Games for a wagie on a Sunday night?

games for a wagie on a Sunday night?

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I'm playing streets of rogue

At least he gets paid to clean stuff up.

How is it?

The easy solution is to just pop it and let it flow into the drain

Best go to bed early, long day tomorrow.

pretty good. working 60 hour work weeks right now so it's been a fun little game to play for an hour or two after I get home and take care of all my shit

Christ, life is such a fucking shitshow, you can't even have a part time job here and pursue the living frugally minimalist meme. It's either full time, overtime fuck you saturdays too or cuck contractor work which is basically prison couple of months at a time.

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At least hes job has a meaning, cant sy that about desk rats

What the fuck is that

Work hard for that promotion wagie

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Am I the only one that sees a cute penguin sleeping on its front paws?

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>No money NEET's thinking they can bully wagies


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I don't get it. He's selling the photos and doesn't want him recording them for free? Fucking lol.

I see a big bag of piss

What the fuck is going on here

Shouldn’t you be asleep ? Don’t you got work tomorrow

No one would take meaning over comfort. At least not a meaning as worthless as maintenance.

>NEET's trying to make fun of anyone ever
what a complete and total lack of self awareness

I only see my life

Looking forward to it!

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>Amusement parks sometimes have features that take pictures of the passengers of the ride midway and sell them to the people who rode after for memories
>People have smartphones now and just go take a picture of the display they show you the picture on so they don't have to pay.

the game where you have another drink

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It's getting hard to even think of wagies as people anymore. Look at him, he's like an Oompa Loompa. He's a subspecies bred to perform work.

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>clap clap boom stomp stomp clap
Alright user it's your cue to sing the wagie song lines. Don't keep us hanging user. Put some energy into your voice user!

>sunday night
Theres your mistake. Im in the same boat though, only reason I can enjoy it is because I have vacation.

>hours are completely random but at least 8 hours a day to legal maximum
>one day might be days with the next day being nights and then back to days the next day
>typically work 6-7 days a week
>have completely lost track of time, it still feels like it's August 2017 even when Im looking at a clock and calender
I honestly don't know how I haven't gone berserk yet

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This is actually fucking hilarious. Like I feel bad for the guy having to do that as a job, but it's still the funniest thing seeing this version of the 'wagie dance'

they're all fucked once their parents can't provide for them anymore. a lot of them will probably suicide themselves since they'll be in their 40s/50s without a single marketable skill

Holy fuck I can't stop laughing, why does he even care

kek, this is so stupid. Is he getting extra for copies sold or does he simply have no dignity?
Also why is it legal to showcase my fucking face like that? Maybe I don't want to? Holy fuck who buys those shitty pictures even? Who goes to amusement parks in this day and age.

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>Looking forward to it!

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It's better with audio with everyone laughing at him.

If I was a theme park owner I would just have an app that lets you directly download your ride photos, and then just shills ads and ticket deals constantly.

you can also pay to recover photos that were deleted for flashing

Prime week fucking sucks

Based depressanon
Stay strong

I'd just poke a hole in the bag and walk out

Why do you fags claim to never have time for vidya while waging?

Even when I work 8 hours plus some overtime I still have plenty of time to do vidya and all chores
Do you guys commute like 2 hours each way or something?
My only problem is that there's NOTHING I want to play.

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Why doesn't wagie thank his boss every day for the chance to make him millions of dollars in exchange for a couple hundred?

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>Who goes to amusement parks in this day and age.
Rollercoasters are fucking awesome that's why.

I could see this being me if all of the workplaces I've been at weren't filled with backstabbing incel boomer assholes. Work itself is not so bad. It's interacting with all those assholes is.


Why demean yourself like that? I'd rather be fired.

forgot it's a thing. True, they're pretty fun.

I want to know what he does when he darts off at the end.

I'm always exhausted after work and want to lay down, then I need to get up, workout, and get ready for work the next day pretty much. I could easily play vidya for an hour or two but it's not as fun feeling that clock tick ticking.

I work in the military defense industry now, so I mostly enjoy my work, and all the overtime pays really well


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Fucking lmao

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Some people really are NPCs. He was given this job, it's his entire when he does it, probably.

>has never been invited to go somewhere with friends
makes sense based on the kind of person you seem to be

my fucking sides
this shit gets funnier the more you watch it kek

tries to switch off the screens kek

>that salute
wtf someone fire this nazi.

those are probably "ironic" but it's still in very bad taste.

He probably did it before and his balding manager gave him a little strike on his clipboard and said "Sorry buddy I don't make the rules"

Could probably just get monitors with a weird refresh rate that will end up looking fucked when you try taking pictures or videos of them with a standard phone.

>he doesn't have enough capital to live from passive cashflow

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based, you mean?

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This ain't funny. It's just sad on so many levels. Why antagonize autists and workers?

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>interview tomorrow for my first post university wageslave job
>most likely working 6 days a week for the foreseeable future

I'm only fucking nervous about the idea of getting the job and that having to be my life than not getting it

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In all seriousness, how do you clean this up?

is this satire or extreme autism?

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i work the bare minimum and live in a duplex where the owner hasnt changed rent prices since the late 90s.
>3 days of work max each week
>$200 for rent + utilities
>like $300-350 a month if you lump in groceries, internet and car fuel
>roommate and myself just have real gaymer hours all the time

this is irony right?

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Fuck 'em, I don't owe them and especially (((management))) jack shit

I don't get it


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shit like this is why I don't respect management in any business; people working for you isn't a gift from you to them, like 90% of the time a manager in a store spends most of the time sitting in the back doing close to nothing

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What are some comfy career options?

i always think the same thing then i unconsciously end up here for 3 hours

the math is all wrong

now i would say it's on purpose because it's a joke but since is in burgerland i'm not so sure

just how much fucking money do you even need

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How do you know he's managerial scum? Can't really tell.

Most places bag up out of order urinals until they can get a plumber out.
Fucking savages ripped the bag and peed in it anyway.

i think its safe to say noone has ever thought that

It’s probably some boomer who got into the industry with a high school diploma and was able to get two cars in the garage with only one breadwinner in the house. People stuck in the past wondering why their subordinates don’t have the work ethic they had and can’t see that it is because times have moved on and the people below them can’t succeed the same way they did fifty years ago.

having a career isn't comfy.

>Since you spend 16 hours each day away from work, you have used up 170 days, leaving only 91 days available
Can someone explain me the line of reasoning to arrive at this conclusion?
This is retarded beyond my comprehension.

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If the restroom has a floor drain, well... put a tiny hole in it and let it drain out into it.
If the restroom doesn't? Get some gloves and some disposable cups and scoop it into the urinal next to it carefully

Based neetants.

Capitalism and work is such a meme. If we didn't have MUH GROWTH FOR THE SAKE OF GROWTH low IQ third world nations the planet could live comfortable 1960s American lifestyles + internet on clean energy

FUCKING THIS, i actually enjoy doing work, especially things like manual labor, i get a ton of satisfaction out of it, brick work, carpentry, painting, i love it hell i do that stuff in my spare time so getting paid for it is great, but every job I've ever gotten has been ruined by people with just the most obnoxious personality and backstabbing tendencies, it's shitty coworkers that make me dread mondays, it's shitty coworkers that make me count the seconds until quitting time, and they are present at every job I've ever had

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>30 minute coffee break AND 1 hour lunch

Where can I apply to this job?

>ants have NEETs
Oh my god, nature is pottery


Such a dedicated worker.

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>that dead look in his eyes

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I cry myself to sleep every night

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>people only work 24 hours a year, cant give you a day off
solid math right there

ugh user you don't even have wife and kids, that means you should work +70h a week in your dead-end job :-)

>tfw working fulltime only pays slightly more than welfare after taxes and you don't get any free time

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Cause you’re working manual labors which means ex felons and spics that barely speak English

Is crypto a viable way to escape wagecucking?

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Most jobs that doesnt require interaction with customers, managers or meetings is actually quite enjoyable. To bad 80% of jobs do and the few that doesnt provide almost nothing in benefits and pension.

