>Game doesn't align with my political views
Game doesn't align with my political views
Other urls found in this thread:
I agree. Conservatives complain but can't be bothered to make their own games.
They're too busy with actual jobs.
orange man
I thought the Mexicans took all those.
You have zero games to complain about that are new. They are all very inclusive of ugly BAME inserts for deliberate "equality".
>wojakredditer makes an absolutely abhorrent thread
>images (4).jpg
make one
And also fat and dumb lol
>taking the bait
wingcucks in action
This thread gives me hope, thank you anons.
Conservatism is a literal cancer of thought, no society has ever been conservative and survived
>game blatantly projects the political views of the creator
tired of this fucking shit man
>what is islam?
I mean he's definitely not good
>t. /leftypol/-tard that pretends to hate identity politics and the neoliberal corporate ruling class but really likes when publishers include some lazy woke shit on the generic AAA game of the year
this but actually true
That's every game, though.
You can stop now, pathetic OP.
They did but then Trump took them back
Fuck the Alt-right
The neoliberal ruling class approves your message.
You will never be a real woman.
>no society has survived after giving women the right to vote
Haha i love videogames!
It's so great that Yea Forums has separate boards for videogame and political discussion haha
based thiccposter
>ruining everyone with more than 2 brain cells time because of your one drop of piss in an ocean of piss is more important than the others
how to never find an intimate relationship 101: be this insufferable person
>yes goy just ignore the fact that whites are being genocided and robbed of their homelands. Now consume the next COD with black women SEALs
It's not the fault of the Jews, but the beta cucks whitoids that gave them everything they wanted.
Leftism is a cancer that’s ultimate goal is to annihilate the white race. Real men know that we need to fight the propaganda being spread in all media. Fuck you. We will not be replaced and we will not let (((them))) spread their mind poison uncontested
>go to Yea Forums
>"this anime is getting a video game"
>"take it to Yea Forums, baka"
>go to Yea Forums
>"this anime is getting a video game"
>"take it to Yea Forums, weeb"
"Off-topic" is just "things any particular janitor dislikes," you can't actually quantify it.
>ignore the facts that whites are being genocided
Why should I care about the white race?
t. white
And now whites are waking up and fighting back. You either join /pol/ and fight the leftist propaganda machine or you become a passive cuck like OP.
it doesn't help that they would get politically discriminated by nearly every major tech company along with bad press from most game journalist.
Theres legitimately nothing wrong with creating Right Wing media.
imagine thinking you're aligned with the working class
Liberalism is the real cancer. All the SJW shit (abortion, globohomo, feminism, identity politics, massive immigration, destruction of the nuclear family), all of that is pushed because it makes more money.
You're a minority. Most people don't care, thanks to the social programming of Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Good luck tho.
So why are conservatives on a videogame board of an anime forum?
Why did anyone draw this what the fuck.
>Dev would like to ban you from playing for your political views.
>it's a singleplayer game.
>having political views
t. cuckold
Literally a cuckold. That’s all that can be said about you. You want to watch white women being raped by blacks. That’s literally where your antiwhite thinking leads. You’re beyond hope, either fix yourself or just be a passive leftist cuckold like the OP. I’m not going to explain again the importance of the white race and it’s contributions to society. We built the modern age, we innovated civilization, the planet should rightfully be ours.
I swear wingcucks are worse than vegans and cyclists
Challenge yourself and your views sometime, unironically.
>fight the leftist propaganda
How exactly are you going to do that?
You're right. Which is why I have no desire to harm any brown people. I just want them out of my country and will use force only if I have to. White traitors, on the other hand, need to be wiped out. However, it's possible nature is doing that for us. Conservatives reproduce above replacement, it's liberals who don't reproduce; and since political views are heritable (views on immigration are the MOST heritable), the problem may be fixing itself. I'd still rather kill them, though.
>because it makes more money.
The ultimate red pill.
