ESA Summer Marathon

European Speedrunner Assembly

Now: Celeste
After: Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
Later: Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Now: Tony Hawk’s Underground
After: Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Later: Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

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Other urls found in this thread:

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western w black

Deus Ex Mankind Divided is after Underground on Stream 2.

Runescape soon

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I'll ask again since the thread was rudely deleted, what do you guys think of my gf

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Turks are based and white , but what right do you claim otherwise

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ok from now on don't make the thread til the old one is at least on page 5, getting two threads on page 1 will trigger the jannies

>indie game

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Mc. Nug.

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Nope. Based Ben on stream 2

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Reminder that everyone from """"""Great"""""" Britain can suck my dick!

The Nuggie Incident:
>some run has a bet between the runner and his "couch" (lel cheap esa chairs) about how many nuggets someone can eat before the end (pic related)
>doesn't mention it before or during the run, guy just silently munching down on nugget box after nugget box
>becomes a small meme
>some other guy tries to recreate it at succinctandpunchy's run
>Punchy says no beforehand but the madman does it anyway
>chat and donation reader ignoring his SH run to talk about new nugget guy
>clearly getting annoyed so the chat starts ripping the piss with donations
>donation reader keeps mispronouncing punchy's name (calling him Susan)
>he's fuming by the end
>"I'm being upstaged by a box of chicken nuggets"
>gets nuggets thrown at him in the corridor
>changes his handle to just punchy at some point to avoid it happening again

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Someone post video of the crab incident

Ben makes my cock rock hard

i'm only going to ask nicely once, please do not post pics of my wife without my permission. thank you.

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Is the guy on the far left a tr*nny?

>no turkish gf
>no bannerlord

why even live

This is some crazy movement

can't argue with this

Fuck your gay transsexual pride events. This fucking dude speedruns MGS1 BLINDFOLDED in 4 hours! I couldn't run MGS1 in 4 hours if you gave me stealth camo and offered a blowjob from your sister at the end of it. God damn. (He peeks once tho)

I'm in love, what is her instagram?


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>Gets nuggets thrown at him
FALSE. They were offered to him, politely.

Attached: Give him the nugs.png (616x901, 133K)

the allegation that he had nuggets thrown at him is disputed, multiple other people claim they were offered to him as a peace offering. given how hard susan has been sperging out regarding this situation i'm not really inclined to believe his side of the story

hmmm robo cunny


Why are speedrunner such faggots ? Dropped

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yeah he was a fucking dick to the donation reader
im surprised they allowed him to come back

Roach girls is starting to get annoyed lmao

>mfw videogames are not real

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what stream are my bros watching

swap winter with autumn

swap winter and summer. warm beach times > icy roads

Winter > Autumn > Spring > power gap > Summer

>low tier
found the faggot with allergies. Spring is far and away the best season. The only people who like Winter are NEETs or apartmentfags who have everything taken care of for them. Try living in an urban area when it snows and you'll start to see how trash Winter is real quick.

>tfw live in florida so it's summer 11 months of the year
At least I can go to GDQ next year :c)

>he wears Gunnars®

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What the fuck is that mongoloid saying?

His name is Inigo Montoya

stream 2 but the run is almost over

>Winter not at the top

>mispronouncing punchy's name (calling him Susan)

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This celeste run is good

Eric Sparrow is probably the most devilish villain in video games.

NEET opinions don't count. Winter is garbage.

winter is comfy

God damn is it fucking uncomfortable today.

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Commentary isn't

who the fuck is booing ben

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Autumn/spring's the same for me
Shitty rain. Only difference is the colour of leaves and if they're on the floor


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Sweden has a problem with allowing retarded faggots into the country.

we watching /ourlad/

That's actually hilarious.

Succinct became Susan.

Like I said, it is for faggots who live in apartments. Own your own home and winter stops being """comfy""" when you feel the full force of it and have to deal with all the bullshit that comes with it.

Ah, now that makes more sense.

Why is the turkish girl so reserved? It's almost as if she doesn't wanna be there

Anzu is way prettier turkish girl

Attached: Anzu.jpg (640x960, 87K)

top tier specimen right there

time for some RTS comfy runs mah bruthas!

