>want to have a pc for gaming
>have to literally build the pc and fit all the parts
yikes, that's a no for me senpai. my PS4 is just plug and play.
Want to have a pc for gaming
Other urls found in this thread:
There's a few pitfalls here and there, but it's not as hard as you think.
desktops are very easy to put together
you just have to be naked with only panties to prevent static buildup from damaging your components
Then buy a prebuild retard.
>want to practice first
>need a PC to run PC Building Simulator
it's not fair bros
Just go to pcpartpicker and make a build. It even checks for comparability between parts and sizes.
PC isn't worth it anymore anyway.
You can't mod shit nowadays and all the multiplayer stuff is Dev-owned and not community owned.
PC is shit nowadays, you're going to get chinked by EGS to play new releases
Pre-built PCs are a thing specifically for beginners, you know?
>far more expensive
>way bigger hassle
>every launch is shit
>dont get the best games
>have to use mods to make games you do get bearable, which you can barely do anymore
what did pc gaymers mean by this?
Are you sure they are very easy?? well, I got the panties... I might trust you and buy it, but I'm a bit dumb
Thanks for the site
Can't you just pirate everything and stuff?
but they are more pricey..
>for beginners
buying a pre-built is more like not beginning at all, you did nothing
>put everything together
>press power button
>PSU clicks
>fans spins for half a second turns off
>no POST
t. mr legit pc player not falseflagging at all
>Can't you just pirate everything and stuff?
you absolutely can
...D-don't tell me you're posting from phone right now?
what no, what do you take me for
I'm posting from my PlayStation 4 system
WHHHY :((((((((((((((((((((( !!!!!!!!!!!!
I honestly enjoy it because it makes faggots like you so angry
OK nigger
bro you just said the n word that's cringe
>you don't have a company that sells all the parts and will assemble it for you
>you are incapable of googling "gaming PC 2019" and ordering the same configuration
Behold, AAA gaming target audience.
>Can't you just pirate everything and stuff?
Yes but there's barely anything worth pirating anyway.
t. dumb zoomer that never played on custom servers a day in his life
You need to upgrade it at some point and by then you've learned a few things by using a PC alone. So yes, I consider pre-built PCs for beginners.
Remember when you were literally 2 years old and you had toys where you had to put pegs in the correct shape of hole? If you can still do that, then you know how to build a PC.
The hardest parts are making sure your CPU and motherboard actually work with each other and getting good airflow to keep things cool. Just use PC Part Picker for the first one and everything will probably be fine unless your IQ is below 90
It's like one hour of work to go from parts to built PC, even for a first timer, and then maybe another half hour getting your OS set up enough to be usable. Compare that to the premium you pay to get a prebuilt and it's probably worth your time
Thank you for making this thread highlighting your lack of intelligence
>tfw bought prebuilt because I'm extremely clumsy and would probably damage the parts
Didn't even cost a lot extra because it was at the time when GPU prices were high
>low tier builds cost 3x what a console costs for similar performance
>have to upgrade shit for hundreds of dollars every other year to keep playing games
>online games filled with cheaters
>have to have always online DRM for single player games
what's the point?
many pre-builts are often too borderline to even be upgradable without having to change a whole lot of stuff, often they even make it hard to deal with on it with compact towers and the like
if anything it's more complex than just building a new one
>put everything together
>press power button
>fans spin and lights turn on
>plug in GPU
>no signal
>motherboard is dead
Not having shit taste and playing actual games, not AAA garbage.
>low tier builds cost 3x what a console costs for similar performance
>have to upgrade shit for hundreds of dollars every other year to keep playing games
dead wrong
>online games filled with cheaters
>have to have always online DRM for single player games
>implying you have to pay for ANY game
consolefag cope
Fuck, how does this even happens? I'm feeling anxious now, I'm planning to build my first PC this year.
cute anime girl
>consolefags are tech illiterate lazy faggots
Of course.
PSU clicking is a good thing
each part only fits in one place, just put the pieces where they obviously should go and don't force them into places that they clearly don't fit
It won't happen to you, it's extremely rare. I've had one motherboard die on me in the last 15 years and I've built countless PCs.
