>“What we do in localization is so complex that anyone who tries to grab an individual scene from a Japanese game and translate it themselves, they’re not going to get the full context of what’s going on.
>What we do in localization is so complex
>We always do post-mortems for games; we look back and say, ‘what could we have done better?’ Many years ago, we said ‘if we ever do Catherine again, probably shouldn’t deadname Erica.
More like dead on arrival
Sega Confirms Catherine Propaganda Changes in Localization
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't censor lovely laura's voice
It's funny how Yea Forums shat on me super hard for buying Catherine Classic when it was released on Steam.
I wanted to experience the original game (never played it before) but everyone called me a faggot and a cuck for not waiting for Full Body's PC release. It seems like I don't need to wait for Full Body after all.
i hope the vita translation patch uncucks the western propaganda out of the game
its funny that you think anybody gives a shit
You did.
I don't want that full body shit. The pink haired girl looks like an ugly robot.
>listening to Yea Forums
>when half of Yea Forums's current posters joined Yea Forums past 2008
So what does this mean for those of us who aren't culture warriors?
Yeah, localizers do shit, not everything you agree with. Sometimes the game is better for it (Vagrant Story), sometimes it's worse (a lot of early rpgs).
>they’re not going to get the full context of what’s going on.
The common opinion on Yea Forums is that localization should be minimal if not nonexistent, and that the original script should be preserved as well as possible. Localizers having a shitty track record of adding small jokes and stupid shit like over 9000 and dumb references doesn't help the opinion against localization.
I don't mind it if the joke is based on Japanese wordplay or references that only make sense in Japan (Stocking saying Panty's breath smells like hotdog instead of squid, for the cum breath joke), but the modern localizations are somehow worse than Woolsey at times.
>for Full Body's PC release.
PS4 exclusive, bitch.
they already had to censor themselves thanks to Sony so this "remaster" was dead in the water from the gate go
no wonder it's censored then
The "Eric" mention in the credits was already erased in the pc versions, only the the ps3/360 versions still have it.
>Localization is just too big-brained for you plebs to understand!
Imagine being this far up your own ass because you learned to speak another language.
They say that yet people got angry when the DS port of Chrono Trigger retranslated shit to be more accurate to the Japanese version.
>The common opinion on Yea Forums is that localization should be minimal if not nonexistent, and that the original script should be preserved as well as possible.
That makes little sense once you know how Japanese humor works and how often it doesn't translate unless you are steeped in the culture itself.
Literal translations are not the end all, be all, or even ideal at times. Persona would be unrecognizable in the west if they kept all of the cultural references in it, some of which would turn out to be gibberish or based on phrases that don't translate, like zaa zaa or piku piku.
Most fucking Japanese humor is fucking wordplay because you can read their Kanji several different ways.
it was changed for the jap release of fullbody too right?
With the Erica thing they basically removed the punchline from a joke.
What Erica thing?
Why was it removed?
I don't know anyone who shat on the DS ports translation. I, for one, liked it more than the original because the way some things were explained in the original was oblique but these aspects were more clear in the DS version.
No, the full credit is still EricA (Eric Anderson) in full body.
>That makes little sense once you know how Japanese humor works and how often it doesn't translate unless you are steeped in the culture itself.
This just show how much of a retard you are.
Yes, some cultural references or jokes will go past your head. Why not explain it in some sort of translation note?
Its not that hard.
Instead you are being as retarded as FoxKids and are trying to replace bentos and riceballs with burgers and donuts.
>That makes little sense once you know how Japanese humor works and how often it doesn't translate unless you are steeped in the culture itself.
No-one fucking wants japanese games that are westernized. We literally want this shit because of the japanese culture.
This is the price of having tranny characters in your game. Dealing with this pointless bullshit up until release. Why can't my japanese games just not have trannies.
Some don't even go that far. I would be ok with some aspects of localization, and my favourite game of all time even turned out to be a huge example of it being largely changed up, but they're just so terrible at it and aren't able to distinguish where it can actually be used to better convey the essence of the game, instead using their own personal views, experience and inexperience as an arbiter to justify blind and blatant excess.
they're wannabe writers and retards with agendas who are stuck doing localization to survive after failing at other career paths
I am confused, image is not the same as the OP. What is it, did they give to tranny but changed their minds or are they deadset on tranny SJW change?
>translation note
Then you ruin the fucking joke because you have to explain it at all, especially if it gets too wordy.
anything else changed? as long as the story ans characters are in tact i'm good, I could care less what they call a character in the credits
>are trying to replace bentos and riceballs with burgers and donuts.
Because actual children don't know what a bento is (and it's never explained in anime since the original audience doesn't need it explained), but you aren't concerned about the target audience, just yourself.
And unless you read kanji or know more than basic export culture, you wouldn't get most of the humor. Not everything is based on the anime you watch.
Why listen to people that still aren't going to buy this game?
it's in the article
they claim it's the same game but in the actual interview they exposed themselves as leftist propaganda pushing retards
Not buying this garbage
That only means that they changed the original japanese Catherine so they can state that bullshit.
Fucking Sega.
I will never understand this.
Archive so I need not give bait clicks?
user, if it was release on PC, it would still be censor. Sega of America already confirm it.
>SEGA of Japan keeps making shitty Sonic games
>SEGA of America is run by idiots who ruined the SEGA Saturn, funded Colonial Marines and their communication skills are utterly terrible
Why is only SEGA Europe not braindead? They handle the PC sector well, listen to the fans and manage to not look like idiots most of the time.
>Did you censor it?
>No is the same
>But we got reports that you did censor it since May
>Haha, yes, we did censor it, but is too complex to just label it as that, I do not think of it as censor
Holy fuck, they can´t even tell us the truth anymore, this guy is so far up his own ass that he tries to baby us about the fact.
what a load of fags
>OP posts clickbait topic with no evidence to support his claim
Fuck off Billy.
Nagoshi is like the one competent person at SoJ. I'm amazed he's not COO at this point.
>Why not explain it in some sort of translation note?
because that would be retarded, and autists wouldn't be satisfied until every game has "keikaku means plan" tier subtitles.
Didn't a VA already say the bigotry was adjusted in the western version? It's already not the same game as Japan then.
Only half? That's very generous.
>not the full game
>premium preorder canceled
Why aren't they happy the character found happiness in some form despite it being different to what they assume? Kinda bigoted really.
>(Stocking saying Panty's breath smells like hotdog instead of squid, for the cum breath joke)
The fuck? Do Americans think hot dogs spell like semen? How does this make any sense?
He is going there. He is already member of the board of directors for the reformed Atlus.
>SEGA of America is run by idiots who ruined the SEGA Saturn
soj ruined the saturn, soa was just forced to go along with their retarded ideas.
because they were always about eliminating things they disagree with altogether and they want to use the illusion of sales to make companies do what they want
companies do it because they believe these "people" are more vehement then those that take issue with changes and sales usually prove them right
>Imagine being this far up your own ass because you learned to speak another language.
I don't have to imagine it. You can see these people everywhere on Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
Most of them are just failed writers who want to flex their muscles by inserting their shitty fanfiction into a game.
>“’I can’t speak for the Japanese promotion,’ Stebel said responding to my point about that coded imagery being used to promote the game, ‘but I would say that the full game is not like that.’ Stebel mentioned to me that the localization team has an internal cultural view committee that reviews everything from overseas to ensure that content is ‘suitable for a Western audience” while also representing that content “genuinely.”
They can´t write or make their own tranny game, so now they just change an existing work into one of their dream tranny projects. Fucking hell. How did even SEGA get infected with these sick people? Just give me what the nip got but in English. Do I really need to import a nip copy in the future?
I have absolutely no idea what that means.
i meant to say over half
the recent threads ( ) and minecraft, mw2, fortnite, AAA, twitch discord shilling and incel, cringe based buzzword spam are proof
Why don't SEGA writers care about this?
Do they know that their work are being censored into other countries?
Ash Misty and Brock eat rice out of a square bowl with a lid. A square bowl with a lid is the logical way to carry around rice you made in the morning until you eat it for lunch. Every human on planet earth finds out what rice is eventually, nobody is going to be traumatized if they find out what rice is from a cartoon. FUCK.
That just shows what a disgusting pig you are, you probably think it's okay to do that stuff
Since you apparently can't even get the full context out of a sentence written in English, for English speakers, you've done an admirable job of proving their point.
>Many years ago, we said ‘if we ever do Catherine again, probably shouldn’t deadname Erica.
