Happy Sunday, motherfuckers. Time for a Killing Floor thread because we don't get enough of these. Discuss
>Preferred game
>Favorite perk(s) / least favorite perk(s)
>Favorite boss/zed
>Favorite map
>Recent game story
>Whatever the fuck else you want that's KF related
Try to keep argument over 2 to a minimum so as to keep the thread hip and chill.
Happy Sunday, motherfuckers. Time for a Killing Floor thread because we don't get enough of these. Discuss
Other urls found in this thread:
>Preferred game
original 1.0 mod.
>Favorite perk(s) / least favorite perk(s)
Medic / Support
Firebug / Sharp
>Favorite boss/zed
FP, Patty
>Favorite map
Manor, West London
>Recent game story
Played as a Berserker, and won the game. OP AF.
>Whatever the fuck else you want that's KF related
I miss the gritty London atmosphere. The series has turned into something akin to scifi lately.
We need a new boss in KF2 and new Zed variations. Fuck Obamanation
>Preferred game
KF2 for its gunplay, but I miss the maps and general atmosphere of 1.
>Favorite perk(s) / least favorite perk(s)
Mando, Support, Demo for favorite (in that order). Zerker and firebug are easily my least favorites.
>Favorite boss/zed
Original Patty and FPs
>Favorite map
Volter Manor for 2 with how insane that back U-shaped area can get. West London or Offices for 1.
>Recent game story
Decapping Scrakes and FPs as Commando because teammates wouldn't do it. Ended a suicidal 6-man with 20something big zed kills and over 700 kills total. The M16 + FAL combo is nuts.
As long as nothing new is a fucking robot, I'm onboard. The EDARs were a mistake.
Same, KF 1 was gold
2 was meh
>Played as a Berserker, and won the game. OP AF.
What do zerkers do for FPs? Launch saw blades? I never see it happen.
>Office/HospitalHorrors/Santa's Evil Lair
>Nothing else
>Try to keep argument over 2 to a minimum so as to keep the thread hip and chill.
fuck you, kf2 is terrible.
Yeah well I disagree but get where you're coming from.
Does people still play 1? I'd like to go back to it
Also is 2 good or should I avoid it
2 is good except for the maps and robots, people are just afraid to remove their nostalgia goggles
2 is good. The atmosphere is different and loses the charm of the first one though. That'd be my biggest complaint with it alongside two design decisions (FPs spawning enraged and the god damn fucking robots).
>What do zerkers do for FPs?
Saw blades are OP as fuck.
The hammer is pretty powerful too.
Now with the medic-club, you can just keep alt-smacking them for high damage, poison damage, AND self-heal. All in one swing.
King FP you just back-peddal away from, launch saws to its face whenever it lowers its guards while trying to pathetically swing at you.
>FPs spawning enraged
Should clarify that they have a CHANCE to spawn enraged and only on the difficulties that are actually worth playing, Suicidal and HoE.
2 is very good. As a game, its way more fullfilling than 1.
That being said, they are also kinda different types of games. Kinda.
I still kinda prefer the gritty style of 1 and its satisfying weapons - most that follow IRL style and logic.
Oh, no wonder I see so many zerks taking the medic club. I had chalked it up to it being a new weapon.
Robots? Woah
I've seen a cyber weapon dlc trailer a while ago
Didn't think it actually had robots
In regards to the atmosphere, Does it at least Still have the Australian voice actors? They really added to the charm for me and they're part of the reasons I loved the first game and its world
>post the first time, get up, go get water, come back
>hasn't shown up, and the thread was updating every 30s
>figure I had forgotten to post it or that it had just been eaten
>shows up as I make the second one
Thanks, notMoot.
I have voice actors' sound disabled and honestly can't remember much about the voices in 2 except that a few were really fucking annoying.
>>Preferred game
>>Favorite perk(s) / least favorite perk(s)
>>Favorite boss/zed
>>Favorite map
KF1 biolab, KF2 volter manor
>Preferred game
Love the shooting of 2. Love the art of the older ones.
>Favorite perk(s) / least favorite perk(s)
+ Zerk/Gunsliner
- I like em all even survivalist
>Favorite boss/zed
King Pound
>Favorite map
Pic related
>Recent game story
I bopped a gorefast right before it hit our demo with 5 hp. Spectator saw and told him he has no idea how lucky he is. Felt good.
>Whatever the fuck else you want that's KF related
Like everyone on this site has said. I miss the gritty grind house horror feel. It's the same story with fallout. the first game had a very drab look with some silly 1960's stuff in the background to add contrast. New games have fully embraced the goofiness and have lost the original touch.
>Join suicidal game on Evac point as last person
>Go medic expecting the worst
>Team has so far barely taken damage, and I'm bored as fuck trying to contribute
Mixed feels
>Volter manor
>Preferred game
>Favorite perk
Sharp / Firebug in KF1, Sharp / Surv in KF2
>Favorite boss/zed
Scrake in both
Whoops, forgot favorite map: Siren's Belch in KF1. Nothing will top its atmosphere, aesthetic and design, and this being what you always get on wave 10, making for a pretty groovy but hectic last wave before Patty:
What? The horseshoe area in the back is pretty hectic and buzzword.
