When did you realise that video games were just a waste of time?

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Life is waste of time.

Isn't that the point of all hobbies?

you're based too.

Time enjoyed is not time wasted

when did you realize that op was a faggot?

They aren't a waste of time, you just have to learn how to balance them with other things.
> Morning: Shower, Eat, Wash Dishes, Text Friends, Feed Dog
> Afternoon: See if my friends want to hang out, Study for College, Walk Dog, Exercise
> Evening: Make Supper, Feed Dog, Play Games, Study again, Go to bed

samefag mobileposter

Marios Cock And Balls (MCAB)

The only goal in life is surviving and maybe procreation but everything else humans do is just distraction

>everything is subjective, pleasure is its own end

These are the things said at the fall of civilizations, but never at their beginning.

kill yourself nigger

Bro. You just posted cringe.

>he fell for the evolution into gods meme
lol humanity isn't making it past the great filter


They're more waste of time than various other things and I wish I could stop them, but I can't, I'm fucking addicted
I just want to get my shit together but the grasp is too strong, I need help

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I wish I spent more time masturbating.


isnt all art just a waste of time?

Don't do it again bro.

When did you realize user is projecting?

*Honk honk*

Theres a reason theyre are called time-wasters,OP

I bet that sounded a lot smarter in your head

>not washing dishes at night
>starting the day with a filthy kitchen

The genetic dead-ends circle the wagon to defend their hobby.

>using the word faggot
is it your repressed homosexuality that makes you use homophobic slurs, user?

Bro, you did it again

Fuck, I miss freudposting

Is it your expressed Judaism that leads you to tell lies?

>look up free classes in my city online
>80 fucking pages
>i have been playing videogames for two decades
>im a piece of shit

yet you're here on the video game section of an anonymous imageboard

/pol/tard detected

well not everyone who plays video games is gonna end up childless but even then our world is just obsessed with everyone and everything needing to be better and theres no end to it. Like why the fuck is it a norm for everyone to go to gym?? like I honestly dont see gym as any better as video games. maybe even worse.

it could help wake you up

wait, since when is using faggot bad on chan4?

>getting in shape isn't better than sitting at home and staring at the computer screen, maybe it's even worse
wew, lad

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since of half of Yea Forums's userbase is larping redditors

with all honesty, I'm arachnophobic but there is a specific spider I want to fuck

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user, how could you be scared of this?

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no really explain it to me. whats the point in "getting to shape"? you can be healthy without ever stepping into gym.

small spiders aren't scary for me, but the big long legged fucks make me shiver

but user, he can't even bite you

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he ugly

the body needs physical workout otherwise in old age you will be weak
my grandmother spent her entire life in an office and could barely walk at the age of 70
my godfather is nearly 80 and is fit, only because he went to the tennis court two times a week in the past 30 years

so your godfather didnt work out and is doing fine gotcha

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ur ugly

They probably meant he didn't go to the gym

I don't deny it __:-/___

Not to pretend that working out is bad, but both your example could have happened for so many reasons.

Im glad i played all those games instead pf getting a gf

How do you feel about this

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Get laid bro

To be better at sex

>fucking retard here

A hobby's only a waste of time if you're not having fun with it.

Name a single activity that isn't a waste of time that isn't suicide.

Browsing Yea Forums

I'm a 3.0 GPA mechanical engineer with a hook in a research company that I work for making $20 at an internship and I love playing video games, not sure what else I could do better

basket weaving

Where the fuck do you think you are?

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