No other games comes close. DotA is second but by a huge margin. Here we are talking once again about competition, not complexity. Its the one game where millions of people dedicate their lives to just to not be able to get out of silver. Nowadays its trying to die but its still the king. Yes, its got turned into a mobile chinkoid zoomer trash but its still the most competitive game that one can play and that is the most important thing.
LoL is the most competitive game
Nice proof, you faggot.
kys gook
There are 265m soccer players according to Fifa.
Most sports are more active then LoL (which caps at about 70m monthly). Even shit like Cricket is more popular.
Isn't Fornite more popular?
From a lore standpoint, it's shit.
From a design standpoint, it's shit.
From a difficulty standpoint, it's shit.
From a meta standpoint, it's COMPLETELY shit.
From a competitive standpoint, it's only still alive literally because gooks and chinks have nothing better to do with their free time. Can't wait for the second wave of soulless bug people to swoop in once Auto Chess finally takes off, make 'em fuck off for good this time.
The only competitive game in history was Street Fighter II. Stop making it seem like anyone needs skill or talent to be in eSports in current year plus three, because you're just outing yourself as an embarrassment to me, you, and all of Yea Forums.
From a porn standpoint it's excellent though.
t*rk who feeds shit up
And, its a casual rng game.
You have a wrong idea of the game.
Not as competitive.
> against meta
>Street Fighter II is da best
hmm, how do I know that you're a complete shitter at both games. In league you can do anything, it doesn't matter, its just what scrubs use as an excuse.
Compared to DOTA? Okay, whatever floats your boat
Starcraft exists.
How is soccer RNG?
The fuck are you talking about?
Anyways Soccer, Cricket, Tennis, Hockey, Baseball, Basketball, etc, all have more active players.
shit game full of fucking noobs and total crybabies
shit game for shit normies, I only play for the hot girls, creating new accounts every week, I like sluts like KDA, Star guardians etc
how are leftists going to win the civil war?
>Can't call people niggers
>Most competitive
More like it's a game for pussies and faggots.
also, Tencent killed the soul of this game, the lore is a fucking bullshit, great potential wasted for MUH KOREA E-SPORTS MEME! the e-sprots are the worst fucking joke for the industry
>video games
yep, the states of the retards on this board
true, I admit it. I myself got banend for 14 days even though my teammates have fucked the games completely.
they wont
>From a difficulty standpoint, it's shit.
difficulty is generate by the other players in online games
how can you even talk about this shit
by cutting their dicks off and becoming sex slaves to right wingers
Not once did you make the distinction of videogames you dumb nigger.
Look at the OP and read.
I'M THE OP, YOU MORON. ITS Yea Forums NOT Yea Forums OR Yea Forums.
Doesn't say videogames once user.
Good backpedal. Next time, speak English. This isn't an illiterate Pajeet nigger board.
Nice cope, our boy Perkz mogg all chinkoids. I don't even know who this kids are.
Sorry but that wont make your apm simulator any better.
Dota is for white people.
>white poeple
white cucks?
got cucking on the mind lolbab?
So is LoL man, the gooks are getting obliterated.
30 million dollars lolpedo
white people dominate dota
50 white millionaires and counting
u mad wagie?
dota is the white man's game
>IS A """"""""""SPORT"""""""""""
nice meme
brownskin mad
this is your average the international winner for dota
dota is for white men after all
>From a lore standpoint, it's shit.
if you play a moba for "muh lore" you're a faggot.
>From a design standpoint, it's shit.
like all competitive games, it's imperfect i will say i think riot added too much mobility to new champs which is kind of ruining the game, but i guess zoomers are only interested in champions that can perform flashy mechanical outplays.
>From a difficulty standpoint, it's shit.
you're a stupid nigger, most pros spend ~15hrs a day on average playing league of legends for years and they still find ways to improve/work on weaknesses/etc. in terms of skillcap, the ceiling is arguably infinite because the meta is always changing, new champions are always being added, etc.
>From a meta standpoint, it's COMPLETELY shit.
disagree, the meta right now feels extremely fast paced because of all the incentives to skirmish/get ahead early. i'd much rather have 25-30 minute games rather than slow paced afk farm for baron 5v5 meta that revolves around choking people out of baron side with vision and risk averse lane phases.
based 2gd
EU will save competitive League of Legends
Ok. I'm so fucking sick and tired of these tryhard boomer faggots always claiming Dota 2 has more depth and complexity. At this point it's literally just a meme. There's a reason why League is so fucking popular and twice as fun. League is far superior to Dota 2.
