Fighting game tournament banned personal drinks and someone died from a heat stroke. RIP

Fighting game tournament banned personal drinks and someone died from a heat stroke. RIP

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imagine the smell


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the absolute state of fighting games

>having a heat stroke indoors
Why are yankees such pussies?
The South will rise again

oh boy, i sure can't wait to play in a fighting tourna-

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Why are fighting game gamers so weird and obsessive?

Glad to see the fgc finally showing initiative against these anime players. Smashies are next.

No wonder this tournament was a shitshow. VSFighting was happening at the same time and I didn't even know it until going to 'fighting' genre.

>leaving out that there were water stations set up
At least tell the whole story

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Then they can work on culling those fucking awful tekken/street fighter weirdos.

holy shit, this isn't gonna look well for FGC, ESPECIALLY SMASH! because heat makes you smell more, which probably killed someone, not sweating.

Air conditioners are sexist.

>hot water
that doesn't help at all dude

meanwhile at paradigm shift

that nigga almost as dead as melee lmaoooooooooooooooo

forgot muh pic

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It wasn't fucking boiling water. water is water, besides I doubt the guy who died didn't drink any water in a week and lived entirely off soda and energy drinks

It makes literally no difference.

why ban drinks
ban alcohol if that's a concern, but how is a cola going to cause problems?

It avoids dehydration, and even if its warm it provides an avenue for heat to escape your body. Your computer's liquid cooling isn't ice cold either and it works fine.

dehydration - yes, no difference
heat stroke - no, it does make a difference

it's like those faggot concerts that ban outside drinks on a hot summer while charging $4 for a bottle of water

It was probably hotter inside than it was outside

They getting sued for sure

Drinking ice cold water is rather unhealthy and actually makes your body heat up more. If anything the water from the dispensers was room temp, which is good enough.
I bet it was just some addicted fat ass that didn't want to get up and get lukewarm water and he died because of his obsession.
And how the fuck would personal drinks have helped? Those would have heaten up to room temp as well.

>someone dies
>hot as fuck
>keep the tournament running
Someone's getting their asses sued hard over this.

Hot water would make your boy even hotter you moron

They'd get sued if they canceled the tournament too.

114 degrees water is like drinking from the sewage fuck that, why are drinkings from outside banned in the first place? the lawsuit is going to be glorious now that they killed a dude

I bet I would also die if it was super hot in a venue like that while playing stressful fighting games
Good thing I'm shit at fightan and too antisocial to tournaments anyway.

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why did they ban people from having their own water

Mah boi


>no air-conditioning
Is that even legal?

People who use Fahrenheit should kill themselves.

its almost like he didn't die at the tournament and was just somebody that was attending the tournament that died

Holy shit this is why I don't want to start a tournament in my store. Do gamers really expect me to bottle feed them Mtn. Dew? These people won't even accept the cold water I offer for free.

Provide a source for your bullshit

Venues ban outside food & drinks so you have to buy their stuff instead. Never heard of teens sneaking snacks into the movie theater?

Where the fuck are you getting that specific temperature? It was likely below room temp slightly at worst.

Venues don't allow outside food or drinks because otherwise people come into the venue and don't buy shit or leave trash everywhere. I don't know enough about this particular venue to say, but it's likely they were selling food and drinks.



shut up dummy they didn't have water above boiling cause it was hot outside

Literally wrong. The body always tries to stay at body temperature. You drink something cold? Your body starts to work on heating you up to compemsate the cold. Drink something hot? Your body cools down.

When it's an emergency and you immediately need to cool down/heat up someone, cold/hot drinks are better. But in the long run, over a day, drinking the opposite of what you want is better.

You must be seeing things, no one brought up Fahrenheit until you did just now.

is it that hard/costly to set up ACs?

Nobody asked you, 3rd world huemonkey

I'm guessing multiple reasons ranging from not wanting to do security checks to ensure people aren't bringing in liquor to not wanting to clean up trash from discarded bottles.

some dude said it was 114 degrees or 46 celcius with no AC and a horde of sweaty nerds

>banned personal drinks
let me guess, america?

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rent free

Because so they can charge $6 per glass of tap water.
Thanks America!


Based dave.

That's only when you're fucking playing football or someshit and, even then, those big orange gatorade containers have ice in them. Playing video games is not a survival situation, some fat faggot couldn't waddle his ass out of there in time and died. I'm glad it happened because it's fucking hilarious, but don't act like some SAS badass who can survive for five weeks in North Africa on nothing but camel piss.

water free*


>I'm too retarded to use google
One of many, but I'm not gonna bother spoonfeeding you even more, fatso.

Was he DQ'd for dying?

drinks sold by separately

Why are gamers so pathetic


Wait, did someone really die?

I guess we were past due for someone dying from the new surge in FGC tournaments. At least they weren't gunned down like at that Madden tourney.

Provide an actual reputable source.

The fuck are you talking about you troglodyte. Absolutely nothing you drooled out there had any relevance to my post or the topic about the fat fuck being too stupid to drink room temperature water.

He could've just bought a bottle of water for $10, he died for being stingy.

One less gamer is always a plus

the only time you Southeners have it hot is during the family reunion
___ _____

Mike's Pizza Place NYC
9/11 never forget

yea dude got a heatstroke into seizure and fucking died in the hospital

I'm fine with you staying an idiot. ;-)

I dunno, they seem to have experience with surviving hot places.

I live in AZ and people have to be air rescued off this hiking trail near Phoenix almost every day. People are just stupid in general.

Some people say it's from a heat stroke while others are claiming it was due to seizures.

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Less pathetic than gamers

seizure from a heatstroke idiot

At least I'll be a free idiot who can say sexist things without being arrested.

