Ghost Recon Wildlands on ultra is literally the most realistic video game ever created...

Ghost Recon Wildlands on ultra is literally the most realistic video game ever created. It's like 80% of the way to being indistinguishable from real life. Seriously, show me a better looking game.

Hunterfags need not apply unless you have an actually good screenshot.

Attached: grw.jpg (2560x1440, 1.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's nice buts how's the gameplay?


not op but the gameplay is actually kinda fun. though i didnt get to fully experience it because i dropped the game since my computer was too shit to play it. might pick it up again one of these days

If you're playing on easy/normal, pretty OK

Playing alone, the game gets ruined by terrible AI that just repeatedly spawn in and flood you. They don't try to flank you, they just throw themselves at you until you die. When at higher difficulties, it takes 2-3 shots for you to die.

The sounds are .. Bad. You rarely hear enemy gun fire. Your own sounds are -ok- but ridiculously average.

Graphics are decent, but nothing like OP gabbles about.

Attached: punished.jpg (738x959, 250K)

It's not even close to looking like real life lol

Well it is a glorified screenshot porn simulator with better R6S models than in R6S. Thats how you get ass shots

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Division 2.

Attached: safe house.jpg (1920x1080, 431K)

at least show a decent screenshot you subhuman negro scumbag

>that pop-in

>Driving game with good graphics

Attached: IMG_20190525_150425.jpg (1080x1920, 176K)

Can't wait to play it on PC at 144 frames!

Looks worse than fucking mgs5

1080p pixelet detected

something about the games overall image looked off for me the entire time. Like it was washed out...kind of like OPs pic!

Attached: IMG_20190525_150455.jpg (1080x1920, 172K)

Kinda like MGSV but with coop functionality

>game has terrible input lag

I know, I should play it at 23 fps at 8k resolution.

How about 1440p/60?

GRAW 2 did better

it's fun until you realise how shallow it is, especially at higher difficulties
when you start trying to move through the ranks of the Tier One mode
as far as the game goes, if they tightened it up a bit, allowed more stealth based mechanics such as moving bodies and the like, it would be one of the best co-op stealth games out there
as it is right now stealth is pretty bad though
ai is fucked up, they see through walls and spot enemies randomly, can shoot through walls too especially when you use the tag and sync kill ability
its best played with friends, for sure
as always the best part about it is killing random criminal scum while dressed in whatever manner pleases you, of course
if you want to, you can go full elite with tacticool gas mask in black, or go in rambo style with suns out guns out, or even run around as a fucking predator or a bright orange blotchy ghillie suit

Attached: 20180126135351_1.jpg (1920x1080, 788K)

Now post the character models

Attached: Ghost-Recon-Wildlands-Review-13.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Imagine something bad. Its like that.
>Empty map
>Every objective is a independent base with no relationship to anything else
>World never changes
>AI stays bad from start to finish
>Zero difficulty
Its easily the most generic boring TPS to come out in years but Ubishit is shilling again since the next crappile game is coming.

Just remember to sage and hide all ubishit threads, none of them are legit they are all made by shills.

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the physics will get fucked above 60

>chromatic aberration

Attached: yuck.png (551x491, 261K)

step aside fags

Attached: X-plane 11 draw distance.webm (1920x810, 1.76M)

It's barely noticeable weeb autist

Utter shit.
MGSV did it better. ArmA is still the best MilSim

Attached: 20190721153928_1.jpg (1920x1080, 684K)

gotta be fucking kidding me. get your eyes checked

The armor in the game isn't even realistic lol

Ok but why didn't you post a screenshot of it on ultra?
Wait user is tha- oh no no no ahahahahhHAHAHAHAHA

yeah and then you try driving a car and its completely glued to the ground and it pulls you right back out of your "immersion"

literally couldn't even tell at first and I have perfect vision, you're just exaggerating and autistic as fuck retard

I want to play the division 2 but nobody I know plays it and I already did the division 1 with randoms and solo

Very impressive, but that seems unoptimized as fuck

Not him but I can see green red blue lines bruh.

not him but it's coming back, it had a free weekend and episode 1 is dropping this tuesday with a shit ton of improvements and new content

Guess your vision isn't that perfect huh

I didn't say I don't see it though

>show me a better looking game

Attached: 1562438025082.jpg (3840x2160, 3.38M)

Who said anything about military simulators autist? Who even considers GR Wildlands a Milsim?

