Other urls found in this thread:
it was all hifumi's fault celestia's plan failed, i wish she lived instead of the weed dude or the swimmer girl
What a shit case
indeed, worst case of the game.
sad for yasuhiro because the character had potential.
whatever Taeko.
>how easy it was to figure out Celes's "Queen of Liars" plan because of how out of character she was acting. If you somehow didn't catch on how suspicious she was before investigation even started, it takes her no less than 2 minutes to start throwing accusations around in the trial at ever turn
>Ishimaru's development is cut short and nothing comes from his character in the murder plot at all. His transformation is never explained
>The cast mourns Hifumi over Ishimaru, even Asahina goes to cry over Hifumi's body over him
>that gay man totally raped me. Please avenge me Hifumi, I need those vampire butlers
What an absolute shitshow of a case.
>The cutest girl is completely nuts.
[Student e-Handbook]>
It's right there on your student ID you fucking pathetic excuse for an "ultimate" gambler!
Now go die in a fire.
2 > V3 > 1
but yasuhiro lives
>"Hmm...Ishimaru managed to recover from his loss,i wonder how his story evolves"
Goddamnit Kodaka
They had to survive until the end. Someone has to be a dumbass during class trials.
>danganshitters at it again
>game bad
Yikes. Work for your (You)s a little more
>characters start calling Chihiro a "he" right after discovering she had a dick
Why was Danganronpa so problematic and insensitive?
One day mankind shall undergo a great awakening, and when that day comes the world will be blessed with more porn of this character. More porn of all sorts, of all fetishes and all mediums. Man will know peace.
This game predates "you can choose your sex organ" insanity that overtook society.
I love Ibooky!
>Chihiro is actually royalty
Seconds since danganlosers last broke containment to waifupost on Yea Forums: 0
>reverse anal rape
Beautiful. Still my favorite DR hentai
What does a pepeposter care about the quality of Yea Forums? Like you have room to complain.
best girl
> /:O
Emoticons aren't welcome here
I made my post shit on purpose just like Kodaka made V3 shit on purpose.
Name a more bro tier character. I'll wait.
You got that right, Big Mac!
Because Chihiro doesn't identify as female, but presents as such for entirely utilitarian purposes you absolute retard.
Based Tokobro
Fucked up how this was probably the best voice acting in DR1's dub but it was only for one scene
The characters did not know this though
Taka was pretty based before Mondo fucked him
It was pretty good. Celestia's voice was really hot in general
I honestly hate Chapter 3 Taka, he was far cooler before all the Mondo shit
>effeminate male actually wishes to embrace his masculinity and wants to improve himself so he can take pride in his own body
>this enrages the AGP egg troon
I love this midget's design. His sprites are great.
>useless in trials
>no personality outside of being an overblown caricature
>kills a man in grief because his white knight instincts tell him it will get him laid
Is there a more worthless character in the entire franchise than this piece of shit?
He was /ourguy/. I love comedic fat otaku characters and there's nothing you can do about it
Imagine if this shit-sucker died first and Sayaka or Leon got time to develop.
>useless in trials
>no personality
congrats you describe most of the cast in this series
When it comes to being comedic and relatable, weedman has him beat in every sense of the word.
Kys pothead
Yasuhiro survives the entire series without contributing anything of value, aside from being a scheming scam artist.
I would have preferred for Yasuhiro to be the killer instead of Leon, it would make sense for him to have the easiest case since he's an idiot
How long until this series fizzles out of popularity? It's pretty obvious we're never getting another game.
>survives DR1
>has waifu adventures during UDG while evading killer robots
>dodges a fucking attack helicopter in DR3
The real Ultimate Lucky Student, without the drawbacks of being gay or having a terminal illness
he takes apart a monokuma
he also glasses sakura
>has waifu adventures during UDG while evading killer robots
He did?
it's the eastern homestuck, there's no way it'll ever fizzle out completely.
>tranny fucker admits he just dresses as a woman to manipulate people
the game was too redpilled
Did nothing wrong.
I think he spent UDG fucking around with Leon's sister or something
Terasawa, one of the producers for the series since DR1 and writer for the v3 postgame mentioned that he was gearing for the series future and "leaving hints" in an interview done this year. The only thing we have in regards to hints is Kodaka mentioning he wants a DR fighting game to be made (but specifically mentions that he doesn't want to be the one to make it), and there have been a lot of DR1 merch being made. Along with the series 10th anniversary coming up next year, some people are speculating it be be either a fighting game or a game featuring the first game's cast.
As long as waifus exist in our hearts, Danganronpa will never disappear
>Sayaka was just pretending to care about Makoto to use him
>Celeste pretends she was raped to manipulate a lonely dude into feeling bad for her
It really was
I'll give you that, it is odd that they would bother releasing merch for the first games characters when DRV3 was the most recent release. It's also funny that Kodaka has a dream game for his baby, yet doesn't want to create it. Ultimate troll, build an empire and then walk away from it.
It'd be interesting to have a DR beat-em-up where you can recruit characters from across the entire series. Hell, if they're really gonna do something with the first games cast, I honestly wouldn't complain if they did the resurrection games instead of the killing games.
>UDH is non-canon and most didn't bother to read it
Damn shame, it was rather interesting and gave some actual character development to Leon. I felt kinda bad for him and his cousin by the end of it.
Ishimaru is the best. I would not have guessed prior to his freetime events.
Reminder to play Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Its pretty good
Reminder that it's not necessary at all to play Ultra Despair Girls
You miss out on nothing and it's kind of a waste of time
It has the best villain and character writing in the series, and what it establishes about the Tragedy is the closest Junko ever gets to being a credible villain before DR3 goes full retard
Almost ruined the whole series for me desu
pleb detected
It's a shame about the gameplay
>create game series that comments on the dangers of japan's meritocratic system forcing people to devote their lives lives to their obligated work rather than any sort of happiness
>otakus dont care and instead focus on their waifus and wacky memes
>roll with this and make a game calling out people who live their lives through anime and video games, turning a creative vision into a soulless product made for the purpose of sating the masses who need a friend simulator
>otakus cry and stamp their feet, then claim they are big brained and the game wasn't insulting them, then clamor for a fighting game cashgrab and more funkopops of their favorite dangans
You know, Japan seems like a kind of shitty place to live the more I think about it.
I don't follow drama, what happened?
>Gets completely mind broken just by being groped.
How could someone this weak exist?
have any of you other guys seen celestia have a sprite like this? I'm thinkin she did it.
I already did. It was my favorite story, I absolutely loved Komaru and Toko
Komaru is for Makoto
t. Komaru
>you will never repopulate the earth with your favorite dangans
It hurts
>resurrection games
I need imnformation on this.
It's not real user, I was saying I'd be fine with a game where you brought characters back to life through some way or another. Sorry to get your hopes up.
Danganronpa All-Stars for PS4/PS5.