Pure wa'ah
Whe'er I wan'

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How much is that in real people temperature?

So what happens if I do bring water, do they just take it away from me as I guzzle it down in front of them.

beat me to it

Krucial_B's last tweet.

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>Anime games tournament shows solidarity with KyoAni
>Gamers can't handle it

they hit you in the back of the head with an empty glass bottle and drag your unconscious body outside the venue

Surprised nobody posted the medals they won.

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some dude said 45 celsius inside

So let me sum this up

>fatty cant bring monster drinks into tournament
>his diabetes acting up cous low blood sugar
>sweating fat ass off surrounded by other fat cunts
>too diabetes and sweaty to get off fat ass and get water

Japan pulls the same shit too, a few years back there was some outdoor meat festival in Odaiba in midsummer where it was 40 degrees, people had to line up for 3-5 hours but they banned outside drinks forcing people to throw away stuff before they joined the line. Like a dozen people fainted.

why are fighting tournaments so poor?

>organize event during summer
>cheap out on air conditioning
>ban water
>sell small water bottles for 10$

Gotta love ruthless American ultra-capitalism.

Warm water hydrates faster than cold


He should have been fetching a pail of water

>hurrr you should drink warm or hot water to cool off
That's only in instances of extreme stress. It is perfectly fine to maintain hydration with cool or cold water or sports drinks. Dead fatty probably couldn't even get water in the first place with the "constantly refilling" comment. Probably ran out and then he got heat stroke and he started to lose coherence. That's generally what does you in when you get heat stroke, you stop thinking.

That's fucking ridiculous. 30 is enough to feel like shit, 45 in a cramped room with other sweaty nerds? Fuck that. I'm surprised more people didn't keel over and die.

>"Krucial B"

It appears that nothing of value was lost

Don't expect Americans to understand that though.

>Yea Forums - water temperature

>user refutes point
>other user says its irrelevant

yea but you are missing a few things
>no ac with 115 degrees inside
>water stations are at room temperature instead of being cold
guess the dumbass should have gone and drink from the toilet

Sounds like a great way to win an easy lawsuit if drinks were not provided by the host


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>Gotta love ruthless (((American))) ultra-capitalism.

These niggers are crazy. I was at DTN. I had a bottle of water with me at all times. No one said shit.

If you're not Combo Breaker, Frosty Faustings, EVO, or CEO/CEOtaku then don't bother going to a fighting game tournament.

We aren't talking about hydration, you fucking retard. Do you know what heat stroke is?

>dead dbz niggers

I work outside and you guys are fucking pussies.

Some soccer player died from dinking cold water the other day, heart attack. It's not really healthy.

its preferable to drink room temp water because typically people drink cold water much slower
115 and being a fatty surrounded by other fattys.. thats asking for trouble tbj

Someone took #EmbraceDeath a little too far

remember to always stay hydrated Yea Forums

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I don't even know if you can legally ban drinks, sounds kinda illegal to me


Miku best girl.

So? Still has nothing to do with hydration. He got too hot and had a seizure. Heat stroke=/=dehydration.

We need to reduce mass and maximize surface area. We need tall women with big tits, if that doesn't work, we strip the clothing!

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Would he have died even if he was hydrated? Being in a 45 C room for hours sounds like it would kill you if you're an unhealthy fat fuck regardless, especially if you were already stressed.


>Gets busted a dozen times over in the comments
Lol dumbass

Fatty didnt drink enough water thats why he got heat stroke. If he wasnt panicking over a video game and stayed hydrated he would have been fine.

There are some conflicting reports about this whole shit.

>playing crummy fighting games when you could have been fetching pails of water

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Imagine that being your kid who died
How embarrassing

drinking water helps with heat strokes yea

You can be hydrated and still get heat stroke. Stop being stupid.


>murrifats tournaments
Meanwhile Vsfighting was absolutely based and cool

Why do europoors think that America is the only country on the planet that uses money

ahh sweet tetanus

Banning water? They should have banned Pokemon creatures!

Trash maybe

Multiple people are now confirming they knew the guy and he died in the hospital.
Wouldn’t be surprised if the TOs are trying to muddle this up and sweep it under the rug.

Imagine dying in a sauna that literally smells like shit

The tweets from people suggest that the fighting game tournament in question is Defend the North, located in Manhattan, New York state, America.

Organise bins.

They don't but the US not only in the 95th percentile for highest taxes, we also pay more for the same shit a lot of the time.


I thought the kyoani deaths were funnier. 33 feminists got fired to death.

>100 Celsius outside
Do these people live in an oven holy shit

he was from Louisiana

>DTN had alpha 2 and cancelled alpha 3 when they were supposed to have it there

yikes! imagine having that kusoge and not the objectively better game.

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>95th percentile for highest taxes
You're full of shit


that IS how poor a 3rd place medal SHOULD look

holy shit, it looks like it sat and rusted for like 50 years!

There was free fucking water in every single room you sperg

Air conditioning is sexist
One death is a small price to pay for equality

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>Whine about capitalism
>Point out that other countries are capitalistic
>y-yeah but America is still worse though

Man those Americans sure are losers, unlike us Communistic Englishmen

The Anime room was apparently a deathtrap with no AC. I for one think the organizers did them a favor.

Is this actual literal or just figurative? Someone died at dtn?

Imagine getting a shot in America as your life and wasting all your given privilege as a white guy on pointlessly obsessing over combos and tricks in video games when there are people walking km a day to get water and rations lol

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It sounds like you should be complaining about the lack of air conditioning and not the fact that everyone clearly had water there

Event is DTN2019 in NY.

46℃ degree heatwave.

Venue banned outside drinks. They had water stations but of course they were overcrowded, had tiny cups, and were clearly insufficient.

