ITT: Underrated Gems

ITT: Underrated Gems

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>overworld goes to shit
>overworld forever shit with no way to fix it


>for years I thought the ps2 version was the actual game

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Sonic Unleashed PS2 was really fucking good

>Wolverine starts Spider-man trivia
>Realize I don't know shit about Spider-man.

I thought the DS version was

best spooder games available on pc besides spiderman 2000? i just played about 30 min of amazing spooder 2 and it was a generic hell,starts with walking simulation,smudged paint cutscenes,modern hud,shitty ass boring generic combat that would better not even be there,qtes,upgrade system,cheap sidequest,etc... ffs i just want to play a good spiderman game

Web of Shadows and Ultimate Spider-Man. Shattered Dimensions was on Steam at one point but was taken off for some reason and the pirated versions are all buggy and glitchy messes

>PS2 version is god tier
>Wii Version is complete ass

I remember they had a vote on what the box art should be and I can't believe this won.

>Overworld and enemies change over time
>Venom's development from just wanting to fuck with you to the realization of how out of hand shit goes
>Black and normal suit have decent enough gameplay changes
If it weren't for the stupidly repetitive missions and that one move they encourage you to spam over and over it would've been a truly great gem but it has enough faults for me to understand why it went under the radar.

People are surprised that the Mario crossover game was good but before that they made this gem that I honestly think is even better.

Even the humor and art style is a vast improvement on what they are usually given and it has one of the best character customization I've seen which allow some really creative types to go wild with how they want their charters to look.

I genuinely recommend this to anyone who wants a good collectathon platformer.

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ultimate spiderman is the only other one ive enjoyed. people go on about web of shadows, but i barely played it when i got it and went back to it recently and it feels pretty shit to play

Spidermans voice acting is reason enough for this shit. I could never get into it or take it seriously cuz how bad it was

>tfw I pirated this game because swinging around the city was really fun
It also had pretty fun fanservice, it was cool to see characters that weren't exclusive to the Spiderman comics like Wolverine and Luke Cage.

>Choose the Jean Grey answer for one of the questions because I legit couldn’t remember if she was revived again or not at the time of the game’s release

When people talk about web of shadows a crap load of people seem to dislike it for some reason, I think it's a top tier spidey game, if 2 is s tier web of shadows is either an a or b tier

But lets be real, real s tier is ultimate spider-man

>When people talk about web of shadows a crap load of people seem to dislike it for some reason
Really? I've only seen some positive stuff about this game

Why can't Marvel or any of its subsidiaries correctly depict Spider-Man as an adult?

>people frequently regard it as one of the best Spidey games ever made and still say it does some things better than even the PS4 game
lol no

All of these are legit shit.

thats an horrible looking wolverine

>When people talk about web of shadows a crap load of people seem to dislike it for some reason
>people frequently regard it as one of the best Spidey games ever made and still say it does some things better than even the PS4 game

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