What's the scariest moment you've ever gone through in a video game?

What's the scariest moment you've ever gone through in a video game?

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the tarantula in New Leaf

Realizing I had fucked myself up and I had to walk through a whole corridor of crimson heads to progress in REMAKE

Bronze V 0lp moment

Accidentally going gigaparsecs per second in Space Engine

playing with a girl on my team in overwatch

What about it was scary for you?

it wasn't a girl

Was it a trap?

Being trapped with the Weirwolf in Vampire Masquerade

I've never been scared by a video game.

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When the Regenerator showed up in Dead Space

>be shitty swimmer
>had 2 really close calls drowning
>have deep water phobia now.
>finally muster the strength to play subnanutical after the 5th attempt
>game makes me anxious but you gotta face your fears and it's just a video game.
>get the rad suit and go explore around the crashed ship
>turn around just in time to see this giant alien whale attack me

I jumped out of my seat and just left the room with the game still running.

When i was a kid i was scared of the fish food frenzy level in DKC3 to the point i played the game until that level, delete the save and start again.

>zooming out of the observable universe

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>Play GRINDAN 4 EVER JRPG for hours without saving.
>Go and do so.
>"Saving . . ."
>Power goes out, not sure if it saved or not or if it corrupts the memory card.

Dino Crisis. I've seen speedruns, full runs and blind runs of the game, but I can't play it by myself.

The suffering, security camera scene
Holy fuck

>being 11 playing re2 at 2am
>when the wall crawler busts through the window in the police station
>wake up older sister to make her sleep in the living room I'm so scared.

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Morbidly obese closet faggot incel

The part early in that Brothers game where you go down a hill and see some dude in the middle of hanging himself. Shit was a little close to home and shocked me pretty bad.

one of the lego marvel games has a jumpscare in it and its so out of place i jumped out of my skin

>Playing Darkwood at 4m
>Creepy farmer tells me a kid fell down the well
>Descend since it's the only way to reach a key
>Suddenly see something moving quickly among the shadows
>Only way to escape is by moving forward

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I love the concept of feeling frightened but I hate games like FNAF or Slenderman because I dislike constant jumpscares
For the record I also dislike over the line gore
What are some good horror games for me?

VIGILANT mod for Skyrim. I didn't exactly expect a horror section and the first scare almost made me shit my pants.

silent hill 2 when i was younger

Is Darkwood a good horror game? I started playing and quit when it revealed itself to be some shitty crafting adventure game

no i think it was a different lego jumpscare

In dark souls 2 in the flooded jail cells before the lost sinner, had like 5 of those explosion mummies chase after me while I was running through the water.
Open that door to the cool-looking bridge by the skin of my teeth

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>3 AM
>Just started game and got out from visiting the locked door underground
>Get lost on my way back to the safe house
>Stumble across Wedding
>Dog outside building chases me inside
>See candles flickering in the dark

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King Boom Boo