Why does Yea Forums love this shit game so much

Why does Yea Forums love this shit game so much
don't look at the filename

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Favourite Race?
Favourite Job?
Favourite Scion?
Favourite Persona game

Alphinaud is the only one who doesn't annoy or bore me constantly
Garbage weeb series

Black Mage
I think 3-5 are equal for different reasons.

Mids, DNC, Ali, Chie.

I don't exactly hate it but when does DRG get "fun"? Right now at 50 my issue more than anything is a lack of sub-30s ogcds to press and my stuff could be a bit flashier
The job armor is aesthetic as fuck though

Play Nocturne instead of highschool sims

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>My strength is yours!
>Lets give it our all!
>Our fates are not yet sealed.
>Victory will be ours!
>Here we go!
what the fuck is Thancred's problem?

>Right now at 50 my issue more than anything is a lack of sub-30s ogcds to press
Honestly that describes most of the jobs.

Having said that, I haven't even played DRG so beats me.

Iunno DRG seems to get a lot of shit especially for being boring to level. Melee in this game just has this effect of not being satisfying at all until higher levels, even my BLM was kind of comfy even though I used like 4 buttons pre 60

>based Alphinaud
>fuck that gay shit series

So close to being as based as me


It gets better at 60 when you have Dragon's blood with its relevant skills

>Urianger and Y'shtolah are both pretty based
>never played one

Did play a lot better in PotD though like enochian, BotD was a bitch to maintain when things died every two seconds so it was hard to grasp how the job really felt, jesus PotD needs a rework
because I'm a controllerfag can I macro dragon sight to automatically target a dps? I'd go slot 8 then just have it work its way up to 4 to find any dps in range both in 4 and 8 mans

>Favourite Race?
manlet cat
>Favourite Job?
>Favourite Scion?
alphinaud I guess
>Favourite Persona game
smt III

Thancred or Alphinaud

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Animation lock was fine for jumps

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Did something change in the last 14 hours since I last played my DRG

>sriracha sauce

Yoshi-P got his work cut out for him if he doesn't jump ship soon. I don't see how they top Emet with the villains left and Amaurot was super kino.

What’s the 80 paladin opener?
Do you go for requiescat and spells or do you open with fight or flight and dot

It becomes quite easy to maintain once you unlock the passive that lets you chain its weaponskills at the end of your combo, lvl 64 or so.
I set up the party list order to have melee dps at #2, so my macro just targets 2 and cast it. The one I found and use is just
/merror off
/ac "Dragon Sight"
/micon "Dragon Sight"

Don't know, made a Ninja
started 3 recently

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Tenshi eating a corndog!

As of the last 22 hours, jump no longer has animation lock

p bitches
sup bitches
its lightwarden here

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she have cute feet?

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Au Ra
Eternal Punishment

For me it got fun at 70
It only improves afterwards specially when you get your third mobility jump at 80
Also, artifact lvl 50 armor is top fashion and the only thing that comes close is the tactics armor

Never played

>Favourite Race?
>Favourite Job?
>Favourite Scion?
>Favourite Persona game

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>Eden Titan
>mnk does as much damage as the drk
Oh boy it was a long fight. Also, I've noticed GNB doing way more damage than WAR or DRK, did I just had shitters or is it that easier to put out good damage with it?

Don't have one
HW DRK - they need to modify Blood Weapon and Delirium, then ShB DRK will be back on track to feeling like it has it's own identity
P2 Duology

>tfw no scenes of WoL bondaged

>mnk does as much damage as the drk
>yfw DNC does less damage than both

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you miss the point completely

Zenos could eat Zodiark and still be half the villain Emet was.

Jump potion spotted. When NG+ drops play the end of ARR.

PLD bro's is there some kind of cool intrecacy or combo i'm overlooking with swordoath or is just a boring as fuck instant you do 3 times without thinking whenever it pops up?

Probably misread your post, half asleep and procrastinating doing stuff

GNB is the highest damaging tank.

You're a fucking idiot, what made Hades great wasn't his power. It's something called good character writing.

He's fucking PISSED he lost his waifu, his aether, and the idea that he's going to lose his second waifu

>Zenos could eat Zodiark
I think he honestly would if he could, going by his Dissidia quotes. He treats summons like actual toys.


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I enjoy being a cat
Black Mage with MNK and NIN as close seconds
I hated the twins when I first met them but they've grown a lot on me
3 for story and great art direction, 5 for best dungeon crawling and UI design+gameplay

Persona 3 FES

Hot take: XIV needs more things like animation locks on abilties, but also needs things such an invuln frames and being able to animation cancel (although it already has those things), since the game is tending towards the more action side of things with it's fight design. There also needs to be animations


Nope, that don't count as we don't get to see it happening. I'm talking about a scene of it actively happening to us and not the aftermatch,


Does the dragoon jump ability move your hit box or does it stay where you cast the skill

I'd honestly like to know, unironically. All I see is just another garbage WoW clone. And WoW sucks.

>wow is so bad
>muh Story

minfilia isn't his waifu and neither is ryne.

Oh shit is he the FF14 Villain rep? Pretty cool

What a sexy beast.

Stays where you did it, at least, as of SB. I haven't leveled DRG to 80 yet.

> could have had emet
> japs have a boner for the blonde bland as fuck guy
What a waste

>didn't even read the OP
Both games have enormous problems. XIV does story, combat, spell effects and gathering skills well but the problem is the entire game is like endgame WoW where you're just sitting in cities queueing for shit all day, but this is all jobs starting at 15 after you complete MSQ

Unless we were drugged (again) I don't see it happening. Maybe when Elidibus gets another WoL on us they'll be the only people strong enough to forcefully tie us up

Would be BLU if it weren't so fucked, otherwise SMN

I'm all for Hades but Zenos was added before 5.0. It wouldn't make sense to add him in when we knew nothing of his true form or nature.

I don't play games for girls

With the the way WoL treats drinks now I doubt that'll ever happen again

Yah but they're both garbage and soulless? Why play any MMO that tried to copy the Trainwreck that was WoW.

Roegadyn & Elezen
Vanilla 4

>can't stop staring at Aymeric's servants pouring wine, obviously hesitates before sipping drink
>jolly black man offers you a drink at the start of ShB, shake head no

Why is DNC's dash so janky? It's like it only considers your initial and final positions and nothing inbetween counts. Trying to pick up tethers in Titania straight up doesnt work if you dash through them, and even the orbs in queza dont pick up if you dash through them

Are all movement skills like this? Makes it feel kind of shitty


animations for casted abilities that don't look like trash*

Don't post and do dungeons, kids

>Favourite Race?
>Favourite Job?
>Favourite Scion?
>Favourite Persona game

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Shit, OP here and realized I forgot to slip XIV into the OP. Probably prevents the janny from finding it at least

>obviously hesitates before sipping drink
Which scene was this? I only remember the dinner date with Aymeric having just him and the WoL.