>lil zooms will never know that early 2000 modding scene
Kind of feel bad for them
Sometimes parts get damaged in shipping or are dead when they were shipped, mostly happens to motherboards though
>put everything together
>press power button
>no lights, fans, anything
>worry that I fried something
>double check instructions
>reset switch connection is -/+ where other three nearby are +/-
>relief of just fucking up a connection and not killing any components
>put everything together
>press power button
>bios screen comes up, everything seems to work but the IDE hard drive not detected
>think did something wrong
>swap hard drives, plug replug, try another cable
>never works
>finally return the mobo and get it replaced
>they tested it and said the IDE controller was indeed broken despite no visible external damage
>it just works now
was a kinda shitty first experience
It's pisseasy, literally like LEGO
I've built mine first time without even looking at guides and shit and all went just fine
Don't be a baby and just do it
Shit motherboard, bad psu, or a component is not properly plugged.
Hardest part of building a PC is knowing what the power conectors are and the voltage/amperage they give.
Oh noo, it's a dude isn't it
>and the voltage/amperage they give
What the fuck are you talking about my man. It takes like 10 minutes to ask what wattage PSU you should get and someone will give you the answer.
>buy cheap, used, and refurbished parts
>everything just works
5 years strong
Everytime i look at Locon's art it gets me hard. how the fuck does he do it?
Dumb consolepeasants are laughing stock of gaming.
Sauce? I love short hair girls.
>tfw the majority of people on the internet nowadays in fact don't have a PC, even a bad non-gaming one you could get for less than $100. They're all browsing and posting from phones, tablets, or some other "smart" devices, perhaps even a console.
Can't I just be completely naked instead?
99% of the time I spend here is on my phone.
Artist is locon and it's something from Sumizome series.
I thought so too, but it's a dude user. I've seen it with my own eyes
Sure, I'm the trap/shemale expert here
here's the sauce user.
Have fun!
Make sure you don't let anything get static shocked, that will pretty much instantly break anything.
locon is based
This sounds like current consoles.
You are my new best friend.
You know there are pages than build it for you and send it home, no?
I thought you were describing the PS4 until you said "mods".
>get new game console
>get home and hook everything up
>power up console
>"a system update is required"
>download 25GB update
>pop in the new CoD to pwn some noobs
>"you need to install the game to play"
>wtf is the disc even for for?
>install game on the integrated 5400rpm drive
>takes up half the drive space
>1 hour later ready to go
>try and hop online
>"you need a subscription to play online"
>grab the credit card from my moms husband
>pay $60 to play my game online
>load into game
>get bodied nonstop by xX420MastaChief69Xx
She looks too much like Naoto, I feel fucking awful lewding her.
Such as.. for example..
Go on, I'll wait.
How do I do that?
>but they are more pricey..
not if you know where to look. I got a great prebuilt PC for a good price with student discount on top.
its been a while since locon made something hanst it?
>actually admitting to being a garbage phoneposter
neck yourself stat!
They have wrist bands for it that help dampen it, just be cognizant of what you're wearing and if you're on tile or not.
>not a single valid point
touch a piece of metal
>spend $300 on Switch
>spend $400 on ps4
>spend $400 on xbone
>donates $100 to streamer
>buys newest $70 game
>"what the fuck, who would pay $1000 fpr a perfect PC with hundreds of thousands of free games in true hd running at 60fps?"
Touch metal before working in your case or buy one of those anti-static wristbands. Only do the latter if you're a cuck
I love you.
>not paying $1000 for a perfect PC, and $500 for a low latency hdmi capture card all for high quality and fast performance for your twitch layout then stream console games
watch this tutorial
>you need to actually put screws
and people say it's easy, i don't even have the shit to do that
I built my first pc when i was 13 and it is far easier nowadays. You might be mentally challenged.
Time to fap to Locon
Who /kaname/ here?
just a psa that you can play pretty much every good 90s/early 00s mod on android thanks to delta/quad touch and xash3d since they're ports of doom, quake and half life engines
i obviously prefer to play them on my pc but it's good for going on the plane and shit, way better than a switch
most pc parts use thumb screws, you don't have a forefinger and a thumb?
also lol, you call yourself a man but you don't own a set of tools? might as well cut your dick off, incel
>tfw experts from MSI show you how to build a gaming PC
I don't see any issue with this
>Effort and knowledge is hard
>I just want my whole life to come out of a wrapper with a Logoâ„¢ on it
That was a fun cromartie chapter
>building a pc takes effort and knowledge
about the same amount of effort and knowledge that reading a fucking instruction booklet takes
only part of building a pc that's annoying is when you end up putting in a part that blocks the installation of another one so you have to take the previous part off, and that only happens when you're new to it
>you call yourself a man but you don't own a set of tools?
