Isn't it just herbs and fruit that makes mana potions?
Wow that’s actually pretty funny I expected something else entirely like a mama cow haha... oh
Woah, Nerfnow, fucking Nerfnow made a joke.
And it only took like 15 years.
Lol someone made a comic about the 404 girl
Fuck off with this boring gay shit ffs
You need to kill yourself right now my man.
>animal farm
lol do any of these alt right comic faggots have anything but a superficial understanding of their talking points? literally anything is a better assault on communism than fucking animal farm, its literally a book for kids
Less, this one is from 2017
tfw no Ronnie bf
It's used for literally a joke, dumbass
its not funny, though
no one actually wants to fuck you, this isn't you at all, you didn't miss any opportunities, the opportunities never presented themselves
>no one actually wants to fuck you, this isn't you at all, you didn't miss any opportunities, the opportunities never presented themselves
No shit sherlock
absolute retard over here
>Thinking every comic is self-insert
It's obviously making fun of captain autismo.
>animal farm
>book for kids
seethe harder faggot
Sorry, that comic is actually documented fact. She refused to learn her timings even after I kicked her out.
fuck off with this cringe shit
To play devils' advocate, that is what it was for. The guy who wrote it couldn't criticize his country so he hid it behind an allegory directed at children. It was pretty brutal, but I think that was the point.
Yea Forums is a cool girl. She's real good at it and doesn't afraid of anything.
Why is there someone dumping a whole fucking comic in LOL threads every fucking time? It's boring to shift through the thread while half the posts are useless because you already know what it is and won't be surprised. And I LIKE Yotsuba, I'd rather just read it normally instead of having one page every couple of minutes in between other posts.
>the guy who wrote it
Sadly lost to history in one of Joe Communism's purges.
where can i read it
>no one actually wants to fuck you, this isn't you at all, you didn't miss any opportunities, the opportunities never presented themselves
hey dude, calm down, This is a web comic, you don't have to self insert into everything, calm down the edge.
who wants it?
Sometimes spammers develop a messiah complex and think that they are "saving" or "redeeming" threads that they don't like.
Sensible chuckle
It's a nice reprieve, a few posts of absolute soul corroding cancer, then a yotsuba page to make my tumtum feel good again. Nice balance these threads have.
What is comedic pacing?
Fuck off
Much better.
was it a dream?
>fewer panels always equals better
>r-right, guys?
This removes the joke of them being far too confident in themselves and ruins the timing
based and peepeepilled
seething 4panel cucks that need jokes explained to them
unironically this
I rate this bait a 7/10 honestly
he just lost
so did you
Go back to reading political cartoons.
No messiah complex, I just wanted to post something people would enjoy since occasional people enjoy Yotsuba in LOL threads.
you are not cute
waaaahhhhh communism waaahh. Oh uh sorry? I couldn't hear you? what was that?
You are cute
seething user who tried to be funny and got btfo
cope harder
but those are only 1 panel
you are cute
Finish the comic, nerd.
start posting the LOL or i swear to god i'll fucking do it
>mom they didn't like my no-brain, no effort two panel edit! They're supposed to love that, why didn't they love that, mommy!? How am I supposed to be funny and cool if I can't just regurgitate memes with the same level of stimulus response as a household plant?
C-Connie will save us!!
LOL it's funny because it's true
kys retard
TL note: kys means kill yourself. As in end your life.
TL note 2: retard is referring to the idiot I'm replying to in this post i.e. you.
What in the world are you talking about? All she wants to do is learn how to play.
Imagine actually not having an understanding of how humor works. Your edit does absolutely nothing and kills the joke entirely.
You have two completely over-confident kids who get their shit pushed in quickly and then reflect on it with a , "Did that really just happen" face.
Your stupid shitty edit got rid of all of that for no reason other than, "HEHEHEHE LESS IS FUNNY XD"
You literally removed the joke, you fucking nigger. The humor in this comic stems from the fact, that the characters overestimate their abilities, while not being very skilled in reality. Your retarded edit literally removes this whole setup.
stop trying so hard edgy boy, this is a lol thread, getting (You)s doesn't mean anything
These edits always come off as someone who doesn't have any innate talents trying to appear like they do.
sounds like a localizer.