>shit tier
current season
>low tier
season that comes after ther current season
>high tier
season furthest away from you
>god tier
previous season

just buy an apartment

user I live in a house with 20 acres of land and that has to be warmed up with wood. Winter is still comfy as fuck.

>biological woman offering a biological male sex

what's gay about this post?

Deus Ex got delayed again?
Is the runner constantly wasted or something?

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Photoshop + tons of makeup can make anyone pretty

His name then was succinctpunchy.
Dude couldn't pronounce "succinct"

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It's probably the unpleasant smells and nerds trying to awkwardly flirt all the time


pick one

Zero is a sperg though, I'd believe it

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Good job, Ben. I know you're reading this. Are you going to get a taste of that turkish kebab later on?

That guy is insanely good. Celeste is very hard.

is American Gods a good show?

>shovelling snow
>heating bill goes through the roof
>house maintenance becomes more urgent
>always cold
>commuting to work is either 10x longer or a dance with death the entire way
underage teenfaggots have no idea just how uncomfy winter actually is

She is a actually a speedrunner

it LOOKS good but I can't imagine it actually being fun to play yourself. Similiar to Super Meat Boy maybe

Someone missed the crossed arms memo

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She respects the Anglo Bull

Both of them retard.

I have my own three story house in Northern Ontario and winter is still the best season. suck it up and maintain your home amidst the elements, summerfag.

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Fuck off with your little skeleton boy

>deus ex up next
>go to ad
>come back
>deus ex off the schedule

what the fuck

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she doesn't
>it's better than I thought I guess but only because you're pressing me.

this is some cringe shit.

Also, wtf was the point of the 2 bitches during that tony hawk run? That was pathetic shit

This is correct, even if Winter is my favorite season.
>Cool and colorful
>Cold, quiet, and peaceful
>Less colorful, warmer, but still nice
>hot as balls, all the time, thunderstorms, and easily the noisiest season

FUCK america
fuck usa KKK

fall is the top tier season.


It's back now, I don't know what's going on.

It's ok. Book is better.
I liked it, even though I'm a shitter that died at least 300 times a level.
You have 3 extra seasons on this user

RuneScape speedrun?

I think Celeste sucks

ben if you're reading this, please tweet "i had a good run" if you didn't bed the turk or "i had an awesome run" if you boned her

thank you

They are his side hoes.

you mean autumn? why call it a childish kindergarten name? are you a baby? baby gonna cry???? stupid idiot kill yourself

>live in shitty bong terranced house
>only have to deal with heating and communting
Doesn't even snow that much, just a lot of rain these days.
Not to mention heating can be mitigated by wearing warmer clothes at least

wait your right. I grabbed the shit of the schedule to make the OP and it wasn't there. Well stream 2 schedule says it's on now.. maybe.

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seriously, I know heinki is fucking all the bitches but common, can't they wait for 1 hour?

fuck off, prescious snowflake. kys, you're literally not strong enough to live in this world

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>girl for 6 years
un bros

Attached: melis.jpg (606x422, 45K)

Doing the same thing for thousands of hours only for minuscule improvements means you have a mental illness. Putting wieners in a place that is meant to push stuff out is also signs of mental illness. Put two and two together.


I call everyone dude

Best post in thread.

It's super fun.

I love Roll!

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who is this? is the turk actually a tranny?!

>American flag

This post screams 16 year old

>terraced house
RIP a fate worse than death. slum living in 2019.

>u-UWUwuw but muh drinking hot chocolate under my b-b-blanky
t. manchild that lives with his parents and doesn't deal with the bills or hard work

>i had an awesome run

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no she's been involved in the community for 6 (six) so she's heard about how she gets special treatmeant for being a girl for 6 (six) years

Honestly not really.
The selling point is the Americana type mixed with metaphysics. But it's kinda feels like a narrative mess. The acting is good at time particularly from Mad Sweeney and Wednesday and sometimes Laura Moon, but everyone else seems kinda forgettable or hammy/hokey.
If worth a watch if you're into metaphysical type stuff, but I don't think it does it too much justice. There's a level of british cynicism that I loathe and it defiantly eaks itself onto the narrative (less so than something like Good Omens which was complete cynical trash).

