Why is the Switch so successful?

Why is the Switch so successful?

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based ninty wins again

What games have come out on ps4 since KH3/RE2?

N-no it's n-not p-please stop p-posting th-those f-f-figures!!!

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It's not quite as successful as it seems when you consider Nintendo essentially cannibalised their handheld line.

Because it's the most fun console.

Xbox is moving away from selling consoles altogether and has been focusing on Windows integration. All their flagship titles are playable on Windows.
And Sony is only interested in politically correct interactive cinematic experiences on the Playstation.

Cause it's shit and people nowadays are coprophils

cause it is new and everyone wanting a ps4 already has one

New and shiny

Same reason PS4 was winning big earlier in the gen, lack of real competition.

Why is the xbone so worthless?

Switch has no good games whatsoever nothing has come out since botw

Microsoft don't care about consoles anymore. They broadening the Xbox brand to include Windows gaming. Literally all of their upcoming "Xbox exclusive" games are coming out for PC too.

It's new

They shot themselves in the foot at launch and never recovered. The switch has already passed the xbone and it's only been out for two years

I don't disagree, but I'd argue Xbox has never been relevant. They just kind of awkwardly asserted themselves into video games one day and they're only known for a generic FPS game and a generic racing game. The main rivalry has always been between Nintendo and Sony.



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Xbone is still around 10 million or so ahead. Being pushed into 3rd place this year is totally feasible though.

>I'd argue Xbox has never been relevant.

Fuck there are literally people posting on Yea Forums now too young to remember the xbox 360

7 million, but yeah you're right. Assuming Pokemon doesn't tank Switch should overtake this year

I'm unfamiliar with the actual numbers but I feel like Xbox used to be a real contender until this decade and they've been slowly dying ever since.

Good marketing and a neat gimmick.

>Makes quality games that are fun for all
>Has a good business model for the most part
>Console being ideal to play any video game.
>all exclusives being critically beloved by fans and critics alike
>Thus earning Nintendo the title if most reputable company.
Ah. When will Yea Forums accept that their safe space-ridden echo chambers mean nothing and that the general public prefer a certain console more than others?

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It's the sole 9th gen system on the market.

The original Xbox was basically just a halo machine. The 360 was relevant for it's first few years but Microsoft kind of dropped the ball after 2010 and hasn't picked it back up since.

I think that it's just a videogame machine that favours couch co-op over online multiplayer is a big plus.

Shit on nintendo for having bad online all you like but a lot of people don't want to be plugged into the matrix 24/7

>the psvita sold more units in japan than the xbox did

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The 360 might actually be the shittiest console they've made.

>Xbox: 40,000
>Vita: 180

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Early 360 vs PS3 was such a landslide in favor of Xbox it was embarrassing. Then Microsoft stopped making games that weren't Forza, Halo, or Gears and starting focusing on Kinect while Sony started making actually good games. I've never seen such a reversal in a console gen.


>global = Japan

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>tfw the Wii ended up fucking microsoft over the most in the long term

Does anyone else feel kind of bad for Xbox? It feels like they've been trying to play the good guy lately (putting lots of their games on other consoles, being completely open with crossplay, Game Pass on PC), but they're getting absolute fuck all in terms of result.

Excessive marketing budget instead of making games.

Never forget

>Because it's the most fun console.
>No games machine
Sure thing shill.

I'm not the biggest fan of the Switch, but come on. Look at the competition.

um mario maker, legend of zelda, mario kart and party, and so many more what's wrong with you

>No games machine

Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Steamworld Quest
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>No More Heroes 3
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s

Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced

Microsoft is known primarily for Windows. They were never meant to make games. They just injected themselves into video games and assumed it would go well. Game Pass on PC doesn't mean much when Halo is long past its heyday, and everybody has already settled into their FPS of choice. It just doesn't surprise me that these decisions are mostly going unappreciated and unnoticed. If they would make some actual games (Banjo Kazooie 3 would be a good start, none of this remake bullshit either) I'd be open-minded enough to give them a chance.

>>Shin Megami Tensei V
I'm convinced it's vaporware at this point

>Newest console
>clumsy irresponsible children drop and break them
>man children love rebuying new colours

Nintendo can't stop winning. Back in the day people would have 1 version of a handheld, now tots and manchildren will buy the newest revision because of a new colour.

Switch will pick up even more when the new battery version releases too.

How these numbers are going to increase for the Switch once Lite launches?

This is exactly how I feel about the Switch. I have a list of games I'm interested in and I watch every new direct, but I'm still not sold on it. I have 4 Switch games I'm interested in for sure, but 0 on the Xbox and PS4.

Look user, I disagree with that guy when he says the Switch has no games, but did you have to pad out he list with so much cinematic movie shit?

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>TWEWY ~Final Remix
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Yokai Watch 4
>Astral Chain
>Rune Factory 5
>Bayonetta 3
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>No More Heroes 3

Trim all this fat off the list, and you have a much better presentation.

It’s not, this is just Atlus being retarded again. Remember P5 was supposed to come out in 2014.

Big increase because the Switch lite is much cheaper. Pokemon also releases during that time and will boost sales, animal crossing will pull big numbers too

Imagine having such a shit opinion as you do

I have a Switch, its shit. At least the competition has competent performance.

Ah a copy/pasted list of unreleased, mostly garbage games that no one gives a fuck about, on top of multiplats. Amazing.

If it was so good, you wouldn't need to paste a list everywhere.

Reddit loves it because they love posing as le ebin nurds so shit like nintendo, zelda, portal and etc get put on a pedestal. Free marketing.

People have always done this. For instance, if you say the PS4 has no games, you'd get the same thing. A big long list with every piece of shit game they could possibly think of, with no regards for quality. People even did this with the Wii U; they'd list shit like Lego City, like I'm really going to play something like that.

>They're getting absolutely fuck all in terms of a result

They're getting the exact result all those actions you listed should give. If you don't have exclusive content no one is going to buy your box.

I'm sorry user, but it's the same reason why I dislike the majority of the PS4's library: most of it is just hallways and cutscenes. The other games were more than enough to have an okay library.

>I have a Switch, its shit. At least the competition has competent performance.
Competent performance is nice when there's a good game underneath. As it stands, a cinematic experience running at 60 FPS (if the ps4 can even handle that) just isn't as worthwhile as a video game running at 30 FPS.

>tfw people try padding out a list with The Order 1886 and Knack
>and then say they're good unironically

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>those games don't count because I don't like them
Shit opinion discarded
Can you even list one (1) game from your console?