I just want a kf1 remaster with REmake 2 graphics
making the game shit for anything below suicidal was a retarded choice
>tfw KF2 was more of a KF1 remake back when early access released and it had its first 4 perks, than any point in the future when more perks were added, skills were made to be more influential to the game, and certain perks not being fit for either trash clearing or taking down zeds went down the drain now that any perk can do it with little to no punishment expected for stepping out of your role
I still remember making strats with the people I played the game with back then so Support would deal with the Scrake, Commando would make sure trash stayed away from him while he did it, and Zerker parried and distracted any other large zed that made it in while the Support was still busy. Now it's anyone's rules to do as you wish and Tripwire's idea of making the game be challenging again is making things like Scrakes have a chance to spawn as early as wave 2 or maps that are so tiny you die to the smallest mistake, both of which are stupid.
I liked in KF1 how the heads didn't bob around too much and all the HoE combos were fun. guides were great and i learned all of them for every class but i think i forgot them all now.
where do i even learn the OP strats and combos for kf2
>where do i even learn the OP strats and combos for kf2
By playing the game? Wtf?
2 is objectively better in almost every way, but it loses two things that were a big part of KF1, which was the atmosphere and match flow.
Atmosphere can best be described as this; KF1 was serious characters acting goody, KF2 is goofy characters acting serious, everything is also much cleaner and sleeker in the name of painting the map red(this may sound like a positive but its not).
And as far as match flow is concerned, because ZEDs now spawn everywhere, anywhere, and most importantly can teleport around(no, this was not removed yet and most likely never fucking will), matches are not about preventing shit to hit the fan in the first place like it was in KF1, but instead about mitigating the damage you'll be constantly receiving throughout the match and making sure the ZEDs don't wittle you down to zero before the wave ends. ZEDs don't burst you and your entire team down in seconds anymore when one mistake is made, so much so that FPs now spawn enraged from the get go because their killing power is EXTREMELY nerfed from KF1.
That being said I still have 500 hours in KF2, so I might be biased towards it when I say that its improvements make up for it.
Parry scrakes with knife and kite. One scrake is usually not a problem. 2 or more at the same time is a real problem.
Especially since they 2 shot you on HoE.
>Preferred game
KF2 for gunplay, Mod for atmosphere
>Favorite perk(s) / least favorite perk(s)
SWAT and Support as favs, Sharpshooter as least favorite
>Favorite boss/zed
Patriach and Scrake
>Favorite map
West London/Outpost
>Whatever the fuck else you want that's KF related
I wish they would remove the regular Zed boss variations like the Abomination and King Fleshpound, and actually put effort into making a cool boss.
Bought this game 4 years ago. It isnt fun. It needs to die.
500-600 hrs kf1-kf2
where has the time gone
>Preferred game
KF1 with mods
>Favorite perk(s) / least favorite perk(s)
Demolition / Medic
>Favorite boss/zed
>Favorite map
Hospital Horrors for difficulty
Santa's lair for aesthetic
>Whatever the fuck else you want that's KF related
I want Yea Forums to fucking play KF1 again and not this dogshit
Yes please. And KF2's animations/gunplay, at least for the most part. There's a KF1 in KF2 mod.
A KF1 Party Van or something would be sweet.
I never played the 1.0 mod, what differs between KF1 and the mod?
i think the key differences are the graphics style (think more unrefined, less polished) and the difficutly was supposedly harder
People still play 1 but it's not very easy to find servers as it used to be, obviously.
I think KF2 is only good if you get it on sale, because I otherwise think it's too much of a crapshoot for someone who liked 1 to like 2.
Here's the way I see it: if you liked the actual cooperative elements of 1, as in, every perk having a more defined role, where a perk not doing what it's there for puts the rest of the team in danger, much like with the risk/reward mechanic of there being optimal ways to take down a Scrake or Fleshpound for certain perks but which could be screwed up and cause the zed to rage, creating a situation where your team probably loses the game or someone has to pull off quite the feat to make up for your screwup, then 2 is not for you. 2 is a fun game where you pick your perk and kill zeds differently depending on what perk you are, but the thing is that any perk can deal with anything provided the player behind it understands the game at its basic level. KF1 did not allow on the higher difficulties, it expected your team to work together and for everyone to understand what the other was doing. That's not to say 2 doesn't have some of that, but it is far more forgiving (hell, you can outrun a Scrake as any perk by just running away from it, essentially undoing most of the inconvenience of someone having raged the Scrake in the first place).
And it's obvious why it was made this way. It's because 2 is there to be much more easier to get into and reach the higher difficulties than 1 was. That's not inherently a bad thing of course, it's down to what you like, but I believe that anyone who looks for a challenge, who looks for those Hell on Earth victories to be satisfying because you know that it was the result of the whole team coming together and working well with each other to win, and that it's not something you get easily, is going to prefer 1 and is going to get bored of 2 quickly.
*pops your head*
I do love how anyone who dies to the Siren has their head literally explode.
Damn. 600 hours between the two games, and I've never noticed that.
>Preferred game
>Favorite perk(s) / least favorite perk(s)
>Favorite boss/zed
>Favorite map
>Recent game story
Everyone holding down the top front hall, with me, a medic, running back and forth to heal everyone, then going sharpshooter and spend all my dosh on dual revolvers and a sniper
>Whatever the fuck else you want that's KF related
Haven't played in over a year, when I was going to sleep as a 13year old in tears from homeschooling by parents who didn't care if I ended my life, which I tried to: KF molded the years that would've left me a broken mess, to someone in love with screams of the damned and horror survival.
My fonded memories of entering high school: were welding the door and healing teammates as we said our final goodbyes in chat at the final boss. We'd all die one by one but the ggs and laughter all around were worth it.