Yes (still would)

Bullying doesn't pay off, guys.

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It means people have been suggesting that she has only been allowed in chats because she's a girl for a period of 6 years prior.

God forbid if a blizzard happens and you don't have one of those automatic generators (or a generator at all). I'd rather have my teeth extracted without any medication.

>bullying doesnt pay off
get a load of this faggot

I know comprehension is more difficult since twitter retarded everybody's brain, but she's clearly saying that she's been facing this for years, not that she's been a girl for 6 years, you fucking brainlets. Or maybe you all just want everybody to be a tranny you fucking fags.

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>1 hour ago

this, also, actual men can adapt to warmer climates, but you can never adapt to cold.

what's up with all the burgers sharting up the thread?

It's shit but for some reason winter never bothers me much as a result.

I'm 33, nigger

and I own my own home and tak

Probably because you're a bitch ass NEET who has mom and dad take care of everything for you.
>lol you hate winter, that means you like summer!
Summer is fucking garbage too, stupid ass NEETs.

>all these yous from a simple image from 2009
thank you lads

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Probably tradition at this point
He got our waifu to sit in on his run last year or so as a power move

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Jealous their speedrunning event is trash.

>Actually believing this
Suvven cunts leave.

Stream 1 is literally unwatchable with this disgusting vertical screen tearing.

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so this game is all about her aborting her and the black dudes baby, right?

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The guy must have recovered from his sex tour of Malmo to come do his run finally.

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>german runner
>five seconds into run and already incoherent

where are the rest of the fucking brits? i'd settle for an irishman at this point


You're welcome.


nederlands is white lmao

Hanky is based. Watch his run.

Okay user, mind explaining me what are all the shit tier work you have to do in your house during winter? Because I can 100% promise you I do all the same things too.

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>I'm 33
Post body, LARPer

Yeah it's about her dealing with an abortion and depression

Hope you guys enjoyed THUG, was actually so hard to focus with stream 1 being in the same room and people going mental whenever linkus stopped choking. Will be hosting soon on stream 1, Eid covered my shift because my run was delayed

Deus Ex seems a lot more interesting than another Celeste run that's been played to death at every marathon.

she is actually Portuguese

0 Master race.

>bought Deus Ex Mankind Divided
>Never got far because it want like shit for me

I enjoyed it.

what does the Turkish girl smell like

Female Dracula

Absolutely disgusting, why would anyone wanna play this game?

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imagine doing a run and nobody around you cares and they're all actively fucking with you.

>haha dude you dont like our joke lmao just get over it bro LOL

thats pretty unprofessional dont you think. inb4 im susan, i didnt think this was funny at the time either

Great run my penis enjoyed it

Like a bag of sand.

whatever roaches eat

Attached: roach empire stellaris.png (1037x750, 667K)

u fuckin the turk?

Because the gameplay is god tier and all the story shit is skippable.

Susan just stop.

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Tranny made the soundtrack, which means it's the greatest game of the past 5 years and needs to be in every single speedrun event and played by all.

>i didnt think this was funny at the time either
They were rude to you, Susan.

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>imposing spooks on your penis
>not simply wanting to fuck anything you feel like
sorry I didn't eat my spook cereals this morning like you.

Thanks for sharing that nugget of information.


Where did the meme originate from that Celeste deals with abortions?

Lol Turks really do look Jewish.
It's weird they don't even look white it's like... They're so colorless it's like some form of gray

Which one of his furfaggot friends are you, and will you ever get tired of defending him on these threads?

colorless with nappy brown hair

A bag of salty coins and milk?

The first threads when the game came out, the game kind of has a tumblr artstyle so /vpol/ thought making that up would turn people off from the game.

just a sensible person i guess

the announcer was the same dumb bitch from before who cant speak, im surprised they still let her do it

there are two types of Turk, the western, more European fair skinned types (Istanbul) and the rural, religious types that look like arabs.

