ITT: JRPGs that are better than Persona 5.
ITT: JRPGs that are better than Persona 5
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I just want to take the time and say that Persona 5 is the most based game ever made because it dabs all over switchlets and makes them seeth with rage. Nintendofags forever BTFO as those babies will never get to experience the true brilliance of this masterpiece and it makes me happy to see sony always win.
Quick reminder Persona 5 on Switch will NEVER EVER HAPPEN! Keep seething for all eternity
wait lol is this that persona wannabe game with basic as fuck action combat? there's literally nothing redeeming about it and its just a worse persona in every way
Persona 2, 3, 4, SMT: Nocturne just off the top of my head
Most JRPGs this gen are better than Persona 5
tokyo xanadu is legit one of the worst JRPGs I've ever played
Lol. Keep seething. I'm sure it only got nominated for goty cause it's shit.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Octopath Traveler
Dragon Quest XI (only the S version though)
and devil summoner 1 and 2
Seething nincel
Persona 3, but NOT Persona 4.
Any other JRPG besides Persona 4.
Persona 1 outside gameplay is superior to 5 in almost every way. LOOK INTO MY EYES
>tokyo xanadu is legit one of the worst JRPGs I've ever played
I found it to be okay. I don't know if it's because I bought the eX+ version.
The only JRPGs I played that would be worse than Xanadu would be....
Cross x Edge
Last Rebellion
This but unironically. Except Octopath. That one is about as bad as P5.
>Insult Persona 5
I hate you faggots so much. Both Persona and Sony fags.
/ourinstructor's/ games
Who won RPG of the year again ?
Seething Ninenyeaold.
Persona 4
you silly goose, look at the shit game in OP's post. this is obviously an opposite day thread
>Who won RPG of the year again ?
over fucking FINAL FANTASY 15
>Game has a dialog system worse than Fallout 4
>Still wins RPG of the year
I thought most of /vee/ loved P5? What happened?
And Nier automata ?
Yea Forums loves it, it always tops the charts but some faggots like to shitpost about it
Persona 1's gameplay is pretty good though. Mechanics are fairly deep, with each attack and spell having its own area of effect, unique animations. Hell, even melee weapons have their own unique range and utility. Negotiations are also deep and interesting (not as good as Persona 2) and the levels are complex enough. Last but not least, persona fusion is extremely deep, giving you the option to add different items with unique effects in the outcome of it.
Persona 5 is just a watered down JRPG with shallow everything.
>Persona 1's gameplay is pretty good though. Mechanics are fairly deep, with each attack and spell having its own area of effect, unique animations. Hell, even melee weapons have their own unique range and utility. Negotiations are also deep and interesting (not as good as Persona 2) and the levels are complex enough. Last but not least, persona fusion is extremely deep, giving you the option to add different items with unique effects in the outcome of it.
Imagine actually believing this
Shame to hear. Was thinking about getting since I enjoyed Xanadu Next so much.
Came to post exactly this.
for some reason I can't stop playing it. I'm on my second run through going for 100% chievos
It certainly ranks near the absolute bottom for its writing and retarded dungeons. It still has that falcom charm though. I guess that's why I'm hooked.
You first, OP.
Are there any JRPGS where you can make Luck or Crit builds?
Persona 4
It's true, faggot. Play the game first.
SMT IVA smirk build is close to that i guess
>came out 1 year before persona 5
>by the creators of ys
i dont like being a negative nancy but xanadu ex+ just falls flat in every aspect. it tries so damn hard to be like other JRPGs but doesnt excel in any department.
>persona timeslot system
>hang out with your bland friends
>oh boy dungeon time
>its just an even simpler Ys
>oh but we have a DMC combo system
>make sure to go fast for that combo multiplier
>what does it even do
>fucking nothing
This, but in reverse.
>came out many years after persona 4
>tries to be persona
>fails in every aspect
This shit wasn't even a B-team effort from Falcom, it was C. People may give them grief for the direction Ys and Kiseki has taken but TX is the real kusoge, the worst game they've made in a decade easy.
>>oh but we have a DMC combo system
as someone who beat eX+, comparing it to the true DMC games is a sham. It's on par with the reboot
i didnt know what else to really compare it to
>smirk build
The fuck you on about? Magic build?
There was a build that abuses smirk, i think i heard about it on smtg or something
>abuses smirk
You just spam weaknesses.
Reboot dmc is actually better and more involved combat-wise than TX. If anything the combo system is like Dynasty Warrirors.
>You just spam weaknesses.
until you get to people who don't have any
Not necessary that, there are some skills that affect smirk and some other stuff
Xenoblade 2 couldn't even get nominated for both 2017 and 2018. LMAO
Real talk, Tokyo Xanadu is an underappreciated gem. At least the PS4 version anyway.
Well yeah, that garbage doesn’t even come close to P5
The only ones strong enough to give you "trouble" that have no weaknesses are god and wheelchair and they gain em in battle.
And those are a waste of time. With enough luck you get a free smirk every other turn.
Woah, it was nominated? So it's as good as Rage 1?
Literally (unironically) all of them.
This. You can't criticize anything without someone accusing you of being a poorfag.
Tokyo Xanadu isn't a good game period, much less better than anything. It's one of falcom's weakest
That doesn't contradict anything OP said.
I liked Tokyo Xanadu but it's less a JRPG and more like ADHD Y's. Still fun.
>Nu-Falcom shit
I remember some nigger called me a Nintendo baby so I took a pic of P5 and my ps4 pro and the retard just told me "cry moar". I hate you faggots here so much.
haha he got you user, you showed an emotional reaction! How pathetic! You should be like me and not give a FUCK about anything anyone says.
What makes Yea Forums seethe so hard over Persona 5? We keep winning keeping you faggots cucked.
sony exclusive