Abortion? Well, that's a rough one. Bit of a tough pill to swaller. At first I didn't take kindly to the idea of killin' babies, but Dutch gave me this ole thick science book and I pretty much surmised that well, that thing is as human as Micah here, which is lackin' to say the least. Hell, I'd say a gal has the right to choose.
Abortion? Well, that's a rough one. Bit of a tough pill to swaller...
These threads are fun, like catching a firefly before it gets deleted
Reminder that no matter what language they put to it abortions goal is always to make sure a human being doesn't come into existence
Why did the writers try so hard to force an agenda on Arthur?
No, it isn’t. The fundamental idea behind allowing abortion is to protect existing life over uncreated life. It’s utilitarian at its core
Yeah, when I think of children the first thing I think is how dangerous they are to "existing" life.
so the same goal as a condom then.
>it is humane to let a woman chose to kill her baby
OKay retard.
There is no real choice here, you're either a murderer or you're not. tit for tat
Then you haven’t understood the discussion. No one is claiming that they’re a “danger” you moron. Let me repeat: it’s the fundamental principle of protecting existing life (ie people that already exist, have lives, fears, goals etc) in favor of uncreated life (ie something that doesn’t even fucking properly “exist” yet). Will you allow the knowledge of an insignificant blob of cells DETERMINE what will happen to your future, or will you take a logical decision based on that specific situation?
Also, late stage abortions are super fucking rare you moron. This issue mainly concerns the initial weeks of pregnancy
Fucking this, are you against contraceptives too my man? Are you against vaccines aswell?
But not all homicide is murder friendo, nor illegal. Nice false dichotomy.
The most reasonable position is banning abortions in all circumstances aside from a real threat to the woman's life or pregnancies resulting from rape or incest and ensuring contraceptives and proper sexual education is available for everyone free of charge.
not the fella, but the difference is that contraceptives prevents the forming of new life while most abortions deal with something that already is alive, hence the ethical debate. A subtle but important difference.
you are an insignificant blob of cells
Yeah I know, aware of the difference. And it’s not important, it’s fucking retarded. Allow me to explain:
We’ll go through this back and forth and in the end there’s everyone in world on one end, saying things like
> eyy it’s better to protect someone who might not be capable of having a child right now
> if say there’d been a problem with like contraceptives, that’s be useful
> or maybe worst case, a woman finds herself with a sexual assault pregnancy or has her life at risk, then that’s a no brainer
Then on the other side we’ve got people like (I assume) you
> we should protect life, and “life” is created at conception
> life is in fact a tangible thing that can be observe to be created !
> zooming in we can see that it’s not the egg in itself, nor the millions of sperm cells that’ll die, that easily could’ve been you (or someone ELSE?) - it’s actually with pinpoint accuracy that when they both TOUCH then LIFE is created. That’s when a baby becomes a baby’ no doubt.
Never mind that it’s literally smaller than spit, looks like spit and for all you know could be spit if you saw it outside. If you adhere to this type of logic, you’ll end up in a position where you ask yourself why you don’t weep for all potential babies you wasted into a napkin. Or why you don’t pick up spit on the ground thinking it might well be human life. The answer is because life isn’t a tangible thing that can be fucking measured with a kitchen timer. It’s a much more involved process where you (as in the fucking baby) can honestly be argued to not even exist properly yourself before you have any memories or sense of self existence. God damn man
Side note: Don’t listen to Shapiro just because his wife did all the legwork and squeezed out a baby. Think for yourselves
And so are you, and everyone else. Solid reply
>deal with something that already is alive
I guess my sperm is also alive then huh
abortion kills people
>not all homicide is murder
Wrong. Even if it was on accident, it's still called accidental murder, or killing from fault, whatever you wanna call it.
Military or Police killing multiple suspects is also murder but obviously legal.
I'm fine with abortions if it's less than one month pregnancy and even then you should get a tattoo on you disclaiming this so no man ends up with her without knowing about it.
No, that’s actually not the case. If you truly wanna have to most ‘reasonable’ thing to do, then it’d be to not interfere with these people’s potential to choose
lmao why would it matter? Would you like have something tattooed on your body that women decided?
When did Nu-Yea Forums turn into a bunch of moralfagging cringe lords?
Arthur would be pro-life. He's the most old fashioned in the crew.
Right about a few weeks back. Got tired of you pepe posting faggots with your never ending retardation
>man who masturbates into sock, murdering would be children.
He's pro women voting, and he's not racist against minorities, he's not old fashioned at all.
But women have proved to be huge whores who abuse their privilige of choosing. It must be strictly enforced by law to avoid their abuse
yes all women are whores including your mother
Do you honestly think a murderous bandit outlaw would have gone with the "life is sacred" argument over the pragmatism of getting rid of the damn thing if it's inconvenient?
That's a false equivalence
Sperm without an egg would never become a human. By definition it's not because it's not the correct amount of chromosomes.
Fetus are human, they are literally the beginning cells
That’s also people preaching abstinence/condoms/birth control though, and you don’t see people angry that that is interfering with creating life.
Potential life is still potential life. Doesn’t matter if it’s a fertilised egg or a viable egg about to be fertilized.
>Sperm without an egg would never become a human.
Right, and neither will an aborted foetus.
look i dont want to come here and tell you that unlike you Hittler wouldnt kill his own baby, which he wouldnt, so im just going to say do whatever you want, none of my fucking business.
Threadly reminder that back when Yea Forums was good we would've mercilessly mocked these pearl-clutching Christards, if we could even find one on the whole board, that is.
A fetus is already a human life.
