Are YOU normalizing nazis?
Are YOU normalizing nazis?
>nigger with tumblr-tier haircut cartoon
I won't even open the video you gigantic faggot.
What does that even mean?
>calls anyone they don't like/agree with a nazi
>wow wtf why doesn't anyone care anymore?
Just watch it, it's hilarious
when you compare the number of people killed and the quality of life of the average citizen under fascism and communism, fascism is objectively the superior system and it's not even close. you'd have to be absolutely braindead to think communism is anything but a nice idea that fails to work because of human nature.
Absolutist monarchy is the ultimate system.
>tfw your subscribers are ebil nazis
I bet they also played Wolfenstein uncensored.
When you say “communism” I assume you actually mean Soviet Socialism, because most of the places actual communism has occurred (Paris Commune, parts of anarchist Spain and Ukraine, Kibbutz, etc) have for the most part been quite nice, and their biggest failure has been their general inability to defend themselves from outside political threats.
Remember, USSR stands for “Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics”, even the Soviet Union didn’t profess itself to be communist.
>51k usd for making retard videos
Based and dare I say, redpilled.
The swastika or sauwastika (as a character, 卐 or 卍, respectively) is a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia. It is used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions. In the Western world, it was a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck.
The Iron Cross is not an equivalent of the Swastika, The Iron Cross is the highest medal of bravery.
>because most of the places actual communism has occurred (Paris Commune, parts of anarchist Spain and Ukraine, Kibbutz, etc) have for the most part been quite nice
Lmao no, not at all.
Communism seeks to disenfranchise people and remove individual human rights. You can't mental gymnastics that into a good thing.
It's indefensible.
>extra nigglets
This guy should've been laughed off the internet after his hour long spirit energy rant.
>the iron cross
Funny that you forgot about being absolutely unsustainable after even short period of time.
Crikey, I guess that wasn't real socialism!
You don't know what you're talking about. That's okay, I will explain.
Communism, as defined by Marx, is a system devoid of classes (and therefore, by necessity, of the State, since a ruling class is by definition a kind of class) where the means of production are owned and operated in common. If you've ever been to a public library, that's (essentially) communism, where everyone just sort of equally owns a bunch of common shit and uses it as they need it. That's kind of a bad analogy since libraries aren't a classless system (there are librarians, after all, who set the rules for everyone else) but it's the closest analogue in the western world in terms of public institutions.
Socialism, more specifically Marxism-Leninism, which was the defining dogma of the USSR, was a political ideology that suggested communism could be eventuated by using a democratic state to seize control of all industry, redirecting it for the common good. In time, the theory goes, the working class would be freed, and thus the state could just sort of dissolve.
It never went down like that, because (like most leftist philosophies) M-Lism lacks a really strong critique of bureaucracy and nobody managed to anticipate, or was willing to anticipate, that a government apparatus would reform the strata of a class-based society by simply existing. Thus most Soviet states were extremely far from being communist, since they had REALLY sharply defined classes (The Party, and all the rest of the fucking people waiting for beet rations). The parties inside still described themselves as "Communist Parties" because they held on to the Leninist dogma that their ultimate political mission was to usher in Communism, even though all they really did was self-perpetuate.
I don't know but Shigatari was great
retarded mutt larping as a nazi posting images of a defeated inferior people
I don't know are YOU normalizing nazis
Well, the lack of sustainability is actually a strong argument, since that's the real thing that killed most ACTUAL places where communism has existed. The Paris Commune WAS real communism, essentially. It just wasn't able to handle being attacked or upset.
If you want a real critique of communism, or of any anarchistic political ideology, that's probably the strongest foundational point: without structures of power and control, you aren't gonna win any wars. For reasons that are apparent if you think about the people shaping the narrative, it mostly tends to focus on all the ways communism "destroys itself", when really what communism is most guilty of is "being destroyed by external powers who hate communism".
Which is still a fair critique. A political system that gets steamrolled by the first large organized fighting force to come along isn't going to withstand the test of time. But it's not a failure of the system taken in isolation, and it's always presented that way.
seething yurocuck
possibly anglo too
>You don't know what you're talking about. That's okay, I will explain.
I disagree, But that's ok.
>Communism, as defined by Marx, is a system devoid of classes (and therefore, by necessity, of the State, since a ruling class is by definition a kind of class) where the means of production are owned and operated in common. If you've ever been to a public library, that's (essentially) communism, where everyone just sort of equally owns a bunch of common shit and uses it as they need it. That's kind of a bad analogy since libraries aren't a classless system (there are librarians, after all, who set the rules for everyone else) but it's the closest analogue in the western world in terms of public institutions
What happens to the individuals that don't want to participate or don't like how they're treated like an ant colony.