Only until he scours the catalog for the logo and/or there's mass reporting.

Yeah that's the scene where the WoL never takes their eyes off the servant pouring the drinks

Zenos is pretty much the true villain of the game at this point so it was a good choice. Emet, Varis and Gaius could all be reasoned with

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Persona 4 G

>could've had Gaius
thank god I don't play that game

Can I just jump into EX trials with randoms, every video I've seen includes a bunch of coordination and positioning

Zenos isnt a villain

for ShB? no, you go through PF no matter what, there's no queueing for EX trials. everything before ShB is so old that you can queue for it (length guaranteed to be long cuz no one does that) and most people will have read a video guide.

Yuri Anger

You use party finder, though you'll get stuck with learning parties who are buttfucking retarded before you first clear since you'll be blocked from joining farm parties without a kill

There’s no way they’ll pass on making an expansion set in Garlemald with the emperor, once cornered, releasing some super Bahamut thingie.

>Favourite Race?
I play an Au Ra, but it's definitely not my favorite race, due to every male player and NPC being an edgelord faggot. I guess I'll go with Hyur, since it has the most variety.

>Favourite Job?
PLD and RDM. I don't care if they're braindead, I enjoy them.

>Favourite Scion?
Easily Ryne. God damn I want to put a baby in her. She looked better with the blonde hair and aetherial blue eyes, but she still desperately needs to be impregnated in her current form.

>Favourite Persona game
4 Yukiko best girl

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>WoL no longer does /joy at the end of each dungeon
>just closes their eyes with a tired expression
It's starting to hurt guys...

>use my extra bars as a graveyard for removed actions
>actually run out of space before I'm through all the classes

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does not stay where you are, you are temporarily at the target point when doing the attack, as I i used it in Rabanastre and got killed on the 2nd boss when a tower fell where i was jump attacking too (was not the stun one that moves you)

>sexualizing Ryne
cute and funnypilled

He is literally the definition of a villain, specifically after that last cutscene post-ShB credits

They do joy at the end of Titan.

Noticing that hit me surpringly hard.
WoL's story has gone far past fun adventuring

You can jump into Duty Finder for ARR extreme trials and some HW ones and have a good chance of success as long as you don't get an autistic salty mentor on his roulette who will rage at everyone and then quit. That happens 50% of the time. The other 50% you get someone like me who queues for them for fun sometimes, knows the fights, and will get any clueless group a clear.

You can not queue for the new extremes in DF, but you can hop into any random training group in Party Finder. The same goes for Savage. You never need to watch a guide or have a static group to clear either category of content, just don't join groups above your experience level with the fight.

>solemnly closes eyes
>doesn't cheer for anything except Titan lol
Guess WoL wandering around losing his shit in the intro is how we feel internally.

Fuck Zenos.

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god I'm so glad they write my character for me

My Living Dead macro still has Convalescence on it and I forgot. I'm all for more hotbar space but that still hurts. And Ultimatum. It's a good "oops" button for missing a mob in trash pulls.

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>The only happiness the WoL can find in fighting anymore is destroying Titan once again

WoL is not your character, WoL is a character in the story.

who needs white auracite anyways

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>WoL is not your character
They are when we have choices.

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And those choices are given to you because someone else wrote them.

Persona 2

Interesting. That might explain why my friend died High Jumping on the new Leviathan. We tested it out afterwards and found out that his target recital does move with his character's jump animation now, where it used to stay in place.

I know they don’t need it since there’s the huge threat buff and all, but I’m surprised Ultimatum was completely axed, since they keep trying to make tanking even easier.

Estinien he counts, right?
never tried it, do not care to

So then skip cutscenes and RP

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It moves now.

Is this the "Full Dive is the only true VR" of CaC opinions?

see the original post nigga complaining that they're writing his character for him with emotes, in a game where they literally do write the character independently of what the player decides they are, this ain't a TRPG or some shit

First area and starting city: Thavnair
Second through fourth areas: Garlean provinces
Fifth area and endgame city: Garlemald
Sixth area: the moon

nah we going to the planet core

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>they pull a Tempest and it's The core

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Yea Forums
threads on Yea Forums
no janny
not on /vg/

So it's both bad when we're a blank slate that says nothing and nods and also a bad thing when we get any signage of a character or differences in how we acted before because this MMORPG didn't account for literally every possible way you could handle a situation.

Oh no my immersion is ruined, worst game evar

can someone give me some youtubers to watch to learn more about tanks? im new im not sure if i wanna level PLD or WAR

idk where youre getting this argument from but go off i guess, i just wanted to call the original user out for being a retard

Get in fags we're gonna split the multiverse

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Do you want to do Extreme/Savage/Ultimate content? No? Then you don't need them.

Is it worth doing the EX trials of ARR?

And you're not a retard for acting like the character we make isn't supposed to be us? Yeah he's retarded for bitching about how the WoL changes but to claim the WoL as its own character and not our expy is also pretty retarded.

Learn yourself, the hardest part is setting your hotbar up.

Only if you want to get a pony or weapon to glam. I suppose it's also useful to see where some boss mechanics are from. Like Titania using Shiva's ice.

Mounts, weapon skins, some poetics if it's the first time. The mounts have the associated soundtrack.

You know DPS? It's almost the same, except you have to be the first to hit mobs, and build damage equally among them while taking as few damage as possible.

The WoL is its own character because you never once get the option to play them as anything but a selfless hero my dude. In ARR they let you say shit like "yeah I got into this adventuring shit for money", and there's character development to the point that the only thing you care about now is helping others. By default you cannot say the WoL is an expy of the player's will, because you cannot (like in many WRPGs) choose to, I dunno, stab Gaius in the Praetorium before he walks off, or romance NPCs, or choose to say "fuck that, I don't have to help you" to a request in the MSQ.

Do bots still farm Ampador Keep? My friend that started playing tried to get in for a relic quest and it took us like 30 minutes to get in even with a undersized party.

If they have something you like sure. I don't remember if every one of them can be solo'd though, might bring another player to deal with a certain mechanic or two.

Yes, I've run into three parties in the past month because they always queue without a tank for some reason

DRG is static and locked as fuck. If it doesn't get better when you get your 4th and 5th combo attacks you can drop it. I think it's before lvl 60.

