Portal 1 vs Portal 2

Which game is better?

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1 is great and doesnt overstay its welcome
2 is alright, multi-million dollar production budget didn't add that much more desu

that being said i would say 2 is superior solely for custom levels

First because OST.

First one, it doesn't pander.

Finished 1 and have fond memories. Didn’t finish 2 and don’t remember it at all except some bits of the co-op.

2 is kinda lame because you can only place portals on the surfaces they want you to

They’re two different experiences.
What are we asking? Puzzles? Subversion? A cohesive tale? World Building? Funny Dialog? A final boss fight?

I felt like Wheatly got a bit annoying in 2 and like the game's directors should've reigned in his script and improve a bit, but didn't because they thought it was all pure comic gold even when several "funny" lines missed their mark. I also really disliked some of the underground section with Old Aperture, even if there was cool stuff to find down there. Nevertheless, Portal 2 added some fun mechanics into the mix that made it feel more like a 'game' unto itself than Portal 1, which largely felt like a proof of concept tech test while Valve was interested in the portal technology from a developer standpoint, since an outside company presented that software to them and they loved it. Portal 1 was great, but it always felt like it could've used just 2-4 more mechanics to make things more engaging, and I got that wish granted in Portal 2, even if I feel Portal 2 does kind of overstay its welcome and get a little Borderlands 2 style cringey with the Wheatlyisms.

this thread is about the overall experiences you get when playing each game
yes they are different games but they are still of the same franchise and are comparable.

And for context, when I refer to mechanics, I'm talking about things like hard light bridges and the gels.

>Which game is better?
Talos Principle.

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Portal 1 is the better game
Portal 2 has the better humor

2 has co-op which is an auto-win.

>Portal 2 has the better humor
t. Stephen Merchant begging for another paycheck for his funnyman routine

dumb question considering they're both 10/10 masterpieces

>Wheatley is the only character

both great, i think it comes down to what you prefer (or if youre a contrarian who absolutely HAS to prefer the original)
the first was simple and tight and doesnt waste any time
the second was more epic and had a much more engaging story and characters, and was definitely more exciting


Portal 1 is a 10/10

2 is a 8/10 at best

thats true in 1 too, you are just always confined to testing rooms where they want you to place them everywhere

pretty much

Hey, if they want to give me a game that's nothing but Cave Johnson and GLaDOS, I'm all for it.

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other way around

Cave Johnson is fucking great, I'm so glad they expanded him on the Perpetual Testing Initiative, solid gold comedy.

>game that's nothing but Cave Johnson and GLaDOS
I listened to the dev commentary track and apparently the early draft of the stories had Cave bullying a random scientist but then they created Caroline character and decided to make it an origin story for GLaDOS, giving her the same voice actress and all

I would've enjoyed it if they had a bunch of recordings of him with some random secretary other than Caroline, treating her like this:

Portal: prelude
Hands down. Actually difficult shit.

I liked the atmosphere of 2 better, but some of the "puzzles" were really dumb.

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They redid the scientist bullying with the multiverse crap. There's also canonically a universe where Cave bought Black Mesa and saved Earth from the combine.

Help me with this. U dont understand what happens between portal 1 and 2 that puts Chell back into the facility.

end of portal 1 a robot pulls chell down into the facility

A man of culture I see.

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Valve released a tie in comic and patched Portal 1's ending right before they revealed 2. Basically a robot drags her back in and the scientist that put her at the top of testing rerouted power to keep her chamber active which is why she's the only test subject to survive (not counting the staff locked in the basement)

I liked the challenge test chambers in 1, but 2 had really fun coop

JK Simmons for president, but this time for real

Portal 1 = Quality but really lacks quantity
Portal 2 = Quantity but the quality is nowhere near the first

is portal and half life confirmed to be in the same universe and take place in the same timeline?

i forgot if it was just fan theory or not

Portal 1:
>Look what you can do!
Portal 2:
>Look what our artists can do.

Portal is too short to feel like a game with a story. I think portal 2 is better, at least at filling that role.
Cave Johnson spends half of his time ranting about black mesa

2. Anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian. It's not possible to dispute me on this.contrarians

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Portal 2 is the better game but Portal 1 has an unbeatable atmosphere

It's not remotely subtle

>HL2 episode 2 ends with you going after Aperture science research vessel
>Portal has slide shows showing Aperture vs Black Mesa
>GLaDoS says she has an infinite capacity for knowledge and even she's not sure what's going on outside
>Portal 2 has the dry dock for the ship Gordan is after
>Portal 2 has Cave ranting about Black Mesa
>Multiverse shit has one Cave save earth from the combine.

I prefer 1. Overall it's just a tighter experience, pretty much all the jokes land perfectly, there's a nice buildup to the challenges. Pretty much one of those experiences that only a game could provide.
2 is great for a more complex story side, there's some fantastic moments like Glados waking up or Wheatley going mad but a lot of the puzzles were too restrictive, only allowing portals on the walls that were essential to the puzzle. I can only guess it was a case of Valve play testers being too retarded and Valve covering every wall that wasn't essential.