I might be a man, but I'm sensitive okay, I can't do manual labor
Dude, just spend 500 dollars on parts that you know nothing about (and then 100 more when something isn't compatible and wasn't mentioned in any descriptions) and learn how to put it together on the fly and hope you don't damage the components, it's way cheaper than a 300$ ps4, and also don't worry about the slower bootup, you're always on a pc anyway right? Oh and ignore the worse servers, ps4 servers are still pretty bad, but the hackers and inconsistent ping from any given pc setup is only a minor issue. Oh yeah, and don't worry about all the exclusives on ps4 and other consoles, you just want it to play eroge and indie garbage right? yeah, of course. Be sure to pickvsided between steam and EPIC games, one side totally has your interest in mind. Also screw physical media, it's way better to juggle downloading and uninstalling a bunch of games that takes time that could be spent playing.
but we have mods lol so that's good
I'm a technology impaired redneck boomer and I've just bought the first few parts for a new rig on Friday. If I can take the build pill you can too
Exactly my point. It's easy and people still complain about it and buy a console instead. How is that my fault?
It's astounding how much cope can be put into one post
Wait, what ep? I have read most of the manga and I don't remember this one.
What a weak little faggot you are.
don't bully.
Yes, buy the 2011 Laptopstation 4 for superior games that will have the servers shut down in 2 years for those sweet 3 exclusives worth playing with a heap of multiplats that run better on PC.
Since when do you need to build your ps4? It seems pretty weird that you don't know the difference between a ps4 and a pc very well.
It just had to be said.
I don't remember the number specifically, but Fujimoto is basically PC gags the character
>most of those issues are things that consoles have gotten because they're becoming more like PC
Yes, they're taking all the cons of PC and literally none of the pros. Sucks for you guys!
literally my experience, I had a friend who put PC's together for other people and whose dad did it for a living and he walked me through the process and all that STILL happened. Call it coping if you want, I just think it's retarded to have to deal with such an experience when I can get literally anything I want on my PS4 for way cheaper and way less hassle.
>consoles are becoming more like pcs
sure. low-end pcs from 5yrs ago
call me when you can upgrade any of the internals of your conslow
>blaming your own stupidity on anyone or anything else but yourself
I will keep calling it coping, yes.
PC is cheaper than consoles
if your time is worthless
>from 5yrs ago
They were that when they first released. 10 years now.
>his pc doesn't include a ps4 and an xbone
>Be sure to pickvsided between steam and EPIC games
>not helping the developers
I know right
>boots up ps4
>forced firmware update otherwise it's a paperweight
>forced game update before you can play the game
>forced game install
>can finally play the game after literal hours of downloading updates
>can't play online because you need to pay extra first
Thank you very much sir
I hate how jewtubers get all that cool shit just to make one video about it and then throw it in the garbage
all that cool shit takes up space
>force update before you can play
just shows you don't even have a PS4, it lets you play while you download updates
installs also let you play despite being partially installed (same for downloads), so the wait is usually relatively short
exception of course if you wanted to go online since your version needs to match the server (that's unavoidable regardless of the platform)
>Helping publishers
And that also depends on the games however, some have forced day one patches that are required to play the full game.
>PC doesn't have updates
>PC games don't have updates
Come on little coon
ah yes, updating your
>and game
is so much quicker
but hey at least online is free and you can play with hacking chinks every match
You're a great man.
literally had someone who knew what they were doing walk me through the process and it still failed
Its not your fault at all, i just think it's stupid that people think pc building is a skill or whatever, even if i've used exactly the same bullshit to get jobs before lol.
'wow he built his own pc he must be a technical genius'
It is quicker. My processor installs everything so fast. Also
Barely ever happens tbqh.
Bro it's basically expensive Legos at this point.
hey consolefag
how my asshole taste
It's not that hard but there is quite a few ways you can fuck yourself up doing it. It's not that it's hard, it's just that it's not retard proof like most things in modern life are.
Imagine if everyone on Yea Forums were faced with a survival situation. The death rate of this shithole would be outstandingly high.
>is so much quicker
it is when you dont have a gimped cpu and have an ssd. two things consoles dont have
your processor that costs more than a complete console
also every pc fag would pay 50 bucks a year if that would ensure they would never have to face an aim botting bitch again and occasionally even get decent „free“ games
Most PC parts retailers have assembly services for an extra 20 bucks or whatever, brainlet.
But still. It's literally legos. Stop being stupid.
What the fuck are you talking about? The connectors are made so its impossible to plug them in the wrong position without destroying them. Its literal lego
Can you tell what else can consoles do besides games? I'm on the fence about changing my potato laptop to either good desktop PC or a less powerful desktop PC plus a console.