What's 2GD up to these days? Last I saw him he was working on some Quake game involving balls.
I think his game is close to releasing I'm not sure though
how old are you, OP?
dota definitely is for white men
you left out one of the best parts
>why would you even want to unlock all the characters?
This is pre comeback meme Dota, Dota is now just as much of a joke.
It's true though, there isn't actually a reason to unlock shit you're not going to play.
>It's true though
only because it perfectly highlights riot's shit balance. you should want all the characters unlocked because they should all have a place in the game and counter someone else.
imagine the sheer amount of EU screeching when they can't even win this year
Reminder that ASSFAGGOTS was the joke of the WC3 custom maps community. It was for kids who were too dumb to play anything else.
Well it has most players doesn't it? That would surely make it the most competitive? It's a shit game compared to Dota 2 anyway
Hey bros.
Dota 2 forever.
If liberals became pro 2a, they could essentially cripple conservatives into irrelevancy.
Only reason republicans are still a thing is because of 2a
That doesn't change the fact that there's no reason to have them if you're not actually going to play them. A champion can answer several opposing champion or teamcomps while also being answered by other champions themselves. You don't need every single champion unlocked because unless you only play one you'll more than likely have an answer to every possible scenario that you actually want to play. Even if you do only play one champion, if you're actually good enough, you can diminish the effects of most counters or even completely stomp.
I love Emilia LeBlanc.
Not relevant anymore user.
>if you're not actually going to play them.
you would be playing them if they were a decent counter to an enemy you're facing. it's why both games had matches where you go back and forth choosing people and the other team can see exactly what you pick. riot has shit balance and lots of copycat abilities so that's why players think there's no reason to have everyone unlocked.
>you would be playing them if they were a decent counter to an enemy you're facing
No, because you could be playing something you actually want to play
>No, because you could be playing something you actually want to play
so then it's not a competitive game if everyone just chooses their favorite character with no regards to what might counter the other team.
So why doesn't he just play LoL and dominate at it and make more money than he dreams of? Is it because he's not good at it?
Because 2GD literally already has more money than he can dream of from his rich dad. He spends all his free time fucking sluts, crying over Soe, and making his new game that will reach a max concurrent playerbase of 200 players when it finally releases in 2025.
he made millions in the dota scene child
he was also a professional quake player who made hundreds of thousands
I'm thinking he did just fine little guy
remember dota is for white men
if you're white you play dota
simple as that
Again, there are multiple answers to multiple problems. Team compositions and champions can counter other team comps/champs, and there's enough fluidity where you don't require a very specific team comp to achieve the intended result. Again, there are several answers. Some of these answers don't fit the preferred play styles of people, but others do, so they focus on those while ignoring the others. Why play something that doesn't fit your preferred play style and are likely to do bad on when there's something you're perfectly comfortable on that could also work?
Really? How much money does he have?
>Little guy
I'm 31 and 6'7". Try again tranny.
calm down grampies
don't want your heart to burst
if it was a competitive game you would want every option available to you.
lolbabs find this to incomprehensible for some reason.
>He's 31 and defend League, a literal children's game
I'm just curious about his success user, not looking to shit talk you or him. Just saying, you can never have too much money.
Point out my defense of LoL please.
Did I hear a squeak?
double based
>Thread about League
>Dotards shit up the thread larping as chads
Both games are completely shit for incels and room temp iq third worlders, stop being ridiculous.
but dota is for chads
sorry buddy but you won't be making millions playing games with that kind of low test attitude
dota has pseudo region lock now
beaners have been walled
Having flash in the game immediately invalidates the game. It's been this way from like day 1.
>Free blink
>Just counter their free blink by using your free blink to blink into them to chase
This. Every game I play on USE is 'Team America vs Team Peru'. It's fun kicking third worlder ass.
I've unironically gained over 2k mmr this season stomping dumb peruvian spics with my white american teammates
You won't be making millions either though.
Why dotards on Yea Forums try to take credit for the success of the game's pros? Do they think that because the pros are successful, by proxy they are as well? That's some crazy mentality there.
do even people still playing this shit? i left it in s2 and since then the meta was getting worse and worse
>"B-b-but its fun"
do you consider a game """fun""" when you have to choose the champion of the season just to counter 11 years old boys?
but I have won millions playing dota 2
I find it hard to take League seriously when after ten years of development they still don't have a properly functioning damage recap. Plus this recent patch introduced so many insane bugs it's embarrassing for a company their size.