I can’t even tell if the green text is the supposed movie shit or the supposed remaining games

>Competent performance is nice when there's a good game underneath
Funny you say that as if the Switch library isn't complete garbage. Not everyone likes phone tier games that have the depth of a kiddie pool.

Let me remind you again, the Switch library is fucking garbage.

>How these numbers are going to increase for the Switch once Lite launches?

Along with Pokemon, Switch sales will go through the fucking stratosphere this Christmas.

What my Switch? No, because its a nogames machine. Its literally just all ports, sequels, and shovelware.

You can never own/use a Switch and not miss out on ANYTHING important in gaming.

That just means you don't like jrpg's and action games. Most people do like them

Dark Souls 2

The bottom of the post says to trim those games off the list. I started off with xenoblade, aka 13 hours of cutscenes inbetween hallways and dialogue dumps, just so nobody would get confused.

Many Switch games might be shallow or "kiddie" but would you really prefer mature edgy "adult" games where you do nothing but walk down hallways and every single game has to have a deep political story in it?

Pls no

Did a new soccer game release on the switch? Why is Europe buying it suddenly?

Sony consoles have always been shitty, toned down PCs, with fewer games, and with censorship, and with a shitty controller too. You can't say the same about Nintendo because at least they come up with some interesting and unique ideas occasionally.

>Let me remind you again, the Switch library is fucking garbage.

Kek off you seething pleb. In its first couple of months on sale it had 2 (TWO) of the most acclaimed video games in history released on it.

At this point in its lifecycle, it has a better library of games than just about any other system you can mention. Keep crying.

This, atlus is fucking slow with developing console games lately.

Looks like you don't enjoy playing video games. You should find a different hobby

PS4's is equally bad to be fair. Any non PC platform is for casuals

>Most people do like them
Just like how GOW and Uncharted regularly top sales charts for their opening weeks. Most "people" don't exactly know good quality.


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>Many Switch games might be shallow or "kiddie" but would you really prefer mature edgy "adult" games
Oh look, you again made assumptions about my taste in games.

It has nothing to do with maturity or aesthetic, they are just shit games. You can have games with whatever aesthetic, but it can still play like shit. That's the average Switch game. Shallow as a puddle.

You retarded, insecure fuck.

>At this point in its lifecycle, it has a better library of games than just about any other system you can mention. Keep crying.
What about the SNES? I could name 10 or more 9/10 games on the SNES off the top of my head. I like the Switch too but let's be realistic about this. They will have to release a shitload more games on it for it to join the ranks of the SNES, DS and PS2.

Christ what pathetic seething baby.

Heres a pic of PS4 and Switch. I haven't even turned my PS4 on since October last year. Its fucking dead.

Meanwhile my Switch is my most played gaming device of the past two years by far. Its embarrassing how traumatised some of you kids are by the cute lil Switch.

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Multiplats are better than both those games. A generic mario everyone forgot after a month, and a mediocre multiplat open world meme game.

Or maybe the Switch is shit and has no games. I've owned it since Odyssey release and barely find any reason to turn it on because of how garbage its software is.

fifa19 is 67% off right now

So many ports and shovelware, this is why you never take a switchlet seriously.

Then please user, regale us with your favorite PS4 games.

And FIFA 2020 is coming out soon.

>Multiplats are better than both those games. A generic mario everyone forgot after a month, and a mediocre multiplat open world meme game.

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People who care about sales are some of the worst, stupidest people, and are not real fans. If my favorite game didn't sell a single copy, I wouldn't care and I would continue playing it.

I'm not following here: I'm a baby because the Switch is fucking trash? I don't understand. You are the one getting mad about that fact.

>Its embarrassing how traumatised some of you kids are by the cute lil Switch.
You're right, I should have bought literally anything else. Not everyone needs to be an autistic spaz and defend a shitty console.

What does that I said have to do with the PS4 at all?

Thanks for the repeat.

Switch is a gandheld though, they cannibalised their home console line.

Those are all exclusives. If there's nothing on that list you like, I'm afraid to tell you that you probably don't like videogames at all.

Why are you so upset about the Switch?

How would you play it if it didn’t sell a single copy, you stupid nigger?

>cinematic movie shit
>Dragon Marked for Death
It has barely any cutscenes besides the intro and endings.

>Those are all exclusives
>Fast RMX

On top of most of them being trash.

>What does that I said have to do with the PS4 at all?
Then allow me to correct my previous question: what favorite games do you have this gen?

Upset about what? I'm just stating facts.
You are the one getting offended and using another platform as a scapegoat. The issue is you.

This gen hasn't started yet, only the Switch has "current gen" games that look and run like shit. So I can't say yet since I would be citing shit from the Gamecube era.



>this gen hasn’t started yet
Based brainlet

>They just injected themselves into video games and assumed it would go well
IIRC they specifically jumped into the race because Sony was calling the PS1 a computer gaming console and they saw that as an affront to their PC market.

>I'm just stating facts.

Kek get help.

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Those games added so much new content that you can't really call them ports anymore

THIS. People forget that you will be still giving MS a cut.

The Switch is the only current gen console and its shit.

Get mad?

Damn, Xbox is being clobbered.

>iOS port and a minimal patch tier update
Wow, yeah, its okay when Nintendo gets shit ports.

I've preordered the special pokémon edition switch lite, and maybe for Mario Odyssey I don't care enough for any other game, maybe Im deppresed but really don't want to play anything, I have a PS4 and haven't finished Persona, GoW, Horizon, RDR2 or Gravitt Rush2, I just continue into buying games.

Anyway, while Snoybois go into meltdown as usual, what games are Switchads looking forward to over the coming weeks and months?

Fire Emblem, Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, Luigi's Mansion, Dragon Quest XI, Link's Awakening all look amazing. And you just know that despite the desperate shitposting campaign on this board, Pokemon will get rave reviews too. Hell even the new Layton game is a must-buy for me.

Whatcha hungry for first?

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Mario Odyssey is personally my favorite Switch game. It's the best 3rd person platformer out there. Had a lot of fun playing it

I hate cinematic garbage like Astral Chain and Pokemon, so those go right into the dumpster for me. I'm hoping Daemon X MAchina isn't too bad, even though the framerate is abysmal.

Right now I'm just waiting for news on Metroid Prime 4.


Nothing, everything coming up looks pretty shit or is a remake/port.

>Pokemon will get rave reviews too
Everyone thinks it looks like shit, so hopefully not.

I'm personally waiting for SMT5, hopefully it will be worth it waiting through all that garbage.

