It's $6 on Steam you fucks, time to play it

It's $6 on Steam you fucks, time to play it

Attached: Prey.jpg (491x700, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Also Mooncrash is cheap too

Played it with gamepass today, i crashed after two hours for invalid memory access and looking on google it seems like an common issue, CE3 sucks

This game has some really stupid issues, like the text having these weird ass red background font. Otherwise I am
playing on hard with all survival shit enabled. Just repaired my glass-screen, but suddenly all aliens are purple-ish and even fuck me more up than before, what to do?

>like the text having these weird ass red background font

If you know a fix tell me sometimes this shit looks like 3d in the early 00s. Or is that shit intentional?

I haven't liked any shooter made after 2010, what makes this one any different from the rest?

Honestly asking, if you have a compelling argument I'll give it a shot but I don't have free time to waste on shit games.

Why would I play bad Bioshock?

It's more of an exploration game than a shooter. The shooting elements aren't bad by any means but I would get it if you enjoy exploration

system shock 3

Prey fucking sucks

Shooting is not the main focus of the game. Problem solving is.

i don't have 6$

I bought the game on sale and while it is enjoyable, there are a few small issues with the game.
>F,G, and M1 buttons all being the interaction keys dependent on menu
>mantling could be improved to work more like System Shock 2 or Thief instead of waiting for a screen prompt
>the gimmick of mimics potentially being in anything loses its suspense quickly
I do like the exploration and world design.

Prey is too smart for Yea Forums

I also was bamboozled by how it made an impression of Half Life in space.
In reality, half shooter, half exploraion with bits of stealth and environmental puzzles.
Oh and also prop hunt.

Attached: prey mimic jumpscare.webm (1136x640, 2.62M)

Damn, Mooncrash is tricky to get everyone their story escape method. Also, fuck the timer. Why can't I just stay at corruption lvl 5 instead of getting instant game over? Oh well.
How do I deal with a gorillion typhon presences in the Crater when jumping into a new character? I can't possibly fight them with no weapons or ammo to unlock the gates. Are there any secret paths to get around the shield? Or do I just have to unlock the stun gun+ammo and get it on everyone when starting a run to get past the shields?

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I'm at the part where you have to scan the coral, haven't played in a couple weeks since I've been working

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How the hell wasnt this the GOTY of 2017?

i dont have $6
t. poorfag

>How do I deal with a gorillion typhon presences in the Crater when jumping into a new character?
Evade them.
>Are there any secret paths to get around the shield?
Kinda sorta. The middle underground area potentially leads to one of the shut off sections, provided you're not unlucky and the RNG sealed that path off.

You don't have to clean out the entire crater area, just the closer vicinity around the shield.

Thank Bethesda for mismanaging their IPs.

No, stop shilling your shitty game.

>Prey is on sale for a really cheap price
Oh cool I always wanted to check that game out
>notices it has has denuvo
Nevermind. I guess I'll just pirate it instead when I really feel like playing it.

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It's a buggy piece of shit even if you are able to enjoy it despite that.

That sounds alright but has a point, I'm not going to support denuvo. Also looked up some reviews saying the load times are ass, not in the mood for that.

No, the Ultimate edition is 8 dollars. Why buy base for 6 when you can buy base and DLC for 8?

>Evade them.
I'm talking about the typhon sensor on the force field gates leading to the three main areas from the Crater. They don't unlock as long as there's any typhons in a certain radius. You can't "evade them". Killing them all with a fresh character is not an option. Especially not when there's a weaver floating around twenty meters in the air spawning cystoids infinitely.

Also, what's up with "typhon towers" in the crater? I thought maybe you could activate them to repel typhons from the aforementioned gates, like the towers in HL2 repelled the sand bugs.

It's better than Bioshock though.

Ten hours in. Ive yet to encounter a single bug.

I don't think you know what bugs are because in over 40 hours I haven't encountered anything you could call a bug.

>denuvo still not taken off
I sleep.


no bugs for me m8. maybe just dont play it on a toaster

How are weaver's already floating around when you start a fresh character? In any case: if there are too many Typhon on one end, try entering a different sector. Most early Typhon can be killed with the wrench.

>I thought maybe you could activate them to repel typhons from the aforementioned gates, like the towers in HL2 repelled the sand bugs.
You can, but that's only after you complete one character's story objective.

It’s boring and derivative

I said fresh character, not a fresh run. Your corruption level keeps ticking as you're escaping with multiple characters. So the later characters have it the hardest.

We're talking about the video game Prey, not your posts.

You might want to ask in a Bioshock thread since every Bioshock is bad. This is a Prey thread and Prey is actually decent.

i pirated it day one retard and it wasn't that good.

Maybe just play the properly programed console version you absolute retard

got bored when dahl shows up, does it get better?

>play console versions of multiplats

Mooncrash was tough but fun, I recommend e-vacing the the tougher routes first

I have two playthroughs on two different PCs under my belt and didn't encounter any bug at all. No crashes either.

Unlike the trash pc port it actually runs well


Already finished it, but I did pick up mooncrash

PC version looks and runs better on my PC than it does on any version of any console though.

Well at least i can play it on 1440p on 21:9, but can your console do basic 16:9 1080p?

Not for a retard like you, try fortnite or something

PS4 pro can, yes

>he thinks his console can use ultrawide monitors
back to kindergarten

Fuck you, shill.

It's not though, Prey blows and nobody bought it because the devs pooped in their diapers instead of making a good video game

Wheres the original Prey 2?

Bought it two nights ago,fren.

in trash, where it belongs

Rather than try to innovate, this just feels like a modernized System Shock 2 clone.. Not really that great to be honest, you are just fighting globular shit.

Bought it and beat it on nightmare with survival mode. I fucking loved it, the art and sound design were spot on. I always dreaded going out in space or crawling through the dingy unpowered sections of the station. Only complaint is the sound cues for nearby enemies could have been a bit more subtle. Gameplay wise it was a decent challenge on nightmare with survival mode. Traumas had me trapped at several points in the late game and I had to be very careful with my ammo usage most of the time. Abilities don't seem very balanced. Typhon damage resistances and hacking were immensely useful but others like stamina and leverage barely mattered. Whenever I came upon a blocked door I just threw a recycler at it. Also the game gives you WAYYYY too many neuromods. Weapons were a mixed bag. Shotgun pulverizes enemies once upgraded but the Q-Beam was just wasted inventory space, never found a use for that piece of shit. Gloo gun stunning would have been better if weapon switch wasnt so slow. Overall a really great game.

I got it a few months ago. I loved it, but should I get mooncrash?

How is the VR bit? Looks to be getting massively panned in reviews, but that seems more about general Bethesda bullshit than the actual game.

>Propulsion 1 and 2 chipset
>Maxed out speed and combat focus

Would have been more up Arkane's alley than this. They could have really built off dishonored's mechanics and made something great. Instead we got a real bland shock knockoff.

I really can't handle spooky shit, and I'm hearing it's an SS2 successor, and while that one wasn't that spooky it still spooked me. How spooky is this game?

Fair warning:
The game starts of really strong, but it becomes a real chore to play after a couple of hours.
Enemies respawn all the time, and they're HUGE bulletsponges, but none of the resources do (resources that you need to make bullets, for example).
Also, the enemy designs are pretty bad.
The world is pretty interesting, though.

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Imagine being THIS bad.
The game becomes too easy even on Nightmare, because of how many resources the game gives you.

Are you a game journalist perhaps?

What the actual fuck are you smoking?
It takes a full magazine of bullets to kill even a single phantom on normal, with a fully upgraded golden pistol.
Suck a fuck, you lying piece of shit.