The second one doesn't really pander either, the worst it gets is Cave Johnson and I think one whole cake reference.

Portal 1 is boring as fuck and doesn't get going until the last half of the game when GladOS tries to kill you. Portal 2 gets going right off the bat, and is generally the more engaging experience.

Same universe. I think even TF2 is connected as a sort of in-universe comic book series.

I'd say they're both pretty much as good as each other, but you can definitely feel how 2 prioritizes its presentation over puzzle complexity in some areas. Definitely still got stuck enough on it for me to say 2 survived being put through the valve playtesters though.

2's writing is a little iffy though. It gets a little to close to lolsorandum humour but at least it's not obnoxious the whole way through.

this pretty much means there will be no portal 3 right?

Portal 1 for the minimal story, atmosphere and soundtrack
Portal 2 for the gameplay

i want to fuck that wall

Why is that?
Gordon is on his way to the Borealis, Portal 3 can have Chell reaching the Borealis as well, properly connecting both.

No, there's no where to go. The plot lines are all wrapped up and there's nothing to add gameplay wise beyond more levels and community levels do that.

Portal 1 takes place around the 7 hour war, Portal 2 takes place like 50,000 years later.

Disregarding everything else, it would mean Valve would have to get off their asses and actually make a game again.

Pretty much how I felt. Glados turning into a potato was edging on the lolrandom humor but they somewhat managed to avoid too many jokes about that.

>Portal 2 takes place like 50,000 years later.
Wait, what? I must've completely missed that detail. Why so far into the future?

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To seperate it from Half-Life so they don't have to force a connection. That and showing active farm life in the ending showed the Earth eventually recovered without them having to make episode 3.

That's just an assumption. When you wake up again in the intro sequence, a speaker voice comes on and says "You have been sleeping for 99999999999...days" but we can only assume it was either broken or not broken. We don't actually know when does Portal 2 take place. We only know it takes place AFTER the events of Portal 1.

Wheatly is fucking awful and the reason I don't replay the game much.

It totally panders, the flanderization of the tone is very heavy handed in portal 2 making it a lesser game.
Instead of just being a sequel they made portal 2 with way too much playtesting in mind that got affected by the audience perception of portal 1.

Being a stationary portal isn't as impressive. Still a good game though. Shame Bethesda killed it.

I wish someone could leak the 1998 version youtube.com/watch?v=l4jgh3VdNm4

Portal 1 was way too easy, but portal 2 liked to include 20 minute sections of looking for the hidden surface to place a portal on. I'd say 2 for the gel and lasers

In the development book, the writer said 50,000 years with the catch being he's not concerned with the exact number, just that a long ass time has passed.

Ah, I just assumed it was broken, since the rest of the facility also breaks apart, not that it was actually giving the correct date.
But considering they're the ones, through Cave Johnson and even GLaDOS, that make the connection to Half-Life, it seems weird that they'd then want to separate it.

They're both great games, but I don't think any level from 2 tops the companion cube level from the first game.
It's just so brilliantly cruel and well done.

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>But considering they're the ones, through Cave Johnson and even GLaDOS, that make the connection to Half-Life, it seems weird that they'd then want to separate it.

Considering Episode 2 ends with Gordon going after the Borealis, I assume the original plan was to do a hard cross-over but that got scrapped when they decided Portal should get a sequel, thus why they had to patch the ending of 1 so Chell gets dragged back in.

Still sad about what Prey 2 could've been. Maybe it would've been kinda run of the mill due to the tech at the time but I think the concept is really good. Such a shame that no dev has really used it.

I enjoyed 1 a lot more. 2 is still great. Fuck 2 for having moving portals though.

That's another thing. If it's so far in the future, how is Chell alive? Obviously Aperture is FUTURE SCIENCE but even for that universe it seems weird that they mastered life-extension.

Cyro sleep prevents aging, Half-Life isn't 100% hard science so don't worry about it.

Remember when Chell was being hailed as some sort of progressive icon for being a vaguely brown woman? Those were the days.

Every line in 1 is fucking masterful.
>The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Weighted Companion Cube cannot speak.
>In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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You mean Alex? Chell was made whiter in Portal 2.

2 had a better story, voice acting, mechanics, co op, level design, complexity, and custom levels. How is this even a question???

What exactly does the player create in Portal 1, you pseud?

Not true.
Wheatley, good and evil
Cave Johnson, young and old
Glados, evil, potato, good, friend

Valve has great dialog writers, I was playing Left 4 Dead with some friends the other day and one of my friends was thrown into a stupor after we hearing Francis say "I hate Ayn Rand." after passing the Atlas statue in Dead Air.

I don't actually remember that sort of discussion for Valve games. Likely because the characters are actually well written but I've never seen anyone say that their black or female characters are sort of virtue signalling or token. Like my one eyed boy.