The damage recap is actually working now though. It was bugged with the inital release but now it's fixed.
blink dagger invalidates dota 2
>guy on enemy team thats ahead in farm and kills could afford blink and 2 items
>cant outplay them or gank them because they will just blink away when no one on your team could afford it
>game drags on for 40 more minutes because of this
Who is this low t curry nigger? Is this what ASSFAGGOT cucks think is chad?
they just recently updated the damage recap
0/10 bait
And how long do you think it will be before it breaks again? It's not exactly a secret their game is a giant mountain of spaghetti and one wrong step will cause an avalanche of broken code.
Like it's been ten years and they still have game breaking bugs in tournaments, champions that have to be disabled because they're glitched to insane proportions (Annie permastunning people and Pyke ult killing allies for example) and so much more. I don't get why people defend this crap when their main competitor has none of these issues.
what's this art style called again?
>zero turnrate
>manaless heroes
>more expensive items are more stat efficient
>magical invisibility bushes instead of an actual treeline
lol, more like LMAO
dota is shit
simple as
>shotavoker is finally in the game
It feels so good murdering the pipsqueak in lane.
damn looks like they finally added team voice chat to league.
>simple as
I knew league shitters were redditors
Incel pixel
it's fine in league because so many of the fucking characters are just so homogenized that you literally lose nothing from not owning them. a lot of the characters in that game don't fill any particular niche in that game other than "do 9,000 damage in one second" so it just comes down to personal preference on which hero you want to pick to do that "9,000 damage in one second".
Oh yeah I can always tell someone is a scrub when they don't counter pick Honda with Ryu.
Comp matters a lot but League is a game that actually has lot of skillfull exchanges in lane that make most lanes a 50/50 or 60/40. In solo play this means you can get a lot of kills and carry by yourself and overcome weakness like not having a tank, CC, initiation, wave clear or whatever. Though you are playing at a disavantage by doing so. So some players favor being good at a wide range of champs to fill out comps and counter. Others just try to get so good at a few champions that it doesn't matter because they just outplay their opponent and carry. Countering your opponent means nothing when you can't play the champ your countering with. And in LoL there's a much higher skill curve to learn and master a character due to higher mechanical focus.
In LoL you are actually given an oppertunity to outplay your opponent. Dota is just being in the right place at the right time. Outplay consists of buying an item that turns you invincible and pressing it with the other guy pressing his ult that stuns for 5 seconds. Personal mechanics and skill don't matter nearly as much at the highest levels because it's mostly just about being competetent enough to do what you wanna do. You don't so much have to worry about them suddenly outplaying you and winning a 1v 3 fight without being fed because they were simply better at the game than you.
you're wrong
move on lolbab your very basic understanding of both games is extremely obvious
all MOBAs are shit
prove me wrong
have fun with your overly complicated tower defense game, MOBAbbies
you either never played mobas or tower defense or both, because other than both being prominent in wc3 they have nothing else in common
It's a shame you spent so much time writing this because it's really easy to tell you've played an obscene amount of League and hage played maybe 5 matches of Dota, that or all your Dota knowledge comes from tournament/stream clips.
Having biased opinions is fine, but when your trying to argue why one side is better than the other without giving both sides a fair shake you just look uninformed and ignorant.
30000 hours in both genres, your wrong.
very rich coming from an dotard
What's the League equivalent to Ceb's call or Fountain Hooking? Honest question, I want to find the good parts of League comp.
We all know the superior game here
get on my fucking level bitch fuck off with your skilless "click everywhere" shit without aiming :^)
why are you defending a game that makes balance patches around people who are new and don't know how to play?
Basically anything involving Faker, he's the closest thing to a Bonjwa League has. I think people overhype some of the stuff he does (especially that Zed 1v1) but he's pretty damn good regardless.
>Morello shitting on Shaco players
honestly fucking based
he wont survive in dota 20 years stun duration and turn rate rofl
I'm not a robot
shaco was easy to shut down, just buy wards. apparently the devs thought this was too hard for the average player so he had to be nerfed into the ground.
they did the same the thing to eve around the same time it took them 4 patches to make vayne not completely broken.
how is it bait retard? its fucking true and you know it.