Who the fuck even does that
Same as above
It's straight up faster yes.
lmao you're a fucking retard
again, that makes you incredibly retarded, no one on the planet is as fucking stupid as you, but i'm kind of glad that idiots like you inject money into pc part companies after seeing youtubers go on about 120FPS IN CALLADOOTS WIV MY $10K GAYMEN PEESEE then buying a bunch of mismatched parts with zero research other than 'sort: price (descending)'.
>i-it's just lego
I don't remember needing a screwdriver for my legos
You could just pay a computer store to assemble it?
>game update nerfs good shit
>just don't install it
>windows has update
>set it to install when i next turn my pc off, instead of having to wait to use it, not even being allowed online until i do
plebfilter at work :^)
lowering the bar to internet was the biggest mistake
at least pc gaming is still somewhat safe
Could have swore one of the helicopter ones needed it when I was younger
>he didnt have meccano
no wonder you're such a fucking baby
Not all of us are high enough nobility to have our own Page
Do you not know how to use a screwdriver
What kind of cuck doesn't have a #2 Phillips, or even a Leatherman or something? I hope you don't live outside your parent's house.
PCs are for power.
If you don't give a fuck about power, just get a console, they're cheaper and more convenient.
>owns a ps4
>is a sissy faggot
Don't enter PC, you belong where you are.
*notices your bulge*
>PCs are for power.
PC are for freedom.
unfortunately like said, it's doesn't have any these days.
Games are just as locked behind Always-online as on console.
pcs are for freedom, power is a secondary benefit
online gaming is antithetical to freedom, they're console games you can play on pc, not pc games
What's wrong with being a sissy user?
It causes you to buy shit consoles from snoy
>buy cheap parts that are still in their box from others
>pay your local town nerd a lunch to assemble it
congrats, you now have a high end gaming PC for the mid-range budget, without even learning how to assemble it
You'll never be a woman
Again, blaming other people for your mistakes won't help. YOU fucked up, not him
It's fine man, PCs aren't for everyone. Just don't pretend it's anyone else's fault but yours as to why it didn't work out.
Every single point you made is a lie
Don't forget that there is always a chance that a part might be defective. I always have a rule of running a new PC for a few days before saying it works.
Also I am so unlucky to have personally lived through defective GPU, PSU and HDD, which broke down in the after a few days.
What lunch did you pay him with? Your boipussy?
>there are people on this board at this very moment who genuinely don't know how to build a pc
What if I don't want to be a woman?
are you jealous of him?
build one right now. live stream it.
>tfw you know and you've built one before that you used for 10 years but you've got lazy and unironically buying $2000 prebuilts instead
>buy a ps4 because not a poorfag
>watch a 15 minute video tutorial on youtube and build my own PC with no problems because not a retard
Sucks to be you OP.
>You're a retard for seeking out someone who knows what they're doing and has done it before!
send the ingredients
I'm not blaming him you retard I'm blaming the inconsistency and incoherence that PC brings when trying to set one up
about to build my first one in a few days
got any tips?
Then stop bringing him and grow some more brain cells so you can actually put together a PC rather than failing even when your friend has enough patience to tell a drooling retard like you how to build a PC (which is literally so fucking simple a kid can do it)
Then you're a failed man that can't even obtain a notable erection
Well I look like one so it's fine like this uwu
you're literally ignoring what I said and just calling me stupid instead of attempting to refute what I said
Build a pc.
You're a retard for still fucking failing at it, you absolute fucking moron, how are you even capable of posting with your fucking club hands?
Not only that, you got suckered by someone who definitely hasn't done it before and just wanted to fuck with you lol, i bet he's not even your friend, just sees you as an easy target to dunk on.
You're incapable of doing something that everyone you're arguing with has done multiple times with zero failures, you are objectively fucking stupid and there is nothing to refute. Your point seems to be 'i'm a fucking retard that doesn't know what i'm doing and it's somehow not my fault'.
I'm phoneposting and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Get fucked, faggot.
>what are pre built pcs
>tfw even a dumb cunt taking a break from doing porn manage to put a PC together
There is no inconsistency or incoherenece, I have built several PCs and besides my most recent one I have had literally no fucking issues whatsoever building them, and the issue I did have with the newest one wasn't my fault (motherboard showed up dead on arrival)
You're just a fucking dumbass. It's no wonder you prefer consoles because they are literally idiot proof. You have no brain, which is why you can't perform something as basic as building a PC.
isn't this the dude who fucks a shoguns wife but the shogun decides to fuck him back?
>You're stupid because your experience wasn't my own!!!