Its not murder until the brain is developed enough to form a mind. Many people are born with brains that never achieve the level of complex thought necessary for consciousness. In other words, they're humans instead of a mind inside a human.
>I'm against abortion not because it's wrong and I care about human life and it's potential
>but because it "btfo's sjws"
>let niggers abort their babies though lol
fuck off already stormbois
Yeah? Take it out of the mother then, see how it does. Should be fine, right? It's a viable human life after all.
Yeah what the fuck are you talking about. Apart from your personal bad (lacking) experience with women, why would you think anyone could take this type of argument seriously. Refer you to this post Here, do this: Google “what does fetus look like at (amount of weeks)”. Unborn fetuses are not fucking “real people”, they’re legit more akin to a fucking organ. You don’t cry about kidney transplants fucking do you? Please learn these things before you submit your opinion into shit you obviously know nothing about
There should be a machine that lets women harmlessly transfer their unwanted babies to the fathers, who will be forced to carry them to term and push them out their dickholes
Honestly, if you have dehumanised embryos and fetuses to the point of unironically comparing them with spit then theres already no helping you.
you could just look up why a sperm doesnt turn into a person by itself.
Dehumanising and then terminating a life because it is more convenient that way will one day be seen in a similar light that lobotomy now is. Be dishonest all you want.
A fetus isn't human though. It's a fetus. It develops into a human after a certain amount of time based on the set of genetic instructions it has from the sperm and the egg.
What the fuck are you arguing? You acknowledge that you know the difference between sperm and a being created by sperm and an egg with it's own, unique genetic make up that will inevitably turn into a baby, then you turn around and argue that it's not different and it's the same.
Just fucking admit to yourself and everyone else that you'r OK with killing babies and stopping life. You don't need to try to jump through these retarded mental hoops to try to appear both correct and ethical at the same time. Abortion isn't ethical, it's utilitarian. Stop being such an idiot. Everyone sees through this stupid ass argument.
Less abortion discussion, more woke Arthur posts
>Take it out of the mother then
No, I'm no murderer.
You sure told yourself user.
>killing non-hostile KKK members grants honor
It's no different from an adult on life support. Still human, just needs extra care. Plenty of women abort at 25 or so weeks, when they should just induce labor and deliver. A lot of those preemies would survive and could be given up for adoption. Women are just coping with the fact they're murderers
and what about self defense or war? Homicide is not always murder. Murder implies fault, wrong doing, or a killing of an individual caused from evil intentions.
>this level of mental gymnastics
If you're digging up a garden and uprooting all the budding roses that haven't yet breached the surface, you're still preventing them from blooming and becoming roses. You are doing the exact same thing to humans, only you're rationalizing it away like the degenerate libtard you are.
Here's an idea for unwanted babies: USE FUCKING PROTECTION OR GET YOUR DAMN TUBES TIED/VASECTOMY. If getting an unwanted child is so painful, get your swimming polywags frozen or something. You don't get to murder babies because you weren't smart enough to not sleep around like the retard you are.
Eat shit and die.
That's not how murder works. You're doing the equivalent of arguing against piracy on the basis that it is theft, and then I ask you to imagine that instead of stealing a game you can just create a copy of it and play that without anyone else losing something, and you say "no I'm no thief".
>another thread where retards think that it's "yes all abortions for any reason" vs "no abortions at all"
whores who have unprotected sex can do go die but rape babies can too
>you could just look up why a sperm doesnt turn into a person by itself.
neither will a week old fetus when it's separated from its host.
>this level of mental retardation
You literally just agreed with me by saying you're preventing the seed from becoming a rose.
So a human fetus isn't a human? it isn't a particular stage of human life? interesting. You're just an idiot.
>self defense
I'm pretty sure the fetus isn't going to grow into a Xenomorph and burst out of the mother's belly. If the pregnancy becomes complicated and threatens the mother's life, only then can you speak of self-defense you little shit
What a fucking stupid comparison, holy shit...
>It's no different from an adult on life support.
And if the only way to keep someone alive was to tether another living human being to them for as long as is required, possibly months, then no one would even consider that procedure unless that human being is 100% okay with it for the entire duration. You would not be considered a murderer for failing to give up months of your life for someone on life support. And what if you know the person is going to die? What if you know it could kill you? What if the guy who put that person in a coma and is actively forcing you to go through with the procedure doesn't have to sacrifice anything himself?
>i dont like half of my baby so i'll kill it
>Unique and only Biological process that ends with a birth of another of the human species
>Thinking that anything post conception isnt life
Life is a continuum that begins at conception; all of the current posters at one point or another where "a fetus".
Denying that is denying reality
You're the one who compared terminating a pregnancy with murder. Utterly retarded. How can you "murder" someone by doing something that shouldn't be able to kill anyone? Doesn't that itself show that it's not actually a viable life?
>every single person who needs medical supplies to live is not a human being and I should be able to kill them if I want
being a right-wing shithead is being "rebellious" to these zoomers who went through grade school under obama
Well I reckon as long as that little fella ain't white, aint no problem.
>This is the intelligence of a pro choice person
A kidney is not a human being it's a biological organ. It's part of the human being anatomy.
This is like saying a baby is not a human because it's not gone through puberty yet.
Life starts at fertilisation and it ends at death. It's that fucking simple
So since all y'all love babies so much I guess you're also in favour of ensuring those babies grow up well with plenty of food and toys and attention from their parents and an education when the time comes?
I'm fine with killing babies even after birth if parents want it.
>I should be allowed to kill my baby bc life is uncertain
>white knighting abortionists getting BTFO while they suck their bull’s cum out of their wife’s pussy so she won’t get pregnant
Heh, nothin personel m-moralfags.