>Not one of them were going to get the game
>SEGA think they are losing customers cause this minor group is very loud
>Change it for them
>Initial buyers not buying
>SJW not buying
>Guys nobody wanted Catherine, we will not bring this game or games like it over again
Yeah this is what will happen-.
And what did pokemon, an anime for 4-10 year olds, call it?
OP posts a clickbait site and foments internet outrage, shocking.
they either know but realize the state of the west and will do nothing because money/fighting the west cucks is a wasted effort or they have no control since sega likes doing this shit
>play a game with trannies in it
>have to deal with the stupidity that anything trannies brings
What did you guys expect?
I'll call you a fuck no matter what you do
>if we ever translate this 2009 game again, we probably should bring in made up controversies from 2019
I've been saying this for the longest time, but it's really fucking astonishing that the game industry is run by braindead retards, and by evil jews.
And yes, I know, Sega has always been retarded.
Wonder how the interviewer felt, his target treated him like some dumb retard.
it means calling a tranny by their real name instead of their tranny name
like calling a guy robert, instead of roberta
or frank instead of francine
Remove the chans and you've got it.
"Deadname" is such a dumb concept.
>Stebel mentioned to me that the localization team has an internal cultural view committee that reviews everything from overseas to ensure that content is ‘suitable for a Western audience” while also representing that content “genuinely.”
It's not surprising anyone who is okay with social justice censorship committee doesn't get that this statement is contradictory. Don't worry boys and girls, we'll make sure your foreign entertainment is Democratic Party Approved before it reaches your television set
>They assume how this one fictional tranny should act and live
>They rewrite the original tranny and do their own
Who is the bigot transphob now?
seething incels gotta seethe
What do you replace the chans with?
The "liberal shit" is the best now fuck off with this shitty image
You can't be serious. What in the fuck. Isn't this game from like 2009?
Liberals are never happy.
How is it hard to fire the translators?
These people are trashing their work, i think an artist would care about it. We aren't all americans only obsessed with money.
only mentally ill subhumans do this.
if you buy this cancer you encourage mental illness.
Is that even being worked on?
>Liberals are never happy.
I guess Yea Forums is all liberals then
yikes, sega is fucking dead. theyre never getting a penny from me again thats for sure. they also have an sjw running their twitter.
I wonder how many people actually tried contacting the original writers/creators of this shit
I'm sure sega of america tried denying everything
t. Commie
Are we doing this again?
they dont understand the west
they just think that since these people were hired for the job they must know what they're doing
You need to understand companies are ran by old people that still don't understand how loud the vocal minority on shit like twitter is
nobody likes you and you aren't funny herkz
Dead on arrival
What the fuck is resetera even, the post style seems almost the same as Yea Forums except for everyone is the most angry leftist at every single issue.
So they aren't even aware of what's going on? No one talked to them about it?
Imagine the book of a writer being censored in 90% of the world and the author doesn't know it.
Hear me out guys. How about nips just hire translators that do their job and nothing other than that? It can not be that hard.
>We always do post-mortems for games; we look back and say, ‘what could we have done better?’ Many years ago, we said ‘if we ever do Catherine again, probably shouldn’t deadname Erica.
I don't give a damn about the dialogue or whatever. I just want to climb.
It's NeoGAF 2.0.
Why do trans people always remind people they are trans instead of just using the gender they're intending to be?
>EOP tears
5 years ago I was fine with trannies.
Now I just want to hang them all.
Remember when the most annoying subgroup on the internet were furries? Trannies managed to outsperg everyone else. I want them all dead simply because how fucking grating and unlikable they are.
Dios mio.... El americano
>>when half of Yea Forums's current posters joined Yea Forums past 2008
You shitting me, nigga ?
50% of the kids here joined in the last 3 years
>Mentioning Jin Roh
I bet they don't even know about the other live action films
Yes and no.
Yes because ton of shit don't translate well into english or get proper context.Albeit TL notes would be a god sent for this kind of stuff..
But the real issue is ton of retards translating are pushing some agenda and get scot free because devs and publishers rarely give a fuck about localization process.
There is ton of demand for localization but most people that do this well are working somewhere already or don't want touch weeb stuff, and companies don't want pay premium for that.
which is also past 2008, that's my point if you looked inside those threads, the games they shill and the language they use
they outright admit they're either tumblr refugees, joined because of gamergate, the election or came in 2017 or beyond and it's fucking disgusting how much they've corrupted this board and the site as a whole
The Saturn sold great in Japan though...
>But the real issue is ton of retards translating are pushing some agenda and get scot free because devs and publishers rarely give a fuck about localization process.
I've heard of japs making it extremely difficult for people to localize their games on purpose and withholding rights in fear of them changing something.
We're all tired user
>Yea Forums is full of weebs
>No one ever contacted the writers to tell them about the censoring/know what they think of it.
because they are attention seeking freaks of nature. they don't want to blend in and be "equal" and be treated equal. they want to be special snowflakes first and foremost and put on a pedestal.if you don't play by their tune even by a note they will screech like sirens. they want the fucking cake and eat it too.
they need psychological therapy and medication first and foremost for their mental illness. they shouldn't be enabled and encouraged by society at all by making it seem like it's normal to be transgender. it's not. it's a severe mental illness that should be taken very seriously.
>sega of america started fucking with yakuza and most recently Judgement's localization too despite the yakuza producers stating in a recent interview where they said they don't want to pander to westerners
it's just so tiresome...
All they did was change Erica's name in the credits to "Erica" and remove a transphobic joke.
Okay, I see what you mean now, eventhough I was going for what you just explained, Yea Forums has become a joke of what it hated the most.
Everybody stays here forever but thats the reason I barely visit this shithole anymore
Is it actually good? I watched it once, but I think the DVD only had dubtitles and I felt like some elements the movie might have gone over my head
that's not all they did
Why not keep the joke in for the supposed 17+ audience that shouldn't be phased by it.
What else did they do?
>I don't know but they probably did something.
There you go, now you don't even have to answer.
I will never forgive Delta for ruining ZE.
Can you clear something up for me; Judge Eyes/Judgment has two sets of subtitles, right? Did they only change the catcalling scene for the dub and dubtitles or are the original audio subtitles changed too?
The issue isn't with adapting cultural differences for the audiences, it's that the wannabe writers that work on the localization use it as an excuse outright rewrite things that don't gel with them and the shoddy job they do in actually preserving characterization, meaning and intent.
and what makes you think they didnt change anything else
>i dont know but they probably didnt
good job retard
Why do ppl become trannies? To try and get a ez ride?
>Crunchyroll / Hadena / gg sub comparison
Never assume it'll end at small changes, and never assume they start and end at one game.
I dont get it why anybody on this board would hate trans woman. I see trans anime characters being posted here all the time and nobody cares
Do you have proof that they changed anything else? No? Well then how about waiting until it's released then complain if they actually have.
Is it nips saying that?
RIP Japan
Because it's impossible to tell what they're supposed to be.
>one assblasted gaymer
What the fuck is a deadname?
...and nowhere else, because of soj's retarded ideas like the 32x and the early saturn launch in america.
nothing because default politeness levels are pointless. The only thing you translate are hard honorifics (Oo, Sama) and plain forms (as something ruder/more blunt).
just learn the language bro haha
This is Yoroi Mikoto, human female. Yoroi Mikoto spells her name 鎧衣 尊人 and lives as a man. Not even close friends know Mikoto is female. In a parallel universe where aliens have invaded earth and all the young men get drafted Yoroi Mikoto spells her name 鎧衣 美琴 and lives as a woman.
This would be very confusing if Yoroi Mikoto 鎧衣 尊人 and Yoroi Mikoto 鎧衣 美琴 did not have names with different spellings.
In the game credits Takagi Reiko 高木 礼子 is credited as the voice of both Yoroi Mikoto 鎧衣 尊人 and Yoroi Mikoto 鎧衣 美琴 because she voiced both of these characters.
Which one of these names is the deadname? Yoroi Mikoto 鎧衣 尊人 human female living as a man, or Yoroi Mikoto 鎧衣 美琴 human female living as a woman in a parallel universe with slightly different circumstances?
2D trannies are not the same as 3D trannies
And people mostly hate Autogynephilic trannies and not homosexual trannies like there are in anime
Autogynephilic trannies should be purged from this earth
Obviously there's a new Catherine that changes several scenes but as far as I know the other routes are intact from the YouTube playthroughs I saw, if there was censorship changes there would be a dozen comparison shots by now.