Very based user
Lmao, 2 miles of fence and it's getting blocked by every state, cope harder
Inheriting money to operate a turnkey business is not a job.
It's called annexing?
>greeting with the left hand
I'd be reluctant too.
>nationalism in games bad
yeah, have sex
[pic related]
The problem is that neolibs are pushing for more immigration than ever, because non-whites vote Democrat, always. Women also like to eat globalist shit like the retarded "global citizen" concept.
Spread the message informing people of the propaganda, supporting right wing thought (breitbart, the daily caller, occidental observations, renegade media, the daily stormer, etc), and boycotting/protesting all leftist media
Conservatism is the rejection of progress by definition. They aren't even capable of their own thoughts. If you disagree they think you're a nigger or a tranny every time.
They don't like workers, they like their idea of the worker.
>everyone thinks this thread is about them, regardless of political position
For fucks sake, can you please stop falseflagging as /pol/ and just sincerely answer my question? How the hell am I supposed to have a decent political discussion on a videogames board when you're looking for excuses to not seriously engage or when you don't even seriously believe what you say to begin with?
>Women aren't having sex with me so we're being genocided
>Dude look at these relatively wealthy people who were killed in south africa
>Whites are waking up and fighting back!
Pathetic, the alt-right is going to be inevitably crushed by government intervention when a larger group of them decide to "rise up"
The British Fucking Empire.
The Roman Fucking Empire.
>Why yes I'm apolitical how could you tell?
I literally only play japanese games besides mtg desu
it's refreshing how they just try to make appealing content
Yes, and specifically how do you intend to do these things?
M8 white people built the country, infrastructure, and society that you live in. We are responsible for basically all modern innovation around the world and lifted up all nonwhites through colonialism. Whites are the only race capable of greatness. It’s been proven throughout history. Pretending blacks and Mexicans will take us to space is retarded.
Nah, not the government, the corporations libtards love so much.
And that's a good thing
>op post doesn't mention any sides
>/pol/tards immediately assume it's them and get offended
>all the cuckservatives bootyblasted by this post
>implying concucks aren't defending corporations too
wingcuck delusion is real
Well shucks, user.
>t. (((cosmopolitan bisexual)))
We are the rebels and renegades who resist the leftist media that spews the propaganda. Of course it’s talking about us, leftists have no reason to boycott anything because everything is made for liberals.
>r-rent f-f-free
Conservatives are more interested in making real money than being the poor artist
Neocons can die in a fire. They're more retarded than your average Tumblr libtard. Corporations are the biggest enemies of the right.
The fuck do these losers do besides anime and pedophilia? You literally are retarded if you think Japan has ever achieved as much as whites. Kill yourself.
>FFVII - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Tales of Vesperia - pro-environmentalism, anti wealthy elite
>SMT Strange Journey - pro-environmentalism
>SMT in general - anti-organized religion
>FFVI - pro-environmentalism, anti-industrialization
>FFX - anti-organized religion
>MGQ - intolerance is caused by organized religion
>Tales of Symphonia - anti-racism
>Tales series in general - anti-discrimination
>Sonic the Hedgehog in general - anti-industrialism/pro-environment (save the animals from the evil machines)
>BOF II - anti-organized religion
>Grandia II - anti-organized religion
>FFT - anti-organized religion
>Valkyria Chronicles - anti-racism against Jews, anti-imperialism
>Spec Ops - anti-American interventionism/exceptionalism, anti-war
>Mass Effect -pro- (genetic)diversity, LGBT
>Fallout -anti-American jingoism/ultranationalism, anti-nuke
>Fallout 2 -explicitly anti-Scientology, anti-American jingoism, anti-Republican
>Civilization (in general) - anti-Republican
>Oddworld in general -anti-corporation, anti-industrialization, pro-environment
>Doom - anti-corporation
>Ratchet and Clank - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Mind Forever Voyaging - anti-Reagan
>Alter Ego - anti-conservative
>Bioshock - libertarianism and Randian utopianism ultimately fails and turns into a dystopia
>Halo (in general) - basically an allegory for post 9-11 fundamentalism
>MGS1 - your genes don't actually matter/define you
>VtMB - anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-elite
>Lunar Eternal Blue: anti-organized religion
>Assassin's Creed (in general): anti-organized religion (Templars are evil), religion is also a lie
>Arc the Lad- anti-organized religion
>GTA (in general) - le both sides are bad
>SMTIV - individualism bad, collectivism good
>RDR - pro-feminism, anti-racism
>Fire Emblem - anti-ultranationalism, anti-racism
>MOTHER 3 - pro-environment, anti-industrialization, anti-capitalist
>Catherine - pro-LGBT
>Fear Effect - pro-LGBT
>MGS3- pic related
>We are the rebels and renegades
>everything is made for liberals
And that's a good thing
liberals aren't leftist
>placing "anti wealthy elite" in the same group than "pro-LGBT"
>identifying with a political party and not having your own set of beliefs
I'm a fucking retard
so you agree free market is bad? no market regulations?
