And the killer is... AA thread!
And the killer is... AA thread!
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how many times was this trope used already
Like three times I think
I'm planning soon to play this game, is there much down-time in between the cases, like Danganronpa?
>it's a locked-room mystery case
What the hell is going on with the goddamn comic, is it still going?
not really
>the body was moved!
I know it's part of the game but it pisses me off how the prosecution and defence don't share discovery.
That's how trials normally go so theres no surprises in court.
You're right, but there'd also just be no game left at all.
No it cut out all the free time stuff and made up for the missing gameplay by having the investigation segments being a legit point and click adventure game and having multiple points where the judge calls for a break for the player to find more evidence and the prosecution to rebuild the case you just shattered.
Off the top of my head: 1-3 1-4 2-2 3-2 3-5 4-1 4-4 5-2 5-4 I-1 I2-1 I2-2 I2-3
Pretty much zero, goes from case to case. Sometimes there's a pre-amble but it always relates to the cases themselves.
>it's a " the body was moved!" case
>it's a "the murder scene was rearranged!" case
Surely none of these are locked rooms? At best they're in rooms, but not necessarily locked. Also there's
>DGS-3 (?)
>5-5 (partly)
Although a lot of those are arguable, too. In the strictest sense, a lot of cases aren't, and they usually mention it when they are.
If only some alternate form of trials existed where the deliberations of a case could be examined by an unbiased third-party comprised of uninvolved individuals...
>it's a steel samurai case
>it's a "I'm defending the killer" case
You mean every case, Jap?
>It's an ancient Japaneese spirtiual ritual case
>talking shit about the wholly original plumed punisher
>Enjoying Khurainese propaganda
Enjoy your police state, sheep.
>It's a dirty Russians are the culprit case
>it's a filthy Japanese are up to their dirty tricks again case
>it's a magic case
>Troupe Gramarye? Hahaha shut the fuck up, boomer, let a real magician show you how it's done
>Troupe Gramarye? Hahaha, shut the fuck up and die.
>its the clown tells a shitty joke and you get punished for it case
Why would Tony Stark care about some no-name magic group?
>for some reason, you can't point out that HE BROKE HIS FUCKING NECK
>Payne is the only character to visually recover from a damage animation
Nothing can stop the Payne Train.
He was filming the magic show and lost a lot of money on it failing spectacularly, of course. Like always, Gramaryes prove to be pieces of shit.
I should update this thing to include some DGS stuff, any ideas?
Probably "Russians", for one.
So let me get this straight, yani yogi didnt go to jail or a mental institute because he pleaded he was incompetent when he killed that guy but edgeworth at the same time was going to go to jail even though he accidentally killed while he was 10.
The white/black thing gets me, every time
>what is a witness
I played these games so many years ago I barely remember much.
Replay them.
>... And the victim... Wrote the killer's name in his own blood!
>tfw the classic, suspicious-looking Russian is actually really cute
that smile messes me up every time
Post all AA4 turnabout names from memory, i dare you
>turnabout poker
>turnabout panties
>turnabout rock
>turnabout "Wright's a faggot"
>it's an unmissable event
trump, NOODLE CART, serenade (mostly remember because it's always the worst case), recollection? memories? something like that
Turnabout Grape Soda
Turnabout Ramen
Turnabout Symphony
Turnabout to the Past
jackie chan
>Turnabout Dead Asshole
>Turnabout Soup Stand
>i hate this
>Turnabout Anticlimax
>Jury Duty
don't mind if I do!
What do you guys want out of the next game? Personally I hope it's a period piece that takes place in West Clownadelphia, and follows Moe as he is born and raised.
You sure? You remember who her actors were?
I'll take my chances with Mindy, most AA girls are cute. Oldbag was just a replacement.
>AA5 is 6/10
>AA5 DLC is 10/10
>AA6 is 9/10
>AA 6 DLCs are 4/10
what did Capcom mean by this?
The original actor was Will Powers
I swear I can never even remember the 6-DLC case, all I remember is that the defendant's animations were neat and it was on an airship. It's so incredibly forgettable.
I thought the mini-episodes were pretty cute, though.
eh, I'll take it, so long as he keep the helmet and stays very quiet
the party ont he airship happened twice, everyone pretended that it didn't happen the first time because it'd convict captain autismo of murder
I saw the twist like 10 minutes into the case, so all the talk about time travel went to shit to me
oh yeah, it was "time travel" (very obviously just the same shit twice)
like, the entire case is just retreads with more boring characters, it's weird
when will they canonically bang?
Thank god for AAO existing, people made their own cases. Of course that didn’t stop obvious shitposting but at least they tried to catch the feeling of what made Ace Attorney fun.
Wasn’t this the case that had a FUCKING WHALE as a witness?
>Wasn’t this the case that had a FUCKING WHALE as a witness?
I don't think it ever took the stand, but maybe. What of it?
Never ever. Gotta keep the fujos sated
>Wasn’t this the case that had a FUCKING WHALE as a witness?
every day occurence
How many times are you allowed to be caught lying in front of the judge before it becomes blatantly obvious that all your testimonies are bullshit and you're held in contempt for purposefully hindering an investigation?
Yup, she was asked to testify. Because she is a killer whale (hue hue) accused of murder.
redpill me on the DLC case of AA5. it's the only benis wright case i havent played through. i bought it but dropped it at some point because i had already had enough of AA5's bullshit and it was dragging on
additionally since I system transferred my 3ds, the save data for AA5 didn't carry over. do I only have to beat the first case again, or the entire game before going onto the dlc case?