16 All-Stars get in. Who would SC choose?
Terasawa wants to make a Zanki Zero sequel and anime over a new DR
>Sayaka was just pretending to care about Makoto
Atleast play the game you retard
1. Makoto Naegi
2. Kyoko Kirigiri
3. Byakuta Togami
4. Toko Fukawa
5. Hajime Hinata
6. Nagito Komaeda
7. Chiaki Nanami
8. Fuyuhiki Kuzuryu
9. Kazuichi Soda
10. Kaede Akamatsu
11. Shuichi Saihara
12. Kaito Momota
13. Maki Harukawa
14. Kokichi Ouma
15. K1-B0
16. Tsumugi Shirogane
"MUH 11037"
That is purely Kyoko's theory. Sayaka could have just been a spiteful bitch taking Leon down with her.
>wasting a slot on Tsumugi when there are tons of other based characters like Fatgami Gundam and Korekiyo
Makoto, Kyoko, Byakuya, Junko, Hajime, Chiaki, Nagito, Izuru, Kyosuke, Chisa, Juzo, Tengan, Shuichi, Kokichi, Kiibo and Tsumugi
Does the character have to be alive/survived the killing he/she was in?
>Kyoko is wrong because I said so
Dumbass retard being outed for not playing the game.
I just picked more plot relevant ones. I agree, fuck Tsumugi
>not including actual fighting characters like Sakura and Peko
Also Junko would definitely be on the roster since she is the main villain of the series.
Good. Danganronpa is garbage that needs to stay dead.
Yeah you right. I shouldn't of left her out
>wanting to create a sequel for a game that barely made a splash
lol, way to listen.
Sakura and Peko aren't all star worthy. This is a more all star worthy cast even though i hate most of them and this idea
>hey let's not improve on said game with its sequel and lure more people in with the anime
You're good with business ideas. Remember that DR only became more popular because of the anime.
>Hajime and Izuru separate
And it's still niche shit that's a literal bug compared to Persona lmao.
>what is cloning
>not having the guy who rekt the killing game and the more promoted guy
They did know this because Mondo and Monokuma explain Chihiro wanted to be seen as a man
Fuck, I finally realized why both Ishimaru and Hajime have the same transformation, I feel like such a retard now.
It's because Ishimaru took in Mondo's spirit to help him recover, and Hajime took in Chiaki's spirit to help him recover and persevere
Izuru is a literal nothing character who has no bearing on anything in any game he appears in, he's just a background plot device like Hopebot.
I still chuckle at people who thought V3 would sell more copies than P5.
Nope, this happens AFTER they start calling him with male pronouns
>being this retarded and ignorant of the story
Last (You) from me shitposter-kun
This game was made in 2010. Just 9 years ago, people didn't invest nearly as much thought in pronouns, because you just are what you are. Until doctors realized pills for evening people out aren't as profitable as body altering surgeries.
Anime is always a mistake, besides they scared of a good chunk of their target audience with the censorship BS. Unless they put the sequel on the switch where based nintendo won't bring the hammer on them I say consider it a failure and move on to the next IP.
Sides I thought DR gained the most popularity through word of mouth and autists cosplaying. Hell, Junko is one of the top most popular cosplays.
It'd be the survivors of each game (except V3 would be all 5 from the final trial)
>Makoto Naegi
>Kyoko Kirigiri
>Byakuya Togami
>Aoi Asahina
>Toko Fukawa
>Yasuhiro Hagakure
>Hajime Hinata
>Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
>Kazuichi Souda
>Sonia Nevermind
>Akane Owari
>Shuichi Saihara
>Maki Harukawa
>Himiko Yumeno
>Tsumugi Shirogane
16 people. The odd one out of the 16 is Tsumugi, who isn't a survivor but a Mastermind
>picks Smoogi
>and not Junko
You may as well pick the major villain of multiple titles.
That would be incredibly limiting.
Pretty fair roster. Just let it be survivors. The ones good enough to survive a killing game are the true all stars
I chose Tsumugi because she was in the final trial. Technically speaking, everybody lost the final trial.
>Sides I thought DR gained the most popularity through word of mouth and autists cosplaying. Hell, Junko is one of the top most popular cosplays.
No. It was literally the DR1 anime that got this series popular in the first place. Normies began jumping on the train at that point. Before then it was still a literal who
Nope, trans people always existed, stop trying to justify your bigotry
>I chose Tsumugi because she was in the final trial
So was Junko
Trans people are a fad that will die out in the future
In the way mental illness has always existed, yes absolutely.
No, that was Tsumugi acting as Junko by proxy, like how Ki-Boy acts as Makoto by proxy
>besides they scared of a good chunk of their target audience with the censorship BS. Unless they put the sequel on the switch where based nintendo won't bring the hammer on them I say consider it a failure and move on to the next IP.
You mean they scared away a vocal minority. But either way the sequel should move to the Switch because fuck Sony
>what is DR1
Did you only play V3?
The third main series game, Dr v3 has an ending that comes off as insulting the audience so this user was posting his theory as to what the ending was about.
It's not so much a fad, but the undeveloped science that incorrectly identifies the symptoms as "Yes, that guy is actually a woman in a man's body" and not "this person is chemically imbalanced and needs medication to accept their actual body.
Learn to read
In my post, I said I kept everybody from the final trial for V3 in specific. For 1 and 2 it's just the actual survivors.
Taeko deserved way better and so did Ishimaru
Sure it was Kyoko's theory, but the fact that it was put in there at all was probably to suggest it being true. Also Sayaka hangs out with and has feelings for Makoto before the motive drived her to kill. The attempted framing of Makoto was just going to be another of the terrible things she'd done to ensure her being an idol.
>no hidden Izuru by pressing a specific combination on Hajime
>no hidden Mukuro by pressing a specific combination on Junko
>Fuyuhiko isn't DLC on his own despite being a perfect ranged fighter using firearms
You're blaming Hifumi more than Celeste?
based leon shutting down incest
Initial Fighters
>Makoto Naegi
>Kyoko Kirigiri
>Aoi Asahina
>Toko Fukawa/Genocider Syo
>Sakura Oogami
>Hajime Hinata
>Nagito Komaeda
>Chiaki Nanami (/w moves that feature Monomi)
>Peko Pekoyama (/w moves that feature Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu)
>Gundham Tanaka
>Shuichi Saihara
>Maki Harukawa
>K1-B0 (/w moves that feature Miu Iruma)
>Tenko Chabashira (/w moves that feature Himiko Yumeno)
>Ryoma Hoshi
>Junko Enoshima & Monokuma
>Komaru Naegi
>Mukuro Ikusaba
>Monaca Towa
>Kokichi Ouma
>Akane Owari (/w moves that feature MEcha-Nekomaru Nidai)
>Kiyotaka Ishimaru/Kiyondo
And let's not forget the golden sword she had him keep in his room for his protection. The same sword that helped screw her over.
But she totally didn't care about him
Yeah none of you really know what an all star cast is like.
