Games where the main character descends into madness?

games where the main character descends into madness?

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All he had to do was listen to Dick Masterson

I lost track of what happened once his channel went down. Is there somewhere I can catch up on this?

Mumkey's life is like a Scott Pilgrim story arc gone wrong
He even picked worst girl

Seriously, his channel got taken down and then he went on to Twitch for a while. What's going on with him now?

He probably blames soumaya

Did Anthony Fantano let his wife present his show?

Quick rundown
>Youtube fucks his shit
>has to go to vimeo
>amidst all this, it is discovered he was cheating on sheepover
>cheating on his girlfriend who has a great job and fucking loves his faggot ass almost unconditionally with a furry pedo ugly whore
>breaks up with sheepover after going to couple's counseling, is on drugs that make him apathetic, still wants to date the furry pedo

Cheated on his girlfriend for a pedophile furry
When this was all found out he told everyone that he fucked up and will change
He later chose the pedophile furry

>mumkey cheats on sheepover with an unironic babyfucker
>mumkey goes innawoods to improve mental health
>kiwifarms won't leave him the fuck alone and allegedly chose the pedo furry over sheep; there's no proof of this and kiwifarms is probably making shit up

>swipes right on every profile on tinder
>doesn't realize that doing so makes the tinder algorithm think you're a bot
What a dumbass kek

The pedo furry is cute

Honestly the biggest case of an irl face heel turn I’ve ever seen


Pictures of said furry pedo.

Wow, what a fucking shitshow. Poor dude lost everything once YouTube threw his ass off the platform.
And by the by, anybody know what happened to Assburger after he went to jail? Is he still in jail?

Ok I need a source or some shit on this.
It literally sounds too unbelievable for him.

i miss mumkey bros

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Didn't he also propose her so she wouldn't leave him for some 16yo kid?

Sheepover is Knives
Liu Kitty is Ramona (worst girl)
For fucks sakes she even has blue hair in this pic

Attached: LiuandMumk.png (960x720, 1M)

What the fuck? Was sheepover not putting out or something?

how do you fuck up this bad?

Well, now I get why he liked that monkey mask so much.

Damn, Sheepover is cute as fuck. At least in that pic. If this is true, and I'm still waiting to see evidence that it is, Mumkey fucked up by picking a furry that looks like a teenage boy.

She looks like a 14 year old guy, jeez, he really is a bottom of the barrel faggot

She looks like a teenage boy

I thought it was a 14 year old kid?

That's a girl? Looks like a prepubescent dude. I of course mean the furry """girl""".
Also, it's not like sheepover was any better looking anyway. Mumkey just should've become the lonely incel he always acted as.

>I miss mumkey
I've been on this fucking website since 2006 and this is the first I've heard of him.
It's true isn't it? You can always lurk moar

Sheepover isn't much of a looker, but she's cuter than the furry pedo. I don't remember her name, but to give you a mental image: she has painted her hair blue.
Dunno if SimianJimmy is still active on Youtube, but he made a nearly hour long video explaining everything from his perspective. Near the end Mumkey himself says that he wants to try to have a relationship with the furry pedo, and that he and sheepover will just remain friends.

you didn't see britbong cry like this bitch

Knives got a little stalker crazy though, in the movie at least. Never read the comic.


I don't even think Yea Forums would betray a cinnamon roll who would put up Yea Forums's shit

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E-celeb board when?

Why are people calling her a pero though?


>gets cucked by a 15 year old

Fuck off manlet

Attached: Manly tears plays Chivalry.gif (640x360, 1.91M)

/You/ - YouTube and Twitch would be a great board.

Attached: TheSMonroeShow.png (647x856, 1.29M)

She's also a bit of a stalker in the comic after Scott dumps her
She literally clings onto a window watching Scott and his friends have dinner IIRC
She gets over it though albeit she still has feelings for Scott even after she found he dumped her to bang another girl without telling

It should be called /yt/ desu

Anyways, serves Mumkey right for being a faggot edgelord.
Made me chuckle.

she had sex with a 15 year old

The movie is pretty accurate; in the comic Knives' dad also stalked Scott for awhile to check if he was good to his daughter or something.

She was emotionally manipulating a 15 year old for sex

I thought it was okay when Women did that
Isn't the whole /ss/ something all of Yea Forums is into?