They're A1 failures who couldn't get into proper translation services like law and the diplomatic service so are forced to translate anime and games which most of them hate. Go look up the company reviews for Funimation, that shit is hilarious.
Do you really think the nips care
It's the fucking Americans, the same as ever
I'm taking the bait from this image.
Neither of these are trans. One is literally a crossdressing zombie shota with a confirmed penis, and the other is a homosexual man with shark teeth and one of the best weapons in anime.
the middle is exactly what you want though- you're just pretending it isn't right now to not seem retarded but will immediately be back to whine about it when people drop pointless honorifics or translate attack names or whatever
>Why listen to people that still aren't going to buy this game?
Because they are those people. The teams that make these choices are working as political activists. That's how they see their work, culture police.
They should stop being so desperate to label anything with their term to try and make their choices appear better and more widespread.
Sorry user, crunchyroll promoted lily as a tranny and now everybody goes with that. So all traps are now trannies, if you dont like that you are problematic / transphobic
She's literally a trans though
>Check the proficiency of those retards.
>They always are on n3-4 ish range.
I still wonder how those retards get the job.
If it was just that I wouldn’t even have a problem. What they are low-key trying to say, and always have been, is more along the lines of “umm sweetie, see the original stuff was too problematic for the western standards, so we have to make changes to what is more appropriate for all of us”
And I ain’t just tinfoiling shit either. They always give a similar excuse when something that shouldn’t have been a big deal gets changed in media. Always stuff like “bringing THAT to west? Umm yeah that’s a no no” when anyone with a smidgen of a brain can see that they are doing something completely unnecessary for reasons the majority ain’t even demanding.
If being right is problematic, then I don't want to be wrong. Lily is second best boy in that show and I'll contest this until that series is in the annals of forgotten series.
>not including best trans character
shit list
>Didn't a VA already say the bigotry was adjusted in the western version? It's already not the same game as Japan then.
I interpreted that as someone that's more in the spotlight for their involvement in the product trying to cover their ass. With the internet hivemind's history of blaming people (who are usually not directly responsible) for whatever thing they don't like and then doxxing them or causing other problems, the VAs (I could have sworn more than one commented on this) wanted to make sure their fans wouldn't think they were ok with working on a product that was any kind of "phobic", since that's career suicide these days. You can't even have a character be "bad" and then grow into someone "good" these days - they were bad and therefore the product is bad and therefore everyone involved in making the product is bad.
IGN also commented that they improved things *for the US release*, but I remember comments when this controversy starting, both here on Yea Forums and in that ResetEra thread that everyone keeps linking to, that were talking about how these changes were in the JPN release at the time. Changes like the exchange where Erica says she wants to be a female pro wrestler, and Vincent saying "Well you can't because you're not a female" being removed, and then also adding an ending where she becomes a pro wrestler. Or Erica being Erica in the credits instead of Eric. You can say that's censorship since it changed from the original release, but as this is a remake with story tweaks (like a whole new fucking character) instead of just a remaster, it's kind of a stupid hill to die on. I see it as the developers changing it because they wanted to instead of the game being censored during the localization pass, which is what everyone is reporting it as.
Also, sorry if I got the spoiler tags wrong. Long time lurker, but I never post.
This article is using a long debunked discord post as proof that theyre lying
>all tranny characters in anime should be more like Lily
>more like Lily
So, dead?
It's simple, user. If you're always trying to appeal to the lower common denominator of audiences, you're only stretching that level of appeal thinner than it originally was. You can appeal to the people who play your games with things like story, gameplay, etc. But when you try to appeal to audiences that DON'T play your games, you only devalue the aspects of the design that people who do enjoy those games by that much more. But what most companies tend to do is try to reach out to even MORE subcategories of audiences that don't play their games in a vain attempt to get them on their side so they will play their games, which they won't. All the while the people that DO play those games only feel more and more alienated by the aspects that only appeal to those that don't play the game, this DEvaluing the aspects of the game that do appeal to those that play the game. So each time companies try to appeal to more groups of people that don't play the games, they lose more and more of the audience that actually do play the game, and their value is lost.
Most gaming companies like to believe that the more times they appeal to a larger audience, the more people they'll get to play their games and increase their profit. But what ACTUALLY ends up happening is the people they try to bring in were never actually planning on playing the game in the first place, but since the game has been augmented and changed to fit the needs of those people, the people that were already going to play the game now feel like the aspects that made them want to play the game in the first place are altered beyond recognition, thus changing the game they were originally hoping to play, which then forces them to come to the conclusion that the game is no longer worth playing, and ultimately hurting the company's bottom line of profits. No matter how you look at it, companies are only harming their games by trying to appeal to everyone, which ultimately appeal to no one.
Did they actually use the word "deadname" because that isn't a fucking thing.
I was gonna ask about Sayori, but now I understand.
Huh, I think i'll just get the original on steam instead of waiting. Thanks OP
Imagine being so fat that you look at penis and see food
Zombieland was my favorite anime of 2018 but shit like this keeps me from entering Zombieland threads or talking about it with most people. A combination of tranny shitposting, ironic memelords convincing themselves that Zombieland is only an idol show IRONICALLY, and general low quality posts have made it impossible for me to enjoy talking about Zombieland online. The fanbase is one of the worst I've seen in a very long time.
The Japanese source material says that you're wrong. Fuck off.
sorry user, being a cross-dresser is immoral and transphobic now
tl;dr: Games that try to be everything end up as nothing in the grand scheme of things
Haven't played the original Catherine in years, but the only changes I noticed are the lewds and photos Vincent regularly gets from the girls and Rin. Think they're even lewder in Full Body.
Other than that it's mainly additions. Additional cutscenes involving Rin and Catherine when you talk to her at the bat, arrange mode, additional endings and going for Rin's true endings unlocks a pretty fun 10th nightmare stage.
astolfo is a man
It's pretty unambiguous that Lily is actually identifying as a girl and not just doing the Otokonoko thing.
It's not like Lily being trans doesn't make this post not basically perfectly true:
To be honest I'm kinda shocked there hasn't been some sort of movement in the whole annoying trans-sphere of the internet to get angry that there aren't Trans/possibly Trans characters who aren't just super cute and totally pass. I guess the people who don't pass still delude themselves pretty hard into still.
>The Japanese source material says that you're wrong. Fuck off.
...no it doesn't?
>one angry retard
>help the mentally ill heal and become a normal human
Some people just need to get lynched 2bh
I got the spoiler tags wrong. Fuck.
As for what I heard about that ending, it's kind of childish or stupid for all of these people to say "THIS IS THE GOOD ENDING WHERE EVERYTHING IS *MEANT* TO BE BETTER". You see all these arguments like
>Well I went to school for this and majored in literature and that's the reading between the lines that you're supposed to do and I'm an expert and-
Just fuck off with that. Setting aside that it's an appeal to authority, people can interpret art however they want right? Some choose to see that "There might be one closer than you think" line as a joke. Others see it as this character still fully intends to transition, but that doesn't fit this narrative and get clicks does it? It *has* to be in the exact same timeline - no chance that V & C got married in their late 20's though the game normally takes place starting with V in his 30s. No chance that anyone could possibly be worse off - C went back in time *to make everyone's life better*, not because she wanted to do something for V, which has other knock-on effects (do we see the state of K's relationship and know that it's a positive one, or is the fact that she's with someone who would have died in the other timeline sufficient to say that she's better off?). Apparently this story can have some depth and nuance to it up until a single person interprets it in a way that gets everyone all riled up over an percieved injustice, and then that's the only interpretation that's allowed.
But what do I know? I haven't played it since I'm waiting for the US release. I can only go off of what I'm hearing about the game and the videos/screenshots that are still available.
Also, people like Dacid dropping out of competitive play *now* is such a scummy move. He was ok with it up until now, and now that the game has had some of the offending content removed, it's not good enough because of one person's interpretation of that ending.
>"trannies arent coming after your videogames"
>The Japanese source material says that you're wrong. Fuck off.
It doesnt
>almost as if he was tricked
He was actually tricked, though. Erica lies about being post-op until well after they fuck, and he goes along with it because he's an actual virgin who doesn't know what pussy should feel like. He said it felt kind of weird, and the lies unravel from there.
Even the most outspoken trans activists advise letting people know ahead of time your hole's different, because deceiving people you're fucking is not good in any situation.
>trannies are the new furries
I actually had to sit down and think about this simply due to how much sense this statement makes. Its perfect. Its the absolute fucking truth about the state of those subhumans.
