Some tech company in Japan calls you up and asks if you want to beta test their new product

>Some tech company in Japan calls you up and asks if you want to beta test their new product.
>They'll fly you to Tokyo pay you for your time and let you keep the device.
>It's a device that lets you fuck any video game character you want in a fully immersive VR simulation.
Who do you chose Yea Forums?

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Me? It's Tifa Lockhart.

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I'd choose Wolf but knowing Shigeru is sitting there watching me have gay sex with him on a monitor would ruin it for me.

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VR is a meme gimmick fad so none.

That's a fucking tough one but it's between Ivy Valentine and Baiken for me, shit nigga I can't decide.
It's gonna have to be a threesome

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Bayonetta. the only sensible choice.

>Enter the simulation.
>"Come on pup are we gonna fight or are we gonna jerk eachother off?"
How do you respond?

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No contest

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Chun Li
Sorceress from Dragon's Crown
ALL the DOA girls up to DOA5 roaster except for Honkers and Marie Rose

god, too many to choose

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Marie Fucking Rose

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My nigga Crash of course.

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>so lustful that she sublimated into an otherworldly demon from it

Yeah I'm going with morrigan.

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2B or Quiet for humanoid characters

If they can do anime bitches than the entire cast of Senran Kagura specifically Yagyuu

>fly me to Tokyo
>yfw I already live here

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Stupid nip.
Sound! Euphonium is shit btw.

I'm not a nip, you fucking nigger

>Touch upon the concept of a guy becoming addicted to having sex as a girl
>Ignore that for some boring story about infidelity

That seemed like such a waste of a premise.

For me, it's Aya Brea.

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Only right answer anons

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Liara with her big blue cock.

Is striking vipers gay if you (male) were the guy or the girl? Would you care at all?

made for sex

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>implying all VR is equal
Screen based VR is rubbish and always will be, the only good screen based video games will be monitors or AR.

But neural VR would be pretty fucking based, if you could actually be on the battlefield rather than just see it.

Pyramid head of course

So was it gay

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Roxie, obviously
She is absolute perfection and best pokegirl by a mile

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Regrets: None

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What if I wanna be the character instead?

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You kill yourself. Do that regardless.

Sounds too fishy, I would refuse.

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is this video games? it sounds like some reddit shit
anyway i'd choose that orc warrior companion from skyrim, something steel-heart
or the little keeper girl from thief deadly shadows i guess

But would you fuck Tifa if it was your secretly fag nigga friend controlling it and feeling your dick as it penetrates her virtual womb?

>Japanese sharing incredible technologies with random NEETs from the americas

new Lady specifically?