Guy who died is Krucial B.

Arizonafag here lmaoing @ all the fags not used to the heat. National news is reporting it like it's the end of the world but a lot of the temperatures the show are like our normal everyday temps.

>literally needs to be literally literally'd now
>pretty soon there will be literally^x notation

Why is it so dangerous to be a gamer in America?

are you fat and unhealthy?

>not wanting to clean up trash from discarded bottles
What? Isn’t that going to happen regardless if ppl brought their own drinks or bought drinks from the venue?


So walk 10 feet somewhere else. I cannot believe the lack of self-preservation these aspies have.

Krucial B got a seizure from heatstroke, died in hospital.

The event continued, staff immediately went around in person and online claiming that it wasn't heatstroke and that they "can't say" what it was because of "privacy".

You and me both man.
I understand fightan and all the theory, but any time I get halfway through a combo my brain flatlines and I black out while my hands begin sperging out in any way possible to mush as many buttons as possible.

No I weigh like 60kg but I hate heat

they're doing a favor

maybe it was autoerotic asphyxiation and they didn't want to embarrass him, ever think of that?

that's like the average temp in this shithole

>staff immediately went around in person and online claiming that it wasn't heatstroke and that they "can't say" what it was because of "privacy"
This right here is exactly why I hope they get the shit sued out of them.

Arizona's also one of the driest states in the US. The same temperature you're currently okay with is much worse if you were anywhere else because its harder to sweat the heat away from your body when the humidity is higher.

they will never run another tourney ever again after this shit. i mean, fuck, you can't left people bring their own drink in a HEATWAVE?

You literally have no idea what you talk about.

>go to competitive Madden
>lunatic shoots up the place
>Go to competitive FIGHTAN
>The heat and stench kills people
>Go to competitive speedrun event
>Sit on someone's dilation lube pool and ruin my jeans

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What that user also didn't say was that there is heat warnings almost every day.

100 AMERICAN degrees, silly!

This is the same city that banned the sale of drinks which were "too large." Not being allowed to bring in your own beverages isn't unusual around here.

>wasting all your given privilege as a white guy

Celcius niggers are fucking retarded

Fatty’s internal temperature went above what his body could manage and had a stroke. When you’re way too hot you need to cool down. Cold water or sports drinks help you do this because they’re COLD. Dehydration is a different matter entirely.

115 american retard units of heat

46 degrees for non-retards

tetanus is a deep wound infection retard

Fucking leave if it’s too hot

yea judge will decide whats most important in the trial

>someone dies at a fighting game tournament in a heat wave
>Eventhubs will wait 3 days to post the news
>next story to be uploaded will be some Deviantart kid's Dragon Ball fatties fanart, posted by John 'Velociraptor' Guerrero

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Because they didn't know what the cause was? Could have been a fucking heart attack for all they know.
You're retarded.

>can't into conversion
>calls others retarded
PEAK 3rd worlder

Why didn't he leave the room at some point to get some air or better yet bring some ice water and a fan

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They were trying to damage control and you know it, you faggot bootlicker.

this. i cannot understand how stuff like this happens. is it peerpressure? will they get dabbed on by their anime-nemesis if they "bail"?

this is why you never leave your house

It hurts but is true

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but he is right you imbecile 115 farenmemes are 46 reality degrees

Because americans can only drink mountain dew and they were not allowed to bring drinks


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>they didn't know what the cause was?

>but went around saying that it wasn't heat stroke, not that they didn't know what it was


Apying common sense is now being a 'bootlicker'. You're like those discord trannies that call anyone who disagrees with them Nazis.
Get a brain moran

Come up North during the winter bitch, then we can talk.

I still think it should be illegal to deny a person their personal water

I know this is bait, but I'm morbidly curious about the logic behind it.

hey fuck you!
we can't force our govt to do anything like change to metric because everyone is super lazy to overthrow trump and wouldn't try anyway.

>brainlet huemonkey can't understand freedom degrees

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i tried mountain dew once and i'm not a fan

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>logic behind falseflag shitposting

Vain quest for glory I guess. If you leave when your turn might be up that would lead to a forfeit, which means you paid the entry fee and flew over just to ultimately dick yourself out of a shot at the prize.

>original post says the officials went around saying what it is and that they also couldn't say what it was
You're both retarded for believing a retarded post.

Common sense dictates when some dude drops on the floor in a 115 degree sweat box it’s because he had a fucking heat stoke, which they pointedly deboned.

You can’t host a fucking indoor event when it’s that fucking hot.

it isnt bait corporate america air conditioning is standardized around cooling a 6ft 200lb man. Thats why they claim its sexist because womens bodies typically run colder.

>finally showing initiative
Confirmed born yesterday, ask Sp00ky and he'll ramble on about how poverty and anime fighting games have always been put in a corner, basement, hassled or flat out rejected from attending since the 90s.

This isn't anything other than the norm.

>Smashies are next
Not likely, unlike anime they're almost neurotically loyal to their game(s) and are in sizeable numbers. When they were not invited at all there was influence, but once they were they acquired too large a portion of the viewer and attending pie to get pushed out or around easily, Anime has little such leverage of numbers and lifespan to give it legs.

Found the cajun retard


>You can’t host a fucking indoor event when it’s that fucking hot.
you can and it's done on the regular in most of of the world...

You can get tetanus from rust

>be fat
>complain about being fat
>ugahbugha no water!


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There was a study which that showed that men are comfortable at lower temperatures which women aren't. In an office setting, having the A/C turned to temperature the men think is "nice and cool" is downright chilly for the women, making it hard for them to do their work. Thus, running the A/C so that the temperature gets too cold is sexist.

you can get AIDS from a toilet seat

Most places in the us that ban drinks allow un opened water up to 1 liter. Movie theaters and theme parks ban them so you will buy their overpriced sugar water and concerts ban them so you can't sneak in booze. If they were out right banning all water period that sounds like a lawsuit for sure.