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Tell me when in Elder Scrolls Online or World of Warcraft when you're allowed to just kill a plot critical NPC or kill the villain before the plot tells you you can.
Tell me where you get to tell the story quest NPCs that they can fuck off unless they match your weight in gold as a reward? After all, those are western MMOs, so clearly you should be able to romance whoever you want in the story, kill anyone you want and tell a quest giver to fuck off and still progress somehow because they're Western.

why was zenos so strong up until his final fight? he bust our ass regularly before then?

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I didn't say western MMOs, I said WRPGs.
Just in case you're a terrible zoomer, that means games like Arcanum, Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment.

well he had 9 levels over us

We leveled up, he didn't.

He didn't get weaker, you got stronger to match him.

muh lore
muh story

>15 minute queue for tank
It's over...

stupid bitch should've bought another expansion


Did you like the 80 DRK quest?

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here's your female ronso bro

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Everything about this post

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I recently got into this game again after not playing since midway through realm reborn. The game it self is fine but the community is like hanging out in a public mens room at a park at night. There are just so many ERPing degenerates. Is it the server i picked? It put me in Siren by default so i just picked that one? Is there a server for power gaming tryhards? Honestly i'd rather play with those guys.

100% unironically here:
Can I get some FSH tips?

The bait is confusing; I really just want a live and a processed version for each type right?
And should I focus on leves to 50 and fill out my map after? Or vice versa

Then what's your fucking point? This isn't a WRPG either, this is an MMO. If you really need all the freedom of the classic Fallouts or fucking BG to roleplay then that's just you having no capacity to self-insert into a role that at all deviates from your own line of thought. You must be really fucking boring in DND.

That the WoL is their own character in the story because the choices you make as a player ultimately don't matter. Also
>playing D&D
Only normalfags and grandpas do that.

I'm a brainlet, why would I use Ifrit-egi over Garuda-egi?

I need to level dark knight RIGHT NOW

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What weapon is he using ?

Ifrit is good single target, Garuda is baller AOE

People complain about Realm Reborn quests being boring but the fucking patch content between Realm Reborn and HW has to be the most dull bullshit ever. Aside from the trials it's been a challenge just to get through it due to boredom.

Leves are shit for FSH until lvl 50 unlike for other jobs which you can get to 60 in a day
Usually I get the highest lvl bait I can and grind away on good spots
Ignore lure for now
Look up a guide to tell you good grinding spots to get to 50

>want to level all the jobs
>leveling without MSQ is so slow
how the fuck

What should I work on next after mnk?

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user that's basically saying every single RPG since fucking Morrowind has had characters that weren't you because you can't burn down the entire world, ignoring the main story entirely until you drop dead somehow.

Did he jump while the center was missing?

what's the difference between
>go fight titan, but first go talk to this tiny-penis roe, ok now go talk to the beach nigga, now go collect sandworm meat, now go beat up some morbols, now go grab some cheese, now go find old wine, OKAY NOWWWW FIGHT TITAN

But Garuda has a better Enkindle and Egi Assault even on single target.

I think it's the Baldur Blade


Devil Survivor Overclocked


It only make me want more Sid and Reile daily life. That was fucking harsh though.

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You just trained and got stronger, he just waited around for you and didn't train.

>male hyur that doesn't look like fucking michael cera

time to racechange again i guess



Thx user


More importantly what's that hair? Some Saucer shit?

She'll be a good DRK.

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Run roulettes on classes you want to level, MSQ especially and hope you get praetorium.
Do fates while queuing up for the highest level dungeon. If you're like 50-51, run Gubal Library because I think that gives the most XP but I may be wrong.
If your FC doesn't have the battle XP buff, get the buff shit from squad missions and eat food. 3% XP buff does add up.
Take your time with it, you'll get burnt out if you try to level really quickly.

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Molybdenum longblade which is just a slightly lighter version of baldur

user from other thread.
Considering Male Lala instead of my Female Roe.
Any tips? Any of the voices especially terrible?

I do NOT play THIS game BUT I love THIS game FOR cute wifes! Alisaie IS a CUTE wife! You SHOULD romance Alisaie user! She IS my [beautiful branch]! (She is! She is!)

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Welcome to die.

I don't play SMN, how is that possible I thought they wanted to make it by the numbers Ifirit is single Target and Garuda is AOE

They're fun fights to do synced

It's not fair.

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Stop posting schizo


Au Ra

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G'raha and Thancred.
Devil survivor 2

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To put it another way, then. Your "freedom of character" when playing the WoL in the MSQ boils down to
>pick the serious response
>pick the sassy response
>pick "..." or ""
If that's enough for you to consider your character as yours, that's fine. But this is a JRPG. Your character is written like a generic dragon quest JRPG hero. You don't "roleplay" as anything but a generic dragon quest JRPG hero in the story.

I believe you can buy it with wolf marks.

Name one MMORPG that has freedom of player choice in quests with multiple branching paths that aren't just the same thing.

Does Estinien count now that he's working for them? If not then I'll say Thancred.
Never played any so no opinion.

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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Just get better RNG its that easy


who the fuck is this guy and why the fuck do i keep seeing this faggot posted

Ragnarok Online. There's even instances of you fucking yourself over from finishing quest chains the "proper" way and getting shitty rewards for it.

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In an effort to appease janny it seems we have to resort to bringing up e-celebs as video games are not allowed on Yea Forums.


what did he mean by this

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Who IS that thigh mommy wife! I do NOT want little rabbit BUT the thigh mommy wife IS a CUTE wife user!

Imagine being a tripfag but not committing to a trip.

>finally got a titania ex kill
>she was like a second away from finishing the cast on her enrage

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Stop playing AST.

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His argument is that this MMO doesn't have the freedom of choice retro WRPGs had and thus it isn't your character you play as despite literally creating them.

>we see someone with Fray's armor and staff
>timeskip healer DRK to duel with

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I do NOT have trip user it IS bad! Trips ARE bad user I do NOT have trip!

I do NOT play THIS game BUT I love THIS game FOR cute husbands! Janny IS a CUTE husband! You SHOULD romance Janny user! He IS my [beautiful branch]! (He is! He is!)

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>Went from 45 to 50 within two dungeons
Fuck the leveling in this game is ridiculous


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This user is just fucking around Garuda is better at 2 plus but Ifrit is infinitely better at single target

>kicks a WHM
>nobody joins afterward
>that WHM is probably on another party already

Good, now do it nine more times for your weapon or pray to RNGesus that it drops earlier than that.