Ronnies going full body horrot
Am i to trust you because you do nothing but browse Yea Forums all day for years? Or does that make you even less credible?
Who even asked you about the insight on how Yea Forums works? Who do you think cares? Is there a newbie shitposter reading your posts, going "ohhh at last i truly see. One day i will be as wise as this user."? Because people aspire to be good at 4channing, right? Because thats all you do?
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who the fuck cares? Is that a real life issue you deal with, the inner workings of spammers? What the fuck, really?
You've got a point
>I can't create so I will just take away
Learn what an implication is. Maybe there should be a 5th panel that just spells the joke out and a 6th that just says "Please Laugh.
arrest yourself and go to bed.
I know this is bait. But fuck you and lurk more.
u mad bro
>not getting the game reference
way to out yourself newfag
why is he staring at them?
You are so fucking retarded.
Do people actually wear shirts larger than mediums?
far from an improvement
What manga is this?
People can't do a simple and easy thing to do like losing weight?
Will conney ever do a joke that isn't "look how pathetic i am"?
There is no implication. Saying "let's play until we lose" doesn't imply anything about what the person thinks of his own skill. He could very well have a realistic view of it and want to finish playing quickly.
It's too much for americans it seems.
What the FUCK are you guys on about? Isn't the joke that they underestimate their abilities and therefore they won within 5 minutes hence it being 1:05 AM when the first character went to bed???
I don't get it.
Your bait sucks and nobody likes you
Hide the first post and the rest will be hidden because they're kind enough to reply to their previous post.
Unless you don't have that setting turned on, like an idiot
>Play until we lose.
user, are you okay?
I onlt wear X Large and I'm not even fat. Baggy clothes are max comfy,
People like him usually are depressed and use food to cope. Its a symptom.
I myself only managed to lose weight after unfucking my life
Are you braindamaged, user? If they won, they would have kept playing, according to their earlier decision to keep playing until they lose. Since they're not playing any more after 5 minutes, it's understood, that they must have lost.
Removing panels doesn’t work if you need to have seen the original comic to understand what the fuck is going on you sperg
it's also good future proofing for if you ever do get fat
you know all those old happy ending fairytales? originaly it turned very grim in the end. kids today are shelterd as fuck
Unless you are playing rock paper scissors no one expects to lose a game in 5 minutes.
user if I ever see you in the real life I will beat you to death
Yeah, normal sized people who don't have the twink body type.
>only today
That's fair.
You're really grasping at straws to defend that shitty edit now.
except it does. I didn't see the original comic and I got the joke because I'm not retarded.
I'm 6'2 and even though medium shirts "fit", they have a bad tendency to untuck themselves.
Butthurt spammer detected
All right my bad, I misread.
I'm extremely skinny and I wear larges
I don't understand the point of this shitty comic. So it's like slice of life but not funny and also not entertaining even a little? Also it has punch lines I guess but they don't seem like punch lines, more like sentences.
moefags have brain damage
I always wear clothes that are loose, form fitting clothes feels uncomfortable. I could wear a medium or squeeze a small on but I'll wear large and extra large just for that loose fit.
Fuck off alrerady you cunt
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Yotsuba.
Whoa she randomly jumped in the sand pit for no reason. I really like this comic now :^)
Yea Forums needs to drink more water
Now it's getting good
Americans do. they'll complain that stores only stock XXL and not 4XL.
Based and baggypilled
There's nothing to understand, it's just bad.
>user discovers moeshit
>implying the commie roommate was smart enough to understand hidden themes and meanings and didn't just see animals at peace for a couple chapters and decided she wanted to fuck dogs like everyone else on the farm
Oh fuck here we go
Lose weight, not being able to see your feet isn't healthy.
Oh shit. She gonna do it
Yotsuba won.
Oh yeah let me just be fucking 70kg when I'm 2 meters fucking tall
I swear you manlets are so fucking stupid
>Communism can be debunked by babby logic.
What the fuck where'd that come from? is this peak projection?
dunno what you are but you sure sound like a faggot
Person who spams in dobson threads is cool though.