>80+ degrees outside
>have to go to the dentist
>sitting in waiting room
>dumb bitch in there with me says the ac is too high

Chinese actually believe this lol.

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I’m just explaining to you what the joke was you tard. That’s why you get a tetanus shot if you step on a rusty nail.

you'd be surprised how many places in europe don't have AC



So what? That's not rust in that picture.

>Not allowing people to bring their own fucking water bottles in just because they set their own up
Jesus fucking Christ fucking Americans I swear.

niggers listen having one fucking water fountain that you have to walk to just to get a sip of water is going to do nothing to stop people from getting dehydrated. I bet most of you right now are dehydrated and especially in a fucking cramped room thats 115 degrees you have to have a fucking have a water bottle right next to you and be consuming copious amounts of water to stave of dehydration or at the very least not hit the the more extreme stages of dehydration since you actively need to make up for loss of water from sweat

dying cause of heat is like the most bitch death you can die to
these niggas is pussy

The fuck does Trump have to do with the metric system not being used?


That reddit meme stopped being funny like a year ago

Because America

based and redpilled

le 150 year old propaganda

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Meanwhile the entire state shuts down if you get an inch of snow. Laughing at you.

Im not arguing the "hurr durr feminist" thing im just saying biologically womens bodies run cooler than mens bodies which is why then are always the first to start complaining about it being too cold

odd considering two thirds of countries that use imperial are third world
well actually all of them lol

probably a small stuffy room
you put in a lot of people in them
lots of computers running
no drinks allowed apparently

and it can easily get hotter than it is outside

>The June 2019 European heat wave was a period of unusually hot weather affecting southwestern to central Europe, starting in late June and resulting in the hottest June ever recorded in Europe.
>The heat was implicated in the deaths of at least 13 people.
No AC? I wouldn't say I'm surprised.

>dying cause of heat is like the most bitch death you can die to
Pretty sure the way Carradine went out still tops heatstroke. Or dying because you were shaking a vending machine to get your twinkie, which is apparently a thing since annual fatalities involving falling vending machines in america isn't 0/yr.


>americans literally dont understand how drinking warm water during a heat wave is more effective at cooling you down than cold water
jesus christ

You'd be more likely to get stuck by lightning several times than get aids from a toilet seat. That shit doesn't survive very long outside the body.

>look up the guys name
>nothing in the news
>look at his twitter
>no replies to any of his tweets mentioning his death
>no results when you look up deaths related to the event
>only source claiming there was a death is the one guy ATLFierce

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What tournament was it?

It’s not the rest of the world, it’s the US where a US judge will easily weigh in favor of the deceased’s family for the lack of AC, ventilation, and accessible cold water.


Yeah I smell a court case here.

Fuck off, snow it's actually dangerous, unlike a little bit of heat

thats not the point retard, nobody wants to drink hot water in the middle of a heat wave regardless if its better, those kids are all fat nerds not athletes they have no idea, also there is not AC

It wasn’t dehydration, it was heat stoke. Boi got way too hot.

Americans should be drinking cold water so they can use that excess energy deposit.

>99% of the rest of the world is retarded
Even your fucking NASA scientists don't use freedomheit

Because it was a crummy set-up.

he wasnt drinking regardless and one coincides with the other

That's just the fighting game players.

People here genuinely aren't defending corporations not allowing people to bring their own water in, are they?
>but they had water there
Who fucking cares? Why go the extra step of banning it entirely? They'll be lucky if they don't get done for criminal negligence here.

unless that comes from the coroner its all bullshit to me

Any judge would throw that right out the window stating that if the place wasn’t 115 degrees that the guy wouldn’t be dead in the first place.

Lots of places ban outside food and drinks

Maybe because business attire for men = at the very least pants, if not suits. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some natural temperature differences, but the primary reason is attire. How many women in offices even wear socks?

Depending on where you are at in America, it is illegal to deny a patron tap water. New York is not one of those places. However, there was water available so the whole "You can't bring your own drink" angle is stupid. It's more likely a boiling frog scenario where the guy didn't realize just how dehydrated he was and his body couldn't keep up with the cooling. I've been to tournaments held in garages during summer down in Texas before. You have to keep hydrated constantly because you're going to be sweating it out.

Defend the North, I believe. It isn't even like they were in a garage and sources say air was moving, it was just all those setups + bodies = hot venue.

The two go hand in hand. He was probably not sweating the amount to properly cool his body.

It’s funny because if you actually think about it for a single second, Fahrenheit is a superior scale for the purpose of everyday use.

He could have left at any time. I think having air circulating and providing water would keep them legally free. It isn't like the venue was denying them access to shit they had and thereby being neglectful.

>faggot trying to get good boy points with the venue/event organizers

its biology men are a couple of degrees hotter than women and since men also generally seem to be more standardized and uniform with their office clothing ac is catered to them

May this signify the end of esports and competitive fighting game tournaments forever more.

The one who died was a colored person
You might want to edit that image

Someone give me the Twitter of the person responsible for this so I can berate them publicly.

>heat stroke - no, it does make a difference

No, because heatstroke only occurs when your body is no longer able to sweat. You literally STOP SWEATING when you suffer from heatstroke because your body no longer has a way to reduce your core temp. You have run out of sweat.

Warm water would obviously stave off heat stroke.

>water boils at 100 celsius and freezes at 0
>fahrenheit is better
sure boi

It's sad. Britain went from one of the most free, captialistic societies on earth and now is a bunch of supertaxed commies who don't even know how much they've been fucked over.