I bet you don't even have his mount.


Why is SAM so hard to play?

Saved from a meme thread

>nine more times

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>Gave me 2 lines.
>The week the only decent rewards were extra goetia.

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you are probably on a prefered server those have HUGE exp bonuses

Post his true face.

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Au Ra
Red Mage

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Lmao wtf? He didn't actually say that retarded quote did he. How is he going to police people taking screenshots what a faggot

>have spent $60 in fantasia postions because I'm so indecisive

>Using heal LB3 on enrage instead of letting the DPS do it

I'd get just as pissed god damn what a fucking retard.

How long should I set my end encounter timer on ACT to parse the whole damn fight instead of chunks of it?

Boy do I find fates boring. Especially with turbo retards that can't figure out how to effectively do Fates in order.

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I mean like I said, you could get lucky and have your weapon drop. One weapon drops per kill and it can be for any class including one nobody in the party uses
Personally I was so unlucky the MNK weapon dropped 3 times, DNC twice, MCH twice, PLD one and GNB once meaning I had a gun, a pair of fists and ten totems I fought like hell for.

Then stop doing them you quintuple nigger

This level of choice is fine, y'know.
>"Tell her to sod off."
>quest is shorter but rewards are shittier
>game is peppered with this kinda thing

the chad lala vs the virgin "streamer"

Rpg stat bullshit reason- we leveled up. Narrative reasons- square are hacks.
The mobs in yanxia aren't stronger than arr primals. Nothing really happened in stormblood to explain why we were all of sudden at zenos level after he wrecked us.

Depends on which day of the week you ask me.

wtf this game is gay

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I play Miqo'te, but I like the aesthetic of Au Ra. I only am not playing Au Ra because I got the demo of the game and it wasn't available, so I was too attached to my Miqo'te by the time I bought HW and got the free fantasia
BLM is my eternal favorite, though I've been enjoying DRK right now
Alphinaud has been pretty much eternally entertaining since HW, especially when he's getting humiliated. Him and Alisaie are great together too
>Purse Owner
Probably 5 overall, though I like 3's story and cast the best.

But moral relativism and all that. Case in point, we were in an open relationship, so i'm not guilty of cheating

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>Yugiri's VA got actually fucking murdered alongside her children
Jesus christ

Maybe long enough so it lasts longer than the gaps? Are you retarded?

I just turn my bot on and put it on follow.

You don't even get anything worthwhile for doing them. You're literally just looking for something to do or some kind of autistic completionist who gets a fleeting moment of joy before the crushing realization of how pointless it all was hits him.

>Stop doing them while waiting in queues or late at night when not much else is happening.

its the easiest melee dps

I believe YoshiP said the reason we were able to beat Zenos at the end was because we had back up at Ala Mhigo

Yes, do something you actually enjoy

He wouldn't kill it even with melee LB3. Plus that's a deserved wipe, fuck people that clear a fight for some fucking miracle despite dying 2+ times and then join farm parties without knowing what to do.

This is why I think raises should be massively nerfed, if they beaten that innocence they would've beaten it with 10 deaths. Fuck that.

I wasn't expecting Mario Kart Titan to be so hard after facerolling through E2 and 3

How tedious is FSH to level and is it worth it?

You stupid bitch there's orchestrations and crafting mats locked behind these things.

I wish the rewards were better
Music rolls are meh and so are minions
No mounts or glamour pieces, just some easy access to hq materials

I beg to differ. I play dragoon.

guys how do i make this jump?

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Very. Yes.

It's easy as piss once you figure out "stand in front" and "stand to the side". I can do it with 0 deaths on a caster.

cringe, why do you people like this dumb bitch again?

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Sprint jump.

Depends on the level, but 70-80 was really fast compared to 60-70 for me.

what an autistic fuck

fanta to a taller race

>turns into a car
>move to the side because clear charge
>mfw knocked off because on lesser side
>entire group wipes because everyone was on single lane side
I admit they got me good.

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I don't. Yshtola isn't even cute.

Guess I'll do it after Miner. Just made it to 50.

>six sided star into lb3
is monk now the designated LB monkey, they lose practically nothing for it

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>all crafters 430
I can sleep

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FSH is the best job in the game if you're in the right state of mind.

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Wow amazing, so much better than looking up the song on Youtube.
>crafting mats
Most people don't give a flying fuck besides autistic omni-crafters. Though I suppose if you take the time to grind out every FATE you're a special kind of freak.

>Guy gets his au ra waifu and then has to kill her

Why did the warriors of darkness have to suffer so much?


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It's hectic as fuck though and wasn't prepared for it. I just want to sit on my leyline. Also I'm really bad at the bomb part

> A dumb roll and materials which you get without even getting to rank 2

Even - Fanta to Lala
Odd - Don't Fanta

Switch to Dragoon

I always put on fists of wind for that specific jump, its the only way i could make it. I also went sideways with my mouse camera so I don't misjudge the distance during it

Why the fuck does he even cause a landslide when he dashes? It's supposed to be an all-terrain vehicle for god's sakes!

>IF living is a right
>not living IS a right
I don't see the problem, seems redpilled to me.

dodged a bullet

Is it just me or is PLD not as tanky as it was before? I find myself running out of cds during big pulls and Sheltron is just a nerfed Bulwark

WoL is fucked up user. Imagine what Garuda is going to be like.

Beastmen have no rights and must be purged from existance at all costs


Dodged a bullet there

catboys, it's just that simple

Self-inserters are mentally ill

>melee lb 3 wouldn't do 2%
Ask me how I know you don't do content.

ya boi made it brothers

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Garuda gonna be like that streetshark boss fight from Akademia, every 30 seconds they switch out between Garuda, Suparna and the other one, and attack from the sidelines

unless there's hidden fuckery going on, Aerial Blast is a 350 potency target aoe and Inferno is a 200+20x5 (300) cone aoe

If beastmen don't have rights despite having just as much sapience as the regular races, why do men?

>Sheltron is just a nerfed Bulwark
Yeah no lmao. Sheltron is a guaranteed block bulwark was just an increased block chance.

1-3 MCH
4-6 DNC
7-9 BLM

in the lorebook they addressed that beastman, and the TERM beastman, are lalafellin propaganda created by the Moneymakers in Ul'dah so they don't have to give reparations to the Amal'jaa and their Holy Land

I want a KH crossover Because DARKNESS but Disney wouldn't have any of it.