I thought it was fairly spooky and I was doing a full rambo build.

Resources are fine if you get the recycler perk. Also big enemies only respawned like once or twice during specific story segments, mimics and phantoms respawn more frequently but they're easy kills with psy powers or the shotgun.

nothing wrong with the enemy design, its just not very creative but it looks good

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>Not using shotgun
>Not glooing or stunning them first
>Not using surprise attacks
Never gonna make it

Not unless you're doing a "no needles" run it doesn't. You can pulverize phantoms with a single shotgun shot on nightmare. A single shot, while you're carrying 50+ shells at all times easily.

I already own it for the snoystation, but have yet to unwrap it. Have a hard time sitting down to play games lately, i'm too busy feeling distressed.

Is this how the game runs on consoles?

yes, Prey blows the fuck out of bioshock

>Resources are fine if you get the recycler perk
Nope, I have it. Didn't even make a noticeable difference.

>Also big enemies only respawned like once or twice during specific story segments, mimics and phantoms respawn more frequently but they're easy kills with psy powers or the shotgun.
I avoided psy powers because I was told they were "bad" and expected them to ruin the ending or something.
Shotgun shells are just as costly as pistol bullets and the shotgun has terrible range? Close up the damage output seems really good, though.

>Not using shotgun
Is that how you're supposed to play?

>Not glooing or stunning them first
>Not using surprise attacks
I always do that. It just means I have more GLOO ammo to make too, in addition to the fucking bullets.

Dang... Shotgun it is, then.

I am half through the game, and overall it's good. But I just can't enjoy it as I should.
I always try to avoid combat, but 90% of the time I end killing them.

i'm getting the arming key from alex, just wish the game would end already it is getting pretty boring

How the fuck did this game flop?
>Went in expecting a cheesier dead space
>Got SS2 in HD

bad marketing.

user, if you remember, the game has you scan phantoms to research their powers etc. You can also read the journal entries on the enemies you scan, and those list the enemy weakness.
So, here's the thing the game doesn't explicitly say: the enemies affected by their "weakness", be it gloo, nullwave or EMP take DOUBLE damage from all sources.
GLOO'd enemies falling down from relatively high places take a shitload of damage. You can spook a telepath or a technopath, which often makes them try to run away from you and fly up, and gloo them. The impact from the fall will likely shatter them to pieces, and if not, still heavily damage them.

Have Dahl Arrived yet? Getting the arming key is a long-ass quest.

>Nope, I have it. Didn't even make a noticeable difference
Then you're retarded because I didn't use it all on my first run and I only struggled for ammo at two points.

>I avoided psy powers because I was told they were "bad" and expected them to ruin the ending or something.
They aren't inherently bad they just give you different responses at the end and make you a target for turrets which are useless anyway.
>Shotgun shells are just as costly as pistol bullets and the shotgun has terrible range?
Shotgun one shots trash with some upgrades. You don't need any typhon abilities if you want to do that.

nope haven't got that far yet

>Is that how you're supposed to play?
It's the most powerful weapon in your kit why WOULDN'T you use it?

>It just means I have more GLOO ammo to make too
GLOO enemies take extra damage and you should always have way more GLOO than regular ammo.

played the demo and thought it was boring


Yeah fuck talking about video games. Christ if I were trying to really shill I'd actually link to the store page for maximum possibility of people buying the game you retard

>So, here's the thing the game doesn't explicitly say: the enemies affected by their "weakness", be it gloo, nullwave or EMP take DOUBLE damage from all sources.
>GLOO'd enemies falling down from relatively high places take a shitload of damage
That's nice. Thanks. I knew you could scan them and see their weaknesses, but I didn't notice much effect. Guess I should have paid more attention to the numbers.
Only recently discovered that the stun gun actually does great damage to mecha stuff. I thought it was only for stunning.

>It's the most powerful weapon in your kit why WOULDN'T you use it?
Because of the retarded range?
Seemed like nothing more than a wrench that ate bullets in the beginning, so I put all my resources into upgrading the gun, and then I got the golden gun and had to put all the new upgrade kits into that.

Then you probably have a lot more to do.

Everybody shut the fuck up and play the game

>but suddenly all aliens are purple-ish and even fuck me more up than before
Use any and all explosive canisters you find to soften them up, you can usually score a stun if you get a direct hit which gives you time to follow up with the shotgun, failing that, use typhon lures to drag them into rooms you're done with and just lock them inside. you can also use recycler charges as grenades, which will chunk about half their HP.

>Give it a try and buy it
>15 hours in and loving it
Thanks Yea Forums

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I used one biogrenade I think, only drained 1/3 of the health max. Maybe I am not stealthy enough, but I don‘t like it that weapon upgrades only count for the specific version, what if it breaks?

I was like you, but it gets very stale after 20.

I just reached the part of the game where purple shaded regual enemies started appearing that are called "???" and they are a massive pain in the ass.
They are bullet sponges to the max, and there also doesn't seem to be any payoff in killing them, they don't drop anything special.
What's the deal with these? Am I supposed to be just sneaking past them? I was enjoying the game on Nightmare up until this point but these suck the fun out of the game for me.

>so I put all my resources into upgrading the gun
lol retard

Are asking people to not talk about a game on Yea Forums?

I don't have $6 nor would I spend that money to play a shit knockoff of System Shock
Fuck off

>what if it breaks?
Repair it? Spare parts are a diamond dozen.

They are Greater Mimics. You have to scan them to get the name and info, but the scanner doesn't reveal them so there's little point.
GLOO them and shotgun/wrench

If you don't even have 6 bucks to spend, you have far more urgent things to worry about than video games.

Ether phantoms? I was two shotting them with the shotgun. Just have to be fast and dodge their teleport attacks then blast them in the face when they miss. Volt and thermal phantoms are way more annoying to deal with.

>I don't have $6

Then you really shouldn't be spending your free time on Yea Forums

You two shills can fuck off now.

But i already did. It was boring. No point in an 'immersive sim' if the setting sucks.

Truth hurts, lol

If you don't want to replace your weapons you have to get repair and weaponsmith abilities. Though the game gives you so many weapon drops you can easily get by without them if you spec into critical attacks, psy powers, and security damage bonuses.

Leverage is extremely useful for lifting stuff to unblock doors but the cherry on top is most typhon can't do shit when you throw a couch at them.
Mooncrash add a small lunar base that has been overrun and 4 characters. You have a timer and need to escape one by one. Some characters can unlock new escape methods. When the timer ends it all goes to shit and you lose and try again. You have a bunch of general objectives you have to complete across all playthroughs.

>GLOO them and shotgun/wrench
That's how I deal with the regular enemies. The problem is that I can't really avoid taking damage or spending needlessly much resources on these purple fuckers because they have so much health I need to glue them 3 times and wrench them before they go down. There's no way I won't take too much unnecessary damage, especially if there are more than 1. I have only a few shotgun shells remaining, and so far I can't create more.

Please go fix your life, it's really in your best interest

Okay then I guess there is nothing special about them, I just suck. Oh well.

I'm playing on Hard and these assholes gave me a lot of trouble when they first started appearing because I didn't have the shotgun. Specifically the point coming back from Hardware to view the video, you can go down to get the shotgun in security at that point I think using the boltcaster on a door button.

Don't be afraid to turn around and just run the fuck away if they get up in your shit.