>However, there was water available so the whole "You can't bring your own drink" angle is stupid.
No it fucking isn't. There is no fucking reason to deny someone bringing water in just because they have their own other than blatant greed.

>However, there was water available so the whole "You can't bring your own drink" angle is stupid.
You're retarded. The water coolers were clearly insufficient and only there to cover their asses legally.

>now is a bunch of supertaxed commies who don't even know how much they've been fucked over.
You think I don't know?

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>Americans defending organisations banning bottled water
Every single god damn time

It sounds like you're recommending abstinence from water in order to prevent heat stroke. Where did you go to med school, Doc?

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>he could have left so it's not their fault someone died in their death chamber
That's true user, but it's still their fault for not presenting an environment in which humans can survive.
Also consider that in this heat wave it's over 90 degree's in most parts of the country, 95-110 in others. Leaving wouldn't have helped in the slightest. You know what would have? Air conditioning.

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Where is this DTN thing?

What does DTN stand for?

how autistic can someone be for this shit

Legally, retard. Yes, it was done for greed because the venue is a business who wanted to make something off of the sweaty nerds. It's likely had they been challenged for water they would have caved. I'm not defending venue policy, I'm telling you that there is no case for winning a lawsuit and anyone who has ever witnessed a bunch of these tournaments understands why venues put said rules in place. Running tournaments is a money pit unless your venue fee is obscene. It's no joke that most players are poverty-tier and won't purchase anything if they don't have to.

They didn't ban the water and it's not limited to America. You try and sneak food and drinks into all sorts of conventions or such across thr world and you'll get chucked out.

>Drink something hot? Your body cools down.
Hot outside, drink hot water, magically cool down. Thermodynamics would like a word with you.

>water cooler only at designated locations
>lines for water cooler
>probably only going to get a sip of water
>expends more water just going through the process of getting water
>"hurr durr banning water is ok just they have a water cooler"\

There's multiple twitters like this

I'm pretty sure its in MA. It's not a huge tournament but I think it still counts as a major.

>dude multiples of ten lmao
Autistic frenchies

there's no way he was from Louisiana. im from mississippi and 115 degrees was shit we practiced football in for 4 hours 4 times a week for a month and never had a fucking issue with a single time

MA? Massachusetts? Sorry not American

Git gud fag

Anime expo almost got sued for trying to make people wait out in 110 degree weather in LA for 4 hours a couple years ago and had to apologize and offer refunds and also fix their shit hardcore following years. I doubt some tiny tournament is more legally protected than the countries largest Convention.

why did they ban personal drinks
it's important to stay hyrdated

To be fair, vending machine deaths are more often "made to fall towards" than "falls on its own"

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Some people are reporting the venue DID have some kind of air system, but it is likely to not keep up with the heat in the area. It's unknown as to whether the venue even knew about the temperature in that particular room. We don't know what the actual temp was or any other facts about this besides some people on Twitter. From what we know, there is no legal case anyone can take against the venue and as tragic as someone dying in this way is, it should be a reminder to everyone else to stay hydrated and go cool off.

Well guess what it does? It covers them legally because they were providing water. What's your proof the water was insufficient?

>But in the long run, over a day, drinking the opposite of what you want is better.
No, retard, because you increase the amount of heat in your body by drinking something warm and that heat has to go SOMEWHERE.

If you want to cool down, it's optimal to sip something that is slightly colder than the temperature you want to be at. Even if you're drinking something cold, do it slowly over the course of 20 minutes and you'll be perfectly fine. You only get negative effects when you guzzle like three cups of ice water all at once and then go run a marathon.

Yeah in Mass, east coast US

Cuz they can make more money selling drinks at inflated prices.

That's the joke you mongoloid

>Thermodynamics would like a word with you.
When you're finished, so would biology.

Defend the North is in New York.

That's a shitload of assumptions.

your system is fucked up for everything I can't imagine how you can even cook like that
>I'm going to pick 2 pinches of salt 1 foot long bread and boil the soup at 205 degrees
what the fuck is that no wonder you guys get all from fast foods

Defend the North

A tourney in new york

>we practiced outside and had water bottles with us the whole time
just stop typing now dumbass

Are you trying to apply California law to New York?

Can't wait for the south to rise again so we can burn it again.

imagine being this much of a bootlicker

The point I'm trying to make here is if inside the venue wasn't acceptably survivable then outside the venue wouldn't be any better. I agree more information is needed to see if legal action is possible but "He could have left" is not an acceptable defense.

he embraced death

I was actually at the event and if "personal drinks" were banned it definitely wasn't enforced. The room had AC but it wasn't strong enough for the amount of people shoved inside the tiny room in a heat wave.

He also didn't cite the case and just vaguely said "almost got sued." Just because the TOs tried to do PR doesn't mean it held any legal water. I don't know enough details to comment further than that.

I was at DTN today from 11AM to 5PM, place was fine temperature wise, it was 70 degrees. They had free water everywhere and they literally did not care if you brought your own in, I walked in with two gatorades in my hands and nobody stopped me. They weren't selling any Food or Drinks there so it wasn't them being a load of jews.

There were a TON of morbidly obese fat guys in the FGC room and the place was over crowded. The AC kept up though so this guy probably died from being a weak bitch.

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Imagine staying in a room that's way too fucking hot, has no AC and no drinks, just to play some video games.

>dude had access to water
>at no point did dude seek help until he passed out
>other rooms in the same venue have been reported to not have been quite so bad
And outside of the venue wouldn't have been any better because...? Closing up bodies with subpar ventilation and electronics means the temperatures were likely hotter than the outside.

Oh yeah, totally taking the venue's cock up my ass for not making up lies and dramatizing the situation.