Nah his situational awareness is really good, if anything I think he'd thrive in Dota's more aggressive scene if he took the time to learn it. However he has no reason to since he's making millions a year off his contract with SKT.
>flash is on a cooldown that takes multiple minutes
>blink dagger is up every few seconds
lmao okay dumbass
People still play this mobile looking ass shit game?
What the fuck
>attack him
>can't blink anymore
this has nothing to do with the thread topic or vidya, get the fuck out faggot
it's not but I'll humor you
>guy on enemy team thats ahead in farm and kills could afford blink and 2 items
Blink Dagger is an item, so you can't even do this minute 1.
>ahead in farm and kills
Farm and kills give advantages, no shit.
>can't outplay them or gank them because they will just blink away when no one on your team could afford it
Blink doesn't counter Blink, and there is counterplay.
Blink is disabled for 3 seconds when taking any hero damage, it can literally be perma-disabled by several heroes through DoT's. Several heroes have natural blinks or gapclosers or invisibility. Several heroes have literally 0 cast time instant disables. Also I doubt the entire enemy team has blink and so what, lmao you evaded one gank?
>game drags on for 40 minutes because of this
Okay so how does any of this invalidate Dota 2?
Protip it doesn't.
>I'm gonna spend 2k gold on an item that's literally worthless because it's permanently disabled or I get gone on first
>it also gives no stats and takes up an item slot
League has slowly been dying since S2-3, the jungle rework was the last nail in the coffin. As a jungle main I was gated into ganking 24/7 because they made clearing extremely fast and easy that literally any champ can do it now. What most players don't understand is that they also need to help me gank by clearing wards and controlling the wave, but most of them will just flame because they died under the enemy turret.
>League has slowly been dying since S2-3
Let me guess. You're those fags who played back in the day and stopped playing from Season's 1 - 3. Your opinion is irrelevant to League in 2019. You're not that different from that one Grandpa that brags about playing Pong when he was a kid
The jungle was reworked in S6, nice reading comprehension retard. I still play the game occasionally but I don't bother grinding past D4 anymore because you literally can't unless you sell your soul to CertainlyT and become his meta slave.
>the most competitive game
>not allowed to break the 1-1-1-2 meta
>not allowed to break the AD/AP/Support meta
>not allowed to have units more complex than fucking Draven
I'd link the "AdmiralBulldog watches LoL GrandFinals" but it seems to have been removed
So here's him explaining it
And that's why League is shit.
S2/3 was peak kino for League, after that it started to shift into the 'full damage into nuke plus defense' meta, which just eventually boiled down to 'stun and drop AoE'
I'd wager it's the same now as when I quit, where victor of the first big teamfight tends to take the win. That victory probably scores the big area controls.
They really are :^)
I don't understand why they allow him to push out champs with such blatant ability and power bloat. You shouldn't need lopping shears to nerf a champion because of how much shit is in their kits.
>Pick Zilean one day
>give him fuck tons of AP items
>Nuke everyone like i'm god damn Al'Qaeda running USA's nuclear program
>Win the game for my team by a fucking WIDE margin (like 62 to 11 or someshit)
>get told by both sides im a fucking faggot ruining the game
>even got reported in the tribunal somehow
>because i was supposed to be buying wards and sitting in a bush poking bottom lane
I don't even know what patch or season that was, but that game made me quit LoL permanently
League has to have steady powercreep because it's base design is flawed
Meanwhile, in Dota 2...
as someone who played both I feel as though it's easier to coast by on natural skill/reflexes in lol to some degree. dota 2 is more about the thinkening/autism power and if you don't play a lot you will fall off pretty quick.
Supports in LoL are just mages now. You can do that again.
Because e-sports kiddies want to watch some dragon ball z champions dash across the whole map and obliterate the entire enemy team 1v5. Notice how the champ design shifted to high mobility ever since zed came out.
why do people who play dota allow LoL to live rent free in their heads? I have never met a dota player who doesnt seethe the moment league is even mentioned in a conversation.
Because LoL fags keep either showing up to play our "terrible game"
or make 20 posts a day about how much better LoL is to DotA
Also Pendragon and Morello are big dicks, but Guinsoo is the worst among them
why do people who play LoL allow Dota to live rent free in their heads?
oh wait that's literally the premise that they sold their game on
I remember how similar the game was to WC Dota initially. From the various rng mechanics that were removed down to the the cartoonish artstyle with chunky characters.