So I elect that everyone from TDP should just be playable
You learn to read because I was well aware of that
That's basically the demo. Weedfag is the first victim and fat otaku the the first killer. My god how would I loved if the actual game was like that instead of allowing weedfucker to survive until the end (literally anybody else but Hifumi would have been better)
might as well just go with this
If you know what I said, why would I include Junko? She wasn't a survivor and the only reason the final trial cast of V3 is included is because everybody lost that trial, and nobody was supposed to survive.
add all of the monokids just kind of stacked on top of each other so they aren't too short and it's perfect
Actually what's funny is the staff working with Kodaka ended up loving the demo scenario a lot more than the main scenario.
A 16 character roster for a game with as many characters as Danganronpa is extremely restrictive, desu.
You're arguing apples and oranges at this point user
That's why it should go all out or don't go for it at all because it will flop
No, I'm restating why I included Tsumugi and Keebo in the first place despite stating I'd include only survivors. You're the dumbass who's asking 'Where's Junko' despite my explanations.
You didn't explain anything though?
I did retard. See Why the fuck did you keep asking for Junko, I still don't get that
wtf is that thing on her finger anyway?
user you're literally backpedalling now because you didn't explain this before.
Backpedalling what? What do I need to explain?
if a new DR game happens it will probably be in some au like tdp also i hope it's not on ps5
Your stance which you haven't explained
The original director of the series left Spike Chunsoft, so it's not like next game in series would be any good even if it was ever made.
I established my stance on my inclusion of the V3 Final Five in my original post.
2019, still the best asshole
DanganRonpa went to shit after the first game. People only liked the second for >le hope man.
You can tell the exact point in DR2 the series wont recover and Kodaka will always be Japanese J.K Rowling.
>new Danganronpa game
>preview is the original Monokuma Theater with him saying something about not trusting
>trailer comes out
Fully fledged version of the original Distrust concept in an AU remake of DR1 with mechanics from 2 and V3 added in
>DR1 Love Hotel
>multiple different trials for each chapter
>there is a way to survive with all 15 people
It's a pipe dream, but I would gladly wait out the decade it'd take to write that shit
Oh, by multiple different trials, I mean alternate trials within each chapter
They are both to blame but I hate Hifumi and love Celes
>queen of lies
>completely breaks down under pressure
what a joke
The DR games sucked because of Kodaka.
Which one would you like the most random killing based on motive or based on trust or maybe both
Based on trust, like the original Distrust concept
Also, I'd kill for a romancing option just because I want to fuck Chihiro so badly and make him /fit/
This. They really should have ended it after DR1.
I would honestly be completely fine with a DR1 reboot with a new writer or maybe Kitayama in charge. I would also hope Makoto or Kyoko or both dies this time.
I get that the idea is that anybody can die at any moment and life is fragile and all that but, cmon, kill the 2 characters that no one likes first and give the others at least a bit more time to develop
Which characters would end up fucking Makoto in this love hotel?
he was an idiot
kyoko and mukuro
will the character only trust you or do you want some npc on npc event so they build trust on eachother?
>It's a pipe dream, but I would gladly wait out the decade it'd take to write that shit
Honestly with the right writer, lead, team and budget, this is all possible especially since Distrust didn't work out because the PSP wasn't strong enough to handle what they wanted to do. But now that they have stronger hardware like PS4 and eventually PS5, they would be able to make this work. And there was a scrapped DR1 ending including in the DR3 BDs which had the option of all the students surviving so clearly they did explore the possibilities of multiple paths where all the students could survive.
ehh he was okay feel like they were pushing him as a bro to hard but he almot got makis pussy thats pretty based
What was Delta's problem?
I love that guy
he singlehandedly pulls the shitshow that is dr2 out of the gutter
i liked she was actually worried about shuichi after the first trial kinda sad it didnt last long
I liked the message Kodaka was going for but still I do gotta agree with you especially after playing 1. Just makes you think how things would have gone if the demo scenario was the main scenario instead. It must have been good seeing as the staff preferred it over what happened in the actual game.
do I even need to say it?
I'll make educated guesses based on their characters
>Sakura wouldn't because she's already in love
I imagine it'd be like an expansion of the FTEs in addition to stuff like multiple choices. Remember the thing where the game asks if you'll tell Kyoko about Sakura and how that doesn't matter? Imagine if it did matter, and happened multiple times in each chapter with different survivors.
I'd also like to add that your influence gauge should increase in comparison to how many survivors trust you
The all students survive CG was in DR1 as well, you needed to win the Escape Button from the Mono Mono machine in order to buy it though
Imagine giving a character the title of "Queen of lies" and when her moment to shine comes you just fucking forget it completely
Sayaka and probably Toko(thinking Makoto is Byakuya)
couldn't agree more, he and hajime carried the game
Delta could have made things a lot simpler on himself. Was he autistic?
Ishimaru because "bonds between men". He wants to strip him in his FTEs anyway.
DR2 is the best one, fool.
Nigga I don't think most of those characters would do that. If that's your best educated guess, then you kinda suck at it.
>your influence gauge should increase in comparison to how many survivors trust you
that sound so fucking cool
Or at least different routes with different survivors depending on your choices
Don’t samefag
>The all students survive CG was in DR1 as well, you needed to win the Escape Button from the Mono Mono machine in order to buy it though
Exactly. So clearly the idea of all of them surviving was a path that was played around with by the team when they were developing DR1 but they had to scrap it because of space since once again they were working with the PSP and it's limitations.
Those limitations would go away if they remade it for the current or even next gen hardware.
hajime was pretty good i like how in v3 characters actually depend on shuichi even if in was a liltle
I've been seeing a lot of Danganronpa threads suddenly. I really hope this does not mean there is a fourth mainline game coming out. It usually does, e.g. with Borderlands 3 and every other sequel of a popular title.
Don't besmirch a bond between men with such vulgarity. His intensity is not motivated by something so flimsy.
>I imagine it'd be like an expansion of the FTEs in addition to stuff like multiple choices. Remember the thing where the game asks if you'll tell Kyoko about Sakura and how that doesn't matter? Imagine if it did matter, and happened multiple times in each chapter with different survivors.
>I'd also like to add that your influence gauge should increase in comparison to how many survivors trust you
What's sad is I've seen other VNs that have done something similar to this before but with smaller budget yet DR couldn't pull this off. Just makes it seem like a shame
I'm not, I don't think 2 sucks at all but I do believe nagito was the best part
>Celeste (if tricked by a bet about who cums first)
>Aoi (just to practice how to fuck for his future boyfriend)
The other ones are situational like Junko fucking him so she can cuck him later because "MUH DESPAIR"
nah some decent size stream is playing trough the main games maybe is that? not complaining tho i love danganronpa
I wonder if Taka ever found a girl attractive.
I can just see the writers doing something with Celeste's gambling habits to make it so that she tries to fuck him.
Aoi seems like she's into a lot of weird shit and her last FTE with 'Pretend BF' was getting there
Byakuya is fujo appeal
Chihiro is Chihiro
Mukuro wants to fuck Makoto in officially sanctioned fanfiction
There would also be other stuff, like if somebody who trusts you a lot dies, it should cause your influence gauge to decrease back to the normal size, since you hung around them a lot and would be a prime suspect.