Ok bros
Best Tank
Best DPS
Best Healer

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This chart seems flawed, pretty sure Zenos has longer monologues than Sam, or maybe I'm remembering. I guess Sam did have that one part before Raiden went crazy that was kinda long.


sam is easier than drg

P2 : IS

Start with the miqote and au ra tribes that do absolutely nothing productive and are just a bunch of stone age barbarians

Well, Leviathan had Shinryu mechs because lizard. I wouldnt be surprised if we got Neverreap tornados and Xephnatol platforming/AOEs.


>KH crossover
FF14 is kind of mature and gritty to colab with a literal children's game, disney would never

my greatest dream is an Ul'dah without lalakikes

Sam has an entire fucking 30 minute long monologue where he's taunting you for killing "innocent" people, and he's doing it from television screens and billboards and shit

zenos didnt talk all that much in stormblood. he just wanted to fight a strong person

As someone who finished the log. You can get crafting mats much faster by killing the respective mobs for skins.

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>literal children's game
>what is Yokai Watch
It's only really Disney that's holding it back. Nomura brought us Gaia, I'm sure he'd have been down.

>play through all of ARR thinking that Alphinaud was a cocky piece of shit and a Mary Sue
>he fucks up massively with the Crystal Braves, hates himself for being so stupid and stuck up, and actually develops as a character
So satisfying

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All tanks lost a bit of mitigation


My husband, Alphinaud!
They're trash games

guys what if the twelve was the group the WOL created before the sundering?

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His monologues before and after Shinryu were pretty lengthy, but as said they weren't as long as that one part with Sam.

Red Mage
White Mage

rolling but subbing DRG for DNC

The worst part of this is a 500 limit on gems. I am constantly maxed out and the higher level rewards cost more. Should have been 1000.

Red Mage
Alphinaud, we've been through too much together for me to think differently.
5 but I feel if I'd played 4 when it first came out I'd like it even more than I already do.


It's time to let go

>mfw the First is a paradise without Lalafells
I don't give a fuck about the Source anymore, I'm staying here.

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>its just 4 trials that you do completely separately

That part was great, but it would've been so much better if Thancred actually died there.


I was told fight or flight into goring blade, requiecast combo, goring again, atonement.

So once the weekly reset happens we can run Eden raids again for more early antiquity stuff, right? When does Savage release and does it run on the same system?

Go back and rewatch it. It wasn't Thancred's death scene it was Minfilia's

>we've been through too much together for me to think differently.
Trusts are the best thing to have been added for the Scions. Ala Mhigo had them kind of off to the side, visible but not really with impact G. Dark gave us the leaders helping out, still not as effective as the party you were with, but having Alphinaud beside us the whole way was really appreciated.

Who died in that scene was minfilia, it wasn't time for thancred to go.

No one will die, even at 5.45

So do I use seigan over shinten? I know Kaiten should be used for gekko or higa. Also do I open up with guren for it's high potency?

Yeah, I know, and it worked well as that too.

Looks like you're playing a DRG buddy.

Technically you're raiding the inside of Eden

1 more week until savage

>Red Mage
>Best Anything
Worse healing than healers
Worse magic DPS than the other casters
Worse physical DPS than the melee DPS
And now worse raid utility than DNC
What do Red Mages even have now?

>they will never let you mount roe or hrothgar shoulders
what are these subs even paying for

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>lb is a 12 second cast and mnk loses gl anyway

Yeah that's always a fun bit of trivia.

>tfw it went to a random ass one when I was one hit away from 2 lines to get a Omega-F back when it was like 10 million on the market board


I would be pretty mad if they made me play a boring 1-2-3 faceroll segment as an NPC for 10 minutes and then promptly killed him off

No Lalafells besides the based HELMET dorfs actually made me love the first. Not seeing their stupid fucking faces or tension-killing waddles in every single dramatic scene really added to the story. I think that the writers realised this, hence shoving that mistake of a race into the corner for the story.

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What was the name of the dude in Amaurot who could see Ardbert?


This shit sucked

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>all of these not WAR

Blame the OF and the vocal minority allowed to complain. If a thread of 20 tards whine and complain about something enough, it will be changed in their favor because they're the only ones speaking up.

Learn Japanese and post with a character from a JP world or else mods will remove your thread. They'll always listen to JP first.

How is that any better than making you play a boring 1-2-3 faceroll segment as an NPC for 10 minutes and then NOT killing him off? Seems like your problem there is the duty itself.

>comparing rdm with dnc
DNC is not fighting for a caster spot it's fighting for physical range. RDM is still the best caster due to embolden actually buffing all the important classes.

>t. shitter

What is the proper order to buy Eden gear and tome gear for savage?

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Anyone needs help with anything on primal

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Out of all the new places, why is Amh Araeng so fucking haunting?

Alright I've to to start leveling alt jobs. What's the leveling metta these days? Just DR+Food like usual?

the only insides I wanna raid are Ryne's

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>no amaurot zone music roll yet

I mean the tempest music is ok but I need Amaurot's music man.

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>RDM is still the best caster

Depends on the job.


Okay bros.
How do we fix the low level experience to make FFXIV more accessible to our WoWfriends?

>Dwarves are based and just want to mine and drink
>don't care if you're an outsider as long as you lali-ho
No wonder Ardbert was stricken. They really did do everything right. Fuck the Source.

Male Hyur
Dark Knight
Ryne :^)
Persona 2


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Unlike blm it buffs my drg parse. To me they are best simply for that


>Best Tank
>Best DPS
>Best Healer

im not a wow player but i am new and i gotta say with all the buffs we get its not hard to get a class to level 30 and start playing ive done gotten 2 jobs to 30 already and im about to do my 3rd then continue with the MSQ its not too bad imo.

the only other MMOs ive played are BDO and GDMO but still i dont mind XIV its comfy with a controller

What are you guys doing right now?
I'm leveling SAM so I can do the last role questline. Saving my roulettes when my friends come on later so I'm just watching SteveMRE videos while waiting the queue to pop.

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>pulled exactly 10k on titty ex without any padding as drg
hows that
am i good yet

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ive got to put my melee big boy pants on eventually. ive only been ranged deeps up until now (the OBJECTIVELY hardest role)

I would have preferred no duty and him dying, but taking the shit NPC fight into consideration, I wouldnt want it to be all for nothing like him dying like a bitch anyway.

Should have done it the first week to sell the music and shit for millions.

what the fuck is happening

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damn bros this alexander mount is nice, glad i randomly joined a a12s party

How the fuck do I learn to remember how to spell that? Wish it was said vocally because it's how I managed to remember how to spell a lot of XIV names and terms.

