>have a bunch of games I haven't played yet
>can't decide which one to play first
>browse Yea Forums for 6 hours instead
Anyone else do this?
Have a bunch of games I haven't played yet
Assign them numbers and let a diceroll choose it for you.
Well, tell us the games, and we'll help you pick.
I thought I was the only one that did this.
Based rng decides what I do poster.
Every day user.
I'm in the same boat, I guess I'll post mine too
etrian odyssey 1
devil survivor 2 record breaker
grim fandango
dragons dogma
shadow of colossus
kill zone 2
mafia 2
msg 2-4 (still midway through 1st)
sly cooper thieves of time
dmc 3
getting up
aggressive inline
max payne
just cause
the plan
prince of persia 2 thrones
unlimited saga
yanya caballista
mario galaxy 2
luigis mansion
all I do is play splatoon help me
DMC3 or Dragon's Dogma.
Dragon's Dogma sucks for the first couple hours, though, so just go in with that in mind. RE4 is also godlike.
I know this makes me sound like a Capcom shill, but all three of those are must-plays to me.
I tried starting dogma when I first got it a few years ago, put like 5 hours into and dropped it when I got to gran soren. really hated the combat but I didn't really give it a fair chance. I'll start it soon.
I'm bout to play msg1 though I forgot about it
Dragon's Dogma doesn't get good until your vocation rank hits level five or six. I'd go so far as to say that it doesn't really get good til you meet the king, which is (potentially) ten hours in.
It's one of the few games where the "it's good after ten hours" meme literally applies.
that's rough
Yes, I'm doing it right now
It is, and I know it sounds stupid, but it does become ridiculously fun after a certain point. I was bored out of my mind and wanting to drop it until I met the king, and then it clicked. Now, I have 124 hours played.
Every damn day.
It was fun from the get go for me. Varies from person to person but even if you fall into the 10 hour category, game's easily 80-100 hours of pure fun. 10 hours isnt that bad.
I fucking hate that this website is the only entertaining thing on the internet
What should I play other than Yakuza 0 from this list?
search up the runtimes for each title and start working your way through the shorter games first, thats what I usually do
don't be a pleb
I will do this.
2 Ace Combat 7
3 Assassin's Creed Origins
4 Sekiro
5 World of Final Fantasy
7 Ace Combat 7
8 Kotor
9 Sekiro
0 Half-Life Source
Looks like I'll finish the campaign today. Rolling again for what to play after.
for free
That or I masturbate. I just want to play games, write and watch good anime in my spare time, not jerk off.
Commit to Shadow of the Colossus. You'll be glad you did.
Vanquish if you wanna actually progress through shit and have fun today.
Skyrim if you wanna dick with mods and get nothing done.
>day 0 of nofap
E.Y.E. please play it.
Bioshock 2
Bioshock infinite
Borderlands 2
Borderlands: the pre sequel
Dino D-Day
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Dead Space 3
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Far cry 3
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami 2
Metro 2033
Metro last light
Opus Magnum
Just Cause 2
Titanfall 2
Tomb Raider (2013)
Total War Shogun 2
>start on 200mg of Zoloft
>jerking off takes way too long and my orgasms feel like nothing
Play Dark Souls. Don't level resistance by the way.
>falling for the antidepressant meme
Just exercise more and go out, retard.
It'll wear off a little bit. I never minded that side effect, except when I first started it. Slightly longer sessions isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Did you just start taking them? It takes a couple of weeks before antidepressants begin to configure serotonin in the brain.
I'll stop being a waste of flesh and actually work on becoming a decent human
I play the DQ series.
Just finish MGS 1 dude, it's not that long and it's worth it just to have it out of the way. Then take the advice of other anons and go for DMC 3 or SotC. The jump from MGS1 to 2 is really big so it'd be better to give yourself some time away from the series.
Resident Evil 1 easily. I was super impressed with the level design when I first played through the remake on Gamecube.
Maybe your just not into those games and bought them in sales because steam makes it so buying games is a huge dopamine rush, after you’re left with some game you didn’t even want:
Maybe you’re like me and have a hard time getting into anything that isn’t current or a favorite game from the past
yeah that's what I'm doing rn, on the first gray fox and just realized I gotta use hand to hand. THIS ISNT LIKE ONE OF MY JAPANESE ANIMES. lol. I forgot how comfy this game was, my dad gave it to me after beating it himself.
max payne is pretty good.
I have such a huge backlog of games it isn't funny. Between ps3, ps4, digital and physical, it's gotta be at least a couple of hundred.
And what game am I playing now? Xenosaga, a game I've already played several times.
remaster, la mulana, or stalker