And I haven't met a League player who didn't hate League. Say what you want about Dota but I almost never see top players complain about Dota except in rare cases where we get shit metas like Disco Pony or HOHOHAHA
League tried its hardest to fuck Dota into irrelevancy back in the early 2010s. Even its developers (HELL ESPECIALLY IT'S DEVELOPERS) did their best to stop Dota 2 at every turn, with even Blizzard and Riot working together to try and claim that Valve shouldn't be able to use the Dota name (which Valve BTFO them over).
So yeah Dotards have plenty of reason to SEETHE.
Also, you're on Yea Forums. League is the sort of game the old Yea Forums hated (literally just a dumbed down version of a more complex game) so it's no surprise when any discussion of it here is met with resistance.
the map isn't even fucking symmetrical
>Have devs and employees that shit talk Dota whenever they open their mouths
>Hire people that literally planned to kill off Dota 2 in it's infancy
>Try to get into the Valve vs Blizz lawsuit to testify against Dota 2
>Run ad compaigns that is literally just attack ads on Dota
>regular LoL player to Dota convert that has no clue posts
gee I wonder why
actually its tekken
You mean WoW
All the people who hate League are these old hag retards.
>The people who hate League are boomers
>The people who love League are zoomers
What a surprise.
>getting banned for picking a character the staff doesn't like
Boomers are retarded because they think their opinion on League during season 1 is still relevant in season 9.
They're still right unfortunately.
sorry I didn't keep playing for 8 years to see if it got any better.
>Retards that haven't played League in 7 years make up shit for why they haven't played it
>Retards that haven't played League in 7 years make up shit for why they haven't played it
These are just retards. Anyone with half a brain know that nothing's changed. Dota > League.
Fuck I meant Dota in the second greentext. You get the point.
Dota actually changes
LoL has been the same for at least 4 years.
>Retards that haven't played League in 4 years make up shit for why they haven't played it
Is 1-1-1-2 meta still enforced by threat of ban?
Pendragon plz go
League of Legends is boring to play or watch.
its designed for litteral retards, but if you have any sense or awareness of what your hero does and what the enemy heroes do you cannot die unless you overextend, and if they push you can punish them fucking hard.
That being said I hate whats been happening with DOTA 2 catering with the league playerbase with QOL nonsense that has reduced choices players have to make throughout the game, the game feels like playing -em these days so I am done with MOBAs until someone new comes along and creates something new and interesting, because League is a shitty knockoff and dota isn't dota anymore.
The DOTA changes in the past 4 years haven't been good though.
Your StarCraft pro gamers have a literal tranny playing amongst them and they even call him "she".
There was a brief time where 1-0-2-2 was the meta but that got squashed pretty quick because it was an extraordinarily shit meta that wasn't fun for anyone involved.
Forced metas are never fun to begin with.
Thats why league is fucking boring, the only person who has any choices to make early on is the jungler
>people still discussing mobas in 2019 like they are still relevant.
jesus guys, it's all about battle royales and chess didn't you know?
He is right for old Dota.
Not for this meme shit with new meme heroes, meme balance changes, meme items, meme lootboxes and meme talents. Dota has lost all it's soul
LoL drastically changes it's meta every couple of weeks. And that's not a good thing mind you, every time a new patch hits they manage to break something and the next few weeks will be full of meta slaves abusing whatever is op.
First Post
more like...
I love his quotes. The best one is "I think I stepped on something" when you kill some support while passing by
>The only competitive game in history was
Dota heroes are so much more charismatic and interesting than LoL champs who just constantly repeat the same few anime-tier quotes. Only exception is Jhin.
>itt it's 2010
Not seeing any alternatives, so I guess OP is right. Really makes you think....
I don't like forced metas either but that 1-0-2-2 shit had to go. It was roughly the equivalent of if you took a Dota 2 Hyper Carry, gave them the power to roam without missing CS, and made them dangerous at every stage of the game from Minute 0. Imagine old school Wisp/Tiny strat but the Tiny could farm jungle creeps between ganks.
+2 or 3 years
i read this in hashinshins voice
on a side note: why does everyone who still plays this game seems seriously miserable? because they are
He browses Yea Forums
>Dota less competitive than LoL
Did you really think anyone would fall for this?
No, League of Legends has only been marketed as a competitive game, extremely successfully mind you, but thats all riot game is, a massive marketing company.