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Every valve game takes place in the same universe canonically.

Valve has a thing for bullied assistants.

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The only part of either game that stood out to me was Old Aperture. Fuck, while I liked the Portal games but think they're barely above-average, Old Aperture is ATMOSPHERIC.


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wtf where is that from

>50,000 years later

Thats not actually proven. Just a theory. If it was 50,000 years later, I think the moon would be a lot farther away than as seen as in the end of portal 2 as the moon moves away from the earth by a small distance per year.

I don't know if they still do. They'd have to actually make a game for us to see. But for a long time, I think Valve had the best writers in the industry. They could do drama, comedy, every line was memorable, every character was distinct and filled with personality. The absurd amount of lines in TF2 is a good example.
The movie is Big Hero 6, with a Demoman edit. Here's Frozen.

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It was a spit balled number from the writer, he doesn't seem to give a shit beyond "it's been a long ass time"

Is this what we're doing?

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>The Virgin Namedrop
Tries to slip in the title in the middle of some random dialogue, hoping no one notices it
>The Chad Namedrop
Straight up uses the logo

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What a shitty fucking comic. Good lord.

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I think it was my fault. Started to talk about TF2 instead of focusing on Portal. Sorry everyone.

Seems rather odd that the pretentious writers painfully perfect every tiny detail and then go on to miss this very huge detail.

it was broken you god damn pillocks, literally the entire facility is breaking in the beginning and SOMEHOW, that sequence is the one thing thats accurate?
Thats dumb as fuck, and if you believe it, your also dumb as fuck.
Portal 2 either takes place before or after combines and nobody knows for sure.

It's an irrelevant detail though. Writers do that all the fucking time.

Portal 2 takes place after an undefined amount of time after everything in the Half-Life series happened.

I honestly prefer 2 more despite its flaws.
1 is, I don't know, primitive? Boring after the first time. 2 is constantly throwing new stuff at you and has a far stronger presentation.

can I get a quick rundown?

1 doesn't have much going plot-wise, but the puzzles are better in the sense that they aren't designed with retards using console controllers in mind.

Same, he's just plain grating and distracting, so I normally replay Portal 1 instead just to avoid him and mess with portal puzzles.

Portal 2 didn't have the same feel as the first game, and the humour got grating.
The first game had its silly aspects, but it was nowhere near as "wacky" as Portal 2, and even worse, the co-op story.
All the focus on Glados as a character, *who* she is rather than *what* she is, kind of killed the mystery and charm surrounding her from the first game.

I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the second game's story and characters, and I know many people like the second more here, but it just didn't have the same appeal that the first had.

Every time you think Portal 2 is going to get interesting it dumps more story on you and then resets the difficulty curve. It's infuriating and makes the game feel like one long tutorial.

The first game always had its own charm, very much like Shadow of The Colossus, and a little bit like PS2 GTA titles.

Talos Principle patrician choice

TF2 comics. Ms Pauling, lady in purple, is the Administrator's assistant who pretty much never gets any acknowledgement of her hard work and is pushed around by her boss and Saxton. That last image is just a joke when the TF2 mercs defeat TFC mercs.

Portal 1 had the player all alone in a strange environment with only a robot voice to guide them. It felt alone, isolated and mysterious. The soundtrack also reflected this.

Both soundtracks are their own achievements, and I don't think I'll ever forget the Portal 2 ARG.

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I fucking hate Portal 2 if for no other reason than they decided to turn glad0s into a catty bitch FOR NO FUCKING REASON and SOMEHOW everyone just went along with it and pretend that's what glad0s was always like.

>tfw we probably won't get a Portal 3

It was great once upon a time, along with every blog update the site did.
But of course the guy doing those left the company like all the other talent.

2 was fun for co-op and community maps.

Why would anyone want a Portal 2? What is there for Portal that Portal 1 and 2 haven't done?

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Other than this VR stuff, I mean. They've already done everything they could other than a PvP multiplayer gamemode.

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What was f-stop going to be?

Wasn't it some sort of perspective fuckery? Like picking up an object that's far away, from the player's perspective it didn't change size but if the player then moved in the room, the item would now be much larger.

With all the sci-fi stuff they keep shoving into Danger Zone, they might as well remove it from CSGO and make it a Half-Life 2 BR spin-off.

1 has better atmosphere and puzzles
2 has better mechanics, multiplayer, and customizability

What have they added? I've only played the first map back when it came out, but I did see that they have some sounds from Half-Life 2 in the new map.

>like 50,000 years later
hahahahaha fuck no nigga
aperture would be dust in 50,000 years, it's more like a couple decades

A couple decades would place it around HL-2 which would go against the peaceful Earth we see at the end.

There's no way to know where the Combine built their cities. HL2 is in Eastern Europe, and that's the capital. It could very well be that nobody was allowed to live near Aperture, potentially because it was classified a warzone

They added the HL1 jump boots, and "bump mines" that let you essentially stickyjump.