Everyone who has been here long enough remembers why we started to hate furries.
And its literally the same with trannies I just want trough one of my old Yea Forums image folders and found Pic related. It describes my problem with SJWs and trannies perfectly.
Replace the word 'furry' with 'tranny' and everything makes so much more fucking sense.
Hmm but doesn't same game as Japan not mean uncensored?
The difference is that those characters actually look like women of their world. Also you don’t see them or their creators constantly talking about how trans they are. They were just fetish bait, not a goddamn social political statement.
Except Furries never had this kind of power.
These people are so out of their minds they spiritually KILL their real selves in an effort to escape themselves. I guess it's no wonder 40% of try to physically kill themselves too.
The Japanese one was censored.
>needing to censor games for adults
I thought adults were mature enough to just not buy video games with content they won't enjoy.
But the left still has honorifics.
Exactly. Because somewhere along the way liberals went fucking bonkers and instead of mocking retarded ideas like I WANT TO BE A CAT or I WANT TO CUT OF MY DICK AND PRETEND I HAVE VAGINA they started supporting them.
its literally a form of rape
I have more than a few transpeople in my life as friends and colleagues. Shockingly, I am close friends with some and can't fucking stand the others.
The ones that nobody likes are the people who only define themselves by being trans instead of it just being a PART of who they are. Anyone who has their gender identity first-and-foremost before anything else is someone who is probably going to top themselves with a shotgun at some point because they don't understand there's more to feeling like an actualized, whole person than just identifying as whatever gender you are comfortable with. Not surprisingly these people tend to be the most vocal and annoying pieces of shit on earth.
The funniest part is gonna be when the ones that manage to survive to old-age realize that you in fact, legally cannot kill your "deadname" and strike it from the face of the earth.
Because you have to use your original name to get Social Security and other age-related gov't benefits. It's a fraud-prevention method- anyone who changes their name for whatever reason (mostly marriage) has to do the same thing.
>The ones that nobody likes are the people who only define themselves by being trans instead of it just being a PART of who they are.
this is always said, and then, somehow, inevitably, the "good ones" end up like this too. really makes you think
notice how they never actually use the feminine form of their name though? It's always something completely unrelated or made up entirely with no etymological root. They try to distance themselves from their actual identity as much as possible, to the point where they try to convince themselves their real selves are dead.
I'm going to laugh when they remove the most important part of the new route, the basic fact that Rin's piano playing is literal mind control and it turned Vincent gay.
Why don't you tell them to get mental help?
Because these are crossdressers, not trannies.
>that moment when you feel her cold mushy testicles touch your back
>transgender (男の娘)
The amount of mental gymnastics these freaks jump through is just insane.
>shouldn’t deadname Erica.
Why is it okay for transgender people to think they can make people forget years of their life? Like, if one of my friends came out and transitioned am I supposed to forget I ever had a male friend?
Because the ones I'm friends with are doing fine because they transitioned and also worked on making sure they were happy and actualized in the rest of the aspects of their lives (job, romance, personal hobbies, etc). They didn't do what 99% of the ones you're used to seeing online did and transition and expect that to somehow magically make their lives 100% okay. It was part of a process of getting their shit together like any of us.
The equivalent Yea Forums person are the /fit/bros who get shredded because they think it'll fix their social life and then realize that just being shredded doesn't actually fix your social life because you're still working a job you hate in a place you don't like and still can't talk to other human beings
In the same way a bunch of transpeople just get their outie turned into an innie or vice-versa and then realize they're still miserable because absolutely nothing else in their life has changed and end up eating a bullet. There is no single solution. Incidentally for mental health problems in general getting treatment alone isn't the cure- because while getting barred out on Xanax might help you numb your anxiety to the point you don't just immediately off yourself if you don't improve the aspects of your life that make you that way you'll NEVER GET BETTER.
Yeah whatever, I dont care you should just shotgun your friends and then yourself because sooner or later we will hang them.
I have no sympathy for any trannyretards, especially not imaginary ones you made up on the spot to make up this sobstory how ''there are totes good trannies guys!''
Why are people in charge of localisation so fucking full of themselves. Fuck you, just be a fucking translator and leave it at that.
If you ever even think about the times they were a male, you're a bigot or something.
Catherine as a game is as accepting as you could ever get in a vaguely realistic world. Trannies don't want reality, they want pure fantasy. They want tranny characters to be pure Mary Sues with no flaws, and have every other character be asking "Where's Tranny?" whenever he isn't on the screen.
Its not that fucking hard.
Why do EOPs have such delusions of grandeur? Fuck you, just learn Japanese.
what on earth is deadname?
Why would you have a special term for this? Why not just say your "old name" like a normal person...
Friends don't let friends engage in, and encourage mental illnesses, user. They may be happy with themselves, but they're still harming others.
Why don't many people like Alice?
>One of the most important pillars that supports superjial
>Takes shit from no one
>Is unironically based
because they are cross-dressers
Remember when they got mad that Erica got the nightmares because it implied she's still a man
Was it Bill Bur who said something like this on Conan O' Brian with the Caitlyn Jenner thing and how people are supposed to just expect to pretend he was never a man for decades.
>literally says game will be the same
>I didn't read the article
What’s the controversy? I’m lost. Are they changing the tranny stuff or not? Why does Yea Forums care?
No it wasn’t
No it wasn’t
How can a man 'know' he's a girl if modern sexism teaches us that many of the things we have gendered (professions, fashion, beliefs) are social constructs
People were mostly pissed at the removal of Frog's honorable olde englishe way of speaking, but it didn't make any sense in the original translation since he was the only one in that time who talked like that.
You dare to question me?
As long as they don't encourage and push others into doing it to themselves when they don't of their own free will, I don't give a shit. Shit adults do to themselves is not your business until they start shoving it down other's throats.
>ironic memelords convincing themselves that Zombieland is only an idol show IRONICALLY
For real? I know cognitive dissonance and trannies go hand-in-hand, but goddamn.
Well Yea Forums, if you really wanna indulge into Japanese games, you should probably just learn Japanese, localization is notorious for being shit and you have to deal with censorship as well.
So just go on and learn Japanese, find yourself a nice 40-ish year old Japanese Mommy teacher and let her help you on your grand adventure to Nihon.
wow you sound like a badass
sperg out more shill or are you going to continue pretending to be retarded for that $0.05 to be deposited into your account?
it clear states in the article they've fucked changed it just like how they were called out earlier this year via sankaku you fucking retard
>dat filename
>Who cares about the fall of western society? Doesn't affect me! LOL
Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you might be a lot happier on ResetEra.
I’m not seeing any receipts
Or, or I can complain until they give me my fucking slaw
The fact it's a social construct opens the door to feeling whatever you want, really.
>society indoctrinates us through constructed gender shit
>men get told that what they feel like, is being woman. Or vice versa
>they now act like a woman
It's really retarded imo. I wish I was a woman, but I'm not, and doing anything to change it is delusional. "gender is a social construct" is correct, but really almost everything is a social construct, and none of it matters. I am me, you are you, that should be enough. Fuck the whole gender debate, do what you want.
Go back to Twitter.
nice rebuttal. Proof? Who needs it. Argument? Just call them a tranny! Sickening. Based and redpilled. Literally shaking
Because anime trannies/traps are a) cutemost of the time, b) not batshit insane, c) don't base their entire character/personality around being trans or their sexuality.
Saying something other than unconditional tranny support gets you banned from retardera.
Traps aren't trannies.
I mean, what can many of the post-op people do now they couldn't before they came out? Even having sex with the same sex doesn't require an operation. Although, it is very convenient that there are a lot of 'gay' transgender people out there
>hating on Scruffy Turtles
What is their problem?
>Saying something other than unconditional tranny support gets you banned from retardera.
I've seen screenshots of people getting banned for much, much less. Like, 'questioning if a female character is gay or not' or something really dumb like that.
they basically have to
welcome to video games in 2019
traps belong to straight men
You can see how ban happy they are for any kind of comment.
you realise gay transgender people are just straighties
Nice self-own
Yep, pretty much. Even taking a "doesn't bother me, just don't shove it down my throat" stance makes you an alt-right neo-nazi in their eyes. If you don't aggressively and vocally support the expansion of tranny rights, you're their enemy.
