Do you think Japanese character designs have improved or worsened over the years?

Do you think Japanese character designs have improved or worsened over the years?

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Other urls found in this thread:

iroha was only introduced in samsho 6
the roster (16) mostly focused on characters who are from the first 2 games aside from Shiki and Yoshitora, and the dlc which mostly focuses on 3 and 4

they still had to add new characters with the 3 ones they introduced

she's a popular character so its not like she's possible for future dlc

i don't know, some are good, some are not, you can't make a generalization for all of them

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These seem like they’re going for two different audiences

I'm so fucking sick of seeing wojak

Worsened, obviously. Look at this garbage.

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Hopefully they boot Mai out of the next KoF too for B.Jenet

They are. The first one is aimed at fans of Japanese media and the second one is aimed at Commiefornia.

>Obari style

Some got better, some got worse. There isn't really an overall trend that I've noticed.

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How tasteless do you have to be to think this? Do you only consume porn with a dash of Neptunia?
Away with you nonsense you wanabe-Otaku. You are the true Weeaboo which even Yea Forums hates!

Yes user, let's remove all the gross problematic characters that girl fetishists like so we can be more inclusive!

Just search "B. Jenet", secondary cuck

I like Iroha, but that drawing is complete shit.

There's no reason why they can't both be in the same game, it's happened before.

Anything they send over here with Americans in mind is worse.

Iroha ain't in new Samsho from day one for exactly that reason.

>Actually wanting Iroha in nuSamsho
The game is casualized trash just like XIV. SNK were the last based fightan dev and they sold out for liberal brownie points. Just play the old ones, they have Iroha and they're much better.

>they have Iroha
iroha is just in one game, roleplaying faggot

At least that still resembles a woman, unlike Darli

how is this wrong?
how does this mean she won't get in later?

It's not and it doesn't. She didn't even win the unrelated poll that these retards like to cry about when they post that image.

Because SNK has several openly left leaning westerners on their staff and all of them expressed interest in keeping Iroha out.

>the old ones
You mean 6 and a pachinko game, you fuck?

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they were always shit

Except, several of them have stated they don't really mess with character design stuff in regards to sexuality, the one that's CM is an open and unapologetic irohafag and has retweeted sexualized 2D images before and the french guy smiled when pic related. The one that triggers you niggers only ever handles coding and shading and in regards to SNK stuff it's all he ever goes on about (the guy has absolutely nothing to do in the creative/character design process). He never really ever mentions anything about SNK character designs ever.

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didn't they release SNK Heroines last year

>tfw no brown muscle gf to cuddle with

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That was before hiring their new staff. They have two programmers who are frequent posters on Era and constantly talk about how gross and demeaning Japanese character designs are. The end has already begun.

>He forgot that Kuroki, who even directed nuSamsho, has openly stated he agrees with western ideals on female characters.
The only reason Shiki got in is because Oda stepped up.

Irohacuck do not play the games so he must create a fanfic to justify his autism

snk heroines and samsho would have been in development at the same time at one point

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The only reason Shiki got in is because someone in charge faps to her, she's a nothing character from a nothing entry in the series

>NuSNK faggots hate Shiki
It's too late, the cancer has already spread.

>They have two programmers who are frequent posters on Era and constantly talk about how gross and demeaning Japanese character designs are.
Then why the fuck are they choosing to work for the same people who make the shit they're disgusted at?

I forgot she was even in the NGPC game till playing it recently. Forgot how great the stick on that handheld feels as well.

Except that's not what he said at all you mong. Even if he did, he's just the art director, who decides what gets put in or not is Oda, who told him to get rid of Nicotine (despite having already made a model for him) & put in another girl in his place. Let me recap everything for you in one post.
His main point was that she'd clash with the tone of the base game. This is strait from the pic you niggers love to bring up:

>She'd clash with the tone they waned to establish with the base game
>establish with the base game
>the base game
>base game
If she returns it's pretty obvious by that reply that she'd be DLC to milk her existence for all it's worth. Also her only appearance was a NON-CANNON appearance in a SamSho game of a different tone, which didn't have any blood, and several players weren't too hot about. While true she is based on a Japanese myth she also constantly breaks the 4th wall to suck up to the player which does clash with the BASE of the new game. Sexuality isn't even an issue especially with the final boss the new SamSho got and arguably Rimururu for them cunnysseurs.
In b4 b'but she won the poll
No she did not. Poll results were:
1. Mina
2. Iroha
3. Shizumaru
4. Cham Cham
5. Basara
6. Rimururu
7. Suzuhime
8. Sieger
9. Gen-an
10. Kusaregedo