>backstabbing tendencies
I've learned to never speak to chatty women because of this shit.

You could pay me $20 an hour and I would still never do this job

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what happens if you remove all the busy ants?

It's a joke based around bad math. The previous statement establishes you work for 261 days, but since you're away from work 2/3 of the time you actually only work about 1/3 of that, so they go to 91 for the sake of the joke.

>tfw people have told me they are too "proud" to go on welfare
imagine being a normalfag wagecuck.

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if you want to dump all of your savings in and have a heart attack every time you see a red line on a computer screen then yeah, sure

he is counting a "day working" as 24 hours straight, so the time you didnt spend working on a day where you did work he is removing as time not worked

It will only lead to this:

what the fuck do you mean by this

I've seen this pic many times.
Can someone explain it?

What savings? I seriously hope you aren’t planning for retirement

How did he invert that glass without spilling the water

You are all extremely autistic for not getting the obvious boomer joke

Get your tip wagie :)


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it was like that on most ships I've been at, but who cares, you're at your workplace 24/7 and more often than not you pay dearly for those 30 minutes.

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Put something flat on top and pull it out when it's upside down.

If you're a poorfag it's the only chance you really have (except illegal shit), nothing else will really give you those kind of gains. just don't go all in on link

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The 8-hour workday is archaic for most white collar industries. There's plenty of scientific evidence that proves that humans will run out of focus/steam by their 4th or 5th hour of labor, and yet the standard is 8 hours a day.
That's insane to me. It should be 6. Most working parents see their bosses more than their own children. Productivity would be the same, and workers would be much more satisfied.
Of course, this would either mean
>people get paid more for less work
>people just do less work
and both options would cause any C-suite/upper management to throw a shitfit.

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Spics are fine, they keep out of the way and are reasonably competent. Working with hoodrats and white trash is hell. Nothing is worse than doing manual labor with someone you like and than getting moved to work with some dead end that gives half his paycheck to child support.

warehouse jobs

>hahah this person has a bad life, lets make it worse for no reason other than being an asshole

I work with a guy who's well connected and has great charisma. He'd rather work 2 low level retail jobs and hustle then get a real job.

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you're young so I'm going to let you in on a secret that most institutions(schools etc) do their best to hide or obfuscate:

Capital HATES labor, with every fiber of their being

The ideal system for them is 1800's england/america where you live in a slum and work 16 hours a day for pennies and if you try to unionize they just beat you to death with clubs

This isn't a joke, I've worked with/for a dozen self made millionaires and they all wish you would die and that they could replace you with a machine or cheap overseas labor

I taught my younger brother all the memes I know and he calls me that all the time.

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This picture encapsulates my ignorance on crypto and why I ignored it for years. Is it actually possible to cash out on it?

most people who ask that question are neets with less than 20k to their names

>implying it doesn't get worse
No surprise this was his last vid:

Guarantee some tone deaf boomer made this shit, fucking hate those faggots.

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and they run the world

>wake up naturally at 6am
>wank, piss, shit, shower, shave, make breakfast
>play vidya for 6 hours
>eat lunch
>work 2pm-10pm
>go to bed as soon as I get home

This is as comfy as full time waging gets

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Will things get better if old fucks start to die, or will I be too much of an old fuck then too to benefit from it and zoomers will one up me?


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you can get around that by fucking with the camera's settings, but it would probably prevent most normalfag retards from doing it

sorry, i need another yacht, get back to work

better than working at goymart getting 32 fucking hours a week, and getting called to the office to get scolded and forced to cut time if you go over. unless they need you then all the sudden you need to come in on your day off

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Spoken as someone who doesn't buy his own food

It's literally old men that are the worst. The kind that has been doing this job for 30 years straight and hates your guts just because you are younger and don't share their worldview.

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imagine not begin NEETpilled in 2019.

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>getting called to the office to get scolded
Stop fucking up then

>work part time and look after my dementia ridden gramps the rest of the time
>been trying my best at work with no results, getting stressed and sick about how bad I do some days
>gramps getting worse and worse, has started insulting me and the rest of the family looking after him along with being more delusional
>my own mental health declining, voices, headaches and sickness all getting worse
>just wanna play some Killer 7 or the Silver Case but barely get any time to properly sit down and play them

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tfw moved to a new city and got a comfy first job

feels good bros

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im sorry for your brother, hopefully he realizes not to be like you

Got that too. If you're an introvert you can bet your ass they'll start calling you a pussy and gay too.

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>>been trying my best at work with no results, getting stressed and sick about how bad I do some days
God above. Do I try.

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Boomers are the most tone death generation ever because their future and security was handed to them on a silver platter, but that doesn’t mean we will avoid becoming detached from our successors reality as well.

Is this a common thing in Clapistan?

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>Immediately establish myself as useful at work
>Coworkers basically afraid to ask me to work weekends or change my shift because they think I'll quit over it

My job still sucks but being the creepy but competent incel pays off sometimes.

Why are the mods not banning these /r9k/-tier whining threads on sight? Literally the exact same thing every time


Where the fuck in Janny when you need him.

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While it's important to care for others, you have to take care of yourself. You need to get out of that situation.

i need more wojak edits of humiliated workers, this shit is hilarious

People shit in the aisles here man

I would. All this shitposting and working jobs I hate made me realize life is about being fucked in the ass - might as well dance like a monkey if it pays.
>mfw thots do just that and get hundreds of thousands of dollars in a matter of years.

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Anti-work propoganda is unamerican

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He goes to the other side to eat you.

>relying on unpaid wagies

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I'd imagine that if a person was cheap enough to be ok with a shitty cell pic of a monitor from 5 feet away they probably wouldn't have bought one anyway.

Also being a wagie isn't that bad when you realize just how much you can slack without getting in trouble and start giving your employer a shit job for your shit pay.

It's awful, isn't it? I can count the days lately where I haven't thrown up a few times in my mouth because of how stressed I can get on like, 2 hands max.

>because they think I'll quit over it
Either that they think you're a creep who will shoot the place up


PAY HIM and maybe you might get what you want faggot

amerigoys are the best brainless serfs

tfw work in a fast paced kitchen making decent food and the job is satisfying and challenging and there's shit talk and banter between staff, making constant overtime from closing

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I like how it pretends that you don't sleep

i live in England so no spics for me, plenty of poles though, but i find them a likable sort, it's the 16-18 fresh out of school chavs that you need to watch out for over here
i actually find the boomers to be the most tolerable, most of them a great sense of humour/banter at least and they are willing to teach you some neat tricks of the trade


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Have fun at work tomorrow, wagie!

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This, worst co worker I’ve ever had was an ancient ex-marine at a poolboy company who refused to be taught how to do to his job, and just cried to clients all day about how shit his life was to rake in 100 dollar tips. Took three years and tens of thousands of dollars in damage to fire his incompetent ass because the boss thought it would be bad publicity to get rid of him.

its mathematically impossible to "save" enough if you're middle class due to health care education and housing costs fyi

unless you're literally planning to live alone, rent only and die childless when you retire at age 80

>5 holidays per year
Do Americans really do this? I work a deadend slave job and get 30 days a year

I know I will. We're having a pizza party tomorrow

A fucking men. A fucking men preach holy fuck this. I CANNOT find peace or any kind of enjoyment out of my work because other people make it a fucking point to remove any said enjoyment.

Truck driver

I mean that's pretty much what I expect at this point, dating is fucked.

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>Sorry, you know the rules, the elevator is for managers only.

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I used to be in the military and I have no idea why they end up retiring and trying to find a jobs in unrelated marketplaces when every private security company is willing to suck you off just for being ex-military.

The army is like college, except you are paid, and yet these idiots try to find an office job afterwards.

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>they'll start calling you a pussy and gay too.

And? Maybe don't have a wife and kids, a self-inflicted penalty, and you could be working four days a week like I do.

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Is suicide the only way out


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>have a job
>be unionized

Ain't so bad when you don't have a shitty union

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This. I also trained others to be almost but not quite as competent, so they can be called in for most situations but aren't as efficient as me.