>You would not be considered a murderer for hooking yourself up to someone to give them life and then saying "lol just kidding" and pulling the plug on their ass 4 months before their life was saved
Actually yeah, you would. You're just making excuses because you know murder is wrong, but can't admit that you support murder at a whim.
If the person on life support were to go on living another 80 years or so then I would absolutely consider you a shithead for killing them.
No, not "medical supplies", you disingenuous tit, more like your fucking kidney if you can comprehend that comparison. The "medical supplies" come from your own body at a significant cost to yourself.
>Since you're so against murdering babies I guess you should pay for them ey goyim?
There's no reason to care because it lacks all the features we associate with humanity. No one has right to live, everyone who does just gets to do it.
no because that wouldn't be sticking it to women and the libs
No, because bodily autonomy is sacrosanct.
>The definition of life and what it means to be human, debates that man has had since the beginning of intelligent life.
>It's that fucking simple
>doesn't understand what centrism is
And regardless, the point is that it depends on the circumstances.
sadly you dont include fetuses in that platitude, do you?
>you disingenuous tit,
Humorous to hear that from someone trying to make the act of murder sound okay just because someone feels like killing something instead of accepting responsibility for their actions.
That’s literally a legal responsibility of the parents already once they have they kid. What’s the problem?
The baby has a body too
>Actually yeah, you would.
No, you really wouldn't. If that were a legit medical procedure that existed, and at some point during it you were to say "I don't want to do this any more" then no one would be able to force you to continue.
You'd want me to stay tethered to this person for 80 years or you'll call me a murderer? What about my life?
Ah, there we go, "pro-life" until birth, "survival of the fittest" from the moment of birth.
Its not because the human life hasn't developed enough to become independent that its not a human life, by taking it out you're pretty much denying this creature the right to become a "viable" life.
>No one has right to live
>U.N. human rights
You are using murder-level logic.
I was gonna reply to each and every one of you again but I’m really not in the mood right now. I’ll just say this, and allow everyone to try and disagree. You won’t be able to:
If support abortion as an abstract concept you
> understand that 1 sperm in 1 egg does not equal a HUMAN
> understand that this entire fucking debate is redundant because at the end of the day we’re talking about a “life-line” type policy that only affects a small amount of people
> understand that all people are in a variety of complex situations and cannot always find the means of having a child just because it happened
> have realized that there is no evil Jewish space empire that controls the white masses through abortion. Fucking srsly
If not, you might be either
> stupid
> religious
> American
> incel, or virgin
No where in my statement did i mention a fetus. I was talking specifically about the definition of murder. Jesus christ do you understand the definition of context or do i need to explain that to you as well?
>Life starts at fertilisation
>a clump of cells with no brain is alive and conscious
yeah okay
Gentlemen! I have a plan b. Now who is with me? And who is against me?
It's not a matter of inclusion. No one can be forced to give up their bodily autonomy for someone else. Sad about the foetus, maybe, if you're a particularly sentimental type and/or are terribly misinformed about the nature of a foetus, but that's just how it is.
It's not a baby.
>if my hypothetical scenario existed it would only support my position, no debate to be had here
Oh, so you're just being intellectually dishonest because you can't actually defend your position. Carry on.
>woman's life is in danger
>the offspring is the result of rape
>woman is a whore who thinks that an abortion is a free pass to have unprotected sex
9 months for 80 years. Also i didnt call you an outright murderer, I called you a shithead for killing someone.
>U.N. human rights
Go tell those to literally everyone who has ever died. See how much it helps them.
I have a question for Pro-Lifers, you have the choice to save a baby or a fetus which one do you save and why?
abortion should not only be allowed but mandatory if the baby is white
Is it just as humorous as someone who refuses to address any argument and would rather just repeat emotionally charged platitudes?
Yeah and if I threw a newborn out into the wild it probably couldn’t fend for itself.
What race are they
The baby if they were cute, if not I would just roll the dices.
That's not a "right" defined anywhere. The fact is it's not a viable life and therefore it can get fucked. What possibly may occur if it is left undisturbed is irrelevant.
what about
>woman has sex unprotected out of ignorance and will bring a poor, uneducated, terror into this world so she decides that for the good of herself and society it should be aborted
just curious
>any argument
Oh? You have arguments? I could have sworn all you had was a hypothetical situation that doesn't exist and you refuse to accept that it could go any way other than the way you decide, in spite of any real life evidence.
If you've got any actual arguments I'd love to hear them. It weird though, I won't be able to address any arguments until you actually make them.
> stupid
> religious
> American
> incel, or virgin
But you repeat yourself.
>A clump of cells is alive
Yes it is, it multiplies and develops into a human being
>and conscious
Consciousness it not a requisition for life, see Plants for an example
It really says something that many people think abortion is an easy decision even if the baby is a result of rape.
People don't just abort babies out of whim, at least vast majority.
A baby isn't human then either. Birth isn't the end of development.
I'm pro choice but I think 24 weeks is too late for an abortion. If science says they can feel pain at 20 weeks, I think it should be done before then.
Is it ok if I just don't care about fetuses dying? Moral or not?
Its irrelevant to pieces of shit like you, I'm sure you plenty of mental gymnastics under your sleeve, but I'm done here.
>I'm anti-abortion but eat meat
well? care to explain yourselves?
based, but it's not letting a human come into existence, it's actively terminating one. There is no discernable difference between a fetus and a newborn and a newborn and a toddler in the degree of disparity of development, so arbitrarily deciding which is allowed to live and die is not only inhumane, but arrogant.