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you on Light nigga? my friend had trouble with her queue too

t. lalashitter who was too short to fistbump his bro haurchefant when he still had the chance

It's cute that you think that. All you were good for was that single buff and being a rezslave and now DNC can do buffs but better than you and rezzes now are only good if you intend to die to the enrage or a DPS Check, i.e. "learning" a fight. But hey, at least you'll always be a leg up on Blue Mage.

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too many instances are up on the server, you are queueing for a spot

Not even close

which one of the ranged dps classes is most fun?

Just remember "Deus" like Deus Ex Machina, but "Daeus." And Hythlo is easy because it's so distinct.

read the reply chain faggot I play drg and only care about rdm because they buff me.

Queueing for my last dungeon runs to get MNK to 80 and deciding what to lvl next
Nice taste user

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don't know why talked to you instead of the thread but answer up nigga WHICH RANGED DPS JOB IS MOST FUN

>the bathing scene was with Alphinaud instead of Ryne, Alisaie, Y'shtola, or literally any other female character besides Tataru

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Make character voices in your head like vinyot to memorize them


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Leveling DRK for that sweet level 80 quest and armor.

How do spots work again? Because there are three types of DPS but four DPS positions in 8 man content.

MCH cuz you can multitask

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>tension-killing waddles
How do you get through hundreds of hours of gameplay without getting used to it?

>(the OBJECTIVELY hardest role)

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DRG got buffed to do about as much as SAM so hate bones minimum should be 11k for DRG.


*kills your raid static on savage*

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There's thirteen.
Nald and Thal are twins.

The time before the sundering was known as the time of the gods.

Thirteen Ascians
Thirteen gods.

2 melee, 1 ranged, 1 caster. Having it like this gives your entire group more stats as a party bonus and is optimal

What's the Light server ranking. I am US but joined Odin to play with my German nigga.

MCH by far

Dragoon is overpowered atm and does far more damage than it should so no

Thanks, that helps.

Zeus and Poseidon when?

Got to bring it up about 1.5k chief

>Couldn't peek on alphinaud
So close

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>*kills your raid static on savage*
My group killed ultimates so I doubt it. week 1 clear with week 2 at latest

Odin = Phoenix >> Lich = Zodiark >> Twintania >> Louisoix

Will the Twelve ever be relevant again? They've not done shit since 1.23, and even then they fucked it up and we had to go with plan B

Why the fuck are these things worshiped

What a retarded shitpost

blame stormblood

at least ARR and HW had trash mobs and corridors.

I would love a raid tier centered around fighting them. Imagine Aymeric's face when we kill Halone.


oh right Shiva is there too (it's Lich/Zodiark-tier)

>he doesnt commend his ranged dps every time
this is my favorite joke post because it still rustles countless jimmies across the planet

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Ideally the raids would be styled in the 24-man format; 4 bosses with unique/gimmicky trash pulls in between with weekly checkpoints. I don't know why the fuck they don't do it that way, shit has sucked since the first coil

i should play stormblood with the jap dub right

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Melee LB3 does roughly 3-4% damage
A win is a win you dumb nigger

Based fae folk

Most fun jobs for DPS

>I'm retarded: RDM
>I'm not retarded: BLM
>I'm retarded: SAM
>I'm not retarded: DRG

I'd argue Bulwark is better in big trash pulls while Sheltron is better for bosses

>Alisaie was mortified
>Alphinaud was almost indifferent

Would that really bother him, they used to wear the same outfit

>>I'm not retarded: DRG

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Try them both out
I prefer the EN voices for Lyse, Zenos, Magnai and Namedays Guy (Grynewalt?) but the JP voices for all the Domans and Steppefolk.

What about SMN

Disregard that, I got the twins mixed up.

The twins
4 since it's the only one I've played

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He said fun jobs

FAIR ENOUGH. How do I play them now that the class has been totally changed from how it used to be? I'm level 50 right now and very confused.

What the fuck does heat blast do. Do I need to wait to use wildfire or should I just use it whenever it's up? Same with Gauss shot, should i save two charges for wildfire or does ti not affect it's damage at all?

also what are the coolest looking guns

More fun than rdm because it's not 100% braindead but really unfun to optimize

Get 5 Heat Blasts in your Wildfire window
There, you win MCH
It gets really fun once you get Drill btw
coolest gun is the wolfmarks Garo revolver dyed metallic gold

fun before you try to optimize it
fucking miserable once you've realised what you need to do to optimize it

5 heatblasts in your wildfire window then 1 last GCD, weave a Gauss round or ricochet inbetween those heat blasts.

>mfw still need to get MCH gun for alt before 5.1
Grinding out these titles has been awful with 24 man. I don't want it cluttering my inventory so titles is really the only way to go.

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>Doing trusts is faster XP than being in queue as a DPS


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the others are right. as a SMN main I do enjoy the class for the most part but parsefags will give you anxiety if you arent being optimal since it so easy to clip your damage

>he doesn't have a tank and healer friend

optimizing your shitty trust buddies' behavior is a better game than dungeons
or maybe it's only doable with BLM flare foul shit like I do it

Not to mention if you don't play optimally you're basically no different from rdm in damage

Thanks, dudes.

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>beat heavensward last week
>just got to the warriors of darkness this morning
>that entire fight and ending to their story branch
this game is honestly fucking incredible when it comes to the major story moments

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For up to level 60ish
>Reassamble > drill > ricochet + gauss > hot shot > ricochet + gauss + 1-2-3 plus OGCDs as they're up until 50+ heat

50+ heat
>Wildfire > Hypercharge > HB > ricochet > HB > gauss > HB ricochet > HB > gauss > HB > ricochet (try to start this with less than 15 seconds on a CD for either one)

>Not playing GUB
>Not being a blue DPS

I've been contemplating switching classes. I've been a SMN all the way to ShB but man the button pressing sucks

>+ 1-2-3 plu
that should be > 1-2-3

I think you mean GUK, my friend.

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its actually pretty shit but I wouldn't expect a cuck like you to understand

What are the best DPS in pvp now? BRD got fucked hard.

In Japanese it's spelled phonetically as
ヒュトロダエウス Hyu to ro da e u s
That's "dae" like "day" and "to" like "toe."

Hew Toe Row Day Us

Hi barry

I hate the way the pets were merged into the other buttons, I thought it was fine in SB l. The clip shit now sucks and the Nugget has somehow been made completely useless.

Afflatus Rapture is OP

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its not fucking fair they turned the wol into a cuck loser

Miqote (But I play as Hyur)
Persona 4 as the middle of nowhere life strikes a chord with me.