This. I worked as a painter for a while and the dude I worked with was a junkie who talked about torturing his ex-wife to death.


This is making me laugh too damn hard

wow tell me something I don't know, I'm literally replaced with Filipinos and Ukrainians at my every workplace since 2014.

How does this happen?
Do people continue pissing in broken urinaries?

I can feel it bros. I'm definitely going to win the lottery this week. This is the last week.

The whole immigration thing is pushed, mostly, by private corporations, who have way too much influence in the government.
This is what unrestricted capitalism looks like.

Quit bitching and find a purpose

Yeah, why wouldn't I? Its someones job to clean it up

absolutely 100% no. same odds as winning the lottery.

I don't understand this. Is it a prank?

Not even. Most places have you work the holiday anyway if it falls on your regularly scheduled day. I don't know if this is universal, but at my job you forfeit your extra holiday pay if you call off the shift before or after.

good god holy kek

It's mostly people from a certain unfavorable race doing it for a laugh, they fling their shit at the walls afterwards

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>work early mornings
>generally like my job, great way to pass time and keep busy without letting depression or hypochondria get to me
>would do every aspect if I had enough time in a day to do it
>shitty lazy dumbasses ruin everything once they come in
God forbid I get a day off without those chucklefucks screwing something up either. The saving grace is a make the most out of those on my level.

Honestly at this point I'm halfway convinced I should just take my money I've saved and buy a van so I can fuck off into the woods until I die.
Only issue is if my money loses all value in the future socialist nightmare we're headed towards, but in that case I'm starving no matter what I do.

Life has no purpose. I'd kill myself but the survival instinct is too strong.

I ignored this networking and social media shit, which I sort of regret, I guess, it's probably too late now.
Shit like that would turn me into a commie.

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nah, you'd have to pay more for that. You can just get a guy on minimum wage to put his hand infront of the screen like a monkey.

Is she okay?

So is most of Yea Forums NEETs or..?

Businesses are pants on head retarded, what else is new
Back before any employee protection laws when it was pure capitalism people would work 14-16 hours straight. The first unions tried to argue that this was absurd and that employers could get far more productivity and get more people jobs if they just did two 6-8 hour shifts and they got laughed out because apparently that was two difficult due to the "effort" of physically paying the same amount of money but split among twice as many people.

You got a fucking problem whiteoid?

I'm a senior at a university, working for supply chain management.

>I'd kill myself but the survival instinct is too strong.

This desu.

There should be euthanasia clinics.

Cause I work the nightshift fuckhead

As someone who has been a NEET for 6 years and hasn't done anything since Highschool, I actually sort of want to work. A gardening store or something of that sort could be pretty relaxing.

There's probably no hope for me but I'm curious if the people shouting WAGIEs are like, new 1-2 year NEETs just trying to figure things out.


yeah when i was in a restaurant, the waitresses always made much more than me, like double to triple, due to tips, I actually applied to be a waiter but they put me in the dish washer area on day one, despite being hired on as a waiter. Because of that, they put me on dish washer wage. When they were low on waiters and waitresses, I wasn't allowed to be changed there, and when they put a girl who didn't even want to be a waitress as a waitress who wanted to work in the back (funny enough, it is a sausage fest in the kitchen for some reason), that was the day I quit. Then again, I made minimum wage as a dish washer, lowest paying job in the kitchen, but it was the only job I could find at the time
what is with poles? it turns out i am of polish descent thanks to my extended family living in Chicago and we all having "polish" features and eating polish food

Why not just turn of the monitors or at least switch the image on the screen?

I'm dying

Where the fuck are you NEETs getting money to survive

>retail is relaxing
Yeah, can tell you have never worked. I had the same mindset as you, but i'd go back to being a NEET if i could.

>enjoy manual labor
>everywhere i've worked i felt like an alien in the presence of all the normies

just say it
see easy

I don't understand how working staves off your guys' depression, I don't have time to fix what's wrong with me anymore and I feel like I'm being used by a society that's never gonna give me anything back. None of my games are fun anymore, I don't have the motivation to lose weight which I need to, can't get a gf, always tired.

BUT NOW I HAVE MONEY and nothing else is different. I can see my entire life playing out and it's just doing this for 60 years until I die and I can't change it, at least when neet I had some level of freedom.

>When you come back from break and everything has just turned into a complete shitshow

To answer OP though, if you're a wagie then stop giving a shit and just get a Switch. I play it on my breaks, I don't care about the opinions of the alcoholic thots and actual fucking cocaine abusers I've worked with.

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I'm going to be honest with you guys, the united states is the weirdest fucking country on the planet
not even joking, after reading all of this I'm fucking GLAD I was born in a third world shithole with zero chance of getting out, because if the alternative is this, then fuck off

Government, fucking retard

same here, its truly the best way to wagecuck it

>thinking people starve in the first world
You know you aren't going to die if you don't work right? (assuming again you don't live in the third world or something). A certain percentage of the population is always unemployed, those people don't just die, they're pacified.

i've spent several years as a cna taking care of old dementia ridden gramps who threaten to beat the fuck of you. I'm truly sorry for your situation

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I work a forklift at an oil factory

not working rots you from the inside. but so does working a job you hate. you really need to apply yourself to figure out a fulfilling career that's compatible with your desired lifestyle. it sounds hard and it's even harder in reality, that's why most people are unhappy.

I'm 27 and stopped working in 2016 and started to live off.

I'm never EVER going to work again fuck you wagies.

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those years of neethood fucking ruined me. i've seen how great and glorious life can be and now for the rest of my life i know it'll never be anywhere close to that good again.

based and redpilled

Because you still have to work it to hold it up retard

If I was working this job and saw this I would turn 360 degrees and go home.

To live off welfare*

he'll be worse.

Yeah, NEETdom is like tasting the forbidden fruit.

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>completely fluke my way into a decent part time public job
>32 hours a week
>start to get my life together with the increase in money
>lel we're cutting your hours down to 16 so we can give these other guys another shift each

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Work gives you something to focus on for like half or more of your day besides being depressed, then you can go home and do other stuff, you dont have to worry about how you are going to survive at least

Working part time in a specialty retail store can be very relaxing. This is especially the case when it's a small family owned business (assuming you could get hired there).

I guess sort of the autistic nature of getting things into place. Besides what freedom would you have with no real money? At least I'm in position to where I can save money at the moment on the chance I would like to go do something. I was jobless for half a year and it fucking sucked. Couldn't buy food I wanted or go do things with the few friends I somehow have.

Thanks doc

call center cuck reporting in

stop posting this

I would advise against jumping into engaging in paid employment unless you know for sure it's something you want to commit to in the long-term. A six year streak of nothing since high school is a long one, you could get SSI if you're American. If you break it with any sort of work, even if it's far below SGA, they might tell you to fuck off and keep doing what you were doing. Apply for SSI. See how you feel getting some meager income. Volunteer at an animal shelter or something and see how you feel doing something productive. You might come to hate work ten times as much as you hate doing nothing, and it's pretty difficult to get back to where you are right now where you have a crossroads and a choice.

NEETdom is the worst fucking meme ever, stop peddling that shit. I lost most of my 20s to that poison. Fuck NEETdom and fuck everyone who pushes it. It's pure evil.

The way this is written is asking for someone to hunt him down and shoot him in the face lmao.

What do you pretend to be retarded or something to get money?

Opposite for me. Wish i could turn myself into a workaholic. Working just focuses all my negative emotions.

feels guy is always so sad lol

You won't trick me into finding a job you Jew.

user I...

Do you get paid for the break?

Poland is a shithole and we do all we can to go away, mostly everywhere is better either.
14$ is min. wage, right? Well divide that by 4 and that's min. wage in Poland.

>The army is like college, except you are paid, and yet these idiots try to find an office job afterwards.

Ok US airforce

>see trashcan is full
>fag decides its good to just put more trash to the point it breaks the bag

I miss being in japan, I remember how a guy went to a really far away trashcan just because the nearby one was somewhat filled. Only race that dont think they are entitled.