>show me a better looking game

The Order

Attached: 1551378633792.png (1920x797, 1.54M)

Reminds me of the autists on Steam forums
"Hey guys, which game is better: Wildlands or MGSV?"
Some faggot pops up and says ARMA.

why is he made out of clay

unironically one of the best looking games

Because some people treat it as one shitskin. I implied MGSV was the better arcade tactical shooter. Meanwhile if they were looking for a milsim they could just play Arma

Nobody treats Wildlands as a fucking milslim you troglodyte,go back to sucking Bohemia's bug infested cock

what game

Not with all that godawful dithering

Based on the shit resolution I'd guess Driveclub. And the webm is such shit quality it gives the illusion that it actually might look good, but the game itself looks pretty mediocre.

driveclub looks much better

>based on resolution and quality of a webm
webm uploads have 3mb limit you know, actual retard

Fairly generic cover shooter that's fun with friends

Nah I played Driveclub and it looked better than that.

It's TAA. The game looks better still w/o it but better in motion with it.

I literally just played Driveclub yesterday on PS4 Pro. I like the game but it definitely looks dated as fuck.

You're aware that you don't have to lower the resolution of a webm to get under the limit, right? I feel like you don't actually know as much about webms as you're trying to project here.

Worst part about the gameplay is that they seemingly give you all these stealth tools, but the stealth mechanics are absolute trash. It has the classic bad stealth game pitfalls.

>Enemies can see through walls/over hills
>Alerting an enemy alerts ALL enemies in the area
>all enemies know EXACTLY where you are despite never having seen you
>there is no escape mechanic to alerts, once you're spotted, stealth is over
>reinforcements continue to filter in until you run away from a "zone"

It's much better if you treat it as Fast and the furious/Expendables simulator and try to bust into bases in the strangest ways possible.

No, that's alpha dithering. Textures with alpha are heavy to render so games use dithering in the distance to optimize. Always looks like shit.

I play both games regularly and yeah no.

You're aware that the low bitrate required to go under the limit will look worse if you don't lower the resolution, right? Fucking moron pretending to know what he's talking about.

That's... exactly my point? That's literally why I mentioned that the webm was shit quality. What the fuck are you talking about

This is the good graphics thread, not the walking simulator thread

That's been fixed since Max Payne 3, Rockstar's engine for both that and GTA V runs amazing and has no physics issues above 60 fps like their older titles did.

You mentioned the "shit resolution" as if it indicates what game it is when webms are usually made low res to hide shitty bitrates. Not to mention driveclub is 1080p so that post was doubly retarded.

Attached: 1562438054080.jpg (3840x2160, 2.35M)

>show me a better looking game

Star Wars Battlefront 2 looks photorealistically exactly like the movies do.

Attached: Star-Wars-Battlefront-II-Geonosis-112.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

Driveclub is natively 720p upscaled on a standard PS4. A lot of PS4 games that are "1080p" operate this way. Also why are you even so angry about this? Where was I even hostile to you? Did you have a bad day?

why are they made out of clay

You're just wrong and saying stupid shit and I'm just calling you out on it.
>Driveclub is natively 720p upscaled on a standard PS4.
>As expected, the experience is delivered in native 1080p

We've clearly reached the limits of what tessellation can achieve because those rocks genuinely look weird as fuck.

Why is your mother made out of clay?
shut the fuck up man, stop shitposting this thread if you don't know anything about graphics. have you ever looked at something in real-life EVER? or are you stuck in your moms basement at low light so that you forgot how anything in reallife looks? cause thats how you sound, you retarded little bitch. fuck-off if you dont even know what clay looks like, god fucking damnit. i hope you choke on a million dicks made of clay.

Oh I actually was wrong about the Driveclub resolution, and for that I apologize. You're still a bitter insufferable faggot either way though. If you develop some people skills you might actually have people wanting you to correct them.

