ITT: Mediocre Games that will be remember only for the porn

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Lets be honest user, nobody remembers the porn
Now Big Sister x Little sister, that I remember.

>watch vault meat sfm porn
>it's elizabeth

I still jerk off to BaS Elizabeth and her fat fucking futa dick.


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I remember how fucking famous this mediocre game was in 2013, 2013....that's 6 years ago. 6.

I remember it for WAIT A MINUTE

wait a minute ... that card

Mediocre? care to explain?

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steam is basically just reddit

2deep4you garbage


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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and a lot of gook shit in general

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That new pokemon game

Starfox Adventures

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Very probable prediction

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Wii Fit.

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Yeah and Reddit has like 2 billion views per month, so obviously it’s good if a majority of the site can agree on enjoying it

2 billion flies on a pile of shit doesnt make it good

Yes and 2 hundred thousand angst filled flies trying to chew a diamond while calling it a shit arent right either.

That's never happened in real life ever
Just shut the fuck up already retard

literally no argument.

You're the one making comparisons to things that don't exist
check mate retard
come back when you get a brain

>That's never happened in real life ever

>I literally cannot understand metaphors

Honestly the thing I remember most about Infinite was finally reaching an area that was open like the previous games only for them to fuck it up with that awful ghost lady boss fight.

God the waifufags were insufferable

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Reddit has shit taste.

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Lust Penis

>cant even present his own argument

>not posting the cum edit

The worst part is how many newfags 2 brought in who dislike the prior Xenoblades and think 2 is the only good one. It's the Super Smash Bros Brawl of the Xenoblade franchise.

The video makes an in depth and compelling argument against Bioshit Infinite. It covers pretty much everything wrong with the game, and any argument I could make against it would just be regurgitating a point made in the video.

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she a fine piece of ass survive the game who produced

Can't think of a better example than Overwatch.

But it's a SFW and Christian board. We are here only to point the finger to these degenerate merchandising.

So you cant argue on your own? You cant even say whats wrong with the game? Dont get me wrong. I think the game is shit, but you need to apply yourself.

>implying anyone thought Brawl was good compared to Melee and 64
Even then at least the single player modes and stage creator was cool

>multiple bioshock infinite fanboy threads every day for weeks after its release
>matt uploads his video and people start posting it
>the threads stop

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As I said, it's a comprehensive list of what's wrong with Bioshock Infinite. Pretty much a textbook in video format. I could get into it, but it's much faster to just link the video and much easier on the eyes than walls of text about why the 2 weapon limit is awful, or how the difficulty selects are shit.

>Bioshock Infinite
>Dragon Age: Inquisition
>Tomb Raider (2013)
>Batman Arkham games
>Until Dawn
>Resident Evil 5, 6, Revelations 2
>Soulcalibur V
>Dead or Alive

I consume copious amounts of SFM/Blender animation porn. This is the definitive list. There are other series that get more porn, but they aren't mediocre (Last of Us, Mass Effect, Resident Evil 2/4, ect.).

Are you new? There are MILLIONS of people who still believe Brawl is better. If you were here before Smash 4 dropped, you'd remember the Brawl vs Melee fanboy wars that took over Smash threads.

add Paragon to that list

>when all the sfm models used in all the animations that killed millions team up to kill billions

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This isn't even all of what I have saved, but where the vast majority is.

It doesn't get enough snuff, but you're right. I'll add a couple more.

>Mirror's Edge

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It’s literally impossible to get everyone to agree on something. So yeah if it is extremely acclaimed regardless of how different everyone is then it’s objectively good. Seething & being contrarian won’t change anyone’s opinion

The Shantae series.

You say that as if Pop Music is good. The normie's zeitgeist has nothing to do with quality.

Basically MGSV after Eat Standing gets released. Even funnier that Stephanie will also only be remembered for a lewd byproduct of the game.

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Bioshock Infinite is universally considered one of the best games of the decade though, nobody gives a shit what the contrarians on this literal who website think. You will never affect general consensus no matter how much you try

Bioshock Infinite was pure ludo, nothing contrarians say can change that

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Keep Crying & living in denial. Nobody will ever care what you think, your contrarianism is deemed irrelevant & people will continue to remember the games you seethe about as masterpieces

Cool world concept and nothing else. Other games did floating islands better.