When I was 20 I had 6 pack abs and was super ripped and even then I couldn't fit into a medium shirt without looking like I was soliciting gay sex. Mediums are for teenagers and lanklets.
It's funny how children tend to project their insecurities onto others.
I get a kick out of posting bobbing for Tommy so I can mock the mods. Getti g to part two is always a treat.
Then use your fucking mouth instead you dumb slut
I didn’t know I wanted this
>it's even in the same style
no drink?!
a crummy water giantess?
>he needs to have drank with spicy wings
Why is there so many comics and jokes about girl bathwater these days?
Do you just actively avoid all news stories?
what's going on haha
I call
OP's comic was drawn long before that
Whats wrong with those cats?
Why is she so fat?
God bless this Bait.
meat has some water in it so
Yeah, but there's also been plenty of gags where milk is consumed and the gag is that it's not actually milk.
>thread details into shitposting comic dumps
You guys are seriously a bunch of faggots. No joke.
Yeah I know user I wanted Pokémon creatures too
fucking brutal
God i wanna marry fuuka so badly bros..
>implying radical right fags can read
They play mobas for a reason
dont do it, i cant take it anymore
ha ha ha
Do it faggot
What happens next?
Crummy water midna
That's crazy. No way a girl would ever sell her bath water.
was it ever explained how you could carry the deku princess in a botle in Majoras ? shit was spooky for me as a kid
Yes user, NEWS, the very scary thing that just tells you what's going on currently.
this is literal flooding you r*dditor
sutibaru has drawn worse
sticky holes
Fukka and koiwa have sexual intercoure
I can only stomach vanilla Arai Kei now.
the woman on the train starts growing holes and sticking stuff in them, the last page is her completely covered in holes and shes fucking herself with all sorts of stuff
look at this petite twink
The End.
I still don't get how her getting cummed on caused it to happen
Did a wizard cum on her
Post it
Good stuff.
I dont have it
No Fiora!
It was AIDS
Leave it to a female to not want to transform into a cool ass crotchrocket
Fucking source me cunts
The inflateable fetish is even more baffling to me that shitting dick nipples. Like what the fuck is the appeal? Why aren't people jacking off to people turning into chairs or microwaves? Why are just pool toys such a huge thing?
I just think they're neat
I have broad shoulders and long limbs so only large or x large fit
the entire point is that Yotsuba is a cute, she's precocious and goofy. Its supposed to make you want to protecc.
Basically its a daughter simulator doujin
Maybe get some more refined taste pleb
The Holes by Machino Henmaru
>Why aren't people jacking off to people turning into chairs or microwaves?
I'unno, Ed Gein probably did it to some degree
that little angry face on the babysitter cracked me up
Kodomo Janaishi! | I'm Not a Little Kid!
its a porno
Damn I want some wings
Im super skinny and i have to wear xl, altough im euro so i guess it might be smaller.
It's been years since I've seen this.
>Why aren't people jacking off to people turning into chairs or microwaves?
Oh, you poor, naive thing.
Been seeing this hue comics for years and I'm amazed on how he didn't evolve his art
[ ] mine
Oh that wasn’t very good. Thanks anyway
god I wanna fuck her
Animal Farm isn't anti-communist.
I genuinely miss troll physics
CM please have sex with me please
szechuan sauce on your shirt.
this is the smartest troll physics image I've seen
the guy who wrote it was british, what are you talking about?
press f
the lole girl
kek got me good
you think it was written by a russian, don't you
user, the book was written to explain to ESL semi-illiterate emigre peasants what had gone down in their supposedly Communist country.
No, they still think George Orwell would spontaneously give up socialism if he were alive today despite remaining a socialist during fucking Stalin.
It kind of is.
Does it run on batteries?
It's blazing hot in the summer, meaning you'll sweat easier
Use this time to actually lose proper weight you fucking fat asses
At least the Yotsuba poster actually finishes posting the stories, unlike some people
I was going to say thats basically how imaginary numbers work, but that's also basically how numbers work.
Honestly I don't understand it myself. I would exercise every other day and eat healthy. Yet I never lost any weight. Like I would literally eat less calories and check my intake. It was physically impossible for me to not lose weight.
this genuinely worries me
It's anti-Stalinist. Orwell really hated Stalin and USSR after his experiences in Catalonia.
