Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?

Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?

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She sure fell in love with Rean's cock

Have you ever had sex?

Many times

Bend over and find out.

how is that even possible you fucking loser?

Estelle exists only to pleasure Rean-sama

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Many times with the based Rean machine

I love Meiya Mitsurugi!

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I love Tio Plato more than anyone else in the world!

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Who the fuck is Rean and what does he want with my waifu

>he doesn't know the Mean Bean Lean Rean Machine

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Discount Miku?

Have you ever dropped a boring game?

I’ve fallen in love with MatPat’s wife Stephanie.

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OP, I see you posted the wrong image, let me fix that for you.

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I love Fuuka!

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Damn I can already sense the utter chadness emanating from him

Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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But that's my wife and you can't have her

Great taste user.

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I love Kasumi!

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Shouldn't you be in a classroom, Rean?

I hate you so much it hurts.

Cold Steel was a mistake

Ever had a life?



What is sex

Name a cuter sword autist

I do. My life is loving bEstelle, my one and only #1 girl now and forever.

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>saying that when Laura, Emma, and Sara exist
For shame, ogre boy.

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Anne Takamaki is the love of my life.

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Cucksteelfag please fuck off with your shit taste. No erebonia slut can even hope to compare to my wife.

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Estelle will always love Joshua and never you. How does that make you feel?

Yep. Magic Knight is my one and only.

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Your wife is Erebonian property now as of Chad Steel 4
Hamelfags stay mad haha

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So do I!

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Rean ain't you either, fag.

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Nope you fucking retard

>Rean gets to fuck this catpussy whenever he wants to
Mishy BTFO

This my student/wife

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Rean please no you're a professor that's highly unethical

He learned from the best

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I love my wife Tracer.

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Only the best husband.

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Are you a girl?

The PTA does not need to know

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Then I have some bad news for you

Almost, but then I realized that it was good video games I fell in love with and not trashy FOTM waifus from shit games.

Amazing taste.

Damn fine taste

>trashy FOTM waifus
My waifu's game came out in 2011 in the west and became popular with the steam release in 2014 so hardly fotm.

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Yes. Some more wisdome you want to throw out there?

Falcom was a mistake

Xanadu was cool tho


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Reminder that erebonia sluts have hentai of them getting spitroasted (even the princess) but not Estelle. She's too pure.

Estelle is just irrelevant haha

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Lucky man. Did Tio join his harem too then?

Reminder that CS4

>doesn't let you romance tio
>or estelle
>or renne
>or any of the non-erebonia girls

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3 times and I didnt love it. I Guess its because i didnt love the person who i did with


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>Rean's harem isn't even canon

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Just existing near Rean adds you to his harem

Doobie a cute

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I love Kat!

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Damn guys life is going rough right now. I dyed my hair and all these chicks started following me around and talking about some "Rean-sama." I mean, chicks usually follow me around but this time it's like twice as many. There's this tall blue haired one with a sword that I'm really worried about. I don't know why, but I feel like she's the type to die at the end of an adventure, y'know?

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Cute sword slut

I love my gorgeous wife!

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She's ugly

Laura is cute too.

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Calvard when?

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I'm going to lovingly molest loli laura!

I have. Tharja is my waifu! I want her to appear in more Fire Emblem games that isn't Heroes and also for Tharja for getting more alts in Heroes.

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Based MKO

Post waifu's smile.

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Stay mad forever autist

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none of that really matters anyway, because the chicks are all beards and rean is gay for crow.

Nothing on this Earth is more precious than her smile.

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My lovely and loveable Estelle!

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A servant of darkness, cursed since birth has no reason to smile.

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Yes. I've never even played her game, but it was love at first sight. I went ahead and bought her IRL. I'm also trying to commission someone to make me a dakimakura of her.

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You dont love her if you never played her game. Rule #1 of vidya waifus

Yeah this doesn't make sense. If you've never played her game then you probably know nothing about her past her looks so how can you say you love her?

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By being a filthy secondary, of course. I've read the manga, wiki, and held her in my arms.
I do love her, but I can't get over the fact that it's a chink mobile game. I should try it, I'm trying to work up the courage.

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plz don't lewd my cousin, she is married

>tfw sapient AI waifus will exist within the next thirty years
Hope we don't nuke ourselves by then.

Pfft, no. Dying a kissless virgin.

You might get lucky and have your waifu kiss you in a dream.

>play video games for years
>end up falling in love with an anime/manga character instead

That's just how it happens I guess.

Maybe. I never remember my dreams.

Just look forward to the future. Some of us are thinking of developing ways to bring your utopia to reality. No one ever made progress by sitting around and saying things are impossible.

I look forward to that day. Until then I do what I can to better myself for her and have the occasional dream about her.

My Dokkan dork

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I’m sorry, user. She’s just too fucking cute.

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I love my waifu's toothy grin

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If you played the games in English, you fell in love with a rewritten character. All her dialog is changed and added to. Go ahead and just read some of Jessica Chavez' comics if you really love her interpretation of Estelle, because it's not Falcom's writing you enjoyed.

Nobody gives a fuck dumbass weeb

Except Xsneed is constantly memed on for making fanfic localizations, gay.

Yes. Its an unrequited love.

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is the overabundance of "haha" an xseed localization thing or is it also partly the original script?

Maybe you can marry her in the switch version.

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I love Aya Brea!

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lmao no they aren't. trails localization is widely considered one of the best

You're out of your mind, retard. It's full of rewrites and fanfic. Objectively. Working Designs was also highly regarded until people found out how they rewrote every game they worked on and injected a bunch of bullshit into them.

No, because I am too autistic to feel love for another person. I can only love things in an abstract or conceptual way like God or a cool breeze.

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haha that's our Skyboomer for you
bet you also think Hatsuu would go out with you if you asked her """nicely"""

Yes. Claire Redfield is the love of my life.

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Latune is for Shine only.

pyra is better

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It's in the original script. If anything, the localizers tried to tone it down.

god this cat pushes buttons i didn't know i had

my fucking left shoe is better than both of those hoes

post picture of your left shoe

The cat is ok but Mythra is literally perfect

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