Attached: 15539352@N02_8525605944_Crysis3 2013-03-02 01-32-57-80ss.jpg (1920x1080, 1.76M)

You seem kinda mad, here take some of these

Attached: bentonite-clay-capsules-dh.jpg (386x304, 16K)

Attached: theHunter-call-of-the-wild-12.jpg (1920x1080, 1.09M)

Most games can be photorealistic if you zoom out and turn up the resolution enough.

Attached: 116494253@N05_24270542446_Grill.jpg (2496x1308, 3.26M)

>arma best milsim
>not squad
im dead b lmao u wylin bruh 100

Squad is definitely a better game but miles behind being a better milsim.

battlefront 2 at ultra settings

I don't care if you want me to correct you or not lol, I enjoy shitting on retards like you who smugly spread misinformation

Saying that driveclub looks mediocre just shows how retarded you are. It's a 5yr old game that still looks a step above anything released since.

Yea, its upscaled, 30fps. But that's not the point. It still looks better after all this time & that's even before the incredible weather effects. Imagine how it would've looked in 1080, 60fps.

The only reason they terminated the team behind it was for its poor online the first couple months & to protect Sony's baby Gran Turismo which hasn't sold anywhere near what Driveclub did.


Attached: 1532654152927.jpg (1915x900, 155K)

The only one being smug is you, champ. It's nice to enjoy things though.

It has some incredible weather and glass rain effects, but the car models and environments are just serviceable in 2019.

why does the grass look like plastic?

Still the best looking Ass. Creed.

Attached: 15144449264_4c29b88ec2_o.jpg (1920x1080, 1.48M)

only indoors

boomer detected! I repeat boomer detected! Boomer protocols are now active

this, it's still the best looking racing game

i dunno why but my computer freezes sometimes while playing gta 5
its probably because my shitty ass cpu is overclocked due to it bottlenecking the hell out of my gpu

RDR2 is easily the most realistic looking video game ever made.

>Everything is shiny
>realism xd

Even Dirt Rally looks better, what the fuck are you guys talking about

based and claypilled

Attached: 1562880789012.gif (500x500, 236K)

Dirt Rally looks like SHIT fuck off retard

Attached: 26222271622_95874f0ef2_o.jpg (2560x1440, 2.12M)

Nah. Environments look pretty solid but the characters look kind of stylized and unrealistic. Their animation is amazing though.

Attached: arthur.jpg (740x429, 65K)

This. It's kino

Big empty photorealistic nothing

Ghost reacon is big budget dreck

I don't see how this is stylized, looks like the typical AAA type of "going for realism but failing because we're not there yet".

Is that worth pirating for the single player?

You might be right. I just accredited it to stylization because previous gen Rockstar titles actually did stylize their characters.

Attached: gta 4.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Ayylmao Isolation

Attached: AI_20150621_16101303.png (2560x1440, 1.66M)

Attached: Ald_Ruhn.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

Not a single one of your points is true

>Good graphics
>Generic looking environment
Every fucking time.
Why does most dev neglect a good art direction?

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I took a screen in this room too

Attached: AI.png (1680x1050, 1.55M)

I wish Wildlands was better because I really do want to explore it's world a lot more.

Attached: grw2.jpg (2560x1440, 1.51M)

Too hard. You'll get your grassy plains and generic forest foliage simulator and you'll like it.

i really like this whole online-co-op thing; been playing games like EDF, helldivers, deep rock galactic, insurgency etc.
is this better for co-op or is farcry 5 better? give me any similar shooters with co-op like the tom clancy games or whatever. i'm looking to play some AAA co-op. i mean, i've played RE games so no need to suggest that

Because it's set in the real world? You expect to see wacky fantasy shit in a tacticool shooter?

I personally got extremely bored of Wildlands pretty quickly because it had no tactical depth on release and co-op didn't really change that. I got way back into it when they released ghost mode, which if you're okay with permadeath rebalances a lot of shit and in my opinion the permadeath actually makes the co op on extreme difficulty a lot more fun with higher stakes. It's definitely something you have to be a certain type of person to enjoy but I will say there's almost nothing you can do to Far Cry 5 to make it enjoyable.

you'll blow through it in a few hours, it's sorta fun but also pretty mindless, if you like star wars it's at least more star wars that isn't unplayable

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