>space station that makes sense and can be fully explored + space exploration outside the station like going to the shuttle, going to the billboard and finding dead people

>Leverage is extremely useful for lifting stuff to unblock doors
>Whenever I came upon a blocked door I just threw a recycler at it

>most typhon can't do shit when you throw a couch at them.
Is the damage enough to actually justify putting points into this shit

Have you found the research helmet yet? After you do you can find out what they're weak to.
Most of the time it oneshots the humanoid typhon.

Yes I'm exactly at that point. I've had the shotgun for a while now, I don't remember where I got it but I explore and take my time a lot. Problem is I've run out of ammo by now and I can't find or create any yet. I guess I'll just have to keep stealthing until I find more shotgun ammo.

>The world will randomly go fullbright when looking at something at a certain angle
No idea why this kept happening to me.

>uninspired shapeless black goo enemies
Yeah, I'll pass on this one.

I'm seriously wondering how you're having trouble with trash like greater mimics. You're going to get pooped on later. Are you doing any exploration at all? Are you picking shitty neuromods and upgrades? Wtf are you doing?

>Have you found the research helmet yet? After you do you can find out what they're weak to.
Don't think so, doesn't ring any bells.

I just got back to watch the second part of the video, these assholes appeared and they take no fucking damage. I stripsearch fucking everything too. I have no idea what the fuck is going on.
My guess is that the shotgun seems to be the thing that changes the situation digitally between you sucking ass and dominating fucking everything, no inbetween at this point in the game where I am.

it's called a psychoscope
you get it early in the game, just explore as much as you can

Don't be afraid to recycle weapons for mineral material. The game gives you way more grenades than you actually need. If you can hold onto spare weapons instead of dismantling them for better resources.

The fuck you talking about?

What about the original game? Is it good?

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I just googled it, I'm not at that part in the game yet.

You don't have to use the shotgun if you either go crit attacks or full combat psy powers. The game gives you plenty of other resources too like leverage attacks, explosive canisters, hacked operators/sentries, rupturing gaslines, mines, etc.

its super good actually
you should play it
not op btw

It's on the Doom 3 engine and it's about a native American dude whose girlfriend gets kidnapped by aliens and you go after her. It has some interesting things like walking on the ceiling with magnetic boots and portals before Portal was a thing.

>playing a chink

You'd want the version with Mooncrash as well, it's really fucking neat.

I think the biggest problem with this game (aside from the marketing issues) is just its identity and how it loses out stylistically so hard to its brothers and cousins (SS, bioshit, dead space). It has probably the best gameplay out of all of them but the typhon and the station itself are bland as fuck compared to something like The Many or the ishimura

Not for everyone i suppose. Didn't liked it at all.

Makes sense the Chinese would have a huge space station.

Ending sucks balls, i hate "that" type of ending.

I liked it the artstyle is very good and the intro is excellent, the guns are also really fun

Yu is half German and half Chinese.

This might make me sound like a weeb, but Arkane is one of the last Western game studios I like. Prey and both of the Dishonored's are godlike.
Excited to see what they do next.

Attached: dishonored-2-corvo-mask-1.jpg (1200x672, 53K)

You can consider what you just did before the ending the real ending.

You're only a weeb if you honestly think Japan is any better. 95% of all devs today are shit.

>Hapa propaganda
even worst

I could if i didn't know what happened after.

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Mooncrash is the best DLC I've ever played.

>half German and half Chinese
full subhuman then

I tried the demo and thought it sucked. I also hated Bioshock.

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>Excited to see what they do next.
user... Did you not watch E3?

>He doesn't wait to play as either a complete Chad or a cute girl

Your loss

I agree, but my favorite games are made by Capcom and FromSoftware.

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Tell me, did you like the System Shock games?

Such a happy family!

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I fucking hate how everyone thinks Bioshock created these kinds of games (of which is barely is one)

I haven't played either System Shock yet.

That's fine.

It‘s native american has super powers from it‘s ancestors plus let‘s add incredible horrible aliens that look really disgusting.

>He doesn't wait to play as either a complete Chad or a cute girl

i just got it for $8. This is not funny

Then you'll hate those too.

Your propaganda won't work shill

That's just a "what if you failed" nightmare the protagonist has after all is well and done.

5. Bioshock 2
4. Bioshock Infinite
3. Bioshock
2. System Shock 2
1. Prey

Don't @ me you dumbass boomers

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Thanks for telling me, just picked up Mooncrash for 4 bucks, quite a steal.

Attached: holyfuckyourmad.jpg (400x400, 26K)

SS > Prey > SS2 > BS > BS2 >>>>> BSI

You play as Morgan Yu who can either be a boy or a girl.

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Holy shit you get it less than 5 hours in if you go really slow, on nightmare you can easily kill everything you've met so far just by sneaking up on them
Unironically get good at videogames, a mimic is 3 swings, a spectre 6 or 7

I already played it on release but yeah it's been like 2 years. Time for a second run.

Same boat as you. Arkane's one of the only guys still putting out interesting stuff.
Is there any gameplay of Deathloop, by the way?

That one got me good

The list, gauged by overall quality, including all of the kin is actually

9.Bioshock Infinite
8.Bioshock 2
7.Dead Space 3
5.System Shock
4.Dead Space
2.System Shock 2
1.Dead Space 2

Not yet, unfortunately.

I don't want to play hapas, I won't accept propaganda from self hating whites

>Bioshock 2 worse than Bioshock

Fuck off

I was breaking glass on sight on my first playthrough, so I missed out on this.

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I should've seen this coming

God, you're retarded.

I don't know what else to say to you. I already told you regular enemies I have no problem with. Yes regualr mimics or phantom are 3 swings, and I can easily gloo them and wrench. Not these fuckers because if I gloo and wrench one of the purple phantom, it loses maybe a third of its hp and the nfucking copies itself and rekks me, and also sometimes there are 2 of them.

>Dead Space 3 better than Bioshock 2
Fuck you.

Both are garbage but at least the first one was a fresh coat of shit while the sequel is just a mechanical overhaul of that same shit but even more stupid

If it makes you feel any better at one point in the game the board of directors of the company (i.e. your parents and other investors) decide to take you and everyone still alive out and invade the station. Seems your parents hate you as well.

Attached: prey.webm (1136x640, 2.68M)

I was really disappointed with the oxygen mechanic. I was hoping it would be a big part of the game but turns out you get infinite oxygen as long as your suit isn't shredded to bits and the game gives you so many suit repair kits it's never an issue. You rarely go outside the space station as is.

>Dead Space 2 on first
Can't really disagree. I'm playing through it right now, what a fantastic game.

I'm sad EA killed the IP and Visceral.

I liked the art style.

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Its actually far better, Dead Space 3 is the worst out of the 3 DS games but the DS games were easily the best third person shooters of their generation, DS2 being in the top 3 of all time, so that doesnt really mean much. DS3 is still a good game, it just wasnt better than DS2. All bioshit games are babbys first spooky thinking mans FPS except that theres no thinking involved

It may be a sign you're not ready yet to face them, a huge chunk of the game is to sneak away from trouble or use traps and envirnoment to make battles easier

It's a gun and run, user. Approach them smarter or sneak past.
They're supposed to be tough early on.

>The Nightmare Is Hunting You!
This is spooky, but it'd be even spookier if that didn't pop up at all.

Does HUD off stop those pop ups? I think I still get popups from objectives with the HUD all the way off.

It's okay, you play as a literal alien the whole game.

I don't get it why can't you play it on gamepass exactly? Are you on Xbox or Pc?

They expanded on it with survival mode.

OK but this nigger is saying that they are easy and I should be able to deal with them, I just suck at video games.
I get missed signals, I don't fucking know anymore.