There isn't a single good game coming out within the next weeks, months or even this year. The BotW sequel is the only game I'm looking forward to. I also regret buying DQB2 on Switch instead of on Ps4 because the performance is actually horrible.

>Nothing, everything coming up looks pretty shit or is a remake/port.

Sodium Chloride.

Based snoy falseflagger

Gotta divert attention from those lawsuits I see.

Three Houses and Picross are preloaded.
Other than that, I'm excited for Astral Chain, maaaybe Zelda (not sure if I'm buying it on day 1) and DQ11, and I'm definitely getting Digimon.

It’s two years old

Over what exactly? I get all my Switch games free.

Is MAU3 any good? I never played the other ones so I don’t know what to expect but I do like it’s roster a lot

Pretty much everything you listed. I even forgot about the Layton game. How am I supposed to afford all this? September looks insane.

Will definitely buy Astral Chain and pokemon. Mario maker 2 and fire emblem look good. There are too many games releasing on the Switch. I already have a backlog and it keeps growing

This is honestly the best image

Easy to hack

>And you just know that despite the desperate shitposting campaign on this board the PS4 has sold over 100 million

Its shit.

Because it has a good gimmick.

But the PS4 won?

>1 version of a handheld
The game boy, game boy pocket, game boy light, and the game boy color (arguably).
These are all revisions, user.

Shame most of them aren't even good.

when this shit console will lose its momentum?

>cinematic movie shit
>motherfucking blaster master

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Shame nobody agrees with you. Oh well, stay upset.

Why are you samefagging to instigate more fanboyism? We already know you are the one obsessed with this shit tablet.


Its been fucking hysterical watching the shitters on this board desperately trying to come to terms with reality.

Why do mods allow blatant Switch shill threads to happen yet will ban any fanboyism anywhere else?

Most people do honestly. I don't really count the opinion of children though. It's like asking a 10 year old for a restaurant recommendation.

Nintendo designed a platform which doesn't really compete against Sony and Microsoft's.
Because it isn't seen by the general public as a proper console, the chances of someone buying it despite owning another platform is increased.
On top of that, it has titles more people are interested in than the Wii U did.
Switch sales will take a big hit when the PS5 or Scarlett comes out, whichever's first.

>We already know you are the one obsessed with this shit tablet.

He says this while throwing a tantrum in a thread about a system he doesn't own.

Not a good look.

How are those lawsuits and hardware "upgrades" going?

You do realize the PS4 beat the 3DS, Wii U, and is currently well ahead of the Switch right? I'm more confused by YOUR delusion.

>game where absolutely nobody talked about the gameplay and just jerked off to titty plant

Yes, cinematic movie shit. If the primary appeal of the game isn't the actual game itself, then throw it in the garbage. I say the same about all idolshit like Senran Kagura and Xenoblade.

But I own a Switch. And its shit.

>but I'd argue Xbox has never been relevant.
Then you are a fool. 360 was far better than PS3. Played all the multiplats better. Only thing PS3 had on 360 for years was free online, but since all it had to play was Resistance and Motorstorm for like 2 years, not that impressive. Eventually ps3 got some good games, but it's still the inferior console.

I have a PS4 and a Switch.
Switch is better.
Now get out of my hotel.

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Yikes, it must be traumatic as fuck for you waking everyday in a world where Nintendo are the most celebrated name in gaming history and every "Best Games Ever" list is completely saturated with Nintendo games in the Top 20.

Seriously, how do you cope? The mental anguish must be unbearable for you.

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So many salty players ITT...
Can't you just buy more than one platform and enjoy games on them?
I mean, this time spent on shitposting you can spend on actually playing games you like and having great time.

>they'd list shit like Lego City, like I'm really going to play something like that.
Lego games are good

Only if you answer my questions about a certain painting

>Being genuinely invested in large corporations
I still remember the time Yea Forums sent Nintendo a thank you card for shilling games to them, which when Nintendo showcased didn't even acknowledge was from Yea Forums. Can't get more cucked than that.
This board has an unhealthy obsession with them if that and the legions of Smash threads are anything to go by. This board no matter what Nintendo put out will shill for it. If you weren't here for the desperate shilling during the Wii U era you missed out on some shit I'll tell you that much.

>This board
>Actually playing video games

Kojima thanked Australia as well. lol

> it must be traumatic as fuck
Why is that? I'm not the one spazzing over a negative opinion.

> most celebrated name in gaming history and every "Best Games Ever" list

>Seriously, how do you cope?
You should ask yourself the same question considering you keep replying to me.

Pic related.
Pretty pathetic lmao

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What's the issue of owning the console and still thinking its shit?

No shit, they are autistic retards on this board.

Fucking based

This board is just more leddit than its ever been which is why we get a bunch of scared beta bitches defending this console like a brand flag. Its pathetic.

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PS3 had superior hardware that was unique, so unique that most developers sucked at porting games to it. A lot like PS2, early multiplatform tittles for PS2 were worse than on much inferior hardware of dreamcast.

There is a good reason why Sony went on with essentially x86 CPU and radeon GPU for PS4. Sony hardware is much more similar with PC and Xbox in current generation than it was previous generation.

>What's the issue of owning the console and still thinking its shit?
I wouldn't take issue with it as an idort, if you properly explained why you think it's shit. For example, I think it's underwhelming because I hate cinematic games like Xenoblade and Bayonetta. I acknowledge decent games like Zelda and the multiplats that run without issue, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I ever consider cutscene simulators to be 10/10 masterpieces.

It's much more respectful than just calling everything gay kiddy shit.

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without shitposting
the switch is still new. A brand new zelda and other titles, ports etc.. are still coming out
plus the fact the ps4 and xbone are over 7 years old at this point so sales would normally be low

>PS3 had superior hardware that was unique
TEH CELL was shit

It's hilarious because nincels pretend the Wii U doesn't exist now

Either way it doesnt get the message across. Articulation can't convince retarded fanboys, so you keep it simple.

cfw wiiu is great. Play all the Wii U and Wii games for free.

>replying to ACfag
Yea Forums never learns.

Did those 100 million throw away their PS4s tendies?

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Regarding Mario Kart 8 and Wii U exclusives though the attach rate for that console was unheard of. Something like 10 million people bought it when the Wii U itself sold less than the fucking Vita at 15 million. This was pretty common for the Wii U with its exclusives because
A. Most people buy Nintendo systems for the exclusives
B. There was literally no third party support at all.
It's amazing what marketing can do for a console. Have no idea what Nintendo were thinking with the Wii U and its branding.

