Best game on the Wii U is the only one they don't port

>Best game on the Wii U is the only one they don't port

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True, the Wonderful 101 was fucking amazing

That's not Xenoblade chronicles X.

Just emulate it

Not even the best in the mario series
Try Galaxy series


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Agreed, I'm still surprised that NSMBU and Toad's TT got ported before this one, considering Toad is a spinoff 3D World and Maker 2 includes it as a theme and makes NSMBU redundant.

3D World is easily one of my favorite Mario titles, it's basically 3D SMB3 with a crazy variety of powerups and level variety.

>being a Galaxybabby
SMB3 will always be the pinnacle of the series

Your autistic hate for the galaxy games isn't going to catch on, retard.

It's always the Galaxy fans that dismiss 3D World because it wasn't Galaxy 3, nor was it trying to be. The Super Waggle Galaxy games weren't even that great. They tried to mix the 3D sandbox style with the traditional 2D linear style with mixed results.

If only the game looked like that instead of a low budget f2p chink MMO

That and Cap Toad.

But it doesn't matter because both emulate at full speed just fine.

user, MM 2 is a thing. Why port the old one?

But Galaxy 1/2 are great games? They still don't compare, though.

Cap Toad got a soulless port on the Switch bro.

Wii U version is still superior though.

Why is the port bad? I've only played these through emulation.

On the topic of Wii U ports, I wouldn't mind seeing SF:0 given a second chance with better controls.

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It uses the joycons as a pointer like the Wii remote due to the lack of gamepad.

It's still basically just a soulless remake. And without changing things nearly entirely, it would not be a better game. All the bosses being free range mode for instance.

>3D World

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Galaxy is not a Wii u game retard

Don't worry, seeing as Maker 2 is just a glorified advert for it it's safe to say it's happening.

this, come on Nintendo, it's literally the last thing I'm waiting to get a Switch.

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