What do you do exactly? What do you do if someone takes more and decides for themselves that they're going to grab more resources.
Does your mob people rise up and punish them? If they do, there's your police. And now that you have a police, You have a state.
So in reality, the idea of stateless communism is a bunch of bunk.
You can't surpress the individual, that's why the soviets failed. That's why communism itself is made to fail.
Playing as nazis can make players who are in their shoes sympathize with them.
That's bad, because in a healthy society you don't want people sympathizing with ideologies which actively endorse genocide.
>That's bad, because in a healthy society you don't want people sympathizing with ideologies which actively endorse genocide.
It's a bit late to be worrying about that, since the communist already beat the nazis to it.
I think its more like “dang i wish i couldve pulled one home for the team” and not what your saying, which is actually “dang, if only we couldve held the beach the world wouldnt be a shithole today” which no one actually thinks
>What happens to the individuals that don't want to participate or don't like how they're treated like an ant colony.
Nothing, really. If you look at most of the examples that exist, nothing that really pushes up against the extremes of common sense ever occurs. It's more like a weird amorphous blob of communism and market-style exchange (what a Randian would call "capitalism", though when Marxists use that term they mean something altogether different). Makhnovist Ukraine, for instance, was populated primarily by cooperating towns that traded with one another. There were always outliers, people who isolated themselves more. That's not really a problem; as in any town, being isolated means gaining privacy but losing protection. Social networks are a safety net.
It's no different in the west, really. I'm sure at your job there are people who keep to themselves and have more peace and quiet but maybe have to work harder sometimes when things go wrong, and others who are more social and Play The Game more but when shit goes down have people they can lean on to cover for them or bail them out. That's human nature, it's not weird.
>What do you do exactly? What do you do if someone takes more and decides for themselves that they're going to grab more resources.
Nothing? Again, you're missing the point, which is that the MEANS OF PRODUCTION are what's held in common. The whole "beet rations" model is way overblown. You're seeing something akin to communism arising in what the west now calls a "shareconomy"; capital goods can be shared without sharing the output. Yes, output sharing is also a thing, it always will be, because again, human nature is typically to hedge your bets. But the core concept is that we can all have a windmill, and I can crush my grain in it, and then you can crush your grain in it, and one of us doesn't have to OWN the windmill and use that power to leverage control over all the crushed grain in town.
It's scary how these people want you to irrationally get angry toward nazi images similar to 1984s two minutes hate. Then they call everyone they disagree with a nazi and it isn't hard what they actually want to happen to people they disagree with.
Can confirm. Played 5 minutes of Hearts of Iron and now have gassed over 6 grillion jews.
>Playing as nazis can make players who are in their shoes sympathize with them.
That is not and never was the video's argument.
This video is hot fucking trash but it amazes me that people miss its point this hard.
>Playing as nazis can make players who are in their shoes sympathize with them.
With the soldiers, you mean, right?
There's nothing wrong with that.
Socialblade is an estimate
Since 90% uses AdBlock/ubblock origin the numbers are wat smaller
But that's a good thing? Thinking in a critical way out of your comfort zone? Maybe learning or understand a couple of things? How is threating the player as a child good?
Video games are for children
The entire point of the video is that games almost never put you out of your comfort zone by making you think in a critical way about the nuances of the Nazi ideology. Putting a swastika on you and telling you to shoot everything that moves does literally nothing to challenge you or teach you. The video even goes out of its way to admit that it's okay to make the player take on the role of Nazis if the game actually attempts to be somewhat educational or analytical about their ideology/history.
>it's a video game "essay" by some retard with a cartoon avatar
Youtube is infested with this shit now and they are all fucking garbage. Who started this trend, Egoraptor?
And? They will never grow up if you don't make them use some brains
>if you play as something in a game you must also be encouraging that same behavior/ideology/etc in real life
I guess every single person who's ever seen a horror movie is going to be a serial killer/stalker too by that logic. What a gay and shitpilled video
>implying ww2 shooters basically ever make you use your brains
Most are either
>sit still and kill everything
>run forward and kill everything
Do you really think I watched the video? Seriously?
Well, I was not arguing about the games but user's point.
The video unironically says you should have a longer wait time in queue. Also they literally want you to seeth at any image of nazis like propaganda. There's other problems with that movie, but I bet the comment section describes them well assuming they didn't delete them.