Dude you could LITERALLY just tell me that it was a fluke or that it doesn't happen very often. You could have mentioned that some companies are better about documenting errors or compatibility issues, or you could have explained that putting it together does require a modicum of finesse.
But no, you just stuck to "You're a retard because nobody could actually fail at this."
What an absolutely undignified display of proud mediocrity.
>he doesnt have a computer savvy friend to come over and help you put your first computer together
post you pucci
just call geeksquad
>tfw unironically into sissy shit
>haven't bought a PS4 because don't want to support Sony's recent shittery
It's about having standards, nothing to do with gay shit.
why would I do that
I have friends
Obvious bait
>unironically into sissy shit
>It's about having standards
stop pushing all your troubles on your friends
Locon only draws 2 characters.
>Spend 4 months researching parts
>Spend $4,000+ dollars on PC parts
>Spend another 2 months waiting for parts to come
>Spend 4 more months returning and rebuying parts because the minimum wage Amazon worker threw the package at your door.
>Spend 8 more months because someone stole the package at your door
>Watch 40+ hours of tutorial videos
>Rebuy parts because the static electricity destroyed $4,000 dollar parts
>Repeat step 1-4
>Finally finish building PC
>It doesnt start
>Repeat steps 1-4
>Finally finish building PC
>Game stutters
>Spend the rest of your life playing minecraft and free to play games with N64 graphics
>Get Virus
>Repeat 1-4
>Buy PS4 for the low low price on $299.95 (Not even 300 dollars)
>Go home play games, get laid, get money, have friends.
I know what I'd choose.
Well I like being a sissy and I have standards desu
he has a point
>Amazon worker threw the package at your door
console IQ everyone
Yeah, you chose to be a filthy lazy consolenigger.
you have a bad conception of what friends or friendship is pal
sorry i mistook it for this out of memory
>What an absolutely undignified display of proud mediocrity.
You can't even build a pc lol. You're not in the position to cast judgement on anybody. Maybe your so-called friend could have explained this shit to you, instead of a bunch of anonymous shitposters on an anime imageboard.
try auto-erotic asphyxiation
>pirate game
>like it
>paypal the devs
>own a shitty 2012 laptop, every worthwhile pc exclusives and unique ports hat I played or will play runs on it
>still want to upgrade as it is literally falling apart and want to put the vr in use (read: porn) as the ps4 homebrew scene is nonexistent
>want a powerful one but they are retarded looking, retarded expensive, retarded underpowered to their desktop counterparts, generally a retarded idea
>still retarded and don't want a desktop
this autistic nigger fucking loves the number 4, objectively the gayest number
everyone laugh at him
fucking perfect life that guy
You got baited so hard
I sure did.
cut off your useless dick and become a tranny then kill yourself you screwdriverless incel
If you can plug a cord into a socket you can assemble a PC.
stick to consoles, laptops are for work only
Just don't wear shoes.
>tfw your parents still ask you to setup their TV which mostly just involve plugging the hdmi cable
>well, I got the panties
>but I'm a bit dumb
I can smell the underage 9gag from here
>buy cheap prebuilt with a few good components already inside
>replace gpu, maybe cpu, add a few sticks of ram, get a ssd and another HDD and improve cooling
Literally just plugging shit into ports and putting the panel back on the case ez pz and will not be obsolete for anything except big meme games with the latest graphix
he is not me, why are u bullying me wtf i didn't even say anything
I imagine it works really well but they probably skimped on the motherboard and power supply. People really like to pay attention to the cpu and gpu without much heed to the other parts. A lot of times, that's how prebuilts can sell at lower prices.
This pretty much means you might, emphasis on might, have to upgrade things like the motherboard or power supply before upgrading a cpu or gpu.
What unwashed armpit of the world do you live in where amazon takes 2 months to deliver
>buy prebuilt for extra dosh
>replace the most expensive parts of it
Genius plan, user.
Jokes on you, I am already on estrogen pills and getting pounded by Tyrone daily
put the screwdriver in your mutilated pussyhole and pretend you have a dick again then use it to screw in your cpu fan's backplate
>Put everything together
>press power button
>nothing happens
>check psu switch
>it's on but still nothing happens
>rack brain for days
>exchange some parts
>almost give up after about a week
>find out one of my light switches also connected to outlet
I feel like a retard
Concentration camp America
>get a prebuilt
>remove everything except the motherboard and put it back yourself
I'd ask to be spoonfed like the scrublord i am but I feel like that panel is about as good as it gets, thank you for sharing this user it made me laugh
>ctrl F
>6 results
Also PC + PS2 master race. Modern consoles are just diet computers, at least older consoles had some value.
