

Attached: Lucina2.png (600x600, 308K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i think i know that porn artist and he is good a drawing
who is it, just to be sure

Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

Attached: Luci holding 2 fingers up because she's telling you what time it is in the afternoon.jpg (800x800, 99K)


Attached: Lucina8.jpg (1280x994, 133K)

Attached: 98cd539a8bdf308af4aa937ac50b528a.jpg (1133x1152, 103K)

Good evening.

Did someone say fat thread

Attached: Lucina3.png (2000x2500, 1.08M)

Lucianon is the best

Attached: efd5f457f0242e3966f135d85694dfc7.png (1080x1561, 1.29M)

Lucina is flat!

Not with the weight she's put on

Attached: Lucina14.jpg (407x603, 33K)

Luci's the best, not me.


If you insist.

Attached: 1d6490f52f67e9140129c39c7d2b8c77.jpg (1000x1220, 166K)

Lucina is quite busty, but she keeps her goods under wraps!

looks like i'll have to draw ol lucina

draw her fat

Attached: Lucina17.jpg (1024x732, 50K)

Are you drawing Aradia and Lucina?
You've got quite a busy day ahead of you

Lucina's cute armpits!

Attached: lucy_armpit.png (1000x1000, 498K)

please draw her wearing lady maria's hat.

yes and i haven't even started yet

i'll make sure to draw lucina acting like a typical teenage girl chewing on orbit gum

The only good thing about Lucina is the r34 of her getting enslaved and raped repeatedly.

>Be Lucina
>Grew up in the castle where father’s best friend Robin visits often
>He gives my sister and I all the toys he gets on his travels.
>He so much smarter than father too when they make those “jokes” that I never understand
>Sad when overhear Robin is lonely, he just can’t find a nice girl
>Father and mother laugh and oat my head
>Robin laughs too but promise that when I grow up then he’ll be happy to marry me
>Travel back in time after Grima events and meet his younger self
What would You do if the little loli that had a crush on you grew up and traveled back in time to marry you?

Attached: BD9B59F8-4198-417F-9F41-1FD9BC82EFCF.jpg (425x602, 133K)

She isn't on the new FE

Thanks for reminding me about that, user. Guess I'd better go read it again.

Gang, it looks like we've got a mystery on our hands.

I know exactly what story you're talking about

Attached: 1548815903475.png (440x430, 281K)

and the gum

Attached: lucina 57.png (1000x1000, 256K)

Based heart poster

Attached: 1554995701657.gif (400x409, 2.83M)



But then the real battle begins!

Attached: w0_C0o.jpg (683x800, 85K)

Attached: 1546058591480.png (402x402, 217K)

>tfw will never get new chapters

Attached: 1512401026204.gif (245x213, 962K)

You have my thanks lads.


story ded

>Words: 255,578

Attached: 1540195019968.jpg (955x863, 128K)

that's not even close to the heights of autism found on

One of the longest pieces of fiction in human history is a Super Smash Bros Brawl fanfic you know

Lucina is for pampering with sweets after her having led such a hard life!

Attached: 1473042044593 (782x1024).jpg (782x1024, 462K)

Attached: Sweating Nervous Luci in 4k.png (344x324, 123K)

based beyond belief


Attached: D__-V6lU4AAnqc-.jpg (708x1000, 112K)


Attached: Confiedent and slash or Praised Luci.png (300x300, 60K)

Attached: D_BQ26ZU0AA2x9A.jpg (2909x3954, 513K)

i thought ol lucina was being drawn by a giant paint brush in the thumbnail

Well go for it based lucina drawfag

Attached: Holly Jolly Luci.png (936x1080, 193K)

I don't have much of a fart fetish, but Lucina is one of the few fictional characters where if she let it rip, I'd enjoy it.

Lady Lucina!

Attached: 5a389996762445c7f6f5398912221066.jpg (946x1211, 212K)


Pardon me but how do I decrease my observable dimensions by one?

Attached: Dramatic Entrance Luci.gif (656x575, 163K)

A good question.

Perhaps dreaming could help.

Been there, done that. Next, I need to learn the secrets of how to ascend (descend?) permanently. It seems further research is required...

Attached: Clumsy Luci.gif (500x310, 159K)

Good luck in your endeavor.

Attached: D-xpK0iUcAAtvs9.jpg (800x1000, 126K)


Attached: Alright Luci.jpg (800x600, 66K)

Attached: 1545148985185.jpg (601x632, 43K)

In the sky with diamonds.

