What the fuck were they thinking

what the fuck were they thinking

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Why did each season get worse and worse?

wtf were you thinking?

>what the fuck were they thinking
money. lots of money to spend on shit and not salaries.

5 was the best thing since 1 and it was literally a fucking CW show



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>only the first season of the walking dead was a hit
>everything else sold like shit
>never try to correct your business, keep doing the same shit and hope that you'll just get lucky again
>fail and the company sink

They didnt have a good Clem to salvage it, or a Slugcat to salvage Clem

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Wolf, Borderlands, and Minecraft sold well

all they needed to do was to focus their efforts on those instead of pumping out a billion projects for quick paychecks

Only WDS1 and Minecraft managed to make any profit. Everything else was a moneysink. And just when they decided to change shit up with BatsS2, the company went down.

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Based slugcat poster

I'm a brainlet, what is this chart showing me?

>tried to make another Walking Dead season without Clem as the focus
>dumbass Clemfags went into a riot
>the writers then tried to subtly include her as a plot point
>resulted in the shittiest season without any semblance of logic in the writing

>"These choices are bullshit, nothing changes the outcome"
>(The buyer will remember that)

>Walking dead season 2 was 2013


S1>S2 with cut content>S2>>>S3>>>>>>S4


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Sales in number, instead of going full crisis by the end of 2013 they kept growing, hiring and buying ips to pump out games hoping for another hit

>Better to Sleep
That's fucked

in what world is Season 4 worse than 3

>S4 that low
Utterly garbage taste

Literally this

and I don't love Season 4, but it's telling how shit your franchise is when teenage bullshit is the second best part of it

Just because S4 was saved by Skybound out of love doesn't mean you can keep up this delusional meme that it was on par with S1. There's so many problems with it, I don't even want to get into it. I genuinely don't get why it's praised on here, and would appreciate someone explaining.

..It's not? When the fuck did I say that? It's better than 2 and 3, but that's not a high bar. Season 1 is better than all by large margins

calm down you schizo

Neither of them said it was on par with season 1 with you sperg.

S4 had problems for sure, but it had less problems than S2 and it doesn't even come lose to being as bad as S3

I still laugh at what they did with Omid, Christa, Kenny, and Jane through the seasons

how can you possibly have so little planning capability

>calm down you schizo
>you sperg.
lmao, I'm calm as can be, wtf?

Looks to me like the only one that's flipping out is you.

because you accused us of making a point we never made? Obviously we're gonna be confused

S4 wasn't good, but it was still better than anything besides S1.

what is this, High School?

>delusional faggots
>dude fuck off

But Minecraft doesn't look like it was successful at all on that chart

>Show and Telltale are overtaking the comics as the most critically acclaimed products in the series
>Looking forward to the next seasons of show and game, kinda bored with the comics

>show and game have been a massive pile of shit, Clem's journey was terrible past season 1, show is a dumpster fire with no end in sight because execs want a cash cow
>but at least the comics ended on a high note

I never thought it would go down like this.

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I said the opinion is delusional, and I never said to fuck off, in fact I invited you to explain why you thought it was good. Then you start swearing and insulting me and accuse me of freaking out. It's hard enough to find fans of TWD games past S1, I'm not going to be a dick.

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Season 4 was straight unmemorable garbage

You called me delusional for an opinion I didn't have, then I told you to back off and understand wtf I'm trying to say

And no, I don't think it's good (which, again, I never said), I just think it's better than 2 or 3

Aight, sorry then. I just see so many people say that on here that when I saw "S1>S4", I guess I projected that onto both of you.

Now that the dust has settled, what was the best episode of the entire series?

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Sell me on S4.

If I had to guess, licensing and overall production on Minecraft Season 1 was likely cheap as fuck compared to stuff like TWD, GoT, and Batman.

You now remember paying money for 400 Days.

I didn't pay for anything, I watched the whole series on YouTube since day 1. Bought the Collector's Edition, though.

Did you feed the dog, user?

>Telltale promised that the characters would show up and be apart of the plot in season 2
>All of the characters I grew to like after completing it became one second cameos in the background of the compound (aside from Bonnie)

Why did they lie to us.