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M8 MLP and minions are billion dollar franchises. Top 40 music is full of crap, and shitty movie games and Ubisoft schlock get 9/10s all the time.

I dare you to name your favourite games, but you won’t because you are a contrarian piece of shit who cries about popular games to hide his own shit taste

I loved the game on release like many others did. I used to read everything and watch every trailer before it came out too. Playing it again made me see many of the flaws with the AI, gameplay, and story. The atmosphere holds up big time though and I still love it. I'd call it pretty mediocre, especially compared to what they were originally going for, which you could see from the pre-release trailers.

Nobody remembers Bioshock Infinite anymore. The Bioshock series has pretty much been forgotten, and anyone who talks about it is almost always talking about the superior Bioshock 1 or 2.

splatoon 2

It was severy downgraded, gameplay wise
See the E3 Gameplay VS release gameplay

>Posted one of the most popular games and how hard a vocal minority shat on it
>"remembered for the porn"
I have not seen one H-RPGMaker game here. The fact that some of you are this delusional is absurd.

>Soulcalibur V
>Dead or Alive
Now this I agree. Every fucking thread about em was always the porn

Not that user, but your favorite game doesn't have to be a good game. Many of my favorite games are pretty badly flawed but I still enjoy more than most.

1. Terraria
2. Xenoblade Chronicles X
3. Metroid Prime
4. Kamidori Alchemy Meister
5. Breath of the Wild
6. Hollow Knight
7. Rabi Ribi
8. Super Metroid
9. Xenoblade Chronicles
10. Pokemon Black 2/White 2

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I still dont get why people hate infinite
you get all the plasmas instead of all the weapons. What am I missing?

Go on Reddit right now & ask for their favourite game, this will always be one of the first games mentioned. But sure continue to push your delusional ramblings as fact

is ludo the next "kino" or is it the opposite
fuck these retarded buzzwords

I every mass effect game but the last.

ludo is for gameplay, kino is for cinematic

Oh, and Terraria and Breath of the Wild sold more than Bioshock Infinite, so you can't even call me a contrarian.

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Contrarianism, whatever Yea Forums says is always wrong & the opposite is true

I find Resident Evil 5 fun

That proves my point, Low Sales + Critical Acclaim = Masterpiece


11 million isn't exactly a low amount, and Bioshock Infinite is only critically acclaimed by plebeians with little knowledge of the better games that exist out there. I wouldn't even consider Infinite to be in the top 50 games released this decade.

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it's because they let matthewmatosis do their thinking for them and he didn't like the game for not saying the n-word.

But there's tons of porn of her, especially SFM futa stuff.

speak english you fucking retard

>Only 61,181 reviews
>Only 1,992 of which are recent
Compare that to an actually good, non-Reddit game.

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I speak english, not my fault you never went to school negroid

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I love Jill!

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Good thing nobody cares what you contrarians think regardless about how many buzzwords you use

> hurrr reddit bad
Please shut the fuck up. If you're gonna use that insult at least use it right, Terraria isn't Yea Forums exclusive it's a fucking "reddit" game as well if Bioshock is.

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Thanks for proving point retard, you know i’m right so you cannot even respond

Only for people who never played the game. Gachafags care about those shitty events and emptying their wallets that I'm sure they'll remember how scummy it is.

>Implying Yea Forums isn't pure Reddit at this point

you're both fucking retarded, holy shit

Fuck off Redditor.

I did respond with Nice (You)s though

I find it silly that gamespot’s opinion was exactly this, and decided to release a new review a year later reducing the game’s score from 9/10 to like 5/10.

Damn that's kind of fucked up. Was it with the DLC or did they legit just re-review the game and give it an unbelievably shitty score?