I'm 1.89 meters tall and only 66 kg.
Does Ronnie not know how to draw crossed arms
>It's anti-Stalinist.
>this isn't anti-communist
Like sure, not directly, but its calling out the symptom.
It wouldn't be Ronnie otherwise.
thought that kind of thread was banned
Eat less then, you over estimated your metabolism
>oppressed workers seize the means of production and rout their oppressors
>the collectivist egalitarian society they form gets subverted by a small group of bureaucrats who elevate themselves above everyone else
its pretty anti communtist
>1.95, 92 kgs.
What the fuck? Are you a literal skellington or am i getting fat?
you imply that I'm not jerking off to chairs and microwaves
You’re getting fat
i really enjoy wormwood comics, they have such a silly humor i can't help but enjoy, same with stonetoss and this is coming from a faggot
this shit is literally how imaginaries work
got me so pissed off in uni
so fucking useless
He's a skeleton
wat, yes it is.
>there can be no capitalist dictatorships
Hmmm yes.
This one is quite good
You're fat, user, and you probably live in a high-fat area if you don't realise it.
>reddit paragraphs
I'm lanky as fuck.
>No material of the girl on the left
Fucking fags.
Picked wrong
The other one had potential for a good rough fuck
Bruh... look at this dudette
haha, you think it a girl but actuly have PENIS!!
i like greentea neko
Dad found me in that position with sister once
sounds like that ended in a beating.
This le epic OC comics were never funny. It's fucking cringey as fuck.
is that tree a dryad?
>ronnie isn't saying sorry
they had one job
>Why aren't people jacking off to people turning into chairs or microwaves?
Oh sweet child, hold on to your innocence.
Pretty good
Blessed thread. Thanks user.
>don't talk to me or my son ever again
Is it normal wanting to fuck her brains out, bro?
Gamefreak should have burned, not just kyoani
Hollar if you need anything.
Thats fat, unless muscle, but for you to question its likely fat.
Im 1.93 and 55kg, skinny but not skelly
>no option to choose the top girl
I think wanting to breed her until she passes out is the only normal reaction to have desu.
lol wtf
>thought it was a thunder storm
>had to read it twice
well shit
>No qt gf to be better than you at vidya
>1.93, 55
No. Fucking way dude it's worse than i thought
Keep posting bitch.
it wasn't the bear who said those words
Not fat enough
I'm 187cm an weigh under 58kg
Beat that faggot
You're doing it wrong. Trust me, I'm a recovering fatty who saw results - when I was trying.
You're probably overestimating your TDEE, and vastly underestimating the calories in what you eat. Use myfitnesspal and google searching "calories in x" as a crutch. Every little thing you eat, find the largest estimate for it, then tally it as just a titch higher than that. Don't eyeball amounts, use measuring cups and even food scales. Then don't count exercise in at all. "I walked for like an hour today, that means I can get seconds" is how you fuck yourself out of results. Pretty soon its second nature and you start seeing food for what it really is.
Honestly they do get some sensible chuckles out of me at times
what games do you play with your GF user?
Why is she so SHORT?
Unless Ronnie hit her with a loli beam, she's magically lost half her height.
Is this the prequel to fully delitized and loving it?
Mario 64
I'm 174 and 50kg and I'm king of the manlet skeleton army
My ex loved Sierra adventures. I never got the chance to play one with her.
Based troll physics
The joke was that Yea Forums doesn't have any fucking friends so is just 1 guy talking to himself. Jesus fucking Christ this site is mentally retarded, i can't stand this 0iq arguments at all. Killing myself
genuine improvement
I don't into ronnie comic lore but what the fuck is that thing in the last panel?
Post more.
No gf but I have a sistergf that loves playing EDF with me
Mods are already here so this is all I can do
Me on the left
It's not a bad book, I did read it as a kid tho so touché
dey banging
i wish i had a sistergf
can you send me her discord?
please explain
"motivation dude"
supposedly a schizophrenic hallucination that abuses Ronnie and forces him to work on his comics.
in true lore he is physically there. Some sort of magic that creates clones because Ronnie is canon son of Santa Claus. The arc is really old, but IIRC he subconsciously creates them. I think McDonalds siphoned his powers to make clones of him out of McNuggets so they would buy more McNuggets, but that may have been unrelated arc I can't remember.