>Anyone who doesn't like the ps4 is acfag

Don't you have an artistic cinematic hallway simulator to go back to?

Or is this just another boogeyman that we all assume any negative opinion is from , despite this board being anonymous?

>Wrong about the WIi U
>Wrong about the PS4
>Wrong about Monster Hunter World
When is this board ever fucking right?

The Switch exceeding expectations after years of PS4 domination is like Trump becoming president after the Obama years. Nobody wants a market controlled by Sony.

As someone who hates the Nintendo shilling on here
I mean give Nintendo time to cuck people out of their money with Switch online.

What happens when the PS5 controls it again?

>exceeding expectations
But Trump won?

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Isn't this thread about sales though?

So Blaster Master is cinematic movie shit because Anons kept jerking it off to a titty plant? Dude, this is fucking Yea Forums. The gameplay could be godly, and Anons would still prefer talking about fap bait. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that Blaster Master Zero 2 is abiut the gameplay.

>Dude, this is fucking Yea Forums. The gameplay could be godly, and Anons would still prefer talking about fap bait.
That's just a lazy excuse. Good games wouldn't need to rely on fap bait. The fact that Blaster Master does cements it as movieshit.

It's just like how sony fans tell me that TLOU is this great achievement in video games, but I can't hear them over the screeching normalfags who herald it as a "triumph of cinematic ambition" and then people like Druckmann come out of the woodwork and say that "fun" is bad for games. It sounds like their priorities aren't in the right place.

>switch's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years are 2x better than PS4's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years
>switch is currently set to dominate 2019
>PS4 is slowly losing all sales against Switch

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I never get posts with shit graphs like these
>No time interval
>No info about how these numbers were collected
>No source link
Also it's a new console, the xbone and ps4 came out 7 years ago. If the switch didn'y outsell them then it would be a joke.
>Including the discontinued Vita
Literally why even bother?

Kinda sad to see the xbox selling so bad. Xbox 360 was a solid console.

Yeah I know but I wouldn't encourage being proud of how much DLC, microtransactions and paid online you can sell.

>Druckmann come out of the woodwork and say that "fun" is bad for games.
Fuck off dumb consolewarrior

cant wait for the promised raytracing and 8K 120FPS on that new ps5
just like PS4 Pro's promised 4k 60FPS

>switch's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years are 2x better than PS4's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years
But that's wrong retard
>switch is currently set to dominate 2019
Also wrong

>Ps4 outsold Switch in 2018 despite being 3 years older

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>he hasn't read the interviews

user, i'm so sorry.

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>yet Switch is already outselling PS4 in 2019 when PS4 despite Switch being weaker

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Cope you jealous shitter. Call me back when the Switch manages to surpass even half the sales of the Ps4.

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>Snoyfags BTFO'd once again
pathetic kek

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Remember that time when Sony released a little console, the ps2, and it sold all throughout PS3 Era and did so well it bombing ran both consoles at the time, killing them both? , and is the biggest selling console of all time, making Sony literally, billions and billions?

So do I.

Cry, reee, scream, cope. Sony always, always win.

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First of all retard he said he doesn't use the word fun regarding tlou2
Second he was referring to the story the tone the setting and has actually said the gameplay is fun even though it most likely sucks

>Why is the Switch so successful?

It's not that successful IMHO:

PS4 outsold it last year, Nintendo was forecasting to sell 20 million consoles in 2018, then they lowered their forecast to 17 million, they didn't achieve that goal, they sold 16.8 million consoles.

Nintendo is expecting to sell 18 million consoles for this year and Sony is expecting to sell 17 million, not a big difference if you consider that PS4 is six year old.

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>Call me back when the Switch manages to surpass even half the sales of the Ps4
ring ring faggot KEK

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>It's not that successful

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>WHY does Nintendo make us pay for online????

here is your answer.

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And they lost all that money in the first few PS3's years. Amazin'.

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I always love knowing how traumatised you are over Nintendo.

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user, why did you post a picture of yourself?

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>>It's not that successful

It's relative, sure it's doing pretty fine compared to the Pee Poo but it's not putting the gaming world on fire either.

>2, 596

The Vita used to be toe to toe with the 3DS and look at it. Sony killed it too damn soon.

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I love how Nintendo are genius

they literally made a Asian nip handlet console, to sell to the gacha market. it's actually genius. Mix the gacha with nincel defense squad, you have the ultimate product

Attached: ohdear.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

>he said he doesn't use the word fun regarding TLOU2
Yeah, and it shows. For a game about surviving a post-apocalyptic zombie hell, he sure does love shoving in lesbian teen romance inbetween cliched dramatic moments that have absolutely nothing to do with zombies. Infact, he spent a quarter of his entire E3 presentation showing off his ugly lesbian kissing scene, and the """gameplay""" shown afterward couldn't even be considered an afterthought.

The whole "we prefer not to use the word fun" thing would be more tolerable if the game had SOMETHING going for it. Even as a cinematic experience it isnt treading new ground or breaking any boundaries. It's just hitting every single note that games did before. In a way it's like Breath of the Wild. It's sole claim to fame is that it's doing everything done by games before, and doing them at the same time. Otherwise it's not really a masterpiece so much as a regular game. The hype is a little excessive.

DMC5 and Sekiro but after that it’s been squat

>It's relative
>it's not putting the gaming world on fire either

Attached: mfw1.png (746x717, 102K)

It's not ds or ps2 successful

Nintendo has more consoles and handhelds than Sony in the market

Who in their right mind would buy this over the age of 16? Does this come in any other colors than these bright so ye ones? Are they all this weird, bright pastel one? It litterally now, is starting to look like an -actual- fisher price toy

Holy based

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user, that's like 50 million units, Switch was at almost 35 million at the end of March.

Consoles are for babies to be kinda honest.

Hey, PS2 was a great system with a fuckload of variety. I grew up on the Nintendo PC combo and even I had one. Sly Cooper, Crash, Kingdom Hearts, Jak and Daxter, Star Wars Battlefront, Burnout, and I still haven't even named off all of its amazing JRPGs yet.
I have really fond memories with the PS2, but my last Sony console was the PS3 and will probably stay that way because the PS4 never fucking interested me at all. Every game is filled with fucking cutscenes to the point where Sun and Moon look like action packed thrillers that keep you at the edge of your seat. I'm fine if other people are into that shit, but I'll pass. Gameplay should always come first.

