When did Overwatch stop being fun for you?
When did you stop playing?
When did Overwatch stop being fun for you?
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Season 2.
never played, like the porn tho.
I stopped playing when I realized pugs were basically functional retards
stopped having fun after they nerfed roadhogs hook into the fucking ground. Stopped playing like a year ago.
tfw no mei gf to drop off at white men only sex parties and then buy the recording
I quit playing around when the green robot centaur thing got added.
Every match just played out the same. You picked the same three sets of heroes every time, and would just synergize your ultimates every couple minutes. It was a lot of fun for a bit, but there wasn't enough depth or spontaneity to carry it for years on end.
>pasty white boys equate their disgusting pale skin to bleach
When bastion could turn in 360 degrees while in turret mode.
when I realized at the end of the day that it's more MOBA than shooter and that the level of teamplay the game asks of you stresses me out when strangers are relying on me.
Go commit die. All race fetishes are shit.
About ten hours in, all it took to learn the ins and outs of each class.
This is a good summary of why the meta sucks. The technical skill ceiling's too low and at best it's a team game of rock-paper-scissors.
Please don't. They have nothing else left. Their fantasies is all they have.
When I they added even more shield heroes and Comp became a game of burning through the other team's chokepoint shields faster than yours
And QP became Yea Forums where no one tries to play the game and they just practice heroes they suck at
stopped being fun a few months after release
stopped playing when it stopped being fun
as soon as orisa got released, how is shooting shields fun?
>hates white boys.
>goes entirely after white girls.
I hope you realize how many of your ancestors were forced into having my white ancestors spunk shot into their cunts.
Stopped being fun after I got witch Mercy.
I stopped playing because I spilled all my seed.
This is why they keep making the edits, retard.
>These artists obsessed with dumb memes to the point of writing Blacked/Bleached on all their art now.
Just draw tiddies you autistic fucks.
Around the second October event.
Please don't make me jack off to Mei today.
>When did you stop playing?
The day Blizzard released Reflections and made my waifu gay.
>TF2 with hitscan
Into the trash it will always remain
It's only westcucks. This is why you avoid western art
and how many of his current co-racials get white spunk shot willingly into them, desu
When I realized my DFC waifu was in another game.
Post more Honeydew Mei pls so that this guy has to jack off
You should do that everyday.
Anyone got the original?
I'm diamonds, but I told myself I wouldn't today.
>mad it's not working anymore
lol jews
Does Mei have any good doujins? I've found one that features someone's shitty OCs but it's all I could find.
Roadhog dmg nerf to appease the reddit kiddies on silver that got killed by him for not positioning correctly
Does she have any doujins at all?
>pick roadhog
>nobody knows why he's on the team
>nobody knows how to respond to his hooks
>Bastion/Junkrat defense will hold out for the entire fucking match because everyone's strategy is "pick damage, run in a straight line"
Fine, then. Ass and thighs do it for me, so just post some of that. Doesn't even have to be that outfit - just give me fat Mei booty, please.
Portal Bug: A Mei's Adventure... Like I said it's someone's OCs and she's not as thicc as she should be but it exists I guess
Maybe you should've killed the basion/junkrat since roadhog counters them, or switched class if they're in too open of an area to do so.
A good amount
>not thicc
I was trying to hook out bastion because he was poppin a squat, but they had basically holed up into a defense and our team was largely just running around with their heads cut off
I doubt I was doing fantastically, but surely had the right idea. I switched to Junkrat eventually to just shell them out but I wasn't enough alone but at least it was less dying
Welp, my cock's out. Keep going. Thicker, if possible.
Finally some good fucking belly
Same. Got the Witch Mercy skin and decided that I really didn't care anymore.
Given how the game has gone since I think I made the right decision.
Yeah, I used to play pretty frequently but stopped caring after a bit. I do get on to try new heroes but Zen, Mei, and Lucio are still the most fun to me.
Just keep this level of thickness, then. And keep posting.
I want to stuff her meat buns more than I want to keep breathing.
>When did Overwatch stop being fun for you?
Instantly, because there is no depth or nuance to any of the characters. Everyone plays their characters in pretty much the same way, only differnce is the mechanical skill.
Also the levels are pretty fucking bad too.
Front or back meat buns?
When they took out the ability to multi-pick heroes. 1 Lucio + the rest Zarya was the only way to play ranked. Game died after that.
Is Mercy still being nerfed and fucked over by Blizzard? If so, that's why. If not, I'll play again. They fucked up originally by making her almost impossible to balance around other healers so they decided to just trash her. Fuck Blizzard. Fuck Lucio. Fuck Anna.
My dick can't take much more. Keep going.
back of course
Post a good one to finish on.
Thanks, user.
Mei is literally one of the ugliest girls in gaming. Completely unfuckable and obese, nothing is less attractive than a fat Asian. I skip all the SFM porn of her.
I never played the game because it's run by Blizzard which = enforced playstyle and language. Probably get banned for briefing and trolling. I started every single DOTA 2 game for almost 2,000 hours with 'Kill all muslims' and called everyone I killed a fag and never got reported.
stay toasty, roastie
post dva
>Mei is literally one of the ugliest girls in gaming.
when i played for a few hours in each character. shit just feels the same every match.