So Vincent is shocked in that one trailer because of her having a penis, right? It wasn't out of context?
why should anyone care about ResetEra when it's the shrunken offshoot of a forum that basically had no industry people left on it but PR people over a half decade ago
instead of semen she's saying her breath smells like dick
I like how trannies literally call every feminine gay man trans. Its called gay erasure. Coping trannies cant compete with an actual man who still has his penis and does not take hormones lmao
>it implied she's still a man
unless that setting has complete gene therapy that can copy and overwrite chromosomes "she" still is a man.
That gives them the excuse to scream about oppression.
straight guy here, Ruka and Astolfo are ideal gf material, especially Ruka
probably Astolfo too if she's 100% bottom
So is something censored or not? Is content getting cut?
>guys are those horrible chainmail bikini outfits really the hill you want to die on
People wouldn't have to die on that hill if they didn't start a battle on it. This argument is always pretty fucking retarded anyway. "Don't oppose our stance on this issue, just let us have the victory."
>implying Transgender activists want Trans people to be healthy or happy.
nice meme.
It’s because the character doesn’t run around the jail constantly yelling about how trans xe is. It’s just like with gay characters. They don’t want actual characters of their orientation that just have the aspect as their part of their life and moves on. No they want characters that’s constantly mentioning about how trans/gay they are with their pride flag flying in the background.
LGBT representation done right
The internet has really made me fucking despise trannies
You sound like someone who should have ben euthanized at birth.
Haru and Makoto are 18. Anne is 17. Give me a fucking break
>LGBT representation done right
Right here.
healthy people aren't really profitable, after all
Which is why in CURRENT YEAR we get mental issues sold as lifestyles.
hormones make them go bald
When they first hit the mainstream years back, I didn't care because there were a few conservative trannies speaking out. I don't give a fuck if they pass a bill to execute them all now. Fuck it, losing a few semi-sane ones is worth obliterating the purely insane ones in charge.
Another fucking game censored, great.
Fuck this industry
>loli (shota) traps
>boyish traps
>straight traps
Yeah, the whole "everyone is happier" interpretation is the dumbest shit of all, especially when you see some of the other endings.
Probably 3 people can be considered undoubtedly happier:
Vincent, he literally says he is happy thanks to Catherine.
Catherine, naturally, the whole point of this was to be with Vincent and make him happy which she has done.
Paul, he's not dead.
Everyone else though is up for debate and have happier/better outcomes from other endings in the game.
While, I'm at it, the argument that this ending 'makes no sense' is also idiotic:
Catherine's character is all about freedom and living life as you want and not how society expects you to, the underlying irony being that she only starts seducing and sleeping with people like Vincent because that is her job and what is expected with her.
She actually starts 'living freely' when she starts spending time with Vincent instead of sleeping with other men so her new ending is just an extension of this and taking this development further, as her love for Vincent helps her find a deeper more personal freedom.
TL;DR Catherine is Best Girl
The funny thing is that "the hill to die on" is called principle.
>durr it's just a bus seat
>durr it's just a water fountain
>durr it's just a video game costume
The concept of principle is foreign to them because their ideology has zero consistency.
Localization is a fucking meme
>op pic says western will be same as japan
im confused isnt that a good thing
>looks like this
>kind personality
>100% anal sex
>marriage + space ending
Rin is the best girl.
the picture is the sega rep CLAIMING it will be the "same" but in the interview he reveals it won't be since they stuck their tranny propaganda into it
It's acknowledging that a tranny """""used""""" to be male by referring to their birthname.
And yes, this is considered a grave offense in fag culture.
Can someone explain exactly how the ending played out and why people are mad?
timetravel and prevented eric from chopping his dick off
sounds pretty based and redpilled to me
>We always do post-mortems for games; we look back and say, ‘what could we have done better?’
Must have been hard to say that with a straight face.
So one of the characters used to be a boy and the main character went back in time to fix something completely unrelated and it's assumed that the reason is to save them from becoming a tranny?
> shat on me super hard for buying
Liberals desire to control the dialogue on the subject in full. So the idea that someone might be happier without their medical mutilation is abhorrent to them. They would have you believe there is no alternative, every confused person must transition, and it is never a mistake.
Catherine time travelled and changed the past, in the new ending continuity Eric didn't become Erica, he's just a gay dude instead of a trannie.
Trannies got mad because Erica didn't transition, but the real problem there is the fact Eric looks like shit in comparison to Erica.
This is the second time a Sega game has had trans content removed/altered with a modern release. Yakuza removing the trans side quest shows Sega has it's balls in a vice when it comes to biovestites.
Thank you for posting this, it should be required reading for proponents of "localization". If someone cares enough to consume foreign media that person will not be daunted by cultural references. Furthermore if someone is consuming any media then that person does not give a single fuck what the "localizer" thinks the work nor the self image of the "localizer".
Just imagine the cognitive dissonance that would spew forth from these people if one where to suggest official diplomatic talks would require "localization".
>Golly gee wiz i sure due love communism but i dont like a capitalsm! so mee sa gona crush you like bug if u sa gonna give us the nukey-wooky.
I can just hear it now "that's hyperbole!" and "diplomatic talks are important!", but both of these lines of thinking are utter garbage as they ignore the travesties of "localization" present in games like Fire Emblem, and they write off media people care enough to pay money for and spend hours on as completely unimportant and not warranting even a sliver of the same passion and effort fans have and put forth for the games.
I'm still wondering how and why they allowed that image to be officially made and promoted. But I guess it truly wouldn't be Sega if they weren't 1 step forward 10 steps back.
Is rin gay or trans?
It's all just so tiresome, all of it
It's not really Sega, it's some shitty mobile phone game division. They easily could have posted that without approval of Sega, and it's not like Sega would be able to punish them or it might leak and look bad.
>add in a trannie
>"noooo this isn't progressive enough we have to fix it in localization"
trannyera won't be happy until the two catherines are removed and the only romance option is the tranny.
Sega of America and Sega of Japan fucking hate each other
The 40% statistic is too low
>put in a transgender character into your game
>choose to have one ending in which an alternate timeline happens where they don't in your new version
>The ones that nobody likes are the people who only define themselves by being trans instead of it just being a PART of who they are.
This can be applied to pretty much anything, really. If a person has to draw that much attention to a single part of their personality, it means whatever is left is either nonexistent or even worse.
>subs by funimation
>Japanese source material
Pick one and only one
One of the stupidest fucking things in the world.
Had me until the shit about the moss pun. I get what he's saying but if he honestly believes that making that specific pun is as vital as he wants people to believe then he needs to call an EMT to pry him out of his own ass.
you faggots deserve all of this for doing nothing when this shit was just starting i hope america gets nuked
Its simple, learn moon runes, only takes 2 years.
>check out the alternate universe ending myself
>it's literally just Erika making a pass at Toby still looking male, with no certainty as to whether or not they are already going through their transition
Where's the offense here? So what these people are saying is that you have to look like a girl to be one? I thought that didn't matter?
he looks so fucking ugly there, holy shit
Seriously when will they learn to stop listening to these fucks that don’t buy video games merely complain about them?
When is Billy going to kill himself?
But they are ignoring /pol/tards.
Because they think they can appeal a bigger market but they forget that their current market is a thing.
>Trannies are more hated than furries
Congratulations retards
Would’ve literally outsperged fucking furries I didn’t even think that was possible
I was fine with trannies when the majority of them weren't lower effort rejects that think "becoming" the opposite gender is somehow going to be their ticket to paradise, and then get surprised when it turns out to not be that easy
At this point I don’t even know if I’m just being trolled anymore
Please take me back to when you just got rick rolled or someone told you to delete system 32
>What we do in localization is so complex
>they think they know how to make the game/story better than the people who made it
I guess they should stop doing translations and move to making their own games
I loved superjail
And Alice didn’t shove tranny shit in your face.
If anything you’re more likely to get your face caved in back her
Every time she was on screen they reminded you she was a tranny, though.
Hell happened to me and I’m not even gay
I just look good I want nothing to do with you degenerates
Reminds me of Ru Paul how he got in trouble saying he hated trannies despite being a famous cross dresser
Because people will never recognize them as the gender they wish they were due to their inability to pass.
>get a script for a new game to localize
>throw it all into google translate
>go through the translation with the Japanese script next to it and fix any weird bits
>finish a full games script in a couple days
>spend the next week rewriting everything you found offensive
I bet Google has the script of every Japanese game that has been localized
I meant she’s doesn’t have her entire character based on I’m trans or waving a gay pride flag every 8 seconds
Plus it’s honestly played for comedy
It’s a literal manly man with a ponytail and a dick outline under a skirt
Why Sega doesn't fire those idiots of SEGA US ?