Going by the poll people literally want Mina more.
>SNK had decided on the DLC before the poll
>poll was for character already NOT in the game
>poll wasn't even conducted by SNK however they did say they would consider in the future
>a non-SNK poll for DLC
>influencing DLC when it was already decided
>influencing the base game

I don't hate Shiki, I nothing her, there's nothing to feel strongly about

It's really stupid to say Iroha's sexuality is the clashing aspect of SamSho '19 when we have Darli, Shiki, and Wu. It's the whole fact that (You) are Iroha's master, with SamSho VI having a much lighter tone. The master wouldn't be (You) anymore, which means a lot of waifufags would be pissed.

You should know how it works by now user. They like to infiltrate every form of media and change it from the inside out. It happened to Capcom, it happened to Squenix, it happened to Sony and now it's happening to SNK.

>It happened to Capcom
Uh, what? This is the company that makes the game with Menat in it, yeah?

The company that removed Cammy's nipples and R. Mika's butt slap? The company that censored Trish and Lady? The company that Westernizes all their IPs?

Oh christ, is that it? Look at fucking Laura or Chun-Li or Menat or literally anything else about R. Mika. They took away a buttslap, they must be riddled with SJWs, never mind the insane amount of T&A present everywhere else in the game

Lol nigga this is the company that constantly releases lewd costumes for in their fighting games and made DMC5 as over the top stupid fun as they possibly could instead of trying to pander to western tastes with deep themes or serous story telling, or social commentary, or the bullshit NT tried to pull and failed spectacularly.

And where are all those characters in the game user? It's okay, we got le edgy Batman SJW and STRONK black lady who don't need no man.

>The company that Westernizes all their IPs?
They've done this long before "SJWs" ever existed. Look at Sengoku Basara.

At least that was just for one region and still kept its art style. SF5, MVCI, DMC5 and RE2make all look like generic Western Naughty Dog trash.

>le edgy Batman SJW
lmao how the fuck is yashamaru sjw
get a fucking grip man


imagine being this much a bootlicker lol

do you think robin hood is an sjw

>Tfw by this logic our founding fathers were sjws

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Darli doesn't fit the game with the rest of the characters, she looks like a monster hunter character with tons of belts and beads and useless shit. I bet she was designed by the same dummy who gave us Shun'ei.

Ned Kelly: The Father of All SJWs

Robin Hood is unironically an SJW what the fuck are you talking about?
>Muh poorfags
Based retard

I guess Robert E. Lee was an sjw

The designer for Shun'ei created all the newcomers which speaks for itself really.

>literally live in one of the worst periods of time to live in Japan while there's famine and people dying everywhere (based on historical fact)
>instead of trying to find ways to remedy shit so everything is not a shitstorm and the sources of revenue/taxation are stable to keep money flowing in just sit on their ass or make shit worse, thus fucking over those sources of revenue
>as a result revolt happens (covered in previous game too)
>father gets unjustly excecuted while still seeing people dying left and right while those in charge doing nothing to remedy things
What the hell was he supposed to do, thank them for killing his father and all the people dying around him?

Based blind retard. All those belts hold the pockets, and big-ass pouches that hold her various tools. It's completely different than all the bet's and shit Asura has.

Yeah and the current 2019 USA is also described as "one of the worst periods of time to live in America" by liberal shitheads. I bet you believe in climate change too.

well yeah, rather die poor and trodden under the feet of tyrants than become a SJW #based

>Irohafags STILL seething

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back in my day trolling meant something

B-but "don't tread on me"

>sjw propaganda

t.Unironically calls the president "Drumpft"

How many will actually play (and not be shit) when she's added in?

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>Implying the game won't be dead by then
Should have added her from the start

waifufags don't play these games competitively

>Ever since it’s creation, the rattlesnake, the flag itself, and the message – “Don’t Tread on Me” have been a visible symbol of American individualism and assertiveness over the years.
>In present day, the Gadsden Flag is iconic in its symbolism as a rallying cry for Libertarianism and individual liberty, as far as the modern mainstream political discourse will allow it to be.
>SJW propagnda
I belong to neither group, but damn dude.

>Playing video games competitively

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They barely play them at a casual level as well. Can't wait for excuses to fly when the bird is added.

A whole collective total of zero (0)
They just want her to be relevant again in hopes that artist will draw more porn of her

The designs do not feel too inspired these days and quite overworked. Not to mention a lot of the tropes are still being used after well over 20 years.