Where was this? Played through the whole game and never saw it.

>DS3 is still a good game
Fuck no. I played it pirated when it came out and I still fucking felt robbed.

>It's X dollars on Steam
I couldn't care less, all games on PC are pretty much free, doesn't mean I'll just play anything because of that.

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Played for 50 hours and never encountered a bug from start to finish, in fact i've never heard anyone complain about bugs. KYS

It was pretty early on.

I did play on survival mode. Traumas gave me trouble but oxygen was never an issue at any point.

Not until they take off the necessity to be connected to internet to play it

Its fucking worth it too. GOTY 2017.

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They are easy past midgame when you start getting returns from skills you invested in.
Mindlock and upgraded Shotgun particularly BTFO them

>get rid of the pop-up
>have the timer massively shorten itself automatically if you get somewhere the Nightmare can't reach you
>have the under-the-hood timer for Nightmare spawns get massively shortened every time you hide from the Nightmare instead of killing it, so it'll come back in about five minutes
Did I just fix this dumb mechanic?

I've already finished it twice because I'm not a fucking loser who fell for Bethesda's awful marketing and can think/research shit for myself.

How early exactly are we talking about?

>It doesn't mean I'll play it
If you're pirating it, you'll play it right? So it should read
>It doesn't mean I'll pay for it


Well I'm very early at the game, these just started appearing.

You'd need to consider how it spawns when you're doing a psy mods run. It's set to appear more often and even while you're in a zone instead of a little bit after a loading screen.

After you first reach the lobby and start exploring the first areas around you iirc. Could be wrong though since I played it on launch a while ago.

Put mods into stealth attack bonus and focus on upgrading the firepower on the shotgun. It sucks at the beginning because you have shitty stats and no ammo for anything but it gets easier once you find fabrication plans for making ammo and neuromods.


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What I mean is that the price is irrelevant in picking up a game (or not) since pretty much all games on PC are free. So the fact that something is discounted on Steam isn't going to affect what I play. And it's pretty much the same for anyone who isn't retarded (i.e. "muh piracy too hard"). Product pricing on PC isn't a barrier of entry besides for the very fews games that cannot be pirated (yet) or if you want online multiplayer.

Fucking loved how they make you click a few before the thing happens

Thanks for the info man! Getting mooncrash for just 4 euros is sweet. I guess browsing this shithole has its advantages every once in a while.

Just got it after staring at the fitgirl repack try to install for 2 hours. Don't really know much about it, is it jumpshocky at all?

sell me on the DLC, I already know that vanilla is amazing

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It has it moments, the atmosphere is killer.
Start on hard or nihtmare and play sneaky if you want to get the max out of it

>Bioshock in space

Bioshock was bad and this game is bad. It's just better than bioshock.

This game would benefit immensely from mods but of course

See . It should be noted that each of the character can do something the other can't.

I didn't like mooncrash despite loving vanilla. Only get it if you're fine with repeating a runthrough many times until you perfect it enough to do everything possible.

I don't get why you millenials keep comparing it to bioshock
It has more in common with SS and Dude sex, Bioshock was a standard FPS with magic, surely not an imsim

>Bought it months ago when it was 12
>Burned myself out on Mooncrash because I'm a sucker for half-assed roguelite modes.

Just reinstalled yesterday and going to attempt SP again, games cool but I am really feeling that lack of enemy variety now.

The win condition is to escape with ALL characters, not just one?

If you remember the "demonstration theater" where there's a scripted sequence of an NPC using a Gloo gun to escape, then you remember the area. It was right next to that.
Jump....shock? I assume you mean jumpscare.
Yes, especially the first couple hours. Everything's a mimic until riiight around the time you get the ability to detect mimics, at which point scripted mimic spawns suddenly massively drop off.
If you were irritated by your ability by the mid-game to do literally everything and actually DECIDE how to get past a specific obstacle, then Mooncrash is for you. Each playable character is limited to a specific neuromod tree.
Also, non-meme but extremely vague spoilers.
It shits all over the story in the base game. If you liked questioning the world after the base game's TWIST ENDING, then you will hate what Mooncrash tells you. Also, there's a retconned-into-existence new Yu sibling, and Alex has a different, low-budget voice actor.

What makes it different than bioshock?

People consider Bioshock like SS and the others since you can use fire magic to burn fuel on the floor or some frozen doors or use ice magic to freeze some water but that's the full extent of it.

>Bioshock in space

You mean System Shock 2 on the moon, right?

Attached: coffee.png (853x480, 470K)

is it 2spooky4me?
describe the gameplay loop

>that spoiler
did they outsource this shit or something

>walk around
>get sucker punched by 100% camouflaged enemies constantly
aaaaaaaaaaaand fuck this. unless i missed something fuck this trash

it's an intentional chromatic aberation effect

Attached: y5vo79v7nbwy.png (2560x1440, 422K)

>there's a retconned-into-existence new Yu sibling
No, you can find references to more Yus in base game.
They just trick you into thinking there are only two.

Sort of. There's a long list of specific objectives, like 20 total. But that is one of them, and you will probably have every other objective done by the time you pull that off. Completing every objective completes the wraparound story/framing device.
No, but Arkane has had some personnel changes. Also, Mooncrash was originally intended as a more standard expansion, so the shift to a weird roguelike probably caused rewrites.

The more the better. Once one character escapes or dies you go to the other. If all are dead or escaped you start a new randomized run and on it goes until you finish all the global objectives (stuff like unlock each character's specific escape method, fully research x part of the base).

Prey has:
Inventory managment
Skill system that changes the way you play the game and approach situations
Is not a linear shooter with slightly open areas but a metroidvania type of map that opens up with progress
Player choices influence the plot
Slow paced and removes emphasis from the shooty tooty

how heavy on horror/tension is it? I'd be playing on Normal difficulty

I demand a citation. The only references are to your parents, and the full family photo shows them, Morgan and Alex.
The retcon's justification is that the moonbase is top-secret, but it's total lunacy that all of Alex's nostalgic, obviously-grieving-over-the-long-dead-real-Morgan speeches in the base game never mention Riley.

You walk around a space station filled with aliens
Collect resources and sneak around shit you don't want to fight
At the beginning you're weak and don't have the resources to fight back, you need to outsmart them
After a while you 3Dprint a shotgun using banana peels
Every mug wants to kill you

System Shock is literally unplayable by today's standards, also that ending was awful

Alex's voice was done by Benedict Wong. He probably doesn't come cheap.

Attached: 31-Benedict-Wong--chatroom-silo.w330.h412[1].png (330x412, 56K)

>dead space

Attached: 1563204564505.jpg (911x1024, 165K)

Explore the station and scrounge for resources while trying to avoid or outsmart enemies. After the halfway point you start fighting toe to toe with typhons (if you're playing smart) and then at the end you're literal death incarnate and shit on everything. You have a lot of choices with character builds and the art, level, and sound design are really good. The station feels very real and you are rewarded for exploring it. The story isn't that mind blowing but the characters are well written and the morality system does a good job of being ambiguous and difficult to decide.

Riley is a cousin, why would she be in those photos?

wait shit what
fuck fuckity fuck
muh memory

Nightmare was honestly just a nuisance, you're having a comfy time exploring a cleared area and this thing shows up

More annoyed with the retcons because I really liked the writing in the original game.

>If you remember the "demonstration theater" where there's a scripted sequence of an NPC using a Gloo gun to escape, then you remember the area. It was right next to that.
I missed it completely. Not sure if it's worth backtracking there just to check it out, it will probably lose all of the impact now that I know there is something to happen anyway.