I hope this is what SpikeChun have been working on honestly. They've been quiet on new DR projects since V3's Japanese release back in January 2017, and it has been 2 and a half years since. The only thing that ever happened was that call for new employees for a DR related project (unless that VR demo happened after V3, can't recall).
Yeah. That would have been much better. Gives you more freedom like in the Zero Escape games.
2 > V3 > 1
Nah DR is dead. It's just shitposters creating these threads on here instead of going back to their containment board on /vg/
>The other ones are situational like Junko
You mean Mukuro. Mukuro would 100% fuck him. She goes soft by the end of her FTE's.
what's so funny? not trying to waifufag it up i'm just giving an option
Nice fanfic but none of those characters would do that
>Peko’s love hotel would just be her mistaking Hajime for Fuyuhiko.
Something probably happened to revitalize interest for a while.
I remember when Joseph Anderson played the trilogy back in late 2018 there were quite a few threads as well.
It's really transparent how the other characters felt about Ishimaru and Mondo's relationship.
Ishimaru also daydreams about Mondo naked in the manga.
>Aoi seems like she's into a lot of weird shit and her last FTE with 'Pretend BF' was getting there
That doesn't really mean much. I mean will you ignore the whole Sayaka asking Makoto if he had a girlfriend and telling him to ask her if she had a boyfriend bit? Because it's the same shit.
>Byakuya is fujo appeal
Weak reasoning.
>Chihiro is Chihiro
Which is why he wouldn't do it.
>Mukuro wants to fuck Makoto in officially sanctioned fanfiction
Fanfiction is still fanfiction so it wouldn't happen
Oh right I forgot about her,i was talking about the actual Junko
>ProJared will never finish his playthrough of DR1
I mean, acting like it's gay is for a cheap laugh. I don't really think that's evidence of anything underneath except the judgmental nature of everybody else.
>The only thing that ever happened was that call for new employees for a DR related project (unless that VR demo happened after V3, can't recall).
You mean this? gematsu.com
They've been quiet about it because the series is dead. Terasawa himself is more interested in moving Zanki Zero more with a sequel and anime than he is about making a new DR game.
And not just Zanki Zero, but he also wants to make new IPs in general.
The whole Love Hotel situation is fanfic...
If you're talking about the actual reasoning then Celeste is more of a stretch and Aoi is solely based in FTEs
Aren't they done with the series? Makes me sad
>You mean Mukuro. Mukuro would 100% fuck him. She goes soft by the end of her FTE's.
Mukuro would not fuck him because he's not Junko.
Your option is delusional.
>watching JosephAnderson's Danganronpa streams
The worst time of my life, I want my happiness back.
>I mean will you ignore the whole Sayaka asking Makoto if he had a girlfriend and telling him to ask her if she had a boyfriend bit?
I speedread Sayaka's shit because I never liked her
>Weak reasoning.
You underestimate the power of Fujo money to change reality. The last few Detective Conan films were made specifically to appeal to Fujos.
>Fanfiction is still fanfiction so it wouldn't happen
DR If is the only actual representation we have of Mukuro's character outside of FTEs in 1 and Talent Development in V3. And no, her depiction in DR3 doesn't count
I mean it was just Weedman saing that wasn't it?
Pretty sure the IF story revealed Mukuro's soft spot for Makoto. Mukuro being completely blind to everyone else for Junko was a DR3 development.
Yeah, that.
Thought it would've been UDG2 or a fighting game but nothing came of it.
I'm interested in Zanki Zero actually. Only thing I heard about it was removing loli and shota content in some extra stuff. Is the localization worth it (and has it even come out yet)?
>If you're talking about the actual reasoning then Celeste is more of a stretch and Aoi is solely based in FTEs
If we're going by FTEs then a good chunk of them would do it as well..
They are. You should be happy.
IF is non canon fanfiction, DR0 and DR3 is the canon Mukuro and there she's a slobbering Junkofag. So yeah. Your argument went out the window.
Danganronpa 2 is so much better.
That's why it's entire cast brought back to life lol
i'm just going based on DR1s friendship link, also the talent development shit in v3. its an option, at this point all the girls are
>why didn't Peko go out the door
>the game lied to me
>I speedread Sayaka's shit because I never liked her
So then shut the fuck up about things you don't know about because you sound like an ignorant dumbass.
>You underestimate the power of Fujo money to change reality. The last few Detective Conan films were made specifically to appeal to Fujos.
Your retarded argument gets more retarded.
>DR If is the only actual representation we have of Mukuro's character outside of FTEs in 1 and Talent Development in V3. And no, her depiction in DR3 doesn't count
It's clear as day you're a delusional Mukurofag. IF isn't canon.
Can we throw away DR3 instead?
>Jesus, Criteria, and the Demise of Authenticity (2012)
>The Coming of the Third Reich (2003)
>Mein Kampf (1925)
>Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)
Be aware, none of these books have any anime titties to look at, so you'll have to chomp down on the ritalin and buckle in! Done? Good!
>SIDE TRIVIA - hope in latin is spero, take a wild guess what despero is. Despair can't exist without hope
>The 78th class entered in 2010 as seen by the Yea Forums thread in the DR1 prologue, this puts the "first class" in the year 1932, the very same year Unit 731 was founded
>Before the release of V3, Kodaka lied that the "V" stood for victory, in the same vein of "V-day". V-day (or defeat day for Japan) fell on August 15th, which is also Tsumugi's birthday
>Further, Amami took place in the previous Danganronpa game, V2. Rantaro's birthday falls on the first successful launch of the German V2 rocket. V in this case means "Vergeltungswaffe" or "vengeance weapon"
>Tsumugi proudly declares that her killing game was the perfect copycat of Junko Enoshima. Junko's killing game was made up of unwilling participants from a school where recruiters came to students rather than taking their applications. The V3 prologue shows the cast as randoms who were sought out and kidnapped off the street to be forced into the killing game.
>Saihara is absolutely shocked at how out-of-character he, Kaede, and Kaito act on the audition tape. The only possible place we see in-game the audition tapes could be filmed is Tsumugi's research lab, the gym is too mossy and the classrooms have chairs and shit
>I mean, acting like it's gay is for a cheap laugh.
How so? The game portrays it as pretty tragic more than anything else: He willingly puts his life on the line to save him in the second trial, and especially with the scene where Ishimaru asking Naegi to go see Alter Ego alone.
No, the other characters think it too.
DR3? That never existed user, you're delusional.
None of those are canon you retard. DR0/DR3 is the canon Mukuro and she is a Junkofag there. Your idea is dumb.
>I'm interested in Zanki Zero actually. Only thing I heard about it was removing loli and shota content in some extra stuff. Is the localization worth it (and has it even come out yet)?
It's still mostly the same game. Honestly the story there is a lot better than DR's story which was a mess especially after DR1. I do worry that they might end up going full retard with ZZ's story if they make the sequel.
I guess you'll never understand. Brotherhood can be a touching thing too. It doesn't all have to be about dicks in asses to be moving.
You can cry all you like but it's canon just like your waifu Mukuro being shit is also canon.