I wish an user could erp as Luci!

LUCINA +10-poster GET IN HERE!!


Attached: f9615e107ade.jpg (850x1250, 767K)

Attached: D_bRl8XUcAMTls8.jpg orig.jpg (707x1000, 122K)

gonna draw more ol lucina

please draw her wearing lady maria's hat.

help me marina?

Attached: 1500287253861.png (313x218, 5K)

This fancy hat.

Attached: dear mister draw.jpg (402x402, 26K)


Attached: Stash Luci.png (691x662, 399K)

feel free to contribute ol lucina drawings friend

But I can't draw yet. All I can do is contribute what I have saved.

then i will make sure to draw more lucina

Attached: lucina 27.png (880x655, 15K)


Attached: A-ok Luci.jpg (1186x1200, 144K)


Attached: lucina.png (1000x1000, 310K)

Attached: Star Background Happy Luci.jpg (600x547, 62K)

What a boring ass character. Snore.

What a boring ass post. Snore.



You are VERY mad

I prefer her mother

Attached: Sumia.png (1600x1920, 1.06M)

Not canon and worst wife for Chrom.

end of drawing?

I think he tired himself out drawing lucina and aradia all day

You're not canon and the worst wife for Chrom

You must've hit your head on something because that was awful comeback.

Attached: 1491462031782.jpg (400x396, 21K)

no wait i need more ol lucina

oh hey you're back

Lucina Attack!

Attached: 1562674142660m.jpg (354x1024, 47K)

please draw her wearing lady maria's hat.

like ol lucina says i will not be bested
i already did

Attached: lucina 58.png (1000x1000, 443K)

My bad, sorry! Wunderbar!

but since i like being generous i will make sure to draw a better one in the future it's fun drawing ol lucina but i lack the loomis power

You hit yourself on the head cause your mum was an awful cum back

Don't worry, a Luci is a Luci, even in a drawing.

Attached: Dy4ezu4U8AYziSg.jpg orig.jpg (977x670, 109K)

it's okay i'll make sure to capture lucina good

Attached: lucina 58colored.png (1000x1000, 535K)


Attached: Silly laugh Luci.png (205x217, 59K)


Attached: dd8y7f1-47f2c6eb-b437-4a84-a326-903ece6e4508.jpg (1202x2029, 287K)

How sad. I feel bad you got lost on Yea Forums little boy.

Attached: 1509710901958.jpg (717x880, 203K)


Attached: 52cfae05ecad15a514104616f62237b1.png (639x800, 529K)

So when will you two fuck?

Attached: 1500656770320.png (839x459, 368K)


Attached: Incredibly Detailed Luci.jpg (273x318, 69K)


Attached: c348f8c40235bc3c25cab007a0bff464.png (999x2192, 1.14M)

however i must assure you people once the three houses have hit i will be focusing on drawing a more favorable person, one who's eyes have taken a hold of my interest i shall draw them in the future

Attached: 1559462250934.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

Wherever the blowing wind takes you, based wayfaring-drawing user.

Attached: Flathand Ping Pong Luci.jpg (580x750, 219K)

Every time I come in these threads I save images I think I might have saved already just in case.

Can never be too careful boys

Attached: __lucina_fire_emblem_and_fire_emblem_kakusei_drawn_by_j_ck__9e8bd2fa786147282b05044e0b052c01.jpg (799x1200, 108K)

i'll make other fans of her proud once i start drawing her

Attached: 1563031908083.png (1280x720, 575K)

Really wish there was a way to avoid this, but I confuse myself with my file names. A lot.


Attached: 1552285372603.gif (384x288, 1.13M)

I just go through my folder every once in a while and look for duplicates, it's a pain but you gotta do what you gotta do

Attached: f29272db97092147a1c04973b7774cea.png (1300x1150, 1.02M)

what's the matter

Her design is shit and the artist behind Three Houses is awful. It's one of the main reasons that I'm not buying Three Houses.

Attached: 151537.jpg (130x203, 6K)

Yeah, and sorting by file size makes it easier.

i understand, the artist mostly does otome work so i can see how bad it is to others since she mostly has drawn handsome boys

Attached: 27356115_p10_master1200.jpg (600x458, 170K)

i'll make sure to draw more ol lucinas when there aren't threads about her

I hope to see more Lucinas from you soon!