ESA Summer Marathon 2019

European Speedrunner Assembly

Stream 1:
Now: Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (Haa~ run)
After: Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Later: Asghan: The Dragon Slayer

Stream 2:
Now: Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
After: Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

Attached: Umapoka.webm (638x480, 221K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for nuggets



First for haaahuaaaaahuaaaa

Smells like chicken

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God I need a fellow hairy gamer (male) friend

I guess you could say Lara is

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>flatmate thinks I'm watching porn

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Stop watching anime.

Wash your balls.

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Lara is going full Dresden right now

is that a naked woman? quick! everyone cover your eyes!


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>hoonka hoonka

kek was this deleted by mod

Fucking ryona bait

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>mfw Euros literally can't do anything right

yes but it was like up for 20 seconds


Is the prince of persia after this the dodgy one that crashes all the time? That one's always fun to watch.

Wheres the vods?

>pitch black skybox

fucking spooky

dae here like videogames?

And with that many boners got extinguished.

But now there's filling to do.
I still want to fill Lara with my milk.


"No" lmao

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I feel like watching a glitch less run of this game would be way more comfy

Rate this Tomb Raider run!


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was fun with good commentary

I find the glitches interesting but when the whole run is clipping and glitching through places the run becomes boring.


7/10 based on what I saw, the "No" voice spam was alright too.

Pretty hot.

>never played TTT
Odd, played the first game, SoT and WW, yet I skipped that game.
Is it still worth picking up?

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Best run so far.

What GTA game is that?

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was going to start a gimmick of “When’s Warframe?” in the same vein of “when’s runescape”, had a look at the schedule and they’re actually fucking doing warframe
yurochads simply cannot lose

>Fuck off Randy

None. It's a GTA Marathon t-shirt.

>pepe shirt
Mega yikes.

>I'm not on Yea Forums or anything


Attached: validation.png (377x221, 45K)

How the fuck can you do Warframe

He actually explained that he invaded the GTA IRC before discord was a thing so he's part of their crew.

Lol my buddy got me to play warframe months back and I was addicted to it for weeks. Randomly stopped playing and I'm glad at all the time I saved

Not Yea Forums, but 4channel.

Don't lie Ben, you're shitposting right now.

>GTA Marathon
oooh I see, thanks

>Yea Forums

that's a monkas shirt idiot

>I'm definitely not posting cunny right now, guys

Whoa, Ben.

hey ben how does she smell

I play Warframe like that. Binge for a few weeks then drop it for a year.

>I'm not on Yea Forums or anything


>This Bong nigga talking about Yea Forums on stream
>Cheesehead bitch wearing a pepe shirt

wtf is this


did ben mention 4chinnel?

Fuck you ben you pube faced faggot

Absolute mad lad.


WHOAH how are they letting him get away with this?!!!

Our guys

Watch out cuckstortion
Mad lad Englishman is gonna steal your ho.

I like how the music's still at full volume. God bless them.

>chad gamer

That pepe is a famous twitch emote what did you expect?

>I played prince of persia
>B-but I don't want to talk about because it was long ago
This chink is so full of shit...

Haha wasn't she wearing that t-shirt yesterday? haha, I wonder what it smells like haha

Why is ESA so much more chill?

Ben its painfully obvious this woman hasnt played a game before. Also stop with your fucking American infection. Not everything you say is a question you fucking disgrace

hi ben ben hi

our real lara left us

its not the same

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> Hapa is a white supremacist
> Onions boy is on Yea Forums
> European, but donations are in American dollars

This stream is wild.

based Ben

forgot image

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I fucking can't stand this girl, she reminds me of this thot waitress at my last work. Talks just like that minus the twitch speak.

why is this bitch looks so much like a boy?

oh t he sluts gone? that's nice

anyone clip it? just missed it when my wifi cut out

Because they haven't been overrun by activists and special rights groups and Viewsonic aren't faggots like whoever the fuck sponsors GDQ.

"I have so many weird stories"
"Name one"
"Oh I can't"

Fucking attention whore

What does that pepe shirt say? I can never catch enough of it to read it.


I think Edenal being in charge helps. He seems chill.

any kino runs coming up? i know penumbra will be ass, but what about the rest?

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I played through the Sands of Time trilogy over 10 years ago. I barely remember it at this point.

