ITT: Evil motherfuckers

ITT: Evil motherfuckers.

Just post some evil motherfuckers.

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This is bait.

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No user, OP said "evil"

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>i'm going to wear your head like you wear that dog's

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one of the few genuinely evil filths in the game

What about Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zhedong?
Braindead cultist.

oy vey, stop persecuting me!

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Does Hitler somehow kill fewer innocent people just because other evil people exist?

No other game has created a better heel than Eric Sparrow.

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Anybody got some upskirt pics of him, just asking for a friend haha.


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That's not the premise. Hitler being considered not evil by some people isn't /pol/ at all times. People can have different opinions without being cast as part of something you don't like. I listed those people because if anyone had shown one of them, you'd say nothing.

What is it with dictators and black hair?

nazi niggers?

Dumb /pol/ nazi


Theres not one person in the world who would defend hitler other than a /pol/tard

Too far.

>hurr durr /pol/
I hate you faggots so much.

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Hello, Reddit!

Are you fucking retarded?

What’s that stand for?


I'll take that as a yes.

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>*kills a hundred people*

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>suggests that if you have a problem with what he did you should just fight him
>do it
>*legion killsquad spawns after every fast travel*

They probably deserved it.

Don't get too caught up in the screaming and shrieking, I know it was gruesome and yes, she was pregnant. But she was probably a witch anyways.

i honestly can't think of a more evil character, but despite being pure evil, she was still a believable character
it's part of what made Bioshock 2 so great

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Pure evil. Stealing bananas is the worst crime I can imagine.

It's not the stealing of bananas but the cheeky criticism of americans by british people that's evil about it.

Can't think of a more subversive character.

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Don't dead open inside

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They're bad but that doesn't make hitler good
I fucking hate stormweenies and tankies so much

They exist.

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Am I right, gamers?!

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>I listed those people because if anyone had shown one of them, you'd say nothing.
I don't know about him but I certainly would

todd is like charles manson in that he really belies himsef, he doesn't do it on purpose

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Haha good one

Man, fuck this guy.

Post people who are truly, genuinely, undoubtedly good. I'll start

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Hanz is a dick but he's not evil

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nothing wrong

C'mon, PUBGM is not that bad...

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Wah wah wah.
I cant handle other opinions.

There wasn't even 5 million Jews in Europe at the time.
Where does 6 million come from.

109 countrys.

>Theres not one person in the world who would defend hitler other than a /pol/tard
The Dalai Lama.

George Lincoln Rockwell and William Luther Pierce.
General George Patton and a few others actually.
Enjoy being stupid.

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He was misunderstood

Only in 1949 are postwar estimates employed, the figures given are for estimates made in 1948. A year or two lag seems to be common for various other population estimates given by the World Almanac. The difference between the 1938 and 1948 figures is thus 4,481,491. In 1949, however, the World Almanac gives a revised 1939 population of 16,643,120 giving a difference of between 1938 and 1947 of 5,376,520. Where the extra population between 1938 and 1939 came from is not cited, though one might speculate that it was based upon the Nazi estimates made in 1942 for the Wannsee Conference. Despite the apparent exactness of the numbers listed, the World Almanac warns that all numbers listed are estimates.[94]

Other sources confirm similar numbers—and earlier than the 1949 World Almanac—for the Jewish population before and after the war. The 1932 American Jewish Yearbook estimate the total number of Jews in the world at 15,192,218, of whom 9,418,248 resided in Europe. However, the 1947 yearbook states: "Estimates of the world Jewish population have been assembled by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (except for the United States and Canada) and are probably the most authentic available at the present time. The figures reveal that the total Jewish population of the world has decreased by one-third from about 16,600,000 in 1939 to about 11,000,000 in 1946 as the result of the annihilation by the Nazis of more than five and a half million European Jews. In Europe only an estimated 3,642,000 remain of the total Jewish pre-war population of approximately 9,740,000." These numbers are also consistent with the findings of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, Appendix III, in 1946.

Just perfect.

From Jewish prophecy wherein the loss of six million Jews precedes the creation of Israel

Wikipedia eh?
I dont believe you.

You know that number rose dramatically over the years, yes?
It started off at around a hundred thousand and stopped at around 6 gorrillion.
I've even heard tens of millions at school.

>"Attack? No, not attack them. Wipe the slate clean. Make the Mojave like it was meant to be... undisturbed by man. I'll send the Cloud, the Holograms. Bring ruin in my hands until only I stand atop the HELIOS One tower again. I'll scour Hoover Dam with the Cloud, rain its walls with spears from the sun...with an army of Old World ghosts behind me, Holograms all. I'll kill them until it's only me, me a quiet world. In a world that's nothing like what happened at HELIOS One."

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