>>woman has sex unprotected with no intention to breed
then she is a profligate who must be punished
Whichever one has a higher chance of me saving them, same as I would do for any two people in danger with only the ability to save one. That doesn't make either life more or less valuable than the other, in the same way saving a kid trapped under a tree outside a burning building instead of the old man trapped inside the building doesn't justify killing old people because you don't want to deal with them.
It isn't the end of development as a human, but shortly before birth is the end of development into a human.
>if my hypothetical scenario existed it would only support my position, no debate to be had here
I bring up the hypothetical scenario precisely because it supports my position. Of course, you can present your own scenario where we not only have that medical procedure, but also radically different ideas about bodily autonomy and sacrificing unwilling people for the "greater good" or whatever, but then you can also just leave out the whole medical procedure and talk about abortion directly. Because your problem is not actually with the medical procedure, but with how we understand bodily autonomy as a society.
A fetus is human and alive. It therefore absolutely qualifies for protection of its bodily autonomy. You can try to dehumanise them as much as you will, it wont make "termination" any more ethical.
>No brain
>Clump of cells
Nigger what the fuck do you think we’re made of. At that point you might as well say
>dude what’s murder lmao, all I did was stop the momentum of an electrical current
going to go full edgy here.
all babies that can be aborted should be aborted.
>cannot always find the means of having a child just because it happened
It doesn't "just happen", you stupid nigger.
I could actually get behind some form of punishment desu, as long as the baby still gets aborted too.
I like how every female/black/POC in RDR 2 was portrayed as misunderstood/brotherly/honest and every white male except maybe Arthur is a blood thirsty monster/incompetent buffoon
I'm actually not against abortion I just can't stand the denial that you're ending a human life. It's retarded
I'm still not the one "killing" anyone. Here, what if it had to be either one of us? Would you do it if I refused? Would I be to blame for anything?
I’d high five you if I could. Seriously fuck those people
50-100 cells is not a human.
>protection of its bodily autonomy
I agree, and it's also protection of the mother's bodily autonomy to remove the foetus.
If it can't survive on its own, well, then it's not autonomous after all.
All life is precious
Human is a fucking species, you’re talking about personhood, which is a purely philosophical concept.
I've impregnated my gf twice and had two abortions AMA.
So the act of being born makes one human?
Oh, you’re going to tell me about how a sexual relationship works?
Does your gf have a cute dick?
Are you against the death penalty too? I'm not just trying to do a "gotcha" here, just genuinely curious.
Did you punish her for getting pregnant?
>these are the people that the white knight abortionist edgelords in this thread want to enable
>Oh? You have arguments?
Yeah, I guess they're a bit too much for someone who isn't used to anything more complex than "but what about the cute widdle babies" on repeat.
I am trying to explain to you the concept of bodily autonomy. Can you understand it? What "real life" evidence do you have to support your flawed understanding, considering you mention it but don't seem to have brought it up before? Because if you can't grasp this first step it's kind of pointless trying to get through your thick skull reinforced with appeals to emotion.
>> zooming in we can see that it’s not the egg in itself, nor the millions of sperm cells that’ll die, that easily could’ve been you (or someone ELSE?) - it’s actually with pinpoint accuracy that when they both TOUCH then LIFE is created. That’s when a baby becomes a baby’ no doubt.
>confusing gametes with zygotes
Fuck, you're either retarded or intellectually dishonest.
>chick is pregnant
>Could potentially die from giving birth
>baby has 50/50 chance of coming out as normal or a tard
What do Yea Forums
lol okay, crawl back home Christard, this is Yea Forums in case you hadn't noticed
Pretty confident in your definition of human. An individual Homo sapiens, starting at "shortly before birth"
>I bring up the hypothetical scenario precisely because it supports my position.
You literally just admit that you made something up to justify yourself. You didn't present any argument or evidence, you just made it up and said "this is how it would work." Again, make an actual argument if you want to be addressed.
>Because your problem is not actually with the medical procedure, but with how we understand bodily autonomy as a society.
Congratulations, you have discovered the fact that there is a debate going on and the other side disagrees with you. Except you've missed the mark and narrowed down the scope of the debate entirely to what you've already decided that you've proven to be correct (again without evidence), because you know there is no real justification for the needless disregard for life unless you make it out to be an issue entirely based on basic autonomy.
I'm confused, how is abortion not a philosophical or ethical discussion?
>A fetus is human and alive.
That's just like, your opinion man
A sperm by itself will not multiply and grow into a baby, nor will an egg. When they merge that development begins. Life is born
And yet we have no debates or moral qualms about people cutting grass, tearing weeds, growing veggies, etc. You're a moron
>if you don't just understand that I'm right and my hypotheticals are automatically right then there's no point in talking to you!
Well you're right about one thing, I guess. It really is a pointless discussion when you're involved.
>The entity that is you only exists because a particular sperm and a particular egg were fused during conception
>Therefore life begind at conception.
>Therefore abortion is murder, because it cuts short the existence of a particular human being at any time after conception.
>Therefore contraception isnt murder, because it prevents the fusion of egg and sperm in the first place.
Either have sex safely or dont have it at all if you arent willing to deal with the consequences. Simple as that.
Protection and having your tubes tied/Vasectomy isn't 100%. The only way to know for sure is to never have sex. To be abstinent. Unless you're willing to have a child, one should just not have sex with our current methods.
What video game let's me abort babies Yea Forums?
>Yea Forums is so contrarian and astroturfed by right-wing groups that they've gone full-circle into being christfags
this website is legitimately unrecognizable, well done zoomers
If your action or inaction results in the death of a person, you are most likely involved in a killing. This isnt even a matter of culpability or anything.