>tfw like my job

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it sucks so hard, I'm just trying to save up enough money and build my tool/skill set up to the point where i can become self employed jack of all trades handyman to be honest

but does being stressed by work outweigh the downsides of being an empty neet?

it has a mix of everyone but yeah its a lot more neets, people who still live with their parents, and retail/warehouse/restaurant wage slaves.for me, 50.5% of my income is deductibles such as taxes, insurance, and retirement stuff. On top of that, half of the money I actually get to bring home goes straight into retirement a year, and then one or two thousand more goes into stocks and bonds and investments and all that shit I resemble gambling, but dad forces me to do it. At the end, I only have a little less than $4,000 a year for everything else such as gasoline, food, paying for other insurances and bills. Even if 100% of that money went into just finding a place to live, I couldn't afford it.
I will really have to give up on finding a girl, the gym, my hobbies, and literally everything I enjoy just to work 15 hoour shifts, or two 8 hour shifts a day, 6 or 5 days a week, just to barely be able to surivive on my own. For people like me, I won't be able to live on my own unless I spend over half of the rest of my existance on the clock, but there aren't American warehouses who will let me work these hours for some reason. My knee caps hurt way too much right now.

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I'll do you one better
>see trash can is empty with no bad
>Throws trash in anyway
Fffffffuck you

Pretty much, if you've got the balls to do it, it's a win-win scenario.
Even if there is afterlife, God will understand if you quit, if He's really merciful

Night shift bros where you at. This shit's alright


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>$200 for rent + utilities
Literally what backwater ass state are you in and how soon can I move? Even smalltown MN is $800 a month for single person apartments.

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The American system has failed it's people but because we are an individualist society we can't admit that.

lucky you have it.

actually, $7.25 is minimum wage in my state, idk where you are finding a minimum wage to be basically double my pay, that is big money

In a civilized country aka anywhere in Europe you get free money when you're unemployed to feed yourself and pay the rent.

Of course if you live in shartmerica well.. uuuuh... You get foodstamps I guess? :3

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feels good being a flyover suburban retard I can pay all my bills just working part time

Having no money to do shit, having friends and family shit on you and girls look at you with disgust isn't worth the NEET life

>If you break it with any sort of work, even if it's far below SGA, they might tell you to fuck off and keep doing what you were doing
this right here is where I screwed up, I could have easily gotten SSI(from autism) when I was 18 but I wanted to work, big mistake. I can't even hold down a job that long and have been hopping between them for 4 years now and have had to live off of rice n beans in between jobs and they will never let me get SSI

wow, who would have thought normalfags hate NEET life.

I can't tell if you like being a banker or not

>150k in bank
>don't know what I'm supposed to do with it
I'm scared of stocks.

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Are bido gams worth doing this?

Girls weren't looking at you in disgust because you were NEET

based fellow suburban retard

There is millions of self employed people that hardly make anything because of taxes and equipment cost.

>I shot the mailbox again, on purpose

Was it the cum sock I carried

>became a neet when I graduated from highschool
>every interviewer asks why I had such a long gap in employment
>never get hired
>finally get a shit part time retail job
>minimum goes up in my state
>paychecks are the same because the government is taking more
I want out lads

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>actually have a small bit of capital
>doing nothing with it
Give it to me. You're just wasting it.

and now you see why people work 3 or 4 jobs at once, 4 hours a day here then 4 hours a day there then only 3 hours a day at this place, keeps you out of the house all day

The more I look at it, the more details I see in this gem. like noticing that not only your partner does not give a shit but that you can also perceive how he is laughing at him too

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>tfw nice family and good friends
I'm sorry that the people around you aren't as decent.

>Unrestricted cronyism

Dance monkey dance.

Capitalism is the only system that works faggot

i would buy a house and rent it out

im 175cm/5'9 in denmark to girls im basically a subhuman anway. i can't even aspire to be an "average guy"TM. NEEting is logical

>happiness sharply drops as soon as you enter wagie age and rises as soon as you hit retirement

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>years ago, a central banker killed his partner.

I share a board with these people

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custodial work

It is, but what's happening right now, with feminism being promoted, muh diversity and immigration is because of corporations having too much freedom.

Corporations only care about their own profit above everything.
If you give them total freedom, they will eventually become cancer.

I feel it, user. I recently graduated with a bachelors but can't find a job because I lack experience and can't take internships because im not a student anymore (when I was already working 40 hours a week with 18 credits.)
Now I got debt and I want to look into Law School because my current life is too shit and my job barely functions enough to live off of.

Based and wagiepilled

>work an office job making a measly ~35k a year
>still enjoy life and play video games 30+ hours a week, watch anime 4-8 hours a week

How do so many of you have so little time to enjoy hobbies?

>captalism work-

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>tfw only 21
jesus christ it's only starting

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It’s 150k you retard, you don’t put everything into stocks. If you’re below 50 there is no reason to not be working some of that money.

What do you mean?

>Those connections are reserved for my tribe.

Until it brokes everything, definitely. Faggot boomer.

12 hours no more than 3 days a week. Living at home.

It’s decent enough for now

You may want to invest in something user. make more money, all that jazz.

Trying to restrict corporations is retarded. The private sector is the only reason things improve and the only way shit gets done. You all shoild get on your fucking knees and blow us

>have way too much influence in the government
>unrestricted capitalism
>corporations lobby for restrictions from government
>bitching about lower wages that effects the price of goods he purchases (I mean, sure, if you want to pay more for things to cover the wagie's pay go for it)
>unironically believes in evolution
holy fucking shit. you're in college still aren't you?

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>tfw 23 about to be 24
Get ready for suffering.

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colorado. its like $400 between my roommate and I for it all. the main reason is because my roommate and his family used to live in both halves of the duplex (since the 90s) and the same owners have been handling it ever since. they liked roommates family enough that they havent ever increased the rent.

trust me I fully understand that my living situation is a needle in a haystack

Because when you do 4-12, most of the cool shit in life doesn't happen in the morning/early afternoon

life is such a fucking meme, back in the day had it right with dying at 30. even aviici killed himself when he was about to hit 30 why the fuck wouldnt I

>can't stop and use the bathroom because you're chastised for not driving maximum speed 18 hours a day

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If all you do is sit inside jerking off and browsing Yea Forums all day you should just move somewhere cheap in bumfuck nowhere desu

What's improving user? The size of your ice cream? The healthcare for profit? The speed of your internet so you can watch cuckporn in 4k?

>bitching about lower wages
>unironically believes in evolution
Where did you get this from?

Thats what piss jugs are for user

>dont work at all
>have my own apartment from a settlement I get paid the rest of my life
>still depressed and hate my life because it has no meaning whatsoever

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Don't worry the nerves will go away when you can't meet rent and food without wagie $$$

Fascism is the way to go.
If your company doesn't benefit the country directly, you deserve to be shut down.

I used to do landscaping work with a mexican guy because I had trouble getting any kind of work. If you can make enough money to live off of it's not that bad. But it can be hard.

I do have time for hobbies. Doesn't mean i still don't spend most of waking time absolutely miserable.

Productivity. Profits. The only thing you're worth user

>Have a 10 minute commute to my job
>Honestly kind of like it
>I honestly play more videogames now than when I was a NEET since before I just sat on Yea Forums doing nothing 24/7 and sleeping some 12 hours a day
Work when you aren't a retail fag is pretty great.

I think I would kill myself if I had to drive for like 40 minutes like some of my coworkers though.

What's improving?
The "diversity" of our countries?
The amount of feminist propaganda we have to put up with?
I sure enjoy my nation being filled with Ahmeds simply because Mr. Goldsteinberg thinks paying $600 to workers is too much.

I hope you're going to kill yourself painfully

Why? Even with a boomer meme fund i've made 15% this year.

Papers Please

Yeah fucking nothing alright.

Humanity is fucking shit. I swear I'm not going to die alone.

do facist companies do that alot?

>t. not well-read in history

What kind of settlement?

Is it really Tyrone's fault he's more appealing than you user?

The free market is a joke because people are fucking brain damaged.
Just look at how easy it is to manipulate millennials.