Built for BWC
>tfw not played while wearing my D.Va leggings in months
Too bad
Personally, I'd say she's built for a BWSO
Have they hinted at a new Hero yet?
A hwat?
They hinted a new game because you idiots will eat anything they shit out.
Is it wrong to waifu a character from game you never played and don't intend to play?
>you idiots
I was just curious. I want more porn.
use context clues and you might be able to find out
And this disproves you're not a idiot how?
You are a small brain porn addict.
Season 2 is when the meta started to become exclusively gay shit and ever since then its just been more and more gay shit.
Will the sequel make more porn?
Low IQ
The sequel will have bleached skins
Yea, Sigma
Deathmatch is fun, except people using tanks but w/e. I dont really play qp or comp anymore.
I welcome my BBW delivery with open arms.
Still play, just considerably less.
The day Brig went live everything got worse.
There is absolutely nothing balanced about that character. Also i firmly believe snipers like Widowmaker and Hanzo are a poor fit for the game but Sombra is by far the most bullshit
>One of, if not the strongest ultimate in the game
>Instant cast (can be cast from stealth) cant be blocked or shielded against in anyway whatsoever - easily 90%+ chance you win that teamfight
>Farms her ultimate with absolute ease as she can walk with total, infinite invisibility into the enemy backline, hose someone until the slightest danger presents itself and then press E to teleport across the entire map to a health kit and start over until she has her ultimate
>the 'counterplay' is to destroy her translocator which will nearly always be placed deep into enemy territory and will then be back up to use in less than 10 seconds
>she can disable all of your abilities by simply looking at you with M2 held down - if you interrupt it, it has 0 cooldown, 0 resource cost, and she will just cast it over and over until she's dead (she wont be, because if she gets low, she presses E to total safety) and if it goes off you're completely crippled
At best you can break even against a sombra until she gets her ultimate and teamwipes you. Even if you know exactly where she's going to pop out of stealth and attack, there is no way to instantly kill her since all CC in the game is telegraphed and she can just E out of it. At best you can sniper headshot her instantly, which draws your snipers away from looking for picks - to be shot by their snipers. Her gameplay cycle is absolute cancer
it stopped being fun after the first two days i bought it
i got it on sale in like 2018
i dislike it with a passion
why the FUCK can’t I choose a game mode to play? Specifically I want to play the death match but it be nice to choose what game mode to play.
I pretty much stopped playing a few months after the death match was released.
Will we finally get an evil omnic?
Sigma looks more like an augmented human. At first we had Maximillien to look forward to as the evil Omnic, but after doing absolutely nothing in Storm Rising, there's now that new evil Omnic guy Doomfist talks to. You can expect him in 5 months from now.
Around the time where they fucked roadhog. Was also around the time where every patch started pandering to people who had never played video games before.
Oh yeah, that dreadhead looking robot?
I play it casually, so it's still fun for me.
That's the one, yeah. But we still have some other characters that can be released before him, such as the blue robot chick from McCree's cinematic or Junkerqueen. And going by the pace at which they release new content, it's gonna take a long fucking time before we get anything after Sigma.
Got fed up with the quad tank meta in s3 I think. And overall the gameplay loop is super repeatitive and the environment feels... sterile. In Dota 2 its always so chaotic and random and fun. If I want to play fps I will play one that capitalizes on shooting.
stopped playing after the 2nd match in the first ever free weekend
the game sucks
When Doomfist released. Reinhardt, D.va and Zenyatta were the only characters I actually liked. playing as.
Fat Overwatch characters give me life
Thank you for the non autistic version user. All bleached and blacked fags need to fuck off
Community is just a bunch of screaming teenagers.
Same, we really need more of it.
I hate racebait fags so much
When no DPS comps became a thing I began to lose interest on the game. But Briggite's release was the nail in the coffin for me
Overwatch is for Cumbrains and Trannies
BADASSES play the superior Battleborn
When it felt like I was replaying the same game over and over again. There was no sense of community, you'd never find anything creative in the game. That and a lack of custom maps, there was no growth and no variety. With how shit the levels were, and how everything unique about classes got changed to be less fun and interesting as time went on, I ended up dropping it.
looooool @ triggered white devils replyin to this
Yeah that's like all other online games ever.
I'm curious on how role queue will affect the game. It's's introduced with the intentions of making people stop fighting over roles since everyone just wants to play DPS (who would've guessed in a fucking shooter), but I imagine it's going to make matters even worse. People will just be salty over the other roles, and the DPS will still be the worse offenders because they go into so many more troll picks compared to the other roles.
>Losing game
>Say words to DPS
>DPS gets salty and switches to Torb or Sym
I wish all Overwatch girls got good fat art.
Death to all fatfags.
When Genji triple jump was taken out
>implying white dick can even scratch her g spot
Didn't even notice the tag. I think you are overreacting.
day 1
They might as well not cosplay
Big oof
more fat mei
More fat anyone desu
You think blacks are actually black? They're more like dark brown.
We really don’t