Imagine being retarded

A better question is why some shitty tournament is stricter than the following venues

LA Convention center
Almost any major sporting stadium or arena
Universal Studios
All Six Flag parks.

All of these places will allow you to bring some shit in and many ENCOURAGE YOU TO. They ar efar bigger than a tiny tournament.

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I am pretty sure the venue was a hotel. It was likely just standard hotel policy to not bring in food in those areas, or it was the TOs not wanting the food there. Or it was all a lie. I looked at the rules posted for the event and zero mention not being able to bring food or drinks, plus giving firsthand.

>And outside of the venue wouldn't have been any better because...?
...the temperatures outside are dangerously high as well, with no water dispensers or air conditioning to speak of?

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that picture was stolen from twitter dumbass

what use is the temperature water boils at when talking about the weather?

I thought they would at least have hot pictures or even some funny roleplaying going on. Maybe I should start one.

>Let it drip down your chin, you slut for water. Work your tongue on that bottle. Swallow it all.

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What was the size of the room and how many lard filled weeaboos had they crammed in there? There is a critical level of weeaboo to room size that any air conditioning, drinks, and work could ever keep cool. It sounds like they went past that, while it was particularly hot for the area, while having the greasy masses playing fightan' games getting sweaty and shit. Death was unavoidable given the conditions. Should have used a larger space.

>May this signify the end of esports
First of all shut up Boco, secondly it's more likely the exact opposite will happen, the well funded events with conditioning, insulation, ventilation, access to product placement refreshments will become more likely draws for attendants if the local scenes start getting sloppy during conditions that could be life or death.

This might not be the best example, but it'd be like hearing how a lot of people in your neighborhood got dangerously sick from eating food from a local grocery store, most would drop the support local mantra if it meant at the expense of their health and just stick to buying from supermarkets. They can get contamination issues too, but usually they have the means and are quick to remedy issues with their products and maybe even compensate disgruntled customers, a local business is likely not going to go as far and may make the same mistakes if they don't have the sense or funds to change policy.

NYC had a high of 97 for today. It wasn't a deathtrap outside if the claim of 114 indoors with poor circulation can be believed. (With a low of 77, so depending on time of day it was likely in the low 90s).

Just let me dream.

I'm fat. I sneak meals into the theater. It's why I only bother going to the movies during the winter. Stuff my jacket pockets full of mcdonalds double cheeseburgers and a can of soda

Why you just got a monster for one of them instead of another tenga

Nothing. Also, DRUMPF isn't the reason we don't use metric system. Congress voted against it in the '70s and here we are.

are you fucking retarded?

I've never drank mountain dew in my life.

Personally I would have just dealt with the bullshit and let people bring water during a heat wave but I can't help but wonder why the fuck this kid didn't just go into the main hall to cool down. If I feel like I'm going to fucking pass out from the immense heat I would just forfeit my match.

>be a stupid burger
>refuse to drink tap water
Wow, what a tragedy. A real tear-jerker.

You know how people meme about trannys all the time? You just replied to a legitimate specimen.

So the venue can sell you their drinks for double what they would normally cost most likely.

I was referring to teenagers, not what you're up to.

Why didnt he drink water instead of playing crummy fighting games?

Because they were charging $10 a bottle

>not eating canned beans at the theater

Tap water is free by law in my state, at least. Not sure if that applies to events but it applies to everywhere that serves food.

I mean all events should be running security checks in America. Not even being a shit stirrer, but it's kind of policy at major events in the US to have police observers, metal detectors, bag checks etc.

People are now saying he died of some other condition, but people are assuming it was heatstroke because it was hot as balls in the room.

I don't know where the location is or the weather in new york at the time, all I know is there have already been several deaths reported from various places across the country in various different temperatures that have been credited to the heat. It's not unreasonable to assume the same circumstances in places the heat wave is active in, but the report will have the outside and inside temperatures with some degree of accuracy.

>Amerimutt """"banter""""

I was fat 10 years ago too

What tournament?

how often is it 100 degrees celsius outside?

you can actually use 0-100 in fahrenheit to talk about how hot or cold it is outside

>People blindly believing OP and making up random details
Never change, Yea Forums

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wait, this was at defend the north? Has it always been this bad?

yes they said it was a seizure not knowing that a heatstroke leads into that, I know because my dad died like that with the same fucking temperature of 110 starting foaming and had a heart failure, doctor said it was because of the heat (and pressure problems)

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The world would indeed be better off without Americans.

fuck you

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Capitalism and Communism are both bad. They just went from one shit system to another.

why do you bother, these degenerates are literally incapable of logic.


Even worse, it was Jew fucking York so they were definitely trying to bank off water bottle sales.

tekken dudebros smell the second worst after smash

To add to this:
>venue is a four star hotel with a huge hall
>if you go to Team Sp00ky on Twitch you can see the dude playing on stream
>people are not dying from heat

In this case you were likely lied to. OP's tweet is from a guy (rightly) shitting on the TO/Tournament for having a lot of issues and then hyperbolically brings up the guy dying. Any evidence points to the fact that this was unrelated to the venue more than likely.


Attached: Freedom.jpg (503x335, 45K)

They killed GAMERS!

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Based summer killing dumb old and fat people every year, even the most civilized countries.


No one wants to spend more money than it cost to build the highway system, solely to appease Europoors.

All the money made from selling water is worth way more than the weight of shekels of a huma- I mean that poor fellow.

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This cold water is what all true fighters strive for.


The absolute fucking state of the United States of America.


He wasn’t white

Celcius is perfect for everyday use, water freezes at 0 and boils at 100
Thats the thing you most need temperature for.

