What does she smell like?

What does she smell like?

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shes not real so nothing

like the disappointing focal point of a terrible expansion pack

Hard truths

water and ice, pure and cute

zombie cum

burnt lumber and meat.

Just like any other roastie - rotten meat and pus.

rotten fish

>he doesn't have a go-into-games machine

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>"This expansion wont be a repeat of Pandaria"
>we fight & imprison Sylvanas after she holes up in Thunder Bluff
>battling her most loyal special forces
>including a raid fight against the main lieutenant who's been helping you alongside quests all this time
>with neutral parties mediating at the very end to spare the final boss' life

If you pay for this game I hope you hang

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like used condom with infected sperm in it

My cum.

what does that smell like

dried up rotten cunt

it's "going-into-games machine" you fucking failure at memes

I always imagine she smells like dried pressed flowers

>implying they would ever make their waifu Sylvanas irredemably evil
I'm calling it right now, she will sacrifice herself to defeat the Old Gods and Blightcaller will take her place as leader of the Forsaken.

I only have a "Going into your mom" machine

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black cock.

Or she is looking to overthrow Bolvar to become a Lich Queen.

Think of it;
What does the Blight share similar traits with? Why create it, and what exactly is it used for?

Not to mention her extreme interest in the Vrykul and her attachment to Lordareon? What other character was interested in similar things at the start in order to "save" their people?

And the spirit of the Lich King warns you as a Death Knight about Bolvar as well during your visions in Legion, saying he can't be trusted, and we don't know why.

Something is going on that we don't exactly know about. What could be happening all the ways back up there? Trouble of some sort? Guess we will have to wait and see...

They absolutely want to make another Scourge expansion, that's why they set up the stuff with Bolvar. I hope that it's Kelthuzad who takes the mantle if they want a new lich king, though.

I think the only way Sylvanas's arc would make sense at this point is if she realises she has become too much like Arthas and tries to redeem herself somehow.

Stinky cunny

Shit character only popular because of her tits.

Play shadowbringers

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Like literal shit. Was confirmed in the Nathanos short story.

But I'm a straight male. She is my waifu

my cum

Thumbs up for the writers for not writting garbage fanfic to please their fans for once.

>implying that doesn't just make her hotter

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I only remember of undercity smelling, not a specific mention of Sylvanas' BO. Quote?

rotten fish and salty milk