"oh no"

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I think if I heard a guy say thot in real life, my ovaries would shrivel away.

I genuinely can't think of a single thing that is better about GDQ at this point. ESA is better in every way.

Keeping to estimates.
But the fuck ups are glorious, fucking DOS2

The last SGDQ was great, not sure why there are so many people acting like you can only like one.

less money and fewer viewers so less stress about performing well

Men don't have ovaries faggot. But tbqh I only type the word online. Would never speak it irl. It's a nigger word.

>there's an incentive to sing let it go during kh3
This is going to be top cringe

And you better not make ESA mainstream if you want it to keep it good.
I still remember how comfy GDQ was before it got popular and the trannies flocked to it.

GDQ is better to watch if you really don't care about speed runs but like to watch crazy trannies and cringe incels.

Taking estrogen doesn't actually give you ovaries.

americans unironically use these terms


This, the faint air of incompetence with ESA actually makes everything more fun.

Hey is this the dude that did the dark souls run/glitch run at sgdq?
He was based as fuck

If you think GDQ is nothing but trannies you probably havent watched it in the past year or so.

Don't post or talk about Larxa on this shithole you pathetic virgin fuckwads.

She's too pure for that.

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The last elections have completely broken our youth, everything is a two sided battle now and if you make your choice, you have to go balls deep on it too.

I've never played a prince of Persia game but I remember the commercials with the dude wall running around.


Keep twitter speak and twitch shit where it belongs.


Preferably in it's own containment zone.

When you say that shit IRL you sound like a dumb cunt.

If incompetence makes events fun, how come NASA sucked so hard?

how was the Katana Zero race? I fucking loved that game, been thinking to speedrun it myself

OH SWEET The Two Thrones!
I assumed it was Warrior Within for osme reason. That game is always being run.

Although SoT is the goat

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last SGDQ was ass, only thing "good" was no proto and fewer trannies overall. runs were still boring, sterile shit by and large. if anything it revealed to me just how reddit-infested Yea Forums has become due to how positive people were about even the most mediocre runs. fags on Yea Forums were even talking about how much they liked punchy in his run

yuro accents are annoying as fuck, but that's all i can think of

It's surprising how this year was still pretty corporate, but actually more fun compared to the last few years.

pls sit on my face

What happened to CnC?
This is like watching a movie desu.

This run feels great already

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OMEGALUL haHAAing @ u rn

what was up with the monster hunter world run earlier? it just says "showcase" on the schedule. was it any good?

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The last SGDQ was great you tasteless fag and most people who watched it agree with me. Just look at the rating tier list.

If you fall for the tranny meme you are genuinely retarded.
I saw only two trannies when I was there, one being proto and the other being “I have boobs”

Overdosing on incompetence
It was decent to watch.

please be in


Why delete the pic of maral?? God I miss her

Yes you're a fag for knowing those things, good for you.

Yea Forums is hard fucking gay for proto, thats the problem.

Some richfag plz donate and tell them to raise the volume on the Prince of Persia run

ok gramps whatever u say LULW

>was it any good?
Old and busted, new hotness is the boyish looking girl

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Was Warrior Within the worst case of tonal whiplash? The first PoP was a fun campy romp, then Warrior Within comes along and its EDGY BLOOD DARKNESS RATED M FOR MATURE GAMERS LIKE ME

that rating list was fucking shit, people threw out S ranks for literally anything and the absolute retard keeping track of the list would put stuff higher than it deserved

this ESA is already better for not having an attention-whore fag like him shitting up the threads

fairly close. commentary was off though.

Okay fag, keep on pretending like you're the only true Yea Forums oldfag. Everyone who thought the last SGDQ didnt suck is clearly a redditor.

It was terrible, don't bother.

shes a hoe

only involved because it was for save the children not because she cared about any speedrunners or games

I love how much they're shitting on this.

>this ESA is already better for not having an attention-whore fag like him shitting up the threads
Instead we got a pretty shitty pastebin list.
Really, lists don't work in general.

i have no clue because i barely played the games at all and don't give that much of a shit to but from what i saw, Jak and Daxter (and mostly just the character of Jak) went from relatively light hearted to edgy soulpatch, fingerless gloves and fr*cking epic devil alter ego in the sequels

he doesn't avatarfag and repost it 5x per thread so i have no problem with him

>Everyone who thought the last SGDQ didnt suck is clearly a redditor.
good, we're on the same page then

what was wrong with it?