If my employees were shitting on my revenue and can't even respect the work of my devs I would be sure to show them the way outside
Threads like these make me glad I started studying japanese by myself. I'm still not very good at it, but I'm progressing slowly and eventually I'll be able to experience non-translated stuff without meaning lost. I know you always lose something from a language when you translate it, but japanese is one of the more extreme cases.
Nice daughters, Vince
If all trannies could look and sounded as good as Erica, you you?
Also is Erica pre-op or post-op?
More like Full Censored, am I right? Up next, it's Persona 5: the censoRed
There's now way that just replying to a post could ki
What a shame, especially if they did this without permission since that's the company's mascot of all things.
I guarantee they did it without permission. It's the whole reason it was posted by this "Hard Light" division and not Sega's twitter.
this is pretty much all I'm interested in. I just want the same game as japan. If the extent of the censorship is just a name change in the credits, then I'll live
It's a fucking puzzle game. You don't lose anything by not having an alien trap to interact with.
I'm so glad I'm not american in the sense that I'm forever doomed to only ever know 1 single language and snippets of spanish so they and order food while in the drive thru
This would be great for a modern day kid whose parents gave them a stupid name.
"From now on, call me Snake."
"Whatever, Bartholomew!"
>Tell a teacher the other kid called you by your deadname
>Other kid gets expelled
>Now you're Snake forever
>when its on xbox its not censored
>when its sony only it becomes censored
makes...those almonds...activate....
nigger, what the fuck is this shit, and why is it being bandied around as an actual thing?
Not saying I don't trust PR shit, but I don't.
Will we for real if anything got changed in the western version a few days prior to release? If so, I can cancel my preorder
*will we know if
>Many years ago, we said ‘if we ever do Catherine again, probably shouldn’t deadname Erica.
Many years ago the concept of deadnaming didn't even exist lmao. Fuck outta here with this stupid American bullshit
If it looks like a woman, sounds like a woman, and moves like a woman, then yes I would. As for Erica, she's post-op. Toby may have been a virgin before he had sex with her, but even he would realize it if she still had a penis
>I'm an anime fan
>Complains about anime girls in bikinis
get a load of this guy
>making up canon to fit your ridiculous worldview
jesus christ he's just a boy who likes to be pretty it's fucked but not the same
Funny enough Resetera is mad about this games true Catherine ending because they can't understand Japanese and haven't played the game.
They celebrate Erica even though she had sex with Toby without telling him she's trans but can't accept time travel to make everyone happy and prevent Eric from skipping off to who knows where after high school to transition. Then later insinuating that Eric would still transition with a line "maybe she is closer than you think" when replying to Toby's "I wish I had a girlfriend" remark at Vincent's and Catherine's wedding after party or whatever.
They celebrate the impulsive transition but because they can't understand Japanese they bitch and whine about the supportive Transition.
Heh, I wi
>Localizers brag about changing and censoring games to fit their whims and using excuses like cultural "sensitivity".
Why does the video game industry tolerate this? This kind of shit would get you lapidated if you tried it with any other medium (books, movies, television).
I'm waiting for the western release for TL source
>Stocking saying Panty's breath smells like hotdog instead of squid, for the cum breath joke
That's bad localization though
Literally 4Kids turning riceballs into jelly-filled dontus tier
Finally, free from the mortal coil
>Persona would be unrecognizable in the west if they kept all of the cultural references in it,
Maybe people would actually learn more about Japanese culture, instead of perpetuating watered-down stereotypes because America cherrypicks the fuck out of everything beyond the Anglosphere
I want my Japanese video games to be fucking Japanese.
lol. this.
hahaha kys kid
Alright, but do hotdogs smell like dick in America?
"deadnaming" is insane tranny terminology. why do these fucking idiots out themselves like this. they don't even try to appear normal.
there are creative ways around that. look up the fan translation of the pun episode of hajime no ippo. these localisors are boarder line retarded they do the worst job possible and just throw the whole thing out and replace it with some shitty meme or even some ideological shit the loclalisor wants to whine about.
same game as japan, so they'll censor the japanese version, lmao
With how gay burgers are nowadays I wouldn't be surprised.
>implying i was going to buy this garbage in the first place
one of the routes features a romanceable tranny i wasnt going to buy this garbage in the first place
>“What we do in localization is so complex
Trannys man lmao
Yea Forums is full of freaks who wear their mommy's panties and call themselves women. Why would you listen to anyone here?
This, america is a soulless culture vacuum at this point. I wish an asteroid would take it out.
Give me one reason why you would change squid to hot dog other than "American people eat hot dogs more than squid"
I hate the fact that one of the VA's couldn't keep her yap shut about this so called "censorship" because it made everyone go into a frenzy. She didn't know what the fuck she was talking about and know how translation works. I'm willing to bet nothing major was changed in the localisation and people who were upset will feel stupid.
Hot dog is closer to weiner which is closer to penis which pumps out sperm
Far as I can tell literally the only thing that was changed/removed was Erica's birthname being in the credits
Which, on principle, I disagree with
But it really shouldn't be as big of a deal as people are making it out to be
Pander to the NPC normies kills your fanbase.
Squid and hot dog are two completely different smells, and on top of that hot dogs neither smell like cum nor dick so absolutely none of the original line's meaning is properly conveyed
A simple as it may sound it is because those are old and more established forms of media. video games are a relatively new phenomena.
To elaborate I see a pattern made up of phases:
-alienation:people realize they have no interest in the most popular activities and become social outcasts for it
-synthesis:members of this outcast group socialize with each other and the most creative ones latch onto the sparse interests of their peers
-founding phase:the creative individuals experiment with ideas and through trial and error and collaboration with all member create a new activity
-organization:word is spread and other misfits join the new sub-culture and it quickly enters golden age as both output and growth are rapid
-corporate: the new activity has reached a critical mass of people and can now enable businesses related to the activity to flourish. Creativity is corporatized and output becomes less rapid and inventive, and more regulated and predictable
-expansion:Due to marketing, attempts to increase accessibility, and the sheer size of the population involved in the activity, the masses begin to notice this "new" thing and do not want to be left out
-invasion:the masses don't bring any real passion or creativity to the sub culture, in fact they ridicule sincerity as they treat the activity like a passing fad. They also demand the activity be stripped of all complexity and nuance as they are unwilling to commit any effort
-coup:businesses flourish with all the new consumers, yet this shifts the focus from the founding members as the market and to the masses. Then individuals who crave fame and fortune rise to positions of power and actively oust the creative and passionate misfits who made everything, claiming it is the founders who do not understand the sub culture
-entropy: the masses lose most of their interest but they still retain control and the majority of the population, the market shrinks, the founders have left
We are in the coup phase.
What’s funny about the squid joke in Japanese then?
Easy pass then. Definitely makes me wary of P5R's English release though. There was a LOT of social media whining surrounding the translation of the base game.
It is a big deal. If they get away censoring this shit, then they will censor even more shit in their next games whenever the resetera faggots gets triggered.
I don't blame anyone that is upset with that if true, I'm more inline with how dumb people are when I tell them how the language works because that's how it started. If something Major changed, ATLUS and Sega would've said something months ago when it started fir sure.
I really love the new ending they made for Catherine. It's pretty much what I had in mind when I played the original way back and it pretty much confirms her as best girl.
You guys really don't understand how obsessed these faggots are with Erica. Just take a look at his Wiki page's trivia section.
Full Body is garbage regardless of the translation and will fail over here just like it failed in Japan. Seriously, what were Atlus thinking? Remaking a semi-successful puzzle game to add a trap third option despite literally no one asking for it?
I'll just not buy it, simple as that, get fucked, Jonathan Stebel
Squid supposedly smells like cum. The joke is that her breath stinks of semen.
Good fucking lord. I remember visiting the wiki couple of times many years ago when the original came out and it wasn't like this at all. What the fuck happened?
>The common opinion on Yea Forums is that localization should be minimal if not nonexistent, and that the original script should be preserved as well as possible.
fucking cringe garbage shit tier opinion, how aboslutely retarded do you have to be to value literal translations over charming localization
wee/a/boo autism in full effect
I agree with this but only if the setting is outside of Japan.
>The name my parents gave me is dead, I am no longer that person, never call me that again
Another reason to hate trannies
Oh ok then
Still, you would have a lot of English speakers who wouldn’t know what squid smells like. It could have better handled better, but I support the intention.
