Dragon's Dogma thread

I'm playing DDDA for the first time, what mods should I install?
Any tips, I keep reloading my save because I just learned that I can't change the appearance of me and my pawn until the post-game.

Attached: Sem título.png (601x671, 660K)

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Also I'm roleplaying as a teenager thief brat.

Mods? What mods?

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I saw a bunch on Nexus, and a gem like this, I expect something lewd too.

The most you're gonna find is ENB's, texture mods, and armor mods that are restricted with only using the current in game assets.

I would suggest the mod that lets you change your appearance whenever you want.

Also the mod that allows hybrid classes/skills so you can be a sword wielding sorcerer or a warrior that also has a bow etc

>hybrid classes
That is cool, I chose to be a thief for the roleplay but the daggers are gay as fuck.

Im playing without mods and on switch. Lvl32, dont even know what my main quest is anymore. Im just going around ezploring and slayi g and goddamit nighttime is still scary

Oh shit, what's that mod called?

I'm kinda lost with all the menus and item functionalities, I just being through one night and wolves are very scary. I had the most fun shooting seagulls and breaking boxes, but Rock keeps trying to still my stuff.

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>steal my stuff

throw him over a cliff, he cant ever level up and so hes just dead weight

>what mods should I install?
This mod, for a lot of really useful quality-of-life improvements:


gotta learn how to merge the arc files or you'll be playing with one mod unless you find an already compiled set

its something like d9hooks or some shit just look up dragons dogma hooks mod

This, he's a starter pawn you don't need to keep.

>dont even know what my main quest is anymore.
That's normal. There is a story it's just that no one cares about it

just a reminder that you should pick up every notice board quest except for the escort quests. just let them casually complete while you're exploring the game and enjoying yourself. money becomes no object pretty quickly, so save all items in your bank rather than selling them. they might be used to upgrade weapons or armor later on. I'd recommend not looking up guides. just explore the world and enjoy. the game is meant to be played through again with new game+ (I usually never do ng+ but I did multiple times for dragon's dogma. enemies don't scale so you just mow through them) so you can follow a guide and complete every single quest on your second run if you really want that achievement. the only guide I'd recommend looking up is pawn inclinations
get this. it's what lets you change your appearance whenever
it also lets you reset your stat points so you can get all the benefit from autistically min-maxing without doing any of the autistic shit. also you can edit pawn inclinations with it as well, which is pretty great since it's a bit annoying to do otherwise.

game sucks ass

Texture mod

Graphics mod

The original game looks so bad.

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I'm normally not a fan of graphical mods but I'm really tempted to use the second one, really not a fan of the game's color scheme.

It looks better because the colors are saturated!

Attached: DB59E77D-B059-4EBA-A33C-A574268265CE.png (192x239, 23K)

Attached: wojak.jpg (917x599, 230K)

>i have to use wojacks because i'm mentally retarded and can only use reddit memes that make my brain tinglewingle

>imao, just throw him over a cliff
kek'd hard because I can actually do this.

Don't bully Rook pls

Gothic 1 vs Gothic 2

>Oversaturated colors and contrast
Oh, you PC users never change

fuck off, nazi

I just threw him but his supplicant body follows me around. When can I get rid of him?

>the witcher is considered one of the most beautiful games of all time
>it's is oversaturated and full of contrast

Have you ever been outside a day in your life?

How in the damn world the combat of this game is so solid and so fun?

DMC3 director, thats why

Go into the riftstone and swap him out.

I wanna fuck your pawn

What's the status of the world difficulty mod?

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She is my main, also she has a front tooth missing

Literally DMC3 director making a monster hunter game with the best parts of both and the worst parts of neither.

>playing dragon's dogma for the first time, vanilla on ps3
>I'm at fisher village, noticed the map has several crates and herbs across the map
>spent one hour to explore and gather these items
>finally leave the fisher village, walking around for a bit and noticed that this map too has several crates and herbs to collect...
>and the game has ugly ass graphics and black bars
They should change the name of the game to gather's dogma

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Imao, just buy potions and shiet

the post game kinda sucks,if you want to play fighter or warrior you're heavily penalized for not having any ranged attacks
also fuck death and his scythe it's literally impossible for pawns to avoid it

>using shield

I've been debating reinstalling recently.
I've only played the PC version for like 4 ours 3 years ago, played the hell out of the PS3 version though.

some people like a little color