Ratchet and Clank also had some weird tonal differences when Deadlocked came out. Although that may've built over time

Getting dumpstered by Behemoth several times going way over estimate

hearing sasuke scream "you bitch!" was the most hilarious thing then.
For some reason it worked with deadlocked.

in awe of the apm of this red alert lad

Dick jokes

You can stick your "dagger" everywhere hehehe

Yea I can't fucking hear shit

4 guys stunlocking a monster with cheese strats for an hour, then ended with a donation incentive where they took on behemoth with the starter long sword. they failed twice, then gave up and beat him with endgame weapons

It was generally just a showcase of 4 people hunting various monsters. They kind of took it too seriously which was annoying with how they fucked up sometimes and just decided to restart the run rather than tough it out to the end.

What's his name again?

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Boring in itself, it was just four high level characters bullying monsters, so a lot of 5 minutes loading followed by 1 minute of spamming attacks. But they still fucked up a lot, and started getting quite salty. Sometimes trainwreck runs can be good but this wasn't.



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>those blonde thots

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The Red Alert run has ended. Switch to stream 2 now

Stop. Focus on the runs now.

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Suzan "Callum" Nuggies

Susano Pussy

Succint. It's a regular English word, what can be so difficult about it?

Succint.. the name is SUCCINT *flares eyes*


yo nibbas, you know of this yet?

I use it for the last 20 minutes and it's pretty good, even more comfy than using two monitors

Why aren't you defragmenting your hard drive while you're watching the streams?

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Susana "Fried" Seeth

>new hotness is the boyish looking girl
You mean the sexy mudslime.

I defrag my hard drives before marathons.

>prince of persia runner already choking

fuck this i'm gonna watch joel

My mistake

Because I have an ssd. My harddrives are just dump drives for films and music.

Ben, get over there and tell him to stop choking.

Maral = old and busted whore who admits to swallowing gallons of semen on a regular basis as part of her diet
New girl from Belgium = huge schnozz but is a pure maiden virgin, waiting for a prince to come in riding on a pepe to swoop her off her feet and lose her virginity to on stream Kappa Pog LUL VoHiYo

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i want to be Claire's jeans!

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kind of a hard to pronounce even if you aren't ESL, glad he dropped it. even the GDQ announcers would've fucked it up


>hard drive

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Just tuning in now; has anything topped the FFIII or FFX runs yet?

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I probably should do this to my 2 storage HDDs after the event. OS is fine seeing as that's an SSD.

This reminds me, reminder to UK anons you can get a 1TB SSD for only £80 on Amazon.

Whatever you say newfag. If you didnt find any enjoyment in the last SGDQ you're clearly here for the drama and not for the runs themselves.

Succ "actually a bi person so the name has more than one meaning" /int/

she couched for her bf at SGDQ, i highly doubt she's a virgin. he certainly didn't seem like the type to tolerate a gf who wouldn't put out

So is there more than one event in the venue or something I definately hear shouting and cheering but there's nothing happening on stream 2

>This reminds me, reminder to UK anons you can get a 1TB SSD for only £80 on Amazon.

What type? I got a samsung one for £100 the other day, haven't installed it yet though. I need to upgrade everything but I don't know when to do it.

I don't have a computer :(

Give me one reason to do so.

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>still replying

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not true, not many know but she was the driving force of making esa what it is today and she worked with them when they did it for other charities too. i actually wonder why she left, it made no sense.


Thanks for taking the L

Huh, apparently my drives are automatically defragmented weekly.

Oh baby, very nice, thanks dude.

>Defragmenting in 2019
Is it worth it?

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Horses were hurt during this sequence.

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so you can see a big number turn into a smaller number and in the meagerest way feel like you've accomplished something

Not yet but tomorrow those two will be racing against each other in FFX-2.

I have the jankiest set of drives. Honestly if I installed everything onto an SSD it would make my PC so much faster.

just had a wank lads, what I miss

You can literally see the people in stream1 in the Stream2 camera angle.

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Only if you access a lot of fragmented files all of the time. If you're just using a HDD for storage and you don't read/write to it constantly then defragging won't give you any benefits.

