Why don't more games incorporate this control scheme? It makes shooting much more visceral and fun.
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Why don't more games incorporate this control scheme? It makes shooting much more visceral and fun.
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That's how Goldeney worked and it sucked.
That's not console-friendly, and most videogames are chasing the normie money now.
It just feels strange so it throws people for a loop.
There was a GMOD addon from back in the day that added this aiming to it that worked suprisingly well.
what does this word even mean
because if you had actually ever fired a gun in your life you would know that's not how guns work unless you're a thug nigger just pointing your hands at shit, you don't plant your feet and just turn your upper body towards what you're shooting at, that looks fucking retarded
Timesplitters had it and it was nice
Timesplitters also had the heaviest aim-assist in the world of video games. Trying to manually aim in those games was fucking awful.
There's a reason the Mouse mod for Dolphin makes these games 1000000000000000x better.
i think this is how games should handle hip firing
immersive and physical, I assume.
From my understanding, it removes the idea that you are controlling a crosshair with a gun glued to your face, this way it seems more like you are moving the arms that are holding a weapon.
All these milsims implement this movement but if you're aiming a weapon properly you should move your entire upper body with the weapon as you aim it, ironically making classic aiming more realistic
You don't keep your arms perfectly still while you pivot your entire upper body around in real life either, you mongrel.
>what is abstraction
you do though, it helps absorb the recoil.
You do if you're aiming a rifle, you larping faggot. Thanks for proving to the whole thread you've never held a gun in your life.
>"relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect"
OP just thought it sounded cool because of Dead Space without actually knowing the meaning behind the word and is therefore a fag
Admittedly I did btfo myself a bit with that statement, but it doesn't change that deadzone aiming is superior. If you've played RO2 you'll know how good it feels to swivel the gun around a corner when clearing out an enemy building, or desperately hip fire your revolver on an enemy in close quarters.
>If you've played RO2 you'll know how good it feels to swivel the gun around a corner when clearing out an enemy building
Except that the whole aim swivel thing actively makes clearing corners worse because to change look directions you first have to bump into the corners of the deadzone before you start pivoting the camera.
Because it makes aiming less intuitive and harder if your target isn't in the deadzone or worse: just at the edge of the deadzone.
Literally every Wii FPS did this.
You've clearly never played RO2. RO2's camera moves just like a regular FPS, with Deadzone Aiming on top. It's probably the best implementation seen in a video game so far.
>implying I have the aiming method of a game I played years ago memorized to an autistic degree
all I know is that this aim swivel shit you're drooling about is turned down to zero in every arma game I've ever played
RO/RO2 have that to make it harder to run and gun, that's the design decision behind it
Its satisfying when you get good enough to run and gun with bolt action stuff though
It's all good. I just think it's a really underutilized system that would be cool to see more games use.
>aiming at something on the right side of the screen
>want to look slightly to the left
>have to move your cursor all the way to the left side of the screen to clear the deadzone before your viewpoint moves as well
It works for ArmA where you're generally hunting for pixels +200m away and there isn't as big of a need to keep an eye on your immediate surroundings, but for most games it's just clunkier for no real benefit.
Damn, actual nostalgia. I remember being into this.
I miss when GMOD (and source modding in general) had a bunch of cool experiments coming out for it.
First exposure to it was the sniper in Killzone 1, it was fucking horrible and I never used it after the mission that introduced it.
I guess that's why it was such a big hit. When I was younger, it was hard explaining what Gmod was to friends, because it really was just this big playground for smaller mods and addons that aimed to do some really weird stuff.
Here's hoping we see something about that Unreal-engine S&box soon but desu gmod felt so ingrained in 2000-2010 internet culture that it'll be hard to get something like that again
we will never ever have anything like GMOD again
>Here's hoping we see something about that Unreal-engine S&box soon
Wot? Got more info?
Red Orchestra does it much better, the camera moves as normal but your weapon also moves. Means looking around isn't a chore but hip firing also takes a lot of skill.
Google it m8
It could be a cool framework if they don't fuck it up but I agree with for the most part. That said, we'll probably still get our shitty DarkRP ports and Tacobanana knockoffs, because it looks like they're trying to 'appropriate' all of the Source resources they can.
I still don't understand what the fuck a deadzone is? I think i got close with dark souls 2 and thinking it meant where the movement or controls didnt respond properly but i don't know anymore. What is a deadzone and what am i supposed to be seeing in this pic? That you can move the scope without turning the character?
>last update a year ago
Shame, because a lot of what that last update actually covers sounds really great.
>You don't keep your arms perfectly still while you pivot your entire upper body around in real life
Good lord, what the fuck am I reading?
I think this is probably the stupidest post I've ever seen on this board
The fuck are you talking about? Goldeneye basically pioneered console FPS and did exactly this.
>dead zone
>any area where something does not exist or prosper
When people refer to dead zones in DaS2, they're talking about the area of diagonal control stick movement that your character doesn't respond to.
The dead zone here is the area that you can move your aiming reticule without also moving the camera.
no it didn't, it had only autoaim with the view model tilting
I fucking hate aiming deadzone. It feels wrong, adds nothing, and will make me less interested in playing a game if there's no option to turn it off because it's the same issue as a game having awful, unfixable controls. But as long as I get the option to turn it off, I'll be happy.