Stop moving the goalpost user you were wrong and i was right

>all these hardware fanboys arguing over sales figures
Do any of you fucks work for Sony or Nintendo? If not why the fuck do you care? Just fucking play and discuss games you like and don't argue about the success of companies that don't give a rat's ass about your existence.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 6.24.56 PM.png (1082x726, 269K)

>It's not *console generation from 20 years ago* successful
Is this autism?

Attached: whatthefuck.jpg (200x152, 8K)

delete this, this thread isn't for you people

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We just like watching the SONYfans chimpout.

>well thats because PS4 has been out long-


fucking gold

But when is Nintendo going to give us the Switch equivalent to the virtual console?

What goalpost did I even move? The greater point of my shpiel is that Druckmann doesn't view video games as an interactive medium. He sees them as a way of selling 60 dollar movies.

Its literally Switch fanboys instigating and losing their shit over losing.

This thread should have been banned if this wasn't a Leddit Nintendo board.

Holy fucking shit. Based.

ironic you talk about chimpouts and then the post below you is a nincel chimping out kek

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>Its literally Switch f-fanboys

Attached: laughingwhoresninprincess.png (434x444, 156K)

Why is it they always win? I don't understand. WHy is it, I just came from a fucking thread where we started mocking Basedny, and then they come in and everybody jumps on their side? Why? Just let us fucking have this one you faggots holy fuck

>Why is it they always win
>Season passes
>High cost of the Paid online
SONY are the most anti-consumer platform right now.

Why do snoy faggots think they are the only platform when literally xbox and pc run shit better

Nintendo aren't the only geniuses here
Sony are doing equally as good!

They're making their next generation for their 80% of their player base!
Censoring games and with trannies on defense, its a match made in heaven

Vita dropped hard since I looked at these. even when it was discontinued Vita was still pushing a few thousand in Japan.

Monopoly on gameplay.
And not even due patents or something, just sheer stupidity of sony and microsoft.
It's so bad, nintendo can just recycle gameplay from 30 years ago, make the consumers themselves do the levels, and still sell gangbusters.
On a world where sony also have gameplay that would never fly.

Or at least a world where there is a REAL gran turismo on PS4.

>coping with shitty mario fan art
YIKES toddler

example a)

When they feel safe about increasing the price of the online subscription.

>Monopoly on gameplay.
THen why do all their games have shit gameplay?

Attached: 131.webm (853x480, 2.98M)

>ignore the other 6 months of the year where it barely outsold a 6 year old console

>>Season passes

Nintendo do this

Sony first party games don't have mtx except for Uncharted

>>High cost of the Paid online
It's a better service than Nintendo or MS

>SONY are the most anti-consumer platform right now.


>P-PS4 has sold more than switch! Just ignore the fact its been on sale 4 years longer!

Which is your coping mechanism of choice today snoyboi?

You're projecting, user.

Nintendo have been fucking you over all these years, never giving you deals and dropping prices of games, you've been accustomed too it.

Attached: 1527647699355.png (2198x626, 1.16M)

And yet people still give them a pass. Its even worse when other companies do it, and the defense is "well they're not doing it as bad, so they're based". AS if being lubed up beforehand makes wallet rape a better experience.

>Or at least a world where there is a REAL gran turismo on PS4.
>we will never get a SONY who cares about gameplay ever again

Attached: goddamnit.jpg (590x350, 29K)

I'm begging you to delete this, for the love of fucking god please.

Because the other two are not even doing any sort of gameplay, so they can just lazy around and half ass it, and if you want gameplay, they're the only choice.



>guy shits on Nintendo
>b-but he shat on SONY so he has to be a Nintendo fan
What the fuck went wrong with the SDF

Mentally ill based retard snoyboi.

Even samefagging his own posts. lmao the seethe is real.

I love how it used to be

>paid online

now it's [after ninty jumped on board]

….>higher.... paid online...

that does make me kek

Attached: nintendoonlineservice.webm (960x544, 1.63M)

What did you expect from console warriors?

Its attacking Snoyboys faggot



If you wanted a PS4 by now you would have had one. Going into next gen and people have money to burn on the complete lack of games in the tail of the cycle.


it begins

>It's a better service than Nintendo or MS
Nah xbox paid online is better except for the fact that you have to pay to play f2p games
I agree with everything else you said

>Fifastation doesn't benefit from the 50 bajillion microtransactions within FIFA

I love how it used to be
>Free online
Then it became
Then it became
>BASED SONY, Fuck Nintendo!
This does make me kek

The amount of seething Sonyfags ITT.

Fucking kek, this is glorious. And fun is just beginning. Nintendomination from here on out.

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How long till Switch surpasses XB1 sales worldwide? I gotta imagine it's closing in by now.

stop projecting

>If you wanted a PS4 by now you would have had one.
This, nobody going forward will want one, it's dead.
Don't forget they merged the PS4 Pro sales with the PS4 sales too, so if you upgraded you are considered two buyers kek
Fuck SONY, such dishonost cunts

>The PS4 is already six years old

After how long the last generation seemed to drag on for this is almost hard to grasp.

>200+ posts of seething SONYfans
>b-but 20 years ago
Jesus christ.

Attached: smuggerman.png (680x628, 651K)

It's the result of years of playing movies like Uncharted and Xenoblade and Halo. Lack of gameplay can drive people crazy.

why do we have this thread (or some variation of it) every day?
t. idort

>snoys proud to pay for their own internet
you can't make this shit up

>ACfag claiming anyone else is crazy


give sony more money for literally nothing

PedoGAF/RetardERA love sales shit
We love shitting on them


It's the cheapest.
It's fun
It's like your mom, OP.

Imagine looking at video games and thinking "this needs more movies shoved into it"

That's the definition of crazy.

Attached: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.jpg (224x225, 16K)

are kusnoyggers' brain so rotted because playing so many movie"games" all this years that they can not differentiate real games from movieshit?

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Stop ban evading.

Because poor people who can only afford one system need to do something else in their spare time because they don't get enough games, so they console war.

Sony and Nintendo have outsold every Xbox ever made (depending on how you treat the WiiU/Switch stuff). Microsoft was relevant in the mid/late 00s because they were ahead of the curve on online stuff, but that's basically all they've ever contributed to the market

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Bros, why did the Ps4 sell more than twice as much as the Switch? You told me we're winning.. The Switch didn't even manage to outsell the Ps4 in 2018 despite the Ps4 being 6 years old....

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I'm sure you have proof of this?

Riddle me this; if I was a "kusnoygger" as you claimed, wouldn't I be making exceptions for Ps4 movie games? Or heck, I wouldn't mention them at all ITT, just deflecting to Nintendo at every turn. Yet I've been giving snoy the same lashing as any other company. To this day not a soul has given me a reason to tolerate movie shit in my video games.