Either way, Santa acknowledges the existence of both M. Dude and Runnie(Ronnie's Replace who creeps out Agrias). He says they are created by this effect.
One of the better comics from this dude.
should I post this?
I like the one where the fox says he doesn't serve niggers at his bar.
Thanks m8.
I recall reading a bit of this. If memory serves they never do anything further then kissing right? What a shame.
I kind of got the impression that it was a hyper-cynical take on 'all' government. All governments are terrible. All attempts by the governed to change that government will eventually result in another terrible government.
You get to see some demon and mom tits at least.
What a twist!
this is fucking gay and advocates anarchy and chaos
which is worse than no government
It has some very specific nods to the history of the USSR, like the runaway pig who got demonized by the other pigs is Trotsky.
Better than every other version so far.
I-is Confidence Cat gonna be okay?
Well they had a corrupt capitalist setup (the farmer got most of the payoff from everyone's labor) so the pigs promised a worker's utopia but then they took over and became the new corruption, it's the story of communism.
Its very USSR. Essentially all of the characters are either classes or individuals in the USSR. The donkey represented the intellectuals of the time. They knew what was happening but took no steps to stop it. Orwell may have thought of himself of a donkey.
That's an opinion which Orwell would not share.
>worse than no government
Maybe if you're a pussy.
shit man i feel this
>not getting the joke
Fuck you but also
I can only wear X-Large no matter how much weight I lose because of my very wide shoulders.
>not wearing maximum sized clothes
God damn it
i dont want to feel this user
please stop
Lose weight. Stop making excuses. Say this excuse when you are not fat.
last one
Is my sister but we are really close, she likes going out with me, hold hands and go places, some strangers actually thought we were a couple when talking to us so we just roll with that now and no longer correct them. Is cute!
Stargate did it better.
I think if he saw what socialism had done to Britain, he'd have second thoughts by now. By the 1950s it was just getting into swing.
I wear 3xl
One xl for every hundred pounds
Crossed a line there.
Hey guys, I fixed it!
Why is this stupid concept of a comic making me feel things
There's the conservative faggot who can't accept his husbando is a socialist.
does she like to cuddle with you?
If you don't think Eric Arthur Blair would have looked at where mass nationalisation and the subsequent mass curtailment of civil liberty that emerged from that along with the essential destruction of the English working class and national culture and rethink things, you're not familar with the man's works.
Saying any kind of socialsm is bad because Stalin is like the whole "DERS NO SUCH FING AS ETHICAL CONSUMPTION UNDER CAPITALISM" idiots spout
You can have socialist elements like universal healthcare without dumb shit like the great leap forward or gulags
>A meme that died on Yea Forums 4 years ago
>Was then necro'd by Reddit and driven into the ground
>And is now being posted on Yea Forums
Well atleast no one posted the yotsuba drug comic......mods do your thing
Yeah, actually, every time we watch a movie or she feels tired
If you think George Orwell (as he is known by anyone who isn't a massive ponce) supported social democracy instead of democratic socialism then you're just a literal retard who get bamboozled by two phrases because they use the same kinda words in different orders.
Universal healthcare isn't very socialist, user.
The first one was good but this feels so God damn forced. Its like Hollywood making a sequel 20 years after the first movie was made and it completely loses the soul of the original
What do you mean, an American told me its literally communism
Chair tf is great, shut your mouth.
>all these pussies threatening to post comics but none of them going through with it
ever kiss or make out?
Why don't you do it then?
I think you're in the wrong thread, bud
Nice comic, fag.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
here, make it vidya
This comic was shit and boring
Actually, it is indeed very socialist.
From each to their ability (forced work), for each to their needs (free healthcare, for example).
The only nitpick is that due to various reasons that healthcare could be of awful quality with no better alternative.
The issue is that they attention whore for the reaction only to not deliver.
That "gamer girl bathwater" that e-thot sells isn't literally supposed to be her recycled bathwater is it?