Imagine being so retarded that:
1. You can't follow basic instructions, watch a youtube video or do basic troubleshooting.
2. You don't realise you can buy from a place that also offers an assembly service.
The absolute state of console players.
You messed up with those fucking pins for the case fans and buttons. Just recheck it with your motherboard manual.
I had this happen to me and it turned out just the GPU was faulty. Try making it just barebones and see if it boots up.
I'm doing that already, I just want a new one instead of the disgusting old shit I already own and can at least run koikatsu in vr
>hdd won't boot windows after the computer was working fine after a quick restart
>fuck it I'll fix it when I move
>finish moving
>fuck yeah time for video games
>plug everything in
>everything turns on
>all fans turning
>no post
>don't know which part fucked up
>don't have spare parts to test
>have to buy all 3 parts I think went bad
>worried and start to think that it's the ram, and I'd waste 700 dollars
>it's been two weeks
>suffering because I want to play fucking video games
>cold turkey is starting to really fuck with me
>stuck on this shitty celeron clocked at 1.1 in a laptop
>all I can think about is playing video games
They look like they fart during sex.
>mental problem scars
too bad, you can't always get what you want
shouldn't have invested in vr without an actual computer to use it on
Imagine during anal, wonderful
Kaname, you know how to ride cock, but don't know how to buil a PC. How?
>assemble first pc
>press psu power switch
>spend hours disassembling and reassembling, and testing individual components
>google "pc wont turn on"
>find one forum post that says "did you try pressing the power button?"
>ponder this a bit
>look at front of pc case
>there's the power button
If you find farting sexy, you're mentally deranged. It's a natural human function, it smells bad and is fucking atrocious in the wrong circumstance.
But I can't talk, I've pissed on a fair few girls
>want to build a PC for gaming
>do so
>GPU is literally as much or more expensive than every other component combined
Okay actual question since i finally found a fart fetishist, do you like queefs too? Like, is it the act of letting out air or does it have to be from the ass?
blame miners
>>put everything together
No, you didn't.
Not necessarily hardware failure at all. Keep messing with it, you might figure out something new. It's not the fucking RAM. I once had a problem where GPU refused to fart out image until I was in Windows, but I couldn't get past POST. If you have integrated GPU, test that. Detach the main hard disk and see if it changes anything.
Computers work in mysterious ways. It's still worth it to tinker yours to keep it running.
You can't get a powerful laptop, but you can get a powerful desktop and practical laptop. It's probably cheaper.
>computers got so small and powerful that modern phones outperform many computers from the 2000s
No, it has to be from the ass, it needs to smell
Also damn, the one on the left, imagine if she has that belly full of gasses, imagine if she also has a dick...
Her sitting on my face, her anus on my nose, while her sweaty balls stand on my mouth
I always want to put together a youtube tutorial about "the things people bitch about but won't actually break your PC so don't worry that much"
like, any time a tutorial goes up its a full on comment bomb about 'MUH CABLE PRETTY MANAGEMENT' and the people arguing back and forth about "need pea method to put on TIM" vs "straight line" vs "spread with card"
that VERGE guy who shitted up his PC was a good example, he fucked up a lot but only a few were critical enough that they'd actually cause damage. The truth is you can fuck up a lot of stuff and never even notice, but there are a couple of things you can fuck up and brick your parts. The internet and the people going on about "aesthetics" in their builds are usually preaching about one set of problems, but dumbasses and first time builders should really be hearing about another set of problems
Blame miners. Well not that i care about (You) after i invested in a mining farm
Literally have sex, you're so far gone.
>discovered emulation
>enjoying video games again instead of being jaded and cynical, playing 30+ hours a week even as a full time wage slave
Emulation alone is worth building a powerful PC
/g/ advice is pure cancer. They freak out over things that are provably non-existent.
Why do you do this? Do you have a father? Does he know that his son is a faggot that likes to get treated like a girl? Fucking christ
Well I am transitioning so he knows already desu
I eagerly await the full books about the gender-dysphoria connection between anime and lower-caste western males.
post armpits
What are you playing?
When I built my first PC I spent 5 hours troubleshooting because it wouldn't turn on
I just forgot to plug in power to the CPU
Fuck off, that's what I like
Literally dilate
well, if he raised me differently i wouldn't be a sissy, so it's his fault really
>ntr done right
It's a pill that Yea Forums won't swallow, the trannies aren't from resetera, they're from within, we've been fostering them for years with this effeminate weeb culture Yea Forums brought.