You can also still want to be gay with your best bro too. You can have your cake and eat it too.
It's not canon if it doesn't exist
>two of the most delusional characters in the game think the relationship is gay
does she eat ass?
Like I said. You just don't get it. How sad.
an autist masquerading as an intellectual game critic
>>Further, Amami took place in the previous Danganronpa game, V2. Rantaro's birthday falls on the first successful launch of the German V2 rocket. V in this case means "Vergeltungswaffe" or "vengeance weapon"
I want to see V2 so badly
Just finished with the main campaign for Danganronpa 1. Should I bother with Dangan Academy or move on to the second game?
all the best characters in danganronpa are the dead. why the hell would you leave out komaeda, miu, junko, and kokichi.
Go back to your sheds.
Tenko is for Himiko only!!!!!!
>all the best characters in danganronpa are the dead. why the hell would you leave out komaeda, miu, junko, and kokichi.
All those characters you picked sucked.
>hopeman is a naezonofag
great taste
I hope you aren't a Sakurafag, user. That's even lower.
Dangan Academy is just to finish up Free Time Events with other characters and to develop a bond with them to get their underwear.
If you don't feel the need to learn more about the characters and are content with your knowledge, move on to DR2.
An All Stars game implies it would be previous game winners, not cancerman, slut, died twice and Mr Caused The Deaths of 4 People Including Himself
>hating on Sakura
Mukurofags have shit taste which explains why they like Mukuro
they're the stars of their games, and they're involved in the best cases of all three games, aside from junko, who I shouldn't explain why she would be in.
>girl who butters Naegi up just to immediately frame him for murder
You are a tool if you still like Sakura.
She doesn't eat ass, she devours it
Which girl in this series enjoys being with black men?
Kaede, Chiaki and Kyoko
And they're dead losers who couldn't survive a single killing game. Rantaro might have died but atleast he survived a killing game prior to his second game.
>star of the game
You can have her as your waifu or whatever, user, but don't lie like that
>An All Stars game implies it would be previous game winners, not cancerman, slut, died twice and Mr Caused The Deaths of 4 People Including Himself
This. They aren't all stars. Fucking Rantaro is more of an all star than those guys based on this
if the game is only going to only include the survivors, then maybe the game shouldn't exist. the survivors of DR2 and DR3 are so weak that I don't see a reason why they would be in any future game.
>retard gets Sakura mixed with Sayaka and even then literally gets Sayaka's character wrong
This is pure brainlet the post but what can I expect from a braindead Mukurofag.
Because Monaca is the Mastermind and they retconned DR3
Rantaro is only a star due to technicality and offscreen shenanigans. He wouldn't be in any kind of "best of" scenario when he died in the first fucking case.
most of the cast sucked pretty hard, you tell me the most interesting characters was anyone other than kokichi and miu then you would be lying.
yeah while mukuro only teamed up with junko to kill many people, start the tragedy and get makoto and co thrown in a killing game
So if they made a prequel to V3, call it V2. Would Rantaro be the protagonist then? Actually, I wonder where the story could go with that kind of set up.
Sayaka, Sakura, who can keep all these jap names straight anyhow?
My wife is for me, thank you very much.
cringe and incestpilled
He really does.
>Sayaka's ass showing
There's nothing interesting about Miu. You just want to fuck her, retard
I wanted to wring that fuckers neck when he started acting all high and mighty towards hajime. Go back to self-loathing you cretin.
>hating on mukuro
I like mukuro, she got the shit end of the stick in DR1 and it's funny how IF and 0 make you wish she had gotten more screen time. I'd love to see an OVA for IF, it's a damn shame they haven't made it already. Lotta good scenes.
>both creators shit on their own series and leave them in the dust to start their own studio and fuck each other
I hated ZTD and DR is dead, but damn if those two aren't absolute madmen, I'm actually a little hyped for the games they'll make.
The protagonist wouldn't be Rantaro, it'd be somebody else who escapes, since Rantaro sacrifices himself.
The difference is Mukuro could have turned a new leaf if she survived. A redemption story is nice. Meanwhile Sayaka throws you immediately to the dogs.
Offscreen antics aside, the winner is clear.
>I-I can't keep up with the names
Lol just admit you're a dumbass who didn't play the game.
Except I accurately described the events, retard. All the names blur together, for real. It's all gibberish to me.
Doesn't matter. He survived a killing game while Junko, Nagito, Miu and Kokichi did not. He's by technicality more of an all star than them because he's a previous game winner.
>believing Shuichi's speculation
BY fan fiction user is referring to the light novel from dr2 which says that Mukuro has a crush on Makoto because he was the first man to ever smile at her
>ZTD is bad meme
lol. Only Yea Forums thinks this btw
>The difference is Mukuro could have turned a new leaf if she survived. A redemption story is nice. Meanwhile Sayaka throws you immediately to the dogs.
>a mass murderer who "supposedly" can turn over a new leaf over a scared girl who wanted to go save her friends
Please don't procreate. The gene pool is already filled with too many retards as is. You not only played the game. You likely read fanfictions too.
>the absolute state of Mukurofags
>There's nothing interesting about Miu
have you played the game? shes pretty funny, desu.
I'm more a hinafag myself. I like that she's sincere and optimistic (when it's appropriate), which I miss the most from the society we live in today. Everyone is a cynical, ironic smartass nowadays.
Thanks, I'll check it out then.
>Doesn't matter
It absolutely does. "Allstar" games are made for the benefit of real world fans, not fictional universe fans who got to watch Rantaro triumph. You are delusional to assert he's more important than Junko.
Celeste breakdown when she gets cornered in the game and Anime is the best.
Based on Kaito's dialogue, it can be assumed that survivors become famous
You didn't accurately describe anything. You only described how you have the brain of a peanut.
Your waifu is shit and you are mocked over it
Mukuro is mass murdering garbage and deserved to die the way she did. DR0/DR3 makes her death more justified. I love how you hate on Nagito here over Mukuro. Mukurofags are literal scum like their waifu
Oops, got me on a spelling mistake. Boy, the absolute state, right?
Yikes, don't anyone insult this man's waifu. He's got FANGS.
It does matter and none of those guys you listed are all stars. They're losers who couldn't survive a killing game. Sorry but those are facts. All stars are reserved for killing game survivors
Hagakure's a great character
Calm down, Mukurotard. At least your wife will never be as shitty as Ibuki
That was IF. The fanfiction. You retarded ass Mukurofag. It wasn't canon.
>i-it was a mistake!
Lmaooo Mukurofags being as dumb as their girl.
>Calm down, Mukurotard. At least your wife will never be as shitty as Ibuki
But she IS as shitty as Ipoopi. That's why she got gangbanged to death by multiple black rods.
They think that way because they're a good majority of the fans that rallied to get that POS brought into the light of day and how were they rewarded? A grand finale? A spectacular fireworks show? No. A massive lump of unrealized potential. With poor writing, terrible model rigging, boring puzzles, and some of the biggest asspulls in vidya history. Not once did the man try to tie any of his writing into scientific theories like he did with 999 and VLR. That's what made them great! He provided real examples you could google just so you know he wasn't pulling it out of his ass.