>Elon musk just revealed an early version of neuromods

Get ready boys

Today has no standards.

I don't want any alien cum in my brain thanks

When everything is fine you walk around and admire the world building, it has a post apocalyptic vibe, just slightly uneasy. When you hear an alien or when the music kicks in there is good tension, but not the horror kind, more like "Shit i really don't want to fight that" or "I hope i won't get spotted"
There are some jumpscares, and a few can get you good, but you can still empty a shotgun and it will be effective

You play Morgan Yu, a human vacuum cleaner who can recycle materials into whatever he or she currently needs. You will be presented with a problem. Let's say you need to access a specific room. But oh no, an explosion made the main door inaccessible! In addition to that, several pipes are leaking flammable gas. You can look for another way in which may or may not involve a space walk. You could gather materials, repair the door (skill needed) and plug the leaked pipes with a tool. Or you could get a code allowing you access to the ventilation shaft leading into that room. Or you can hack the control panel (skill needed). Or you could use alien powers and transform yourself into an object small enough to fit through the cracks in the destroyed door. Along the way you will encounter aliens that can be divided in two categories: mimics, who can take the shape of any object found in the game, or brutish aliens. You can be sneaky, stabby, shooty or avoid conflict altogether.

At the start everything will destroy you and you have to improvise but by the middle of the game you'll have 20 different ways of killing stuff if you explored enough. You'll find yourself picking up trash just to go to the recycler and make more ammo/grenades. You can even cut out the middle man and chuck recycler grenades at everything.

>Saw this a long time ago, before every playing the game myself
>Still get surprised by it

Pretty sure the Yu in mooncrash is a cousin or something

How fucking stupid are you? Dead Space isnt an immersive sim, its a cousin just like bioshock is because dead space 3 was originally going to be system shock 3 but was instead repurposed and refocused into its own thing, which is still practically another shock game stylistically but with an almost exclusively combat focus

What retcons? From what I remember the ending was Talos is fucked, Moonbase is fucked,Earth is kinda fucked

>dead space 3
obviously wasnt supposed to have the 3 there

I definitely like the concept of some tension at the start building toward a point where i'm an absolute beast. I probably will end up getting this and putting it on hold til i finish my current games.

that sounds especially awesome

I think being basically functional and possible to finish event if you didn't invest your skill points perfectly is pretty reasonable at this point. System Shock is just kind of bad

Dead space is a shitty action horror game with no action and even less horror

>OD on Neuromods in my office
>Lmao he's too big to get through the door
>He squeezes in

Attached: 1489854440146.gif (720x489, 501K)

Wish the story wasnt so shit.

There are two big problems with this game.
The first is the name, it's really unfortunate, I think it hurt the game a lot more than it helped. It associated it with a mediocre shooter from more than a decade ago, and people didn't give the time of their day because they thought it had anything to do with that crap.
The second is the enemy design. They are really bad, and there is NO variety. These also aren't scary at all, these are just whatever.
At least the sound design is nice and the suit voice and the enemy sounds are good.
This game could have been great, so little was needed to achieve greatness.

>I haven't liked any shooter made after 2010
and you probably never will, sorry

Attached: nostalgia fags.jpg (1280x960, 227K)

>a shitty
contrarian redditor kiddo with no actual objective analysis skills spotted, your type exclusively "likes" the SS games for the e-cred and nothing else. "argument" is over

I can play the game :^) lmao these pathetic virgins, fucking get laid loser

>he kills all your friends

Attached: 1563209137015.gif (530x620, 2.69M)

>call your boy the satellite
Nighmare goes off to suck a dick

>redditwave music with redditshit game


>Calibration Test
>The Elevator

Attached: 1521134706845.jpg (554x388, 11K)

This b8 is so aggressively obvious I'm going to give you a (You) out of sheer amazement. Go on, take it, you've earned it.


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>circlestrafe and blast him to death with the shotgun in like five hits
pssshh nothin personnel kid

Let's collect cool things Prey lets you do:

>you can open doors with a Nerf gun

what does that even mean

>paid $20 for it + Mooncrash during the summer sale

I'm a bit miffed. I just finished the game yesterday. It was a 6/10

That opening sequence was amazing.

Wait what?

>he didn't assume there was going to be a jump scare in the elevator

Man, fuck the elevator.
I would've been okay with it if it didn't take away the controls whenever you enter.

The nerf crossbow shoot physical projectiles with rubber head. You can push buttons, knock down light objects, use computer screens and annoy typhoons

Hahaha or you could get off your (probably) fat (definitely) lazy ass and get a job, fucking societal leech.

Not him but I played System Shock 2 for the first time two years ago and absolutely loved it. Thought Prey was the same flavor of generic western shit with the same clunky gameplay that seems stuck in time for decades.

if you hit the button with the nerf gun it will open a door. for example piano room? can be open from the other side with it.

>he gets stuck on a partial wall
>Q-Beam him to death


>you can build a ladder out of goo

If buttons are out of reach, you can press them with the Nerf gun.

>Using Flashlight doesn't actually lighten up the room until the regular lights come back in
Was pretty bullshit desu.

I played it for 1.00 on xbox game pass and got bored of it

Prey is just SS2 but less clunky.

You shoot the "Unlock Door" button on the computer screen in locked room through the window. You can also get the mimic power and become a coffee mug to get into other locked rooms.

What the fuck was the point of this thing?

Attached: shit beam.jpg (1168x439, 90K)

Those Technophantoms or whatever their name is gets wrecked by this thing, they are pretty much the only time I use it.

All this time was on release and I had no bugs I recall. Unless they were patched *in* I have no idea what you're talking about. Were you on console?

Attached: prey.png (225x59, 11K)

Oh wow, I thought it was a meme item that does nothing but cause distraction.

The big floaty typhon get exploded to bits by it.

>you can transform random objects like chairs or banana peels into usable materials

Utterly destroys the weavers and technophatoms or whatever they're called.

Only slightly and that's precisely my point. It's been decades and gameplay hasn't evolved jack fucking shit. It feels like you're playing the exact same shit over and over and over and over and over again until your brain rots. The only real difference is that the writing and story quality are substantially worse now.

Stun gun does the same thing while stopping them from counter attacking on top of having dirt cheap ammo and better mobility.

It is a meme gun but you can get very creative, they give you the tools and tell "Go fuck around and figure it out"

It's also useful in zero G for blowing up the cyst/mine enemies that chase you. Throwing stuff at them also detonates them.

>technically, you can track down every single person on the station

>you can just throw a recycler charge to remove obstructions
And knew about it all by accident, when I was trying to kill phantoms. Really cool, and the leverage skill wasn't even needed.

The gameplay loop is still way more evolved and complicated compared to average shooters or action adventure

Stun gun is close range. You can almost snipe them with the lazor.

>That bit in which the 3D video ended but the old fuck forgot to turn off the camera and you were able to see from a certain angle where he stores his kush
I felt really smart after reading the email and figuring it out

lmao no

Attached: file.png (256x80, 22K)

Getting close isn't difficult when they're slow as shit and have no good close range attacks.

Stay mad you fucking retards. Dead space has never been good and will never be good. It's generic triple A (((horror))) with a go nowhere plot boring characters and repetitive gameplay loops. I'm not even going to bring up the microtransaction horseshit they added to 3

Don't they have that energy ball attack?

Makes me wonder, does upgrading leverage increase the damage I do when I throw items at enemies? Can I do a run through Prey where I kill enemies just by throwing shit at them?