>Playing Driver normalizes speeding
>Playing GTA normalizes theft
>Playing Hitman normalizes murder
>Playing Mount&Blade normalizes slavery
>Playing Tomb Raider normalizes hotpants
It lasted for a grand total of two months, you numb nut. Why spread such blatant disinformation?
They had plenty of time to execute catholic priests, public servants, and even some of their own military leaders in those two months, though
does that mean the big iron cross tat over my shoulder is racist? that kinda hurts tbhwy
I was hoping the chick getting stabbed with a stiletto would be more offensive.
That fucking thumbnail with the Iron Cross says everything I need to know about this faggot.
>They had plenty of time to execute catholic priests, public servants, and even some of their own military leaders in those two months, though
As revolutions go that’s pretty low-mileage.
Again, though, being short-lived is a good critique, if the reason for the critique is “it can’t stand up to outside threats”. I’m not a communist, and I buy that argument for all it’s worth, I just think it’s disingenuous when people intentionally confuse “so disorganized it could not defend itself from large nations besieging it” with “economic system so flawed it cannibalizes itself instantly”.
Are you talking about video games?
Extra credits is a giant fucking faggot.
>As revolutions go that’s pretty low-mileage.
what a healthy approach to political reforms.
>if the reason for the critique is “it can’t stand up to outside threats”
I only take umbrage with the fact that you describe it as being quite nice, as being anything, really, when it lasted for a period of fuck all. That's not even enough time to enact a single meaningful reform. They didn't even have enough time to give women the right to vote, which they planned to do. The Commune was dead in the womb, people who use to illustrate communism don't know what they are talking about.
>only we're allowed to dehumanize other people
These are the same people who make spirit science (or whatever that bullshit is called), right?
is that the thing where you cut your finger and pray to satan?
No, some shit about there being civilizations on mars and atlantis being real or something.
I forgot most of it.
nobody gives a shit if you're right. nobody gives a shit if you're wrong. people just want to talk shit and make drama.
Jesus christ this faggot is insufferable
>people who want to normalize Nazis use a bad video about not normalizing Nazis as an excuse to act like normalizing Nazis doesn’t exist while normalizing Nazis
Paradox of intolerance is the normie answer, but the easier analogy is that like salt, a pinch is fine, but putting
>the entire shaker
on your steak is fucking dumb.
>food analogy
>unironically disliking food analogies
Not a counterargument.
Attacking good food analogies is a leddit-tier nega-brain cope
>thread is still up
Mods are fucking faggots as usual.
Okay, now lets say he's right and every single one of these german soldiers were full on nazis that believed into the ideology.
How do you wanna make a PvP World War 2 FPS without nazis?
Are americans dropping off the boats on the normandy and start fighting french resistance forces or how is this gonna work?
whatever gets the tired ww2 games off the mainstream mind is fine with me.
european ww2 is such an overdone setting, at very least do the pacific, it was much more interesting.
Food analogies are like salt on a steak
that's pretty much what modern warfare shooters did when they started calling the other team opposition forces and shit like that
>the soldiers who rapped and murdered millions of europeans across the continent
i bet you think the atomic bombs and the american soldiers were just A-okay too, huh?
Nazis are fine, change my mind.
There is not a single communist commune that was ever a productive model of a community though.
Even Cooperatives that exist today very much exist merely as another structure of captalistic companies and not as a valid mode of governance.
If you play as a nazi you are a nazi.
what is the USSR, you butt hurt amerimutt?
>where is the source user
>well mr noseberg sai-
A) Wasn't a commune
B) Wasn't really communist, but was more Socialist totaltiarian like well, any communists
C) Wasn't successful because it fucking died.
A healthy society is one where people believe in things because they're true and reasonable.
If you need to hide arguments antithetical to your "healthy society", it says a lot about the kind of society you're protecting.
it was the most feared and powerful nation to ever live you dumb fucking mutt
>unironically defending germany and america's actions in WW2
you deserve to hang just as all of they do.
But even those "opposition forces" have some sort of reason to attack. They are russians or chinese most of the time and they are mentioned throughout the game.
I mean how do imagine a WW2 shooter to work? The obvious germans you meet are not germans, no they are "opposition forces."
With exact same symbols and flags and colors that germans had? So you're not playing a nazi, you're playing opposition forces that are nazis?
>Most powerful nation
That would be the British Empire and then America halfwit.
the USSR for a majority of it's life was a paper tiger that failed to use it's economy as a strong weapon like the British and Americans could do.
No that's China now, also not communist
why did they have to steal all the tractors they could find in Mandchuria if they were so powerful
I don't see a problem with nazis because they were the good guys of WW2, now they're just used as scapegoats for jewish trickery and sympathy fishing
>Backing Jewish tricks designed to cover Jewish tricks.