>FFX-2 race
Oh man what a glorious mess that will be. No audio glitches to keep things entertaining but I'm sure it will still be a treat.

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>a prince riding on a pepe
kek, gave me a chuckle m8 cheers

This zipping thing isn't actually very fun to watch. I get that it's technically impressive but I'm not enjoying it.

I'm going to drop a heavy truth bomb - Prince of Persia just isn't very fun to watch in general. None of them are. Arabian Nights is the better speedrun.

Metako alone would make it worth it for his commentary but Leonis along for the ride should make for some excellent banter.

>est 7 hours
>almost 4 hours over estimate

Can I get a quick rundown?

here's another for you

Attached: caprisun.jpg (759x847, 48K)

It turned into a $25% run, but also Crystal Palace has no saves so a death can easily cost you over an hour.

First attempt, died at one of the bosses (there are like 6)
Second attempt, PSP battery fell out
Third attempt, success.

Attached: 1550883370710.webm (1600x900, 2.74M)

i'm sad i missed this, would've been kino with the Yea Forums thread but no fucking way am i watching a 10 hour run on my own

The run started so well with some cool movement. But yeah, it's just gone to shit since that started.

FF3 is cruel even by normal standards. Speedrunning it is something only an absolute madman would try.

A run of the 3ds game that was an SRPG would be cool, I liked it, it was fun

I don't think any of you can understand how much I REQUIRE a reverse trap gf.
I bet someone else has the link to this years nuggets donations.

But that's gay

So go get one

I forgot that games existed, it wasn't half bad.

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>reverse trap

the term is "tomboy"

>Second attempt, PSP battery fell ou

Attached: Smug.jpg (551x600, 107K)

a reverse trap gf is a girl with a vagina and ovaries that function, but she looks like a cute boy.

A girl that does handstands. You think you're talking to a deformed guy with a beard then BAM! it was actually a pussy.

A tomboy can look very feminine, but her behavior is somewhat masculine.

So you're a male attracted to someone who looks like a male.

Stream 2's finally starting.

It was a cursed run where everything was going wrong. Leonis wanted to quit after losing the Cloud of Darkness but his bro Metako helped get him to continue and eventually beat it

>run is so boring people are talking about reverse traps

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I'm bi, but prefer girls.

She is still going to smell like a female.

>only one person in crowd for Code Veronica

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Why does it say Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3?


>I'm bi, but prefer girls.

aka you're very lonely and horny but girls aren't attracted to you, so you'll settle for men because they're easier to casually hook up with

it was great.
man, why are the long ass ff runs always so comfy? on paper, it should be a pain, but in reality they're the best runs between all of GDQ and ESA

Loll @ stream 2 guy wtf is going on???

ngl you are correct.

We were so close to having a great FFIX run if it wasn't for that faggy Eifel65 announcer

Also goddamn what is happening with this RE stream.

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Not fucking Code Veronica, shoutouts to tech crew.

Guys, its running too slow!
Im playing a jp game on eu shit!


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>looks behind him
>sees empty crowd
>looks to his right
>sees bunch of people watching prince of pussy
>"'s too slow"
What did he mean by this




>proto identifies as multiple people
bit offensive Eifel

too slow/2

good shit

shout outs to the tech crew!

Does anyone have that trap vs tomboy "pasta"/image explaining why tomboys are the patricians choice cause they enjoy doing manly bro things but still have vaginas?

>this lonely cutie

how is this possible? why isn't anyone trying to get her to become their gf?

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Is every fucking Euro song just pulsing bass?

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>da announcer kommt aus ost-deutschland.

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because any or all of these

1. Has a ultra-double-gigachad bf already and is waiting for him
2. She will call the cops if you talk to her
3. All of the guys already know they have no chance with her

I don't know, here are a few, let's find out

Yep, I think you're right


Have sex. with Claire!

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>Eiffel 65

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No way fag.

Based stoner playing Resident Evil. This gon be good

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You mean Tron waiting room?

Is the girl being played right now Claire from RE2? Who is this Veronica person? Sorry I never played a RE game before in my life

chick is all alone waiting for a creampie and these dudes are just broing it out paying no attention to her

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Will kh3 be in stream 1 or 2?