I was not him, simply I can't stop laugh at you, how you believe for real that Infinite it's "one of the best game of the decade"

You want to know why it have good reviews? for people like you, that see a cute bitch, a "woah 2deep" story, in a game with a simple gameplay where there are retarded linear task and a bland shooting phase with limited weapons. Basically a flat game, with a cute bitch so you feel her "daddy", colourful to catch the eye of the retards, and "muh quantum".

Bioshock 2 was a vast superior game, it have good ratings but was less popular and shilled, the first bioshock it's near to the ratings of Bioshock Infinite. So tell me, why the weakest game of these three (all with extremely positive ratings) should be considered the best game of the decade only because people talk more about it because they want to cum on elizabeth??

based and redpilled

Just because it's popular, it doesn't mean it's good. If you're attention span is so low that you can't watch a half hour video about why Bioshock Infinite isn't that good then fuck off lmao

>Inb4 "uuuum it's your retard hahahaha I sure showed him

> Literally outing himself as a contrarian who didn't even play it & watched an E-celeb video on it

They rereviewed the game. Even if i dont like infinite, having that drastic of an opinion change it kinda weird.

Gamespot is literally full of faggots, the only good thing they've done is upgrade Link's Awakening to a 10/10

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Knowing Gamespot's history with that whole Kain and Lynch debaucle, it's stuff like this that makes me question the legitimacy of their reviews.

Why do gachafags play it or pretend its good though? It looks awful in terms of animations and from what I heard it has one of the worst droprates of a mobage, it seems like theres no real value to it besides the porn, yet it grossed almost as much as Fortnite.

>tfw when expected to see this thread full of hot images but instead it's real discussion on games

what happened Yea Forums? I don't recognize you anymore

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Sun and Moon.

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They gave MGS4 & MGS5 a 10/10, they have less credibility then the average Yea Forums shitposter

What E-Celebs unironically criticize that shitty Bioshock Infinite game? That shit got its ass kissed by everyone, largely for stuff that didn't even make it into the retailed game, such as all those things it won a hundred awards for at E3, which they had the balls to put on the box for marketing.

Bioshock Infinite's shitness has also been pointed out time and time again whenever its been brought up here.
Dumbed down gameplay/combat, less freedom of exploration, wasted setting, irrelevant choices, stupid characters who don't make sense in what they do, pathetic and sterilized handling of the socioeconomic themes featured in the game, awful story in general with a bad Shamalan twist, and bad DLC story to top off the shit sundae. Retroactively fucks with the occurrences of the first game too.

Use more buzzwords, maybe your opinion will someday be relevant & taken as a credible viewpoint. Instead of mindless contrarianism

Don't forget the ghost.

find a single other game that is perceived to be mediocre by everyone and still has overwhelmingly positive on steam.
i dare you.

Mei fags should eat glass

here you go

Honestly bioshock 3 is better than most of the garbage coming out today. I didnt care much for it when it first came out but replayed it recently and it's better than most of the recent games I've played.

people on Yea Forums didn't even play it.
they were just upset at its edginess and it isn't muh dmc game.
it is a great game.

He said mediocre

the overall reviews is still only very positive

What recent games? No one is making linear single player shooters anymore.
Wolfenstein 2 I guess, and that was complete garbage.

tell that to gamingshitshow

I would enjoy Bioshock Infinite a lot more if it didn't have the two weapons at a time limit.

I liked it but I wouldnt call it great, it's alright. The level design was pretty cool.

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stop this fucking meme.
it wasn't downgraded.
the e3 demo didn't exist as an actual game. it was just concepts specifically programmed for the demo.

I didnt just mean linear single player shooters.

The comparison is kind of pointless in that case.
Apples and oranges.

type or wank, don't try to do both

Ok ass kisser.


Man this video shows what I was talking about here
Really a shame that a lot of that stuff got cut, and the stuff that made it in was a bastardized version of what he see here.

sorry user, hope this makes up for it a little

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Enjoyment vs enjoyment isnt apples and oranges

I don't care if it's reddit or a chan. The only shocks worth talking about start with an S, not a B.

If the video games you are enjoying are completely different and you are comparing them then yes, it's apples and oranges.
Maybe you just like shooters more, that has nothing to do with the actual quality of Bioshock Infinite.

You tried kid