Get out of Yea Forums
stop jacking off faggot, get it together
dumb electionfag
This looks like locon
Which book
I can't, I am literally addicted to it, I unironically fap 5 times per day
So you have no self control, and will be a bum no matter what you ''attempt''.
Dead fucking weight of a human.
Fuck off...
There's unironic links in autism and transgenderism / gender fluidity
add in Anime's appeal to autistics, the social isolation upbringing of many internet nerds, and the cheap attention and the circle completes itself when they make themselves autistic from too much anime :^)
There's a lot of nerdy subs on the internet where the sexual submission is literally the thrill of their life because they're sheltered autists who are touch starved, makes them very submissive but also fragile
Suicide is even easier, give it a shot.
And I thought I was bad once before work and twice on my days off
>Makes them submissive and also fragile
This explains the cattiness and discord drama, lmao
They're actually hurt over petty stuff
>fap 5 times a day
I have a mutilated cock, but even then I can achieve some amazing sensation through my mind and blow insane loads. How does one achieve mental-stimulated sensation 5 times a day? Are you getting off on a purely physical level- where you have no mental arousal, but your physical sensation does all the heavy lifting? I'm genuinely curious as a (relatively lucky) cutfag.
You can still fix yourself
I wish there were real adult character studies done about this stuff, and the gender relations that lead men to this path, but there's not. It's too taboo to question and label as a sickness to be studied.
No I easily get horny, literally anything, also by slightly talking about sex or any sexual organs, I get aroused, and I stay aroused untill I fap.
Believe me, it's a curse bros...
There's some actual research being slowly done, don't worry
Even if it's just youtube white people droning on in joke videos, like ContraPoints talking about /lgbt/ being the trans version of incels, it's still being done
> build first pc in 2014
> buy ram that didn’t work with my motherboard but fit in just fine
> didn’t know what the problem was for two days
> PC turns on them immediate shuts off
Fixed it by ordering new ram, but an was that a shitty feeling
Gaymin laptops are pretty decent now. You gotta be ready to pay a pretty penny ($1500+) for them though. But, Razer and Gigabyte are selling laptops with i7 8750H chips and RTX 2070-MaxQ cards. Just be ready for the laptop to get very HOT and thermal throttle itself once temps reach ~95 degrees.
To show you that I'm not meme-ing, here's my VR system and laptop. It has a GTX 1060 and gets decent frames in the games I've tried (Beat Saber, VRChat, Pavlov)
I did all of that. Booted off each ram stick, tried to boot off the gpu and motherboard tried booting without the drive.
I'm convinced that it's either the psu, or the motherboard not charging the cpu and that's what causing the 004c19 error. It could have taken a pretty hard hit during the move.
Might as well replace all 3. It's a good time to upgrade to a 8700k anyway.
I actually am obsessed. This stuff is incredibly interesting. As society advances, the birth rate drops and traditional gender roles and relationships break down. What comes after is what we're seeing now in the western world, but there's almost no depiction of it in classical literature to my knowledge, because they never saw something this crazy. This is new, and worth thinking about.
I thought I was the only one. Hold me, bro
>People ITT aren't shitposting with a computer of their own build
Just live how it is, who cares, really why do you care, you're not going to live that long, who cares if I am transgender? It's my choice desu
What races are you, for personal experience? Are you cut or uncut, and what nation do you live in? Have you grown up with porn?
I'm white from europe, uncut and yes I grew up with porn since I was 12
That's not entirely true. Even in the even of an apocalypse, a select group of humans could live underground and eventually face the same issues. I've thought that the concept of merging the two genders would be the ultimate solution to gender conflict and politics, and if humanity survives climate change and topsoil erosion, that will be their end result. The current politics are merely a forecast for such an endgame.
White, uncut, canada, yes
If you're actually real and different people, thanks.
There's a specific order and way to place the RAM sticks. You're supposed to look it up on your motherboard's manual, but I never found any instructions on mine. Everything was hooked up perfectly, but there was no display. I RMA's the motherboard, but it didn't change a thing. Finally I decided to cave in and take it to computer repair shop and they just switched the order and slots the RAM sticks were until it finally worked.
I just want to say that you shouldn't freak out if you get the whole thing together and it doesn't work when you press the power button, shit like that happens, you probably just overlooked a simple detail. It's not going to melt if you placed the parts in the wrong order.
no you perv
Roughly what age are you? +-15, +-20, +-30?
I'm not a marketer, just trying to understand humans different from me.