This is why you niggers don't have girlfriends.
Stop believing dumb shit like this.

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That's my gf please don't post her anymore

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Do it yourself, Chris.


>tfw no RE gf

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>mfw someone else in the entire world knows about Asghan

Attached: 1.gif (352x288, 989K)

Your gfs fuckin ugly lad.

All of it is true. However what you are missing is that the average guy will have to go through potentially hundreds of girls to find one that likes him back (and he kinda likes because the one he found that likes him is a bit of a reach)


>have Code Veronica X on PS2 since literally forever
>played it once as a kid, too scared and never touched it since
>Resident Evil has since then always interested me
>bought RE7 for VR on PS4
>bought REmake on PS4 and Steam
>think of buying REmake 2 because of Claire
>never ever played or even finished a single of of those games

What is this specific kind of autism called? I'm just scared of RE games bro

Attached: my face my whole life.png (331x508, 302K)

strim 1 tomorrow night

that's the girl who was sitting with the FF runner at the start of stream 2.

is the prince of persia runner the same one that did dark souls in sgdq?

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>the average guy
The average guy doesnt spend his time whining about roasties and thots. Not many average guys on Yea Forums, but plenty of below average dudes.

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who else here not a virgin

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Some hippy with glasses just swooped in for the kill!!
Check out that crossed arm chemistry they got going on!

Yeah, but still the average dude is going through a shitton of failures to find a gf. That is something that incels or whatever need to realize.


is that a fucking text to speech announcer at stream 2? LMFAO!!!

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You must be new to ESA

i'm the same but with fire emblem

i have the two english GBA titles, the gamecube and wii titles, and pirated awakening, dropped all of them part way through. got pretty close to the end with sacred stones and the other GBA game. still planning to get the switch game day one this week, maybe that'll be the first one i actually beat

similar story with SMT as well, i've played IV, Apocalypse, SJ, SJ redux, and Nocturne. I've only beaten IV, though I got close with Apocalypse (dropped at YHVH's world) and SJ (dropped at neutral route Zelenin fight). also planning to get SMT V day one since i never learn

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I'm new to Yea Forums also, ngl


Which one of you was it?

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>so you come here often?

>tfw fudged one woman and I have oneitis now after we broke up.

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why are jewish words so fucking funny?


what else is there besides goy and its plural goyim?

yes, it's an extremely good idea given how annoying these announcer accents have been, they need to do the same for stream 1.

>shlomo ''shut it down'' jokes
cringe. It's not 2016 anymore.

Its yiddish. Its pretty fun.


over estimate, 3/10

shalom, hudspa, draedel

Watching Code Veronica/10

I had unprotected sex with a prostitute I found on craigslist

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That's yiddish. Weird combination of German and Hebrew and random Euro languages. Hebrew sounds fine.

>people are watching stream 1

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the fat guy just left


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She doesn't seem interested

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I pushed myself into having sex twice.
I think I might actually hate having sex at all.

anyone else feel like its been a pretty bad day for runs? the first like 15 minutes of BOTW and dude sex were ok, everything else has been a snoozefest

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look at this schmoe goy

>mfw Glitch originated in the Yiddish language

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MSNBC has cracked your secret code you bigots.

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>The Last of US
>estimate: 3 hours
Is that just 90% cutscenes or what?

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did you mean >schnozzfest?

had intercourse with a chinese prostitute/sex slave in hawaii


This isn't even a new webm you shitposting retard.

Hell even the language name "yiddish" sounds goofy as fuck
The whole kike vocabulary sounds like it's spoken with a giant loogie in your throat and a mouth full of slimy peanut butter.

ESA is always a snoozefest. Can't believe some people unironically think this is better than GDQ.

that nigga is fat as fuck


>another one bites the dust

The Tony Hawk run had English Ben and turkroach qt so that wasnt too bad.

Loads of words did. Chutzpah, klutz, shtick. Thank you based Jews.

is this nigga wearing a suit under his shirt or some shit

Realistically how long does BigJon have left?

Why is this nigga so based?

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too big bois on stream...

strong eyebrow game

i'm watching the second stream and it feels very lonely

>BBF running another IWBTG clone tomorrow

i'll be working then, i'm sad i'll be missing him likely choke and sperg out

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I want to get NTR'ed by him so badly

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his stomach appears to be more normal now

How can white boys compare?