An abortion is a killing. And please save the weird made-up scenarios which only serve to try and make abortion more palatable to morons.
You do realize this argument can be applied to people who need blood donations or any other menagerie of things, right?
>No one can be forced to give up their bodily autonomy for someone else. Sad about the foetus
How can parents be charged with neglect then? How are drugs and prostitution criminalized? Anyone can be forced to give up bodily autonomy, it's called a law.
We grew up.
In some cases NOT supporting abortion is even more cruel. Kids who are born with severely painful and debilitating conditions and are paraded around like circus attractions by their attention whore parents would be better off being terminated before birth, ironically it would be more humane to kill them.
If a pregnant women is murdered then it's only her that's killed right?
Yes, you did, under the tutelage of alcoholic parents in flyover states. Please continue arguing from morality on a website where we are all 1 click away from dragon futas fucking, it's a riot.
>You literally just admit that you made something up to justify yourself.
No, you fucking idiot, the only thing made up about it is the medical procedure. Everything surrounding it is how we would deal with that procedure in our current society if it were real, based on our current moral understanding of bodily autonomy.
>Congratulations, you have discovered the fact that there is a debate going on and the other side disagrees with you.
I was well aware that we were in disagreement, it's just that you can't even grasp what you disagree with me on, and you resist every attempt at explaining it.
You can whine on and on about how foetuses are human lives, which is highly debatable, but it will never change the fact that legally and morally speaking it is considered abhorrent to force any person to give up a portion of their lives, with a significant risk to self, just so that another person may live. It's literally a textbook thought experiment about why utilitarianism is flawed. Pregnancy should not be an exception, especially because a foetus can hardly even be defined as a person.
Naturally I exaggerate to highlight the stupidity. If you’d prefer I say
> zygotes are a magical type of cell that should be held above all else,
It’s still as fucking stupid, because at the end of the day you’d rather stand on the side of a fucking cell over your own species, on something that doesn’t even properly exist yet. On the other hand, there are two very real and existing people now grappling with the potential consequences of in 9 months raise a child they didn’t plan on having 2 weeks ago.
Try having this conversation with a woman. My initial post still stands.
Obviously not since you're still posting on an anonymous children's games forum
Why are Christards so retarded? Oh right.
>uncreated life
I'm pro-choice and this is still easily recognized as a delusion.
It's fundamentally murder. Dumb whores get away with the murder of hundreds of thousands every year because they're women living in a society that privileges women, specifically dumb whores, more than any other society has privileged any other group in the history of the western world.
So the tiny amount of less-than-one-in-a-thousand abortions, as opposed to the convenience abortions that you're actually defending?
Everyone I know irl who sits pro-life does so through a religious standpoint, and is also hilariously hypocritical about absolutely any other aspect of living a religious life so color me unimpressed with any of the arguments ITT.
Interestingly, no. Which is a strange contradiction.
>Political positions or actions I don't like should be labeled as right-wing or left-wing so that I could "feel" good.
>Not tackling issues particularly and individually like a rational and moral being.
So tell me about this left and right wing, where did these terms came to be O Low One.
And that's a good thing
Just because you're hesitant to pull the plug on the most vulnerable and innocent among us does not make you a Christfriend.
I'm fine with abortion I just want people to be honest about what it is. Killing babies.
Why are people turning something so obvious into some decade long debate?
Would you want a rapebaby to grow up and fuck you over in some weird way cause nobody loved him? Just answer that and you will get what you need to do.
>Are you against vaccines aswell?
What do vaccines have to do with pregnancy?
Meh, I get my stance on this from the Satanists, who have the best ideology about souls and shit. I don't believe a soul enters the body until birth.
Because they're not people you asinine nihilist
are you stupid? clearly he means if they both have the same chance.
answer the question and explain why you made the decision.
Republicans don't believe non-Americans should exist, so they're basically committing abortion every time they refuse to let an immigrant into the country.
You're totally oversimplifying the problem. The majority of pro-lifers believe that abortion of cases of rape is fine.
>abortion stops druggies, retards, povertyniggers, white trash and beaners from making as many babies
>a bad thing
>If your action or inaction results in the death of a person, you are most likely involved in a killing.
Then aren't you involved in the killing of every person you could hypothetically save by, say, donating all your savings to charity and going to Africa to volunteer to build shelters or grow crops?
>This isnt even a matter of culpability or anything.
If it's not about culpability then can you be involved in the killing of a baby without being culpable?
>And please save the weird made-up scenarios which only serve to try and make abortion more palatable to morons.
>Please don't make any arguments that might make people consider anything else than my emotionally charged platitudes to make abortion unpalatable to morons
>white male except maybe Arthur is a blood thirsty
Hosea, Swanson and Pearson were some of the nicest members in the crew retard
That clump of cells is human life. Its siding with the human species. I've talked to women about abortion, and the only thing I can conclude is that they're incredibly entitled and selfish. If she doesnt want the kid then give it up for adoption. Newborns get adopted at the drop of a hat, and theyll be with a family who wants children.
The human being is already in existence. The goal is to murder the baby so it doesn't make it got term.
>whores murdering their own babies to avoid responsibility so they can keep whoring
>protecting their lives
What did he mean by this?
>How can parents be charged with neglect then?
Does taking care of a child require you to physically give it your blood?
>you don't ACTUALLY believe this, you're just contrarians
>my liberal city mindset is the most prevalent
what model echo chamber is that?
what a naive faggot you are.
It's comfort murder, no mental gymnastics can get around that.