It boggles my mind that a creator that could write something as interesting as 999 and VLR shits the bed at the 11th hour.
At best he is funny at times but honestly almost anyone else taking his place as a survivor would have been better
>That's why she got gangbanged to death by multiple black rods.
fucking hell user. i spat out my water reading this
Who kicked this shitposting into overdrive? The thread was doing alright without this.
That was unfunny as fuck. Go back to you know where
>But she IS as shitty as Ipoopi.
Fuck you. Ibuki is literally trash
She was brainwashed by her sister just like the rest of her followers. All she's know is whatever Junko tells her. She'd easily be a top tier girl if she could break free from her control.
Nagito is in full control of is actions and makes poor/evil choices all in the name of creating a warped version of hope.
Hagakure served well as being a red herring, emotional heart and unlikely survivor along with good comic relief. So I'd rather have one person just not die than have him die, though If one of the OG survivors had to go, than sure
>Who kicked this shitposting into overdrive?
Do you realize this is how all Danganronpa thread are, right?
I don't participate in all of them. But it feels kind of forced right now. Like someone is craving drama.
I just want V2 to see how Rantaro was like in class trials and investigations. The demo and that one attraction event in 2017 hinted at his abilities but we never got to see them.
Also wanted to know if he had a waifu in his last game.
It is me though. I love making waifufag fight. Dont blow my cover plx
>It boggles my mind that a creator that could write something as interesting as 999 and VLR shits the bed at the 11th hour.
That's literally DR2 in a nutshell. Atleast VLR was interesting. DR2 was only interesting in 2-5.
Stay assravaged Mukurofag. Your waifu is shit.
>s-she was brainwashed
Mukurofags making up more fanfiction as they go. Pathetic.
O-oh, have fun I guess.
I think the only way I'd accept a new Danganronpa game would be if it was V2, V3 has too much finality to it to make a sequel.
If any of the OG survivors were to die in a reboot, it would be Makoto or Kyoko.
>comparing a mentally ill person who wanted to do the right things in the wrong way to a willing mass murderer who was happily helping the mastermind destroy the world and kill many people
Idk if it would be a game, but I'd love to see V2 in some form. Whether it be a light novel or a manga. I'd say anime but we know how that would go.
Mukurofags are mentally ill. What else is new?
So we can all agree that 1-3 is the worst case in the series right?
nope that would be 2-3
Yes, absolutely, without a doubt.
2-3 was pretty bad too but 1-3 was hilariously bad. You could tell it was her before she was even finished with the murders.
He feels like he was deliberately intended to be as unappealing as possible, so calling him the worst character feels like cheating.
God DR3 was so shit
>Izuru gets retconned to a DinduNuffin
>Chiaki is real now
>Nagito giving a shit about Makoto's luck
>Nagito's luck not making any sense
>Junko becomes a worse character
>everybody becomes a worse character
I unironically liked him more then characters like Kyoko or Maki. They are both so damn boring
>kill the 2 characters that no one likes first
Well the problem with that is it just makes people question why those two characters even exist
Ok, Yea Forums, lets be serious for a moment. Which dangan was the most likely to commit a racial motive murder?
Unfortunately, this. Also it besmirched a character I was keen on.
Celeste could have been an amazing character but they really wasted all of her potential on a terrible murder mystery coupled with a stupid motive that makes zero sense. At least her talent development mode scenes were good.
>>Chiaki is real now
What’s wrong with that? It’s better than her being Chihiro’s dream female body.
I hate that Junko's evil manipulation boiled down to a fucking hypno screen. What a fucking letdown. Some mastermind.
>Izuru gets retconned to a DinduNuffin
He wasn't you literal retard. But we all know you're just that assmad Mukurofag.
Hiyoko but mostly to rile everyone up
This. They were pretty damn boring and what's worse they both lasted the whole game.
I bet they'll say Killer Killer isn't canon.
Also, there's the thing of Future arc (the supposed "grand finale" to the series) essentially being a filler arc.
>At least her talent development mode scenes were good.
It's almost like the students show off their better sides when they aren't forced to kill each other.
Except Junko, Mukuro, Syo and Korekiyo who have always been willingly murderers.
That's a fair point, but when they survive instead of the more appealing characters it's kinda frustrating. I guess the best option would have been to make them better characters in the first place
Syo is more honorable and likable. But Junko and Mukuro are evil scum. Korekiyo is up there but not as bad as those two.
What exact point was that?
>all the survivors besides the character you play as basically survived via dumb luck and contributed nothing to the game
>danganronpa 2
>all the survivors besides the character you play as basically survived via dumb luck and contributed nothing to the game
>danganronpa v3
>all the survivors besides the character you play as basically survived via dumb luck and contributed nothing to the game
Really isn't since Chiaki's entire character was just foreshadowing her existence as an AI and now her being the Ultimate Gamer with no explanation doesn't work.
It fucking sucks since every character had obvious vulnerabilities Junko could expose
>Fuyuhiko (and by extension Peko) was manipulated by Twilight Syndrome Murder Case
>Same goes for Mahiru and by extension Hiyoko
>the first person who gave a shit about Mikan was Junko (in her eyes)
>Nagito wanted Junko to win to create a bigger hope
>Akane's conditions growing up
>Gundham's behaviour
>Izuru is Izuru
DR3 should've been two light novel series rather than two 12 episode anime.
No, Izuru is literally retconned to a dindu nuffin. Back in DR2 they said he killed the Student Council, and they changed that so he didn't kill any of them and was just chilling there.
She was the greed of the entire cast. What more did you want and expected?
Fuck that, give us Danganronpa Loser's Round
to be fair the only character that applies to that in V3 is himiko
How the fuck was he able to lift Tenko, how fucking hard did he kick
Then who was the gluttony of the entire cast?
Most of the characters are losers so put them in too
bruh he jumped
I always wished that there was a new game plus in a Danganronpa game. Doesn't have to be canon but just have all the same characters but events happen a tad differently and the murders are different and the killers/victims might be different. So some of the characters that got killed off early have a chance to shine as well as more content.
>No, Izuru is literally retconned to a dindu nuffin. Back in DR2 they said he killed the Student Council, and they changed that so he didn't kill any of them and was just chilling there.
You blind retard. He literally killed one of the last ones standing. I know Yea Forums doesn't play games but this is sad
>Hitler's hatred of the Jews and eventual enaction of genocide against them came from his belief it was the Jews who sabotaged Germany on the home front and led them to losing World War 1. He believed the Jews fabricated the "big lie" of Ludendorff and the army ultimately bearing responsibility, in doing so memetically spreading such a "colossal untruth" that the public would have no choice but to believe it was earnest, balking at the possibility such a claim would be entirely fabricated
>Not one of the four canonical gospels were written by eyewitnesses and the earliest was written thirty years after the crucifixion of Jesus, and are only really canonical because they corroborate eachother. Every denomination has their own idea about who the real Jesus was.
>Each and every one of Tsumugi's cosplays are branded and labeled, "V3" in the eyes and a very faint white transparency covering the eyes.