Corporations are behind the latest push for leftism in the for of immigration.
Thus, they deserve to be taken down for commiting treason against their countries.

Take a portion and put it an safe stock for a better return than the bank’s interest. You don’t have to be putting your money in risky shit if you don’t want to, especially if you are already content with it just sitting in the bank doing nothing.

>In my 30s
>Dropped out of college due to depression
>Work at a place where I kind of enjoy the work
>Got four weeks of vacation soon to be five with 12 guaranteed holidays a year
>Make enough to pay rent, bills and student loans with enough left to fund vidya and hobbies
>Voluntary four hour weekend shifts net me a couple hundred extra to throw at hobbies or investments

I'm not sure if I should go back to school or some kind of training: I'm well over the depression that haunted me in my teens so I feel I could get a much better job but the ease of life right now is good, too.

This image is painfully accurate. My life has been reduced to counting how many fucking hours of free time I have left

Any Ys game.

wow my dad is right, people saying 35k is measly when I think that was enough to survive on, and here I am making 19k

What are you talking about?
Tyrone doesn't work, he just lives from welfare, which should also be eliminated.
It's Ahmed the one that comes here and accepts jobs for like a third of the pay.

It's hilarious how the most capitalist people in the world have managed to brainwashed leftists into doing their bidding.
Proves the weakness of the people who unironically believe in "solidarity".

So going to the right would eliminate Corporate overlords? How many of you guys ever worked for rich companies? Cause almost all of them aren't leftist.


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>I swear I'm not going to die alone.
I said this years ago and even with all the improvements in my life, it seems more and more likely that I will die alone

i make almost that much on disability lmao

It's not that they "do it a lot", they have no other choice.
In a fascist country you need to prove that your company is going to be a positive addition to your country or you won't be allowed to create that business.
If it doesn't, or it stops being benefitial towards the country, it gets shut down by the government.


cucked tier
if you need a roommate you should kys poorfag

i wish Yea Forums was this quality as Yea Forums

>waiter's tip is in the cup
>cup is full of water
>picking the cup up normally will spill the water everywhere
>only way to spill less water is to drag it to the edge of the table and slide something flat under it as you slide it off the table
>then you can flip it rightside up
>but there's ketchup all around the cup so doing that will smear ketchup everywhere

It would keep them under a leash to prevent them from having too much power.
When someone only cares about profits, he will eventually put profits above the well-being of it's nation.

>Cause almost all of them aren't leftist.
They have no ideology, they don't care about politics unless they can manipulate people into giving them more profits.

What fund? How do you set it up?

Almost all of them are jews. They are vastly overepresented. They are also vastly leftist.

I would like a small amount of context

What disability and how easy to fake is it?

True. living with a room mate should be the last resort. I'd rather live in a mobile home or a trailer than have a room mate.

We all die alone

>he works for minimum wage
i seriously hope none of you do this past your first job @ 16

>get new at target
>specifically tell them I want part time work
>get 40 hpurs my first week
>talk to manager
>says this is is a one time thing, will be settled
>receive new schedule
>ten hours over the amount I put in in for my application
Here I am now, sitting in my break room, holding a shit in as I refuse to use the public bathroom.

Why is hiroshimoot blocking so many ip addresses? No matter how many times I reset the ip address on my phone I keep getting "posting images is not allowed from your ip". I might just get a vpn, fuck buying a pass.

Working isn't going to solve anything. The only thing that'll change is you'll have money. The depression doesn't go away

t. former neet of five years

Even Smith was redpilled on capitalism
>The tolls for the maintenance of a high road, cannot with any safety be made the property of private persons.
>As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.
>A tax upon house-rents, therefore, would in general fall heaviest upon the rich; and in this sort of inequality there would not, perhaps, be anything very unreasonable. It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.
>We rarely hear, it has been said, of the combinations of masters, though frequently of those of the workman. But whoever imagines, upon this account, that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject.
>Our merchants and master-manufacturers complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price, and thereby lessening the sale of their goods both at home and abroad. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.
>Whenever the legislature attempts to regulate the differences between masters and their workmen, its counsellors are always the masters. When the regulation, therefore, is in favor of the workmen, it is always just and equitable; but it is sometimes otherwise when in favor of the masters.
>The interest of the dealers, however, in any particular branch of trade or manufactures, is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public. To widen the market and to narrow the competition, is always the interest of the dealers.
>Monopoly of one kind or another, indeed, seems to be the sole engine of the mercantile system.

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You're getting it wrong, I mean that I'm not gonna do an hero without taking some unwilling passengers with me.


>It would keep them under a leash to prevent them from having too much power.

How. What right leaning policies accomplish this

>They have no ideology

Worshiping profits is an ideology and it is what they believe in.

>Rent a room
>Live in there with girlfriend and a roomie
>Special TV privileges since i'm the one paying for everything, I get to watch whatever I want when I get home
>2 beds. Girlfriend sleeps with my roomie, so I get a bed all for myself

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>tfw i can easily afford to live by my self, but still room with my best bro anyway for the company
nothing like getting a few beers in and playing video games with him after a long day at work, all while building my savings up like crazy due to having to pay much less rent, gonna be sad as fuck when he finally moves out though

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I thought he was trying to stop the guy from taking pics of the guests faces.. only until I read he was doing it to stop you from getting free photos.

She survived, somehow. Now she's probably fucking hobbled in a few ways or so permanently.

Where do you work. I work for Stock Brokers and there's a framed picture of "Buffetisms" at the end of one hall and a full length portrait at the end of another.

>that feel on a sunday night when you know you're gonna call in sick next day

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>tfw enough passive income to stay NEET forever
>assblasted Yea Forumsagies still drone on about "b-but you will have to move out eventually..." when I own my own car and apartment

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Wait a moment...

this fairytale mindset you guys have about being in a relationship is really far from the truth. just throwing it out there

>How. What right leaning policies accomplish this
That's the basis of fascism, that only companies allowed to exist are those that are benefitial and positive additions to the country.

>Worshiping profits is an ideology and it is what they believe in.
And will pretend to believe in other ideologies if they can help them achieve what they want.
Such as using leftists to fill countries with sandniggers because they are cheaper workers than whites.

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Capitalism has caused so much surplus that useless people can live, how's that for an improvement?

>break and lunch


oh wait you're serious

Look up what an index fund is and get one from somewhere like vanguard

Attached: vanguard.jpg (728x400, 25K)

>Wipe ketchup
>Move glass over to bucket
Boom, problem solved.
Have fun getting banned.

Is it bad that I've responded with a "do I fucking look like I couldn't have a wife?" at least twice because of changing jobs?
I'm well aware that I'm attractive, I have a nice face, lift/combatsports and always well groomed (and ended up fucking at least one whore from those old jobs).
Like, okay, congratulations for saying goodbye to your single life before 30, so please stop trying to pull me into your fucking despair pit.

once you hit 30, and if you still arent not single, chances are you will still be single, this is especially true for young poor men who will either be alone or have to find a single mom and not have the chance to produce children of his own.
im 28 and i see room mates as people you life with only when you are in college and young 20s. by mid 20s, people SHOULD be making enough to not have to live with room mates but instead a partner. for me this means i would rather still live with parents than live with room mates, cause either way I am not getting laid any time soon.
wow i cant find anywhere in my area at all that has $400 a month, everything is above $700 a month just for rent here

What's that surplus of that's so valuable that's worth turning countries into muslim 3rd world shitholes?

to the wagies, what's it like interacting with THAT one asshole, you can't avoid him/her what do you do

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!??!?!?!?!?

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If communism won, would I still have to wage slave? I just want to be a NEET playing games until I die, I don't care if I have to eat shitty food or have no luxuries, just a good gaming PC and internet connection is fine.

>stock brokers

Wouldn’t that mean that user was right, as you work for jews?

based, give em hell my lad

under communism, if you don't work you get killed because there's not enough money to keep everyone alive

>tfw wife is going on a business trip to Detroit so I get the house to myself all week

No wagie anywhere would go through such an effort for 3 dollars.