I think you can play it from the get-go if you have it
Play it, it's good
its a lot of fun man play it
dont expect any serious shit though its hella light hearted and lots of silly stuff
Trump, Corner, Serenade, Succession
You have to beat the first case first. Also, fish puns and a cross-examination of an Orca.
A thread died for this, yes.
She ain't THAT big, user.
>Playing case 2 of DGS
I'm gonna tell you the truth, user. It's far worse than Danganronpa. There's only one investigation and big trial in DR, while in AA you need to stop mid-trial and click pointless shit for numerous segments until you can continue.
Except not really, the time it was on the stand was just pure padding.
Succession or memories
may as well try the rest
The First Turnabout
Turnabout Sisters
Turnabout Samurai
Turnabout Lake?
Rise from the Ashes
I legit have no clue
Forgotten turnabout
Turnabout Big Top
The Kidnapped Turnabout
Turnabout Memories or this one is succession
Stolen Turnabout
Also have no idea but I remember the actual case
Turnabout Beginnings
Bridge to the Turnabout
Bombed turnabout?
Turnabout Yokai
Turnabout High
Turnabout Launch
Turnabout for tomorrow
Foreign Turnabout
Turnabout Trick
Turnabout Rites
Turnabout Weeaboo blackquil
Turnabout Revolution
The Time Traveling Turnabout
>Clown Lady
>brown reverse trap tomboy
What the fuck even is Turnabout Storyteller
Why the fuck is a Clown in a Rakugo Theatre in the fucking first place
Why are they using a Rakugo theme on a fucking food argument
Why is this in Japanifornia
Even if this case was made a sidelined joked, everything about it makes zero fucking sense outside being a giant FUCK YOU to the localization team.
Their dumbasses shouldn't have created japnifornia then, Turnabout Storyteller is a neat themed case.
It provided us with more Blackquill, and that's literally all it needed to do for me.
I don’t know that sounds like it could lead the law into some sort of dark age
It's not their fault the localization team is retarded
Fuck that moment freaked me out when I first played it.
I personally really like the ironic joke where the real killer has a more drastic DID than the Witness
This fucking game was perfect
Since Khurain is basically Muslim country, Apollo is technically legally allowed to Marry and Fuck Rayfa
its more like Tibet you dumb fuck
I thought it was supposed to be China
>Totally expect it to be a bunch of unexplained shit
>Maybe even the final case just ending without a resolution
>It's literally just a single list of names that have almost nothing to do with the rest of the game
Y'all are fags.
Gumshoe shouldn't be allowed to find evidence for trials or have opinions since he's so shit at his job.
AA4's all a bit of a blur to me.
>Trucy's panties
>Something about ramen
>The girl who drew stuff
>Klavier existed
>Phoenix was a bad guy because of...reasons?
Granted, I only played it the once, back when it first came out, but I don't remember anything about it at all
>He can't handle the tricks and or gimmicks
He's one of the only villains in the main series to claim a win.
Turnabout Donald, or Turnabout God Hobo Phoenix is Hot
Turnabout Eat your noodles Apollo
Turnabout Wasted Potential and Dropped Concepts
Just finished the Trilogy and now I'm really into the series, not sure why I never bought them originally on the DS. I guess I was just a short attention span retard when I was younger.
Are the other games worth playing?
Do you think Pearls will develop as much "spirituality" as her big cousin Mia?
Somewhat. They're not as strong as the trilogy, but they do have some good concepts.
Investigations 2 is fucking kino so do play the first one as well.
Hopefully not
is that frank from earthbound?
There's a couple of other things, like the manuscript literally sitting in your court record for no reason, and why Watson left abroad, but people really blew up the "cliffhanger ending" thing way out of proportion. If this was the ending of a book series people wouldn't be complaining much.
All of the case mysteries were solved and accounted for so I don't know why people were saying the ending was such a big deal and that you NEED the second game or the first game wasn't standalone at all.
Fuck Kurain.
>New Fag
>Keeps almost losing every case with one screw up left
God why am i a brainlet?
I'm on the final trial of the first game, well I'm guessing the bonus one. Also why the fuck is everyone bullying Gumshoe? It fucking hurts
I haven't touched AA for more than a year halfway though DD, what do you lads think? should I pick up DD again or replay the main trilogy and the pre-TGT side games too.
t. Edgeworth
Oh snap! I did not hear such a truth!
>why the fuck is everyone bullying Gumshoe? It fucking hurts
better get used to it, the gumshoe bullying gets worse with each game (aai2 gives him a break though, kinda)
>detective dick gumshoe
>detective detective detective
I'm playing this for the first time and why does this bitch have a right hand on her left arm?
take a closer look
SoJ was such garbage I felt like dropping it halfway.
What a fool.
user, i...
i don't understand the praise it gets in these threads
i did like case 2 though
I like SoJ overall but still think the direction they went with Apollo is complete gobbledygook
Can you anons explain how Serenade is shit? It wasnt great but its sure better than Corner
Stupid arrest premise (dude, this kid shot this much bigger body guard with a gun that would break his arm) and the "can we watch the video one more time" meme.
Corner at least made sense and it was funny to see Nick get slammed by a car and only walk off with a sprained ankle
"i know you've proven that if the kid shot the gun, it'd have torn his arm off, but he still shot it. also lets watch that video again"
He basically saved Case 3-3.