>games need to be art
Yeah, says Hollywood, and I wouldn't trust those deadbeats to take out my garbage.

>b-but games need to have a break
Yeah, and there's something called a "pause screen" for that. I don't need a 50 hour pause screen that plays movies in the meantime.

>b-but being videogamey is bad!
Tell that to the ancestors that built this whole industry like Pac Man and Tetris. Tell them to their faces that they're shitty games because they're too videogamey.

ASStral Chain and DQXIs.
I also want FE:TH, but i don't have that much time.

if you think this is bad you should have seen this place when the wii u bombed. it was even worse. people saying nintendo was dead etc. all it takes is one solid product with a good library of games to be competitive again. if i had to bet money i'd predict the next xbox will be up there with ps5 and switch pro sales next gen simply because there's no way they can do as bad as they did now. the xbox brand is so strong that even with a failed console with pretty much nothing going for it it's sold close to 50m. if the next xbox has actual interesting games it will eclipse that in the same amount of time without a doubt. honestly the xbox brand is too big to die and MS are too big to let it die.

stupid nigger. if you are not baiting you are literally fucking retarded.

I hate moviegames and nothing in that list it's one.

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>We'll never again get the type of games Hotel Dusk was
It's all "muh console-like" AAA games or indie pixelshit.
Where are AA or A games?

Literally the first "game" listed.

>w-well what about the 100 hours of gameplay
You mean the gameplay so shitty that you need hour after hour of cutscenes just to tell the story, instead of having the story be told naturally throughout the game, WITHOUT dialogue an cinematics every 5 seconds? This is something I don't think JRPGs understand. There are other ways of telling story behind the cinematic way.

Attached: gonna be a yikes from me fam.png (1144x196, 167K)

>shitting on NMH, TWEWY, and Bayonetta
>calling them fucking movie games

Attached: 1483487831723.png (620x622, 458K)

>literally, LITERALLY the only things people talk about in those "games" are either the titty fanservice or the pretentious plot, never once talking about the gameplay
>these somehow aren't movies

Should have bought Cing's games BEFORE they went out of business user.
Should have also bought Chase: Cold Case Investigations when it came out on 3DS a few years ago though I don't blame you for not even knowing it existed

Do you want to know how I know you've never been in a single thread for any of those games

>ACfag PLAYING games
He doesn't even fucking play video games

Why does ACfag have to be attached to an otherwise cool as fuck series, Armored Core doesn't deserve this

i've only ever seen kids play one

>Why does ACfag have to be attached to an otherwise cool as fuck series
The real question is how this avatarfagging idiot evades the shitty janitors.

See, look at how defensive you're getting. Your claim that these "games" have good gameplay is immediately put into question due to the anger you throw my way if I recommend taking out all of the cutscenes and dialogue in these games. After all, what kind of pretentious hipster thinks games need story besides maybe a blurb in the manual or something?

I've been in threads for all of these games, and every single person gets obscenely defensive if you imply that perhaps the stories are poorly made filler made by ex-hollywood washouts. Games need to stop compromising their quality for the sake of artistic hipsters.

Before you throw hate at me, answer me that. Why is it wrong to strive for purity in a medium that's lost its way and just wants to be discount Hollywood?

Is the irony here that Armored Core games actually have pretty in-depth stories

Except for the fact that Nintendo it's objectively the worst of the three when it comes to gameplay. Their games are fun because they are easy and designed for children, not because the gampelay it's particularly challenging or deep.

The irony is that Armored Core started going to shit the more they focused on online multiplayer, cinematic storytelling and super high def graphics and muh realism. Fast forward to the PS3 era, and what are we met with?

>can't even maintain 30 FPS
>online shuts down due to poor implementation AND being dead
>we need deep cinematic storytelling and "character drama"
>whoops there goes the latency for all online play. Guess needing to render 500 billion polygons for pvp was a really fucking bad idea
>in ACVD it was only marginally fixed, downgrading it to "freaking bad idea"

And now Daemon X Machina is following in its footsteps. In its desire for fancy graphics and artstyles, the game still can't handle 30 FPS. And it really makes me unhappy. One of the only games I was hyped for, the devs who jumped ship from FROM SOFTWARE learned absolutely jack squat. But that's what happens, when you work for a corporation that thinks pretty graphics and story matter more than a solid gameplay experience.

I think that a game that has physics and a jump button have a lot more depth than a game where you only walk in basically 2D and shoot dumbass targets.

That’s just remarkable honestly

The switch is finally ahead of the six yearl old consoles it's competing with, so the tendies have the chance to brag about sales after years of being bullied. By the time the PS5 comes out, they'll try to use the totals for the Switch to compare. It won't last long tho.

I don't even know what games you are referencing, but if you honestly believe that Mario Kart and Smash have better gameplay than Forza Horizon and Killer Instinct, you are fucking delusional. No to mention other Nintendo franchises with simple gameplay like Pokemon or Animal Crossing. Nintendo has a couple of cool mechanics in their Marios and Zeldas and that's it. Just name a Nintendo game with good combat.

ACfag I'm not sure you even know anything about the series you rep beyond what you've heard online.
The original games are about as "cinematic" as 4 is.

>The switch is finally ahead of the six yearl old consoles it's competing with, so the tendies have the chance to brag about sales after years of being bullied
The Switch has done really well out of the gate though, if you're gonna shitpost at least get your facts straight.

The Switch lost worldwide it's first two years against the PS4. Only this year it has been consistently the best selling.

>The original games are about as "cinematic" as 4 is.

And I see you left out the others.

Attached: Untitled.png (1072x412, 323K)

>The Switch lost worldwide it's first two years

It lost by almost six million. In 2017 it sold almost 15 against the 20 million PS4 and last year i don't remember exactly but it was like 17.5 against the 18 million the Ps4 did.

>cutscenes only
>every single plotline related piece of voice dialogue
ACfag please actually play AC

You have PS4 Pro sales numbers? SONY just lumps them together, you can post them here if you want.

What a weird argument. Are you going to count the Switch Lite separately or what.

>Are you going to count the Switch Lite separately or what.
Nintendo does count them differently
The PS4 Pro sales aren't new customers, they're old customers that are upgrading.

>every single plotline related piece of voice dialogue
Yes, and what's wrong with including this? Imagine a world where video games didn't need to waste money on voice actors, thereby multiplying the costs of exporting it to other countries, who need their own voice actors. Imagine cutting the script down to only the bare essentials, so you wouldn't need gigantic localization teams and, at worst, you'd just need a guy on google translate running the script through a few times. Can you imagine that world, where games aren't some gigantic 500 million dollar production and have higher quality as a result of not being wasteful?