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Who do you hate more?

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Reminder that shooting the mad dog Kenny and and ditching psycho bitch Jane was the only correct and canon ending to season 2.
>b-but muh based Kenny!
you were doing him a favor by killing him, also he was a retard who almost got everyone killed several times.

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why is this correct opinion so rare in TWD threads?
also Clem a cute

Kenny was right about Arvo, who literally shot Clementine for no reason. He had every right to be pissed at the faggots in the group whose MO was to always defend Arvo.

s4 was kino

Yes you are, season 4 sucks


Fuck, it seems like the season was originally more about a descent into madness and involved a walker cult. So much more atmospheric then what we got. Especially the last episode looked like it would've been haunting originally.

Remember when the group was taken to Carver’s and Kenny was like “JUST JUMP THEM WHEN THEY OPEN THE VAN TRUNK WE’RE IN, IT’LL BE FINE GUYS TRUST ME” and all the guards had machine guns when the trunk was opened. He literally would’ve killed everyone in the group if they listened to him.

THAT is true, lol.

I think a massive part of why season 2 flopped is because they had a clear vision of a much more fucked story than we got before they scrapped everything last second. Thats why it feels so shit and rushed. Maybe to have a broader appeal or something?

I really wish the series as a whole delved more into the psychological horror of ordinary people being thrust into an apocalyptic scenario.

That's why I feel like people are a little too hard on Ben. He wasn't malicious like some of the characters in the series, he was just young and stupid.

>Clem a cute
I sure hope you mean that in a fatherly way, user.

I honestly don't know what the fuck they were trying to do with Ben. Throughout all his screw-ups, no one ever says "Yeah, this guy's 16, obviously he's gonna fuck up." It honestly comes off like a teenager ran over the writer's cat and he needed to vent or some shit

>Write a story
>Okay now write those choices, and no matter which one you picked you‘re always wrong and in the blame

C__e and Pe_f__t.

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>Season 1
>Episode 1: Throws you into the apocalypse and introduces the colorful cast of characters and the concept of choice
>Episode 2: Introduces the concept of humans being the real monsters as you fight bandits and a clan of murderous cannibals

the franchise peaked so early that it's not even funny

Who did you feed?

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Honestly, the fact that people are so divisive on Ben makes me feel like hes a great character, maybe not likable, but definitely well-written. He was a realistic take on what would happen to a good-natured awkward teen in an apocalypse, as he was just a scared kid who let you down because he couldn't deal with his reasonable fears. The problem was with later seasons is they made all the characters really one-note. No depth, no subtle psychological hang-ups.

Clem, Duck, tried to give something to Carley to get those points with her, Kenny, and Mark.

Well she's black so that's the only kind of cute she can be.

yeah he was absolutely a character who would have "shaped up" in comics or show but instead he just ends up as "lol this guy's dumb and does dumb things lol"

Exactly, the most memorable characters are the most interesting and divisive. That's why everyone remembers Kenny.


It worked in that the later episodes showed the breakdown of the group. They were coming up with half-formed plans because they were desperate and clinging to random ideas of survival. They keep moving in those episodes to avoid confronting the fact they have no shelter and no food, and then they all die one by one. I'd say its pretty realistic.

Season 2:
>Save character
>Character is now silent and doesnt contribute to plot for next chapters
>That character dies in a way where you cant save them

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no u

It's realistic but it's inherently less interesting and also makes it hard to get attached. It's literally just "which idiot is gonna make a bad call and get a Walker horde called on us" this time, which doesn't have the same visceral appeal as facing down hillbilly cannibals or wading through the dynamics of a new group

What I don't understand is the fascination with saving Conrad so he lasts until the end. He was a piece of shit. Even if he was right to be skeptical of Clementine's motivations on the train, he grabbed some innocent kid and held a gun to his head for no reason. He deserved to die.