Attached: 1561138729708.png (512x1024, 172K)

>you can put out fires with the goo gun

There's one woman that can't be found anywhere, I forget her name but she's a transtar executive

I'm not sure about damage but you'll pick things up much faster and throw them with increased velocity and distance, making it a very viable means of killing ayys.

>Can I do a run through Prey where I kill enemies just by throwing shit at them?
Of course
You can one hit a typhoon with a sofa if you get him by surprise

Bethesda finally decided to list the game for less than 25 dollars? Finally.

this but unironically

Dead space feels like the Sci fi version of fable. Three mediocre games with ridiculous pretensions and a completely forgettable story

if you keep moving it wont hit you, get one stun in and they're helpless. q-beam on the other hand makes you stand still. why the fuck would you use it?

I used to throw couches and everything I could find at them. Thrown items seem to gain velocity after upgrades.

Attached: Reployer.png (730x732, 301K)

What the fuck is a reployer? They're everywhere.

You shoot them from across the room and by the time they are in range to attack you they're close to exploding.

I like to think it was kind of a meta joke, like the reployers. It's a BFG, but SURPRISE! It's horrifically inefficient in terms of inventory space and damage-to-ammo ratio. Why? Because this isn't a corridor shooter!

I get sleepy just looking at the box art.

Not him, but allegedly controllers were ruined by a patch, and have never been fixed.
>who the fuck uses a controller on an FPS PC game?
I know, right?
Danielle Cho. What an asspull.

It's super strong and beam weapons are GOAT.

The Q-beams range is not that far and if you take one hit from a technopath ball the Q-beam gets disabled and you're fucked.
>by the time they are in range to attack you they're close to exploding.
Bullshit they can easily get in several attacks before you kill them, Q-beam does no stun. Play on nightmare difficulty.

IIRC, the upgrade description specifically mentions that.
A prop Arkane made without thinking of their purpose. When they realized they themselves had no idea what the fuck it's for, they put it in anyways, and included a couple in-game notes of Transtar employees expressing confusion over the exact same thing.
They're an odd joke.

You're joking right? Cho in one of the pools hiding. You find her diaries and talk to her.

It has Denuvo so no deal. Remove Denuvo.

>It's super strong and beam weapons are GOAT.
The damage isn't good enough to make up for all its downsides. Why use the Q-beam when I can just upgrade a shotgun and shit on everything while keeping my mobility and not being vulnerable to electric attacks?

You're aware you can also upgrade the Q-beam, right?

She isn't in a pool.
She's outside the pool, floating in space. But you can never interact with her body, if you go out there, unlike every single other NPC in the game.

Not in the slightest. If anything everything is even more streamlined and simplistic now with unfathomable amounts of handholding.

Yeah unlike their latest releases (fallout 76 and rage 2) it's not liquid dogshit

If you invest into tech weapon upgrades tree which is worthless outside of the Q-beam and even with full upgrades you're still stuck with a 25% movement penalty and expensive as fuck ammo.

She probably dies before the giant typhon shows up but you do talk to her and loot her room so you've found her so to say

Why don't you wrench everything to death since it doesn't cost anything?

I actually plan on trying a wrench build at some point. Should be fun with crit attacks + wrench bonus path.

>included a couple in-game notes of Transtar employees expressing confusion over the exact same thing.
Yeah, even in one audio log I remember. I thought it was funny, especially when these things are literally everywhere.

Attached: 1561139321739.png (512x1024, 250K)

>He doesn't own his own reployer
>He wants everyone to know he's poor and stupid

I wasn't talking about her

It's a total break in immersion that her body doesn't actually exist in the game's worldspace, and no amount of "b-but technically" will change this. The voice lock was also another dumb way to force linearity into this immersive sim that otherwise rewards creativity. Like fucking keycards for every damn door of passing significance.
Then I have no idea who you mean.

Carolyn Wheeler

Try to find her

Is there a way to make it so the crosshair is in the center of the screen? If so, I'll buy it.

She's on a shuttle heading to Earth that you can blow up if you suspect that a mimic may have sneaked aboard.
tl;dr: She's on the shuttle heading to Earth, that you can blow up to prevent a containment breach.
I'd say that doesn't count, but I admit I wasn't previously aware of this.

I'm liking it, I just wish there were better guns. The only ones worth using are the shotgun and sometimes the stun gun.

Goddamnit. I'll have to refund for the first time.

Also Fit"Girl" has a 14GB repack floating around and the centered crosshair mod doesn't work on Steam.

So what's the consensus on the game's ending?

how did Morgan really die? Is earth actually infested with typhon?

>The mimic that turns into a photo

Attached: 1508004233954.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

Mods maybe?

I assume the nullwave ending is the canon one and alex is still alive thanks to neuromods. Was it ever confirmed if morgan is actually dead or not?

Reminder that if you bought it at the end of the summer sale you can still refund it and buy it again.

>that greater mimic that turns into a photo of your family in the psychotronics when no item was dispensed
That was pretty spooky.

Bioshock has no fail state and is just pretentious storytelling with the most mind numbing gameplay ever seen in an FPS.

game really falls flat at the end

not interested in modding, is it an option or no?

Golden pistol becomes very useful after upgrades.

Are there people that played the game and thought ending cutscene Alex was lying to you? Like, seriously? Of fucking course the Earth is doomed, Mooncrash shows you two specific containment breaches occur, with one possibly being a lie of the simulation, but the other being VERY real.
No confirmation.

I did a no upgrade wrench only run and had to stop once I got to the pathway with all the floating cysts that explode because I was ready to kill myself out of anger. I'ma do it again in the future cause it was fun.

Just throw random shit at the cysts. They will go after it and explode.

Not having a good selection of guns do that
it should of honestly just had a weapon wheel instead of that inventory system

I'm not sure lol. I know the perception looks a little weird but I got used to it.

what this guy said
it's really system shock 3

you can edit it in the game.cfg file just look online for centered crosshair

Same user found the fix, it took literal 5 secs to find 1
This will center your crosshair
Navigate to \Steam\steamapps\common\Prey\GameSDK

Open game.cfg

Delete the line that says "g_reticleYPercentage = 0.575" (Without quotes, should be on line 38)

Save the file and make it Read Only

Why is Steam allowed to get away with blatant marketing on here?

I just did Yellow Tulip. 10/10 song and fight.

Mooncrash is full of stupid retcons, who knows if any of it is canon.

Here's an even better version.

a shit control scheme, awful ending, enemies/psi/weapons were all lacking
its not bad but I would still rather replay system shock 2 over it unironically

Literally everything you said is wrong.

I was running out of objects and I only used the foam darts if it was mission critical. It's fine I wanted to replay it again anyways.

They also intentionally put the fucking crosshair off-centre too.

Why do game developers make bad decisions?

>a shit control scheme
You played on console didn't you?

But there's literally nothing in the base game suggesting Alex is lying at the end. You'd have to go full tinfoil hat and claim the REAL test was whether or not they could brainwash a Typhon about the state of the current layer of reality after spending its entire existence in a video game, and that's just pants-on-head retarded.

no? almost everyone agrees prey gets boring around the halfway point
better enemy/more weapons/more psi with upgrades would solve that
and come on dude. that menu was clunky as fuck
specifically mousewheel and activating psi/hypo with right click while equipping in favorites with your normal shit was all retarded.
it needed a second menu specifically for it
ending was shit. you can't dispute that


Then go play system shit 2 and pretend you're having fun stupid boomer

Mimic wrench build is the best. Debate me.
>Mimic any object
>Roll in to aliens
>Transform and smash them with wrench
>Get mad crits and health regen
>Easy room clears
Nightmare is the only enemy it doesn't work on, Poltergeists too if they go inviblessed and you can't smack 'em. Alternatively get repair 2/3 as well to spam turrets and go full engi.