Trannies are highly obsessive. They're like a step or two below Chris-chan with how crazy and autistic they are.
The SJW Cancer happened
It's literally Daddy Issues: The Mental Illness.
>Many years ago, we said ‘if we ever do Catherine again, probably shouldn’t deadname Erica.
Oh bull-fucking shit. A decade ago when this game released, the term 'dead-name' didn't exist outside extremely niche communities. 99.9% of people had never heard it, or of the behavior being """toxic""" ... this is some shit they just decided last year
furthermore, ted woolsey is based, although the censorship is undesirable it was forced on him by nintendo, and his changes to final fantasy 6 other than that were all for the better, or do you prefer terra to be named "tina" and kefka to not have his classic dialogue?
But why would anyone even WANT the tranny version of the game?
In Japan, transexuality just considered a fetish, which is funny to me... because that's exactly what it is.
Who is Cassius Clay?
Tina actually makes more sense if you factor in how FF6 draws on a lot of Christian themes/ideas.
When you see something autistically long or mentally retarded on a Wiki page it's 99% of the time a single power tripping autist who obsessively controls the page. Just look at the edit history and tell me if you see something common.
That only focuses on the micro scale, not the macro scale, and it also focuses on gender and sexual pursuits without accounting for the role of commodification of the sub culture in the decline of the sub culture. The social space is not put through a meat grinder out of a misguided attempt to be kind to the masses out of the goodness of the founders hearts, its done knowingly for profit. People life Phil "suck my dick choke on it, I am the voice of a generation" Fish don't suddenly land in a position of power to make an uninspired "been done a million times before" game without a corporate entity actively deciding to enable it. EA doesn't gut, casualize, and kill off development studios because they have a passion for the hobby and a desire to see their creativity actualized. EA does it because flavourless garbage with loads of marketing is the safe thing to sell to the masses, not the people who have genuine enthusiasm for the hobby.
When weebs get what they want, they get pissy because it's boring. Sometimes you can't blame people for making translations relatable to Americans and current culture.
Woolsey was fine. He didn't make everyone talk like a drunk groundskeeper willy.
One day, Veronica... One day... Gamers will rise up
When you're a jobless NEET it's easy to no-life on a wiki and use it to power trip because you know the labyrinthine rules better.
Kek. Isn't this the guy who basically sabotaged the entire Silent Hill wiki by implying that a lot of the series' imagery symbolizes the woes/suffering of circumcision?
Most modern trannies are just people who fetishize the idea of being a woman. So yeah, basically transsexuals like Buffalo Bill, only not murderous.
>charming localization
>yes, Mr..Japan-san, I want you to make my foreign entertainment appeal to my American sensibilities
Kefka always came off as a tryhard. Terra from Tina is a proper localization, though: it preserves intent from the original writing focus on an exotic name. Preserving intent is important, not chucking script into bins for personal gain. Woolsey wasn't bad, but set a bad precedent by people emulating his style of radical change without understanding why he localized shit the way he did.
Wanted to buy steelbook on release, now I will just save money for Hackjima movie instead
the steam version also removes """ deadnaming""", you want the original you gotta buy it on console.
Pretty much how I feel as well
Man have times changed.
Did you know that there's a high frequency of autism within the transgender community?
they took out a line about Erica being unable to compete in women's wrestling because there are now mtf trannies in Japan's women's wrestling, I think that's defensible as changing it to make sense rather than changing it to not offend someone
As well as American women’s wrestling
they've definitely changed the credits to say "Erica Anderson", what's unknown is if they rewrote other parts of the game or I'd they're just using the credits change to say they "fixed it"
sega participates in pride parades in japan, this isn't foreign divisions sneaking in things they shouldn't, all of sega is pozzed.
Why do these mentally ill faggots go on about how they "are obsessed with anime" but then want to change very fucking thing about it. You don't just watch a movie, and obsess over it and become a fan just to want to change every little aspect to conform to your flesh wound fauxgina dilation world view. Changing everything about it until its not even the same thing anymore. Like some autistic faggot nigger going to a capeshit movie then going on their "his/him" social media.
>new capeshit movie omg guys but wouldn't it be better if captain superhero had a sidekick that was my OC edgelord?
>my oc has a painful past, and has super blade weapons lmao
Jesus christ its like Chris Chan, but its managed to multiply into multiple people with the backing of the ruling class. Clown fucking world.
It's the name you were given. I mean do you hate your original self so much you have to kill it to the point that you never existed?
>penisu in butthore paladu! veddy ploglessivu! butthore sexu foru ebeddyone!
>arigatou goizimasu americanu! you bringu japanu very much plogessive!
>dlaguqueenu leading to kiddus! mare praying in femare sportsu! dirdos for ebeddyonu!
>who needu bushido whenu you habbu gay buttu sexxu and aidsu?
>game journalists
>failed journalists
>failed at law translation or other careers
I hate modern game journalists and the localizers who want to censor stuff just as much as you but it's getting silly where you all just call every job shit and people only took because they failed to get something else. Literally "everything sux xD epic" thinking.
You can't escape from the past you fucking faggot
its funny how the only fags that deny this are browns
Defend XIV's localization.
Localization complex my ass, translate it, provide context or explanations for cultural difference. Boom done, I fucking hate this cultural appropriation bullshit. What's so fucking complex, why don't these people just outright say "I don't give a fuck, and I want to make things worse for other people striaght up."
Not how I planned to go, but I'll take what I can ge
Because they're ironically enough, cultural imperialists. Everything must be conformed to their worldview, the parts of foreign cultures they like will be assimilated, but only at a superficial level. And most importantly, they justify it as "for your own good" as they "civilize" you and everyone else.
The thing is, translators use this as an excuse, but then use it to justify changing things to fit their own personal sensibilities and ideas, rather than only altering things that wouldn't preserve their meaning if translated into English.
Is the PC version on Steam localized as badly as full body?
>If you know japanese you should know what this means
Sometimes I don't know if people are genuinely triggered by things or if they fake controversy for attention. So it makes it hard for me to sympathize with them.
Here's something that used to actually bother me. In old shows and movies whenever a straight guy would get accused of being gay, the accused straight guy would either get upset or frantically deny it. He would treat it as if it's a "bad thing," an attack against him. Subconsciously, straight guys watching this would learn that gay accusations are "fighting words" and actual gay people would learn that it is shameful and that they should keep their homosexuality a secret. I feel that sorta thing really did do harm and I'm glad you don't see it in tv or movies anymore.
But, come on, the "dead name" stuff doesn't hold water to me. After everything is said and done with, you're still you. Just because you transitioned doesn't mean you aren't still *Insert Male Name Here*, you didn't become a new person.
>>That makes little sense once you know how Japanese humor works and how often it doesn't translate unless you are steeped in the culture itself.
With very minor exaggeration almost everyone here should be very familiar if not even fluent with Japanese culture. I'm not saying to curse your gaijin shitskin or anything but if you're gonna get involved in any sort of hobby like this, ESPECIALLY videogames, some knowledge of where they have came from and continue to comefrom (as long as you're not playing westshit) you're going to want/need at least a passing familiarity with common tropes, phrases, and patterns.
There is literally nothing from with LITERAL translations. If anyone is confused, they need to quite literally lurk more.
Sorry meant to (you) Instead.
god, how I wish this shit actually worked
So what you're implying is that localizers can do whatever they want because of muh EOP tears, right?
I'm sorry for that Steve
You know it's kinda weird to even think about what you may have missed while playing localized stuff. Just recently I was playing Final Fantasy X-2 and sure the story is all retarded and all, but with it's completion bullshit it gave me a chance to replay it again.
I downloaded a mod to enable JP audio and as I was playing through the ending sequence again that was fresh in my mind I was just stunned at how many differences there were, even with my rudimentary understanding of Japanese. For instance, a whole bunch of speech patterns or reoccurring jokes were added to the English version because the staff felt like it I guess?
By far, the difference that stood out the most to me was in the climax of the game, where a character is trying to talk to the big bad and she can finally say something she's been wanting to say for ages, "I love you", but the actual JP audio said "arigatou". I mean like seriously what the actual fuck? The only real way to "prevent" shit like this is to actually learn the language and play it as originally intended but I can't be bothered to spend that much effort to play some games, and then read and watch some chinese cartoons
So Abe donated money to sega?
Trannies are nothing like furries though.
After all, furries never had 95% of media and half the government bending over backwards to give them everything they want all the time.
Sony strikes once again.