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Alright, fair enough, thanks for being civil. Also, I'm not

I don't know man, I'd say hillbilly cannibals as a concept has been done a lot. I can't think of many other shows, books or games that gets together a group of interesting people and lets them fall apart as people without pulling punches, actually letting them die and not simplifying them to caricatures while also just doing it well (other than the Thing, which I like a lot which is maybe why I liked the direction they went). I thought Kenny's slow breakdown into obsessiveness was done really well in particular. Guess we just wanted different things from the series in the end though.

Thanks for the response, have a good one.

Its just because it never happens with Telltale games, having a character last until the end and actually play a role. God knows why they wasted the one time they followed through on Conrad though like you said, I think they expected way more people to let him live then just 10%.

They consistently kept on writing and rewriting shit. Season 1's episode 5 was drastically different before the rewrite, then after that, Telltale kept on doing it constantly.

I know for a fact TWD Seasons 2 and 3 and The Wolf Among Us post episode 1 definitely suffered from rewrites. I'll never forget about waiting 4 months for episode 2 of TWAU. Could be that they were filling in the gaps after a good majority of their writing team left during/after TWD S1.

>have a pregnant character in christa
>kill her and omid off
>introduce ANOTHER pregnant black woman nobody gives a fuck about

Why couldn't they have just kept bromid and her and work in kenny and carver? Nobody gave any shit about the cabin group

I dunno, it all boils down to the fact that I realized I was completely on rails the entire time, I just got fucking annoyed and it was really hard for me to care about the characters when it became clear nothing I did mattered and they were just gonna fall apart and hate each other

>Deny Kate every chance you get
>Be a good bro every chance you get
>Save him in Episode 4
>Agree with him most of the time
>Accurately say that it was Kate initiating it and that you never touched her
>"I love you, brother. I never tried to get with your wife even though I could've"
Great writing. Fuck Season 3

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Arvo because everyone should have let Bonnie die under the ice with Luke and Mike was saved from being gunned down by Clem by a real world nig nogging around release

You're leaving out the part where they timeskipped, got rid of Christa's baby, and then wrote Christa out without ever explaining wtf happened to the baby or if the bandits killed her

Post season 1 Walking Dead was pretty bad, but I don't think it compares to how awful their Game of Thrones was.

>>but at least the comics ended on a high note
I know they killed Rick but they didn't end, did they?

Every season after 1 was dogshit and even that one had problems. If you chose not to steal from the strangers car in episode 2 or whatever the entire final confrontation makes no fucking sense. The amount of choice and branching paths is also extremely weak compared to something like Detroit. I mean literally no matter what you always end up at the exact same scene and choice

This is the blackpill

>don't stab bolton
>stab bolton
This has got to be the single choice that made me give up on Telltale as a whole.

The reason why Detroit did so well was because of the amount of branching choice as well. Telltale fucked up in trying to figure out how to keep audience interest in their games. Some slimy execs definitely said something like 'we need all the hip games and shows! Walking dead succeeded because of the show that was airing!' So then they made fucking minecraft and got. Honestly, it was embarrassing that they so sorely misunderstood their niche.

Clem, tried to feed Kenny but he wanted me to feed Duck, so I feed Duck, then Ben and then Larry.
Yeah, I feed Larry, I thought if I was nice with him we could had been friends...

Larry did kinda sorta have a reason to be skeptical of Lee. He knew Lee was a murderer. Still was a piece of shit, though.

Yes but Detroit had problems in storyline too, the child actually being an android really removed all sense of worry and interest for it.

I know, I got why he hated Lee, that's why I wanted to show him that Lee was not a bad man by being nice to him.
But ultimately he died without the chance of not being an asshole, so, rip.

Makes sense I guess, they were still living in a civilization so he had to be cautious with a murderer, years into the apocalypse no one would give a fuck.
But yeah, hated him from the start.

Also, Lee admits to the stranger guy in the last episode that he did commit the murder, and did it out of a flash of anger. Honestly doesn't sound like someone you'd want in your group.

I mean he never denies it at all throughout the series beforehand so it wasn't really a reveal...

He admits it but he never says why it happened, and even makes it sound like an accident once or twice. Turns out he didn't really have an excuse, like the guy came at him or something. I'm saying he played up how justified the murder was.