That's disgusting.
holy shit haha
Sure, if your sole understanding of socialism is from one of its slogans used to rile up the working classes, then you might interpret the NHS as socialist. But if you were gonna do something as dumb as that, why not use another slogan like "he who does not work neither shall he eat"? Now we can realise that actually, some sort of private corporation hell of a healthcare mess is socialist.
Oh hey, ive seen this one, the girl is actually a boy
>name is chemistry class
>artist is marmalademum
>this is the same guy who did strawberry shitcake
oh no
Its supposed to be her bathwater but actually is plain old water because some madman ran the jar he bought through a lab and found no human DNA in it
Why is Britain the only example any one brings up when Universal Healthcare is mentioned?
>need milk
>have megamilk right there
>she leaves
Shit comic.
I'm sorry user, but it looks like you've got the gay.
>Used to weeb comics
>Read all these right to left
>Doesn't make sense
Why do the Japanese put their stuff right to left anyway? Haven't thought on that
more like jinkies, amirite?
I used it because I'm English.
However, I suspect it gets brought up a lot because Americans look at other Anglophone countries more than others. And also, if I get my tin foil hat on, maybe because it's a worse system than that used in France, Switerland, Singapore etc. so those with stakes against healthcare in the States want to focus attention on it.
This is a good edit. I actually read this one first, and it got a chuckle out of me. Then I checked what post it was replying to, and the extra panels just felt excessive. I didn't need that much setup to get the joke. I got the implication from the very first panel.
I would be revealed. that's some seriously pathetic shit. people actually want to buy dirty water that some thot has used. that's so unhygienic i'm pretty sure there's laws against selling it.
>iron bars with gaps big enough to fit his face through
>could have easily just treaded water holding on to the bars until pikachu got help
Because they write right to left you dunce. But only when writing vertically.
Still too complex, can you simplify it more?
Sounds anti Soviet to me.
Just read this earlier today. The degeneracy disgusts me.
Did you even read the book? The seizing of the means of production is started by the pigs, aka the people who want to become the new elites. It's not subverted, or co-opted; it's rotten from the start.
What makes it worse? From what I've seen you have the government and private companies trying to undermine it, and one of my friends was telling me how bad the NHS is because they let some child die and refused to let anywhere else treat him
When I looked into it the reason they didn't let him be flown to wherever it was is because the child was suffering and would never recover. He'd have been sat in a hospital bed on life support with no real brain activity till he died
does she like to suck your cock?
If your joke is still funny with less panels, why do the extra panels still exist?
that better not be it.
Cheeks all the time, but I know you mean mouth, accidentally yeah but we don't talk about that.
We are still siblings...
"people" who post the exact same shitty off topic thread where everyone posts the exact same shitty webcomics because they think "Yea Forums is the shitposting board mom" because they're redditors from post-2013 don't get to complain about what gets dumped in their threads
its highly likely (not certain) he was a drug addict with this sort of thing occuring. the odds of it happening to normal people are extremely rare
>We are still siblings...
Sauce right now, i couldnt find anything
Somebody post the cement barrel comic. That’ll get the newfags going
Got a laugh out of me.
>guy draws on himself
Getting tired, if anyone wants the rest:
alright this one goes a little too far
But why only then?
Did you? I want you to name the two main pigs and their personal traits and what happens to them throughout the book.
I knew i saw that artstyle
>page 23
It's not bad; it's very good, actually. It's just less efficient than the compulsory insurance model, and more distasteful to people who dislike the state handling their stuff.
Vertical writing is the traditional style, and so they use right-to-left (as is also traditional). But westernisation brought the western horizontal writing style, which was obviously written left-to-right. This is just one example of how Japanese written language has fucked itself up with inconsistencies.
Snowball (Stalin), Napoleon (Trotsky), and no fuck you.
she turns into a cow doesnt she?
Well that is not where I thought this was going
where do you get these scans? all I can find are fan translations but I always preferred the official paperback ones
When you read a book you hold it with your left and flip pages with your right. It makes sense to flip a page from the right side where your hand is to the other.
Nips wrote everything vertically, and all their paper writing was on scrolls.