2D games are boring to watch.

seeAlso roads go to shit so you're basically avoiding potholes all the time.
Trees falling down, ripping down the wires
People crashing and holding everyone else up because they think they're the best drivers on the planet.
Stuck at home because no one else wants to go out
>b-but muh hot cocoa and blanket means I'm comfy
Oh wow, sitting at home all day. You can do all that shit during literally any other month.
You're definitely a Canadian who screeches about 15 Celsius.

>Kind of

>I don't like this and want it to stop
>I'll make passive aggressive jokes about it so it seems like I'm not serious, then have a tantrum about it on twitter later, that will help!

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>Ugh why can't they pronounce Susan's name
lmao seethe harder fag boy

I like them but I've seen Celeste run a billion times. It's fucking boring now.

Careful, when we hosted last night she was trying to steal my phone and read the thread

what teh fuck does succint even mean? use more general vocabulary you unlikeable snobbish brit cunt

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Not a very succinct name of him to use either.

nice to see Yea Forums still has some real pure autism


Zero tries to hard to fit in

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>im susan
thought so

yes or no, u fug?

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>running a game with a lot of unskipable cutscenes

The original donation reader hasn't been back since, dumb faggot.

how is that autism?

>run an event taking thousands of dollars for charity
>cant make your runners feel comfortable

haha, woops!

too bad to run a game that requires skill and has skipable cutscenes like Celeste

heinki seems lonely

Redpill me on this nugget incident.

>>shovelling snow
Literally not a problem. Either your yard is small enough for it to not be a factor at all or you should get a small tractor.
>>heating bill
>he heats with electricity in 2019
>>house maintenance becomes more urgent
Do you live in a shack? You have 3/4ths of the year to fix your house, if you have to keep fixing it during winter you're doing it wrong.
>>always cold
Put on some clothes hippie
Do you not have winter tires?
>>roads go to shit
I see so you're a third worlder, that explains it.
>>trees falling down
Trees fall down whenever there's a storm, that isn't winter related.
>>people crashing
How is that your problem? That's just nature at work.
>>stuck at home
Blame your friends.

Last winter I had month of 30-40 minus celcius. And it was comfy as fuck. Grown a thicker skin faggot.

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Means he be succinct us off right propah m8!

always fun to root around in this old image folder

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>guy runs game
>someone behind him eats nuggets
>everyone focuses on nugget dude
>stealing his thunder
>finish run
>rant on twitter
>be a salty faggot still like 2 years after it happened

post YFW you're not Susan

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I think it's more likely he's UFOtekkie, he seems like the type to hold a grudge for this long.

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>celeste run #156
Celeste is trash

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who's susan

Who the fuck is Susan?

Is it really so crazy that multiple people would think what happened was wrong? Turning a runner into a meme cause of your shitty handling of the situation is kind of a bad look.

stream 2 is so much better it's not even funny


what did he mean by this

chicken nugged man

>how to kill a good run
Thanks fags

Heinki is based.

Time to fap again

they're both kinda bad

I'm glad this day o'sex run did happen, this is good stuff.

>Trees fall down whenever there's a storm, that isn't winter related.
Never said it wasn't, but unless your in tornado county, winter storms are much worse.
>do you not have winter tires
No duh, retard. Doesn't stop the commute from being long due to everyone else's stupidity
>I see so you're a third worlder, that explains it.
Didn't realize only third world countries have winters, moron.
>trying to spin "putting 18 layers of clothes on" as a good thing
You're pathetic dude. Winter is shit. Deal with it you faggot Leaf.

>Alex Jones
should have started that at the beginning so I'd know I'm dealing with an egotistical moron.

tournament stream is playing melee

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i like the heinki commentary on deus ex things, it's pretty entertaining


I'm watching stream 2 I never seen the new deus ex. I heard it wasn't very well received but it doesn't seem too bad.
Better than that tranny shit

imagine the smell

>people implying heinki gets pussy
who the fuck would want to fuck a german boy?

steam 1 is more objective bad than steam 2 then

Yes. Especially when they type the exact same way. No one gives a fuck about your "bad looks" or "oofs" faggot.

