What makes it so good?
What makes it so good?
You see it's like the first game, but better, apart from the fact it doesn't have The best is Yet to Come as its credits song.
One of the few actual games with a plot that's not supposed to be interpreted literally but thematically and conceptually
But it has a better credits song that’s more emotional and beautiful
worst MGS title but it's still an MGS title
The boss fights are a major disappointment
Can't say goodbye to yesterday is so good too.
the Tank to the Plant chapter is a nice shift. Wish there were more places to explore though
The Plant is oddly comfy.
Yeah because the bee thrower was so good. Dead cell was fine along with Solidus.
3 > 1 > 2 >>> 5 > 4 >>> PW
Story: 3>1=2>>>>PW>>Gameplay: 3>1=2>>>>PW
I like the level design and general pacing of the game. I also appreciate the fact it's more stealth-focused than MGS1 was. My biggest issue with it is that the game seemed to forget about crawling and sound. MG2 (and Ghost Babel, to some extent) utilized different surfaces to give crawling purpose beyond hiding. MGS2 barely even gives you spots to crawl into to hide in. It's not the biggest loss, but replaying MG2 recently I noticed how much more dynamic crawling makes the game.
2 > 1 = 3 > V > 4
In overall
Probably the most relevant plot in the history of video games, which holds up today completely and still delivers clever commentary despite its age.
Also brilliant pacing and narrative delivery, plus a brilliant atmosphere.
My only complaint is the camera system doesn't feel very good for some of the tighter areas.
There's just so many things I can go on about. It really does encapsulate everything that makes the series memorable. Whether it's Patriots, Raiden's character in relation to the player, the plot, and overall theme. Or Solid Snake as well. Not only does it deliver on an interesting plot but it weaves in a meta narrative, and then gives you answers to some very thought provoking questions. First time I played it (and even many playthroughs after) I never really asked myself certain questions Raiden faces at the end, but now in my adult years it's more relevant and pretty comforting to hear the answer the game attempts to give you. When I first played it i just loved the spectacle of it all, then it gets to a point where I'm like alright I actually understand the AI talk at the end, then later on Snakes speech was able to resonate with me. And that's not all but just some things I want to mention. The game is absolutely littered with cool details.
It's just my own experience but growing up with this game just made me able to appreciate it much more. I don't think you can fully appreciate it with just one playthrough either. I've played it dozens of times over the years.
The part where the AI talks about people withdrawing into gated communities perfectly predicted the rise of social media and the problem of echo chambers and filter bubbles.
Also talks a lot about the potential for information to be manipulated to influence people on a mass-scale, which we're now starting to see hints of for real.
Unbelievably far ahead of its time.
People praise the original Deus Ex a lot for similar reasons, but as much as I like it, I don't think DE offers anywhere near the level of commentary that MGS2 has.
Unironically it's the story.
Replays of this game feel like a slog compared to the other MGSs.
Terrible fucking meme opinion.
Perfect balance between good and innovative gameplay and good and innovative storytelling.
Attention to details too.
I wish I could use the katana for the whole game
What's wrong with it, user?
That is the patrician opinion, and you see it everywhere. 1 is behind in gameplay aspects but it's story is so good, better than 3 so they're equal. Go check metacritic and reviews on MGS2, it's the highest rated entry. I don't know why some people act as if it's contrarian to think this, it's not.
I've only played MGS1-3, I thought they were fantastic. I don't want to play any of the others because of what I read about them.
Am I wrong?
Or are there other ones I should play?
>I don't want to play any of the others because of what I read about them.
I always get sad when I read something like this, its a great shame when people get turned off something they might like because they read someones opinion on internet. Always think of yourself and do be afraid to try things. If you dont like it, its not big deal.
had a brainfart in the later sentence
*Always think for yourself and dont be afraid to try things. If you dont like, its not a big deal.
Nailed it, except 5&4 are both garbage and shouldn't even be ranked.
>Always think of yourself and do be afraid to try things. If you dont like it, its not big deal.
If it ruins my memories and respect for MGS1-3 then it is a big deal. I don't want to experience the series going to shit (and im pretty certain it has). Same with Silent Hill. Why intentionally witness the decline of something I really enjoy? Shit man nevermind I'm not gonna play any of the others...
Its different with SH. The first 4 games made by team silent are great and worth playing, the rest isnt, everyone knows that. With MGS its a blur. I enjoy all MGS games.
I mean 4 has flaws sure, and Yea Forums will exaggerate those flaws as with any game. But it offers a resolution in Solid Snakes story as well as Big Boss. Yeah, I think it's definitely worth playing if you've played the rest.
All good in their own right.
4 is full of fanservice so actually has some of the coolest moments in the series, but is a disappointing sequel to 2 which is where most of the flak it gets comes from.
There are a lot of cutscenes but most of them feel fine to me, only a few dragged a bit.
Has my favourite gameplay in the series though, and some of the levels feel more like a battlefield than any game i've played.
PW is ok, the story is alright and the gameplay is different enough to be interesting - bearing in mind it's a PSP game.
Some would argue V has the best gameplay in the series because of open world, but I felt it got boring fast. It's worth a try as some people really like the gameplay, but don't expect anything from the story (which is problematic as story imo has always been the strongest part of MGS). It's still at leasy a 6/10 all round and 8/10 at its best moments.
Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2 are both great and worth playing, especially MG2. Ghost Babel isn't canon of course but it's also a very fun and well-designed game with some nice sprite animations. MGSV is a weird mess but it's still worth playing. The lows are pretty low, but the highs are high enough that it's worth checking out.
