What's her problem?

What's her problem?

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She's heterosexual.


never got laid

Being too cute

>when you see fags that say they relate with this character
worrying; the alligator/crocodile girl was the only one in the group of friends who wasnt a loser, maybe the bear too


That's a girl?

She's a college dropout with psychosis issues whose parents put all the pressure on her graduating college with no backup plan.

She needs a good old dick chocking her.

Okay. I still want to give her headpats and tell her she's a good girl.

Seems fairly realistic.

Also lacking empathy is a sign of being a sociopath

Attached: night_in_the_woods___mae_by_zinzoa_dbsn6uj-fullview.jpg (1024x1224, 82K)

There are a lot of failures here dude. This is probably the only place they feel in control.

the only half decent fanart i've seen from that game

Literally objectively wrong
you're retarded

Actual, literal mental illness.

She lost her home-run bat

She had a boyfriend, remember?

Severe untreated mental illness that almost got people killed in the past, presumably due to parents being tied down on money and putting it all towards making her graduate college instead.

Also friends who further enable it by either being equally destructive then blaming it on her, taking their own problems out on her even when she does try to help, or just being passive-aggressive if not a punching bag.

Attached: mae with bea.png (501x459, 100K)

If you're not a failure you shouldn't be here you faggot.

>when she does try to help
She’s a literal retard who makes things worse.
Bea and Angus were right to shit on her.


Greg was fine without may she was the shitty influence who made him act out

Yeah, that one is correct, she likes tacos and sausages.

She never showered, always slept in her clothes, and probably never shaved.

anybody who thinks she isn't bi/pan clearly didn't play the game

Imagine the smell

She's trapped in a flyover shithole surrounded by stupid people.

You can suggest a threesome and she will be alright with it.

In those instances yes, she's a dumbshit with problems too. When Mae sees how fucked Bea's life is and comments on how wrong it is, Bea was in the wrong for lashing back. Angus at worst just takes too much of it, but is otherwise the closest thing to the straightman (ironic).

Virtually every major character in NITW is fucked up somehow, whether or not the writers even intended it.

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playing this game was one of the least enjoyable experiences ive had with any sort of media in recent memory

Then you must be gayn't

>you will never be invited into her bedroom while her parents are out and have soft snuggly teenage sex with her
feels bad man

>you will never be inside that pussy's pussy.

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dude middle class early 20s unjustified depression lmao

I liked Bea.

Attached: Bea.gif (512x512, 684K)

Yeah how could someone ever be depressed if their mother died, they had to take over the family business and cover for their drunkard dad, had to work with a known pedophile, be unappreciated by literally everyone, and lost all their friends and future, all while in high school?

A magic evil demon gave her mental illness and is an excuse for her generally not being a pleasant person, never mind a good one. Enabling people to do shitty things is good long as you have a level of irony to go along with it. Just ask 4channel.

If that's the message you got from the game I feel sorry for you and implore you to seek help.

The magic alien was just a macguffin to move the plot along, the main issues were the characters themselves and how fucked up they were

This is probably the most miserable game anyone can play in their lives. I don't know how anyone can play this when it just reflects a lot of awful things that go on in the world and the aesthetic just hammers it down.

Play "Lisa: The Painful"

she's crazy and lives in a dying rust belt town
Her friends life sucks
her other friend is leaving to get fucked in the ass in a less shitty town
the town has a boomer cult who are throwing vagrants in a hole cause they think it will fix the towns economy

>had to work with a known pedophile
did she get molested?

The game literally justifies her problems by saying a demon did it, that isn't an exaggeration that thing was literally fucking with her and pushed her towards being shitty. She would have been a better person without it and her mental health is not looked into any deeper. Characters do enable each other to do shitty things. At best it followed up by I guess we shouldn't do this stuff all the time, adulting hard LMAO! But at the same time portrays it as a pretty much harmless release of frustration as nothing comes of it. It is nothing compared to the actual bad acts going on in town, with the same wreckless attitude solving a huge issue. The game cuts off before any of the characters experience real growth.

You like a bad furry game for people who idolise the whole depressed hipster youth.

Characters being fucked up is fine. Fucked up characters being poorly written is the real issue, cause it makes them x100 more annoying.

>The game literally justifies her problems by saying a demon did it
You didn't understand the game.

I'd say the only one that was really poorly written was Greg. Bea, Angus, and Mae all had legitimate reasons for being as messed up as they are

If she did there's not really anything that hints it. All that's said is that her father warned her about this guy who would offer driving lessons to high school girls and molest them. She's stuck employing him because otherwise his family would go hungry/homeless but I think she knows to stay away from him and probably carry a knife or something.
You are way too personally offended. You need to take a breath and step away from the computer for a moment. At no point does the game say "It's ok to be shitty because a demon did it." The game spends the whole time showing how awful Mae is on her own volition and how she thinks it's ok because she's the super special one with real problems. Only at the end does she realize that she has an easy life with tons of support and she's been a shitty person who neglected and refused to support her friends with real world problems.

I feel like Angus was the only poorly written one of the group, including Germ and Lori and Selma. Angus gets like no screen time compared to everyone else. He's just "Hi I'm gay and my parents abused me bye." Gregg is at least relatable to me as a guy who is halfway stuck between his wild high school days and trying to grow up but failing to resist temptations when Mae shows up.