I can't remember what he ran last time I saw him but I remember liking his run and commentary then too.

half the fags in this thread, i think thats what youre baiting for though

>tournament stream is playing melee

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the art direction is pretty cool

Why are you so upset you absolute autist? Imagine getting this upset over a bit of frozen water.

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theres no reason to not own dude sex 2, squeenix gives a 90% discount on it every steam sale.

He wasn't that bad after the start, but you could tell he'd already pissed the reader off since she was deliberately fucking with him the rest of the run. She went full roastie and used the nuggets and chat as a proxy to get back at him, it was blatant if you watch the whole thing. Susan was completely justified in the initial spergout once he caught on to what was happening

I think he should have let go by now though

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More trees fall over during summer here retard-kun. And I'm not a leaf you fag, at least get your facts straight. In first world countries the roads are taken care of and people drive cars that don't immediately slide out of control during winter. Also if you need 18 layers of clothes then you really need to grow a thicker skin. You wouldn't last a week here.
>resorting to mocking reaction images
Holy shit user, it's time to stop. That's just pathetic.

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thank you for bringing this to my attention

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i saw her boobs expand

why are you linking random unrelated shit? you're not as smart as you think you are.


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>only at 12K donations
sgdq all but confirmed a laundering op

oh how the tides have changed lmao

ahhhh suomi save me

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>My spergling bf did nothing wrong!
>It was the announcer roastie!
Susan consented, get fucked faggot.

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human revolution was amazing, dont know bout mankind divided though seemed like a step down from the previous game

fuck stream 2 for reminding me Breach was a thing

>Also if you need 18 layers of clothes then you really need to grow a thicker skin
I see now. you're just autistic that you don't understand hyperbole.
Sorry that I hurt your feelings over saying winter is shit and actually posting examples as to why, while all you do is "nuh uh, ur ghey third world lmao"

It's not worth obssessing over a twitter furfag to this degree lad, it's warping your mind
Skim through that thread you linked, there are clearly multiple people defending him from different angles

you conveniently leftout finland

Attached: finland.jpg (466x517, 82K)

They're whiter than you tho

I see someone has been hitting the throat singing memes.

baste fins

Everybody knows that Finnish clay doesnt exist, it is just the eastern part of Swedenistan

You didn't refute most of my points at all user, and then just started throwing hyperboles and calling out reaction images. There's a point where you should have stopped posting and that point has passed for you a long time ago. This is just getting sad.

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Are you the guy who legitimately hates susan and rants about him every speedrun event? Something about that sonic knock off with the dragon girls, am I right?

the game itself is good, but very short
when you get to the first bossfight you be like "wow now its ON" and the game ends there

Hell no since I'm part of purest genes in Europe

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were all from LE Africa tho whyboy.

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Did anyone donate WARNING ELECTRONIC OLD MEN yet?

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Damn she thicc

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>Actually pretending somebody is out to get you to distract from Susan's faggotry

Keep on pretending that you haven't been sitting there trying to turn the public opinion on Susan since his latest nuggyfit.

>the walls are lava #15463
So tired of these crappy low effort indie games.

I take it he was agreeable?

the fuck is going on over at stream 1, stream 2 hears them screeching every ten minutes

Oh yes.

Correct answer is the exact opposite.


>garbage graphics le pixel game #2324
of course it's on PC, way to go retards
$2k for a muh gaming machine and this is the games you get
what a sad bunch

he didn't messed up.

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Stream 1 is full of spics

stream2 runner is great

Maybe watch Stream 2 then with Deus Ex being played on PC?

put more effort in trolling pls

>stormtrooper AI

Attached: 1465679542149.jpg (640x640, 62K)

>God tier being anything but plundering

>elder god tier
>not caring about economics because you dont have a kebab dick

>tomorrow's schedule
>like 20 NES runs with under 10 minutes estimate
>then 4 hours of final fantasy, 3 hours of TWEWY, and 3 hours of KH

who in the fuck is in charge of scheduling for this shit. the super long runs don't even start until stream 2 goes offline so there isn't even an option for something better

Attached: gtfo.png (439x588, 404K)

Attached: AMyeyHK.jpg (306x306, 17K)

Deus Ex is great so far, very good runner

>not caring about economics
These people are allowed to vote. Think about that.