Conservatism is generally anti creative and anti new. Since games are an artistic medium Conservatives are not able to come up with something new.
Similar to Comedians or late night shows.
In America there's no left, only globalist right and nationalist right. The globalist right is bioleninism on its purest.
lose weight
>It's only political if it's politics I don't like
My own set of beliefs are white nationalism. Luckily conservatism aligns with those beliefs 90% of the time.
This image format has never once been used to convey a correct message
Thank you anonymous, very cool
Modern Japan is very Westernized, though. Their current system of government comes directly from the European world (look up Ito Hirobumi, etc), along with pretty much everything else. They didn't get to where they are now independently. Most Japanese were living in wooden shacks and sleeping on the floor just within the last century.
>so you agree free market is bad?
Yeah. Corporations like to fuck over people's will.
This simply isn't true.
They're just locked out because of nepotism.
Also theyre plenty of right wing films, look at anything made before the 60's fucking zoomer
Look, you can cut the bait already. If you were really from /pol/ you'd have just told me to go back to somewhere and to dilate, not post all this tryhard shit. Still trying to keep up this charade makes you look desperate for attention.
He is so ibased because he makes you leftist trannies seeth
Your nation's achievements are not your own. Your only achievements are what you accomplish yourself.
>so dumb doesn't even realize OP's point can be applied to both sides
I love how everything's gone full circle
>Games lack representation in women and minorities and that's problematic
>So? If it's such a problem then go make your own games instead of whining demanding the devs to do it for you
You don’t know shit about modern discourse on /pol/, you asked why whites are so important and I gave you an answer. If you continue to reject the facts of white superiority after I laid it out for you than ya, I guess you can dilate
That's already a bit too much to think about for the average /pol/ poster
What I'm saying it's than that is an oxymoron. Wealthy elites are pro-LGBT.
Both fringes are anti-creative.
>create something
>far-left people don't like it because it's bigoted
>far-right people don't like it because it's cucked
Then why are they complaining about video games on a video game board? Seems to me they have a lot of time to waste for people with "real jobs" considering they obsess over something they have no hand in
What's new isn't always good; and what's old isn't always good.
Appeals to either end up nowhere.
Sorry, why should I play a video game whose political (read religious values) values that propagates far left religious values, one of which is that Europeans don't deserve to exist and that genetics isn't real? Those two values are too fundamental for me. So fundamental, that I would gladly prefer playing a game made by a Stalinist just because it doesn't go against those two aspects (well except for the genetics part)
I don't consider people who hold such beliefs, to even be people. I consider them dangerous mentally ill people who have come to those beliefs due to child abuse, and having certain bad genetic traits. They are a danger to civilization, they are a danger to themselves, they are a danger to others, they cannot be reasoned with. I don't treat their political opinions as just opinions, anymore then I take seriously, the opinions of schizophrenics.