I think MG1 and 2 are pretty niche desu and don't hold up well at all.
I genuinely don't think 95% of MGS fans would enjoy the dated gameplay, and you can sum the plots of both games up in about the length of this post.
I'd always recommend people to try it, but they're really not missing anything if they can't deal with how old they are and there's no point persevering with them.
I mean 4 was a disappointment because barely any codec and even less gameplay but the final battle makes up for it. V was a huge disappointment because I played those game for the dialogue, characters and story and there's barely any of that, and still I'd say it's worth a playthrough because it's one of the most fun games I ever played
>I think MG1 and 2 are pretty niche desu and don't hold up well at all.
I don't get this. What doesn't hold up? The controls are accessible and simple (and easily remapped to a scheme like MGS1-3), and the level design is great. The only bits that are particularly difficult to appreciate are the bits of arcane nonsense in MG1. MG2 at its core is very similar to MGS1, it just has guards with longer sight-lines and a bigger emphasis on sneaking and exploring instead of boss fights.
>I genuinely don't think 95% of MGS fans would enjoy the dated gameplay.
We can't all be turbo-teens.
What was it you found most fun about it?
I enjoyed chapter 1 by and large the first time I played it, but more actually because I was expecting the game to open up even more after that, so chapter 2 retroactively ruined 1 for me.
In terms of gameplay it just feels like after 4 or 5 hours of play, you've pretty much done all there is to do, and there's about 10 dedicated story missions in the game, while there's about 60 side missions which are comprised of about 5 different objectives. (Kill/abduct person, blow up equipment, steal resources, find item).
I just wouldn't really describe it as a fun game after a few hours, personally.
Part of it is honestly thinking 4 is bad, another part of it is thinking that 2 is the best for anything but it's story in comparison to the others. 2 was a great game, but there is no way it's the best MGS. 3 is at least equal to it if not better.
They're supposed to make you feel the same way your irl bosses feel about you.
>thinking 4 is bad.
I wouldn't call 4 awful in an absolute sense, but it's not very good at anything other than jerking off fans and its own history and then swallowing the results with a tired expression. There's fun to be had, but aside from Portable Ops and Snake's Revenge there aren't any games I'd rank below it. Besides, that guy just ranked it last of the five numbered titles; that doesn't mean he thinks it's bad.
>2 was a great game, but there is no way it's the best MGS.
MGS3 is great, but I prefer how MGS2 handles stealth and it's a shame to me that MGS3's framework came to dominate the series after it.
MGS4 is a bloody mess that ruins every character in the game. If you would like to preserve the MGS mythos, I would avoid it.
He's right about V tho. Its repetitive open world drudgery. Sure, there are multiple ways to approach the same enemies scattered in a largely empty map, but it gets boring quick.
>I don't get this. What doesn't hold up?
Because it just doesn't feel at all fun to play, unless you played it at the time or grew up around that time, I really don't think there's many people who would enjoy it now.
I played MGS1 as a kid so grew up with the series from that point, played through MG1 and 2 in probably about 2006 or so and it was chore to play back then.
Nostalgia value and retro gaming only goes so far, when by today's standards there's really nothing those games offer that the MGS series doesn't do a million times better.
MG2 does all kinds of things better than MGS1. I didn't play either game until 2009 or so (I remember Peace Walker being on the way), and I still loved them. I've replayed MG2 more than just about any game in the series other than MGS2. Diff'rent strokes, I guess.
Another thing that I wanted to say about 2 is that I think the big shell feels so cloistered and repetitive. I know that backtracking has been a thing with these games until 4, but the big shell while being aesthetically cool is kind of a nightmare upon replays. It's a great story for a kind of tedious experience to be had more than once or twice. I still think the tanker is a masterpiece though.
This. Wish we could have explored it more casually. Also this game's message/story is more relevant today than when it came out, so that makes it age pretty well so far.
I love the Big Shell's level design, for the most part. All the rooms are distinct from each other in terms of structure even if they're visually similar. Even the connecting bridges.
It's a movie with very little gameplay and that's a good thing (as long as it isn't published by Sony)
I don't know, I just got the feelings while replaying 2 where I was like, "ok here's the swimming part again, here's the bomb defusal part again." And the thing is I didn't feel like I was thinking those things to myself like that when I replayed the other games.
I actually feel the tanker section is massively overrated just because it looked great and people liked playing as Snake.
The level design isn't any better than the big shell and up until you get to where you take the pictures is only about 45 minutes of gameplay.
Big shell always felt much more memorable and iconic to me.
For some reason I actually get that worst with 3 and I'm not even sure why, I think it could be the pacing maybe.
Whenever I replay the series now I stall when I get to 3, despite it originally being my favourite.
Nothing, stealth games are for faggots afraid of gameplay.
The gameplay has improved upon every entry, story? Cant say the same.
Best enemy grunts in the series next to the frog soldiers.
I feel the same way.
it has interesting technology
otherwise it's a total slog and a narrative clusterfuck for the sake of being 'postmodern'
How are the PSP games? I'm sort of in the mood for metal gear on the go. Already play Ghost Babel which was 10/10.
I mean, PO is passable but really doesn't offer anything that PW doesn't do better. If you're desperate to play something handheld it would be playable, but I wouldn't recommend it otherwise.
PW is a decent game, but I actually never completed it on PSP because I found the controls too difficult during some of the boss fights. Enjoyed it in the HD collection with a proper controller though.