I agree with abortion, but I don't like that it's used as contraception. It should only be used if: a. The mother can't support the child (physically or mentally). b. The pregnancy is a product of rape. c. The child will be severely physically or mentally disabled. Basically a mercy killing, as the fetus will be way above 24 weeks before a diagnosis could be verified. d. The fetus is not above 12-16 weeks old, which is kind of the line before a fetus develops into a baby.
The main question is why should I care?
It does, however, mean you don't belong here.
>The female characters are literally thieves and whores
yea I remember thinking of them as such positive role models for young women
It was for the best, this shouldn't raise a child
>Military or Police killing multiple suspects is also murder but obviously legal.
You're a dumb faggot, you know that?
It’s only “murder” to you because you’re valuing the combination of a couple cells, some goop, as legitimate life. Ask yourself why you wouldn’t do the same for a fly you smack on your arm
meant for
Someone explain this, why would a women get pregnent if she didnt want a baby? There are a hundred different way to not get pregnent, pills, blockage, womb removal operation, condoms, not have sex with creampie.
>But rape
In the rare cases where the guy gives sample of him being a rapist, you got like several days on preventing the baby to form.
I'm trying to imagine taking this image seriously.
Neither are foetuses
I'm pro-abortion but anti choice.
>complaining about echo chambers on a dying website that only still gets traffic because it's the last relatively active place you can still shout HAHA NIGGER to your zoomer heart's pleasure while everyone who created content that wasn't frog edits has already left
bravo nolan
Rape abortions are such an infinitesimally small amount of abortions that it literally is not worth incorporating into arguments.
All I can say is that I want to invest in/open up an abortion clinic one day. Seems like a great way to make fucking bank.
>The majority of pro-lifers believe that abortion of cases of rape is fine.
Which already goes to show that their stance is logically incoherent and largely based on feeling. Honestly, it would be refreshing to find a hardline pro-lifer who actually follows his position to its logical conclusion, not in the least because he'd be so easy to argue against on account of being a reprehensible monster.
>Why would someone end up somewhere they don't want to be?
I feel like you haven't had much life experience yet.
Don’t fall for this stupidity. The answer is that it depends, if she was like 8 months (90% complete) you’d say hey both died, otherwise you’d just mention that she was pregnant upon death
Well, that's the question. Just restating your opinion isn't an argument.
Murdering something that can't even think isn't really much of an issue
>no awareness of the sacrifice involved in parenthood
Let me guess you're a teenager
If men could get pregnant this thread would look very different.
It’s me implying that he’d be inclined to also believe other, equally stupid ideas
>people pretending to understand genetics and embryos in order to make flimsy arguments
Abortion is irresponsible and immoral; It's still intentionally killing a lifeform (despite desperate attempts to undermine what it means to be a living thing). However, that doesn't mean banning it is beneficial. Imagine how many leeches of society would be around if millions of trash had been reproducing effectively.
The image is meant in jest, focus on the actual content of the reply.
Forgive me for expecting a modicum of intellectual capacity from the people I'm arguing against...
It really wouldn't. You still need to have sex to get pregnant.
Can tell (smell) from your post that you’ve neither actually touched nor had sex with a woman, much less talked to them about this issue
>if things were different then things would be different
This. I opened the thread to laugh, not to watch teenagers bicker over something they'll never be personally involved in.
I would agree if it comes to something like getting accidental killed. But getting pregnent is a lot harder. Someone has to take his dick out, he has to be horny, the women has to give free way to her vagina, which will include some stripping, the dude has to fuck her at least for some minutes and even has to shoot his load inside.
If men could get pregnant I'd look very different
>M-muh sacrifice
That's not the issue. You fail to understand the distinction between your actual bodily integrity, and being compelled by law to do something.
But you know what, if you can't take care of your child, they take it away from you. They don't keep bringing the child back to neglecting parents because they should accept the responsibility for their actions.
birth control isnt 100%?
forgive me for not trusting your intentions for even a moment
I believe people who have sex or (God forbid) have a child out of wedlocke should be sterilized. That way they'll be bred out of the system within a few generations.
>aren't you involved in the killing of every person you could hypothetically save by, say, donating all your savings to charity and going to Africa to volunteer to build shelters or grow crops?
To a small degree, yes. To a large degree if the killing can be reasonably prevented.
>They don't keep bringing the child back to neglecting parents because they should accept the responsibility for their actions.
explain half the population of this board then
It was my fault so no. We were dumb and young and not doing anything to track fertility. All the while, I was blowing loads raw into her. It's amazing it only happened twice. Now we track her ovulation and fertility window and I'm still shooting inside, no pregnancies. Don't be dumb like we were and you won't have to do an abortion.
>But you know what, if you can't take care of your child, they take it away from you.
Why don't they just kill it
Firstly, you're implying that the life of a fetus is equivalent to the life of an already born human, which is one topic of argument.
Second you're implying that killing is inherently irresponsible and immoral, which is another argument.
Thirdly, you contradict your second claim immediately after by saying that it has benefits.
Fourthly, I'm arguing about this on a forum for video games and please mods just ban me so I can get on with my life.
we are reincarnated anyways so who cares and just let it get another body.
who cares what flesh prison it comes from.
The planet is going to reach 10 billion people.
If you're not pro-choice then you're supporting mass extinction and all those babies saved will die anyway.
Any number of bad reasons? What do you think the point of your post is?
Sure, but it's still murder. There's no fundamental difference between murdering that and a newborn baby.
>talked to them about this issue
Their opinion means less than nothing.
Hey, Enjoy your rat pussy dude. Women worth keeping around hate the contemporary woman, and your capacity to fuck dumb sluts has nothing to do with your personal beliefs.