But I guess the allure of having DEEP CHARACTER STORY ARCS is just too strong, eh?

>Why is the Switch so successful?
Its the only system with games. Nobody wants to play another Sony movie game #14 that comes out every 4 years.

>But the PS4 won?

Attached: 1522965001304.jpg (657x527, 45K)

>The PS4 Pro sales aren't new customers, they're old customers that are upgrading.
Who gives a shit about that. All 90 million PS4 can be just one guy buying it over and over for all i care, that's completely irrelevant.
And Nintendo doesn't count anything separately as you can see all versions of the 3ds lump together here: nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/hard_soft/

>Nobody wants to play another Sony movie game #14 that comes out every 4 years.
And yet two of those "movies" sold over ten million last year.

>Who gives a shit about that
People who want to discuss video game hardware and video games?
>Nintendo doesn't count anything separately
Wew lad

lol only?

Attached: ps4 top games.png (1007x894, 176K)

>the new Layton game

Attached: 766.jpg (720x720, 61K)

>the uneducated masses will buy anything that's heavily marketed


>People who want to discuss video game hardware and video games?
What does it matter if it's a new costumer or a person upgrading, a sale it's a sale.
>Wew lad
What do you mean by that?

>What do you mean by that?
I linked a page with data for each individual product
DS, DS Lite, DSi DSi XL etc

But the millions buying the latest Nintendo rehash, those are connoiseurs.

The original Armored Core games have voice acting, a pretty decent amount of it too for an early PS1 game. If you included all of that you'd probably add up to about 30-60 minutes of "story".

Those aren't movie games, those are also multiplat. But god damn, it still boggles my mind how well Minecraft sells almost a decade later.

what is this fine lady drinking

The total Nintendo uses in it's main page for all of their systems it's still all versions combined. Also it's still a retarded argument and you are basically reaching trying to find something to pretend the Switch didn't lose. I can guarantee that you are never going to count the Swith Lite as a different thing.

No, I didn't say that. I'm saying that anything reliant on sales and metacritic probably can't last on its own merits, including Nintendo products. I wish you'd take this trash back to /biz/ if it's so important to you.

I just played through the game,and every mission has about 10 seconds of voice acting, max. And that's frankly all it needed. I think the only exceptions were any of the final missions.

Meanwhile, what happens in ACVD? Every mission needs a deep cinematic arc. We need to cry because Blue Magnolia is in a robot wheelchair and she doesn't want to be, and it makes her saaaaaaaaad :(

For crying out loud, half the old games literally had crippled people fighting in giant robots. They didn't complain even half as much.

>The total Nintendo uses in it's main page
I provided a page where Nintendo lists all their different hardware types sales

I'm not going to defend ACVD's story but pretending the original games weren't concerned with story at all is some peak delusion. They go out of their way to flesh out the world especially by PS1 standards.

And i provided one where Nintendo says the fucking 3ds sales are 75 million because all versions belong to the same family of consoles. The same way they are going to count Lite sales in the Switch totals. But fine, the fucking Switch also lose in 2017 even without counting the Pro. Sony said the Pro is around 25% of total sales so in 2017, the regular version sold 15 million against the 14.8 for the Switch.

>anything reliant on sales and metacritic probably can't last on its own merits
What the fuck do you mean by this? name a game that can last on its own merits please.

I'm sure they did have story, but I'm saying they didn't even need that. Did you seriously go into a giant robot game looking for deep lore or characters? FFS it's like going into a Mario game and asking why there's no subplot about Peach getting an abortion, or political dialogue about immigration. It's just not the right place.

How about free games? And I'm not talking about free to play trash. I'm talking about genuinely free games, one made without needing money to compensate, like the original cave story, or la mulana, or dwarf fortress? These games don't need metacritic scores or high sales. They can just be good.

>How about free games? And I'm not talking about free to play trash. I'm talking about genuinely free games, one made without needing money to compensate, like the original cave story, or la mulana, or dwarf fortress? These games don't need metacritic scores or high sales. They can just be good.I still don't get what you mean. What is a game that is reliant on sales and metacritic scores, what do you even mean by that? Are you saying that if God of War for example was just a free game that you could download people wouldn't be saying it's good?

>I still don't get what you mean. What is a game that is reliant on sales and metacritic scores, what do you even mean by that?
You know the kind of games that are generic hollywood schlock, or obvious pandering to certain groups that don't care about gameplay? And so, to compensate, Mr. Corporation throws a few thousand benjamins to kotaku and polygon so they'll jerk it off as a masterpiece? That's what I mean when I say "reliant on sales and metacritic scores".

>Are you saying that if God of War for example was just a free game that you could download people wouldn't be saying it's good?
I'm saying that, without douchebag Mcjournalist giving it a 10/10 score because of sweet sony money, the game wouldn't even be half as praised as it is now.


Attached: playstation-london-pride-2017-4.jpg (784x489, 540K)

To make it simpler: think of it like this: would you trust a console whose biggest selling point is how popular it is, or how much money it makes? Or would you trust one whose primary selling point is the GAMES and QUALITY?

>here's your port of acclaimed game that released 4 years ago, bro

Attached: Switch ports.webm (889x500, 2.77M)

If God of War or Spiderman were some games someone made in their free time and distributed for free they would get even more praise. Also the vast majority of people who buy that sort of game you are talking about couldn't care less about reviews or metacritic, as you only have to see the sales of games like Days Gone or Ghost Recon Wildlands.

>If God of War or Spiderman were some games someone made in their free time and distributed for free they would get even more praise.
You say that, but every thread about them usually starts off blatantly shoving sales in your face. Instead of arguing the quality of the game itself, someone always has to bring up how amazing they did at christmas, or how many bundles they sold, or how many awards they got for innovation and yada yada. And even despite that, do people actually enjoy the games? Or are they just fuel for more console wars? I've seen enough threads to know.

First of all, the console popularity it's important if you care at all about playing multiplayer games.
Second, your fucking taste it's not the universal truth, i don't give a shit about NIntendo and never will, i rather play "movie games". To me, those are the GAMES and QUALITY as you say.

people believe portability is a very important feature but the best feature is performance followed by battery life

Ports and indies appeal to the jaded group.
Nintendo's first party appeals to the s o y s and casuals.
Portability appeals to office workers and travelers.
Switch Lite and the revised battery life will make the damn thing ACTUALLY portable and worthwhile to bring on trips.
Games aren't censored like snoys are.
Physical cards are an appealing form of storage medium.
Evergreen prices works in the favor of scalpers and anyone who wants to essentially rent their games or make their games pay for themselves if they play the market correctly.
It's a pocket PS3, which is "good enough" for most people that don't care about grafix.