Only because they can't be bothered to not do anything but a lazy port, so they would just make a quick port of the PS4 version to PC.
>thanks for the food
Stick to dubs you disgusting amerifat.
>the middle is exactly what you want though
I would take even the middle instead of the shit in the right.
>literally destroyed an entire support convo to reference a 2006 youtube video with 5k views
fe fates should be added in textbooks as an example of how not to localize a game
A romancable alien.
Get it right.
This but leave Itadakimasu untranslated(fuck normalfags) and keep the rest as in the left pic.
Wait, what? I thought this game had been out on PS4 for months now. The fuck's the hold up?
Sorry what discord post and evidence it was lies?
I like vidya but goddammit do I hate gamer culture.
For most on Yea Forums its not even about videogames anymore.
>Anne, Makoto, Futaba
Ty OP, this thread gave me more motivation to keep on working on japanese. Day by day i progress a bit, just so i wont have to deal with this shit anymore.
I legitimately have no idea why japanese is that one language that gets butchered the most during translation.
The only ones who have corrupted this board are redditor lefties.
In a new Catherine ending made them go back in time and "made everything better". The time travel took them back to High school before Eric transitioned. Then the scene travels back to present day as Vincent and Catherine were post marriage party at the bar and Eric still isn't trans.
But because Resetera doesn't know Japanese and didn't actually care to look any further that that they got offended at the idea that the ending prevented a Eric's transition. But if you knew any Japanese you would know Toby makes a comment about how he wants a girlfriend and then Eric puts his arm around his shoulder and says "She might be closer than you think". Meaning he is now either Gay or still planning to transition.
SoA was the one who ruined the Saturn with that stupid surprise launch in 1995.
Bernie Stolar also further ruined it by not allowing most JRPG's to be localized outside of Japan.
they're not gonna put translator's notes in the fucking finished product you moron, this isn't some rush job fansub bullshit
Vanilla Catherine was also rife with leftist propaganda, though it was less overt.
>Katherine is a strong, independent womyn who don’t need no man
>Catherine, the feminine girl, is actually a demon slut
california raisin
>Yea Forums replaced one boogeyman with another
wow pretty crazy huh
Two diffrent smells, yes, however most people don't know what squid smells like, so going by smell the joke is missed by most english speakers, hotdog however works in that while we know hotdogs don't smell like semen, hotdogs are commonly joked to be penis like, so in this case hotdogs seems to be a fitting localization that preserves the joke As most people would assume somone who is slutty "panty" having a hotdog refrenced to her breath, would immedietly think she's sucking dick. If you have a better idea by all means tell me because i'd be hard pressed to find a better one myself.
Just call it a meal, a bento is essentially that
>"I love you", but the actual JP audio said "arigatou"
I can actually understand this one. It's not so much changing the meaning as deciding to write what is actually meant. The Japanese often would rather toss themselves off a building instead of speak directly. Years of dealing with that shit means the Japanese immediately understand the subtle implications of lines like that better, but some English speakers might take it too literally, so they likely thought it better to be more direct in the English script.
>Because actual children don't know what a bento is (and it's never explained in anime since the original audience doesn't need it explained), but you aren't concerned about the target audience, just yourself.
It's literally a packed meal, why fucking change it to anything else
You know, people keep trying to make the existence of bars (or even lines) memetic to this image, but if they added pink it would make it memetic to their claiming the colours light blue and pink. If that were the case then just seeing their oc donut steel flag would instead evoke the graph.
lol get a real source
this dude legit looks like he'd make a good lead guitarist of a metal band
Out in japan. September in west
>Lie and fingerwag your way into a game studio
>Censor some things in an otherwise AAA mega popular cultural icon of a game for your retarded cultist reasons
>Game sells well otherwise because it's mega popular and has brand recognition
Here's your "bento"
Will people be mad enough to cfw a ps4, dump the game files, change the text and then release it?
translation > localisation
Some 3DS games had decensors, but I don't think anyone cares enough anymore. Especially with PS4 scene being dead.
As far as Im concerned, saying Eric would be happier if he transitioned is anti-gay progaganda. Why does he have to be a straight girl? Why cant he be happy as a gay male?
Atlus remakes are always trash.
This pretty much. At least being a fag doesn't automatically entail mutilating yourself physically and chemically. So many transwomen would've been a lot happier if they just went as effeminate gay men.
Gay men don't spend huge amounts of money on surgeries and hormone treatment for the rest of their lives though. Trannies do, so gotta encourage people to become trannies.
It's sad how that's the number 1 actual reason behind the modern tranny propoganda push.
>all these people who probably never actually played the game but suddenly care because there's a tranny involved
Because social media isn't a store.
Gay white men are the second most privileged class of human being after white men. You have to remember this is a race to the bottom, the less white and male you are the better.
The conspiracy nutjob part of me wonders if Big Pharma pushed wild sex among the gay community to increase the spread of STDs to make more money off treatments for said diseases.
fuck off billy stop shilling your garbage
My sister told me that "gay men are the white men of the LGBTQIA movement, so they need to learn to sit down and shut up". Pissed me off since, almost all cultures that punished homosexuality did it against gay men. Lesbians were never sentenced to hard labor and chemical castration. Hell, fags were at the bottom of the totem pole in gulags and concentration camps.
>My sister told me that "gay men are the white men of the LGBTQIA movement,
I'll take that as a compliment.
>pink haired girl
buddy you gotta be kidding me
Imagine a forum where the only way to get access is to have an email account linked to your real life place of business or university. 90% of them people on there are modern university attendees hence why they're all such gigantic fucking liberal faggots. It's like bizarro Yea Forums, instead of everyone being anonymous and generally centrist-right wing free speech loving leary assholes, it's full of people who can at any point be reported to their university by the site admins for saying "nigger" on the internet and everyone is so far up Stalin's arse that saying you're right wing is a bannable offense.
At least furries make fappable porn sometimes. Trannies just draw existing casts of characters as niggers, spics and chinks and assign them random made up genders.
damn i guess narcissa went from speedrunning to actual running
I managed to piss me off mostly because watching my sister fall for the social justice intersectionality cancer is awful. All it's done is make her fat and neurotic.
>Why cant he be happy as a gay male?
Eric as a gay male doesn't make my pp hard, Erica as a tranny does.
That's enough reason.
That sucks man, my condolences.
That sucks. My family went from not caring to redpilled almost overnight.
>everything is the fault of white men
You could rewrite Mein Kampf and replace Jew with White men, and they'd call it a classic.
Horseshoe theory
They seem pretty happy there?
Watching SJWs get butthurt over horseshoe theory is funny, and they always rely on motte-and-bailey for their own arguments, while strawmanning anyone who disagrees with them as wanting genocide.
Then enlighten me, what does it say?
And you will never do anything because you are a toothless loser.
The middle one goes too overboard and leaves pretty straight forward things untranslated, such as hai, oishii, sugoi, arigatou or baka.
On the other hand bento and itadakimasu are both terms that carry some connotations and as such shouldn't be translated, but explained in translators notes instead. Not just with a literal one word translation (you could just translate it outright if that was the case) but with summary of what the term actually means.
I'm lazy.
Summary of the controversy, please?
>On the other hand bento and itadakimasu are both terms that carry some connotations
These "connotations" are entirely in your mind, because you're a braindead weeb. Have you never seen a lunch box before?
Why is there a wikipedia page on bento then? Why doesn't it just redirect you to en.wikipedia.org
Stop being retarded you fucking faggot. Read a book.
Catherine has a tranny
Trannies on the wiki and resetera have been giving them hate since it came out for calling him his original name in the credits
SEGA is acknowledging them and basically catering
Japs are too "transphobic" so localisation has to "fix" it.
You think when nips see a western setting with lunch boxes, they think "ah yes, the ancient western art of the ランチボックス!"? How deep its mysteries must be, what kind of madman first conceived of packaging his food inside a portable container?
You're a braindead weeb cunt, learn Japanese.
I'm sorry I'm out of the loop. I played original Catherine back in day and Erica was just a supporting character iirc. What happened? From this thread I'm getting that Sega changed something to appeal to sjws but they didn't like it either. What exactly did they change?
>anyone who grabs a scene
you mean a scene from the fully available game via lets plays/playthroughs on youtube, where you can get 100% of the context without any trouble at all?
Yeah, sure.
they're censoring it.
but bento quite literally is an art you nigger
just fuck off, not every single word or phrase is literally translatable and for those there needs to be a translators note
>fags were at the bottom of the totem pole in gulags