Attached: 591.jpg (3840x2160, 669K)

>he played the dogshit pc port

If prey was so good why was it quickly forgotten?

deflecting isn't an argument

no but escape sometimes closing a menu while right click closes other menus and it seems random is a bad control scheme

Zenicunt's Prey have very little variation when comes down to environment art and enemy design, for a long game that is important.

There's Prey threads all the time.

cause its 4 dollars rn Lmao, that shit wasn't talked about anyone for like a year

That's easy though. M2 is in game, esc is out game. Not exactly hard.

You are incorrect.

I already have it. Never played it though.
>time to play it
No. :^]

There are Prey threads and people usually say they'll grab it when it's cheaper while the rest throw hissy fits that Prey 2 got canceled years ago.

I don't think they confirm it, but from Alex's behavior, I think it's the case.

His work on you is virtually his mourning process: He failed his brother, and in you, he both can rectify his mistake, and find catharsis within himself since he will never have the opportunity to reconcile with Morgan.

This is why he seems so tired and sad interacting with you: He knows you're not Morgan, but sometimes he can't separate himself from it. This is also why his theme is the game over theme: Your failure means nothing: You're an science experiment. It's another Alex Yu failure.

When all is said and done; he fundamentally recreates Morgan Yu through the mirroring of the Phantom... and it's up to you to decide if you're going to punish him for his hubris and mistakes.

Or perhaps, you'll shake up things... Like old times.

But /pol/ told me it's bad because lesbians or prey 2 or something. I'd rather continue shitting on it without playing it, it feels more wholesome. I'm a gamer.

no sometimes esc is used for things like resource recycle
you also can't unbind mouse3 for your quick menu
it was clearly made with a controller in mind, and the m+km was a last min thought

Dude no one talked about prey before it was on sale and no one will talk about it in a week from now
just get over it. its just a mediocre game thats just kind of boring with a semi interesting plot that shit itself by the end

Then what were all those threads I've participated in in the last two years?

>respawning enemies in such a way that it impedes exploration.

No thanks

20 threads dont count as nonstop discussion for years dude
other user is right
its bad when most of the discussion for a game is "why isn't it cheaper"

What exactly do you gain from such blatant shitposting?

what do you get from deflecting this much?
Are you an ex dev of the game or a shill?

That is fucking obnoxious to try and read. Can you disable it?

It's not really deflection when everything you say is easily disproven in the archives.

wat the fuck are you talking about
its shit ending, bad controls, lack of weapons/fun enemies/psi aren't subjective
you didn't say anything in this discussion than "nu uh"

>Try not to use the alian upgrades because the game leads me to believe it might change the story and i want to see what happens
>Get my ass handed to me and don't get to use any of the fun powers
>Go through a place without gravity and breathe some weird shit by mistake
>Game gives me the cutscene that happens after you get an alien upgrade
So, did i fuck up my run?

>aren't subjective
But they are. The ending makes perfect sense and works very well within the game's context. Evidently you were too stupid to understand it even though it isn't really complicated. The controls are perfectly fine, I cannot fathom how you had a problem with them. There was no shortage of weapons, or tools, at your disposal, I can only assume you either thought the game was an FPS or you simply didn't use your tools. Enemies are fine. Psi Powers were great.

No, touching that yellow shit just does that. You're still 100% human in the simulation anyway.

Dude, come on, at least admit the stupid fucking slightly-moving-over shit when interacting with computers AND ESPECIALLY THE HACKING was total, unfun horseshit.

The computer monitors were great, what's the issue with those? Hacking is whatever, wasn't shit but it was good either. The only real problem was it was just too easy.

It's frustrating how little ammo I have at times, but just running around doing random sidequests is fun.

all enemies move irradically,and have obnoxious aoes that just frustrates more than challenge

literally 3 guns and the laser sucks dick so basically just 2. It is a fps with a lot of shooting and only using 2 guns for 40 hours get old.stop with that shitty ass "its not a shooter" excuse.

the story does make sense but its boring and forgettable as a whole which is a far worse crime
Psi powers weren't great and are worse than system shock 2. A game from 2 decades ago

is mooncrash worth it?

Attached: nienami confused.png (311x355, 72K)

What a fucking dissapointment this would have been had I paid for the game.


Attached: 1378239098410.png (473x488, 192K)

Finish the game before passing judgement. Suffice it to say every action you do is important to the plot and everything that happens in the simulation is built from memories of the main character from events that actually happened.

>it's okay when SS2 did it

ss2 researching was far more fun and was cooler than generic pick up everything and hit 1 button survival shit
Is this what seething looks like?

Heard so.
Just bought it so if its not i will fucking shoot up a school in revenge against society.

yes your post is indeed what seething looks like

Video games are simulations. Literally nothing you do in a video game matters. You achieve nothing, there is no dramatic weight, you are not enriching your life. What does it matter if it's a video game inside a video game?
I didn't hate it, but I wasn't impressed, either. If you liked the base game, I'd say it's worth a couple bucks.

Not giving Bethesda a penny, faggot.

"no u"
Yikes dude

Oh wow.

Not him but I finished it yesterday. In my 20 hour playthrough I no clipped twice while entering regular gravity from zero g, a Military robot shot my turret through a floor, and one of the side quests bugged out.

yes? getting a mission to go find a chemical closet and grabbing materials for the main quest is far far far far far far far far more fun than
Pick up everything till your full and have to play inventory tetris for 10 mins
turn into resource
spam button until you have infinite item

When did this play? I don't remember this.

Enemies don't respawn at random. After you hit milestones in the main quest new enemies arrive in previously explored areas. If you delay the main quest you can explore without new enemies indefinitely. This is an important distinction and is clearly justified mechanically and narratively. For certain builds this is a blessing. Weavers will move into previously cleared areas and leave choral all over the place which stays for the rest of the game. If you get the choral psychoscope chip you can refill your psi for free from the ever increasing volume of exposed choral on the station. If you are a firearms heavy build your main bottleneck for neuromod fabrication will be exotic material and you can only get it from fixed spawn points that do not replenish or from killing typhon. This is such a brainlet complaint about the game tbhsmh


The audio is fucked (random sounds playing, BGM suddenly stopping and starting, mixing being shit so that sometimes it's painfully loud and other times you can't hear dialogue) and there are clipping issues out the ass, whether it's an object you want to pick up that's stuck inside of something else or an enemy that gets stuck into a wall. You can try to ignore these bugs but most finished games aren't as chock-full of bugs like this.

I'd rather play Vanquish.

>things that were fixed a month after release

First impressions matter and it affects products for the rest of their lives when people interested in it find out and forgot/move to new things

Even if those things were fixed (they weren't totally), that still leaves an impression. The guy asked why it wasn't goty, I gave him an objective reason that prevents it from winning that award.

>lost all the desire to continue my playthrough after someone spoiled me the twist

Attached: caly blady.jpg (437x431, 28K)

See the first half of It's okay. Maybe try Pathologic 2 to get a firmer grip on reality?

You mean the ending?
I spoiled it myself by activating the bonus ending early on.
Also the twist is retarded, i hated it as it add nothing to the story and isnt taken far enough to be some meta commentary on nature of morality.


>Also the twist is retarded, i hated it as it add nothing to the story
What a brainlet.

Your choices didn't matter and only influenced a couple of voice lines at the end. They made it seem like TYPHON POWERS BAD and enough of them would change the ending in a meaningful way. You can't even prevent earth from turning into a shithole.