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I was on the money wasn't I? I respect your autism if nothing else

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games with heavy dialogue and cutscenes need to have fast ways to skip through them. us speedrunners are being oppressed.

>he thinks voting changes anything

Attached: conor.png (964x959, 1.03M)

In some countries it does ameritard.

deus ex run is enjoyable

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>nothing happening
How is he so based?

I'm not american you obsessed yurocretin.

why is there so much clapping from celeste?

They are americlap.

What do you guys do while watching/listening to this?

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>that dude sex ending cutscene

kek, pretty good


>Still had everything setup for webm making

Attached: Test.webm (600x240, 1024K)

uni shit

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watching csgo

Attached: 31f8e19a1f3b75898b665fbac9cee922.jpg (531x753, 209K)

The power of söy.

Attached: soy.jpg (630x355, 32K)

Playing ck2 and lurking.

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Do you have brain damage?

Celeste had a STUNNING AND BRAVE transwoman make the soundtrack, it is the GAME OF THE YEAR and is unique and original and extremely satisfying to play, which is why it needs to be in all speedrun events all the time. Celeste is GAME OF THE YEAR ALL YEARS and it has an extremely talented team behind it, such as one brave and strong transwoman who made the soundtrack. And that deserves an applause, and that's a good thing.

they just got to the abortion scene and they couldnt help but clap at the progressive values

Now if only the rest of you Yuropoors could learn from him.

Trying to raise hype for the Lost Planet franchise by various means

I just finished masturbating.

Capitalism vs communism is a false dichotomy.
There are other philosophies of economy that aren't purely material and nihilistic.
Defining meaning from accumulation of capital or through labor is soulless and fundamentally meaningless. Much like accumulating massive amounts of gold in WoW or grinding all day.

What have I missed

I know ratingsanon doesn't care about stream 2, but that dude sex run was great.

Applying for jobs I know I won't get ;_;

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Nice, I love me some Lost Planet

why is the celeste runner decked out in that stupid esports shit, looks like a retard

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if all germans were more like heinki then we could actually had a real third reich

Trying to polish my shitty uni projects, browse the net, shitpost

Horny for hairy virgins


Playing rune factory 4

Those are gamer clothes you idiot they let you perform around 15% better

Dunno you know.

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Will red alert 3 be worth watching? Not sure strategy games ever work for speedrunning.

>Hard work and effort / spending more time shouldn't net you more value
I'd like to thank people like you for helping to ruin the world.

sperge alert at stream 2

They don't.

>2 hours
Only if its Trainwreck%


I have hopes for a another game in the series to be announced in the next year or so because of the Iceborne MHW expansion(Ice setting, clutch claw being a thing, bio-energy=T-eng, Xeno-jivva=Over G akrid, etc) and because of the Broken Horizon storyboard leak two years ago.

I don't even remember much from RA3 except dissapointment. Maybe if it has cool cutscenes like the others.

He's sponsored by whatever the fuck it says on his shirt. He a fucking cuck like 90% of speedrunners.

>Meaningless hard work
One day you'll get that boulder over the hill. I'm sure of it. In the meantime, I'm sure you'll make someone else a lot of money some day.

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Whoops forgot to trim it.

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>american designed roads
The horror.

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Yea fuck those commies, this is already a good run

>15 minutes to do every c-side

this is going over estimate isn't it?

>tfw no short fat sperg gf

Is Celeste the best game ever made?

dios mio the american fans are literally 56ers

any webms of the turk? I need to fap


no but it's a strong contender for the most soi-filled game ever

Is speedrunning an RTS super autism?

Stream 1 or 2?