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I'm up next, wish me luck!

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>comfy RECVX followed by comfy RE Survivor
i just hope they don't skip cutscenes since its the only thing Survivor is good for

Attached: -_-1112768295264903169.webm (960x720, 2.94M)

IWBTG and its clones are terrible speedruns to watch. Its just a letsplay.

oh yeah i forgot about that, it was pretty comfy too

He's not. Do you not know about his weird fetish shit?


Doubt this is real, but sex with "love" is different than paying someone to put their parts on yours.
If it was real and you are actually asexual, then I wish you the best.

shut up tranny

GDQ had a decent summer but it doesn't mean it's been awful for the last few years. ESA winter was still better than GDQ summer

honestly bbf and big john make a good pairing, one of the better host sets

GDQ had a great summer and winter. That said this ESA has been very good too, not sure why retards think you can only like one.

>donation goes to commentator's choice
>there's no commentator

So BigJon is traps and shoulders everyday?

This is Microsoft Sam, the computer's default voice.

Gambare user chan!!

>donate to commentator’s choice
What’ll it be, robot overlord?

what stream are we watching lads.

they used to have the intermission hosts also do the announcing and the between run segments were longer. now the intermissions are completely pointless, they come on for 20 seconds to say hi and then cut back to crowd cam for 10 minutes.

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Comfy RE run and only 1 virgin watching.

If you're not watching 2 there is something wrong with you.

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Honestly, if I were to speedrun at one of these things I would want to be like the guy in stream 2. Late night stream with a few people in the audience at most. I can see why people might think it would be sad but it looks comfy to me.

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These are the so called "starvin niggas"
At our border

Did I miss "You crossdressing freak"

the thing is, this dude still has more sex than you. even the german because he has a well paying engineering degree, so what's ur excuse??

anyone have that pic of big john you know the one

aren't gooners people who fap themselves into a trance and end up stroking it to dick?

Attached: file.png (445x442, 217K)

It's okay, you don't have to sugarcoat it. You can call it boring.

comfy jankino coming up on stream 1

Attached: 1558398395147.jpg (2000x1188, 189K)

its in a cutscene that will be skipped

>cannot see the vulva
shit cosplay senpai

>Kotti on commentary

>another buggy pc game made by devs in a third world country

no thanks

Yes and?

Attached: 1501221056492.jpg (260x60, 3K)

>Carci shows up in chat
Didnt this guy go crazy?

That running animation is painful to watch.

Attached: F163829B-FCE7-4590-9F4D-CA4ABAE75465.gif (480x240, 1.59M)

this asghan run is off to an amazing start

>jank kino or RE
Hard choice on which one to watch later

Attached: Capture 2.png (315x417, 133K)

supposedly he completely lost it when that other RE streamer exploded in popularity and surpassed him

I want to fug Fiona

what the fuck is asghan

i'm fucking dying

>this fucking song

This is already gold.

>this game

no that was Carcinogen

Attached: carci nooo.png (728x664, 73K)

>arabian nights dev

Attached: 1516043350366.webm (232x258, 53K)

Is this video game stream fun? It doesn't really seem like a lot of fun but I want to have fun right now.

Please someone post that faked "chinese monster hunter" webum, you know the one. This game is eeriely similar

Attached: 1563003583325.gif (278x285, 188K)

woops replied to wrong guy


>can just waltz right into any wall you like

lol what the fuck isnt bawk the letsa go dude who ran turok

Attached: the_dog_dies.jpg (1020x991, 80K)


the fuck is this game on stream 1

Fuck you faggot

It's like you have to stay at the top to have any kind of popularity and make a living if you're doing a super niche thing.

looks like a fun run, too bad the incoherent commentary is ruining it

>Randomly teleports forward
Fucking kek.

>that choke

Attached: 1523583834854.png (358x309, 227K)

stream 1 is amazing

Attached: 1463799984252.png (900x862, 782K)

it just makes it better

Why is the game in moonrunes?

never understood his popularity anyway. he was never really any good at speedrunning and listening to him talk is painful


Attached: 2019-07-22-00:21:28.png (739x587, 331K)

Gothic looks different than i remember it

Faster text speed.