The Nazis were made by Jews.
not one of those nations had a military that could ever hope to compete with the USSR, now or ever. cope fucking harder, westshits
Means nothing if you couldn't hold out in a war more than a week because everything goes to the military.
The soviet union even struggled against multiple fascist uprisings after the fall of germany.
well of course not, Mandchuria was a mere puppet state created by Japan 10 years prior to that. Where the fuck did that come from?
The British Empire had over 25% of the world's land at one point
Holy fuck that's too cute
At the Height of it's power the British Navy was bigger than the French, American, Dutch and Russian navy all put together.
America circled russia in a ring of NATO forces that forced the USSR to make places like Vietnam and Iran their allies instead of wealthy developed nations.
So inferior was the USSR to the west that even when focusing all of it's entire infastructure on Aerospace technology and military it was still only limited to defensive war tactics.
The USSR was a big resource glutton that died due to misproduction and an inability to ever progress itself without resorting to stealing and starvation.
At it's height the British Empire's Navy was bigger than the French,Spanish,Dutch and American navy put together.
Monroe doctrine was designed literally to give the British Navy a target in American waters and for America to get protection.
Yes, so wr can forcibly feminize them in the future. They take the red pill, then, they will take the black pill and that is when we encourage them into transitioning and feed them to black cocks.
Its the Feminazi Project.
Where's the Soviet Army hanging out these days?
where did you copy paste this garbage from
read a book some time
>Wasn't successful because it fucking died.
that's 99% of states in history
Most of those states lasted longer than 60-70 years.
Most lasted a couple hundred.
The difference is things like Rome and the British empire had periods of expansion, enlightenment and eventual collapse.
Russia was constantly in a period of near total collapse with constant famines and shortages of resources.
Ironically user, whataboutism, which you are performing, was a common Soviet propaganda technique
>Wasn't really communist
Love that one
It's true really, just not for the reasons leftists argue to defend communism.
True actual communism is basically a form of anarchy, where a community literally provides all the resources for everyone in the community.
Which isn't what the USSR was at all, because we know it didn't share the resources.
Couldn't even sit through entire video. Bluepilled leftist faggot spreading his own propaganda on yt.
>I bought a game about WW2 and now I am faced with nazis how could this be happening to me?
They sent all their in-group males to die in wars they could never win and killed all the outgroup.
As a teenage male, your future in a nazi society either is you getting executed in a trench as the outgroup, or getting conscripted and dying from starvation and infected bullet wounds defending some fucking farm basement in the middle of fucking nowhere
what games can you even play as nazis?
I never played any nazi games and I am going to vote trump again, and this time you and your tranny sisters will get the death vans.
>The dislike ratio.
That video is filled with so much garbage that pretty much nobody is defending it. Part of the problem is that there is no real logic to his rant other than
>Nazi's in games desensitize gamers to killing jews. Somehow.......
it's the same logic as "GTA makes kids turn into violent thugs" that was paraded 10 years ago.
Literally any WWII game.
>Playing as nazis can make players who are in their shoes sympathize with them.
Just seeing modern day politics and these societal shifts is enough to get some symphathy for national socialistic ideas. You really think some game is going to sway anyone one way or the other?
>play games with a high skill barrier (UNIST, Tekken)
>never have to deal with SJWs because they literally can't cope with the difficulty
red orchestra 2
wolfenstein enemy territory
>muh core values
>no mention of the massive amount of mentally ill trannies frequenting tournaments now
Based and objectively correctpilled
GG has a higher skill barrier then UNIST and i see just as many trannies. Angel of Sol/Burger time and in GG some Ky player who got some decent placings. People need to stop acting like difficulty is hand and hand with intelligence. Im dumb as fuck and decent at fighters i put work into like GG/UNIST/KOF etc. Look at Marn for fuck sakes. All it takes is perception and some dedication to be honest. No maturity is really required but it is a added bonus to coping with loss.
>hey shouldnt play as a nazi, they killed millions of people
>oh but playing allies is ok, even thought they dropped 2 nukes and also killed millions of people
I think it's an awful idea but if I can make money from that system without myself or my family being subjected to it's governance or culture then I will support it. But again, that is only if I can move my loved ones out of the way to a capitalist nation.
Based and God-Save-The-Queen pilled.
>North Korea is a democracy! It says so in the title!
As soon as the Treaty of Versailles was signed, the allied forces planted the seeds that eventually gave Germany the greatest impulse and motivation to begin WW2. It's all been a domino effect.