I didn't invested in vr at all, I got a exploitable ps4 and psvr for heck of it, they where dirt cheap
but then I will barely use the desktop or at all if it's only a vr porn machine, I practically only use my room to sleep and I'm going to move to a new place where I'll have to share my room anyway
Seems like it, I have the money it's just that it objectively a retarded idea, might give in someday. If only they weren't so retarded looking...
Too late, I'm already naked.
Condolences regarding your rapidly advancing suicide date, user
I know it's bait but fuck it
1: you'll spend mlk ore money,but you can buy prebuilt pc s with slecs that take a giant shit all over ps4 pro
2: building a pc these days is so easy literal children can consistently do it. If you cant build you pc even with the many step by step guides all over youtube,you might actually be mentally deficient
My "friends" only visit me when they need their stuff fixed for free.
But each one is such a valuable research subject! Imagine the far-flung state of post-climate change and resource exhaustion humanity. When all of the races and genders are forced by those at the very top to merge into one, what will our final sexual state be?
>shit up the thread with anime faces and baby talk
>wtf why do u care if im trans bigot
Assuming you're actually trans and not shitposting, why do you and your I'll do this so much? Racism on Yea Forums doesn't really make sense since black people don't antagonize this board, but why is that variety of shitposting so specific to trans people?
I've been watching anime since I have memory and I straight. What happened?
Could always wait for a crazy sale. I paid $800 for that laptop you see in the pic. Considering it's got a 144 Hz screen and 16 GB of RAM on top of the previously mentioned 1060 and 8750H, I'm a happy camper
Literally LEGO-tier. If you are above age 6 you should be able to build a pc. If you can't you shouldn't drive either.
Well, I wouldn't expect a 6 year old to understand electromagnetic destruction unless he was told to watch out for it.
You really think you'll get an actual answer out of a Yea Forums tranny?
>hurr durr you shit up the thread with anime
Jesus, just look at the OP faggot, I know you're too much of a cool kid and hate anime, but Jesus, if anything you faggots started this discussion about trannies and yet you say: huurr durrr don't shit up the thread with anime.
Coward, good riddance.
*buys a prebuilt for 1.3k with money from donations and patreon*
It's just that easy
>shit up the thread with anime faces
Where do you think we are?
Building it is relatively easy, but affording it is another thing entirely, and picking the right parts is an even greater thing all together.
So I chose to become the Computer instead, and transcend my mortal flesh, blood and organs.
So, yes, I'm a Spooky Cyborg Skeleton!!!
Building a PC is so easy even a girl could do it.
Maybe, what model is it? It looks fine outside of the optional gayming led. I'm open to recommendations, as long they can last another 7 years and at least don't look like a Lamborghini
>that pic
even a girl (male) like myself?
You're a stronger person than those trannies
Especially a girl(male) like yourself!
I hope ur right...
But user, that deal has [spoilers] nogaems
Do you not trust me?
I do, I just don't trust myself..
Perhaps, perhaps Anime have nothing to do with transgender-ism.
Don't mix up girls (male) and trannies please.
While the former are cute and funny the latter are neither.
I trust you, so you should trust yourself too.
okay, I'll buy my parts then..
That's the way!
Calm down, I never said traps are trans, I said watching anime doesn't make you a tranny, man I even remember some characters like that one trap from Samurai X, I found him funny as a child, or that one trap from Getbackers, it made me laugh how people always thought he was a woman, and that was before I was a teenager and nothing ever happened to me.
Fuck these newfags saying anime makes you gay or traps are trannies anyway.
when I trace your ip and meet you in person you won't have shit to say fat boy
based locon
>build PC on my carpet with magnetic screwdrivers
>it works like a dream
>still no Kaname OVA
I'm surprised since the story is done and it could fill out the running time.
>buy most of the parts for a pc
>start building it
>never finish it because i ran out of disposable income and got bored
bing bing wahoo
>PS4 is just plug and play.
>ignoring what I said and fixating on anime
This is a common tranny tactic. You're pretending I just hate anime instead of grown men using female reactions images while talking like a faggot.
what i dread the most is not aligning the cpu perfectly with that arrow and bending the pins on it
>if you don't agree with me you're a tranny
Typically. I replied to you because you were not only complaining about that tranny user, but also the reaction pictures he uses? Who the fuck do you think you are? The reaction face police?
>grown men using female reactions images while talking like a faggot.
Man, that's everyday's bread here and doesn't necessarily need to have an anime picture attached. Realize where you are user.
You seem to have an unhealthy attachment to anime, maybe you should prioritize your health over what's cool over at Yea Forums.