>The Party's utter control over all organs of information is their greatest strength, controlling the present, past, and future. The Party solidifies their legitimacy by extending Big Brother's influence farther and farther back into the past while demonizing life before the Revolution so as to make the Party's rule appear more palatable. O'Brien is able to mentally break Winston in Room 101 by imparting the subjective Party philosophy of solipism onto him - the past does not exist in a physical sense, only in the collective memory and writings of a society, and with total control of society, the past is thus subject to the whim of The Party.
>Throughout history, any major chaotic incident has resulted in a vulnerable scapegoat being put to blame, which usually benefits the powers that be. In particular, the jews in Germany faced blame due to their large representation in the leadership of the communist revolutionaries who attempted to overthrow the Weimar Republic in 1918-19.
>now her being the Ultimate Gamer with no explanation doesn't work.
They already explained it in DR3. The AI turned into Chiaki because the cast wanted to see her again.
That would require Kodaka be creative which we know he isn't
You can't kick a lose floorboard.
>Back in DR2 they said he killed the Student Council, and they changed that so he didn't kill any of them and was just chilling there.
I forgot about that. Yes, all the characters being made innocent was such a fucking otaku-pandering move. Fucking otakus can't have any tainted characters who ever did a bad thing in their life because that would make them love them less.
All of it leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. Avoiding character depth for shallowfags to like them.
But that's not true for the first game at all. Byakuya and Kyoko are the ones who always contribute to the trials and seem to have some clue about whats going on. Kyoko is also the one who always disappears and discovers random shit inside the school
I don't count Kyoko as much since her plot armor was so thick I never believed for a second she'd die
No, that was self defense in technicality, and it was also his fucking luck.
No, I mean her being the Ultimate Gamer for seemingly no reason. Every other character has a reason for having their talent. Chiaki doesn't because she's not real. In DR3, this doesn't work as now she is real, but her talent still lacks explanation.
>the killing game ends with no casualties because they all have plot armor
It seems more like a budget limitation. That's essentially a new game.
10th anniversary game will set place in the TDP universe. It will be a 10 years later thing after the students graduated HPA. But since this DR some tragedy happened. Makoto Naegi was killed by Team Danganonpa while leading a group trying to fight off their influence. You will have to defeat Team Danganronpa here.
>comes into the classroom specifically to finish off the last person
>i-it was self defense
Go away Leon
What? Byakuya was almost as clueless as everyone else
That and Kodaka is an uncreative hack
Tell that to Chiaki and Kaede
Chiaki sacrificed her own plot armor so that the rest of the cast would have it
That's still a major change to the implications we were previously given. The whole ordeal was supposedly Izuku, but then suddenly he was only responsible for one? That's a fucking bait-and-switch and not in a good plot-twist kind of way. It's so transparently to wash his hands and place everything on Junko.
>since her plot armor was so thick
Nah. You could litterally choose to let her die.
One died twice because she sacrificed herself and the other was because her teacher and mikan pushed her into it.
The other died beacuse of sheer incompetence
Kyoko was boring and only existed to get you evidence you couldn't have gotten yourself and then explain it to you. She also has a backstory that relates to the plot so there was actually zero chance she died.
Chiaki was basically invincible and only died via asspull trial.
Kaede might as well have said out loud that she was gonna die because it was so obvious
>Junko spreading lies means its a retcon
Yeah, fuck this game. I don't know why I bother playing all the entries when all the characters are shit!
Leon knew the cunning harlot Sayaka would simply find another victim if he let her live. Acting in accordance to the will of Muhammad (PBUH) he drove the holy knife of justice and retribution into the silicone-filled chest of the whore. The temporary worldly suffering he endured at the hands of Junko is nothing compared to the spiritual happiness he now has with his 72 wives in Allah's domain.
Is it really plot armor if the game itself shows that there’s no reason why anyone kill them?
Could Junko lie about it? Sure, but when her version of events is more interesting, a reveal that changes it all is not for the better. All that kind of reveal tells us is "Junko is a liar."
Well? So what? She's done far worse, that's not an interesting development.
>stop talking bad about my 3 waifu characters noooo ;_;
>nobody has a reason to kill the ULTIMATE DETECTIVE in a a game about getting away with a murder
I was expecting one of the middle trials to try to kill Naegi or Kyoko. Was kind of shocked when nobody picked them as prime targets.
>You could literally choose to let her die
That was just a dream sequence, plus it was the bad ending
>it was so obvious
How so?
He read it on Yea Forums before playing the game duh
Well, she was a girl.
It’s never for superficial shit like that.
Like Mondo killed Chihiro because he’s jealous of his confidence and realizes how much of a pussy he is.
Peko killed Mahiru to prevent Fuyuhiko from killing her out of revenge for his sister.
Hifumi killed Taka because he wanted that AI trap all to himself. etc
>talks to Shuichi constantly
>Shuichi has wayyyyy more going on character wise (detective backstory, shy, unconfident etc)
>giving him constant pep-talks
>Kaede just kind of bland and her talent is unimportant
>clearly falling in love with Shuichi so it's obvious that it won't turn out well for one of them
Typical hindsight fags.
>The time waifu prime died
>the time Magiloli survived despite being both a prime victim AND prime for an execution scene
>The time a fucking PROTAGONIST actually died
FUCKING PLOT ARMOR! All these characters I knew would survive because they did!
There wasn't any reason for them to BE picked as targets is why they survived.
Nobody had a reason to do that
>Sayaka was situational
>Chihiro was situational
>Hifumi was required for Celeste's plan and Taka was the only one who would take the bait and not say anything
>Sakura was a suicide
>clearly falling in love with Shuichi
She’s like that with everyone
>both are crucial to investigations and uncover the killer each time
Are you joking?
>has a character arc with a detective character
Oh, did Makoto die and hand the reigns to Kyoko? You liar. Two characters being close is not a giveaway that the player character is going to fucking die. If anything, something could have easily happened to Shuichi since the "Ultimate Detective" is explored territory.
Could at least have been Kiyotaka/Kiyondo to give some interesting character development. Yasuhiro is probably the single worst-written character in the series and a waste of writing time.
>single worst-written character in the series
That's not Akane or Maki
It hurts that it's true. I want to like her, but what a shallow character.
Imagine if they made her a villain like they were going to originally. I don't really get why they didn't, Nagito could still be the same it's not like there's a rule against having multiple antagonists.
Kaede might be called an All-Star and she also died in case 1
Hiyoko or Celeste
God I hope so.
Actual speedreader. Monokuma had yet to reveal the class trial. Any killer prior to his explanation didn't know that they had to virtually kill everyone, not just one person, in order to get out. At that point int time, Sayaka didn't know that Naegi won't only be accused but also executed along with everyone else.
Her bothering to leave that clue implies she at least presumed something bad would happen to the killer if they got caught, even if she didn't know what exactly would happen.