It can be reasonably prevented. Every day capitalism is allowed to continue its existence is another day people pointlessly die so Jeff Bezos can buy another yacht. If you were truly pro-life you'd strive to create a world where babies would not even have to be aborted. Every day that you do not work towards revolution is several more deaths on your conscience.
It's not a foetus
That's called a strawman.
>one person
How well would an infant survive on it's own without it's mother, you fucking sociopath?
Abortion is killing a human life. Bottom fucking line. I'm not against it in all cases, but the fucking mental gymnastics lefties go through to try and dehumanize a fetus is just astonishing and really makes me want to side with the fundamentalists on the issue, because at least they acknowledge basic human biology.
That clump of cells can BECOME human life, yes - IF you keep it warm and the woman safe for 9 months, and even then there’s never any real guarantee that things don’t go wrong. The reason you think women are entitled is because YOU are entitled. YOUre never going to be out in a position that something fucking grows inside you, making you more exhausted and dependent on others for 9 FUCKING MONTHS. Of course it’s easy for you to say “well I THINK that..”
You’re like those old people that always gives out shit advice because they never actually hate to go through with anything themselves
good, fuck kids
The population is increasing in China, India, and Africa, and to a lesser extent South America.
Do you really want them to replace us?
The Earth can easily sustain ten billion people. Just not ten billion capitalists.
that's true, but are you willing to give up videogames then
So I shouldnt try to stop you from killing embryos before ending capitalism? Thats what your argument and mental scenarios lead to?
Thanks anyway.
Yeah, it was at the beginning of the bread and things hadn’t quite gotten so out of hand at that point. You’re right though, wasn’t especially nice of me
You have good humor, it's a shame you have to use it to defend backwards concepts.
Literally just don't have sex
if you don't have sex you won't have to kill a kid to not have a kid
it's literally that easy
>I have a gun
>I CAN use that gun to go murder someone, it has that potential, therefore I should be locked up for murder.
Thoughts on dinosaurs being real?
>If you're not pro-choice then you're supporting mass extinction
Well, yeah, I do, is there something with that?
>How well would an infant survive on it's own without it's mother, you fucking sociopath?
Pretty well, provided someone feeds it.
>makes me want to side with the fundamentalists on the issue, because at least they acknowledge basic human biology.
Lmao whatever you say user, I’m afraid though that the women you think exist only do so in your visual novels. Keep looking, or better yet join everyone else on this bbq
Half of all American women are pro life :^)
Why do christcucks care so much about dead nigger babies?
The greatest video game every created was made under communism
Unironically yes
Hell, I don't even play videogames anymore
Half this board is desperate enough to fuck a tranny at this point (despite their immediate triggering at the mere mention of them in the abstract) and you're here talking about self-control LMAO
>Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos could march in with a company of mercenaries and murder the entire population of a new small Midwestern town every weekend for a decade and get away with it without putting a visible dent in his fortune.
People don't understand the value of a billion, it's not an exaggeration to say he could buy every yacht. All of them, in the whole fucking world.
>wanting a child to grow up unloved miserable or a criminal just to spite some thots.
There are literally no downsides to abortion.
Grow up.
Why do you want more single moms and niggers leaching off everyone else with their spawn.
I don't see how anyone could read this thread without coming to the conclusion that abortion can be beneficial at least some of the time because damn, some of you really ought to have been aborted
I'd also allow abortion if that would mean lowering the amerimutt birthrate
This reply can only, only, come from someone that hasn’t had much sex. That’s fine btw, not insulting you on that.
But If so you shouldn’t be thinking so highly of your opinion on this matter
>just don't do the one thing our brains and bodies are programmed to do at any cost, it's that easy.
You absolutely fucking genius.
You go ahead and ask one then yourself, I dare you. I fucking double dare you
But we'd have to give up beef altogether and start using insect proteins.
When do we consider a clump of cell human? Humans don't reach full maturity until about 30 years of age, thus I posit that anyone under age 30 is not human. Jews didn't consider their own human until the age of 18 but the Jews didn't understand that them, niggers, chinks, Indians, asians and native Americans aren't human. But instead clumps of undesirable cells.
A mother should be allowed to abort a pregnancy.
Yeah it's killing a baby, but who gives a fuck. Unless you're in some super fundamentalist state nobody is going to shame you. A man should have a choice in the matter as well.
Honestly this whole argument is fucking retarded. What I want to know is why the rich are being taxed less than rest of America??
There is literally nothing wrong with abortion.
Implying that life inherently has value is hypocritical treehugger bullshit. I just jacked off and killed thousands of human children that will never ever exist now, arrest me.
Fucking shit, this was meant for you
You poor fucking cuck.
I have real mixed emotions knowing I've had 3 long term relationships with women so good you can't fathom that they could exist while believing the things that they do. Life is truly unfair. Anyway, enjoy genuflecting for rat pussy.
remember, never ever
>What I want to know is why the rich are being taxed less than rest of America??
Well that just isn't true. I would agree that they aren't being taxed enough, but they already have the highest tax rates.
>A man should have a choice in the matter as well.
This, if the father wants the baby to be aborted then the mother should be forced to abort it.
anyone incapable of self-control should be castrated. Don't kill innocent, unprotected children just because you can't keep yourself from having sex.
There are many families looking to adopt children that would be happy to take a child in. Therefore, no reason to abort it.
>If I can't control myself, then nobody else can, either.
If we all followed our primal desires we wouldn't have a civilization. You have to hold yourself to a higher standard than a literal animal.
what I'd give to see arthur arguing with some Yea Forumsermin about these stuffs.