Sounds like speedrun events are the safest

Cold water is unbearable anyways, i'd rather have room temperature water

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>no source for claims unlike the actual footage on Twitch of the dude playing his game and the venue
It was clearly not 100+ in the main hall of the venue.

All Laura mains have to come with their own cart from now on.

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>main hall

It's still funnier than your rock paper scissor insults.

>I don't know enough about this particular venue to say
It was a fighting game tournament event hosted in several recreation rooms at a hotel, and besides that banning fucking outside sources of water is almost completely unheard of literally anywhere civilized, even a michelin star restaurant isn't gonna be like "no you can't bring that 10 oz dasani that you kept in your purse the entire time". Only time it's unallowed is going on an airplane because that shit will explode from elevation.

>which is apparently a thing since annual fatalities involving falling vending machines in america isn't 0/yr.
I'd be shocked if no one died from a vending machine falling in a country of that size. Law of averages exist.

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Nigger, literally all of the world uses celsius. All of the accidents at NASA happened because some scientists insisted in using the imperial system instead of metric. Fuck that outdated, shitty system.

>boiling water is what you need temperature the most for
>not how fucking hot or cold it is outside

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It would be grounds for a lawsuit outside merica.

What? Haven't you ever chugged cold drinks and felt it stay cold all the way down? Love that feeling.

Like? Major theme parks, sporting events, conventions etc generally do not. Hell, the LA Convention center has multiple motion detected devices that fill bottles full of water. You are encouraged in many places to bring in water because people dying due to dehydration is a legal issue for a venue or event.

There is a reason Anime expo stopped forcing people to stand out in 110 degree summer weather for 4 hours. They didn't want a lawsuit.

if celcius is so great why doesn't your country use its military might to force the US to use celcius?
Oh wait, you have no military.

Find me evidence of any convention outside of the United States of America restricting water.

What's the difference between knowing 40 degrees is fucking hot versus knowing 70 degrees is fucking hot? At least one has an actual observable metric instead of being arbitrary bullshit

>Niggas seriously trying to equate the la quinta recroom with an imax theater

>Dbfz/anime games were in a room with no air conditioning.
>But this TEKKEN player in another room had air conditioning so that proves him wrong

i have, and i don't much like that feeling
Room temperature is easy to chug, I like to chug my drinks in one or two gulps so cold just gets in the way.

Yes. And the dude passed out in the bathroom which wasn't in the room where he was playing. He could have easily stepped out into the main hall if it actually was an unbearable sauna.

Well good news is that there is zero evidence besides literal whos about banning outside water. Go look at the rules yourself on the DTN website.

Most places outside of the US can deny you tap water. Most places in the US cannot. New York is an exception, but he was at a FOUR STAR HOTEL and could have gotten water in several locations. The venue was perfectly fine.

China does. And they'll want their money back when they run out of steel one way or another. Don't forget they also got nukes.

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Most places that ban outside food and drink make an exception for water
Especially outside of the U. S. A


now that's an unfortunate hashtag

Imagine being this fat

>too retarded to read or look and find the exact player that died having his match ON STREAM

>no drinks

What a bunch of fucking idiots

>Most places outside of the US can deny you tap water
Not here in Australia.

>I was there for 21 hours

Jfc some people are sad as hell.

Stop being a stupid faggot. People routinely die from heat stroke specifically because it creeps up on you. Everyone thinks "oh I'll be fine, I don't need to drink anything" and then they stand up and the world swims and they fucking die. That's why the government has to tell people to not be retards and drink water during heat waves.

Heatstroke can cause seizures.

By most places he means the dying cesspit of Europe and 3rd world countries

That's nice, but if you read the actual thread, you would see that this *most likely* is not heat stroke.

>but global warming is made up by evil jew scientists!

>Well good news is that there is zero evidence
That's how they get you with the plausible deniability option select.
Have staff tell you not to do something on site, but keep the info ambiguous so you can't go to court on it.

You sound more aspie than anyone in this thread

Why are fightan games such a shit show

>chinese nukes

If it's anything like their guns theyll shoot one at the U.S and hit brazil.

>retard wants the world to freeze to death because his balls are sweaty

>Outside water was banned
>It was 114 in New York and even hotter in the venue
It was in the low 90s outside of the venue and the venue was a four star hotel with A/C. Even if the room they were in did not have it, the room was still not a sauna
>How do you know? It was heatstroke!
You can see him playing on stream and despite it looking warm, nobody is sweating profusely.

Nukes don't even exist retards

Having fun from the middle of Saturday until the next morning strikes you as sad? Some people take 3-day vacations to enjoy their hobby, its not like he's NEETing it up in the middle of the week.

Prove your claims virgin

To be clear, the reason why denying easy access to water is stupid is because if you don't have a bottle of water directly next to you people WILL make the mistake of thinking "eh, I'm playing a game rn, I don't really wanna go and get a drink, so I'll just sit here and die without realising it".

Actual footage FROM THE EVENT shows people having their own bottled water. See

>still no proof to the contrary

Spending 21 hours inside staring at screens is sad lol, you'll realize this right before you kill yourself.

Say that to me when they take Anchorage and do a Nanking Massacre there.

Jesus fuck you retard, I'm the only one in the thread actually giving proof. Watch the clip in the video.

Foreigners call all Amerians yanks. Fact: you have been cucked
t. not american

Smashers aren't the stinkiest people anymore, nothing stinks worse than an actual corpse. Good job, FGC.

>The footage of the guy shows bottled water they sold to him for $6.99 plus tip
>He was in a room that might not have had AC but all the other rooms did so it must have been cool in there magically
>Lack of sweating is a symptom of heat stroke as seen but he wasn't sweating so it couldn't have been that.
good effort user.


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>take anchorage

Hahahaha let's see if they can even keep hongkong

>TOs are inconsiderate retards
What else is new?