Who gives a fuck everyone has weird fetishes except for the most boring normie fuckers.

Too many normalfags on Yea Forums nowadays.

Do all speedrunnners have such a big brain?

I wanna stick my pp in that fairy while she sings to me about dragons


What a clusterfuck of a game

>45 degrees orc

>tfw no fairy onahole

Attached: 1563716179579.png (892x439, 777K)

a goon is someone that is subiq t b h.
gooning is something new that is pushed by the israelites to make straight white males homosexuals.

this fucking game

Attached: 1562272299663.jpg (700x600, 271K)

>Doesn't care about my feelings

Good. He's playing videogames fast, he doesn't need your permission to do it.

>that fairy singing

Attached: 1494274847671.jpg (1024x576, 42K)

yes it's extremely common for competitive runners to role with JP language for text speed. is this your first marathon?

patrician taste

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Cute, isn't it?

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Been out for 2 hours, did I miss anything?

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This is like the best thing i've seen in a long time

>lava that looks like meat slurry and blood splatter
dear god

it reminds me of that MH parody I've seen here before.

I'm watching stream 2 - code veronica currently. should i be watching stream 1?


>93 ips

can't yuros realize they are INSIGNIFICANT! in the grand scheme of things?

look at this VIDEO GAME!

This looks like the mock-up shit you would see on CSI or law&order

>that fucking faceplant
oh my god this game

Attached: 1542752266398.jpg (1583x1846, 749K)

I love tank control games, it's so satisfying to platform in them


>That noise
Holy shit.

T-thanks for the kiss!

>kisses you with static

Attached: 1553117996751.gif (366x414, 118K)

How about a kiss, for luck?

Attached: 1546430342750.jpg (700x767, 61K)

>kiss sound is some brief unholy static

Attached: fairy.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

I can't get over the game only checking, if your hp is exactly 0.

Nice static kiss.

Attached: 1558877994701.png (678x1920, 437K)

western devs, not even once

The sound of killing the golems sound like trying to flush a broken toilet.

Attached: 1511524732426.png (342x343, 127K)

I'm AFK which game is on stream 1 now?

This fucking game

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-22 Twitch.jpg (1033x926, 241K)

This game isn't bad it's got that old school "cutting edge" feel to it. What year is it from lol ?

>3 minutes of air swimming

Attached: 1537416298274.gif (320x243, 299K)

>3 minutes of air swimming

10/10 game

Attached: 1486472076846.jpg (233x231, 23K)

Jank kino

>the west

Attached: 1390793275003.jpg (531x513, 39K)

Holy shit this is gold.

Attached: 1474358766033.gif (312x276, 121K)

best run yet

Asghan: The Dragon Slayer

>now we are the boat

Attached: 1527691605025.jpg (1003x1416, 854K)

how the fuck did this game get released, how would they not catch that eating on a boat breaks everything

I wish they would show what year the game was released.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-22 Twitch(1).jpg (1903x926, 474K)


Attached: aiportraits_1563660188.jpg (1024x512, 75K)

>falling for a minute
>swimming for 3

did pannenkoek route this?

If only there was some way to look it up


>I like loud kisses

Nice, I'll watch it later.

Boat is a state of being

Attached: __gambier_bay_iowa_and_samuel_b_roberts_kantai_collection_drawn_by_terrajin__5ad5f38a64a672b1d7783dc (561x965, 60K)

>hero slams a shitload of rum and shrooms
>swims through the air, faceplants into the earth and eats himself out of dying, runs through fire, vibrates through walls

Is this more broken than Arabian Nights?


cute thread

Attached: 250px-Requina3star.png (250x402, 167K)

>the camera fucks here
Just here?

>he says, while posting on Yea Forums
fuck up you dumb vore furry.


Can he just walk through every wall, just by walking in an angle?

Very good speedgame

Rate this run!

Attached: __iowa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_air_qh__e3e672e22197f1e0b9e2dcb25d9a01ec.jpg (1224x2048, 243K)

are the females (female) running next?

Cute post and cute image


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9/10, acid trip


9/10 It was entertaining!

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>everyone in the audience does the white power symbol

wtf, ban this shit

Super cool

>the fairy fucking dies offscreen

Attached: 1546410744082.png (586x511, 143K)

>Fiona sang for the last time

Attached: 1562824336677.png (281x288, 206K)

Everybody in that room would have been banned at GDQ for that.




pretty kino desu

Loud kiss/10

Oh boy he make the white power sign, he's baaaaned.