>turned 25 a few months ago
It only gets worse

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>actually having a physical, paper shift card you have to stick into a machine entering/exiting the workplace
this kills the resolve of any man

Or they use the corporations as a tool to step on you like we have now. I see no reason Fascism wouldn't do this.

>Such as using leftists to fill countries with sandniggers because they are cheaper workers than whites.

You really think corporations wouldn't do this uner the right? Or do you think corporations would be abolished under Fascism?

Yeah, a surplus of feminists and islamic terrorism.

Why are you dumbfucks so miserable?

sir, you forgot your change

Literal ultracapitalist, right wing bro dude Jews yes. At least half of them. The other half is Irish/Italian

Keeping you is of no benefit, killing you is of no cost.

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Just fucking lie
Say you went on a trip around the world to make charity work, or you used to be a musician and did some art shows inspired by your parents, whatever. They don't check.

they have to do it anyway to clean the table. the $3 is just salt in the wound.

Retail sucks fucking ass user. Maybe at some small, local store it would be fine but any chain is just hell to deal with.

Getting a job won't make you happy, having meaning will. Go help a soup kitchen or something, do something that isn't just putting money in suits' pockets while you bust your ass.

So let me get this straight Yea Forums. If we kick feminists and immigrants out of this country, I will be able to make a living wage, get a GF and will finally stop being depressed?

>tfw 31

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>Legal Maximum
What is the legal maximum in the US? I work here and we've done 16 hour days before.

What would happen if he just let the cameraman take a picture? Get fired or written up?
I legit feel bad for the guy.

Tell manager this one customers being a dick, we arent in the states so that means the next time will be the fuckers last.

>I see no reason Fascism wouldn't do this.
Probably because ilegalizing businesses that aren't benefitial to the country is literally the basis of fascism?
If the government doesn't do that, then it's not a fascist country, period.
It's like saying a country under a dictatorship is democratic.

>You really think corporations wouldn't do this uner the right?
No, under fascism, I already told you.

>Or do you think corporations would be abolished under Fascism?
Again, I already told you, a corporation in a fascist country is only allowed to exist if it directly benefits the country.
Microsoft, Apple, Google... All these corporations that sacrifice the well being of people would be ilegal in a fascist country.

lol sounds like someone doesnt have good enough friends to live with.
>play vidya all day
>never argue
>share kitchen just fine
>all while hardly spending any money
>legit happy
yeah im the cuck here, angryfag

>shit job
>no social life
>no ambition to better myself or my position in life

it gets better in your 30s because life has made you numb by then.

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>nothin like sucking my best bros cock after my job at mcwagies

No. They will just outsource more shit or flood your market with other native workers. It would be a start though.

This but its also hard to play video games. I just get stressed

>gonna be stuck in retail until i die or end up necking

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>unironically believes in evolution
Do we really have retards here that don't believe in evolution? Shouldn't you guys be busy inbreeding in your trailer or something.

I'm not sure if I should put a bullet in my head before 30. Any anons have opinions on this?

>tfw working in a paid academic research lab and legitimately love it despite working/writing 8-12 hours a day there and usually showing up on the weekends
Thankfully the Switch lets me keep up with some vidya while waiting for experiments to finish

this is at an ihop restaurant btw
i couldnt get mmy first job until 21, people kept hiring 15 year olds with more experience than me or cute girls instead of a guy who clearly has something wrong with him. thats why i had to go to a place that helps disabled people find jobs because lets face it nobody really wants to hire them. strange how i still make minunum wage in this warehouse i work in, well, $7.77 an hour because they told me I was lucky to get the job, but at least it is a small warehouse and I got fired from amazon and walmart and mcdonalds
you got a job at target?! i heard they are super hard to get for unless you are a certain type of people, meaning not white guy unless upper management.
i wish I had a girlfriend

>just a couple of months until I turn 27
>already getting used to the wagie lifestyle

It's okay...
Everything is okay...

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sounds comfy and fulfilling. im jealous but also happy for you user

Which corporations would be allowed then? Would they be run by the state? How would you guarantee the state wouldn't be as corrupt as it is now?

buy blizzard stocks
they WILL go up for a while with classic release

What's worse is that you aren't even making enough to save for retirement
You are literally gonna work til you die

I'm hoping I don't make it past 25 to be honest.

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>try to talk to anyone
>their only interests are drinking and beating their kids

its a pretty good incentive for self-improvement at least

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Don't mean to brag, but my job is 10 hours long and
>Don't start work for an hour after start of shift
>Hour break
>Hour and a half lunch
>Stop work half an hour to an hour before the end of my shift
I'm a contractor for Intel

I think he has a problem with apes using human bathrooms

I've not worked this particular job in a theme park but I had a friend who did at universal. You will genuinely get written up if your manager or supervisor sees you not make an attempt to "stop" a park guest from taking a picture of the picture. Stop namely being to get in their way of the camera and tell them they can't do that.

Yes it's shit, yes these jobs are garbage and anyone who is past college age and doing it has literally nothing else in their life.

nigga I've been a bartender and done table work in the past. I've had customers try and hold their tip above me like a carrot on a string. At some point, you just stop caring and prevent them from using it against you.

>Gate keeping on fucking Linked In of all places.
Who kind of power tripping shit is this?

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what if my desired lifestyle is to play vidya for 12 hours a day?

What does Intel need with a contractor?

In all the places i've worked at, the managers would work their asses off and get pissed at their minimum-wage employees for not doing the same

Nigga you gotta work against the system. I exclusively take half hour shits while watching youtube videos on my phone on the clock at work. My practically free labor comes at a small price to our jewish overlords

I know what you are thinking and no, I'm not a cuck
my roomie's dick is outside of my gf's pussy most of the time so i'm kind of a part-time cuck (half-cuck? not a real cuck) instead of a full time cuck

>oh hey did you catch *insert new show series here*
>it's great we loved it
>how about you user?
>what about the NFL or MLB did ya catch the game user?

They rely on contractors for installing and maintaining their cleanroom equipment

just find a restaurant working in the kitchen or work in a warehouse bro, those are the only other tings uneducated men can really do besides handy work mentioned in the newspapers

>Yea Forums is pro capitalism
>yet half are welfare NEET socialists and half are utterly suffering wagies
Makes me think

The vast majority of /pol/tards are just zoomers being manipulated by boomers cherrypicking the good parts of the past. The vast majority of young men would be fucking coal miners or farmers were it not for technological advancements or capitalism.

Had two fifteen minute breaks and a one hour lunch break working for both Walmart and AT&T.

gives me stuff to buy with my neetbux

>Was exhausted every single day from my corporate job
>Took the /fit/ pill
>Now I feel energetic as shit constantly
Quit drinking coffee and the liquid jew aka soda.
Your life will be a million times better.

Do you know what a dopamine rush it is to get compliments? This is what life must be like for women, I dont think I have ever in my life had someone tell me I look nice before.

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Well, all research says that it would certainly be a start. No country in the entire world NEEDS immigration anymore. You could shut down every single border in the first world and still be sustainable.

A cuck is a cuck user, you can't just half-cuck

Easy, companies that sell useful stuff to people without undermining them, without outsourcing, and without putting profits ahead of what's good for the country, such as promoting filling countries with immigrants in order to have cheaper workers.
And other companies such as military focused ones.
A military company in this system wouldn't be allowed to train enemies of the country in order to promote wars and increase sales, unlike what's happening in the US.

>Would they be run by the state?
No, the state would simply keep an eye on all of them to ensure they don't do any shady shit.

>How would you guarantee the state wouldn't be as corrupt as it is now?
You can't, but then again, that applies to every single form of ruling systems.

Roth IRA.
invest in multiple things.
diversify the financial portfolio.
pay someone to do these for you if you are stupid

Your roommate fills you girlfriends mouth and pussy with cum daily while you watch TV in the other room

Yeah I don't I've been a neet for a long time. But I'd rather work so I can afford to fill my car with gas and buy good food and clean shoes

board culture has killed my social skills. I'm so used to speaking my mind anonymously without much blowback, plus i can be nice or rude depending on the circumstances. in real life or username based things it's much more difficult and I need to watch what i say or be ousted

And due to said technological advancements, we don’t need never ending 3rd world browns for physical labor that doesn’t exist. /pol/ is right and you inadvertently proved it.

how old are you?