You hold a scroll in your left hand, pull the end out with your right and roll it up in that hand as you go through, so in that way you are reading right to left.
Wow, did you read the first page?
already know you bombed the thread with your weeb dogshit so i guess i'm out
thanks ,fag
The story is told in media res, so... yeah.
I literally only read western smut if it has some sort of emotional/psychological bend to it and depends less on smut/porn talent and more on writing characters that don't make me want to blow my brains out.
Something that's super rapey and gets really fucked up and kind of delves into the thought process of a rape victim like pic related. Everything else is trash and objectively inferior to eastern material.
Don't @ me.
not him, but isn't Napoleon the one who chases off Snowball and takes control of everything, therefore being Stalin?
I haven't read it in over a decade so I could be wrong, but I think you have that backwards.
Man have I got the shit for you then
>muscular dude in a pink shirt fucking her on page 1
Actually I didn't. There was text? all I saw was titties and utters.
>he immediately gets the pigs backwards
Snowball intends to keep the dream going and using their freedom go on to free the other animals, Napoleon betrays him and the trust of the entire farm for the sake of his own gain.
The pigs as a whole don't represent the people who become the new elites they symbolize the people who led the revolution some with good intentions others without.
I mean maybe, I didn't want to look it up though 'cause that'd be cheating. Either way it's not particularly complex. It's basically just a simplified retelling of the Bolshevik party from the late 10s to the end of the 40s.
Its 980, right?
The link works fine for me.
I wanna fuck that Anubis so hard.
But Anubis isn't the Egyptian god of death...
Just have him muttering "one day..." in the last panel to make the idea of why he's staring at them clear, and this would genuinely be better than the original.
Underage b&
>its the classic nerdy girl gets hot and leaves her old friends for chad trope
I should have seen the signs
Oh fuck, I remember this comic. It gave me trypophilia.
You lack the requisite background knowledge, which I guess speaks to Orwell's failure. That was just one argument within the Bolshevik party after Lenin's death, and it was between internationalism and socialism in one country. Trotsky was indeed an internationalist, but Stalin was just a sly fuck; he changed his opinion based on whichever one was more convenient at the time. At this point he was not a major contendor for "next big dick in the bolshevik party".
Trotsky wasn't the good guy, and neither was Snowball. They might have been better than Stalin, but they were unabashedly in favour of staying entirely in charge.
>they symbolize the people who led the revolution
That's, uh, what I said. The point is these are the people who were in charge from the start (well, IRL since the October coup). They weren't corruptors; they were always there.
it's not, sad panda picture just means you are a newfag.
Might be region-locked, use a VPN.
If anybody really ever wants to derail one of these threads they need to dig up moon over june.
Just concentrate your electric blots on a certain spot on the bars and melt them before the water level rises, you stupid fucking rat.
where's the rest?
>playing games where a woman has a chance of being better than you
Stop playing trash
No you generalized them both as wanting to become elites. In charge does not mean elite. Wasn't it much after snowball was chased away that the pigs began using the phrase "all animals are equal, some are more equal than others"?
I feel almost as if there was a point to that.
Cool it.
you are also a newfag
>a group or class of people seen as having the most power and influence in a society, especially on account of their wealth or privilege.
>"the country's governing elite"
I have read a lot of shitty webcomics and I genuinely miss that one, it's amazing that the art actually got worse over time. Where can you even read it anymore?
Hopefully nowhere. That comic was a fucking blight.
Haha, I get it, anubis is a jackal, chocolate kills dogs, Death is flirting
He said removed, not panda'd. Some galleries are region-locked because of whiny copyright fucks.
>You don't enjoy trash so you must be gay!
I hope you get a Bikepump shoved up your ass
I see what you did here.
Water drains are indented into the ground. The pool of water would go above the bars themselves, drowning him. Pikachu could have tried getting him a straw or something though, the indent don't usually go very deep.
>persons of the highest class
legit arguing semantics here. be more clear with your wording otherwise people will imply other definitions of words
user, I'm not gonna assume everyone's an ESL who doesn't know the intricacies of English like a native does. Everyone knows what a political elite is.
also it's "infer" btw, not "imply"