Attached: __prinz_eugen_kantai_collection_drawn_by_air_qh__bbf7d0c8d88885fd970447f2a64a68ec.jpg (1786x1862, 469K)

can you tourists fuck off back to your shit site?


>He did the okay sign omg did you see that he will be banned for sure haha epic

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Attached: big jon dk.png (542x908, 237K)

What are you fucking doing go play REmake1 RIGHT NOW AAAAAAAHHH

Electrocuted herself with her kisses.

nice to see this getting a run, i never could get this pos to work right

Attached: ash-can.jpg (1984x1488, 924K)

BANNED, ricky had his last ticket to murica after AGDQ this year.
Just imagine if they were transphobic, someone would have been killed.


This. Keep your underage banned memes in GDQ threads please.

>same devs as arabian nights
makes sense

Attached: western-europe.png (1500x1089, 96K)

>I'm not a tourist, I've been here since 2016!

What is this GDQ will ban anything meme, at AGDQ that one guy was saying shit and fuck and fap on stream

>the casters are the president of the chemistry club and the quarterback of the football team

what the fuck is happening

this music choice is just goofy

it's the ok sign for scuba divers
he's a boat, so it's close enough

Quarterbacks don't look like that.

>Austria is the west
>Slovenia is not
>Czech Republic is not

Pretty trash due to all the thirst, but it's not like we have anything better.

based speedrunning brings everyone together, there are even some qt girls there

they are called newfags you fucking newfag

Butthurt slavfag detected

BBF is legit autistic, right?

that's the only position I know from american sportsball

>qt girls

Attached: esa_chinner3.jpg (495x691, 40K)

rare disc, pretty based

Just say captain because the captain can be any position.

These two hosts are like the tag-team villains of a NTR manga


Attached: getalodadisguy.jpg (391x575, 63K)

Newfags=/=tourists you fucking poser

now THATS a quarterback

you know catcher

which guy and which gdq? werster said nigger on stream at AGDQ years ago and wasn't banned for it

Why don't you elect another ancient hippy?

this summer. dark souls streamer.

lmao I was right, what a fucking retard you are

>German Province (Ostreich) is the west
>Slavland is not
>Slavland is not


sure thing newfag

Because bonus stream long after the event was over (and only did it because a donation told him to do so). I hate when people pretend like he said it during the event.

Needs a lanky dude with his hair starting to obscure his eyes and a balding old dude to complete the squad.

>it's not ad free anymore
I remember I has twitch prime or a few months only cause I hated the ads
Then they dropped the ad free bonus and I ditched it instantly.
Fucking cunts.

whatever you say, newfag

are all germans autistic, genuine question

Too many retards in speedrunning threads now.

Goddamit, can't unsee it.

Attached: 1551485671571.jpg (680x841, 50K)

Attached: snapping_turks.jpg (704x396, 20K)

pretty fucked up of BBF to call big jon the N-word and pull out his fully loaded golden luger

t. assblasted election tourists

t. newfag

eastern europe is objectively the west.
even sandniggerlandia is the west, the east is asia and islands.

I want to play with stream 2’s soft hair

Question, does the qt Turk girl run any game? Is she running at this event?

>eastern europe is objectively the west
>even sandniggerlandia is the west

middle east is not western

Attached: mpc-hc64 2018-07-25 09-58-05-96.webm (666x816, 758K)

she's going to be running her pussy and asshole all over my face if I remember correctly

Attached: fak_juu.jpg (1920x1080, 362K)

most of the qt brown girls that show up to these marathons not only don't run anything, but aren't even interested in video games. that one year maral brought a bunch to the event and they all knew nothing about vidya

no jews allowed


>those fucking tights on stream 2
I’m about to cum fuuckkkkk

bitch got donkey kong mouth

Shut the FUCK up!

This is the objective truth.
The east is CHINA and NIPPON and there is nothing you can say or reason to change this.
If you want to debate this I am all for it, however you can't argue facts without being a total imbecile trying to troll.

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I forbid new threads.

last time I created a new thread, so did 4 other people so I'm just gonna wait.