Don't pursue green dildos, they don't exist anymore

>not living in a state with mandatory days off in the even of 6-7 day workweeks.

>imagine if you bough a shit load of BTC when it was still at 3k
I could be living the life right now....

whatever you say "Henry"

Still doesn't change the fact that I want to experience and come to hate it myself

I've collected some poems that you fellow NEET gods might like. A few of these I wrote

>wagie wagie sees this thread
>screams at voices in his head

>wagie wagie hates his job
>sees this thread and starts to stop

>wagie wagie on a break
>sees this thread and starts to shake

>wagie wagie home from work
>sees this thread and goes berserk

>wagie on a sunday night
>sees this thread and screams in fright

>wagie wagie on the clock
>sees this thread and starts in shock

>wagie wagie wakes up early
>sees this thread and gets surly

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jesus christ, working is a mistake

>have a panic attack every day before going into work
im so happy the place went out of business and i get to relax a little bit dont ever work retail

>Boomers say shit like this
>I don't understand why the children are turning to Communism/Fascism/Socialism/Revolutionary ideologies!

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>the bond of servitude

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I've been out of college for around 5 years now. At what point do companies stop giving a shit about my prior education when I have no relevant work experience (been working as a bartender in the mean time)?

What's the most comfy entry level work?

god i wish, i can have a conversation about sports at least.

>he missed BTC
>he missed ETH
>he's going to miss LINK

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this was obviously written by a woman.

yep. same here.

and when you're so used to posting on Yea Forums and having as much time as you'd like to think about your choice of words and how you're going to construct your sentences, it becomes a bit difficult in the irl world where you only have a few seconds to respond

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Could be worse anons, you could be forced to go to a Job Centre in britbongland
please fucking save me

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The life os a wagie.

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Damn dude, that's cheap. I pay $1300 for my apartment in Texas. Well, I say I do but my dad pays for it and all my bills while I'm a NEET.

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They only care about what kind of work skills you have. The high school dropout with years of advanced work experience will get paid more than the college graduate with no practice skills in the working place.

What if your manager is the dick?

what's so bad about those?

yeah but back then, the population of earth was like what, one eighth or one tenth of what it is today? i think the population of earth in 1971 was half of what it is today.
what do these things even do? i only count how much money i own as how much i have in my one bank account, and by one i mean I view having more than one as stupid. roth ira is just retirement, right? i dont understand how investing somehow gives you money its like giving someone money for shits and giggle and expecting them to give you more money back with interest? if someone gave me one hundred bucks, i wouldnt give them 110 in the future.
lol jobs like that dont have hours set in stone are the worst, lol, better to have a set schedule than a fucked up one

That's not true, she loves me and he's my best friend so they wouldn't do that

>everyone laughing
you mean one dry shriveled cunt stacey laughing at him?

Security. I would reccomend getting an armed security job as they usually pay more than unarmed jobs.

I get to shit post and play vidya while getting paid a decent livable wage.

You only have one life, want to spend it chasing money while the years slip by? or do you wanna live life on your own terms? the choice is yours.

Honestly wasn't that bad for me. Just going there for like 10 minutes once every 2 weeks.

Alright mother fucker, you can laugh at the wagie, but holy fuck DO NOT EVER, imply that was at Disney, fucking stupid cunt normie can't fucking read for 1 fucking second.

>manager asks you to come in on a day off
>can't just say "no, I don't want to come in" because that would make me look like a dick

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>tfw going to have to take a leave of absence soon because of a bad knee and try to have surgery to see if it's repairable
>could be out of work for a while depending on what the doctors determine
>don't know if I qualify for SDI
>could spend weeks maybe even months making on money
The silver lining is that at least I'm trying to take care of my health and not just slaving away at the whims of corporate until I crumple into a heap and become a permanent cripple.

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crypto isn't capital or cashflow

when did amnesty happen again?

Company appreciates in value, your stock is worth more, you have more money.

say youre visiting family in the next town over and its too late to cancel, make shit up dude

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that's why you strive to get a promotion

if you've got a good job you can say no and avoid that shit

too bad if you can get easily replaced you can't ever say no

I do it, no regrets

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The price to pay for decent neetdom in britbongland, gotta keep up a fake "job search" and eventually be forced onto worthless courses. They hate you, and will do anything they can to stop your money. I'm starting to unironically think it's worse than having a part time job.

Did you get certs for your job?

your job must not be that bad then

my job is so shit i have just straight up started saying no and they gotta deal with it

>click on the guys profile
>he's chad
incel cope hahaha

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>Work in food industry
>Prep in a restaurant, specifically
>Love my job - love making food
>My job's hours are entirely random; could be 4-10 hours
>My job also relies on my coworkers doing their job and not screwing around and making me pick up their slack
>My direct boss, who is supposed to help us, would rather dance around to that shitty song Old Town Road all day and get in an argument with the K-Pop-obsessed bitch than actually work
>His boss refuses to fix the rampant problems the restaurant has and instead hides in the office all day, probably sucking dick and getting drink, or staving off a hangover when she isn't

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i remember staying up all night in the summer time watching live starcraft on gomtv while playing minecraft

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>unironically thinking immigrants are the reason wages are down and not entire system built on owner classes hoarding it all

I'm 22 and a neet, but I'm feeling super guilty for wasting my time, trying to get a job from time to time, but If I find one I usually leave it after several days. Live with my parents. No friends either. Havent left my house for a month now. How do you cope with depression?

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I make 25/hr working in a factory. You can too.

I say no every time.
Sometimes I wonder how the hell I'm not fired yet

It depends on your work coach, my first work coach was a chill fat woman who was actually really kind, then I got moved onto a short haired blonde woman with glasses. She's hell compared to the other coach

I hope you anons have a good day at work tomorrow!

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Choose one.

I'd take a shit on my boss's desk before I took a paycut. Who the fuck made this

How do you do taxes with this?

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>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it. I'm 22 and my dad is putting pressure on me to lose it. I still live at home and depend on my parents and they know I'm not bringing any girls over. He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends instead of referring to me by my real name. It's getting annoying.

Fuck you

you'll never have a nice wet cunt ever again you fucking leathery raisin

So can I meme recruiters into believing that my years as a bartender can translate into something else?

>nothing I want to play
that's how everyone else here feels user. it's because you have a job and are miserable

I am happier and feel better as an adult than i EVER did in my teen years. t. formerly homeless and passed around by the state

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They factually would not have an argument to fire you if you refused to show up on days you are literally not scheduled to work, and they would probably be exposing themselves to legal trouble.
To be fair, if she had time to lean she has time to clean. She is a maid after all.

You'd have to be pretty dumb to assume that immigrants that aren't from Mexico are low-skilled. What's pajeet gonna do? Swim here?

You aren't legally or contractually obligated to come in on your day off unless you are considered on-call. Your boss isn't going to come to your house and knock on your door ordering you to come to work when you aren't scheduled. The only thing he can do is ask and maybe chew you out if you decline and he's a cocksucker about it.

They usually send your account statements each month and at the end of the year they'll give you the statements you need for taxes. Even if you don't invest in stocks, the least you could do is invest in government bonds that don't pay much, but it's more than what a bank will pay to keep your money.

>tfw buying a model Y in 2021
>tfw I'll pay it off by having my model 3 robotaxi
driving around making me $30k a year
>make the model Y be a robotaxi too
>Easily make $60k a year by doing nothing except for buying tires and rotating them at home
>tfw I can play video games and sit on my ass and still get paid for it
Y'all should get in on this too before they jack up the price of full self driving

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I have a level 3 commission security license that was given to me by the department of public safety after I got hired by my current employer.

I would look for a security academy near your area and go from there. Some companies will even pay for your training.

>user, I want you to do more work for the same amount of pay
>I'm ready !

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I want to kill the person who wrote that.