The dipshit in the video implies that unless you are explicitly told that your character is conscripted/impressed into service, while under duress (their or their family's lives are threatened for example), than every single soldier/character is therefore a Nazi or a sympathizer.
In reality, the whole Wehrmacht shtick is a meme. There would have been legitimate party members or sympathizers at all ranks of the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, whatever other fucking branches besides the SS.
>No rulers
>All means of production held in common
Then who creates more means of production? And who prevents people from not doing their fair share?
Someone has to be in charge to direct things.
this... this isn't real, right? surely this has to be satire? this person can't actually believe everything he spouted in this video.
and what's his deal with the iron cross? doesn't it have absolutely nothing to do with nazism?
Hitler was a vegetarian. So, that means all vegetarians are Nazis.
The entire premise of the video and argument is fucking stupid without finger-pointing which side committed worse atrocities than the others. How does playing as a Kraut or a Jihadists somehow destabilize global geopolitics?
I hope
National Socialism if ideology divorced from Nazi stigma is fantastic.
No thanks faggot. I'd rather kill myself.
so, what you're saying is, he doesn't know how conscription works.
ironically that's the same type of argument nazis make about jews and communism
Correct, if the world was still dominated by absolute monarchies Victoria 3 would have been released long ago.
It's honestly difficult to determine if this was made to create fake outrage at a non-issue, or if the guy/channel really is that huge of a cuck/fag. I'm more inclined to say it's the latter, judging by their other videos.
Do they even know what a nazi literally means?
no. it'd be the same argument if someone said "90% of the people responsible for the rise of fascism were vegetarians"
"anything right of lifelong democrat tranny-kisser"
fuck kikes
Irrespective of your political beliefs, the lobby queue time argument was the dumbest shit and it's amazing it passed EC's quality control.
Unironically and very sadly this is how it is now
>Fascism promotes stable roles for men and women throughout their life and rewards those who positively contribute to their nation and people, which strengthens both, which incentivizes more positive contributions
Pretty based if you ask me
He doesn't because I guess he's under the illusion that if you were a fighting age male in 1930-40s and got conscripted, you'd do any humanely possible thing that wouldn't result in you or your family being killed to avoid serving your evil government, like you could just draft dodge like people did for Vietnam.
Uh... ashasfodhp oronagem an bad asipdsfuoiqf
EC has quality control? Their entire channel seems like some serious low-test PG-13 faggery.
it means bad thing
You can also say: reddit(more 4chanish), cringe, trump, /pol/ and white person.
>axis were cunts who did evil shit
>allies were cunts who also did evil shit
War is Hell. Why approach it with such a boneheaded bad guy/good guy mentality?
It can be the best or the worst system, depending on a roll of the dice how benevolent and competent the monarch is. I'd say a monarchy would need a right to bear arms for citizens to even out the playing field so monarchs wouldn't try shit
Allies letting slav commies rape their way across Germany as a punishment is cool tho right
they haven't had real quality control for a long time
Speaking as an actual, honest-to-god non-tankie communist, this vid is fucking bullshit lmao
>being a communist of any kind
Please just kill yourself
>omg a commie
>Havent been on Yea Forums in 2 weeks
>Still talking about this
Yeesh. Have they lost 2mil subs yet or nah.
You're right
Can't wait to throw off a roof.
don't cut yourself on that edge
>gets triggered by the sheer concept of opposing ideology
lmao @ seething fascies
if a super serious game about war does not humanize your enemies it sucks
A commie calling someone else edgy?
this is NOT video games
>Normalizing nazis
Nah. Not a naziboo but neither I drink the amerimutt/allied propaganda kool-aid.
Because simpletons tends to polarize things.
>claims not to be a tankie
>takes all in all two posts to bait him into going into full blown tankie vernacular
lmao at your attempt
>all the characters posing as the morally correct consumers criticizing the games talked about in the video look like radical feminists or tumblrinas
I mean, is he agreeing that radical leftists look exactly like the memes and exaggerated edits people use to mock them on the internet?
but user, i'm ironically using phrasing most commonly used by those i am decrying on purpose.
>realizing that soldiers are human beings that are just fighting for what they believe is bad
>knowing that human beings are capable of horrible things is bad
>knowing that human nature is never black and white and that everyone is capable of being a monster is bad
>realizing that you yourself are capable of horrible things if you're promised eternal prosperity and a safe future is bad
>demonizing one group of people for all time and attacking anyone who tries to get rid of this extremist mindset is good
So happy Steel Division lets me play as the SS and has the actual fucking flag in it. It's good stuff.
Is the purpose to make an ass of yourself?