>Implying that's not a good reason to want her back

It's not, why waste a slot, and the time and resources needed to make a character on trash (Iroha) only a vocal minorities and secondaries care about instead of cooler or more interesting characters? If they want more porn tell those broke ass bitches go save up their allowance money and commission an artist

Mixed bag. You can still get awesome design like Garou but end up with shit like flavor of the month waifus like 02

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Nobody gives a shit about SNK games user, at least if they put Iroha in the game it won't be a wasted effort since we'll get quality SFM porn out of it.

At least you're honest about why you want her in, user. Waifufags that pretend to play are cancer.

>i'm tired of sjws putting politics into my games!
>actively inserts modern politics into a lite historical game

Why even reply to that shit?

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What's your point? The entire story arc between Yashamaru and Yoshitora is literally just some edgy SJW's power fantasy about fighting orange man shoehorned into feudal Japan.

Why the fuck should I care about the 3 people on the planet that actually play SNK games getting their main back when there's quality porn to be made?

imagine being an Irohafag
keep seething retard

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you can read politics into everything
but that doesn't mean there was political intent by the writers

Have you actually played the game? Yoshitora is the leader of the country, he's a smug badass with weird hair who loves beautiful women and showing off. Yashamaru is an edgy cunt who blames Yoshitora for the country's supposed decline and for his father's death. it couldn't be a more transparent Trump allegory if they tried.

She's from Madagascar, she's black you retard

Nigger, the game started development before trump got sworn in. They said that they started making it as soon as they finished XIV.
XIV was released in september 2016 IIRC, and games are usually finished/go gold at least a month or two before that happens.
So you're telling me that these nip game makers predicted Trumps elections, and predicted how enough of his policies would be implemented, judged upon and reacted to as well as making the story (which is based on a historical nip time period) and allegory for the events of Trump's presidency and his enacted policies BEFORE he even got elected to become president?

Read your own post. If XIV released right around the time of the election then there is absolutely no reason why they couldn't rewrite aspects of Samsho to reflect it especially considering their Westerners are all very vocal leftist shills.

You're wasting your time, user.

So you're saying they predicted everything trump would do and how it'd turn out accurately enough before it happened in order to make the game (which they started BEFORE he got into office) an allegory centered around him? Except read The westerner who has conflicting political views had no input on the creative decisions of the game and the ones who are in the public eye don't seem to push leftist type shit in regards to several things like sexuality and such.

Goddamn nigger you are so far up on your own ass and self-centered in believing that everyone is out to get you, that even nips half way across the world (they're the ones who decide what goes in and out, mostly Oda, not the westerners) made a game to spite you faggots. You niggers have just as much of a persecution complex as the hamplanets who cry rape when a straight male so much as looks in their direction.

They didn't predict shit you moron, they wrote the story around it. Do you really think the ORANGE MAN BAD propaganda began after he got elected? You are so bluepilled it's painful.

Improved for the most part. When made in or based off of something created for a 2D medium, the characters are often simple yet striking. Their accessories are limited and do well to make an identifiable silhouette for the character. The details are focused on the important parts instead of distributed all over the place.
Declined for the most part. With 3D as the source medium, many often horrifically overdesign their characters, give them a fuckton of accessories, minute details and other dumb shit that makes them look like a god damn clown. Designs have gotten far too noisy with a ton of junk piled on to the character simply because they can be, even when they should not.

>Never actually know Iroha aside of Queen's Gate crossover

Many people do retard, burgers like you are just too much of a prude to play anything

Then go masturbate and die, faggot.

>Thinking Nips would even care about Burgers' political views aside of making money off them

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Based, Iroha is a shit character design. Keep her out and bring back Kusaregedo.

Stayed generally the same, with some companies swapping their focuses around due to outside influence.

Iroha not being in the season pass they handed out for free shouldn't be too surprising. All they have to do is use her as the face of Season Two's pass, and it'll sell itself as people run to pay the waifu tax to play her.

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>another Yea Forums /fgg/ cuck shitter who roleplays that they know snk.
Time to kys

b-but user the westerner at the company, even though they either have no power in the creative process or have said themselves that they don't give a fuck or have outright retweeted anime tiddies, are the ones censoring everything and pulling all the strings at SNK instead of the nip higher ups that are in charge or decide what goes in or not a game like Oda.

>Just play the old ones, they have Iroha and they're much better
Yeah, all one of those "old" ones.

Have sex.

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>bottom is clearly showing off tits and skin like nothing
You're trying way too hard to fit in.