Don't have sex with vampires m8

who decided that speedrunning an RTS is even acceptable for these events

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The Red Alert 1 run was pretty good at SGDQ this year

maybe, it's definitely not very fun to watch

she’s fucking attractive

FINALLY this shit is over

Being under estimate isnt good.


celeste is a tumblr soi game and these runners are annoying, but execution-wise it's still a very watchable run

Good run ruined by insufferable commentary.

>nothing worth watching left today

guess i'll watch the vinesauce marathon instead

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This wasn't really much of a speedrun, more of a one video completion. A speedrun would be the game completed without any deaths, failed jumps or stopping. I have to give it that this is impressive, but it's not a good speedrun.

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THUG: B tier.
Deus ex: S tier.

8/10 - Celeste is always impressive as speed game but commentary was awful.

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Have you ever played a videogame?

>checks schedule
kinda right on that

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Attached: Shredder.webm (1920x1080, 2.31M)

hmmm...i wonder which stream I should 1? or...

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How many times do you think my boy Ben has fucked the hapas face?

Stream 2...

Attached: ss (2019-07-21 at 04.24.02).png (474x372, 24K)

Shut the fuck up Ben.

stream 2 is full of kinos

during which run?

Stream 2 after the RTS snorefest

Holy shit, why is this bitch fucking everywhere?
Wasn't she at SGDQ?

Attached: Capture.png (205x267, 129K)

she cute

My power cut out, what is the website to watch both streams at once?
Plaese spoonfeed becuase I am a little to far gone to find the archive.

Was. It's now this red alert shit for two hours.

Come on dude he's on stream right now how could I post at the same time


No, you should be watching it now. It's not so bad and they're doing decent commentary.

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penumbra is okay


She's that soulsguy's girlfriend I think

You're right, you can't be Ben, it's impossible.

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can I get a HYPE

Why does this run have two streams?

that tlou run should be nuts

funny you should say that because your post is schizo as fuck

Is that the hitman game that the dmc4 runner is playing ?
Awesome if so can't wait

Vivaldi browser

hype thanks bro

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only when it comes to money, not in a speedrunning marathon.

She sucks some runners tiny pp and has a Jew nose so she gets to host.

Loli Lara a cute.

She looks like Asmongold, lol.

Don't post or talk about her here in this shithole you fucking pathetic morons.

She's too pure for that.

Attached: O9PC9NX.gif (352x262, 2.23M)

Young Lara already got some big ol tiddies


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tranny and pedo nothing new

one of them keeps exhaling into the mic and i can tell it's going to get annoying after an hour

i bet shes got a really hairy snatch

we did it reddit

you mean gaia right

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My bad, JC Lara.
There, better?

Stream 2 is great right now

wtf old Yea Forums is r*ddit as fuck

>speedrunning a RTS
what did the anglo mean by this?

Zoomers just don't understand.

Fuck off distorcuck2

>trying to find malware on google as if it was 2007 again
he's retarded

so you're saying that speedrunners don't play their games for thousands of hours?
Some of these runners have put more hours into one game than I have for entire series of games.

uh yeah, reddit is literally oldchan and current fortune is now shite

does malware even exist anymore

Fuck you.

cope tranny

tom raider run is comfy atm

god i miss this plugin

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no, john mcafee illegally poached it into extinction. that's why the government hates him

I wish to fug young Lara.

How do you even get stuck there you fat fuck

She's not jewish though

That Lara model goddamn

can you hide the chat somwhow?

Holy shit I haven't seen this game since I played it as a kid when it came out.
I remember that dude that just got caught in that claw trap thing and later on there's these hammerhead sharks you fight or something. Unless that's a sequel or something.

It took four games but Core optimized Lara's spherical vectors.

It's funny how round they managed to get Lara's ass by the end of PS1 life cycle and limitations in mind.

stop takjung about lara's bodys

>charlie went to the GTA community because he had nobody to talk RTS with
>They took him in

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I think it was this game but I remember pullin g a switch and if you don't move the camera zooms right in on her tits after a cutscene.

No, everyone keep talking about Lara.

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What does the red + sign next to his name mean?

nude lara

Attached: tayne.jpg (300x168, 6K)

It means he has a health buff activated.

registered medic

He's a medic.