Doesn't that point work against Kyoko's theory though? It makes more sense to do it in order to avoid Leon escaping than to protect Makoto, since she didn't even know Makoto's life was in danger due to the class trial. In fact, now that I think about it, everyone would have realized he wasn't the killer once Leon got out. It's not impossible that she did it protect him, but what you pointed out doesn't really support that.
or she just didn't want leon to get away with it and escape the game like she was gunning for. pure spite, in that case.
shit taste bro she's great
is that why she has a owari as her family name and hajime has his as a first name i though there was gonna some plot about it like hajime being the beginning and akane the end and shit
I want Miu to peg me with no lube
>haha fuk anime dood *autistic sipping*
I wasn't surprised at his positive reaction to V3's ending at all.
isnt that the guy who didnt understand silent hill 2 there for it was shit?
therefore is one word you dick-and-a-half
Dunno about that, but he's also the guy who did those tl;dw videos where he shits on Fallout 4. Not like he was wrong, but 2 hour videos of saying F4 is shit is just redundant.
im sorry i cant use my right eye at the moment is kinda hard to write
use your sharingan to compensate idiot, shit like this is why your relationship with your parents is strained
i only have the sharingan in my left eye you dumbass its not my fault my brother didng gave me both his eyes
>why didn't Peko go out the door
Seriously? They literally explain why she didn't go out either door and his still missed it?
I wish I weren't so autistic over the voices so I could watch all the trials because holy shit he is retarded
>why didn't Peko go out the door
wtf they hammer this into your brain pretty hard how the fuck didnt he undertand ut
It's natural to be so dense when you play a game you hate with passion just because it's Japanese and anime-styled. Better just ignore what the game says and do that cringy sipping to show how much I hate this game, because that's le funi.
remind of another streamer i tried to watch playing dr 1 every 5 min he would stop to complain how somebody wanted to fuck one the girls it was so fucking annoying
>peko was dripping wet, and the main door led directly to the beach with sand that leaves footprints
>other door blocked by mahiru's bloody body
>why didn't she go out through the door
here he is trying to comprehend Silent Hill 2
HOLY FUCKING WHAT A RETARD and people watch his videos?!
What the fuck was wrong with Sato?
mukuro spin off when?
It's ironic that the Ultimate Liar was the worst liar in any of the trials. Saw through her bullshit well before the trial started
I liked that Leon died early, it was a good twist
I like how in DRV3-1, there were subtle clues that Kaede was setting something up while helping Shuichi set up the cameras.
How can the super duper gambler be so bad at lying?
I love my gorgeous wife!
So was Miu but people still like her
>big titted slut
>not appealing to perverts
Naegi vs Hajime, who wins?
Im still mad that kaito cucked maki from shuichi
Chiaka death in the anime really fucked me up emotionally for a month
Fast transition into full nelson. She's made for breeding literally, based character.
Play Komaru's game
Is Shuichi the most miserable person in all of danganronpa?
>qt 3.14 piano freak he clearly crushe on makes him sacrifice her in front of all the students
>gets stuck with the most asshole class of all 3 main games
>keep relying on him the most despite only being an amateur
>asshole "friend" reduces him to a mere sidekick while leaving most of the work to him, then gets angry at him for saving everyone multiple times
>midget clown makes him turn suicidal for a week straight for so ebin prank
>hates hope because it only brought him despair
>finds out his whole life has literally been a lie
>survives kiibo's autistic school shooting which was supposed to bring blissful release from his life, now stuck with edgy asshole chick and lowkey braindead loli
>Hated by irl fans and in-game fans of the series
Being Shuichi is just suffering, holy shit
What do you guys think of this "fangame" so far?
Art and voice acting I a bit rough in some places, but I am surprised at the quality. I wonder why they went with a youtube series instead of a full-on VN though, I doubt it would require intimate coding knowledge.
the danganronpa fangames look interesting and real labors of love, im gonna try em when im done with UDG
yeah, but he did turn into a badass by chapter 6 so I think it was all worth it
however he manages to dream-fuck every person in the cast
it's probably way more accessible as a youtube series
>Who would SC choose?
Makoto, Kyoko, Byakuya, Toko/Jill
Hajime, Chiaki, Nagito, Fuyuhiko
Munakata, Seiko, Gekkogahara, Junko
Shuichi, Kokichi, Maki, K1-B0
Monokuma and Monomi are secret fighters
Validate my opinions
Validate my foot up your ass.
Replace Tsumugi with Komaru
play V3
Pretty good. Would swap Nagisa with Kotoko and Kazuichi with Akane personally.
I will never understand the appeal of this series.
The difference is Rantaro is the first death, and Kaede is a player character, however temporary.
juzo is the best character in the series
Is it weird that I was more invested with Shuichi than Kaede
Why did they kill best girl? Man nips have the shittest taste.
i wish she lived instead of the weed dude
Take that back faggot Weedman is the greatest
I love Ibuki
Honestly user, i'd sincerely hope you would be more invested in the character you spend 5 trials as
>tfw Toko will never suck you off with her unnaturally long tongue
>tfw she'll never reach the deepest part of your colon with it
Just finished v3
How can shuichi be so based?
Then why does it feel like more people liked Kaede
Waifufags are a loud, autistic minority.
Talking with their cock.
Trannies have shit taste and were assblasted that their female mc died just for an objectively better make one to take her place.
>some literally who youtuber got so assblasted over kaede dying she cancelled her let's play
no game makes youtubers seethe this much
gonna need a link user
>pleb filtered by mechanics
>pleb filtered by plot twists
>pleb filtered by fucking Shuichi
DR2 is great but a lot of it is carried by Komaeda.
I'd argue that's intentional though, he's meant to carry the game.
ZTD is a joke
>check comments
>everybody talks about how they hate the ending
>half of them have Kingdom Hearts pfps
I thought these people that liked DR's overarching story were a joke
She looks like a goth Harime Nui
>pleb filtered by fucking Shuichi
I don't think i've ever seen a funnier post
>Celeste pretends she was raped to manipulate a lonely dude into feeling bad for her
I prefer to think that Celeste went out and got herself raped for the sake of her plan. Kiyotaka is a rapist.
really quite depressing really
I think Kaede dying is great because it should make you annoyed for basically every reason that this woman listed
I stopped playing for a few days after it because of almost the same line of thinking with Shuichi, as in thinking to myself "I have to play as this faggot?"
But honestly its the best moment of the whole game because it demonstrates how unfair the game is and how no one, not even a protag is safe.
Also serves as the catalyst to progressively making shuichi an interesting character
>the best moment of the whole game because it demonstrates how unfair the game is
I like how people cry TSUMUGI CHEATED THE WHOLE GAME IS INVALID when it's clear from past games that the game is biased towards the mastermind.
One user even literally defended the fact that Junko outright tried to cheat in the first game with "it doesn't count because it failed and audience will call her out" despite the fact that the only reason why it failed was because Makoto survived by sheer luck
V3 was the best game in the series though
Shit that was a blast from the past from when she was on Late Night with Cry and Russ.
Imagine dropping the game so quick afterwards that you can't even play until the next morning of the game to see his development start
He's the fourth smartest classmate which isn't really saying much.