Every single thing you did mattered. Every single one.

I had no issues. Pc here.

Fuck off, its a typical it was all a dream bullshit that would work much better in a different game.
The superior way of doing the story would be making the character an alien within the story and fucking writing the story to be less of a waste of time with npc quests that matter and arent just throw away boring characters.
> They made it seem like TYPHON POWERS BAD and enough of them would change the ending in a meaningful way. You can't even prevent earth from turning into a shithole.
Oh my fucking god how that pissed me off.
I intentionally didnt skill any typhon powers locking myself out of all the cool shit.
Then at end i read online it changes nothing, i started shooting lighting out of my dick and the game completely changed.
What the fuck, fuck that shit. I locked myself of all the powers for no reason, fuck me.

>saying yikes
okay reddit

yeah this is the mentality that people had when Prey first released. But after a while, people say it was just misplaced hatred over the cinamtic tralier that came out in 2009 or whatever which was a different prey altogether.

But The damage was already done. Thankfully though, word of mouth travels fast.

Like I said, brainlet.

Its like a copy machine, or maybe a fax machine, I don't know. Did you try asking engineering?

>saying reddit
okay Yea Forums

How come Bethesda didn't port this to the switch?

no, because it just resurrects if you kill it so it just becomes a nuisance and bullet sink after a while that you're better off escaping than dealing with because of the cost of taking it down

never seen this before, is there one for fem Morgan too?

The entire problem with the Nightmare as-is is that it's a massive bullet OR time sink. I solve this by removing the horseshit 3-minute timer to get it to fuck off by rewarding people that know their exits, with an optional, better reward for those willing to actually fight it: a shit ton of exotic material, and a much longer cooldown.

Late reply, the vr shit is fucking awful.
>The museum has no interactivity- at all
>No real locomotion, FOV or comfort options
>Controls stutter and lag behind even the slowest movements, picking items can even get the controller stuck
>Very strict setpieces that while interesting have almost no agency of the player

It's shit, even the meh Doom VFR is better

I'll buy it when I have a computer capable of running the fucking thing.

What the fuck was his problem?

Attached: 20171121224251_1.jpg (437x783, 93K)

Steam version uses Denuvo
not worth it, better to pirate

it reploys

Morgan? Tranny.
Alex? Fat autist that needed to spend less time with science and more time with a woman.

It's a ployer that REEs.


> This is also why his theme is the game over theme:
fucking hell I never noticed this

Literally just did a nightmare run with constantly having materials and making everything I need without ever running out you need to scavenge and use your glue gun, I know its hard being a brainlet but don't say a game is stupid when its you.

Doesnt look fun really but dropped the 6. Kept the extra 2 for the dlc since i hate dlc

I upgraded the shotty and played a few hours now. Suddenly it's easy as fuck.
Still saying that's retarded game design. Either use the shotgun or enjoy never ever having ammunition.

>getting a mission to abitrarily walk somewhere and then stand around for 5 minutes waiting for research to finish is fun

You don't have to like Prey but pretending research in SS2 was fun is pretty silly. I thought it was boring and shallow time filler.

System Shock + Prop Hunt

>more time with a treadmill


Imfuckingplying he can't go for spicy jogs around the arboretum with a clone of fem-Morgan.

I really wish there was a bigger market for immersive sims.
What can be done?

Make the population more literate
Good luck

>uhhh duhhh follow this dot man
>nothing's gonna happen, it's just an LG
How'd I not see it coming?

Attached: really alex.jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

>cheaper than summer sale price
good thing I haven't touched it yet
refund time

bruh don't Americanshame him

Kek this game gets a thread almost everyday , pretty cool

There was enough of a market to keep Looking Glass alive, they shut down due to a litany of really baffling fucking reasons. Worth looking into, there's a whole bunch of postmortem podcasts.
Deus Ex did well enough to spawn a franchise, it died because some Canadians got their hands on it. You know how Canadians are.
Prey 2016 should have done fine, but it and Dishonoured 2 came out when Bethesda had some sort of brain hemorrhage, some sort of on-the-spot strike of retardation and decided not to do press releases, court any kind of media attention and just do the bare minimum for marketing because Doom 4 did well.
Borderline criminal level of corporate negligence, that. One of these days I hope that child subsidiaries will get some sort of legally actionable standpoint against parent company mismanagement.

I'm glad people are enjoying this game. I thought it was a pleasant surprise when I played it a few months ago, expecting it to be some generic bioshock clone. I honestly think it's better than Bioshock, even though I still love Bioshock's narrative more.

>saw it coming from miles away
>still jumped from my chair
Fuck, that noise was loud

Attached: DOT.webm (620x349, 1.65M)

>It's a total break in immersion that her body doesn't actually exist in the game's worldspace
Literally how

By having at least a room temperature IQ, you lacking-in-object-permanence literal baby motherfucker.

Seriously, a lot of those games suffered for things that were not even related to them,
Deus ex; Corporates got greedy after the sucess of the franchise and decided to cut the sequel into pieces to sell separatedly as cosmetics, and level dlc's on day one, had they acted smarted nobody would have complained.
Prey; bad pr, not because the game was bad but because the game was never properly announced until it was too late, also they confounded their customers by using the name of a different series that made mistake the game for something different.
Dishonored; no idea desu.

>This one corpse of a character you encounter earlier doesn't appear in game
>A corpse that could easily have floated off into space or some shit
>This somehow breaks all immersion

As I said, explain.

She isn't dead at first, idiot. If you go float outside the fucking pool, she isn't there. She's nowhere, just ambiguously "in hiding" until that one scripted conversation, and then her corpse immediately disappears, unlike the other dozen corpses floating in orbit.
You wouldn't need this explained if you had actually played the game, though.

>She isn't dead at first, idiot.
If you actually read what I said you would know I am very aware of that.
>If you go float outside the fucking pool, she isn't there.
Probably because there are no NPCs encountered in zero-g and trying to set that up would've been a nightmare.
>then her corpse immediately disappears, unlike the other dozen corpses floating in orbit.
If a single oversight is enough to give you a "total break in immersion" then clearly I'm not the idiot here.
>You wouldn't need this explained if you had actually played the game
No I just didn't think someone could be so autistic over something so minuscule.

>people use recyclers to remove things in the way
I just used one of the thousands of explosive canisters


those fuckers

i am actually waiting for it to be free on ps+ some day.

Why didn't they just call the game neuroshock or what ever

It's not even worth "free" tbqhfam

Bethesda Softworks owned the Prey franchise, and didn't want it to go defunct/lose ownership/something like that.

You're a nostalgia fag and you will never enjoy anything more than quake and unreal tournamey
>Yep those were the days
I also saw some fag compare this game to system shock if that peaks your boomer interests.

>make interesting new game
>attach obscure, dead IP name to it to retain name of IP that is otherwise worthless
>actually harm interesting, new game by attaching old, dead name to it
>both interests lose as a result

uhhh, yeah, Neuroshock isn't very creative, but hey, it's better than confusing the fuck out of everyone.

Neuroshock just works
it's like system shock/bioshock
it's got neuro mods in it
it's like pottery

Neuroshock literally matches the game's story, yes, so I actually would have been a-okay with it.

I don't even hate old Prey, it's just kind of a shame for the old game and the new game at the same time. It's not even Prey 2. It's just "Prey" like old Prey doesn't even exist.

Which is why I question wanting to keep the name in the first place.

Gee, it's almost like giant corporations are stupid and Bethesda specifically makes horrible decisions and isn't a very good company even by that standard!