I definitely think abortions should be legal, as long as the woman getting one accepts being a baby killer. Possibly being forced to change her middle name to "Whopper Junior".
Explain to me how children are innocent you big fucking baby.
The abuse such a system would receive would be unfathomable. I'd love to see it happen.
>There are many families looking to adopt children that would be happy to take a child in. Therefore, no reason to abort it.
Do you know how fucking hard it is to adopt a kid? And I already have one which is supposed to make my screening process easier.
Many of those kids are spit out by the system and are as good as dead.
Rates? When their income easily climbs above those rates and everyone making below 200,000 a year constantly have taxes on the mind? Also anybody making at least 10 million a year have some side hustle that they use to boost their income usually those are never taxed. Businesses don't pay property tax and the amount of shit they get away with is appealing. But here we are talking about inane bullshit.
Damn, how many babies did you kill?
>276 replies
goddamn I fucking hate the mods so goddamned much
Are you retarded?
there is no implication of value beyond recognizing a healthy fetus as a growing lifeform, that if let to naturally grow would be born.
Something being beneficial doesn't have anything to do with morality or responsibility.
learn what false dichotomy is, reddit-spacer.
If you are confused as to how we possibly could consider something ‘human’ between literally 0 and 30 years old then I honestly don’t fucking know what to say. What about this:
>It’s ready to be born and out of the womb
What these pro life mongoloids are against is the fucking abstract idea of abortion. NO ONE is saying it’s okay to dig into a woman and smash a +3 month old Willy Nilly. It’s all about the early term abortion, like 2 weeks and onward. Fuck man it’s so simple
Yeah no fucking shit. Is this supposed to be profound?
>Explain to me how children are innocent you big fucking baby.
Because they literally have done nothing wrong you doublethinking faggot. Also, think through your programming for a second: You just defended abortion by saying that it's ok to kill them because they're evil.
Are you trying to tell me that it's better to literally kill children than to reform a failed adoption systen?
Obviously. You would condemn children to be born to parents that don't want them?
If what you say is true then all I can refer you to is the fact that you’re no longer together. I’ve dated one of them too user, and trust me they’re all a wee bit insane in the end
Then cut aid to third world countries and allow the ecological process to do its work.
Newborns are adopted real fucking quick. The ones who get stuck in the system are usually older kids abandoned by their parents, or theyre taken from their parents by the state.
adoption has already been discussed itt
Or from someone old enough to realize it's barely different from jerking off.
My theory is that mods allow these types of threads if it means that pol retard incels like yourself are pushed back into your containment board
Irrelevant. It is still cruel.
You're basing your views on abortion in a philosophical manner, when scientifically that 2 week old zygote is still human. It lacks the features an infant, toddler, child, adolescent and adult have, but it's still a human in an extremely early developmental stage. If you deny this you're intellectually dishonest.
Or someone actually old enough to tell you that’s just a phase that most people get stuck in but never get out off. The level above exists, you can trust me on that one
>thought it was going to be a funny arthurposting thread
>everyone went wholesale into abortion
>Are you trying to tell me that it's better to literally kill children than to reform a failed adoption systen?
When most of them leave the system at 18 as prostitutes, addicted to drugs, and/or with severe mental issues from being tossed around never feeling like they belong anywhere.
Yes they're better off dead. Many of the older ones I've worked with wish they weren't born.
Abortion is a necessary evil
Is it crueler to allow families that want children to have children, or to kill an unborn child?
I dont want niggers to abort their kids, I want them sterilized in the first place.
We should advance science so the fetus may grow into a person but outside of the mother's life. Then we should advance our foster care system so orphans are either readily adopted or have a fair shot at carving out a life. Killing them is simply an amoral consequence of woefully inefficient infrastructure and too much wasted potential (except black kids, but see above.)
>A man should have a choice in the matter as well.
That sounds like right but its pretty complicated. Should the woman be forced to go through the whole 9 months of pregnancy because the father wants the child? that is a bit fucked.
You're a good user for acknowledging that
I meant that as a rhetorical question because I didn't believe anyone could be so morally vacant that they'd actually attempt to justify it.
Of course I am, and if you are looking for a concession you absolutely have it. Via the scientific definition of what constitutes a specimen of Homo Sapiens you well be able to tell me I’m wrong
But you hopefully then also realize that this type of definition is useless in the ethical & philosophical debate, no? We’re not here discussing when the scientific standard of when a species is said to exist - were talking about how we in today’s society should handle this issue
>I'm such a /pol/tard I save fake nigger hate quotes posted on Yea Forums.org/pol
There is hope for this website brother. Thanks for replying
Google them yourself.
this. people don't realize that most of the kids don't get adopted and are raised in kid farms which are huge buildings with hundreds of kids. Literal companies do this because the government pays them a check for each child.
Once you realize how bad it is you'll maybe start to think abortion isnt so bad.
>Yea Forums.org/pol
its boards.Yea Forums/pol/
If everyone who posted in this thread was banned (including me) Yea Forums would be a better place.
>done nothing wrong
Many fully grown adults suffer and die having done nothing wrong, the idea that this uniquely makes their or any others suffering and death less deserved is preposterous. It's ironic you'd accuse me of programming because genetic programming doesn't get more basal than this. Innocence isn't real faggot.
>You just defended abortion by saying that it's ok to kill them because they're evil.
I didn't defend anything
5 years in on the current and on good terms with the others. Comprising yourself to appeal to pussy or anyone doesn't destroy you, it annuls you, it uncreates you. One day you're going to be fucking some rat pussy and realize you simply no longer exist.