Best PC Emulators

Oh hi Yea Forums. I was wondering what emulators you guys use for Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Playstation, and N64. Thank you very much. Bye Yea Forums.

Attached: Arcade.jpg (357x415, 27K)

how much do you wanna bet op never comes back to this thread


For super nintendo I use zSNES.
Replies to the right.

Oh hi Anonymous. I came back. Would you please tell me (if any) what emulators you use for Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Playstation, and N64? Thank you very much, bye Anonymous.

Oh hi Anonymous. Thank you very much I will download this one. Bye Anonymous.


>Super Nintendo

>Sega Genesis
Genesis Plus GX



it's the same retarded nigger posting the same 3d whores every fucking day

Bruh real chads just use whatever first thing google brings up.
For me Its
ePSXe doesn't work on my netbook
Project 64


This is a great list.

Ok but where is that image from?

Where's the rest of her clothes?
Isn't she chilly?


shittiest bait ever

donkey kong

Donkey Kong

I know right, that game looks like a must play.

>Bye Yea Forums.
did you just ask a question and then leave

Hacked XBox or Hacked Wii are the best choices.

M64P is better for N64, too bad the fucker who made the custom UI paywalled that shit, you can get the latest january version which runs anything though, even fucking Indiana Jones and RE2 with no issues

was talking about the OP's girl pic,not the grookey's evo.

Install retroarch and just use whatever, they're all good enough. Fuck the police.

post a picture of a random even slightly attractive girl and a saucefag will appear

fck you retard

theres a general with lots of info

Attached: 1559791674709.jpg (752x1146, 110K)

ok but who is she?

this site will be your friend but i don't mind spoonfeeding if it's an excuse to talk about emulation.
i like nestopia. i'm sure someone will tell me i'm wrong, but you have to actively try to find an nes emulator that's dogshit, they're all pretty good now.
>super nintendo
snes9x, don't know what else is worth using but i dont play too many super nintendo games
kega fusion. sound emulation isn't what you'd hear from an actual genesis but it's been something that's plagued genesis emulation for years, but it shouldn't be that big of a deal for you
i've used many, i think the best right now is PCSX reloaded. it has a much easier and better way to use plugins for shaders and shit like that if you wanna mess with it, and it's pretty easy to work around.
mupen64plus it's just the best and it's super easy to use

same guy, site i was referring to is this


1964 GE/PD or PJ64 2 or whatever