It's switzerland you idiots


>tfw mysterious booby-trapped temples like this don't actually exist

you know why

Attached: 555.jpg (600x375, 15K)

the pyramids had legit booby traps but they are gone now

It was always the exiting the pool one where I was.

They're not in Switzerland you idiot

Lol I like the camera angle when she's crawling as well

I have Rise of the Tomb raider installed for ages now but haven't played it are there any lewd mods or classic lara outfit mods?

He's a white mage

Switzerland's a pretty boring country but its flag is a big plus

Sure Lara is still pretty polygon-y in TR4 but damn I gotta admit this model is sexy as fuck

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I think he has skill points available to level up his skills in Diablo.

tags: stuck_in_wall

lmao on stream 2 he just lost the mission out of nowhere

Attached: lara-1999.jpg (400x300, 44K)

This classic Lara run is exactly how I like my Tomb Raider runs always.
Too bad no Maral to cheek on Eidgod and Cadarev during it. And too bad one can't focus on Stream 2 at the same time.
Also Lara's moans are great as ever.

Attached: Uma smile with Liru oppai.jpg (1440x1080, 175K)


They copied the flag design to a t
It's one flag you don't wanna cross

Eidgod and Maral are always a fun combo.

ne1 else stroking whenever lara moans

Her moans are responding to me stroking


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i alrdy q med

guys ... where is maral? one full day has past already

Attached: 1532317566542.webm (1530x826, 1.93M)

She's moaning in German, it's a disgrace.

She was at ESAs because she was the representative from the Save the Children foundation, but they switched to a different charity so she doesn't work the event anymore.

That hurt to see.

Fucking kek.

She's not attending because the only reason she was at the previous ESA was because she was part of the charity organization.
She doesn't even know who Mario is.


I'm sure if she wanted she could just volunteer, Eidgod is still involved regardless of charity so much.

Lara is a very special girl

Attached: Lara smile for the camera 2.jpg (3840x2160, 1.14M)

Eidgod looks so fucking weird with long hair. It's not a natural look for him.



this is fine

QUICK! claim your ESA waifu!

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the türk

lara stop i cannot stroke that FAST AHH MY COCK IS ON FIRE MAKE IT STOP

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Post pics

dont have

Wow these sound fx are super annoying

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she was on couch earlier

No longer attending but 5eva in r hearts.

Attached: soezee.webm (547x532, 1.83M)

what do girls smell like bros


They smell nice. They smell like girls, it can't be described.



You JUST know

what do hairy gamer boys smell like bros


>save the children
That's ironic seeing as she mentioned liking to swallow babies.
Or was that a different thot.
More like she wanted to save them all for herself amirite


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Damn she's hot

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It's not even bump limit? Chill.

someone else can do it. im going to bed

(insert joke about lara being hot here)

You can smell me to find out, but I'm a man not a boy

You could argue that women's physiology makes them smell 'nice' but they also use products with nice smelling fragrances. You too could smell nice if you used deodorant and scented body wash.

Every girl I've been with or hung out with always smells like fruit shampoo

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It's only 10.15pm though, what are you, 70?

Lara is hot

lara is on fire

we don't need no water let that tomb raider burn

We need immigrants otherwise Lara couldn't have spicy tacos to make her so hot.

I don't get it

*sniffs you* mmm what is that, dried cum?
*sniffs* aaahhh and a hint of mountain dew?

How's the run? Also why is Lara on fire?


I had 4 hours of sleep friday night then 3 hours today. Gonna get some actual sleep in tonight.
I also want to go watch some animu before bed

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New thread whenever!

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I remember you from last thread, you only slept 3 hours then? Sort your life out.

You can always marathon all of Miru Tights in like half an hour.

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>"me'lord" *bows*

He has infinite medkits
He went through a flamethrower because it's fast and the only ways to put the fire out are either dying or going into water.


ye. I only cut sleep during marathons unless there's real sleeper sections. I'll usually just do 4-5 hour sleeps for the week. I just enjoy watching some speedgaming.

are u a neet