These. Sparky apprentice and I'm about to fucking strangle my lead. The dude has a talent for taking the most basic questions and ways of explaining things and turning them into over-complicated and contrived answers. No joke, if he says, "X needs to go on this side of the beam" pointing to the left, you think he means on the left side, right? Nope. He means it's the right side and is confused as to how me and the other guy I work with get confused. FFS we were given 5 different answers last Wednesday for what all needed to be done. Once I pay off my car in August or September I'm buying a code book and teaching myself

i still dont understand. one thousand dolalrs put in should still be one thousand dollars put in, even if the company now makes a lot more money overall

This thread makes me super thankful that I was able to get a full ride to college and make something out of myself. My dad and mom are bums and I didn't want to end up like them. Sure I'd rather not work, but Im super glad Im not working pay check to pay check even though Im not making really good money.

i will never get over how fucking out of touch this tweet is, these are the people pushing marxism, these are the people who think themselves to be working class heroes

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>and is excellent with money
>over $600 every single month in random charity donations


Cost accountant working salary. Lots of different people play video games. Sometimes I wish I did nothing and get neet bucks but then I remembered I'd have to be a sperg or be on disability to do so.

Enjoy cleaning up thot vomit and/or chad semen
I'll stick with mining crypto

They're twitch donations

why do you smell like shoe polish?


>$100,000 annual income
>Living somewhere with an $825 monthly rent

I get the feeling there's some degree of dishonesty here.

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>Calling your mom and dad bums when they clearly raised you right as a productive member of society.
At least you are not a neet.

I don't understand why they don't have a kill switch for the monitors instead of making one dude humiliate himself by trying to enforce the rules. How is one dude even supposed to enforce the rules without doing something that would get them and the park sued?

Are you middle class Yea Forums?

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>incel boomers

>public bathroom
worked at a target for three years while in college, there's private bathrooms in the backroom in the fire hall
you're welcome

Think of buying stocks as owning a piece of the company. If the company does well, your piece of the company is worth more.

My boss just starts cutting hours for people who don't come in when asked. So if a part-timer usually gets 20 hours a week, he'll slowly knock off hours until you can't make enough to sustain yourself then quit of your own volition

nice you might be able to make back how much it cost you in parts 2 years from now

my parents arent even middle class

she only hand minor injuries and was able to walk right after somehow

let me guess, retail.

>normally pretty mild and earnest
>suddenly feel like recieving this letter would turn me into Edmond Dantes levels of untraceable 10 year plotting vengeance seeking ruin your life motherfucker like a switch had been flipped within me

> 18 years old
> working in a werehouse that sells animal food
> exited as fuck for being my first job
> being the only one who care about doing a good job
> lifes good
> one day new manager arrives
> treat me like shit because i was the youngest one (and at 5,5 ft manlet)
> this goes for a month
> one day he told me that we are not allowed to eat lunch inside the building (not even in our designated resting areas)
> fuck
> one day i caught a coworker eating his lunch inside
> no big deal
> 10 mins later I caught the manager doing the same thing
> i ask him in the spot if i could eat my lunch too
> "no"
> fuck it
> i quit and i never came back to the werehouse
> report the werehouse to the
authorities because i knew it was full of rats and black water (i think it was water) was leaking in the basement where all the dog food is stored
> a month later the place is shut down

As a wagie, always have a backup plan to fuck the entire site if they decide to fuck with you

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It's me, what you're gonna do about it now

Don't make me say the N word and not get banned for it here on "safe zone" 4channel.

You should've brown-nosed your way into a Big Four intership user.

I did tax preparing my first year out of college while still applying for other jobs. I got contacted about another job opening from this admin job I was applying because I was overqualified for. They had a program for recent grads to train as middle management. Moved and trained for a year before they offered me a promotion from assistant to controller.

Moral of the story is to keep applying and you might get lucky. Takes 1 yes out of thousands of no's.

Retail is like the ultimate crab bucket scenario.

Where literally everyone is so miserable they do nothing but try and fuck over every one else they work with or under just because they can.

hold the fuck on...

>single parent
>230k income
Not with two kids they aren't

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no you're a cuck

You owe literally nothing but the required job responsibilities to any business. If they antagonize you and act like shitheads, you aren't bound by some capitalist honor code where your loyalty to your employer is signed in blood. Fuck them for whatever they are worth on your way out, and make sure you laugh while doing so.

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>Cause a bunch of completely innocent people to lose their jobs just because you weren't allowed to eat inside

Such Autism

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"cut hours until people eventually take the hint and leave" is the ultimate retail move.

you can be replaced by a 15 year old girl the next day so they literally just dont care.

My sister gets pissed when I complain about having to work days off since I only do 20 hours a week. She tells me it's pathetic since she has to work 40-50 a week. Who would voluntarily choose to work most of their lives when they could live happily and comfortably at only 20 a week? It honestly reeks of envy and frustration.

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t. Manager cuck

I eat wherever I fucking want, even on the corpse of your dead Grandma

>zoomers will grow up in a world full of automation with little job opportunities
i feel bad for them. it certainly won't make things cheaper

>Who would voluntarily choose to work most of their lives when they could live happily and comfortably at only 20 a week?
People who can't live comfortably at 20 a week.

>Management made no attempt to rectify the easily reported hazards and conditions that permitted the business to shut down
>"Bawww that autistic failure ruined us!!!"
Never use Toku for your reaction images again, you faggot.

If you can provide for yourself working 20 hours, kudos to you. She has to work OT in her case. I'm presuming you both have different careers. She just chose the wrong one for whatever reason.

I think my dock job tried this on me, giving me 10 hour weeks for a couple months, I stuck with it because I was living rent free at the time and they were doing me a favor cause I was only working to get the neet guilt off my shoulders. I got my hours back eventually and some. Wish I was still living at home where I could only work 10 hour weeks again.

Oh... you mean exactly like Disney World?

Shut the fuck up bootlicking faggot, give me your address so i can skin you and your family alive and wear you as coats.

Lots of boomer retards from /pol/ crossboard. Dont give them replies.

labor jobs cant really get away with it as easily cause they usually REALLY need the help, and its difficult finding people who are reliable and wont quit in 3 days.

I feel for wagies when I get up at 10 to go to uni, save your money, invest, THEN have kids ffs, only YOU can break the poverty cycle

Jesus. I'm paying at most 500 bucks and that includes electric and internet here in Missouri. I could even lower that to about 425 if I cut my net back some but I like having higher speeds

Why wouldn't you just wipe away the ketchup then do that?

Most wagies saving/investing is a waste of time. Do you realize how low the average wage is? If they did that to actually afford kids, they wouldn't be ready before they were infertile.

>when you've been reprimanded multiple times but are still a competent worker in a position that's not easily replaceable and you and management both know it so it's unlikely you'll ever be fired

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>mom needs help paying bills and taxes
Should I help lads?

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>2500 in bank
>happy I have at least a little in there but know it's nowhere near ideal
At least i'm not living paycheck to paycheck but fuck i'm going to need a new truck and pc soon

>How do I get over this
Well, you already realized it's probably someone doing it just to piss you off.
Just recognize that every time it happens, and laugh it off.

>My dad is putting pressure on me to lose it
>They know I'm not bringing any girls over
Why would you want to bring a girl over to your place and have them potentially make fun of you for that?

Never bring a girl over if you're still living with your parents. NEVER.
Just lie and say you fucked a girl at her place or something if you want him to stop.
You could also call him out on it while he says that stuff in front of your friends to shut him down. If you let him realize you can take a joke and dish it back to him, chances are he might actually stop and consider things from your perspective.

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Colony dies.

is texas really that fucked? I live on the east coast. You're easily paying AT LEAST $1k for a shit apartment

True, one person getting sick or taking a couple days off really throws a wrench into the whole operation.

>live 30 mins outside of seattle
>rent is $1600 for a 1-bedroom apartment, not including utilities, electric, or parking
goodbye money

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A roth ira is tax advantaged.
You pay tax now but not when you take it out later.

Get roommates dummy.
I pay

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