>zodiark was just a seal to hold back the real threat

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god secure is the worst frontline by far

Nice edge bud

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I like that they took the time to develop each character after ARR. Figured out what each character should do and removed those that weren't necessary.

Very button mashy now
I enjoy it but it's not for everyone


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they also removed all the personality from Yda, Papaluigi and Thancred
luckily Y'shtola didn't have any to begin with

oh it's the same nigger who thinks drk is edgy angst shit.

Welp, we had a good thread. Time to call Janny.

He got fixed when they made him an angry dad.

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but papalymo and mamalymo never had any personality to begin with beyond being the airhead and serious guy

thancred used to be a ladykiller but he got serious once minfilia snackrificed herself

normally I like pet management in MMOs (and puppetmasters in fightans) but in summoner's current state I'd prefer if egi-assualt disappeared and all pet actions were just tacked on potency to current attacks. I'd like to see a variety of summons just popping out doing flashy shit every time I do one of my attacks.

Papaluigi barely had a personality, Lyse is exactly what you'd expect from Yda in a serious situation without people guiding her
Thancred in ShB is fine, they just took his writing to another direction

I feel the exact same way, pets have always just been clunky to deal with without adding much

>What would Estinien think?

Two out of three have been dealt with and we still have Shadowbringers for the third

I hope his aether severance means he has to stay in the First and raise Ryne
It'd be fucked up if Thancred's arc is I ABANDONED MINFILIA LIKE 4 TIMES, I'M BAD HOTDAD for yet another expansion

>Finding everyone dead after the titan quest
>Have to drag all your dead friends by hand in order to give them a proper burial
>NPC guy berates the church goers for doing their job, but criticizes you for not dragging dead scions fast enough
what a fucking asshole

farming rath ex because im bored and i never got round to it when it released
im still mad the armour is lazy retextures and the female one fucking sucks

>parsefags will give you anxiety
Don't let them get to you my man.

Min-Min when she eyes you with unquenching lust.
4 cause it's the best.

>you have to pick up the bodies individually
>roegadyn takes like 10 seconds
>lalafell takes 2

>I hope his aether severance means he has to stay in the First and raise Ryne
Why would that matter, he's been aetherfucked since we found him in HW.

>Go on Dragoon
>Test Jump, High Jump, Spineshatter, Dragonfire, and Stardiver
>All still have animation lock

A "positive" streamer who thought third eye was better than VIT melds for savage/ultimate progression.

>implying Ryne isn’t going to disappear to fix the void offscreen at the end of Eden in 5.4

>Let expanse contract, eon become instant!

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>not happily taking the opportunity to bully stinky

Based ValerieWifePoster

>New to game
>See Viera get announced
>Save my free fantasia and change immediately as they release
>Lifeless ears, no helmets, shitty animations compared to autismo cat girl or dragon girl
>Hair clips with everything

Starting to think I got baited by my penis again for liking bunny girls

more than likely Ryne will come with us to the source

I dunno. He got separated from his body now his soul won't go back. Fuck's the matter, these people are astral projections but Y'shtola isn't suffering any ill effects from lifestream-diving AGAIN and she's not dying any fucking faster like Matoya said.

>>Have to drag all your dead friends by hand in order to give them a proper burial
That quest had very poor impact due to lack of interaction with said friends and it happening so suddenly.

I don't care that much about gameplay. Tell me what the best class story so I may level those classes first.

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Getting serious dungeon anxiety as healer help

Don't be sad, they duped like 250k people according to census. Multiply that by $10 (cost of Fantasia on Mogstation)

poster most likely isn't standard stepping every CD.

Seeing how small Lalafell's chocobo are, I started to assume they had to do everything in the game harder


>Y'shtola isn't suffering any ill effects from lifestream-diving AGAIN
Because she was in there very briefly. All normal teleport magic sends you into the Lifestream. It's only dangerous when you get stuck in there and you can't hold yourself together anymore so your soul starts to disintegrate because it naturally wants to rejoin the Lifestream.

>Lifeless ears
>gold saucer attachment has more physics.

DRK according to what I see people say
You can't unlock one until some point into HW though

The raid would be fine if it was just a 4-trial
gauntlet but making each one separate is fucking stupid

Any chance they'll fix this lads? or should I just shill out the britbong dollars to get a fantasia?

I think it's important to note that aether=life. So garleans (and thancred) HAVE aether. Their souls are aether. They just can't manipulate it.

If I'm level 36 SMN as my first job should I switch or something? People are making it sound like it gets super unfun later on but I liked the class in Tactics a lot and right now all I'm doing is mashing ruin.

BLU is my favorite but apparently it doesn't get to be a real job.

Wasn't it a small and immediately forgotten point that she was turning into an apathetic bitch because of it? When we get to the Greatwood and she makes some kind of heartless comment.

Black Mage

>queue for frontlines

She was just being a bitch to Thancred because "muh standards he knows better I expect better from him"

Just keep at it bro. It eventually goes away as you build confidence.

>dead mmo did ears better than the most popular mmo on the market
They'd even flatten during combat just like an angry cat. Talk about a yikes.

Attached: twitchy ears.webm (1200x675, 2.38M)

Everyone says it's a love or hate thing due to mashing tons of abilities for no real reward, there's also a button of single ability spamming

DRK from the ones I've played.

I would level my trusts but there's only so much Holmeister Switch I can tolerate. I'll wait until they decrease the XP required or some shit.

too bad about the rest of the game

>fugly western wannabe pixar artstyle

Maybe if they put more thought into game instead of shitty ears they would still be around

That's definitely not how cat ears work

Free boost to 50 with your first character

>I'll cover the base guys :)

ears and tails on miqo'te are expressive as fuck its only on the rabbits and I assume the bara furry race where they're half assed

we dont.

Eh, I did feel kind of sad about Noraxia, since her joining the Scions made me feel like I was doing something productive aside from killing primals

just make it one big cutscene lmao

holy shit look at all this seethe

How does that cover the story quests?


>ears and tails on miqo'te are expressive as fuck

>spent the past two days wiping for hours against titania, literally only saw past adds phase about three times and only a few mechanics deep before wiping
>finally join a group with their head on straight
>we manage to snatch a kill on our second pull moments before enrage
>we go on to get four more clears with only one extra wipe before the party needs to leave
feels good lads
it feels so fucking good

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I want 5.x or 6.0 to turn the cast into Tales of the Abyss levels of assholes.

If you haven't played, in short, everyone's an asshole and would probably push the other off a cliff if given the slightest "good enough" reason.