She's an invalid from a poor ass rust belt town.

I felt like Angus worked as the guy who tries to be calm and reasonable but it makes him bottle up his growing frustrations and anger until he lashes out

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>You are way too personally offended. You need to take a breath and step away from the computer for a moment.
Jesus tumblr you really can't take any criticism can you.

>At no point does the game say "It's ok to be shitty because a demon did it."
Her actions are mostly down to the mental illness she has. What is the cause of this mental illness? The demon. Thus what is causing her to be shitty? The demon. Only after the demon is gone does she attempt to improve, which the game doesn't show as that is actually hard to write. You are ignoring what happens in the game cause the game doesn't straight up go WOW NOW THE DEMON IS GONE I AM A GOOD PERSON, WE REALLY WERE THE NIGHT IN THE WOODS ALL ALONG.

I remember playing this game and really enjoying it up to the part where you chase some dude out of town in the middle of the night, I stopped for the day at that point and just never picked it up again.

Greg is a cunt, Mae too.

Why is NITW sound track so GOOD AND COMFY bros?

This might be my favorite town theme in any game

Not enough human dick


Tfw have a bear bf like Angus

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>Jesus tumblr you really can't take any criticism can you.
No, I'm just trying to get you to stop spewing your uninformed opinions because they're embarrassing.
>Her actions are mostly down to the mental illness she has. What is the cause of this mental illness? The demon.
She blames it on the demon. There's no evidence that states the demon was real, and again, the game never says this is an ok excuse. The whole point of the game was to confront one's own failings and to consider owning up to them and improving your life instead of blaming them on things you can't control. All throughout the game, Mae goes from being naive and selfish to learning about others' lives and problems and attempting to help. Though sometimes her actions are misguided like her telling Bea to refuse the kind of life she's been given even when there are no viable alternatives, she eventually comes to understand the struggles of her friends and family and learns that she should be supportive instead of destructive long before the demon shit happens. Ironically enough, it's you who is ignoring what happens in the game.

what is this

thats a fucking gem.

agree with you completely

In fact, the whole "a demon did it" fallacy is magnified and ridiculed by the cult. Everyone says the cult's ideas were batshit crazy and retarded but they're basically the same thing Mae believed in. They both thought they were at the mercy of a demon and did shitty things in response to it. The only difference is that Mae manned up and took responsibility for herself in the end.

Greg rulz ok?

She saw a machine and the giant cat in the sky told her nihilistic things.

A fan game I'm making.

Attached: lorimae.png (2560x1440, 1.57M)

Just bought it, looks comfy af what am I in for?

Good artstyle, I like it.

its almost all exploration and dialogue, interspersed with minigames, some fun, some not.
Music and atmosphere is kino though.

Post Bea.

Imagine the smell.

You can thank the artist, Equestria Prevails, for not only drawing the sprites but also making them free for anyone to use.

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I was listening to some of the ost on bandcamp, just bought all 3. I can tell I'm gonna love this game

I really hope you enjoy it. It's a fantastic game but only for those interested in it's very small niche. Protip: For optimal play, do 2 playthroughs. One where you do all of Bea's hangouts and one where you do all of Gregg's hangouts. If you skip one of Bea's hangouts to do one of Gregg's or vice versa, you'll miss out on some good shit.

Noted! I wonder who I'll do first

Also be sure to explore every nook and cranny every day. The rooftops are kind of tricky to get to but there's a lot of hidden stuff up there. It can get tedious to walk from one side of town to the other and interacting with everything all the time but it's comfy to take things slowly if you embrace it. And don't be afraid to hang out with Germ and Lori because they won't take the day away from you if you do. And if you say no to hanging out they don't ask you to hang out again on that day.

looks reaally fucking good user
just make sure you nail the writing style of each character true to the game's writing

I'll definitely take it slow and explore, I love totally immersing myself in games. Germ and Lori, ok. Are they specific to different playthroughs or can I talk to them whenever?

I'm trying my best. I'll have a demo out in December and I'll gather feedback from that.

Nah, Germ and Lori are there regardless of what kind of playthrough you're doing.

Why did they feel the need to include sexual relations with childish looking cartoon animals?

Ah ok, thanks for the tips

This. Too bad she doesn't shower or have a penis.
and isn't real

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thats how (((they)) start it. First as a joke, then people start thinking its not a joke, after that youll have pedos and children demanding to lower the age of consent

what's the name of the game user? do you have a blog or something where people can keep track of it?

>video game makes every single character unlikable
>in a game where narrative is the main focus and there's no gameplay

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it's called "maps" now, get with the times grandpa

>Sleeps on a fucking mat on a wood bench

I fucking guarantee you this lunatic wouldn't even be half and crazy as she is if she just slept on a normal fucking bed. Shitty beds make your life miserable and people don't even realize it until they fix it.

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Light in the Woods. I post updates here twitter.com/LiitwDev

What has this guy even been up to?

wtf, sauce?! Wont google that shit

No need, it's some bullshit made up here that people keep trying to push as a real thing.

Mostly shitposting on Twitter and streaming, The Best Gamers has been soft-dead for quite some time.

do you not know what a map is? (minor attracted person)


Attached: map.jpg (1578x854, 172K)

Yes, even though there is a pedophile in the game who is depicted as a horrible irredeemable person because he is a pedophile, the game is pedophile propaganda. Gamers rise up!