Whats with the progression system in this bitch?

Whats with the progression system in this bitch?
>Down 4 divine gays
>Only boss battle remains in each
>xdddd you cant beat them because they oneshot you or absorve fuck ton of damage
>No way to get better gear, be stuck with 10 hearts, some shitty 1+ knights and 30-40 dmg knifes
>Get one shot again
Nice design. Inb4 just stack resistance

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>Being bad at BotW
wow you really suck lol. Just get the fucking armor and upgrade it you idiot. Then proceed to facetank everything. Holy shit

>they oneshot you

I feel like you're pretending to be fucking garbage just so people will reply to you.

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>Get fucking armor
>Nowhere to get armor from
This is legitimely harder than DS

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Do shrines to get more hearts/stamina
Upgrade gear at the 4 fairies
Cook stat boosting meals
How are you this crap at a game with a phenomenally large level of small progression

Oh good he is a troll, ignore him and laugh at his average but weirdly shaped penis

>Do shrines to get more hearts/stamina
Holy shit, I didnt realize that. I guess I do every shrine in the game before bosses. Youre smartest man in this thread, user
>Upgrade gear at the 4 fairies
>Cook stat boosting meals
>How are you this crap at a game with a phenomenally large level of small progression
Because any boss practically oneshots or two shots with 21 armor. 30 damage weapon practically takes forever to kill

Go into a fucking town dumbass. either Kakariko or Hateno

There is only armor at villages cpt retard, anything in the world is completely random when it comes to finding it

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Which even upgraded isnt enough, even shit like Yogi katana dude oneshots through knight armor

Every fairy you unlock allows for another tier of upgrades, +2 armour will take you through most of the game, with +3/+4 you are invincible.

>Cook stat boosting meals
The highest strength up buff with a two handed weapon makes everything you can fight a joke.

>Cook stat boosting meals

And here we see the one man too stupid to beat Breath of the Wild with the so easy a child could do it cooking and healing system.

>anything in the world is completely random when it comes to finding it
point at him and laugh. LAUGH!!.

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Then....go to a town? The main quest literally points you at kakariko which has the travelers set, and doing THAT points you at hateno which has the knights set and rune upgrades

okay my guy have you ever tried bows? If you hit any of the bosses in the glowing blue weak point with a bow, they fall to the floor and let you wail on them for a while. Just repeat until you win. I mean fuck i didn't even know that and I won somehow so there you go.

...But they're fucking programmed to oneshot you. This is a stealth segment.

t. someone with maxed armor who recently did that part and got oneshotted


>not a word so can’t blame autocorrect
>added an e so can’t just say it’s a typo
user thinks absorve is a word

Yeah no fucking way you are stuck on all 4 divine beast bosses. Faggot.

Dude if you cook two hearthy ingredients together, like the durians you get from the jungle, it's a full hp regen and it even gives you some extra hearts. You can even cook some bananas (also from the jungle) to get more buff.

So I should wander around until I randomly find a giant fairy?
>Yeah dude, just google xd
No shit the games easy if you watch a guide

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This is just a veiled advice thread isn't it? OP isn't this much of a shitter, he is just pretending to be a retard to get spoonfed advice, good job OP, we fell for it.

>Yeah dude, just google xd
That's not even remotely what we said

If you went by the stables towards vah medoh there is literally a guy who gives you a quest to give tribute to the great fairy located nearby, it's VISIBLE FROM THE SHEIKAH TOWER, HE LITERALLY GIVES YOU 500 RUPEES TO UNLOCK HER

But you did, cooking up stat boosts is random or heavy trial and error

The ingredients literally tell you what they do when cooked in the menu.
You only need ONE of an ingredient to get a specific buff but stacking the same thing makes it stronger.
The game tells you this upfront as well as not to mix different buffs because it does nothing.
If you can't figure it out you are illiterate or braindead.

Hardly. All it takes is knowing the food types and then mixing them into a dish. One of the best dishes is just cooking five bananas.

>ingredient literally tells you what stat boost it gives right in the fucking name
stop being an esl retard.

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Imagine being this bad at BotW, just imagine it for one second and be grateful that you're not this stupid

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Dude just go to Hyrule Castle and fight Ganon, you'll find all the good weapons in there anyway And fighting the bosses in the beasts literally only saves you from fighting them in the castle.
You might as well if you don't even want to be bothered to look around and explore for more than ten minutes

The only RANDOM aspect is whether or not the food is extra good or just good

>The factual state of user
Oh no please im spilling my spaghetti

My nephew is about 11 or 12 now, he is pretty crap at BOTW but even HE managed to take down the windblight and waterblight ganons without help

Gonna need me a source of that, kind sir, if nothing else than for SOMETHING good to come out of this thread

>be stuck with 10 hearts

Wow, you are too retarded to grind for more hearts?
Not that you even need more than 3 tho.

The bosses were never hard for me, the worst I had was the one in the camel one. He'd keep falling out the back and I'd have to restart the whole fucking fight because he'd be like, 200 miles away.

That is unfortunate.

I demand the sauce that I might release my own

BotW is so fucking easy to break, how are you this bad?
Just find some truffles and upgrade your armor or something.

>are you actually telling me to explore the world in an open world game? what the fuck?

>Just find 10x10 grid in 30 000x30 000 map bro

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