Diablo 2 - Duriel

How am i supposed to kill this dude??? My lvl 23 sorceress is quite a glass canon with 190dmg fireballs. Spamming this while the hireling tanks takes him to ~30%, but then he dabs on me quickly when he gets close.

I can reallocate my stats with that old bitch. I tried to kite but he closes the gap even with stamina and thawing potions. So.. can anyone help.

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You might need to grind until your level is higher to surpass him.

get a mrcenary and spam town portals to exit the room, heal at the npc in the city and go back in

>lvl 23 sorc
>having trouble with duriel
Do you even teleport?


how did you even get to level 23 before duriel? singleplayer i'd always reach 23 around the flayer jungle. if you're playing /players8, just turn it down and beat duriel if its that hard for you

Then do It's just a matter of throwing your mercenary's corpses at him until the he dies.

Get the spell that makes fire where u walk retard

Honestly where I dropped the game. Was playing as a summoning necromancer, he killed all my dudes in like half a second and I had no corpses to bring them back.



Just static, walk and fireball lmao

>have your Merc 1v1 Duriel
>heal your Merc while spamming Fireball at a distance

not that hard, you fucking faggot

i can't beat him with my lvl 22 necromancer, he just yeets my spooks and i didn't put any levels on my golem

>not having teleport as sorc
point at the shitablo 3 baby and laugh

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>my paladon on lvl23
>kills diablo on Act4 without problem
>his mega laser beam magic pew pew does literally no damage
>claw attacks deal 1/4 of my HP.
Pal are intense magic tanks it seems.

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>all points into skellys
>no points in fucking golem
I bet you didn't put any points into bone spear either

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>Diablo II being hard with any class

Jesus Christ, the state of zoomers

Try wearing armor and weapons

>i put all my points into shitty minions
>why didn't the game play for me
because your supposed to get damaging spells to use while he 1 shots your minions so you can kill things, or get curses so he can't kill your shit instantly. Fucking zoomers.

Not that user but I'm 29 and mostly played as summon necro. Duriel is unbelievably difficult if you are pure summoning and don't have a merc with Insight or something.

Thats because going pure summoning is for small brain retards that don't want to play the game.

did mommy comfort you yet? lil zoom zoom

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I had (and still do) have fun with the class fantasy of raising an army of dead things to fight for me while I sit and watch. Blow it out your ass

Fuck you nigger, show me any other RPG where summoning is viable spec.

I really want a diablo 4, that's pretty much a more modern copy of d2 but with more items and champions.

i'm gonna have a good laugh when you come back here crying about how necromancer is shit when you can't kill diablo.

stone golem. iron maiden. repeat. you win.

fucking brainlets and shit neo-gamers thinking they can beat older, well-designed games without thought or effort.

If you're not reading through a guide and following a carefully selected build-plan, late-nightmare and hell can be downright impossible. Certain item drops and runewords in the last three acts of hell can also basically act as barriers of entry, and if you don't have them it's not even worth bothering.

Its not viable in diablo 2 without curses and bone spear/spirit either,you absolute shitter.

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>needing a guide

Nigger, tons of kids between the ages 10-14 made to hell just fine without fucking guides with the game out, runewords weren't even widely used until 1.10 for fucks sake. Shit is pretty straight forward, the mechanics of Diablo aren't that god damn deep to necessitate a guide.

ive been fairly thorough with my exploration. when i met him i was lvl 21, then did the other fake tombs and got to 23

I haven't played d2 in maybe 9 years my guys. Also what I did was Decripify + Clay golem on bosses while doing corpse explosion for non skelly damage.

You just fucking decrep him and he can't do shit.

>made to hell
Do you mean clearing nightmare or what?

"Pure summoning" refers to not putting points in curses or poison/bone. Duriel and Diablo are very hard as pure summoning

already spent it
i do have plenty of bone spear

havent played d3 or d1 yet lol. im going in pretty blind

you start spamming static, then after you attack him with blizzard, running around. i think you get blizzard at lvl 24.
also... nobody uses a fire build

But why would you do that? Act bosses deal increased damage to your minions.
There has to be some way around it. Maybe, buy a lot of exploding potions?

Get a mercenary to save your shitty decision-making.

are the servers still alive?

It's because vanilla 1.0 was easier.

There is also no such thing as pure summoning

Because it's fun and D2 before it was min/maxed was a roleplaying game too
I remember playing a pure summoning necro and beating the game then getting fucked in nightmare so I rolled a whirlwind barbarianI had fun.

This. I remember clearing Hell easily as a Necro with points randomly scattered just about everywhere when the game first came out. My "build" back then was basically a ton of points in iron maiden, blood golem and bone spear, I had no idea what I was doing. In fact, Hell and Nightmare were actually easier than act 1 when the game was released. I remember barely getting to level 40 by the time the three playthroughs were over.

>Took me till recently finding out thawing potions stack.
God damn.

ill try the portal approach and rehiring mercs

How far did your WW barb go?
I just cleared hell baal with frenzy and man, it was the toughest fucking thing ever.

When I was playing back when LoD was out, I couldn't use any skill other than Berserk. It dealt much more damage because its damage type was Magic. I also exclusively used two-handed mauls. But it was still very hard, I could waste hours on some bosses. And years later I have found out that WW and Concentration were actually better, and small, fast-hitting weapons could be used too.

ok i cheesed him with this strat lol. Thx for the help guys. Took me 3 mercs with the last surviving

>Hiring 3 different mercs
You know you can pay to have your merc revived right?

I'm pretty sure he meant that.

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I don't remember how far my WW barb went, but I later did a frenzy barb and fell in love. Now whenever I play barb, it has to be a 2 weapon wielding madman who goes fast.

so do stamina potions

I'm the same way with Zeal. Hammerdins are ez-mode but going around with a big fat club or a sexy scepter mashing the fuck out of demons feels so fucking GOOD.

thats crazy I just beat him on my necro at the same level without having to TP out, and it was my 1st time too.

I put 20 points into skeles and 1 into that curse that makes enemys take 200% damage(its the very 1st curse in the tree). He killed all my guys but only had like 10% hp after, then my amazzon merc finished him while i ran circles around the room.

What worked for me vs diablo was sending in my skeles and curseing, then tping out to the low level zone, re summoning all my skeles then coming back and after like 6-7 times he died.