>First of all, the console popularity it's important if you care at all about playing multiplayer games.
The corporates know this too, which is why they sell you multiplayer games that shut down within the year, making you buy the next one so you don't play in a ghost town. These people don't want a lasting product because that won't net them continual cash flow. In a word, you're being sold a service instead of a product, and that's why they want games that are popular, instead of good. It's easier to make a bad game reliant on online, and then bribe journalists to praise it. It's much harder to actually make a good game.

>I don't give a shit about Nintendo and never will
Good for you. I never said you had to. But acting like sony is any better, especially without any backup arguments to support your claim, is a folly.

I dropped the ten million number because some user said "nobody cares for the latest Sony moviegame". If you honestly believe the people who buy that type of game are not actually enjoying you are just simply delusional. People may fall for marketing a couple of times, but they would stop buying those kinds of games if they didn't enjoy them. The fact that you can't accept other people like other things, and because you don't care for God of War, that means nobody can geniunely be having fun with the game it's absurd.

I'd love to believe that someone enjoys them, yet every time I see someone bring it up outside of this website, it's usually some onions chugging hipster talking about how it "taught him about father/son relationships" or "how it deconstructs toxic masculinity". Nobody goes to lengths to discuss the game itself, nobody bothers arguing the quality or merit of the mechanics. You'd be lucky to find someone who even beat the game without using a walkthrough or watching it on youtube.

>The corporates know this too, which is why they sell you multiplayer games that shut down within the year, making you buy the next one so you don't play in a ghost town.
This is completely false. The rise of the GaaS shit contradicts what you are saying. Ubisoft it's still releasing content for Rainbow Six Siege which is still one of the most played games right now. Corporations right now want the opposite of what you are saying.
>But acting like sony is any better, especially without any backup arguments to support your claim, is a folly.
I'm not acting like anything. I'm not saying Sony games are better, just that i like them more so the whole "console about GAMES and QUALITY" shit doesn't mean anything to me, as as i consider the PS4 a console about games and quality.

>Ubisoft it's still releasing content for Rainbow Six Siege which is still one of the most played games right now.
Yeah, because they're currently milking it using other methods. Incase you missed it, they're using it to make money right now until they can get Ubisoft+ off the ground, which is basically streaming aka renting your games to you. Once it hits big, you can bet your bitcoins that Rainbow Six Siege will become streaming exclusive. Whatever makes corporations more money.

>just that i like them more so the whole "console about GAMES and QUALITY" shit doesn't mean anything to me, as as i consider the PS4 a console about games and quality.
What reasoning do you have for this? What makes their games better? The graphics? The cinematic storytelling? The popularity and marketing? Considering how theyre diving deeper into gacha and lootboxes with games like Fate/Grand Order, it certainly isn't the gameplay keeping people playing.

Uplay+ it's not streaming, its like Gamepass o EA acces, you can download the games. Also that doesn't have much to do with my original argument about the popularity of a console being important.
>What reasoning do you have for this? What makes their games better?
Again, i'm not saying they are better. Everyone can have their own tastes, i like the movie games Sony makes and i don't care about Nintendo because story, dialog, characters and lore is a very important part of a game for me. Other people may think that shit doesn't belong in videogames and that's fine, to each it's own. My point was that saying that you should care about a console that is all about games and quality as you said it's meaningless, as everyone has it's own definition of what it's quality.

>real competition
there is 0 competition for the mobile/handheld gayming console
literally NONE

>Uplay+ it's not streaming, its like Gamepass o EA acces, you can download the games.
AKA renting them, unless you think Ubisoft will let any of them be DRM free.

>doesn't have to do with the argument about popularity
to tie into this, you know they wouldn't be able to pull this normally, so they bribe journalists to talk about how it's "the future" and how we should all embrace it. Come on, have you not seen blatant market manipulation at work? IT's the same thing as when you see a ton of threads pop up about how steam is the devil, but you should use Epic games instead. And then you find that every journalist is on epic's payroll. Or vice versa.

>Everyone can have their own tastes, i like the movie games Sony makes and i don't care about Nintendo because story, dialog, characters and lore is a very important part of a game for me.
This is a problem because, in an interactive medium, these things aren't interactive. I can literally watch them on youtube and lose nothing. Infact I gain 60 bucks from not playing them. This is kind of why gameplay is very important in a game and should be the epicenter of your entire product, otherwise you risk losing to some schlomo on youtube who recorded a longplay.


great library

>to tie into this, you know they wouldn't be able to pull this normally, so they bribe journalists to talk about how it's "the future" and how we should all embrace it. Come on, have you not seen blatant market manipulation at work? IT's the same thing as when you see a ton of threads pop up about how steam is the devil, but you should use Epic games instead. And then you find that every journalist is on epic's payroll. Or vice versa.
I don't really know where are you going with this. Of course journalist are just marketers, so what. Ubisof, EA and Microsoft are offering a service if you don't care then ignore it.
>I can literally watch them on youtube and lose nothing.
I disagree. Watching something and playing it yourself it's a completely different experience. Playing as Joel yourself and sneaking around the zombies it's a lot more tense and inmersive than watching someone else doing it. Also, i enjoy the gameplay of those games as well and consider it good, you can think it's shit if you want.

>Of course journalist are just marketers, so what. Ubisof, EA and Microsoft are offering a service if you don't care then ignore it.
If they want to offer their service, perhaps they could do it without paying kotaku and destructoid to tell me how great it is and how I'm an evil fascist nazi for not wanting to blindly jerk them off for taking my money.

>I disagree. Watching something and playing it yourself it's a completely different experience.
And do you know what makes it a different experience? The videogamey stuff inbetween the cutscenes. And if that isn't up to par, well there goes the only edge that the movie game has over youtube.

And do you know what makes it a different experience? The videogamey stuff inbetween the cutscenes. And if that isn't up to par, well there goes the only edge that the movie game has over youtube.
I don't even know what we are arguing about here. That was my point. That's why i said i enjoy the gameplay of those games so to me, watching the last of us 2 in youtube when it comes out instead of playing it myself doesn't make any sense. If you think Sony games have bad gameplay then too bad for you i guess.

>Rune Factory
>Cinematic Movie Shit
as a fan of RF, off yourself please.