What are your thoughts on gaming YouTubers and YouTube gaming videos?

What are your thoughts on gaming YouTubers and YouTube gaming videos?

Do you watch any?

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why do you care

This really is modern youtube in one thumbnail.


If I'm real dry on content I'll check Game Grumps, but they're so scared of demonetization now that they've lost the little amount of entertainment value they had left.

I watch the greatest gaming youtuber to ever exist. Stay mad Yea Forums

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They should just remove custom-made thumbnails and make them a still from the video

It's literally this entire decade summed up in one picture.

Shill youtube thread to promote their upcoming subscription service due to the ad/viewerpocalypse


exploiting zoomers and fornite kids is the best business model ive ever seen

I've never understood why people care about these youtube celebrities and never will. I guess its part of why I never understood why real celebrities matter either. I'll watch a youtube video about something informative but otherwise, I don't get it.

How can one man be a numale and an alt right nazi at the same time?

He is the new generation of basednazi.

Yea Forums mad because they cannot compete with the greatest. Cope incels. Jeremy will destroy you all with his Ford Raptor, that's right, he drives a Ford Raptor.

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I only watch youtubers that make videos because they like it, not ones that want fame or fortune

I'll watch games I'm interested in. Never give money or anything though, that's for losers to do.
I want to be mad at streamers and youtubers but I know there isn't really any basis for it aside from its not me streaming. I mean, who didn't want to play fucking video games for a living growing up? Just wish I got into streaming when it was relevant.

>colored hair
>thick outlines
>open mouth
>weak, beta, soulless eyes
>every bright color in the rainbow
>#1 Victory Royale!

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I'm so happy Shadman touched upon this, now i think of them taking it up the ass when i see these.



>begging for an image when someone already told you the artist
>fucking shadman

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I pretty much only watch FH now. the rest of RT can burn and no other gaming YT channel has as good of editors.

I don't think I've watched a youtuber regularly. Literally every genre of tuber, not just gaming, eventually just does it for the ebucks and falls off a cliff in terms of quality. Once they hit a million subscribers, it's fucking over. Or they desperately try to emulate whatever got them popular and fall into obscurity again. The only ones I can say are decent don't try to upload daily or weekly.

I think cr1tikal is the biggest offender of this but who the fuck knows I barely watch youtubers any more.

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I've followed CallMeKevin since like 2012 but I don't really keep up with other youtubers

Vinesauce feels guilty of this, I think the popularity just reached a high point and they lost their touch, especially joel