Attached: Abyss initial party.jpg (600x427, 77K)

I was pretty sad for that sylph desu.

BLU isn't a real job it's locked to 50 content and can't do any content above, it's all gotta be unsyncd by yourself or with other BLU's. SMN is love or hate if you liked the tactics variant I wouldn't expect much then, Egi Assault is the best you'll get for pet mechanics and Bahamut/Phoenix are your only summons that operate basically the same.

Thanks friends.

>Favourite Race? Hyur
>Favourite Job? WAR
>Favourite Scion? Ali
>Favourite Digital Devil Saga

Male cat /joy is the best emote for them. Because ear flicker, smile and tail swish.

DRK, easily. PGL/MNK is pretty good too. AST has L O R E.

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fuck around with the emotes a bunch of them actually have the ears and tail move

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Does anyone have headcanons?
Here's some of mine.
>Au Ra are primarily carnivorous, but sometimes eat vegetables for flavouring
>Au Ra have powerful stomachs capable of digesting even rotting flesh, granted it might not taste too good
>Raen diets consist mostly of fish and lighter meats such as poultry, but that's due to a large chunk of them living near/underwater
>Xaela diets are heavy in red meats, and they often eat every part of the animals they kill - including bones
>Xaela are also known to quickly turn to cannibalism in times of famine - but are more likely to hunt outside of the Azim Steppe to eat individuals from other races
>Miqo'te and Hrothgar are also carnivores primarily and actually need to eat raw meat in order live healthy lifestyles
>Miqo'te, Hrothgar, and Au Ra tribes have been known to have favourable cross-specie relations due to their affinity for meat
>Viera are strict vegetarians
>Hyur, Elezen, Roegadyn, and Lalafell are all omnivores
>Lalafell meat is naturally tender, fatty, and delicious. Native Lalafell tribes are otherwise unheard of in Hydaelyn due to being easy and desirable targets by the more carnivorous tribes in the past.
>The reason Lalafell tribes exist in Norvrandt was due to all of the separate races being less at odds and more inclined to work together.

Hell yeah mother fucker.

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>mfw this happened to me when I started tanking
>all the anxiety is coming back to me now that I try Ex trials

cringe, unbased, and bluepilled

Everyone says that but as far as I remember, once you get into the mid-game, they don't really give each other much shit aside from bantz.
Luke didn't really deserve to get shit on for accidentally nuking that town either. He was being manipulated by a mentor figure that he loved as a surrogate father and a bunch of random strangers come up and talk shit about him, they gave Luke no real reason to believe them over Van. Luke was an asshole, but he didn't deserve to be blamed for that town nuking.

I'd also attribute it to Emet pulling her out too. He was clearly more familiar with the process than Kan-E.

I just hope it isnt spammed like some get out of jail free card.

This is like the 3rd time you think she has died. Stormblood did it better anyway, even if it was for about 20 seconds.

Holy shit the bants.

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>wanting to protect your lands from savage beastmen is bluepilled
you from europe? i know its the norm there now but cmon....

Well that beaver quest was mess up. But it is a cute minion.

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>totally unique headgear models that fit around their ears
>ears twitch and tail curls to go along with certain emotes
honestly miqote make all of the new races look embarrassingly half assed in comparison

The lorebook actually talks about diets if you're interested.

DRK, but you can't play that until you reach Heavensward. If you boost, you cannot do the storyline.

Thank you for the milk. I like the milk.

There are many times where using a Heal LB3 is actually more damaging than a DPS LB3, but that is not one of them.

Haha, the pixies were just fucking with us right?

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Oh? Know where abouts?

Jade is still a massive, massive jerk even by the end. Still, when looking at the situation at face value and in the moment, Luke truly does seem in the wrong. It's what I think makes the story so great, because you look back and everything clicks.

You can't expect a seven year old to act any differently from how he did, but the physical form will throw everyone off.

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dancer and dark knight. Dancer end quest is pure kino.

>Dancing to the tune of the je- I mean, the Syndicate is redpilled
You from America? I know it's the norm there now, but c'mon...

I would argue that they were made during a time when they cared a lot about going overboard with aesthetics and graphics but male cats were added with 2.X and have such a good /joy emote so who knows.

Shitter move by the healer, but seeing Arthars seethe always brings a smile to my face.

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Should be some in the race pages, but there's also stuff on each city page. For instance, Highlanders usually eat their meat raw or extremely rare. Ul'dahns get most of their protein from insects.

The pixies arc was weird as shit. And not in the good way, but not in the bad way, but honestly weird. I'm not sure if I liked it, but I can's say I disliked it.

>he starts to insult people with flowery language and no one but WoL catches on
>Alisae going full Tear
>Thancred slowly turns into Guy
Please. I need it.

Been quite a while since I played Abyss but I thought Jade was shown to be a legit sociopath when you did some sidequests about him and his childhood?

I bet it's been getting on his nerves after everyone kept mistaking him for a girl in Heavensward

I will forever hate anise and the only good person is Guy.

Yeah. He's nuts. Especially with the eye thing. I think he experimented on small animals too? It's been awhile, but the corpse thing is still a thing and thus, sociopath.

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Yea I also recall him saying if he had died when he was younger then none of the events happening would have taken place.

So, should I level all my crafters together so I can craft leves for the others easier, or just get them to 80 one by one?

As long as you're not intentionally fucking up anyone who gets mad at you is a fucking faggot. Don't worry too much about it.

Samurai stopping DPS to LB3 is a DPS loss for the samurai.

Agreed, but at least it stood out

All absolutely incorrect
BRD/DNC are way more engaging and interesting than unga bunga me do heat blast

Do it all at the same time so you can get rid of the gear instead of hording it.

Get them all to 15 and then to 50 to make your life easier in general
After that you can go one at a time if you want but it'll be more expensive (maybe faster)


I think you have brain damage.

Never played 'em

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Indeed user. Good show. How dare anyone attempt to play optimally. That'll show them.

>BRD/DNC are way more engaging and interesting than unga bunga me do heat blast

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And instead they wiped.

I liked almost all of the cast (except Anise). Luke had an explanation, Tear wasn't that much of a bitch and also one of the first to give Luke another try (also cute), Guy was a bro (also cute), Natalia was inoffensive and Jade was funny yet also a tragic character imo.

Need to work jews in there, 9/10 effort

this but unironically

I should have clarified 70-80. They're all at least 70.
I have like the 70 scrip gear, which i think is usable until like 77~? So i'm not TOO fussed, I guess.