurrection_BBHood.png (267x372, 100K)


Attached: MURCA.png (1400x800, 81K)

Attached: f4f.jpg (680x682, 27K)

>people want to fuck this

Attached: 1352578047008.png (482x679, 193K)

Send in the ballsacks.

Attached: ballsackgard saves red riding wolf.png (1400x800, 254K)

Attached: 1509552991519.png (605x2005, 126K)

stop being faggots and just get to posting more redhood wolfgirls

people wont stop turning her into generic animu

Thanks user for making my day!

>can't think about anything else other than fucking
have sex

Attached: 1562622036819.gif (320x240, 2.15M)

you are the faggot if you want redhood wolfgirls over redhood lolis


Attached: pretty princess.png (814x1168, 497K)

what if i want more redhood wolf lolis

There's enough furry in the thread to occupy yourself with, instead of sperging over that.

The irony

this is now a friends and monster girls thread

Attached: auro.jpg (637x900, 199K)

>""monster"" girls
>not girl monsters
get outta here with that weak shit

That's a dumb friend. Would still lick her abs though.

Or what pussy cat


wow what a monstrous monster girl, she's got horns, animal ears and even a tail

but user that's not a monster girl, that's a friend

it's still weak shit that should get outta here

And still twice as scary as you'll ever be.

If there not human can we legally hunt because they have no rights

this is more monstergirl than
this. this is just cosplay.

Technically, people and human are 2 separate categories.


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Based user, all the faggots normgroids that don't know what a friend is saddens me

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That motherfucker
