

Attached: 1cd.png (540x634, 113K)

Other urls found in this thread:


bad game bad thread

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Good quads!

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I want to kiss the prince of darkness

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pls no betrayal pls pls PLS


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Fuck ralsei hes a fucking faggot
all he dose is act all nice and its fucking cringe
he is literal walking furry bait going uwu and all that cutsy gay shit
fuck deltarune and fuck undertale

What are some games that you like, user?

Attached: df4.gif (280x278, 3.87M)

Oh yes, we certainly do have fun with Ralsei around here...

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Go on...

what are you going to do user....


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all there is uwu

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Wow, what a WHOLESOME MEME! Can't wait to send this to Reddit!

This was a fun little game and I enjoyed it

Attached: ALL OUT ACT.jpg (525x767, 74K)


Attached: ralsei cake - Copy.png (999x385, 51K)

Someone made a mod for DOOM were both Ralsei and Susie fight demons with Doomguy youtu.be/SfZNzDi6y_o

What are some games about politics?

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this is actually really neat

do not insult

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Ralsei is a fatty! A big, dumb fatty!

I'm sorry I do like me some chub though

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I remember seeing that. Seems silly.

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Burgerpants is better

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Undertale was alright
Deltarune is a soulless cashgrab

I’d say it’s the other way around except randumb meme factory instead of soulless cashgrab

Is this the part where I pretend to take the bait and call you out for deltarune being free?

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>ywn cover Kamek's face in your own goo

post more fats

>ywn secretly fuck your teacher for free A's

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I want to agree with you, but the context of the image in the post you're replying to makes it exceedingly difficult to do so.

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I'll agree it's not the best image to say that to, but I'll take any opportunity I can get to say I wanna fuck that blue robed cutie.

i dont have much with ralsei in particular

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Ralsei is overrated


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Undertale is overrated

So are the people who think you're not marriage material.

thanks keno

overtale is underrated


Every character in Deltarune is overrated


How big are his balls?

Overrated is overrated


Attached: 540.png (167x199, 1K)

a circumference of 6 inches each

Sans is the only good character in undertale

you misspelled asgore and alphys

>le epic funny meme skeleton

somehow, someday, i'll fuck that flower, i'll find a way

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tfw never a gote

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Deus Ex

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>that one image set

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Same but him fucking me


no thanks, don't feel like it today

ok straightie

What I wouldn't give to fuck Alphys


Was expecting Suzie lewds, not this gay shit

susie is basic bitch low-test bullyfag garbage, try not being a cuck

Attached: Ds14PS-V4AAs1YU.png (786x1031, 479K)

>Susie not in OP
>Expected thread to somehow wrap around to being about her

okay but listen to this

ralsei is cute and i want to cuddle him

I sleep with and talk to a Tails daki

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Suzie is literal one dimensional "riot grrrl" nonsense and there is a 150% chance Toby will make her a lesbo in the next chapter to anger waifufags.




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This except I also want to fill his black ass with semen.

Do you mean the one where he forces the skeletons to fuck?

I mean, I'd fuck Alphys no questions asked, but please dude it's fiction set your sights a little higher