Their gameplay studio is dogshit, they hired anyone who worked on WC3 custom games to work for them to patchwork together a working engine that was so poorly designed the needed a 3rd party to create a client for them, which is why they were stuck with adobe air for so fucking long.
Then you have the first 50 heroes, the majority of which were ripped straight from suggestion forums, which were archived by Pendragon to be used for such things, its why early league of legends was so fucking retarded, because they didn't know what the fuck they were implementing, they just implemented them and decided to fix shit after the fact, which is why sunfire stacking went 2 years before being fixed.
>B-but that was old league!
The game hasn't changed, its more broken then ever, biggest problem is the game is so rigidly predefined that there is no way to swing a game through good execution, if one team gets an advantage, there is an extremely high % that they just steamroll the other team, and that has been a consistent norm for the game since its inception, this is because items are half baked and badly designed and the scaling thanks to spellpower being a thing(Not talking AP here, talking the fact every ability in the game scales with stats) makes the game rediculously instagib, meanwhile in DOTA my favorite moments were when I could outplay someone with good jukes, tree pathing, or just out tanking them with a better item build because my choice of items counters his hero and build, which doesn't happen in league except with the extremely extremely niche case of building thornmail vs drain tanks.
>You're just a dota cocksucker
Fuck that noise, DotA reborn is fucking trash, both games in their current state are trash, but league was never good.
who are you talking to?
>Be League streamer
>Have viewers who are only interested in watching League
>If you try to play anything other than League at least half your viewers will fuck off and watch somebody else
>So you're forced to play a game you might not enjoy anymore or your 'career' is dead
Some were lucky enough to get out and maintain viewers but most are trapped.
Dotafaggots really are the absolute worst. There's virtually no difference between either game. You're not more "hardcore" or "competitive" or anything else. If anything Lego Legends is *more* unforgiving because gold scales with perfect efficiency and there's no buyback.
OP who thinks LOL was at any point in its history, good.
>The game hasn't changed, its more broken then ever
fucking hardstuck faggot
LOL was the shitty knockoff everyone played to pubstomp, its why soloqueue is popular on league of legends and no where else, because pubstompers just wanted to 1v5 and feel good for stomping children
It's just as braindead as LoL, adding 2D dodging and aiming with giant circle hitboxes does not add any meaningful skill requirement
SMITEbabbies are a fucking joke
nice bait
>There's virtually no difference between either game.
This is completely and utterly wrong and it's immediately apparent from playing both games at all.
Try harder
Both games are in a dogshit state right now.
And no league of legends is the most forgiving because when you die, you can just buy and return to lane with some semblence of an advantage over your opponent who might be in a lead, but will be susceptible to being bullied out of lane.
I don't like babby mode dota though, bounty runes, shrines, cheap consumables and spammable wards makes my favorite play style, the roaming ganker, unplayable in 7.X, especially since the map is so fucking trash and the GPM is so padded with the 4 extra jungle camps and deny gold and bounty runes that its impossible to shut down an enemy carry.
you might think lol>dota or lol
Dota is literally the best it's ever been you contrarian.
>roaming ganker is unplayable
if you're 2k
Nah, it just has more.
the Sona/Ahri meta is just too broken. I dont think it will ever be topped
KDA Akali managed it for a bit, but it peaked too soon.
I've played assfaggots since All-stars and its billion chinese knockoffs were clogging WC3 server lists you silly infant.
In Dota someone having an item advantage over you is not always a big deal. If you die and someone comes back with a eul's scepter is it insurmountable? No. I would say in most cases an item advantage in Dota 2 is not the end of the world. In league it's not like that at all, items are just huge globs of stats that (For all purposes) boost your hero's primary. It's like if you died and your opponent came back with 3 oblivion orbs. To make it worse items never fall off, in fact they get more efficient the higher you go in the recipe list. This is why the outcome of ~90% of LoL games is correlated to a 1k gold lead
dota porn is all hyperdegenerate trash, dotafags are unironic fags and can't help but make every girl a futa
since this thread is bout to die anyways
I dont know about the middle tiers, but the first 2 are indisputable
>I've played assfaggots since All-stars and its billion chinese knockoffs were clogging WC3 server lists you silly infant.
And I have too, and you're wrong and everyone else who's played them agrees you're wrong. I don't have the energy to feed your bait.
Wow what a fucking thought process holy shit
dota is for white men
double based