My time is limited on this Earth. I will die one day. Why should I spend money on garbage that I disagree with? They certainly never produce anything thought provoking or challenging, and I have been way too open minded regarding them, that that my brains waste spaces with facts about them. In fact, I even go further, if the game dev who made this game has far left political views that he decided he needed to share to the world on twitter, I automatically drop it. It helps that so many of them produce bad games or games that don't appeal to me. Especially because the same dipshits who hold these values, will NEVER do the same for you. But non-leftists consider themselves too noble to do such a thing.
people keep ignoring this
if a corporation can make money by poisoning you, they will. Left unchecked, they'll also do everything in their power to hide the fact they're poisoning you, so long as they can squeeze money from you until you die.
History has shown this over and over.
Radium Paint
False. Our ancestors achievements were made for the betterment of their offspring. Whites carry the potential of white genetics, only whites would be capable of carrying out greatness that only whites have been able to achieve. Intelligence, IQ, courage, ambition, all genetics.
meant for
In the Soviet Union, works were rejected for not being propagandistic enough. See I Am Cuba (1964).
Yeah Yea Forums has become what they onced despised.
No one uses to complain about trannies in final fight or street fighter but now they do.
I despise putting trannies into everything but I also despise people here acting like they'll die if they see a tranny
Games didn't used to literally lecture you about trannies like Mass Effect does now
Moral Degeneracy is one of the first step of societal collapse.
You sitting at home and playing video games doesn't make you part of NASA's achievements
Based. Corporations hate you.
> See, capitalism is not fundamentally racist—it can exploit racism for its purposes, but racism isn't built into it. Capitalism basically wants people to be interchangeable cogs, and differences among them, such as on the basis of race, usually are not functional. I mean, they may be functional for a period, like if you want a super exploited workforce or something, but those situations are kind of anomalous. Over the long term, you can expect capitalism to be anti-racist—just because it's anti-human. And race is in fact a human characteristic—there's no reason why it should be a negative characteristic, but it is a human characteristic. So therefore identifications based on race interfere with the basic ideal that people should be available just as consumers and producers, interchangeable cogs who will purchase all the junk that's produced—that's their ultimate function, and any other properties they might have are kind of irrelevant, and usually a nuisance.
Extremely intellectual post. I can tell you're a real independent thinker, and not some glassy eyed sheep who regurgitates things they read on the internet.
Sounds like /pol/cucks to me
>literally anyone on Yea Forums taking a stance on moral degeneracy
Dangerous FPBP
Fill in the blank
"Slippery Slope F______"
Every lefty in the entire thread btfo
>Wealthy elites are pro-LGBT.
Imagine being so obsessed with being seen as the underdog that you combine all your boogiemen into one united front in your mind.
>orange man
Has anyone here heard of the UN’s Replacement Migration research? Sounds pretty harmless right? This obscure document seems just like any other of the thousands of pointless papers the UN writes up but it’s actual purpose is far more sinister, you see within it contains the UNs plans to demographically eradicate white people and replace us in our own countries. This may just seem like a wild right wing conspiracy theory but the document is real (pic related) and you can look it up yourself. The goal is to build up to a genocide of white people using liberal racial jealousy and socialism to paint whites as privileged upper class who need to have their property redistributed. It’s already happening in South Africa and is being developed in Europe and the US, certain groups see whites as a threat to total socialist globalist authoritarianism and want to be rid of us. 1/2
>You don’t know shit about modern discourse on /pol/
Imagine unironically browsing /pol/ and knowing what's going on there.
I never got this as well. You're on fucking 4chaim.
blehehe le wojak
Does anyone here only browse & reply to political threads on Yea Forums?
Most games nowadays are so fucking boring that I'd rather reply to these. Plus it pisses off the site mods, who I sincerely hope get doxxed & shot by an angry virgin some day.