Shut up roastie. No one gives a fuck about you being cold after you decided to wear a mini skirt and no socks.

Then what the fuck destroyed hiroshima and nagasaki.

Southerners call northerners Yankees since the civil war, it's obvious you arent american

Yeah, everyone in the room was so hot they all had stopped sweating and the venue had multiple selections of different kinds of bottled water to sell. Fucking retard.


Why do you have such a fetish for the metric system?


Well, its hard for something to exist after it blows itself up.

I am fully aware of this. I am telling you that we refer to all Americans as yanks anyway because for us there is no distinction and the north is all that matters.

its probably a stealth tenga

They didn't bring their own, they had to get the ones that were passed out and room temperature.

>fucking hot


>I am telling you that we refer to all Americans as yanks

Thanks for the random info that everyone already knows and nobody asked for you autistic retard

So glad I'm not a europoor or ausfailian.

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It's actually the other way round. We should move back to Imperial.


First of all other than that guy who seems like he's a poor fat fuck there is barely anyone complaining about the heat in the game rooms.

And if the overcrowding was real and there was really no ac you would've had more people complaining and more people getting taken by ambulances.

Stop having sex with animals

Sorry I'm not fluent in your third world system amerilard

This is the most retarded shit I've ever read

this is true.
that is why pajeets like to eat spicy food on a hot summer day.

I was there, those were given out by the organizers after the guy died.

That footage has the dude playing who ended up dying, you dingus. At least try to bait.

>be english
>drink cold water

Was he black?

post badge nigger

>yurotrash too dumb to do basic math
>literally too dumb to type 6 characters into google

i'm not even surprised anymore

>be Jew
>eat a little food
Going from one extreme to the other isn't good

>>Sit on someone's dilation lube pool and ruin my jeans

Why the fuck would tell me about this nasty shit

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They're already taking the phillipines, just you wait :)

I still can't internalize that someone got worked up over something as superfluous and absurd as madden, enough to shoot up a tourney.

Where'd you get jew from?

It's a shame misrepresentation of who is and isn't strong is a full time job for some people here.

He was jewish. It wasn't actually about the game.

>tekken commentators suddenly have water all over their desk, reminding people to drink water

>sit down after doing intensive exercise
>have a heart attack
>ban chairs

Thats only until you start getting sicker and sicker and dont know why afterwards. Then you go to the doctor and find out you have AIDs and its too late to treat the HIV and its spread too far.

Because prisoners basically stopped being fed at the end of WWII, Jews in camps were extremely malnourished. When they were liberated, soldiers quickly discovered that feeding someone in such a state will put them into shock and kill them. Despite someone being skin and bones, you have to give them small amounts of food initially.

>employ back a system full of inconsistencies and broken constants
Sure, buddy.

first they take our pokemon creatures (no dex)... then they take our water...
gamers rise up...

>fat fuck roasts in his extra tonne of blubber and blames everyone else for his own decision to migrate from the antarctic

>I was there and there was cold water

Must be Resetera

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>The lawsuit
More like an arrest for criminal negligence.

>I am too dumb to use anything other than a system designed to sweep away memories of the past and be used by illiterate peasants across huge geographical areas.

Use metric time and calendars as well.

>Third world system.
>Used by the world's first superpower and the creator of the modern industrial and scientific age.
>Then used by its successor who continues to dominate the world economically, intellectually , militarily and culturally.
>Meanwhile the old power has switched to metric and is getting worse by the day.

Learn Imperial.

This southern heat wave going on right now isn't a laughing matter, I seriously felt like I was on the verge of passing out just driving to Target to get some batteries earlier today. If a TO organized an event and didn't allow people free water (shit like soda can cost as much as they want) and AC in the middle of it they should be held liable for things like a fucking death.

You can ignore the bullshit that user is saying because it's bullshit but the reason why Mexican and Indian cuisine is generally so spicy despite the warm climate is because capsaicin causes the body to THINK it is getting physically warm and causes it to try to cool itself down via sweating and such. Spicy food isn't literally hot, it just targets the same nerve reaction as touching something physically hot. It doesn't actually increase the temperature in your body but your body thinks that's what's happening.

>hurr durr poor people use it so I'm going to ignore years of research into more reliable systems

>and the creator of the modern industrial and scientific age.
Is that really what they teach you?

>this level of projecting
Looks like I struck a nerve

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Sue them. Gank some coins, bitch.

Seizures are a symptom of heat stroke, dipshit. Also, seizures by themselves don't normally kill people, it's the fact that you lose control of your muscles and might hurt yourself that makes them dangerous.

maybe he die in the game he played
so he die in real life

I am imagine an user fucking a monster can and it is pretty funny.

You did. I'm a 50kg skeleton and I get cold in anything below 25 degrees c. I despise your warmth-hating kind. Luckily, my nation does not have aircon (unluckily, this is because it never gets hot enough to justify it).

>metric time and calendars

>Oh 46 degrees, that's pretty hot but on a cosmic level not really anything close to touching the stove

Attached: limey.jpg (936x753, 128K)

The nice thing about Fahrenheit is that it's incredibly intuitive when talking about the weather. 0 is fucking cold, 100 is fucking hot.

not him but it isn't uncommon for large events to have stream set ups separate from the rest of the set ups, especially ones with multiple games. have you ever actually been to an event?

Do people even enjoy drinking ice cold water or is it all just a meme or in-joke or something, shit is just straight-up unpleasant to consume


You can clearly see their stream is set up in their room, separate from the main stream in the main hall. Have you ever been to a tournament? Can you not tell the difference? You can see people playing on setups in the same room around them.

Are you not American? We love our ice water

Room temperature water on a hot day is like drinking sand.